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S27: Justin & Diana

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Justin, in appearance, manner of speech, and personality, is already reminding me quite heavily of that asshole, Tony, who won Survivor: Cagayan.  That is not a good thing.  He's already as cocky as he was, and he's even sounding like Jim from TAR25, as well.  That said, they totally killed the first task, and going for tht Fast Forward wasn't a bad idea.  But they needed to calm down and focus on getting back in the game after they couldn't get it.  Diana channeled the calm Justin needed, and that's pretty much why they managed to beat the Sand Detour and stay in it.


They'll probably go far after they get their race legs underneath them.  And that sucks, because I like Diana, but I can see myself not liking Justin very much.  I already don't now.

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Yeah, I'm not big on Justin (I like him okay, but not a whole lot), but I do like Diana.  She seems nice, and she killed that Roadblock, while Justin had a good strategy for the Detour.  I do have to say that having so many deal with other teams might hurt them, though.  I hope he's careful with that.


A well-earned win for them this week.

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I like them for the most part. They're courteous to the locals, and appreciative of the experience.  Justin can be annoying at times (e.g. "I could have done the dance better" - then why didn't you do it?) but hardly to a point that should earn him such hatred from some of the other teams (well, mostly the Alpha Texans).


And now they've won a potential honeymoon trip!

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I think it's notable that it doesn't seem that any of the teams other than Texas have a problem with J and D. Usually, if you are actually obnoxious, there will be a general consensus among teams. But so far, the only people with any complaints about anyone, as far as I can remember (TMZ career snarkers excepted), has come from Texas.


And they are not models or actors or sports celebrities or snobs or bimbos.


I want superfans to get cast, and I don't see any resemblance to Boston Rob (as someone suggested). Justin may lack tact sometimes, but he's not a schemer.

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  Justin can be annoying at times (e.g. "I could have done the dance better" - then why didn't you do it?)


Well, you know, they were first to the RB and given a very vague clue (something like "Who wants to go sideways?"). They had no idea.


But yeah, I get that Justin is a loud spaz but so far I have no problem with them personally. And there's no comparison to Romber -- Justin has like 5% of Rob's cockiness, and so far 0% of his camera mugging. (This coming from a Rob fan!)

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The locals were probably rolling their eyes every time Justin started spewing half Spanish sentences, "Amigo, festiva" and other nonsense.

I feel like he does that "over the top friends with the locals" thing in hopes that his "charm" will get them to just pass him through.


It feels condescending to me when he does it.  I do appreciate teams taking the extra time and effort to learn a second or third language.  On BB Canada, there was a team where both racers were fluent in like 3-4 languages.  They didn't win, but their fluency seemed to really come in handy.  

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Justin annoys me almost as much as the Twinnies. But then his profession is a morning radio "personality," and I find that whole group of media people extremely annoying anyway. Once I read that he was in morning radio, his whole schtick made sense. Didn't mean I liked it, but I understood it more. Those morning radio types are loud and hammy and the main reason I love NPR and MP3 players.

Four media related teams. That seems like a lot.

I don't think the Texans are as annoying, but I do find their obsession with Justtin very annoying. Phil instigating is muy disappointing. (I can mix Spanish and English too!)

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I'm trying to like Justin but it wasn't going his way from the first episode when he was all but weeping over potentially being eliminated because they attempted the fast forward. I understand being upset and all, but it seemed a bit premature given that (if I remember correctly) they hadn't even completed a task. He assumed they were eliminated before even attempting the detour and roadblocks. For someone who's such an expert about the show, he should know better -- never say die! Throw in his constant "amigo! amigo!" this week and it really rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe it's a holdover from his day job or maybe he's trying to get air time on the show but he needs to dial it down a bit. I did find it interesting (and a relief) that when he wasn't rocking the barbecue set up challenge that he quit with the "amigo! amigo!" thing and actually buckled down and got it done. I can deal with that.

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Justin is loud, and he is annoying, but at least he keeps his mind on the race, unlike his rivals.  He and Diana did a good job of keeping calm and catching up after Justin struggled at that Roadblock.


I think Diana did, but he was a hot mess. Crying and carrying on, so dramatic.


I don't like him. At all. He gives me the creeps because I find his entire "happy" schtick fake. He reminds me of the type that is all overly-jolly to everyone when things are going well. The minute shit hits the fan, he's making everyone's life hell. Like they showed that video of his own version of TAR, and at the finish line he proposed to his girlfriend. If he wouldn't have won, he most likely wouldn't propose. I feel like his comraderies with the locals is just for show. Like he knows it looks good to be nice to the locals, so he's overdoing it. And making sure the cameras catch every move.


And if he refers to himself as a student of the game one more time, I'm smashing my head with a globe.


That being said, Diana seems nice.

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Another fine leg from these two, having kept the lead for most of the leg.  I admired Justin's bravery in doing the Roadblock, and they handled the Detour very well.  The lion task was also well-done.  But balancing the fruit killed them, or at least took them out of first.


Still, they're holding steady, which is a good thing for them.  But Justin's "second is the first loser" thing bugged greatly.

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Yeah, he's genuinely annoying, but I still can't help liking them and feeling sorry for them when I watch all the online videos of the other teams talking shit about them behind their backs and ostracizing them a bit. And you can tell that they can kinda sense the vibe, but they're not exactly sure about it and they wonder if they're just "paranoid". It's a little bit sad to watch.

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I don't think they are ostracized as much as targeted. They are a very strong team and have com in first a number of times. Yes, He is loud, but they are nice to everyone so eh. I also don't condemn someone for a few comments, more for going back on their word aa rule or generally I did dislike it when they targeted the cowboys a few years ago by sharing the clue with everyone but them. Not that it was that hard. 

Yeah. . . . Liked Diana better when she was more silent.  Granted, she's reacting majorly to Justin's quirks, as has been said in the episode thread, so it's kind of understandable why she'd act the way she did.


That said, they seemed to give some solid performances on the tasks.  They did both Roadblocks in one try, and they didn't get too frustrated when they kept messing up at the Drops Mic Detour.


Well-earned win, though it would've been fun to see Justin's ego bruised a bit if they'd kept missing the hint of where to find Phil just long enough for Tiffany & Krista to pass them up.

Edited by Bryce Smith
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Another first-place finish, but they really have to think being fast at securing that train to thank for it, because they did not get off to the best of starts.  They fought about going on foot vs. taking a taxi.  Diana struggled greatly at that Roadblock.  And they had some trouble with the Ship Detour.  Only catching that train early enough got them the win.  Still, a sweet prize on their part.  I would've loved having my steps translated into dollars!


But Justin?  Buddy?  Here to change your lives or not, be thankful for the trip around the world.  The other teams certainly are!

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I would imagine the navigation task at that tower building was much closer to the train station than where the girls did the jump rope task, which would be why they got to the train station earlier and then to The Hague?


You have to give them credit for getting that task more quickly and not making mistakes of using the trams in Rotterdam and The Hague like the dentist team.


But the other teams are just so bad.

Justin & Diana are one of the more competitive teams I've seen. He's annoying but any worse than other annoying racers from other seasons. I think Diana gives as much as he dishes out, too. In the end, I don't think they are going to win. I think he wants it too much and I don't think Diana wants it as much. There is going to be a slip up by one of them. They will probably make the Final 4 but I don't see them winning.

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But yeah, I get that Justin is a loud spaz but so far I have no problem with them personally. And there's no comparison to Romber -- Justin has like 5% of Rob's cockiness, and so far 0% of his camera mugging. (This coming from a Rob fan!)

Same here. The main difference I noticed between those two teams is the female partners. Amber may have been quieter and not as prone to mug for the cameras, but make no mistake about it, she was there to win and had zero problems with Rob playing dirty if that meant a first place finish for the two of them. On the other hand, I don't get the same vibe of competitiveness from Diana that I do with Justin. If we're making comparisons to previous racers here, Justin actually reminds me of a male version of Rachel Reilly, down to playing things up for the cameras and having to make a scene about every little thing that could possibly go wrong.

I don't like Justin and am not disagreeing that he might be an awful traveller, but the moooove struck me more as trying way too hard to be funny and "on" with a camera crew present.

The first thing I thought was that he probably had that in his pocket just in case they went to India and couldn't wait to pull out for the camera, so yeah, totally agree with you.


God help her if they lose this because I don't think he'll ever be able to get past it.  The sad thing is that it appears he is more invested in coming in first and winning prizes than being able to enjoy and appreciate the other opportunities being a contestant brings like the adventure of it all. He appears to be a unique individual...

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Justin just doesn't seem likable to me. Granted, there have been worst people than him on the race but he is so obnoxious. I agree that if they don't win he might go off the deep end. The Amazing Race hasn't really had super fans like Survivor has and I think Justin wants this win then marrying Diana. Will they win every leg except the last and most important one?

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I still find him completely annoying, but I was impressed with Justin's impromptu stirring up of trouble between the paparazzi and the cheerleaders. By quickly taking advantage of Chris' revelation about the U-turn, he created chaos between those two teams and drew some focus away from his own team. Pretty good strategic move. They're racing and strategizing so well, I wish I could like this team more.

  • Love 1

Justin just doesn't seem likable to me. Granted, there have been worst people than him on the race but he is so obnoxious. I agree that if they don't win he might go off the deep end. The Amazing Race hasn't really had super fans like Survivor has and I think Justin wants this win then marrying Diana. Will they win every leg except the last and most important one?

I would feel irrationally happy at a Justin loss, I really would.


It would almost be better than watching Hayley lose....I would only hope that their loss could be pinned on Justin, because a) he would berate Diana until the end of time if it was even maybe her fault, and b) he would always gloat that his skills were still the best, and if Diana just hadn't failed they would have won, which would mean another dose of his smugness.


But his tears would be eye-rollingly hilarious.

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I still find him completely annoying, but I was impressed with Justin's impromptu stirring up of trouble between the paparazzi and the cheerleaders. By quickly taking advantage of Chris' revelation about the U-turn, he created chaos between those two teams and drew some focus away from his own team. Pretty good strategic move. They're racing and strategizing so well, I wish I could like this team more.


In that little moment (and that moment only), he reminded me of Rob. I think it was the look on his face as he enjoyed watching the two other teams argue with each other. That look on his face was the only thing that made me enjoy that bit. I suddenly realized he knew exactly what he was doing there.

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In that little moment (and that moment only), he reminded me of Rob. I think it was the look on his face as he enjoyed watching the two other teams argue with each other. That look on his face was the only thing that made me enjoy that bit. I suddenly realized he knew exactly what he was doing there.

Same here. I might have actually liked him just a teeny tiny bit in that moment.

I guess I like smug people and I will be sad if like Rob and Amber they do so well yet lose that final leg.  Will be only the second time that would make me sad.  I see him enjoying the race and I am sure the camera and sound folks want interactive folks not mutes so I'm fine with the moove and interactions he has with the camera folk.  I certainly much rather hear him then more of the pap's bickering. So I might be the only one with fingers crossed he crosses that finish line first too!

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I can't get behind the comparisons to Rob and Amber. I know it's been a while, but I don't ever remember seeing Rob berate Amber for not performing a task up to his high standards. Heck, I don't even remember seeing that from Rachel about Brendan (whining and pleading, yes -- but not berating for perceived incompetence). It's one thing to think "I am superior to everyone," but when you include your own partner in that equation, that's where I draw the line.


As I've said, Justin and Diana remind me more of a father/daughter team than anything romantic. He is the absolute and final say, and will not listen to reason unless he's specifically decided to listen (that condescending "we've talked about our mistakes" confessional). One thing that kept the other reality couples likable in my mind was how the presence of their partner could calm the camera hog down -- the support of their partners (Amber, Brendan) seemed to settle the camera hogs (Rob, Rachel) and they seemed to lean on their partners in ways I found almost endearing in that respect.


I don't think Justin finds anything settling in Diana's presence. I don't think Justin finds anything settling except first place, and when you're running the race with your supposed fiancee, that's saying something, to me.

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I can't get behind the comparisons to Rob and Amber. I know it's been a while, but I don't ever remember seeing Rob berate Amber for not performing a task up to his high standards. Heck, I don't even remember seeing that from Rachel about Brendan (whining and pleading, yes -- but not berating for perceived incompetence). It's one thing to think "I am superior to everyone," but when you include your own partner in that equation, that's where I draw the line.


I think he's like Rob in the sense that he knew he was stirring up trouble among other people, and he wanted to do it, and he enjoyed seeing it come out just the way he intended. I also think he's a little like Rob in the way he moves quickly if he sees a way to get an advantage. He's not exactly like Rob (in large part because no one is exactly like anyone else), but I think he has some similarities.

Don't see the comparison to Rob and Amber either - Rob played up a "villain" persona, but still enjoyed the race for all it was, whereas Green guy plays up a "good guy" persona and seems immune to the experience (odd from a true fan) and only enjoys being first. Another difference is that Rob clearly loved Amber and listened to her, whether Justin treats Diana like any old speaking piece of furniture he could have been stuck with - not material, not representative of ME and my awesomeness. Sheesh... 

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I've very rarely commented on TAR, but I'm moved to do so by Justin and Diana.  My favorite teams are those who have a zest for travel and adventure as they do the Race.  Justin especially exemplifies this.  He has enjoyed every single second of the race, loved every country, and has never uttered a word of criticism of the third world,  dirty conditions, poverty, or any of those things.  The worst teams are those who are all "yuck, third world."  None of the tams this year have been like that.  I think Justin and Diana will be deserving winners, if they win, and they have shown the best of Americans--friendly, engaging, cultural ambassadors.

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Diana seems very sweet. Idk what she is doing with boorish blowhard Justin.

The tattoos were a sweet thought, although I wouldn't go around tattooing American flags on kids while I was a guest in their country. Little cute animals and butterflies, sure!

When Justin puts his arms back and his shirt gets pulled tight, he really has an ample bust!

I'm only watching now to see him lose. I can't stand anything about him. I just want to see him sent home in a bawling puddle of tears, making it all about him and ignoring Diana.

Edited by Shelby
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They really are heads and shoulders ahead of the other teams. They are usually calm and collected for the most part. Justin knows the Race inside and out. I think in the end they will lose though. They seem so fixated on winning the most legs and the editors keep pointing it (and, showing it) out so they will probably lose the last & most important leg. I think they happened to Rachel & Brennan, too. Although, I could be totally wrong about that. I will say that Justin doesn't bug me as much as the first few episodes. He is just so good at this & I just have accepted it. LOL!!!

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With the decision to U-Turn Logan & Chris (who were third) instead of Tiffani and Krista (?) or James Earl and Denise, you could see Justin has passed over into "scripting his own narrative" territory. That is, instead of reacting to the race as is, he's imagining how the race will look on TV. That fatal mistake doomed Rob and Amber once they had to share their early flight, and Rachel and Brendan once they landed in Las Vegas, so Rachel's overconfidence did her in.

It goes beyond mugging the camera, and heads into casting yourself as a producer. What storylines can I give them that they'll love? Oh, I know - I'll U-Turn the team everybody hates (instead of lagging teams where you'd get a surefire elimination). Suddenly, your U-Turn is wasted (amateur mistake for a "superfan") and the team you hated is STILL in the race, ready to pull your focus from the task at hand.

Scripting their own narratives doomed "nobody knows about this flight but us" Rob and "Vegas baby, let's bring it home!" Rachel. Will be interested to see if Justin runs a worse race when he's trying to produce it at the same time.

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