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4 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Ever the drama queen, Ridge. Oh please, that nonsense was hilarious. Where would Steffy even have gotten a switchblade? Or learned how to use it? I would've been more impressed it she'd pulled out a .22 and started screaming, "You dirty rats! Gimme my baby!"

That's what the Gangsta Grandma she was named after would have done! Queen Stephanie was packing heat all the time! I still LMAO at that time she gifted Brooke a gun to kill herself with!

Those were simpler times, man.

6 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

Probably something lame like RJ returns.

Maybe the news will be that the "marriage" to Shauna was annulled and their own was reinstated or something.  Not that I'd find that to be much to celebrate bur that would break my brain a lot less than two people in their 50s who are canonically unable to conceive bringing another brat into the world with the same genetic makeup as that lame little twerp RJ. They've already had 4 pregnancy stories as a couple and regardless of if it was a tick or a tock, the returns on that investment are miniscule at best. We couldn't have an infant on set for who knows how long and I feel no one would really want to sit through a miscarriage story after the misery porn the Beth thing became, pandemic or no pandemic.

Also, RJ as a character has been the most underutilized legacy child I've seen on any soap opera to say he's the only child for the show's iconic supercouple. 

I mean, I'm probably wrong but if it were just reinstating their marriage, they probably would've just said that or implied it with some news about a commitment ceremony.

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The character of RJ didn’t have to be such a total loss but that actor was beyond pathetic and talentless. He couldn’t even walk and swing his arms like a real boy. Geez.

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16 hours ago, Gam2 said:

The character of RJ didn’t have to be such a total loss but that actor was beyond pathetic and talentless. He couldn’t even walk and swing his arms like a real boy. Geez.

I saw the actor on the Hulu teen drama Love, Victor - he plays the best friend to the title character and has pretty good comic timing; at least a couple of reviews singled him out for praise. So either his acting has improved or B&B just did not know how to use him properly. RJ should absolutely be a key part of the show, considering who his parents are. My main grouse with the previous actor was that he was too dorky-looking. It works for his character on Love, Victor - not so much for the only biological child of two of LA's most desirable people, unless it was to be addressed as something his character struggles with (not being conventionally attractive despite his parents).

I've said it before, but it's worth repeating: they should just go ahead and make him that rarest of breeds on daytime soaps - a bisexual male. With Ridge and Brooke as LA's most desired people, it follows that their son would be desirable to both men and women. But I know CBS won't go there, after the backlash they got when they put out a casting call for a bisexual guy named Christian a few years ago, on the heels right of all the  positive buzz for Maya's trans reveal.   IIRC, the character was supposed to be Latino (which would have gone some way towards helping their diversity problem, which is still glaring in a city where nearly half the population has Hispanic heritage)  and speculation was rife that he'd be an alternate love interest for Zende),

Most of the ire focused on the character's name, which was an easily addressable problem - just rename him Christopher or something entirely different. Instead they went with the knee-jerk reaction of cancelling the casting call entirely. They did the same thing after Brad Bell's sister-in-law Maria Bell was fired from Y&R and they not only yanked scenes of Noah Newman revealing his homosexuality but recast the actor with someone way too old to play Nick and Sharon's son. I tend to think this is a CBS problem, rather than with either of the Bells. After all, Bill Bell, Sr. wanted to give Katherine Chancellor a lesbian affair on Y&R way back in the 1970s.

With none of the soaps featuring regular queer male characters at present, it might just work to B&B's advantage to do this story. After all, Zende is back onscreen. Maybe his breakup with Nicole occurred because she cottoned onto his attraction to other men. They could bring back a coworker from the Paris office, or better yet a conniving male model who wants to get into his pants instead of Zoe's previously-unheard sister. And make the mystery character Eric Forrester III, wanting revenge on the Forrester clan for discarding him while Zende - similarly adopted - continues to enjoy the perks and privileges of being a Forrester. It would give Hope a story beyond worrying about Liam's pull towards Steffy.

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Somehow, I missed the Christian and Noah news, but....geez, what year is this? My God, ATWT had Luke Synder come out as gay when Bush was still in office and his relationship with Noah was often the only thing worth watching. They have fans to this day. If audiences could handle it then and kids' shows today from Kipo to She-Ra to Justice League can have gay leads, so can a TV show set in one of California's gayest cities in its most openly gay industries.

5 hours ago, Aymery said:

After all, Zende is back onscreen. Maybe his breakup with Nicole occurred because she cottoned onto his attraction to other men

Although, all that said, the subject of undercover brothers (the term for closeted black men in the black community) is one that could have blacklash from black viewers and a topic best approached with kid gloves at the moment. I know I don't trust Bell to take any care with that.

If anything, I'd rather they'd did a story like this with Liam ages ago. Great way to explain his indecision between two women, but harder to do after he's  had two children inside of six months.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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(the term for closeted black men in the black community)

I would say it's "a" term versus "the" term.

However, yeah, I wouldn't have much hope of Bradley handling a storyline about Zende turning out to be gay or bi in a thoughtful, non-sensational manner. I also wouldn't expect the primary backlash to be from B&B's Black viewers. I don't think Black people are a monolith on this issue and individuals may be unfairly and unjustifiably assumed to be anti-LBGTQ+ when they aren't. In my view it's more of a religious thing, and the degree of adherence to the beliefs of certain denominations is the larger determinant. In my experience, active members of those denominations would tend to be intolerant on multiple social issues, regardless of race.

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I don't know how soap executives view their audiences through the prism of race but they definitely seem to view them as a monolith of conservatism. Gay storylines/couples have been blamed for declining ratings on ATWT, GL, OLTL, AMC, Days, Y&R and GH - and, in the case of the first four, their cancellations. There are undoubtedly some very vocal conservative fans but it seems like they're the only ones to whom soap pander. Remember it was not all that long ago when Heather Tom, Kristoff St John and Y&R/CBS were getting hate mail by the dozens for "promoting miscegenation" by teasing a potential romance between the characters of Victoria Newman and Neil Winters. I don't know how B&B viewers reacted to POC like Usher and Michael Lai who were both involved in interracial romances during the same era.

If something like that could happen 3 DECADES after the civil rights movement, how might same-sex relationships be regarded five years after the legalization of same-sex marriage? It is especially telling that, Maria Bell had committed many missteps in her tenure as Y&R's head writer but TPTB did not see fit to fire her until she decided to reveal that one of the show's legacy characters was gay. Never mind that Noah Newman's coming out was the culmination of a months-long arc which had been (relative to some of her other big twists) well-developed. They actually canned material that had already been filmed and fired the actor playing Noah (which was lucky, because he was the one who shed light on what had gone down behind the scenes).

Ultimately, I think this pandering has massively damaged soaps and curtailed their ability to move forward with the times and engage new audiences. Young viewers would much rather watch progressive content on streaming services than stick with their grandmother's soap where gay people (and Latinos) don't exist in Los Angeles, people offer up engagement rings after one date without even sleeping together, rape is not regarded as a crime, and mental illness is played for laughs. In some ways these soaps have become even more retrograde than they were in the '90s, when they at least led in bringing social issues to the forefront like homelessness, domestic abuse, AIDS, and even coming-out, which was portrayed back in the '80s on ATWT, a soap set in semi-rural Illinois ... yet according to B&B, the fashion industry in 2020 Los Angeles is the sole preserve of straight men. Okay then ...

Edited by Aymery
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18 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I would say it's "a" term versus "the" term.

However, yeah, I wouldn't have much hope of Bradley handling a storyline about Zende turning out to be gay or bi in a thoughtful, non-sensational manner. I also wouldn't expect the primary backlash to be from B&B's Black viewers. I don't think Black people are a monolith on this issue and individuals may be unfairly and unjustifiably assumed to be anti-LBGTQ+ when they aren't. In my view it's more of a religious thing, and the degree of adherence to the beliefs of certain denominations is the larger determinant. In my experience, active members of those denominations would tend to be intolerant on multiple social issues, regardless of race.

Oh, I'm black myself as well BTW (I don't mention it often since there's not much reason to on this board) and I don't think the backlash would even be from the culturally conservative fanbase, but the liberal ones who'd be mad as hell that black men would be depicted in this manner of hiding and "tricking" women, cuz that's a story I've seen play out in the media quite often. Certainly, that'd be the case on Tumblr.

The rest of that is outside the the scope of this forum to get into. I will say I was very fortunate to grow up with a mom that was the first to accept my cousin when she came out in the early 90s and always drilled into me what a double standard it was for us, the daughter and granddaughter respectively of a white woman and black man, to go out restricting the rights of others to marry who they choose and it was a bit of a culture shock once I got older to find out a *lot* of people disagreed with that take. It's getting better, but there were way too many people in my local BLM FB group trying (with little success, granted) to erase trans and gay voices out of the protest because "they have their own month."

*Deep, exhausted gray-ace sigh*

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2 hours ago, Aymery said:

In some ways these soaps have become even more retrograde than they were in the '90s, when they at least led in bringing social issues to the forefront like homelessness, domestic abuse, AIDS, and even coming-out, which was portrayed back in the '80s on ATWT, a soap set in semi-rural Illinois ... yet according to B&B, the fashion industry in 2020 Los Angeles is the sole preserve of straight men. Okay then ...

This is so true, and I was beyond stunned when I got to watch the entire Caroline attack story from 1987 get more care and respect than the one Brooke got twenty years later and definitely the ones with Caroline II and Liam, neither of which the show would even call it what it was. Like, Brooke was ready to throw hands with Dave's sexist ass boss who wondered why girls never say nothin' and Ridge actually humbled himself enough to provide character testimony re: Caroline's virginity (which is ridiculous that the victim had to defend herself, but...1987, I guess), all the while telling her father to kick rocks as he tried using this as an excuse to get her back home.

As opposed to the dark times of today, where no one would be all that shocked if TIIC had Hope and Thomas hook up and call it true love.

Yeah, you're right, this is exactly why young people don't watch these shows. I feel like I've been saying this same thing since I joined TWoP 14 years ago. 

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Bold & Beautiful Spoilers for the Week of November 2:


 Monday November 9:

Brace yourselves, because Thomas’ relationship with the mannequin is about to take a drastic turn. We’re almost afraid to ask what that actually means! Meanwhile, Liam is blown away by how Steffy and Hope react to what he has to tell them about Thomas’ new roommate. Let me guess, they won't believe him. Idiots!

Tuesday November 10:

Sometimes, only a sister can get you to deal with things you’ve been reluctant to confront directly. That may well be the case when Paris puts Zoe in the hot seat regarding the men in her life. Good for you, Paris. I like you already.

Things are about to get a little surreal as Hope meets the mannequin which happens to look an awful lot like her. And again, she still won't GET IT. 

Wednesday November 11:

To say that Liam has issues with Thomas would be a massive understatement. So what does it mean when Hope’s husband doubles down where Douglas’ dad is concerned? And how, exactly, does Finn play into things?

Thomas’ grip on reality is tenuous at best as he has dinner with the mannequin. (On the plus side, she’s probably a really cheap date, given how little she eats…) So Wednesday is gonna be must-see TV.

Thursday November 12:

Just because Thomas is having conversations (and the occasional romantic dinner) with a mannequin doesn’t mean there are lines he won’t cross. That explains why he’s conflicted when the mannequin makes a dark demand of him.

It could be a case of bad timing when a marriage proposal is interrupted in a most alarming manner.

Friday November 13:

Zoe has tried to avoid admitting to anyone — including herself — that she might have feelings for Zende. But the co-workers may finally have to face the music!

Eric isn’t feeling particularly forgiving where Quinn is concerned. Might hearing Wyatt plead his mom’s case change the mind of the Forrester patriarch? Or is he really ready to call it quits? 

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On 11/6/2020 at 11:37 AM, CountryGirl said:

Eric isn’t feeling particularly forgiving where Quinn is concerned. Might hearing Wyatt plead his mom’s case change the mind of the Forrester patriarch? Or is he really ready to call it quits? 

They should've ended at the writing room pitch session.

This couple has held up by both actors' chemistry and the fact that Ridge the manchild was their biggest detractor who at best was right for the wrong reasons. But Quinn's happy ending at the expensive of justice for Liam was never earned and Eric has already had his fill of controlling wives. Gullible horny fool that he is, he's forgiven a lot outta her that were deal breakers even with Brooke. 

OTOH, if Quinn breaks up with Eric, she'll be done for on this show, short of hooking up with Ridge for real or getting with Thomas, cuz we know Bell don't like single women. I love the actress but the writing....

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On 11/10/2020 at 11:07 AM, Joimiaroxeu said:

The same could be said of Bill and Justin. Maybe the whole cast can't be in storylines all the time.

We'll, lemme put it another way: the other women who aren't related to Brooke (except Bridget) all got shooed off the show in quick order when the show runs out of men to pair them off to 

Caroline? Fridges off screen. Maya? Also divorced off screen. Bridget? MIA since 2011 despite being a fan favorite after all this time. Ivy? Gone after she'd been through the Spencer's and Thomas. Sally? Gone to Y&R because she was too popular to kill like the rest of the Spectra's.

Looking at the men, there's Nick who was written out after he'd landed on Donna and....I'm truly coming up blank on any others. Maybe Rick?


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Bold & Beautiful spoilers for the Week of November 16th: https://soaps.sheknows.com/the-bold-and-the-beautiful/spoilers/583665/bold-beautiful-spoilers-november-16-through-20-2020/

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Monday November 16:

Ah, is there anything more awkward than being stuck between your mom and your boyfriend? That’s the tricky ground Flo tries to navigate after Wyatt levels an accusation at Shauna. WGAF about any of this?

Carter’s clearly made a heck of an impression of Paris, because she throws her full support behind her sister’s engagement to the guy. (Guess Paris hasn’t noticed those sparks flying between Zoe and Zende. Then again, maybe she has and that’s why she’s really on board with the engagement.) See above.

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Tuesday November 17:

Wyatt and Flo decide it’s time to take a little family meeting at which they lay down the law for Shauna where Eric and Quinn are concerned. But given that Shauna’s the parent, will she really listen to what Flo and her beau have to say?  ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Wednesday November 18:

Steffy clearly wants to believe that Thomas has changed his formerly-wicked ways. Liam, obviously, is not so convinced. Will he be able to convince his ex that she’s wrong to put her faith in her brother? Doubtful.

Shauna’s been keeping a secret from her BFF. When Quinn finds out about the lie her gal pal’s been telling, watch for the fur to fly! Good! I've been waiting for these two "besties" to turn on each other. 

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Thursday November 19:

This may be the season of pumpkin pie, but the one Quinn’s eating today is of the humble variety. When she once again begs Eric to forgive her for having plotted with Shauna against Brooke and Ridge, will her husband finally relent? He's old, he's tired, so maybe?

You know Liam’s right about Thomas, and we know Liam is right about Thomas, but Hope actually stands up for Douglas’ dad when her increasingly frustrated husband tries to make her see the light. Sigh, but per our recent discussion, not that surprising. Get your wife some help, already, Liam!

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Friday November 20:

Zende extends his best wishes to the newly-engaged Carter and Zoe. But something tells us if you look into his eyes, you’ll see that he’s hiding his true feelings. (Actually, you can probably look anywhere in his general direction. The guy doesn’t have much of a poker face when he’s around Zoe.) 

They’ve had their differences of late, especially where Thomas is concerned, but Steffy and Liam find time to connect over their mutual love for their daughter, Kelly.

Just when you thought things couldn’t get any weirder where Thomas and his roommate are concerned, the mannequin goes and declares her love for him! Is it wrong that I look forward to the Thomequin scenes the most?

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19 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Shauna’s been keeping a secret from her BFF. When Quinn finds out about the lie her gal pal’s been telling, watch for the fur to fly! Good! I've been waiting for these two "besties" to turn on each other. 

YAAAASSSSS!!!!!  I want to see the cat fur fly!


20 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Just when you thought things couldn’t get any weirder where Thomas and his roommate are concerned, the mannequin goes and declares her love for him! Is it wrong that I look forward to the Thomequin scenes the most?

My dirty self wants to see some.......mannisex?.....sexiquinn?  I hope Thomas gets stuck in there. 😈

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18 hours ago, CountryGirl said:


Ah, is there anything more awkward than being stuck between your mom and your boyfriend? That’s the tricky ground Flo tries to navigate after Wyatt levels an accusation at Shauna. WGAF about any of this?

Putting aside that I never want to see Flo again, haven't we been here multiple times with Wyatt having conflicts between his mother and the person he's dating?

FF for me.

I should probably dip on over to Y&R and see how Sally is faring away from this three ring circus.


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I'll let someone else post the official spoilers but apparently they might be trying to write JMW's pregnancy into the show after all. Not sure if it'll be a WTD situation or simply another STEAM baby--assuming Steffy does end up pregnant.

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On 11/14/2020 at 12:39 PM, Anna Yolei said:

Putting aside that I never want to see Flo again, haven't we been here multiple times with Wyatt having conflicts between his mother and the person he's dating?

FF for me.

I should probably dip on over to Y&R and see how Sally is faring away from this three ring circus.


She’s acting way over the top. She needs to dial it back about 15 steps to be believable. I really liked her on B&B—not so much on Y&R. See what you think about her on that show.

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If this crap is true, Oh to be a fly on the wall when this twist was revealed to the writers and actors. Actors love when their characters screw up and have drama to play, but this is some warmed over horse poop. SC is great at keeping it compartmentalized and professional but even he had to think ‘ Just kill me now’. AN probably nodded and thought ‘So this is why Kim Matula left.’ The worst I feel for is JMcW.

They bring in a new loyal, cute love for her character, give it a prime push in prime time and daytime tv and on social, build up her character as being aware, healing, and moving forward and then pull this. Steffy’s backtracked AGAIN and probably will have to play the same beats of when her affair with Bill was exposed. I hope they have Liam be self-aware enough to see he did exactly what Steffy did and Hope doesn’t have to take his ass back. We’ll have to see how it plays out but apparently alcohol is involved and if Liam is involved in screwing up Steffy’s monthslong sobriety he really is an insensitive, self-involved POS. Her sobriety is her responsibility, yes, but Liam should know better. 

Why not have her have an oops baby with Finn? Why not have Liam flip on the damn light in Thomas’ apartment to see what’s truly going on and confront ‘Hope’? Why not have Steffy turn Liam away and he go to bikini bar and get soused and wake up next to Shauna like Ridge did? 😂 Actually imagine Flo seeing Liam drunk at the bar while she’s working and she calls Wyatt who comes to take Liam to his place to sleep it off and they have a nice brother talk/ download about the situation? 

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23 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I'll let someone else post the official spoilers but apparently they might be trying to write JMW's pregnancy into the show after all. Not sure if it'll be a WTD situation or simply another STEAM baby--assuming Steffy does end up pregnant.

.....but how, though? She was already in the 2nd trimester when they started filming in July?!

7 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

They bring in a new loyal, cute love for her character, give it a prime push in prime time and daytime tv and on social, build up her character as being aware, healing, and moving forward and then pull this. Steffy’s backtracked AGAIN and probably will have to play the same beats of when her affair with Bill was exposed. 

I'm sure Jacqui and KKL can both comiserate on that end. Brooke got so many more love interests than the shallow, incestuous kiddie pool Steffy's been stuck with for nearly the entire duration of her career, and not even she could fully get out of Ridge's grasp.

But this doesn't just make Steffy look bad but Liam too if he enables her to get on the sauce to do the do out of anger at Hope. I dunno why TIIC are determined to make Liam the villain in all this. He doesn't need to be a bad guy to be interesting, he just needs to start taking active responsibility for the stupid situations he gets into and put the women he supposedly care about through.

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Is it really so surprising that TPTB are going back to the same, tired, old well of WTD?

I wonder if they would have done so if JMW wasn't pregnant again, but she is, so here we are. 

And I don't know what the heck we've done to deserve this - we've put up with a year of Hope and Liam believing their daughter to be dead and Steffy raising her unknowingly and the return of whack-a-do Thomas, GarBridge reunion #152, Sally getting axed for the baby trafficker, and now, Thomas and Hopequin, the snoozefest that is Carter/Zoe/Paris/Zende, and they just had to go there.

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4 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Is it really so surprising that TPTB are going back to the same, tired, old well of WTD?


The only surprise is that the other man has no connection to the Spencer family (that we know of. Yet). Still, pandemic or not, I wish they'd let us actually invest in Finn as a character before doing this crap.

4 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

And I don't know what the heck we've done to deserve this -

I've been asking this of Show since they decided to have Brooke play homewrecker to Nick and Bridget 15 years ago. But damn, that shit is Shakespeare compared with this. At least we got fashion shows and the stories rotated enough to break up the monotony that was Bridge (who were already threadbare even with RM bringing his A game to D- material).

But show is just not fun anymore. It's a chore. This board definitely bring the fun, but I've run outta ways to say "I hate this ToD, please end it."

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B&B Spoilers for the week of December 7th:

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Monday December 7:

The moment Liam woke up half-dressed at Steffy’s place and realized that their alcohol-fueled night had resulted in them making love, he knew he’d made a big mistake. But today, he realizes it was far bigger than he could have imagined.

Ridge and Steffy are desperate for information about Thomas’ condition. Unfortunately, what Finn tells them today is that the prognosis is grim!

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Tuesday December 8:

Quinn decides that the best way to find out where exactly she stands is by doing a little eavesdropping. What will she hear when she listens in on Shauna and Eric’s private conversation?

Thomas’s life hangs in the balance.

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Wednesday December 9:

Shauna has repeatedly told Quinn that she’s firmly in her corner, and Eric today admits that he’s very impressed by the blonde’s loyalty to his wife, as well as her kindness toward him. But is the fact that Eric’s spending so much time praising Quinn’s BFF a sign that he might be feeling more than just admiration toward her?

Amidst all the trauma and drama swirling around them, Liam and Steffy still have to figure out exactly what their next move should be. Translation: Do they come clean about their drunken tryst?

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Thursday December 10:

Quinn decides it’s time to go big or go home. (Well, technically, she’s hoping to go big and go home). But when she lays all her cards on the table in an emotional plea to Eric, will her powerful words result in him agreeing to give their marriage another shot?

Steffy can’t help fearing that when the dust settles, she’ll lose both her brother and Liam forever.

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Friday December 11:

You won’t want to miss the confrontation that goes down today between Shauna and Quinn. Why? Let’s just say things are going to take an unexpected twist.

Steffy and Liam each fight to do what they believe to be right. But will they actually agree on what course of action should be taken?



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18 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Steffy can’t help fearing that when the dust settles, she’ll lose both her brother and Liam forever.


Wow, so after all she’s been through and getting a new guy and telling him she loves him, Steffy’s worried about losing Liam? Not Finn? Steffy and this show is so stupid 😂

Dare I say it but I’m intrigued about this twist with Shauna. Hoping it’s not as obvious as Shauna is a smart grifter con targeting Eric. The only swerve I can see being of any interest is a reveal that Shauna is bisexual and has been in love with Quinn all these years.

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Bold & Beautiful spoilers for week of December 21st (https://soaps.sheknows.com/the-bold-and-the-beautiful/spoilers/)

Monday December 21:

Ridge was a bit of a basket case after Thomas was rushed into surgery, and it turns out he’s not quite regained his equilibrium. On the heels of his son’s latest brush with death, the dressmaker gets emotional with Brooke. But given her mistrust of Thomas, will she be able to give him the support he needs?

Despite having not only slept with ex-wife Steffy but admitted that he’ll always love her, Liam vows that he intends to be the husband Hope deserves. (Call us crazy, but it seems as if that train left the station the moment he hit the sheets with Steffy!) 

Tuesday December 22:

Although Zoe was thrilled when first she reconnected with sister Paris, it looks as if the bloom is off that particular rose. Today, Zoe insists that Paris’ presence in Los Angeles is upending her life. Anybody else think this has less to do with Paris cramping her siblings style than her budding relationship with a certain sharp-dressed man — and we don’t mean Carter.

Steffy was all for Liam keeping his wife in the dark where their recent infidelity was concerned. But will spending time with Hope — and realizing just how awkward a situation this mess has created — leave Steffy wondering if maybe she and Liam should just come clean?

Wednesday December 23:

As the animosity between Zoe and Paris continues to fester, Zende interrupts a heated moment between the two women. Will he be able to smooth their ruffled feathers, or will his presence only made a bad situation worse?

Recent events have given Hope a new appreciation for the handsome Dr. Finnegan. So imagine how uncomfortable things get when she decides to rave about the awesomeness that is Finn to Liam and Steffy… who know that the secret they share would rock both her boyfriend and the woman who has become his No. 1 fan!

Thursday December 24:

Brooke has a special holiday surprise for Eric and Ridge, which leads to them reminiscing about past Christmases and the Forrester clan’s late, beloved matriarch, Stephanie.

Fresh off of butting heads with her sister, it’s no surprise that Zoe is less than thrilled when Zende brings Paris to Eric’s home for Christmas Eve. Can the magic of the season — as well as taking part in a few Forrester family traditions — heal the rift that’s developing between the Buckingham girls?

Friday December 25:

Repeat of the 12/25/18 episode (Kelly's 1st Christmas)

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Zoe is less than thrilled when Zende brings Paris to Eric’s home for Christmas Eve.

That's funny given that Zende is a Forrester (plus I think he lives at Eric's, right?) and Carter is not. Seems to me Paris is more entitled to be there as Zende's guest than Zoe is as the fiancee of an FC employee. I just hope Zende doesn't bring Paris to try to make Zoe jealous.


a certain sharp-dressed man

Meh, I don't know if I'd call Zende a sharp-dressed man. A lot his clothes are very retro, and not in a good way, IMO.

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Well it’s official!


Reading through the write up, I do like Steffy doesn’t seem to be freaking out about WTD and is just focused on being happy about the baby. She seems like she’s prepared for whatever the fallout although if either man who ends up being the daddy wants to be a family she’s cool with that too.

Poor SC. It seems that he drew the short straw in that his character is thrown under the bus to write in the pregnancy and he to grin and bear it.

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1 hour ago, nilyank said:


if it were any other year and if not for the last big pregnancy story involving the baby switch from Hell with all that now futile misery, I'd be all for it. I doubt they'll go there considering she's actually pregnant IRL.

As it is, I'm glad we aren't gonna be subject to a bunch of strum und drag about the paternity. She *should* feel guilty for screwing over the best thing in her romantic life since Marcus but. Ya know.

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1 hour ago, TobinAlbers said:

Poor SC. It seems that he drew the short straw in that his character is thrown under the bus to write in the pregnancy and he to grin and bear it.

I don't know how hard it would have been to just stretch out the fucking addiction story. I mean, JMW will be off the show for at least 8 wks? Plenty of time for rehab. ATWT did this story for Maura West's Carly once near the end of that series' run and the show was further down the toilet than B&B is by then.

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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

So will Steffy wait until the baby's born before she takes a DNA test this time? Though I doubt Liam will be able to sit still for that long. Please, please, please let it be Finn's kid.

I'm definitely rooting for this option. Even though I predict the show will hand wave this so that Liam will be the defacto daddy as soaps are want to do regardless of biology and will ruin the character to do so, I do not want Liam's boring ass DNA to carry down to one more human person. Give the kid a fighting chance at life, Show. 😅🤣

Edited by Anna Yolei
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I admit I haven't been watching Show so maybe I'm totally out of the loop...but who in the what now? Who on earth could Flo want revenge against? Everyone has pretty much forgiven her for her role in the Neverending Fake Dead Baby Saga and she waltzes around like she owns stuff. 

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2 hours ago, Lilac2000 said:

I admit I haven't been watching Show so maybe I'm totally out of the loop...but who in the what now? Who on earth could Flo want revenge against? Everyone has pretty much forgiven her for her role in the Neverending Fake Dead Baby Saga and she waltzes around like she owns stuff. 

My guess would be an upcoming crossover with Y&R where Summer comes calling to get some dirt on Sally.

Not sure how long it's been since you tuned in but Wyatt dumped Sally over dumb shit and Sally faked an illness to come between them. Sally then kidnapped Flo to seduce Wyatt, only to get knocked out and Flo wrote a message on her ass that Wyatt saw.

It was all so very stupid and none of it makes me feel sorry for Flo in the slightest.

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- Thomas comforts Hope upon learning about Steffy and Liam.

My only question is whether the "comforting" will happen while they're wearing clothes or not? If Hope were a different kind of woman she'd send a naked selfie of herself in bed with a sleeping, clearly post-coital Thomas to Liam with the comment "How ya like me now?"


Flo gets an out-of-the-blue opportunity to get revenge.

Yeah, I don't get this either. What more revenge does Flo need? She kept Wyatt and they pretty much drove Sally out of town. These trifling bishes like Flo and Summer Newman sure are scared of Sally.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Bold & Beautiful spoilers for week of February 8: https://soaps.sheknows.com/the-bold-and-the-beautiful/spoilers/

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Monday, February 8:

Why on earth does Bold & Beautiful’s Brooke want Hope to stay with Liam? And how far will she go to ensure it happens?! Oh vey, Brooke. You're supposed to want BETTER for your kids, not the same shit you've put up with for what feels like a thousand years.

Still struggling with how to move forward in the wake of Liam’s latest transgression, Hope puts her husband on the spot about Steffy’s unborn baby. Will the answers he provides tip the scale in his favor… or sound the death knell on their marriage? And will the moment lead to the show finally playing the much-needed beat it’s been skipping in this storyline? Where Hope tears him a new anal sphincter? I should certainly hope so.

On tenterhooks as she awaits the outcome of the paternity test, Steffy becomes emotional as Finn expresses the many ways she’s bettered his life. We love a man who can weather a major crisis — or three — and still come out looking on the bright side. Eh - maybe Finn has low self-esteem. I mean what man takes up with a woman clearly still so hung up on her ex that she has a larger-than-life-sized portrait of the two of them from years before hanging on her living room wall instead of, I don't know, a tasteful framed photograph in their daughter's bedroom? And stays with her after she cheats with said ex?


Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Tuesday, February 9:

Huge twist ahead?! Bold & Beautiful’s Dr. Campbell may have dropped a clue about shocking news regarding Steffy’s pregnancy.

Eager to regain trust, Thomas holds himself accountable to Ridge and Brooke. Is the change in Thomas the real deal, or is he looking to firm up support now that he has a golden opportunity to make inroads with Hope? 


On the heels of a revealing conversation with her husband about his errant ways, Hope reaches a difficult decision about her future with Liam. Does anyone else wonder if she’s finally had enough?


Except I doubt she has finally had enough. 

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Wednesday, February 10:

While Liam’s gotten away with a lot over the years when it comes to Hope and Steffy, he may finally be about to learn that actions do have consequences. Watch for the famed flip-flopper to desperately attempt to save his marriage after Hope apprises him of her decision.

“And the father is… ” The moment of truth arrives at last as Steffy’s paternity-test results come in. Expect Finn, Hope, and Liam to join the Forrester Creations CEO as she learns the identity of her babydaddy.

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Thursday, February 11:

Emotions run high as, separately, Finn and Liam grapple with what comes next. Is there a way for everybody to be happy? Anybody?

Dr. Bridget Forrester returns to visit her mother, Brooke, as Ashley Jones returns to Bold & Beautiful. I'd love for Bridget to tell Brooke to butt out, considering her actions that led to Hope's existence in this world.

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Friday, February 12:

It sounds like the honeymoon is over before the wedding even takes place as a disillusioned Carter demands answers from Zoe and Zende. Will the exchange leave the dynamic at Forrester Creations forever changed, or clear the way for the COO to marry his dream girl? I'm barely watching these days but didn't they already HAVE this blowout?

Eva, the Forrester International publicist, gets to work with Katie and Paris when Kelly Kruger Brooks makes a return appearance on Bold & Beautiful.

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“And the father is… ” The moment of truth arrives at last as Steffy’s paternity-test results come in. Expect Finn, Hope, and Liam to join the Forrester Creations CEO as she learns the identity of her babydaddy.

Again, I have to give kudos to Bradley for keeping a tight lid on the outcome of the paternity test. If I read between the lines of the spoilers though, looks to me like Liam is going to be the "winner," in the short run anyway. I think someone has already monkeyed with the test results and it will later be revealed that Finn is actually the father. That way, Finn's loyalty to Steffy and Hope's belief in Liam and their marriage get sent through the wringer for a while. I think Hope is going to take up with Thomas and right before things get real between them it'll be revealed that Finn is the baby daddy, not Liam. My only question is whether Hope will divorce Liam or whether she'll try to hold onto him legally to keep him from being able to marry Steffy. Because you know Ridge would start trying to make the case that kids parents should be together so Liam and Steffy should remarry. Ugh.

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31 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Again, I have to give kudos to Bradley for keeping a tight lid on the outcome of the paternity test. If I read between the lines of the spoilers though, looks to me like Liam is going to be the "winner," in the short run anyway. I think someone has already monkeyed with the test results and it will later be revealed that Finn is actually the father. That way, Finn's loyalty to Steffy and Hope's belief in Liam and their marriage get sent through the wringer for a while. I think Hope is going to take up with Thomas and right before things get real between them it'll be revealed that Finn is the baby daddy, not Liam. My only question is whether Hope will divorce Liam or whether she'll try to hold onto him legally to keep him from being able to marry Steffy. Because you know Ridge would start trying to make the case that kids parents should be together so Liam and Steffy should remarry. Ugh.

Ridge and his flawed logic. He conveniently forgets about Beth.

I really do wish that it would be revealed that not only is Baby #2 Finn's after all (even though I'm sure we will, to your point, have Liam pegged as the baby daddy, with the tests switched by Vinny so Thomas can move in on Hope), but that Kelly is revealed to be Bill's.

So Ridge can STFU for once.

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3 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

^^^So Liam ends up with no kids with Steffy? Be prepared for the Steam fans to storm the CBS studios, lol.

Hey, I'd be down for Beth being fathered by another man retroactively too if it got Hope outta his orbit for good!

Edited by Anna Yolei
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