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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)


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I loved the TV music category! I though it was pretty easy, but I love that subject.
TS was radiation - I never would have specified EM radiation though! I wonder if it would have been accepted.

Trevi fountain was too easy for a DD and I was surprised Dan missed it.

I know absolutely nothing about art history, so was clueless for FJ. However, I did realize the artist was French, which was more than either of the challengers seemed to get.

Also, when the contestants were talking with AT at the end - the camera zoomed in on Riley's face and I thought it looked like she was crying. Did anyone else notice that?

Edited by secnarf
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Not a horrible game.  A little slow-paced, and there were quite a few TS, though.  I'm sorry to say I was glad when the woman (Riley?) started going backwards -- she shouldn't have started in the middle of the categories! 

I said radiation for the "ionizing or non-ionizing" clue -- I wonder if they would have asked me to BMS?  I also got Talking In Your Sleep, serenade, horse opera, Trevi Fountain (I think he knew it, but it wouldn't come to him in time), and Loretta Young.  I also had an incredibly lucky guess for the skin condition (prurigo?)

I was also clueless for FJ, but I don't think I would have guessed M.C. Escher.

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My TS's were Loretta Young (obviously before their time), horse opera, The Moonstone and the missed DD of Trevi fountain.

I can't begrudge Buzzy his wins - his competition just isn't impressive, at all.

No clue on FJ, even when I heard the artist's name and I couldn't even come up with a guess.

I don't watch the talk period at the end of the game so I didn't notice if Riley was crying.  I wouldn't be surprised if she was.

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22 minutes ago, secnarf said:

Also, when the contestants were talking with AT at the end - the camera zoomed in on Riley's face and I thought it looked like she was crying. Did anyone else notice that?

Yes, poor thing. She had no reason to cry, but as an emotional person myself, I understand. It's one of many reasons why I'm not interested in trying out for the show. I also got stuck on Escher even though 1913 seemed way too early for him.

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20 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

I know Buzzy continues to win but it is because of the failure of his competition to get really easy clues to make FJ competitive.

Dan not knowing the Trevi fountain on that DD was embarrassing.

I had no idea about FJ.

Buzzy does seem to have an advantage with the buzzer.  Dan seemed frustrated a few times for not being able to ring in.  But I didn't like him starting at the high dollar clues, and then he had a chance at the clue all to himself and he flubbed the Trevi fountain.

Wow, they didn't recognize Loretta Young. 

I never really considered the Moonstone a children's book.  Was Alex just being pompous when he said it was one of his favorite books as a kid?  Please.

I do think Riley was crying at the very end.  It looked like Alex was trying to make her feel better.

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6 minutes ago, SierraMist said:

I never really considered the Moonstone a children's book.  Was Alex just being pompous when he said it was one of his favorite books as a kid?  Please.

I do think Riley was crying at the very end.  It looked like Alex was trying to make her feel better.

Maybe for Alex, 15-18 counts as being a kid?

If Riley was crying, it seems odd that the camera people would zoom in on her and then edit it in to the final broadcast.

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I got Trevi Fountain, radiation (if they had wanted BMS I wouldn't have gotten it, though), The Moonstone, Loretta Young (young whippersnappers) and Bert Young.

I was totally clueless on FJ.  The writers go from Tony the Tiger to this?  They need to be more consistent in the level of difficulty in FJ.

Riley did look like she was crying.  

Edited by CarpeDiem54
Standing that close to Buzzy and not being able to punch him would make me cry, too.
  • Love 5

Oy, PTV went offline just as I clicked "Submit."

I got pareo, The Moonstone, both Young TSs, and some others.  I forgot my recorder.  And I got Duchamp after briefly considering Georges Braque.

Of all the multi-win champs I can think of, Buzzy seems to be benefiting from really weak competition more than most.

There was really crying at the end?  I missed it.  There's no crying in Jeopardy!

ETA:  I meant to say that I thought Buzzy told us on day one that he played at Carnegie Hall as a student pianist, yes?  Which makes it odd that he misses so many classical-music clues.  So many clues in general, actually.

Edited by Mondrianyone
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Let's see: Buzzy has now won 9 games in a row?

Per this website:  http://stuarte.co/2015/all-time-jeopardy-winners/

only 5 players have ever won more than 9 in a row.  Buzzy has not been racking up huge dollar amounts, though, and he actually does not seem particularly dominant in games.  Just good enough.

Edited by Roaster
correcting numbers
  • Love 1
6 minutes ago, Roaster said:

Let's see: Buzzy has now won 9 games in a row?

Per this website:  http://stuarte.co/2015/all-time-jeopardy-winners/

only 5 players have ever won more than 9 in a row.  Buzzy has not been racking up huge dollar amounts, though, and he actually does not seem particularly dominant in games.  Just good enough.

Has any 9 game champ ever got so few FJs correct ?  Even if it is to be intentionally smarmy.

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He needs better competitors.

I got Talking in Your Sleep, horse operas, Trevi Fountain, Loretta Young, and Burt Young. I need to learn to distinguish betw Brigham Young and Joseph Smith.

I ALMOST got FJ. Almost immediately I said "Nude Descending a Staircase," then I realized they were asking for the artist. I said Picasso. DOH!

I don't usually watch the final talking section, but I did just to see if Riley was crying. She was. Poor thing.

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, peeayebee said:

I ALMOST got FJ. Almost immediately I said "Nude Descending a Staircase," then I realized they were asking for the artist. I said Picasso. DOH!

Me too! Although I was pretty sure it wasn't Picasso, either, I couldn't come up with the artist's name. If only "guy who did "Nude Descending a Staircase"" were an acceptable answer!


I also felt for the guy on the Trevi Fountain DD. So many times, even at home, I'm yelling out, "That one fountain! The famous one!" 

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I don't mind Buzzy.  He's a bit quirky, but he plays a good game (i.e., wide variety of knowledge, plays the board pretty well, etc.).  I've noticed that he's getting a bit more media coverage and I'm wondering if it is the beginning of the end. I don't know if it was the horrible DC tournament that made me appreciate Buzzy, but I've enjoyed him.

I know we're hitting the end of May, but does Jeopardy go on hiatus for a few months in the summer?

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Will no one rid me of this smug, annoying feminine hygiene product and the packaging in which it comes?

I'm usually doing something else when Jeopardy starts and have missed all of Buzzy's pre-game mannerisms but I finally saw them last night.  What a douchebag!

I had high hopes for Dan early on, but after he blew an easy DD, he just started guessing wildly and it was all over.


I know absolutely nothing about art history, so was clueless for FJ. However, I did realize the artist was French, which was more than either of the challengers seemed to get.

I knew the painting they were referencing was Nude Descending a Staircase, but I couldn't remember Duchamps' name.  I was all "Modigliani?  No.  Not Picasso either.  Oh crap, who was he?".

  • Love 3
14 hours ago, dcalley said:

Yes, poor thing. She had no reason to cry, but as an emotional person myself, I understand. It's one of many reasons why I'm not interested in trying out for the show. I also got stuck on Escher even though 1913 seemed way too early for him.

I still thank the gods that I didn't burst into tears when I lost because I'm that same kind of person.  Plus, when I imagined my Jeopardy experience in my head (for years), it always ended with me winning.  Probably should've let it stay in my head, or at least waited a few years until the clues got much, much easier.

Edited by proserpina65
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It's not so much that Buzzy wins the games, it's that the other contestants lose them. Making crazy wild guesses, starting at the bottom, getting frustrated too quickly, etc. Yes, his gesturing at the beginning of the show is annoying, but I will give him this - he's fast on the buzzer and he does dress well. I never understood why people wouldn't want to look their best when they're going on national TV.

  • Love 1

All right!  I missed the first round, but Double Jeopardy was a good game.  All three contestants were on.  If Megan had got that Swiss Guard DD and bet bigger, it would have been even closer at the end.

I had nothing against Buzzy per se but I just like to get some rotation of players.  I wish Jeopardy would go back to the old policy of allowing players a maximum of 5 wins.  I get sick of everyone after a while.

  • Love 4

Alex's prompting to be more specific  when Buzzy answered "Ireland"in the uniform question rubbed me the wrong way. Northern Ireland and Ireland are two separate political entities and the clue included Derry, a city in Northern Ireland. Prompting him to be more specific basically fed him the answer. But it doesn't matter because the long national Buzzy nightmare is over.

  • Love 8

Thank goodness Erin won!  I was afraid Megan was going to give herself a hernia with the buzzer.  Plus there's that whole not starting at the top of the category thing...

I was sad they didn't get Jelly Roll Morton, and surprised they missed self-sufficient.  I would like to thank Bugs Bunny for my correct response of Hassenpfeffer, and "Gone With The Wind" (the book) for helping me to know which war Zouaves fought in.

FJ was an instaget for me.

  • Love 5

For the clue that said "Kiwi island", I thought they meant a specific island in New Zealand, not NZ as a whole, so I was completely lost for that clue.

Ergonomics was way too easy for a dd, as was the Swiss guards and I can’t believe Megan missed it. Her answer of 'red hats' makes me think it wasn't just a brain fart and she forgot the country.

I laughed at Erin pronouncing “mot” to rhyme with hot.

Northern Ireland got a BMS! Awful lack of consistency. That's the one example we've always had where BMS is not appropriate.

FJ was instaget for me.

I'm ambivalent about Buzzy being gone. He had kind of started to grow on me and I like watching contestants do really well. I really don't think he was an excellent player - although he certainly did more than I will ever do!

  • Love 3

Congrats to the new champ! She seemed calm and cool.

I am sorry to see Buzzy go although the business he did at the start of the show was annoying.

I did get Swiss Guard, also got the TS's (Two Years Before) The Mast, Jelly Roll Morton and Philipines.

Treasure Island is so obvious now but I didn't even think of it, just blurted out Treasure of the Sierra Madre and didn't bother thinking anymore.



I laughed at Erin pronouncing “mot” to rhyme with hot.


I laughed at that too.

Edited by Trey
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7 minutes ago, Mumbles said:

Alex's prompting to be more specific  when Buzzy answered "Ireland"in the uniform question rubbed me the wrong way. Northern Ireland and Ireland are two separate political entities and the clue included Derry, a city in Northern Ireland. Prompting him to be more specific basically fed him the answer. But it doesn't matter because the long national Buzzy nightmare is over.

Totally agree. That was some BS on the Northern Ireland clue. Besides the fact they are 2 separate countries, saying BMS basically handed him the answer.

But anyway, yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Erin! I do wish FJ had been more difficult because even I guessed Treasure Island correctly. Erin is an english lit prof, she would have gotten a harder clue also.

I was yelling Swiss Guard to Megan(?) but she couldn't hear me.

  • Love 6

Yeah, the BMS was wrong on Northern Ireland, but then again he was also clearly about to be prompted for a BMS when he just said Loyola, like there are hundreds, or even twos, of Loyolas to choose from.  So it's kind of a wash.

Mot/hot was definitely ridiculous, especially for an English professor, who surely should have heard someone say that phrase in the course of her education, somewhere.

Buzzy did kind of win my heart when he talked about being excited to be watched by Mel Brooks and Carl Reiner.  The 2,000-Year-Old Man albums are about as good as comedy gets, IMO.  So I can't hate on him.

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Yay, Erin!  I think I love you!  Too bad Buzzy's last "cute" act wasn't throwing himself on the floor and crying.  I was so happy when both ladies burst out of the gate ready to play and never let up.  About halfway through DJ, I noticed Buzzy started nervously checking the scores.  

All three DDs were too danged easy.  I was screaming "Swiss Guards" at Megan.  I also got Jellyroll Morton.

FJ was an instaget.

  • Love 5
21 minutes ago, Mondrianyone said:

Buzzy did kind of win my heart when he talked about being excited to be watched by Mel Brooks and Carl Reiner.  The 2,000-Year-Old Man albums are about as good as comedy gets, IMO.  So I can't hate on him.

I loved that, and it made me mad that such a charming story came from The Buzzer

  • Love 2

I finally got to see what all the Buzzy fuss was about, and it turned out to be his last game.  The nonsense as he’s being introduced is not my style, but I have such a low tolerance (I think Barry Sanders had the best touchdown celebration in the NFL – hand the ball to the ref and get back to work – so very little other than standing there is my style) I’m not a good judge of whether it’s obnoxious or quirky.  I watched the interviews, which I don’t normally do, to see what I thought of him there and I found his Mel Brooks/Carl Reiner story charming.  So, as per usual, he was rather innocuous to me.

He wasn’t a dominant player, though, so I’m surprised he’s stuck around this long.

I figured someone was going to screw up and say Jason Voorhees for the Friday the 13th clue, not the Freddy Krueger blunder.  Once Erin knew Mrs. Voorhees was the killer in the original, I was rooting for her.   Okay, her “mot” was embarrassing, but I can easily imagine that as someone she’s only ever seen written, not heard said.

Good game, but the thin red line TS surprised me.  I didn’t know the Swiss Guard, though.

The utter bullshit that was a be more specific prompt on the Northern Ireland clue has been well covered here, so I’ll spare you my rant.

FJ was an instaget, which I wasn't anticipating based on the category -- my reading is heavily slanted towards non-fiction, so sometimes I have embarrassing knowledge gaps when discussing novels.

Edited by Bastet
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Megan -- how can you not know who the Swiss Guards are ?

That BMS for Northern Ireland when Buzzy answered with 'Ireland' should not have happened.

Who is Loyola ?  Ignatius Loyola ?  Was Kit Loyola unavailable ?

I was so glad that AT said that it wasn't a runaway for Erin ... because I was expecting him to say it wasn't a runaway for Buzzy.

FJ was too easy -- I spat out 'Treasure Island' before AT finished reading the clue.

Finally !!! Buzzy is gone.  All those smarmy answers don't look so hot now when he could have made way more money to go home with.

Buzzy had a pretty low average dollar amount per game -- and will probably get smoked in the ToC.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Mondrianyone said:

Yeah, the BMS was wrong on Northern Ireland, but then again he was also clearly about to be prompted for a BMS when he just said Loyola, like there are hundreds, or even twos, of Loyolas to choose from.  So it's kind of a wash.

I was wondering about the Loyola thing. I could google, but I'll just ask here if there's at least one more well-known Loyola.

I gave Alex the side-eye when he BMS'd Buzzy on 'Ireland.'

I got the TSs that people here also got. I was particularly surprised at the contestants not knowing Two Years Before the Mast. I never read it but certainly learned about it in school. A couple of blocks from my high school was a middle school named after Richard Henry Dana. Reading up on him in Wikipedia, I rediscovered what a good guy he was.

I'm glad Erin won. She seems pretty sharp.

Edited by peeayebee
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Buzzy didn't bother me at all. Shouting and being deliberately pokey about choosing the next clue are pretty much the only things that stir up strong feelings in me about any contestant, although I'm not keen on starting at the bottom, it isn't enough to make me really wish for anyone's fiery death. Fast-forwarding until the categories are read and skipping the interviews no doubt helps. 

You Must Remember This made the board! It and Stuff You Missed in History Class are my favorite podcasts. I've listened to all of the MGM Stories and have just started the Blacklist set. 

1 hour ago, mojoween said:

The other day when Buzzy had "Dole" for a DD I was so frustrated that he didn't get a BMS because that's as freaking obscure as Carson in that context.

IIRC, the clue was about pineapple, right? I don't see how 'Dole' is obscure. Jeopardy often has clues where the answer is a person's name, with only the last name required unless there are multiple, famous people of that name.

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, peeayebee said:

IIRC, the clue was about pineapple, right? I don't see how 'Dole' is obscure. Jeopardy often has clues where the answer is a person's name, with only the last name required unless there are multiple, famous people of that name.

Well, there's former Congressman, former Senator, former Vice-Presidential candidate and former Presidential candidate Bob Dole -- but I don't think he ever grew pineapples.  :)

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