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Luke Cage - General Discussion

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You dont have an actress like Alfre Woodard and have her have zero impact and just react to the events going on.  She'll drop at least one nuke and one surprise before the season is over.

Luke Cage a the kind of hero that needs a major even to get involved an the death of Pops is more then enough.  

I am enjoying the "relationship" between Luke and Misty.  I also really like Misty and her parter.  I hoe he doesn't turn out to be a bad guy.

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I am just not seeing "Shades" as the badass, no matter how hard he glares & postures.  For me, it's still too soon after SOA, and watching him being Juice, the traitorous and weepy prison bitch.  It's impossible for me to see him having any authority or menace.  

Otherwise, I am adoring this series as the perfect weekend binge.  

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Seeing how Luke was going to heal faster looked oh so very much like Logan being put into the bath of adamantium; yet it was that crooked cop (Hello L&O franchise alumni!) increasing the voltage to maximum/DANGER! that made him invulnerable!

I laughed at the "tiara" and "bracelets" because Mike Colter said he was glad they weren't going to put him in a tiara on Seth Meyers's show just this past Thursday. Now I want to know what happened to put him in the system.

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I don't quite understand why they've changed Luke's backstory so much. I'm on ep 7 now, and it looks like they are kinda/sorta making the changes a bit more relevant than they seem here, but overall, I just don't like it. It feels like change for change's sake and a bit of politically correct whitewashing of Cage. Makes him seem far more tame and less interesting, IMO, than the comic version. I mean, I understand why certain aspects were controversial, but I think they could have dialed them back a bit, made them seem a little less tone-deaf, and still keep the core of the character the same, without kind of making him into just a more run-of-the-mill reluctant good guy. 

As a long standing fan of Luke Cage, one of the things that always stuck out to me as being most interesting, and frankly more "real"- about Luke is his "Hero For Hire" background. I suspect that- if there were super powers in the real world- that's the sort of thing we'd see. It's not really any different than athletes, soldiers, police- people who essentially use their natural physical skills or dedicate themselves to protecting others for pay. 

That, plus Luke's in-comics history with Harlem and having been on the wrong side of the law before being framed and imprisoned (or at least running narrowly alongside it), and then later doing the Hero for Hire thing and discovering a more benevolent side and redemption, all of that is what makes Luke Cage the character I enjoy. I think that's why this series so far isn't really striking any chords for me. It's good, it's well done, but it just doesn't feel all that special, or certainly doesn't feel like Luke Cage. It feels safe.

11 hours ago, Kel Varnsen said:

Also curious to find out why Luke was in jail.

Yeah, that's my main complaint about the first episode -- I can't figure out the chronology.  Is this set before or after the events of Jessica Jones season 1?  I assume it is set after though if so, and if Luke has been in prison for a while, then it seems weird that people are still trying to sell DVDs of footage of the event downtown involving Thor and Captain America and The Hulk (which I assume is reference to the battle with the invaders from outer space that happened in "The Avengers").  That seems like really old news at this point.

So yeah, I want to understand how Luke ended up in prison.

But so far so good.  I don't mind the slow build.  I like getting to know the players.  I agree the chemistry/conversation between Luke and the lady detective wasn't great but I'm certainly going to tune in to see the conversation where she and her partner have to interview him.

On a more shallow note, DEAR GOD Mike Colter is a good-looking man.

On a cultural note, apparently I'm too old and/or too Caucasian to recognize major cultural icons that anyone in Harlem would know.  For the similarly disadvantaged, the big portrait of the dude wearing the crown is of the late rapper Biggie Smalls (a.k.a. The Notorious B.I.G.)

Edited by WatchrTina

Oh, dear. I had it in my head that there were 8 episodes and just noticed that there are 13. I'm already dragging myself through.

I'm on episode 7 and have been fast-forwarding past the more violent scenes/fights so know I'm missing out on some backstory. I want to like this but maybe I just have to admit it's not for me. I usually wouldn't be so forbearing and patient but have enjoyed the other Marvel series so much that I want to see this one through.

I think Cottonmouth isn't a compelling villain, which isn't helping. He's just a hardscrabble wannabe who's one bad heist away from losing everything. Yes, he's a violent sociopath but seems pretty easy to bring down.

Edited by lordonia
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26 minutes ago, WatchrTina said:

Yeah, that's my main complaint about the first episode -- I can't figure out the chronology.  Is this set before or after the events of Jessica Jones season 1?  I assume it is set after though if so, and if Luke has been in prison for a while, then it seems weird that people are still trying to sell DVDs of footage of the event downtown involving Thor and Captain America and The Hulk (which I assume is reference to the battle with the invaders from outer space that happened in "The Avengers").  That seems like really old news at this point.

So yeah, I want to understand how Luke ended up in prison

It takes place after Jessica Jones. He talks about how he got shot in the head with a shotgun and implied that he used to be a bartender. 

As for the guy selling videos of the incident i get that people are still selling dvds. I mean it only happened  4 years ago and it was an event where the sky opened up and aliens came out with the intent of taking over the world. They were stoped by another alien and his super powered friends. The fact that society has gotten back to normal as much as they have shown amazes me. I don't think an event like that would ever be old news.

Edited by Kel Varnsen
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Wow, I did not see that coming! I thought Cottonmouth was going to end up like Wilson Fisk, being put away "for good" in the last episode. But instead he gets taken out by his own cousin! Brutal!

They actually said an MCU name for once! Captain America was directly name-checked! I was sure this was a rights thing and that the Netflix characters were not allowed to make direct references. But it seems they are allowed unless Captain and America are considered such generic terms that stringing them together behind a qualifier doesn't count.

Having said that, Luke Cage doesn't so much look like Harlem's Capt. America to me so much as he looks like Harlem's Daredevil. The beats of this show are following DD S1 pretty closely. I don't mind because it's a winning formula but formulas are by their nature formulaic...

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I don't know about this one.  I found myself fast forwarding a lot which isn't a good sign.  It wasn't anything in particular.  I liked the bad guy cousins Cottonmouth and Mariah.  I especially liked Mariah which isn't surprising.  You don't get an actress of Alfre Woodard's caliber and maker her only a kinda villian,  she was bound to make a pretty substantial heal turn.  I found her all the more interesting once she did.   Shades was also great.  It's nice to see  Theo Rossi get work after Sons of Anarchy.  He was one of my favorites.  Ii also kinda liked Misty.  I liked the way her character has a substantial story that went beyond maybe kinda chasing Luke Cage.  See there was nothing specific I didn't like.

It just didn't work as a whole for me.  

Oh maybe a couple things I didn't like.  The story was kinda predictable and not in the forgivable there is nothing you can really do about it kind of way predictable Jessica Jones was.  I mean the are we really framing the hero for the bad guys crimes again predictable.  I guess to each is own on that one.  Oh and j really disliked Diamondback.  He added nothing to the show.  Cottonmouth had charisma and I could see how he ruled an empire but I have no idea about Diamondback.

Do here us my current Netflix Marvel tally;

1:. Jessica Jones

2: Season 1 Daredevil

3:. Luke Cage

4:. Season 2 Daredevil

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Ok, did not see that coming. The bad guys for the most part actually won.  Hell even diamondback since he's getting Luke Cage powers. 

I don't know if this ending is meant to set up the defenders ( we all know who his lawyer's going to be) or Cage season 2. But well done, way to subvert expectations and set up Mariah as a mastermind.

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This is really a case of two different shows.

The first part  is a case of Cotton mouth and Cage playing a cat and mouse game. This part was more fun then it had any right to be. Likely because Ali's performance was just wow.

The second part dealt with Cage against his brother. Which was OK. The brother was clearly a more formidable villain but still, he came off more as a wild card then as an actual final villain. 

Pros: I appreciate the fact that this show took risks, I also liked that the show interacted with it's environment.  Claire and Luke had very good chemistry. Misty, Mariah and Cottonmouth were memorable additions to the MCU. This show also felt authentically "black".  Luke on this show was a huge improvement over Luke on the Jessica Jones show. 

Cons:  Colter's performance was hit and miss. The supporting cast was rather flimsy. Way too many easter eggs/ shoutouts. 

Final thoughts: It was an entertaining show which subverted expectations and had some nice complicated characters. I'd give this show a 8.5 out of 10 and yes, I would recommend it. 

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On ‎2016‎-‎09‎-‎30 at 9:35 PM, Bama said:

Going to miss the Pop character - I love Frankie Faison.  I hope we see the magazine stand man from episode 1 again - I loved him as Butchie from "The Wire".

Speaking of The Wire, somewhat interesting when Pop and Luke were talking about their favourite books, several of the writers they mentioned also worked as writers for that show.

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On 9/30/2016 at 9:42 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

Actress who plays Misty was much better. She feels and sounds more natural now.

Yes, I think not having to use dialogue seemingly out of a blaxpoitation film helped. 

This episode was better than the first, but I found myself being more interested in Misty's work and how that would conflict with Cottonmouth and Mariah than Luke.  

I've never thought Mike Colter was wooden...until Pop's death scene.  Even more conspicuous because Mahershala Ali was more skilled at conveying Cottonmouth's grief.  As written so far, Cage isn't that interesting to me, so you need an actor who can elevate the material.  At the moment, I think Ali and Colter should have switched roles.  Ali is good as Cottonmouth, but I think he has more subtlety and accessibility to the emotional range that would have been beneficial with the reticent yet simmering character that Luke is meant to be. Plus, Ali is no slouch physically.  Colter was very good as Lemond Bishop - I suspect those kind of roles suit his range better. Faison brought out the best in Colter, though, so it's a shame Pops is dead already.         

In any case, I am hoping this series might be the opposite of what the other two were for me in that the show gets better with each episode rather than declining to hold my interest. I started skipping scenes towards the end of S1 Daredevil, and I stopped watching S1 Jessica Jones completely by around ep 7 or 8.  

Edited by ribboninthesky1
10 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

Once again, a Marvel villain has daddy issues. 

I loved Misty and Claire kicking Shades' ass. 

I know, right? Every time Stryker/Diamondback opened his mouth to whine about their Daddy loving Luke more than him, and it was all....zzzzzzz

I would have much preferred it if he thought Luke betrayed him over criminal stuff...sure that's also cliche, but much better for me, anyway, as a reason for the murdering spree.

And yes! Claire and Misty's beatdown of Shades was all kinds of AWESOME!!!

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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Okay I'm glad to learn that the Wonder Woman tiara and gauntlets were fan service for the comic book fans because otherwise that was just dumb.

I am glad to have finally learned Luke's origin story but I have to tell you the dialog in the episode was PAINFULLY bad.  I had noticed clunky moments in the prior episodes but in this one I just could not look past it.  It took me out of the story over and over again.

Boy that Connie is stoic, isn't she?  She wakes up under the rubble of a blown up building with a broken leg trapped under debris and she does not groan or gasp or give any indication that she is in pain during their whole initial conversation.  That made my eyes roll so hard I nearly sprained something.

And because I'm a moron I did not even realize that the prison psychologist was Luke's dead wife so I kept waiting for her to betray him too.

I'm staying tuned but that episode was really disappointing to me.

Edited by WatchrTina
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9 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

Loved the cameo and rap by Method Man. As I've read elsewhere, Wu Tang is now canon in the MCU! I should have known Shades wouldn't go down that easy. 

It's like you're reading my mind, @calliope1975

And another winner of a quote by Turk: "You can't leave me in here, man! They're baby diapers in here, man!" after Luke threw and locked him in the dumpster!

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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Mixed bag for me.  I agree with most of what @Oscirus said, except that I loved the shout outs to Dare Devil, Avengers, Jessica Jones.

So out of all the shows on Netflix, Dare Devil continues to remain my favorite, this show and Jessica Jones are tied. Due to again, the villains, Diamondback/Stryker whose main beef was due to Daddy Issues (Borrrrring) and Kildrake's obsession.

I think I'll go back and watch first season Dare Devil now. hee!

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5 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

So out of all the shows on Netflix, Dare Devil continues to remain my favorite, this show and Jessica Jones are tied. Due to again, the villains, Diamondback/Stryker whose main beef was due to Daddy Issues (Borrrrring) and Kildrake's obsession.

Interesting. I found Fisk on Daredevil to be one of the worst Marvel villains ever. 

If I had to rank them it would be:

1. Jessica Jones

2. Daredevil and Luke  Cage (tie)

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That fight was cheesy as hell, especially with the residents catcalling, but I still kinda loved it. 

It was a bit of a depressing ending, and if I didn't know Iron Fist and The Defenders is on the way, I'd be super bummed. I suppose there's going to need to be a big reason for our heroes to come together. So far, we've got Kingpin, ninjas, and Mariah + enhanced Diamondback to look forward to. I hope Alfre Woodard gets recognition for Mariah. She was an interesting, layered villain. I anticipate her comeuppance.  

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I am just not seeing "Shades" as the badass, no matter how hard he glares & postures.  For me, it's still too soon after SOA, and watching him being Juice, the traitorous and weepy prison bitch.

I agree but I'm beginning to think we're being Keyser Sozed and that were going to find out that "Shades" doesn't work for Diamondback -- he IS Diamondback.  

Okay I like the idea of Luke making Cottonmouth look like a punk by giving a much better eulogy at the funeral.  I just wish he'd actually done that -- I wish they'd given him a speech that earned the congregation's reaction.  The dialog in this show continues to disappoint.

Did I hear someone claiming to be Pop's long-lost son?  He was speaking as Luke walked into the funeral.  Wanna  bet he's going to claim the barbershop?

Happy to see the nurse from Jessica Jones again but I didn't recognize he story she told about someone waking up after being autopsied.  Was that from Daredevil?

7 minutes ago, WatchrTina said:

Did I hear someone claiming to be Pop's long-lost son?  He was speaking as Luke walked into the funeral.  Wanna  bet he's going to claim the barbershop?

Happy to see the nurse from Jessica Jones again but I didn't recognize he story she told about someone waking up after being autopsied.  Was that from Daredevil?

Yes, that was Pop's son--the son he told Luke about in the second episode, who probably hated him and who he hadn't seen in years.

Claire is actually from Daredevil. She reprised her role in Jessica Jones.

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I really enjoyed this series, but I was thoroughly underwhelmed by the Diamondback/Luke Cage fight.  It probably didn't help that I was underwhelmed by Diamondback as a villain.  He chewed the scenery a little too much, which isn't usually something the bothers me but it didn't feel like it fit with the rest of the cast.  I also didn't think he was as well developed as some of the other Marvel Netflix big bads.  

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As a viewer who has only seen the "Jessica Jones", series, the references and shout-outs to other Marvel characters and shows didn't even register for me.  I thoroughly enjoyed the whole series, and watched all 13 episodes today.  No show is perfect, but I didn't have any expectations or assumptions that had to be satisfied, so there's that. 

Alfre was wonderful as usual, and I thought the whole cast was good.  The guy playing Stryker could have taken the scenery-chewing down a notch or two, but as he was a Big Bad, it worked.  

I suppose tomorrow I'll start my "Daredevil" binge, since I'm obviously now a fan.  

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Well that was action-packed but I have to say I'm having trouble telling the the good guys from the bad guys without a scorecard.  Scarfe killed Chico so that makes him a very bad guy in my book.  I thought he might be turning around when he hesitated about delivering the stolen guns to Cottonmouth but, no he just wanted to extort some money out of him.  So our hero-for-hire and his nurse friend spend most of the episode trying to keep this super-dirty cop alive, which is just a bizarre turn of events.

BTW I'm all for willful suspension of disbelief but Scarfe's ability to get around town while hemorrhaging internally from a gunshot to the liver is damn near miraculous.  I wonder if maybe he has secret super-powers too.

Speaking of secret super-powers, everytime "Shades" takes his sunglasses off I expect rays to shoot out of his eyes like the X-Men's Cyclops.

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Yeah, just last week I was watching network footage of the 9/11 attacks on YouTube. I don't think I'd ever get sick of seeing aliens descending on New York.

I hated Jessica Jones with a passion, I thought it was honestly a fundamentally badly constructed show, and I hated Mike Colter as Luke.  I like him better here but not by much.  He lacks charisma and the je ne sais quoi for a guy whose catchphrase is "Sweet Christmas!".  He's just not a good actor. There I said it!

Luckily they've surrounded him with actors and characters that have those qualities by the pound.  Alfre Woodard is doing an incredible job, the expression on her face after she interacts with those kids and then uses a hand sanitizer is priceless. And the guy playing Cottonmouth whose name I can't remember is absolutely magnetic in this role. He is as of right now up there with Loki and Kingpin as one of Marvel's few great villains.

Simone Missick's body is INSANE. Dear god. She's a great actress also but...dan misty your bobbies.

2 hours ago, WatchrTina said:

Okay I like the idea of Luke making Cottonmouth look like a punk by giving a much better eulogy at the funeral. I just wish he'd actually done that -- I wish they'd given him a speech that earned the congregation's reaction. The dialog in this show continues to disappoint.

Cage's eulogy was pretty weak tea. The hokey speechifying is undercutting the actors.

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Damn you, Scarfe!  I was enjoying his and Misty's banter, but as soon as he went to meet Chico, I had a bad feeling the other show was going to drop.  And then when I saw him taking off his tie, I knew this was it for Chico.  So, he is totally on Cottonmouth's payroll.  Frank Whaley was having a blast in the scene when he shows up to the club.

Luke's big brawl in the "fortress" was awesome.  There is something fun about a character who knows that he can't be damaged, so there isn't any fun or games form him, but just simply storms in and unleashes beatdown after beatdown.  And naturally only takes just enough money to cover Pop's barbershop and the diner, and leaves the rest for the cops, because he isn't just going to start stealing for the hell of it.

Of course, now the script has flipped again with Cottonmouth finding out where he lives from Scarfe (because that creep has a tracker on Misty's car, apparently), and he just levels the diner with Luke and the poor owner in it.  Just had to take the extreme approach, huh?

Some of my favorite scenes continue to be Cottonmouth and Mariah.  Especially the final one where he's losing his shit all over the place, but when he makes a threatening move towards her, she shuts it down real quick and he slinks back.  Yeah, I would not mess with Alfre Woodard!

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Marvel's Luke Cage kind of became Marvel's Shawshank Redemption for this episode.  But I guess it was origin story time!  Basically Luke was in prison for what sounded like he was set-up, but he believed he deserved it anyway (and he use to be a cop?), an evil guard played by Chance Kelly forces him to fight in the arena, he tries to figure a way out, only for the guard to find out, so he sends Shades and another inmate to beat the shit out of him.  He is knocking on death's door, but is saved thanks to a device created by Maurice from The Wire, in combination with the guard trying to break it.  That also got him his badass powers too.  Getting superhero powers can be so wacky!

I feel like an idiot that it took me forever to figure out the Reva is his deceased wife.  I kept waiting for the guard to kill her or something, but that obviously is not to be (that was Kilgrave's job!)  I did think she had the best chemistry with Luke so far, so I can see why she became so important to him.

I figured all that stuff with the tiara, gauntlets, and yellow shit was suppose to be a callback to his comic book look or something.  Amusing enough.

Glad Connie survived the explosion, but now not only does Misty know Luke truly has powers, he just announced to the media who he really is, so he just no doubt threw the gauntlet (pun intended) at Cottonmouth's feet.  It's on! 

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3 hours ago, WatchrTina said:

Happy to see the nurse from Jessica Jones again but I didn't recognize he story she told about someone waking up after being autopsied.  Was that from Daredevil?

Yeah, when The Hand ninjas attacked the hospital.  They had some teenagers in cages and drained all their blood and turned them into some kind of zombie-things.  When they "died", they were autopsied but then came back to life just as The Hand ninjas attacked the hospital and one of her nurse friends died.

I may be off on the details, that's just what I remember off the top of my head.

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Nobody noticed the 6+ ft black man in the hoodie in a room full of people who are pissed off about Luke Cage running around attacking cops and killing prominent black business people? When there are pictures and posters of Luke Cage in a hoodie going around on social media? 

Worse, Candace, who knows Luke personally, doesn't fail to exchange glances with Misty on the stairwell, but completely fails to notice Luke in his hoodie coming up right behind her?

That hoodie must have the Clark Kent glasses superpower...

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Still can't finish the ep. So boring. Please spoil me if it gets better or write anything that could interest me at all. Generic drug dealing crime boss feels like a snooze fest at this point and I still don't like Colter or understand Luke's character. I liked both Matt and Jessica so much more after their pilots - they felt immediately relatable to me.

It's funny If we are discussing villians I would rate Fisk as my favorite,. I thought he was the one that made the most sense and was the most logically drawn out and comparable to the hero.  I also liked Cottonmouth and Mariah and Shades as well.  Diamondback did nothing for me and I have no idea how he was able to rule an empire and be a scary dude without his super suit.   

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Wow I did not see that end coming! And talk about killing a lot of innocent bystanders. Once thing I didn't get is Cottonmouth should already have his address, as he worked for him as a dishwasher. I also didn't see the scene with Chico coming either. I was liking Scarfe and Misty's scenes, now that's gone. I will miss that.

Of course there needs to be a hallway fight scene :). It was interesting to watch knowing that they couldn't hurt him. However it did lose the thrill of the Daredevil scene as there was a risk of him getting hurt. But that being said still an awesome action sequence. So far this show has seriously picked up.

Edited by blueray
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Finally the origin story. I liked his relationship with Reva, it's a shame that she is already dead. I was surprised they had him talk to the media at the end. Though at this point in the marvel universe, nobody should be surprised that he has powers. It's probably a good portion of the population, especially because of all the inhumans.

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23 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Backstory time! I just love how easy it is to get super powers in the MCU. Its amazing that there are not even more super people running around the place. Not complaining, I really do love it. Its a part of the genre, and I enjoy the full range of super people that are popping up around the MCU these days. Its like that scene in Jessica Jones where he and Jessica casually chit chat about how they got their powers "I got mine in a freak accident! You? Lab experiment!

As I said in the Jessica Jones forum, most of the "experiments" and "accidents" in the Marvel Universe are all about trying to recreate Captain America. I'm almost certain that the truck in Jessica's accident and the Seagate experiments come from the same company.

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3 hours ago, blueray said:

Once thing I didn't get is Cottonmouth should already have his address, as he worked for him as a dishwasher.

At some point someone complains about Luke's insistence that he be paid in cash (though actually no one in this crowd would ever complain about that since it means they would avoid paying payroll taxes) so it's actually likely that no one at Cottonmouth's club knows where he lives.  It's not like he's pals with anyone there.

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