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 Liam certainly sees it that way. He’s sure that Quinn’s offer is total manipulation, and it’s going to create quite a rift between him and Steffy.

A strong Santa Ana wind is enough to create a rift between these two dimwits. 

But as long as it's not Liam stuffing back to Ivy that splits them up this time, I can live with it.

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Casting for a new 20something actress.

Seems a bit young for Wyatt or Liam and no way they're wasting her on Zende and too old fo RJ. And given that Ivy and Sasha are languishing with no guy currently, a bit too many women on canvas.

But I'm betting she's for Wyatt. TPTB have to be hearing that people are sick of Wyatt having Liam's leftovers. Time he gets first crack at a woman for once.

Edited to add: @CountryGirl maybe she's for Bill!

Edited by TobinAlbers
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Technically, he had that with Nicole during the Maya scandal.

He sure dodged that sour puss bullet.

I still hope TIIC consider a coming out story for RJ. I mean why not? He's way too young  for or genetically related to every woman on the canvas and would explain why he was so adamant about staying in LA when he couldn't break away from his boarding school before.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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I was gonna say that Nicole with Wyatt may have ended up a bit more enjoyable, but no, yeah, you're right, sour puss city.

NO way on EARTH would Wyatt have been about Nicole as a surrogate.

And honestly, I think a big part of the allure of a woman for Wyatt is that he 'wins' her away from Liam. It's self-affirming for him that he bests Bill's favorite son since he knows Bill's initial reaction to Quinn's pregnancy was for her to 'solve' her problem.

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See, if the show actually addressed this directly, it would make it a lot more enjoyable. Just like Liam's waffling and Save A Dame ways, for which the only direct discussion in all this time was Steffy chewing him out after his green card wedding to Ivy.

None of the brotherly rivalries since Ridge/Thorne have truly worked because they were all so forced. The Spencers only met as adults who had been self-sufficient people before hitting the paternity jackpot; Nick's biggest loyalty was always to Brooke and Jackie and never cared about Marone money until Massimo used Jackie to force his hand; and with their age difference, Ridge was always more a father than brother to Rick, or should've been written as such.

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'The Bold and the Beautiful' Spoilers (December 5-9, 2016)

We Love Soaps: Soap Opera Past, Present & Future by Roger Newcomb

Monday, December 5
Wyatt commits to winning Steffy back before their divorce is final; former lovers reunite.

Tuesday, December 6
Liam warns Katie of the consequences of being Quinn's neighbor; Quinn encourages Wyatt.

Wednesday, December 7
Eric delivers devastating news about Forrester Creations; Steffy and Liam have different opinions about Eric and Quinn's intentions.

Thursday, December 8
Quinn forces Rick to leave the mansion when his quarrel with Eric escalates; Ridge tries to get Steffy on his side.

Friday, December 9
Liam tells Quinn he doesn't believe she's changed; Katie gives Eric a token of appreciation.


I see no point in Wyatt and Steffy.  She's living with Liam.  It's just beyond pathetic.  

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I thought about Bill selling or giving his shares to someone who hates the Forresters but in the time I've been watching, I think he's the only person who had anything against FC and that was just Ridge.  

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18 hours ago, tessaray said:

Any thoughts about the devastating news re: FC?  

Sales are finally tanking and they've lost market position to a rival house due to the CEO and President musical chairs? The family realizes they need to stop dicking around and pull together to regain former glory. Be cool if this was the seeding of a new fashion house to come onto the show.

Doesn't surprise me Katie ignores Liam's warning and continues flirting with Eric. The woman actually said that Quinn's kidnapping and raping him was the two of them 'acting on those weird feelings between them.' Doubt Quinn will actually do anything against her. Quinn's lethal side only rears its head when it comes to Liam and setting up Wyatt for the win. 

It's one thing to put aside differences for thanksgiving dinner, it's another to work with the woman who kidnapped your brain injured son, held him captive and sexually exploited him. If Bill works with Quinn under any circumstances less than the fate of the world hinges on their partnership, he's dead to me and should be dead to Liam. Bill's gonna get revenge against his romantic rival and exes' family but not eviscerate the woman who did criminal heinous crap to his son? Epic plot and character fail.

Edited by TobinAlbers
Spelling and grammar
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This is the same show that gave us both Rick and Steffy supporting Bridge in the same month.

Which was the most out of left field thing to happen in November, to be sure.:p

But yeah, agreed about Bill/Quinn working together should not happen. Give those stocks to Eric, give 'em to Katie who give them to Eric in her never ending shit stirring, but Bill does not need to stab Liam in the back this way. The seemingly inevitable Still reunion is more than enough.

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On 12/2/2016 at 11:27 PM, tessaray said:

Any thoughts about the devastating news re: FC?  

I think it will be devastating for Ridge and Rick (Rick especially) that Steffy is CEO and this will start the Maya/Quinn wars, which will be something like this:


But I do sense that Liam/Katie is brewing, between him being pissed that Steffy - who listens to no one but the voices in her head - will take the CEO job against his wishes and him playing Captain Save-a-Ho with Katie (to protect her against Quinn).

And bitch is going to need protecting when Katie decides to plant one on Eric's cheek and Quinn spots them. I think that's Friday's episode.

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Aside from it being Quinn's suggestion, why would Ridge be pissed? It give him an inside perspective into the company FFS. And if Steffy was as savvy as the show claims she is, she won't be so easily suckered in.

Rick might be pissed, but it's Rick and I don't give a shit.

Maya bitching at someone who isn't Sasha is a refreshing change. She'll be way outta here bitch league, but if you don't push yourself, you'll never grow :)

Edited by Anna Yolei
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On Wednesday, December 07, 2016 at 8:34 AM, CountryGirl said:

I think it will be devastating for Ridge and Rick (Rick especially) that Steffy is CEO 

Yep, she called it :p you'd think any of these bozos would just be happy for the power being taken outta Quinn's hands and into someone that is more trustworthy. If Steffy was half as gullible as Ridge thinks she is, it's far better to have a puppet on your side, no? I mean, between RJ being too young, Hope in Paris and Thomas being a known snake in the grass who's been open to tossing Ridge on his ass even before Rape Night happened, Steffy is a logical choice.

Speaking of RJ This guy right here would've been perfect:


There's a SORASing about to happen on Y&R and strangely he didn't get the role. But God, THIS is what I'd expect the son of Ridge and Brooke to look like. He's even got a passing resemblance to Pierson Fodé IMO. And he can act, which is even more rare in B&B. I say recast ASAP, pretend he's now 18 and go from there.

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Definitely looks more like TK's Ridge with the wavy longish hair but the actor is an ollllld looking teen. I see why they went with Lake as he looks more teenish but still with the dark wavy hair that resembles Victoria.

Wonder when they'll announce who they cast as RJ's girlfriend and the 20something new girl that's supposed to be coming. This show needs new blood.

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59 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

Definitely looks more like TK's Ridge with the wavy longish hair but the actor is an ollllld looking teen. I see why they went with Lake as he looks more teenish but still with the dark wavy hair that resembles Victoria.

Wonder when they'll announce who they cast as RJ's girlfriend and the 20something new girl that's supposed to be coming. This show needs new blood.

Heh. That's why I said age him up a bit. He could pass for 18 to 19 but not the 15 year old they wanted for Y&R. If Mary Warwick can go from 20 months to 20 years old in three seasons, RJ can go from 16 to 20 in three weeks.

Agreed about new blood. Just as long as she's an only child: between Ridge, Liam and Zende, Forrester Creations should just rename itself the Waffles House and we don't need another flavor on the menu.

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If true, Caroline 2.0 to recurring. 



Ugh, this show. Someone must've been up for contract renewal and they needed her salary to pay them off or she wanted out to raise her daughter and do other stuff.

This makes no sense. She's the only female of one legacy family and the mother of the child of the main family of the show. And they broke up Tasha so that Caromas could happen. So is Thomas now going to return from NYC saying he and Caroline gave it a go but they realized it was best they just be friends and she stay in NYC with Douglas?! After all the crap of last year? And now he'll want Sasha or Nicole? Or will he go with Katie or Ivy.

This show. No sense.

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Thomas has been a hot mess character since the earliest Drew Tyler Bell days; a combination of bad actors a, little to no story of his own for all of what should have been his formative years, and what little he did get make him look even nuttier than Aly (ie, blowing up Rick's car [a classic, IIRC...shame!], creeping after Brooke despite years of hate).

It may be entirely unintentional to make him this way. In fact, I'm positive it is. But that's a whole lotta nothing to build a foundation on. At this point, I'd rather they just start over, put Thomas in the basement with Thorne and make RJ the rich playboy type that honestly should've been Rick. But I agree that if Caroline was on the way out, it was beyond ridiculous to cut Tasha short.

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Good, now I'm sure what I always thought is now confirmed, Douglas' paternity will stick.  Hopefully they realized how pervy Caroline and Ridge were and will try to make us forget they ever happened.

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2017 preview from Soap Opera Digest:

Ridge enacts a plan to rid the Forrester family of Quinn once and for all, which he divulges only to Liam.

Quinn faces temptation.

Steffy moves back in with Thomas until her divorce is final.

Bill hopes to win Brooke back from Ridge.

Katie and Quinn continue as 'frenemies'.

Thomas returns from New York and is upset about not being considered for CEO.

Ridge is probably going to try to seduce Quinn to show she's not changed at all, which we've suspected. The thing that cracks me up is Thomas upset about not being considered for CEO. When did he ever run anything?

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Thomas has got to be joking. 

Liam has sealed the end of his relationship with Steffy if he's in active entrapment to the point of scheming with Ridge. It'll also firmly put him in the dog house with Bill. Wonder if they're paving the road for Liam to be written out.

I'm Fuller'd out. The show is now determined to play them as rootable and actively sullying other characters to prop them up. Katie, Brooke, Ridge, and Liam have never been flawless, but throwing them under the bus and stacking the deck in favor of the Fuller's after the crap they've done? Grates. 

Edited by TobinAlbers
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Like I've said in the daily thread, the writing has shifted considerably for Saint Liam in recent months, and I knew something was up with that spoiler that had Steffy and Wyatt reuniting a while back. It comes as a surprise to no one that I would not miss Liam's mewling ass, but I do wish Scott Clifton the best of luck post B&B if that is the case. He's got talent that's been wasted being a human ping-pong. 

As for Thomas, he's got a point. He's no more or less qualified than Steffy, yet he's always getting shafted.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Wait Scott Clifton isn't leaving is he?  Or is that just a guess?  Scott always mentions in all his interviews that he regretted leaving GH when he should have just been grateful for a job.  He took the job on OLTL two years later and once he was fired from there was on B&B three months later.  I don't think he has any desires to leave unless the show ends or they fire him.  

I just wish for once that some of the actors on B&B would come out and talk about how horribly written it is.  It's the most plot based soap left and that's saying a lot these days.  People fall in and out of love in an hour.  There is no time be be invested or engaged.  Who cares who Steffy ends up with at this point?  They go out of their way to re-do Caroline and Thomas's night together, only to figure out no one cared about that couple anyway.  Now they just drop Linsey Godrey because of it.  She had a charisma that was unlike any current female on the show, but she's related to Liam/Wyatt and they already tried her with Thomas, so away she goes.

Edited by ihavenoidea
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1 hour ago, ihavenoidea said:

Wait Scott Clifton isn't leaving is he?  Or is that just a guess?  Scott always mentions in all his interviews that he regretted leaving GH when he should have just been grateful for a job.  

Nah, just theorizing about why the shift in writing for the Fullers that comes at the expense of Liam. It could simply be because the show is going in that direction because they finally hit on a good story for Quinn, but sometimes when you see a shift in writing for a 'good guy' character it's because the show is getting ready to phase them out. SC has been a very positive loyal game team player and is a good actor so you may be right that he may be TeamB&B for as long as they want him and rather than dump Liam like they did Oliver, B&B may reward him for it. Also with only 3 other soaps on the air, he's smart to stay until they let him go.

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How I wish we'd get books on ATWT, GL, AMC, and OLTL. You know they'd be juicy!

I think the difference between B&B and all the other soaps is that Brad Bell and the Bell family are pretty much in control over B&B until it ends. CBS can't change out EP/HW like the merry go round over at Y&R or NBC does at DOOL. Bradley is there to stay until he decides to leave and so his 'vision' is what will continue to be seen.

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Yeah, that's the double edge sword of B&B.

I'm genuinely surprised that he's never brought Maria Arena Bell back onto B&B. Of all the rotating door of idiots that have fucked up Y&R I hated her the least and she at least attempted to rebuild the show with seldom seen characters. She was decent enough when tampered with another writer and it was only after she got full control that things went downhill.

Anyway, considering she created the Sally character, I figure we'd have half of chance of getting CJ back then. Or maybe even Dr. Mark back. 

Oh, well. :( How old are Brad's kids, again?

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I think I watch B&B just to hang out with you all but I don't think I can take it anymore.  :-(  

Spoilers from http://soaps.sheknows.com/the-bold-and-the-beautiful/spoilers 



Week of January 2:

B&B Weekly Spoiler Video: Ivy warns Quinn she’s playing with fire

Monday January 2:

Tension rises between Steffy and Liam as she considers moving into the Forrester mansion.

Ridge dodges Brooke's questions.

B&B Spoiler Video: Ridge is grilled about his steam session

Tuesday January 3:

Liam puts Wyatt on notice.

Quinn's feelings for Ridge make it hard for her to be emotionally loyal to Eric.

Wednesday January 4:

Ivy and Quinn discuss the steam room incident.

Eric lets Steffy know he wants her with Wyatt.

Thursday January 5:

Ridge wants Eric to make a change in the CEO position.

Quinn opens up to Ivy.

Friday January 6:

Eric, Quinn, and Wyatt sit Steffy down for a talk about her future.

Liam puts the pressure on Ridge to get Quinn out of their lives.


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2 hours ago, tessaray said:

Liam puts Wyatt on notice.

Wow. That's cute. I don't know how that works when Wyatt has been considerably more respectful of the human Magikarp and his 47th attempt at a relationship with Steffy than he ever was for either of Wyatt's relationships with Steffy or Hope.

Oh, and there's that also the fact that Steffy is STILL WYATT'S WIFE, so Waffles should do what he does best and take a seat and let everyone read him for the spineless sap that he is.

2 hours ago, tessaray said:

Quinn's feelings for Ridge make it hard for her to be emotionally loyal to Eric


That happened quickly. :/

Between her jump from Deacon to Liam to Eric and now Ridge in the span of one calendar year, Quinn is shaping up to dethrone Liam for the Waffle Crown here :/

Where the hell is Brooke in all of this? If Ridge wants to fuck with Quinn, there was no reason to reunite them to make this idiot plan of his work.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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They are total shit, these spoilers. Eric needs to keep his feelings about who Steffy should be with to himself. That's serious meddling because he's in the Quinn sex haze and can't see clearly. I can understand opposing her shacking up with one brother while still married to the other but other than that, shut the fuck up. He won't be so keen on Wyatt when he discovers that fucking Quinn is falling for Ridge.

And I'm still not forgetting how Wyatt seriously went after Hope even after he learned that she and Liam were whatever and that they were brothers, so can never give two fucks about Sloppy Seconds Fooler.

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Sasha may be off contract too.

If she's gone, this hints at the future story for the show. Between this and Caroline, they must've cast the new female and she's gotta be for Thomas. Unless Thomas is leaving as well.

Caroline I get being hard to pair with anyone since she's been with Thomas, Rick, and Ridge and she's related to all the Spencer men so she either bounces back to one of them or they bring on a new guy for her (paging CJ Spencer!) , but Sasha barely got any play outside Zende. Apparently they never really seriously considered trying her with Liam or Wyatt which means the Spencer bros are stuck in the Steffy and possibly Ivy mess. 

Hope I'm wrong. Ugh this show.

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Felisha Cooper is gorgeous and was rapidly improving as an actress. She could generate chemistry with one of the grossest characters on the canvas and actually made me like him, so I count this as B&B's loss.  

OTOH, if this means Nicole and Zende disappear into the woodwork, then maybe it's for the best. And FC can move on to better things. 

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2 hours ago, tessaray said:

Felisha Cooper is gorgeous and was rapidly improving as an actress. She could generate chemistry with one of the grossest characters on the canvas and actually made me like him, so I count this as B&B's loss.  

OTOH, if this means Nicole and Zende disappear into the woodwork, then maybe it's for the best. And FC can move on to better things. 

B&B really can pick 'em, can't they? JWM is hardly any better than she was eight years ago, yet they shitcan talent like Ashlyn Pierce and Mackenzie Mauzy and have stuck Ashleigh Brewer in the corner since her return. Shit, when Wood left, they should've cast HER as Steffy, since she is the only actress in Scott Clinton's age range that he's had any chemistry with.

Best of luck to Felisha Cooper.

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That's a shame if true. She was so terrible when she started but has clearly worked on her craft a lot and it shows. This show makes all the wrong choices, ditching or backburnering the talented younger set of actors. 

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