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Very odd. They must be quite at odds off the field since he's probably/possibly the best player in the D on the field. It's been rumored that he wouldn't be resigning since he wants to go back to the South, but if he left as a free agent, they'd get a pretty good comp pick anyway, I think. 

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Six punts between the two teams in the first quarter on MNF.  Why are these Monday and Thursday night games so godawful?  I am almost to the point of feeling sorry for Jon Gruden, someone I usually hate with the fire of a thousand suns, for having to call these terrible games.  He sounds so depressed about what he's watching. 

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6 hours ago, Fukui San said:

Very odd. They must be quite at odds off the field since he's probably/possibly the best player in the D on the field. It's been rumored that he wouldn't be resigning since he wants to go back to the South, but if he left as a free agent, they'd get a pretty good comp pick anyway, I think. 

What I'm reading is that it's a combination of the sides being miles apart in negotiations, the coaches being really pissed that Collins was freelancing on the field, and maybe BB wanting to send a message to the REST of the defense (as the whole unit has been underperforming).

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Now Gruden is back to normal, once again over the top with effusive praise, this time about the Chicago offense.  Settle down, Jonny.  These highs and lows of yours are making the rest of us dizzy. 

Belichik doesn't want anyone to feel comfortable.  Isn't this SOP for him, to periodically get rid of players who still seem to have some miles left on the tires.  It's his way of telling his players watch out, you could be next.  Although in this case, sending the guy to Cleveland makes me wonder exactly what he did to piss off Bill.

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26 minutes ago, Calvada said:

Although in this case, sending the guy to Cleveland makes me wonder exactly what he did to piss off Bill.

He freelanced.   BB can't handle that.   Every Gronk spike is pre-approved and scripted by the big man himself.   He does not like people doing their own thing in regards to football.

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I think I heard on Mike&Mike this morning that Collins apparently said he wanted "Von Miller money".  So that combined with whatever onfield antics got him shipped out.

As much as i hate saying this, Belicheck has more than proven his acumen as a coach and de facto GM. Im not going to second guess this decision whatsoever.  

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Talk of Brady getting the MVP is way premature of course...and after 8 games his 4 game performance isnt material enough.


IF he can maintain his current (yrds/att, QB rating, % completion, int to TD ratio,) league leading stats and the Pats win the Divsion a 12 game season may be enough to be put him over the top.  

Edited by caracas1914
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I have come to the sad conclusion that Thursday night games need to go.   The players are openly admitting they can't properly prepare for the games.   With the CBA limiting OTAs you are spending a lot of time during the season just getting all the plays in the playbook learned.   You don't have time to plan for specific games.   Which is why the product on the field sucks so bad.   I thought all the coaches forgot how to coach.   That's not it.   They literally don't have the time to properly coach.

They either need to bring back the OTAs (maybe in exchange for Goodell giving up power because the owners/coaches want OTAs not the players) or get rid of the Thursday games.   Which is NOT going to happen because ... $$$$$$$$$.

But those dollars are going to go away if ratings keep sinking because the product on the field sucks.

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If I was commissioner and it was demanded to me that we preserve the Thursday Night revenue stream, I would shorten the Thursday Night schedule to coincide with bye weeks, with each team having a bye week before their Thursday night game.  So if we had teams taking Bye weeks from weeks 3-10, Thursday Night Football would run from weeks 4-11.

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Bloomberg report on declining NFL ratings...



There’s a prominent theory that, after years of trying to swallow up more and more TV airtime, the NFL is finally choking on its gluttony. Part of the game’s appeal has always been its scarcity. Teams play once a week. The offseason lasts more than half the year. The pent-up excitement feeds the ratings. But over time, the NFL has found opportunities to move beyond its traditional territory on Sunday afternoons. The league added games on Monday night in 1970, Sunday night in 1987, and Thursday night in 2006. The NFL now also stages a handful of games each season in London, which air on the U.S. East Coast at 9:30 a.m. In the meantime, college football has begun taking the same approach, hastily colonizing whatever nights of the week don’t belong to the NFL.

Edited by caracas1914
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1 hour ago, Fukui San said:

If I was commissioner and it was demanded to me that we preserve the Thursday Night revenue stream, I would shorten the Thursday Night schedule to coincide with bye weeks, with each team having a bye week before their Thursday night game.  So if we had teams taking Bye weeks from weeks 3-10, Thursday Night Football would run from weeks 4-11.

I've stated before, they should just add a 2nd bye week and everyone gets a bye week before the Thursday night game.  You add an extra week in the schedule as well, which has its pluses and minuses. 

I've stopped even trying to watch the Thursday night games.  They universally suck. 

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17 minutes ago, caracas1914 said:

This has been going on for several years though, not sure why it would suddenly start causing the ratings decline now. 

Its a factor, but not the only one.  There is a lack of quality teams at the top and the play has been poor overall.  The Cubs World series run I think affected the NFL ratings.  The first 4 weeks were the first ones in 20 years or so without Brady or Manning in the league and playing games each Sunday, doesn't explain the last 4 weeks though.  Just the general poor management on many levels over time is not helping.  The players have done themselves no favors either though.  I've heard some argue the push to keep them off the field and out of activities more and more to try and keep them from getting injured is having the opposite effect.  They seem to be getting injured more often now than in the past, though I have no stats to back that up, so some feel they aren't being prepared properly for games in the limited timeframe being given under the CBA rules.  Guys are retiring earlier now too and no longer pushing to the very end of their careers.  They make money, don't want to be disabled when they retire and decide they've had enough.  And not just due to concussions but due to risk for all sorts of chronic injuries.  reasonable and wise for them to do so, but it takes a toll on the overall league quality. 

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On 11/3/2016 at 8:42 PM, mojoween said:

I'm really disappointed the Tampa Color Rush unis are not creamsicle orange.

They weren't really the newer red color, either.  It was kind of in-between or something.

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Absolutely nothing to do with football, but I found hysterical Kenny Albert's attempt to pronounce the Wisconsin city of Menomonie!

He said Men-a-moan-ee.  It is pronounced Ma-nom-a-nee.  Could be a fun game - let's have him try to say Oconomowoc, Chequamegon or  Shawano.  Or perhaps look at the French influence on Wisconsin names - try Lac Courte Oreilles, Kenny! 

I have to give him credit for pronouncing Wisconsin correctly, something many college announcers are unable to do.  I'm looking at you, Bob Griese.  It's Wisconsin, not WESconsin.  

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Only a completely insane person would yank Dak Prescott at this point and give Tony Romo the starting job back.   In other words, expect Romo to start next week.


It is a very weird feeling to be optimistic about the Cowboys' season (provided Dak stays as QB).

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38 minutes ago, xaxat said:

Ryan Fitzpatrick! Always good for a fourth quarter interception.

In the redzone no less.  

Great win by the Giants.....speaking of NY qbs throwing 4th quarter interceptions....I swear Eli is gonna take me to an early grave. Our defense is really stepping up and earning their coins.  Thank GOD the Eagles didnt make another late game comeback as the broadcast noted with the highlight package.  I STILL get shivers watching that Desean Jackson return.  I didnt remember it was back in 2010.  It seems much more recent.

Dont know whats going on in Minnesota but they need to get it together.  I correctly picked all the early games except theirs. How could you lose to Detroit.....at home!

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If there is one thing I never want to see again it is DeSean Jackson returning a punt at the Meadowlands.

So happy with the outcome of the game even with Eli being Eli.  The defense is playing like a top defense for once.

That play they called an "interception" when Odell had it was complete bullshit.  The ball was in Odell's hands when they hit the ground and I always thought the tie goes to the receiver.  I did not agree with Joe Buck or the refs.

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Football Jesus,

We gots to have a talk about shit..

"Football doesn't build character, It reveals character"

-the Undefeated.


Some of the things that make the NFL unwatchable at times.

Announcers. Dan Patrick is a douche, I don't need a constant breakdown of defensive/offensive schemes, routes and plays. I like to watch - not have every play diagrammed for me. The former players suck ass. They pick the most arrogant fuckwads -Shannon Sharp, Ray Lewis to be on the shows?

I don't need 'fantasy stats' every two seconds, I just want to see a score or two from other games.
Save that shit for the football/stat nerds.

Commercials - once is enough, every half. I am not buying a car, booze or a cell phone - please stop with that shitty Gatorade commercial, run that shit back?

The fucking music too, I don't care for lady gag gag - just the thought of her being on the schedule for the super bowl makes me want to make other plans that day.

Obnoxious sound effects for the home team? The air raid siren and the Viking horn are good a time or two - but the repetition makes me turn off the game - I like to watch a game with the volume turned up, that shit gets old, fast.

No, I am NOT going to watch a game on my phone, I burned my retinas out on a Gameboy years ago and today? I can barely see the fucking buttons on my remotes, so stop plugging shit I ain't interested in.

I am tired of the assholes that fuck up and get the endless coverage.  

Play TWO games on Monday, Thursday and Sunday night, I stop watching games about the second quarter, if they suck, I want more choices.

Put the Thursday night game on a channel and stick with it. I ain't gonna go channel surfing to find it.






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2 hours ago, mojoween said:

Oh also I loved Eli's cadences when at one point he was calling out "Rocky" and then in the second half "Balboa."  Take that, Philly!

That's pretty good. I'm not sure if it's as good as last season, when the Pats went to Buffalo and Brady was calling out,  "Rex Ryan! Rex Ryan!"  on the line, but it is funny.

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6 hours ago, FuriousStyles said:

In the redzone no less.  

Great win by the Giants.....speaking of NY qbs throwing 4th quarter interceptions....I swear Eli is gonna take me to an early grave. Our defense is really stepping up and earning their coins.  Thank GOD the Eagles didnt make another late game comeback as the broadcast noted with the highlight package.  I STILL get shivers watching that Desean Jackson return.  I didnt remember it was back in 2010.  It seems much more recent.

Dont know whats going on in Minnesota but they need to get it together.  I correctly picked all the early games except theirs. How could you lose to Detroit.....at home!

I think we're on the same page with the Giants.  The D might not record a lot of sacks but they have held onto five leads this year after blowing about six of them last season.  Landon Collins is a ****ing BEAST, leading the team in sacks, tackles and interceptions. 

It's always good when we beat the Eagles.  That doesn't happen must but usually the Giants are in for a good season when they have at least one win against them.

Throwing on 3rd down was the right call but Eli can still drive you nuts with those late interceptions.  The team needs to get that running game going in the worst way.

Still, 5-3...go Giants!

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Good wins for the Lions and Raiders today. Matthew Stafford added a couple more impressive drives to this season today by getting the team in field goal range at the end and then winning in OT. The Lions are getting more wins and chugging along in their division while Minnesota and Green Bay continue to struggle. I am interested in seeing how things work out in that division. I think that Minnesota and Green Bay may be in a bit of trouble. I also think that Philly may be in some trouble.

Oakland did a nice job tonight getting the win against the Broncos. They are now at the top of their division by themselves.They are continuing to show they are legit. I am happy to see them do well and continue to grow as a team.

And Marquette King is a fun punter, lol.

Edited by Jx223
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9 hours ago, Jx223 said:

Oakland did a nice job tonight getting the win against the Broncos. They are now at the top of their division by themselves.They are continuing to show they are legit. I am happy to see them do well and continue to grow as a team.

I agree--great win. And I liked all of the fan signs saying "Keep the Raiders in Oakland." Sports talk radio had me convinced that Oakland fans want the Raiders to move to Las Vegas.

I like Herm Edwards' comparison of the Steelers to the Cowboys. He said that the Cowboys sending Romo back into the game too soon (or at all, IMO) would be akin to Roethlisberger's horrible game yesterday after coming back from his knee injury. 

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Colts surprisingly win yesterday

I am happy they won but it makes me frustrated at the way they have blown so many games this year. 

At least they seemed to have learned from the prior losses, they played to win and close out the game at the end rather than playing conservative and milking the clock, hoping to give the ball back but Rodgers not having enough time for one more possession.  Any amount of time for him would have been too much with that D. 

Still could win a bad division this year.  I can see them getting to 8 or 9 wins, which may be enough for the AFC South.  If they just win division games and beat the Jets that is 8 wins.  Need one more for 9, I don't see another south team getting to 10 wins. 

Raiders are for real.  How good would a Raiders-Pats AFC playoff game be, 15 years later after the infamous fumble/incomplete pass game?  I have never been a big Raiders fan but I kind of like their team.  Plus Derek Carr is on my fantasy team

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6 minutes ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

Raiders are for real.  How good would a Raiders-Pats AFC playoff game be, 15 years later after the infamous fumble/incomplete pass game?  I have never been a big Raiders fan but I kind of like their team.  Plus Derek Carr is on my fantasy team

The Tuck Rule!  Ahhhh, don't remind me! That's when I first realized (excuse my French) what a hard-on the NFL and the officials had for Tom Brady.

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50 minutes ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

Raiders are for real.  How good would a Raiders-Pats AFC playoff game be, 15 years later after the infamous fumble/incomplete pass game? 

That would be awesome! That ranks as one of my favorite Pats games ever. It would have to have all of the snow too.

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39 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

After a few September games in Las Vegas they will know what playing football in hell is like?

My bro got married in September and it was 112 degrees outside and we were wearing tuxedos.

It was a dry heat.

Just getting us ready for the Qatar expansion team in 2024.

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I'm really tired of announcers using the phrase "Get a stadium deal done." as a euphemism for "Get taxpayers to give a billionaire hundreds of millions of dollars to build a facility that will be used just a handful of times a year."

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2 hours ago, Fukui San said:

Just getting us ready for the Qatar expansion team in 2024.

Just read that the hottest game ever played was in New Orleans and it was 129 degrees during the game and that was on Astroturf.

With an open stadium like the one proposed? The heat off the on the turf is going to be stupid hot - grass or fake.

If the Raiders DO move to LV, they will share the stadium with the UNLV and probably get the Supercross/Monster Jam races and the Rugby 7 games, too.

It won't be empty too many days - you have to add in the concerts and other shit that goes on in LV because we never hear about it because it stays there?

Then you have to remember that they'll get a Super Bowl, too.

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The Vegas proposal is a domed stadium.

And I did exaggerate when I said a "handful" of days. UNLV will play there. That was part of Adelson's strategy to get public money. But take a look at AT&T Stadium's (Dallas) calendar, perhaps the most popular stadium sized venue right now. Thirteen events through February of next year. Or the Super Dome, the best known stadium venue, sixteen events through May of next year

There aren't that many events that can fill football stadiums. 

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29 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

Then you have to remember that they'll get a Super Bowl, too.

Yeah, because no one would go to Vegas in February if they don't have a Super Bowl.   All a Super Bowl does is take away from other events that could be held there or visits to other attractions.   The hotel rooms -- Super Bowl attendees.   The dollars spent on concessions, entertainment tickets, etc. -- Super Bowl/NFL.   Although, Vegas may be the first city to make money by having people gambling when they aren't at Super Bowl events.

I am a big supporter of cities telling the NFL to build their own damn stadiums.

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WHY don't they build their own damn stadiums? Owners pay for half, NFL the other half. Everyone except for the taxpayers are billionaires so make them pony up the money if they are getting all the revenue. 

Great, it's the yearly Bills game where they embarrass themselves on national tv. Usually it's at the hand of the Patriots but this year the Seahawks get to do it.

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I was in Vegas twice this year, June was insanely hot, like 115. September was much better, low 100s.

I talked to a few people out there and they were really excited to get an NFL team. However, given the comments about how their taxes paid for the T-Mobile Arena, I don't think they liked that part.

I really don't see why the Owners can't pay for the stadium themselves. They'll make the money back easily enough. I also don't get why they would consider an open stadium. Then again I still don't get why MetLife didn't go with a retractable roof (cheap bastards).

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59 minutes ago, twoods said:

WHY don't they build their own damn stadiums? Owners pay for half, NFL the other half. Everyone except for the taxpayers are billionaires so make them pony up the money if they are getting all the revenue. 

I don't blame them for not turning down people rushing to shower them with money. If the state of New York offered me money to build a new house, it would be big as hell and sweeet. 

(Although, to be fair, they did give me a check when I got a new water heater.)

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I was laughing at the idea that the raiders playing their games at the Sam Boyd Stadium.

Davis took a tour of the facility - the UNLV  Rebels play there - I would have loved to have seen that sales pitch.

It's an open ended/horseshoe shaped field that holds about 65k. Not a bad place to see....something, but not anything on the level of an NFL game.

It's 'just' a stadium, the endzone seats are benches.

when My Pal Al passed away, I was glad. His drive to get those fucking luxury boxes and the proceeds was what got him out of El Lay....Mark Davis may be more level headed - putting an NFL team into a stadium like that for two/three years isn't going to make him money, but the bennies afterwards may turn him.

A brand spanking new stadium sound great, until they get into the dirty details of who is going to share it and how much money they are going to have to share.

Al Davis wanted new lux boxes added to the el lay coliseum, which was fine - but he wanted all the proceeds from the USC games/concerts and other events - the el lay coliseum group told him to go fuck himself and he left.

Most of the businesses/businessmen that want a new team/stadium want to reap the rewards, but not lift a finger to get the job done....

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1 hour ago, Morrigan2575 said:

hey'll make the money back easily enough.

If they really made money on stadiums, you KNOW these brilliant businessmen would be building them themselves.   So the fact they are getting money from the taxpayer instead should tell you something.    HUGE kudos to Robert Kraft for using all private money to build Gillette.

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Tuned into the game just in time to see that clusterfuck of an ending (of the 1st half). Complete with douchy Richard Sherman doing something shady. I do not root for players getting hurt, but I would LOVE for someone to lay Russell Wilson out on a questionable play and then shoulder shrug back to the sideline.

Oh and the refs.  How the hell does the clock start running when the refs are standing literally in the middle of both teams getting everything set.  And then call a delay of game on the Bills.  NO you idiots YOU delayed the game.  And of course the kicker missed the 2nd try.  

Don't know if ill stick around for the 2nd half.  Uggg. Then again I'm watching Donald Trump on CNN right now drool over Tom Brady and Bill Belicheck and claim that Brady said he already voted for him. I think I'll just turn the tv off.

Edited by FuriousStyles
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