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S06.E08: What Makes You Happy

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Too funny. Oh Kail. Pretty damn obvious why you felt the need to move.

But, it was the fans driving by.  hahaha Does she think people just forget these things.  Not once on the show has it been mentioned about any fans driving by or being uncomfortable by people finding their house.  Only complaint is that Jo is moving to close. Big ol' Liar!

  • Love 7

Could be both. I think since Kail and Javi got married she's basically trying to pretend that Javi and his family are the only family she (and Isaac) are recognizing. Allowing Jo more time with his own son bursts her bubble. It's the same reason Javi fawns over Isaac and Kail has always pushed so hard for each of her new guys to play daddy. She's trying to stick it to Jo by portraying this perfect family image....and in her mind only SHE can give it Isaac cos she's the mom and is always in charge. Hell, she flipped out when Jo got Isaac a haircut, which is completely ridiculous. It's HAIR!!!


But that is Kail....dependapotamus always has to call the shots. No matter what. And it kills her that Jo is doing something that she can't control.

  • Love 9

After hearing Javi and Kail in the first 5 minutes talking about a bigger house and Jo being two blocks away I tweeted Javi this and he replied:  2h5ihoy.jpg


Not once on any episode have they mentioned the fans. Only Jo.  I just don't want to add that because those fans can be vicious!


Edited to add that now there is a big ol' discussion over my comment on twitter. 


Also, here is what Kail said back in April. No mention of Jo.  http://www.wetpaint.com/kailyn-lowry-javi-marroquin-thinking-moving-house-1397806/

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 7

Corey and Miranda went hard core with Leah. Interesting as I would have assumed they would have just been happy as shit to get the girlses away from Leah and her pilses and so would not have pushed so hard. Part of me thought it was not such a smart move to be so antagonistic with Leah, especially with Miranda pressing her to admit she hadn't been the best mom. (If only because Leah has seemed close to voluntarily giving the girls over for more time but one sticking point seemed to be her thinking that people were "conspiring" against her). But you can tell they have just had it up to here with her nonsense bullshit and it must grind their gears that she's now getting help primarily as a last ditch attempt to keep husband number 2 and doesn't even have the balls to call rehab, rehab. I feel for them and genuinely hope Leah improves, because the court seems unwilling to intervene unless those girls get caught up in a drug bust at a meth lab at midnight. So poor Corey is stuck knowing full well he's unlikely to get primary custody of those girls and knowing full well Leah is incapable of being proper primary custodial parent. To have to sit there and have Leah say she's flouncing out of state for some intense therapy but ya know there's totes no reason to change anything after she gets back cause she doesn't have any problems y'all - she just needs some me time. Actually after typing all this I'm more surprised one of them didn't throat punch her during that scene.

  • Love 14

Okay, leah with her eyes rolling up in her head while holding her brothers child had me scared.  As soon as I said "Get that baby out of her hand" someone came and that poor child. Wow! Depression doesn't do that to you. 



And we got to hear the word "Dramastically" again.  Twice! And no one has corrected her. OMG  That was great.  It's like Christmas.

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 22

What the actual fuck, Jenelle? She just told the attractive lawyer that she told the cops that Nathan didn't hurt her. Did we not see her showing the cops bruises, posing for evidence photos and saying she had a bruise on her leg that they couldn't see, or did I dream that? Either she lied to the cops, or she lied to her lawyer. But does she really think people (we) are that fucking stupid?

Edited by truelovekiss
  • Love 11

I swear Cole (and me) cringes every time Chelsea talks in that baby voice. I'm very happy for her though. 

Leah nodding off while talking to her brother was so scary to watch. I have a handicapped aunt who's addicted to pills and she acts the exact same way Leah was. Nodding off, eyes rolling in the back of her head, mumbling and slurring. If Leah doesn't have a drug problem then Jenelle is a good mother. 

I liked the scene between Jo and Javi when Javi helped him move in. When Kail isn't around everybody is so much happier. She was so mad when Javi told her everything went well and it wasn't awkward. The faces she was making and her tone.

The look on Jenelle's face when her lawyer said she might have to choose between Jace and Nathan said it all.

  • Love 13

No you didn't dream that.

OMG, loved Corey and Miranda not pulling any punches.

Loved Javi helping Joe. Loved Dramastically. Loved Barb trying to talk to Menelle.

Disliked drugged up Leah high as shit holding the baby. Hated the bullshit of Menelle starting to get pissed off at Barb for trying to talk some sense into her. She gets pissed everytime she starts to hear something she doesn't like. And Menelle doesn't know the word compromise Mr laywer

Oh so now it is a pain problem but rumors around town is hmmmmmm. And I don't think it has drained it out of you Leah, it is you not asking and getting help.

  • Love 10


I liked the scene between Jo and Javi when Javi helped him move in. When Kail isn't around everybody is so much happier. She was so mad when Javi told her everything went well and it wasn't awkward. The faces she was making and her tone.

The look on Jenelle's face when her lawyer said she might have to choose between Jace and Nathan said it all.

It would only be awkard  Kail because you still have feelings for Jo. Javi and Jo seemed to get along fine.  She really believes he is just going to drop by her house.  No, he doesn't want you.  

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 12

Tonight's episode is being brought to you by delusion.


"I do not have a drug problem, even though I'm so fucking high I'm monitored by the FAA"

Bitch was nodding off while holding a baby, but no, there is no drug problem, that's just anxiety.


"Even though I want to stay with a man who physically assaults me with my baby in the house, I'm trying to get custody of my son"

Anyone who tries to say that Janelle cares about Jace should be forced to listen to her saying "Even though I know it may hurt my chances of getting Jace back, I want to work things out with Natha". She admitted that she is willing to risk losing Jace forever over Nathan.


Tonight was the first time in a long time that Chelsea has annoyed me. I was actually embarrassed for her when she kept talking about being a family because of a pig. And that damn baby voice has got to go.


Kail is a life suck.

  • Love 17

Mamma Pill's and Leah's convo had me chuckling. How quick did it go from - "I'm not an addict" to "I was on pills and did feel I was dependent on them" and then notice how mamma Dawn hedged her bets and said something to the effect of "If I thought you were a BIG time addict I would have called Corey myself!" Whichever way she said made me snort - yeah so you decided she was only a small time addict so best to cover it all up. And also what kind of mom see's her daughter struggling and then says the only worry she had with her going away was that people would say it was over drugs. Really? No concerns with the effects on the girls? The twins are being separated from their half sibling, they're all being separated from their mom. Mom is at minimum copping to a minor drug habit and major psyche issues but your concern is just what the gossip in the holler's going to be?

  • Love 14

After hearing Javi and Kail in the first 5 minutes talking about a bigger house and Jo being two blocks away I tweeted Javi this and he replied: 2h5ihoy.jpg

Not once on any episode have they mentioned the fans. Only Jo. I just don't want to add that because those fans can be vicious!

Edited to add that now there is a big ol' discussion over my comment on twitter.

Also, here is what Kail said back in April. No mention of Jo. http://www.wetpaint.com/kailyn-lowry-javi-marroquin-thinking-moving-house-1397806/

Edited to correct mistake. Sorry! :)

Edited by truelovekiss

After hearing Javi and Kail in the first 5 minutes talking about a bigger house and Jo being two blocks away I tweeted Javi this and he replied:  2h5ihoy.jpg


Not once on any episode have they mentioned the fans. Only Jo.  I just don't want to add that because those fans can be vicious!


Edited to add that now there is a big ol' discussion over my comment on twitter. 


Also, here is what Kail said back in April. No mention of Jo.  http://www.wetpaint.com/kailyn-lowry-javi-marroquin-thinking-moving-house-1397806/

McKay...I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU!!!! Finally, someone actually tweeted to this pendenjo (fool, idiot, jerk, asshole) and put him on the spot!  I always post that something should be tweeted or I hope someone tweets someone about something. I don't have a Twitter account. I get so stabby wishing someone here would just do it, and here you did it and you got him to respond! What a couple of stupid asses he and Kail are. Thank you for that.

  • Love 3

I just checked and it saw it, and then refreshed and it was gone. Looks like you poked a hole in his/Kail's logic and he had to hide that, lest the adoring fans realize that the emperor's got no clothes on.

It's gone, really? hahahaha I didn't remove it that's for sure. 


Papa Randy addressed the dry wall issue.  He said it's a pigs room and he will tear up the walls anyway.  He said: so #PeteThePig will tear up the walls anyway so no taping/mudding that sheetrock #teenmom2

  • Love 2

Um, what the fuck, Kail? Jo's a 23-25 year old guy. As a NJ native, for me, it's practically unheard of for a guy that age to be able to BUY not rent any kind of property. Hell, most of the guys I know still live with their parents. The only reason Kail has her "non-fixer-upper" is because she pimped out her life on tv. The dads obviously don't make as much from the show, judging by the differences in Adam, Jo and Corey's lifestyles. What they have they earned by working regular jobs.

It's gone, really? hahahaha I didn't remove it that's for sure.

Papa Randy addressed the dry wall issue. He said it's a pigs room and he will tear up the walls anyway. He said: so #PeteThePig will tear up the walls anyway so no taping/mudding that sheetrock #teenmom2

Never mind, it was there when I looked just now. I must have missed it last time. My mistake!

Is anyone watching a closer look? Oh please, Leah.

Edited by truelovekiss
  • Love 6

Kail's dig at Jo's house was so petty. The poor guy hasn't even had a chance to unpack his suitcase and she's already calling the place a dump.

This episode was like Christmas morning and my birthday rolled into one. I don't know which was more pathetic, Leah denying her drug habit despite being high as a kite the entire hour or Jenelle's face when the lawyer told her to ditch Nathan if she wants Jace. Two kids minus one boyfriend apparently doesn't appeal to her.

Chelsea's pig is adorable, but my understanding is pigs can become really destructive if they don't get enough stimulation. Hopefully she knows what she's in for.

  • Love 9

McKay...I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU!!!! Finally, someone actually tweeted to this pendenjo (fool, idiot, jerk, asshole) and put him on the spot!  I always post that something should be tweeted or I hope someone tweets someone about something. I don't have a Twitter account. I get so stabby wishing someone here would just do it, and here you did it and you got him to respond! What a couple of stupid asses he and Kail are. Thank you for that.

Thank you!! :)  There is so much more I would love to tweet to them but I'm a big ol' scaredy cat and don't have the guts to tweet and receive the replies from all those crazy fans.


I just checked and saw it there.  I've been favorited 53 times. Whoop Whoop.  Other people are questioning him now, too. LOL 


On this after show these girls do NOT know dramastically isn't a word.  Even Leah was like "Wait, I say that, too." OMG!!

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 2

Chelsea's pig is adorable, but my understanding is pigs can become really destructive if they don't get enough stimulation. Hopefully she knows what she's in for.

As much as I love Chels, I can acknowledge that she hasn't had the greatest luck with pets. That being said, she made a comment about how she was happy to have Cole to do this with. Since she was fine with getting dogs on her own (not that dogs don't need stimulation, they definitely do) but held off on the pig, I think she knew Pete would be a different kind of difficult.

  • Love 4

Did I hear right? Leah said she was taking Morphine, Hydocodone (Vicodin) and Percodan? So no wonder she was out of it. I'm surprised she could function at all. I was a pharmacy Tech. For 15 years, those are some heavy duty drugs. A lot of people get addicted to them.

Me too (Tech in Training YAY) But I said the same thing (to my husband).  Including the anxiety medicine that is 3 Narcotics and another Controlled. Girl was stoned out of her mind. She didn't just stop. She admitted they made her feel good and she could go, go go.


And in the preview for next week it looks like it will be Leah's moms fault she leaves rehab.  You don't tell someone in rehab that baby daddy number 1 says he won't give the kids back when she gets home.  ugh

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 9

I just checked and saw it there. I've been favorited 53 times. Whoop Whoop. Other people are questioning him now, too. LOL

I don't know how I missed it lol. Sorry for confusion :) congrats on stirring the pot on Javi's twitter! Be careful, Papi might get mad when you make him look bad in front of his twitter bitches...

On this after show these girls do NOT know dramastically isn't a word. Even Leah was like "Wait, I say that, too." OMG!!

Sweet baby Jesus...those damn schools are not well as fuck.

  • Love 6

If Leah wasn't high this entire episode then I'm a damn rocket scientist!!!


I almost feel like she was getting high as a kite 24/7 knowing she was going to rehab. I thought she was going to drop that baby. Even her brother was looking at her all side eyed. I wanted to scream "Dude, take your kid!" at the TV. I was very relieved when the child was removed from her hands.

  • Love 7

I don't really get Leah's statements that these drugs made her go go go. I always though that over the counter pain meds might make you feel good enough to go go go but the drugs she said she was on are the kind that only make you go go go to bed. Pain may be gone but so is your ability to function as normal - am I wrong on that? Also doesn't make any sense because what we saw on camera was her slurring speach, eyes rolling back, unable to lift head, sleeping all day, etc. Was everything she said in that convo about the drugs effects total BS spin on why she took them or do they actually work that way?

  • Love 2

I don't know how I missed it lol. Sorry for confusion :) congrats on stirring the pot on Javi's twitter! Be careful, Papi might get mad when you make him look bad in front of his twitter bitches...

Sweet baby Jesus...those damn schools are not well as fuck.

LOL thank you for this.

I'm a teacher in NY, and I will defend public schools to the death. I have four certifications, and the schools in the area I grew up in are and were top notch. However, watching this show is making it more and more difficult for me to defend the US public education system. Then again, didn't Mama Dawn say something like "If I thought you WAS a real drug user I would have called Corey?" Hey, there's only so much us teachers can do when that's what kids hear at home. *face palm*

I don't really get Leah's statements that these drugs made her go go go. I always though that over the counter pain meds might make you feel good enough to go go go but the drugs she said she was on are the kind that only make you go go go to bed. Pain may be gone but so is your ability to function as normal - am I wrong on that? Also doesn't make any sense because what we saw on camera was her slurring speach, eyes rolling back, unable to lift head, sleeping all day, etc. Was everything she said in that convo about the drugs effects total BS spin on why she took them or do they actually work that way?

I know that drugs affect everyone differently. Personally, painkillers and opiates make me unable to function. That being said, methinks that Leah is just full of shit. Look at how many times she denied that she was going to rehab for an addition in this episode alone? She lies through her slurred mouth, er, teeth 24/7. We've seen her nodding off all season. She's not on adderall, here. Girl is just pulling stuff out of her ass for the cameras/Mama Dawn at this point. I wonder if Mama Dawn is THAT much in denial, or just trying to keep up appearances knowing that they're being filmed.

  • Love 8


However, watching this show is making it more and more difficult for me to defend the US public education system. Then again, didn't Mama Dawn say something like "If I thought you WAS a real drug user I would have called Corey?" Hey, there's only so much us teachers can do when that's what kids hear at home. *face palm*

Support your point about the schools.  The way the families talk at home, is what the kids will end up picking up. I can't blame the schools when the parents are speaking to their children in Wal-Mart speak. Mama Dawn is horrible! "That don't make no sense!" Double negatives!

  • Love 3

Did anyone die when Big Papi was cruising down the street on the tiny bike? I would have loved to hear what Jo and Junior had to say when he left. I would also kind of love it if Jo and Javi kind of got a little bromance going, #lifeafterleah style. Except Javi is still attached to that Kraken he calls his wife. As much as I make fun of him, Javi does seem like a genuinely nice person. His major downfall was falling for a hosebeast, and allowing his mind to be molded according to her will.

  • Love 12

Did anyone die when Big Papi was cruising down the street on the tiny bike? I would have loved to hear what Jo and Junior had to say when he left. I would also kind of love it if Jo and Javi kind of got a little bromance going, #lifeafterleah style. Except Javi is still attached to that Kraken he calls his wife. As much as I make fun of him, Javi does seem like a genuinely nice person. His major downfall was falling for a hosebeast, and allowing his mind to be molded according to her will.

It kind of reminds me of two and a half-men where Alan became friends with Herb - the demon exes completely cuckolded (sp?) spouse and they would commiserate over her hellish treatment of them both. Really sounds like that could be Javi and Jo to me -  complete with secret meet-ups less the demon know they spent more than five minutes together.

  • Love 5

I pictured this menacing biker gang materializing out of nowhere and terrorizing him, like the Louie episode where the title character lets other people decide that he should get a motorcycle and ends up in the ER.

It reminded me of the scene from Better Off Dead where John Cusack was being chased by the gang of paper boys. "I want my two dollars!!!"

  • Love 3

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