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S07.E20: Reunion (Part I)

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Carole and Heather just confirmed what Bethenny and Ramona have been insinuating about LuAnn for years now.

Yep they did, but it really wasn't necessary at all: The viewers aren't dumb and ever since Luann was divorced and her kids were older she's been more of her self on the show, including the fun parts.  I thought it made Carole and Heather look ridiculous trying to shame a grown woman about her sex life and I was sorry to see Luann let herself get so flustered by it.  She's a grown woman, single, with adult children - she can do what she wants.


A few things on this Carole/Adam/LuAnn thing (because it did dominate the end of part one): 


2. "Nothing is going on" often times means very different things to some men. I can buy that Adam and Nicole were probably still in that zone where they'd officially broken up nearly a year before, but they would sleep with each other from time to time, when the mood struck. Whether Nicole was expecting that to morph back into a serious and long-term boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, I don't know. But for Adam he could very well have compartmentalized it as "nothing" (i.e., occasional sex with an ex isn't serious ergo "nothing") and he wouldn't be incorrect. 

The only reason Luann's concern for her niece rings true to me is that Adam was at Luann's in the first place.  Why would Luann specifically hire Adam if Nicole didn't ask her to do it?  If Nicole really was done with Adam then I doubt Luann would have had him cook for that dinner.




No matter how many times Carole says she just having fun and they are keeping it light, I'd say she's in deep.  And the cookbook thing backs that up.  I wonder if that is how she is planning to fulfill her third required book?  And I bet Bethenney helped cook up the idea.   The thing I find is that Lu has never been subtle.  She speaks the obvious, usually twice, brays when she laughs, and is not quick with a smart reply.  Carole is measured, witty, good with words, but, frankly, every bit as nasty as anyone else.  She just couches it in the sly barb.   They all gossip about each other.  And they know they do.  Stop tattling.  No one has the high ground here.

I think you're exactly right: this is more than a fun fling for Carole and there's a good chance it's not going to end well for her because she is in deep.


I think Luann knows what she's talking about - younger guys are for fun but that's it.  Because one day they might decide they want to get married and have a family.    Lu and Jacque were only 10 years apart - not that big of deal at 38/28 but at 48/38 it can be and apparently was for them.     Carole is at least 20 years older than Adam.   Now,  they might be the exception and maybe Carole chose him for a relationship specifically because it has very little chance of lasting - I have no idea.  But I find women fighting over some boy ridiculous - even worse than high school girls. 


Sonja paid off her $7MM judgement?  How the heck did that happen?


Oh, haven't you heard?  Sonja Morgan New York is an International Fashion Lifestyle Brand that is also a Heritage Brand and available in no stores anywhere.  


Apparently she is that horny.  Luann told us herself last episode that the more sex she has, the more she wants, all the time.


I guess she wasn't worried about her son hearing that from her own lips.

I think she used to be very worried about that stuff when her kids were younger  - that's why she acted all Countess-y on the show and freaked out whenever Ramona hinted that Luann wasn't as stuffy as she acted.   But Noel is 20 or almost 20.  I think he will be okay. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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I think a lot of people just don't like Carole and ignore what other people do and just bash Carole at every opportunity.


That is exactly right. A day when you don't bash Carole is a day without sunshine!


I can't wait for "Below Deck" to start.

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So....does anyone think that Sonja has actually gone "south" (or "South Miami" as Bethenny put it)? Or, was she just trying to convince everyone she's sexually enlightened?

I loved the looks on Ramona's face when Sonja was being questioned about this. She was either totally put off, or thinking that Sonja is an effin' liar-face.

I thought for a second Ramona had a scared face...probably more like this:


Edited by talula
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I watched the festivities from the comfort of my sofa last night, and when I got bored, I flipped to the Bad Girls club...which made things interesting. Supposedly one is looking at radically different social and economic strata but in fact, the similarities are striking. They all drink too much, get sloppy, obsess over slights, insult and catcall one another, and spend their time in an endless round of shifting alliances. Their interests are boys, money, clothes, boys, money and did I mention clothes. Toaster ovens are mentioned, but only among the matrons.

For what it is worth, I think Sonja may have Aspberger's syndrome...she seems to be somewhere on the spectrum. Not that drinking and meds aren't there, but she misses social cues, and seems to be on another astral plane. Watch Beth try to talk to her about her drinking...Sonja is trying to get it, she's trying to respond appropriately, but it just eludes her.

I don't think this is just denial, there is something else working there.

As for Luann, that dress with the shoulder straps made her look like a foil-wrapped linebacker. That she was hunched over and ready to lunge at Carol did not help...not the bulging veins in her neck. Not her best look. Also, she sounds distinctly working class with her repeated use of the term "the help". She probably calls a driver the chauffeur. Very, very non U.

All this storm because her niece was dumped...not buying it. Either she tried to hook up with Adam and failed, or she did and is humiliated because she was a quick fling while Carole was relationship material. The old girl was raging, and it was likely the whole rejection saga replayed her being dumped by the Count. Totally out of proportion. Lu would be perfect for Bad Girls Club...geriatric or no, she'd tear the place up.

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It's basic protocol as well as common sense that you don't go after exes of your friends (or family), unless you want to cause drama. The only respectful way to go about it is to ASK first, and if your friend says it's fine, then you may proceed. Even then, the person may not really be unbothered, but at least they can't openly be upset with you because you got their permission. This shows respect for the relationship you two share. So I understand why Lu is upset: Carole showed zero respect or regard for her family member's feelings.


Carole knows she violated this protocol and instead of just apologizing for that, she's adamant she did nothing for Lu to be upset about and tries to deflect by making it only about age and sex.


And it's not like Adam is exceptional, either. From what we've seen of him, he has nothing to say. But of course that's not why she's with him. So then, there's no shortage of scrawny boys waiting for a come up/sugar momma.

LuAnn is the one that made it about "age and sex", she was all over Carole on twitter about it AFTER the season ended but on the show, NOTHING! 

And LuAnn banged Harry, Sonja's ex several times over the years according to Sonja, Ramona and LuAnn herself, so I guess her own rules do not apply to her own actions.



I don't know how Lu feels about Adam. I can't imagine she's thrilled, but Carole sees the brunt of criticism as she was the one pursuing this "hot young chef" and showing off her flirting game while she's supposed to be Lu's "friend."

What makes you think Carole went after Adam and not the other way around? If Carole had just banged Adam a few times and not gotten into a relationship with him, then LuAnn, according to HER rules, would have been fine with it and NOT worried about her niece. LOL



Carole got all bent out of shape when one of her friends was going to give Luann a dress. She thought that was way out of line. You don't use other peoples friends to get free stuff!


But she can scoop up Luann's nieces boyfriend while his penis is still warm from banging her and that is a-ok?


Don't you see something inherent silly about that picture?


Why can't Carole find someone her own size? Or can she not handle a peer? You know like the actor guy on that date that Luann set up with last season. 

According to Carole, Adam said he and Nicole broke up a year before he met Carole, so I highly doubt that " his penis is still warm from banging her". LuAnn has even said they broke up long before Adam/Carole met, so why is she angry? Especially since Nicole was already in another relationship by the time Carole/Adam got together. Either LuAnn is jealous that Carole is with Adam because she wanted him for herself or it was for nothing more than a way to keep her Apple next season.

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Yep they did, but it really wasn't necessary at all: The viewers aren't dumb and ever since Luann was divorced and her kids were older she's been more of her self on the show, including the fun parts.  I thought it made Carole and Heather look ridiculous trying to shame a grown woman about her sex life and I was sorry to see Luann let herself get so flustered by it.  She's a grown woman, single, with adult children - she can do what she wants.

So Carole should have just sat back and allow LuAnn to spew her venom?  LuAnn is a hypocrite.  I seriously doubt she even cares that much about Carole and Adam - her excuses were so lame.  It had more to do with her trying to float a storyline (as dumb as it was) - so she can be relevant on the show.

Edited by ifoundit
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So Carole should have just sat back and allow LuAnn to spew her venom?  LuAnn is a hypocrite.  I seriously doubt she even cares that much about Carole and Adam - her excuses were so lame.  It had more to do with her trying to float a storyline (as dumb as it was) - so she can be relevant on the show.

I think they were both ridiculous: two 50 something women basically calling each other sluts?  Lame. 

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Yep they did, but it really wasn't necessary at all: The viewers aren't dumb and ever since Luann was divorced and her kids were older she's been more of her self on the show, including the fun parts.  I thought it made Carole and Heather look ridiculous trying to shame a grown woman about her sex life and I was sorry to see Luann let herself get so flustered by it.  She's a grown woman, single, with adult children - she can do what she wants.


The only reason Luann's concern for her niece rings true to me is that Adam was at Luann's in the first place.  Why would Luann specifically hire Adam if Nicole didn't ask her to do it?  If Nicole really was done with Adam then I doubt Luann would have had him cook for that dinner.




I think you're exactly right: this is more than a fun fling for Carole and there's a good chance it's not going to end well for her because she is in deep.


I think Luann knows what she's talking about - younger guys are for fun but that's it.  Because one day they might decide they want to get married and have a family.    Lu and Jacque were only 10 years apart - not that big of deal at 38/28 but at 48/38 it can be and apparently was for them.     Carole is at least 20 years older than Adam.   Now,  they might be the exception and maybe Carole chose him for a relationship specifically because it has very little chance of lasting - I have no idea.  But I find women fighting over some boy ridiculous - even worse than high school girls. 



Oh, haven't you heard?  Sonja Morgan New York is an International Fashion Lifestyle Brand that is also a Heritage Brand and available in no stores anywhere.  


I think she used to be very worried about that stuff when her kids were younger  - that's why she acted all Countess-y on the show and freaked out whenever Ramona hinted that Luann wasn't as stuffy as she acted.   But Noel is 20 or almost 20.  I think he will be okay. 

I think it is very, very possible that LuAnn wanted or had Adam herself and is pissed that Carole got him and that it is still going on. AND if she slept with Adam, LuAnn that is, has to be terrified that Adam will spill the beans about it to Carole who will tell the others.


IMO, Jac broke up with LuAnn because she cheated on him and not just on St Barth's trip with the pirate.


LuAnn said that Noel was embarrassed hearing about her hookups THIS season! LOL

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China Club, too.  The old China Club.  Anybody remember that in the mid 80s? 


I do! But I went to the one in Chicago.  The '80's were too fun. I wish I remembered more of them. hahahaha!!!!!!

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I do! But I went to the one in Chicago.  The '80's were too fun. I wish I remembered more of them. hahahaha!!!!!!

Me, too. I originally wrote, "Does anyone remember dancing at the China Club?"  But I changed it because I honestly can't remember the dance floor.  There must've been dancing because that's what we did at the clubs, but all I can remember is the big, long, central bar.  LOL  And that Madonna was there twice when I was there.  Actually IN the building. Not outside. That means we partied together all the time

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For what it is worth, I think Sonja may have Aspberger's syndrome...she seems to be somewhere on the spectrum. Not that drinking and meds aren't there, but she misses social cues, and seems to be on another astral plane. Watch Beth try to talk to her about her drinking...Sonja is trying to get it, she's trying to respond appropriately, but it just eludes her.

I don't think this is just denial, there is something else working there.


Agree 100%.  I always thought this of Ramona as well. Sonja just didn't get what the problem was with leaving the women out in the cold hallway for an hour and not inviting them in. Just another example. 

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I'm just mad because all this focus on the stupid and lame Carole/Adam/Luann/Nicole saga took up so much time at the reunion that Andy must have cut all the discussion of how fucking annoying Bethenny was in the first part of the season.  Not that she got much better later, but at least she was slightly less jittery.  All we got was a montage of her bursting into tears.

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What makes you think Carole went after Adam and not the other way around? If Carole had just banged Adam a few times and not gotten into a relationship with him, then LuAnn, according to HER rules, would have been fine with it and NOT worried about her niece. LOL

I don't think it; I saw it. She introduced herself by hitting on him then and there and continued to rave about how hot he was in front of him. Nothing restrained, delayed, or respectful about her approach.


According to Carole, Adam said he and Nicole broke up a year before he met Carole, so I highly doubt that " his penis is still warm from banging her". LuAnn has even said they broke up long before Adam/Carole met, so why is she angry? Especially since Nicole was already in another relationship by the time Carole/Adam got together. Either LuAnn is jealous that Carole is with Adam because she wanted him for herself or it was for nothing more than a way to keep her Apple next season.



This wasn't in response to my comment, but it's not hard to fathom that they were broken up, but still hooking up to see where that may lead (which is what Lu claims). This is so common, especially amongst a younger generation that inspired the term "hookup culture." 

Edited by anonymiss
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I thought at one point during the show Adam was gone as I remember Carol talking to himself on the phone and it was for an extended time. Why am I thinking Nicaragua or Costa Rica? Was the niece also on that trip??

Edited by Xcptnl
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Even a broken clock is right twice a day, and the Moaner did used to say how Lu loved her men and had an open relationship with the Count...

Ramona also said Bethenny was a cheater and Ramona apologized to Luann for her comments.   Now Ramona is saying she said something she should not have about Bethenny.  The bottom line is short of one of the people claiming to have sex with a guy-they haven't had sex.  Substituting Bethenny's opinion is not make it a fact and no matter who is having sex whatever happened to not talking about it.  The only two married people are the only ones who have a duty to stay faithful.


I am going to say the same thing about Kristen last night who held up all five fingers to show how many cocktails Dorinda had-then Dorinda informed her she had nothing to drink before she left the house.  These are not fun people to be around.  It is all about she drinks too much, she is f%cking so and so, she is flirting with the restaurant owner, she has ants in her pants.  These are trips from hell.  The people participating in  the endless tattling Carole, Heather, Kristen and now Bethenny.  Bethenny was the biggest pain the ass with the fight starting-and she just got to blow it off with -I am abrasive and then she talks over people.  Not a fun crew and doubtful the ratings will go up after last night's mess.

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My fashion quick takes:


Sonja's dress was nice, considering the source, but I think that material might be stiff and scratchy. Lu's disaster has been covered in depth. Dorinda's dress was nice but pretty pedestrian for the event. Ramona's also looked stiff and itchy and surprisingly cheap. If it had shown more skin, I'd have thought Forever 21.


Bethenny looked like she was a new resident of Boca Del Vista and ready for some smoking-hot bingo. Carole:  nice but boring. Heather's dress looked better when she was standing up and she needed a less orange lip. Kristen's dress was straight-up old-fashioned Hollywood glamour but she needed more serious hair (think Kim Novak in Vertigo) and some foundation garments. I hate busy nails.


Sick of the Luann-Carole argument. Hasn't it occurred to Lu that if she's right, Adam's an asshole? A good aunt would have old her niece she's better off without the douchecanoe and his manbun. I could see Luann asking Carole off screen to keep Adam away from group activities but anything more is hard to understand. I think Lu is very angry about a lot of things. That's not to say Carole acted with all the sensitivity she could have mustered. Still think Lu is on the chopping block and she knows it.


I think Heather's gone, whether she wants to be or not. She's proof that a loud, kinda pushy, not conventionally beautiful, successful woman can also have a good personal life. Makes Bethenny look bad. And now that Carole's shown herself willing to be Bethenny's useful idiot, I don't think Bethenny will want to run the risk of Carole getting sidetracked. 




I don't think Sonja's on the spectrum. She's gotten ditzier and more delusional over time. Maybe a little Xanax as well. I don't think Ramona's on the spectrum either, or medicated. She's a narcissist who occasionally has a flicker of conscience or empathy--hence the inability to meet eyes when she's behaving badly--but those flickers pass quickly.

Edited by stinkogingko
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Me, too. I originally wrote, "Does anyone remember dancing at the China Club?"  But I changed it because I honestly can't remember the dance floor.  There must've been dancing because that's what we did at the clubs, but all I can remember is the big, long, central bar.  LOL  And that Madonna was there twice when I was there.  Actually IN the building. Not outside. That means we partied together all the time


In Sonja world,  we must be old friends. LOL.  I'll bet that Vicki was there once or twice as the suburban crowd would show up so she's our friend, too. How exciting!!! 


Luann lost it big last night and Heather is so leaving. She's over it and no longer cares. I don't blame her.

Edited by Roxy
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I thought at one point during the show Adam was gone as I remember Carol talking to himself on the phone and it was for an extended time. Why am I thinking Nicaragua or Costa Rica? Was the niece also on that trip??


The niece, the guide and 49 other people in their peace corpsesque community building organization.  Rude as hell for all of those people to crash Adam and Nicole's trip. 

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Luann lost it big last night and Heather is so leaving. She's over it and no longer cares. I don't blame her.


I hope you're wrong about Heather leaving.   I'd love to see how a Heather/Carol/Bethenny alliance would play out next season.


You're right about LuAnn losing it big last night.   Carole is still getting tons of support on Twitter.  I even checked the NY Facebook page today and I hate Facebook.  The fans are supporting Carole and shredding the Countess.

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I think it is very, very possible that LuAnn wanted or had Adam herself and is pissed that Carole got him and that it is still going on. AND if she slept with Adam, LuAnn that is, has to be terrified that Adam will spill the beans about it to Carole who will tell the others.


IMO, Jac broke up with LuAnn because she cheated on him and not just on St Barth's trip with the pirate.


LuAnn said that Noel was embarrassed hearing about her hookups THIS season! LOL

I missed that about Noel.  Well, he should probably avoid watching RHONY then and stay off his mom's Twitter.  Hahaha  


Maybe Luann did hook up with Adam.  Maybe she had sex in the bathroom at a club. Maybe she slept with the housemanager in T&C one night and the guy she picked up there the next.  So what?   Yes, he turned out to be married but that's on him, not Luann.  Like she said, "It happens."  And it probably happens out of town, on vacation, more than any other time.   


I don't know (or care) why Jac and Lu broke up.  She simply said they are at different places in their lives and even if it was because she cheated on him that statement is still true.    Luann is no longer married.  Her kids are adults.  Of all these ho-wives Carole is the one I would have least expected to lob sex-shame grenades.  Luann doing the same thing with Carole isn't any better.


I think instead of "You had sex in the bathroom!" Carol should have said, "1985 called and wants it's dress back." 

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And did I blink and miss it - did they mention Luann's comment to Carole about not having kids?  Did they really just blow past that as though it were nothing?  Or did I see that in a promo for next week?

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And did I blink and miss it - did they mention Luann's comment to Carole about not having kids?  Did they really just blow past that as though it were nothing?  Or did I see that in a promo for next week?


They mentioned it and Luann denied meaning it the way it sounded. She was backpedaling on a lot and that was one of them. She really miscalculated this whole thing. I like her and even I think she came out terribly this year. The Reunion was the worst performance yet. 

Edited by Roxy
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And did I blink and miss it - did they mention Luann's comment to Carole about not having kids?  Did they really just blow past that as though it were nothing?  Or did I see that in a promo for next week?


Andy brought it up (it was a viewer question), and LuAnn pussyfooted around it. She didn't apologize for it, either.

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But was that metallic monstrosity a custom for the reunion...awful...

I think LuAnn had several samples in different fabrics made from her collection that she wore this season along with also wearing items directly from her line. So yes I'd bet she had it made. I read somewhere that metallic was the dress theme for the reunion and for the normally more well dressed NY H-wives this was a fail. I think that's why B choose those pants that had a matchy necklace because she usually doesn't go with glitter. Save the metallics for the OC...

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I don't think it; I saw it. She introduced herself by hitting on him then and there and continued to rave about how hot he was in front of him. Nothing restrained, delayed, or respectful about her approach.



This wasn't in response to my comment, but it's not hard to fathom that they were broken up, but still hooking up to see where that may lead (which is what Lu claims). This is so common, especially amongst a younger generation that inspired the term "hookup culture." 

She was flirting with him and he with her! It went both ways. If Adam was still sleeping/having sex with Nicole and lied to Carole, that is on him, NOT Carole and the only one that claims he "might" have been is LuAnn, who I have trouble believing.

Ramona also said Bethenny was a cheater and Ramona apologized to Luann for her comments.   Now Ramona is saying she said something she should not have about Bethenny.  The bottom line is short of one of the people claiming to have sex with a guy-they haven't had sex.  Substituting Bethenny's opinion is not make it a fact and no matter who is having sex whatever happened to not talking about it.  The only two married people are the only ones who have a duty to stay faithful.


I am going to say the same thing about Kristen last night who held up all five fingers to show how many cocktails Dorinda had-then Dorinda informed her she had nothing to drink before she left the house.  These are not fun people to be around.  It is all about she drinks too much, she is f%cking so and so, she is flirting with the restaurant owner, she has ants in her pants.  These are trips from hell.  The people participating in  the endless tattling Carole, Heather, Kristen and now Bethenny.  Bethenny was the biggest pain the ass with the fight starting-and she just got to blow it off with -I am abrasive and then she talks over people.  Not a fun crew and doubtful the ratings will go up after last night's mess.

RIIIIGHTTTT, Like LuAnn, Sonja and Ramona didn't "tattle" on anyone this season. They ALL do it or they will loose their HW job. LOL


I missed that about Noel.  Well, he should probably avoid watching RHONY then and stay off his mom's Twitter.  Hahaha  


Maybe Luann did hook up with Adam.  Maybe she had sex in the bathroom at a club. Maybe she slept with the housemanager in T&C one night and the guy she picked up there the next.  So what?   Yes, he turned out to be married but that's on him, not Luann.  Like she said, "It happens."  And it probably happens out of town, on vacation, more than any other time.   


I don't know (or care) why Jac and Lu broke up.  She simply said they are at different places in their lives and even if it was because she cheated on him that statement is still true.    Luann is no longer married.  Her kids are adults.  Of all these ho-wives Carole is the one I would have least expected to lob sex-shame grenades.  Luann doing the same thing with Carole isn't any better.


I think instead of "You had sex in the bathroom!" Carol should have said, "1985 called and wants it's dress back." 

IMO, had LuAnn not gone off about Carole, and Heather to a slightly lesser extent (Dorinda went after Heather for LuAnn IMO) on twitter and in interviews Carole would not have fired back at LuAnn last night revealing the truth. What Carole was doing, IMO, was showing LuAnn's hypocrisy in that she has sex with 20 something guys but she used Adams age as a weapon against Carole all season long on twitter and in interviews even though it did not bother her much during filming.  Heck, even on the Finale last week, LuAnn actually said that having sex with someone in their 20s was ok but that it was not ok to have a relationship with them! IMO, that is ass backwards! LuAnn started all this nonsense on twitter, she was very aggressive and very ugly ALL season long and Carole took to her task for it on last nights episode. Oh, and just like Brandi, BH, LuAnn kept changing her story and telling us we would all understand why she was mad at Carole/Heather in the next episode or very soon on twitter. LuAnn needs to stop tweeting or at least stop trying to start twitter wars to keep herself relevant. LuAnn started when the season began and Carole ended it at the reunion. LOL

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I don't see LuAnn in danger of losing her apple. She throws out some of the best lines. And didn't she warn the pirate, or the bar staff, "don't fuck with me, I'm an Indian?" She's one tough broad. I like her loose and slutty too. I hope she's safe. I'd like to see Heather stay too. Her shocked reactions are awesome. Heck, they can all stay, they all serve a purpose for my viewing pleasure.

I'm not shocked that Nicole may have fallen hard for Adam. Even Carole seems infatuated with him, and she dated George Clooney for goodness sakes. Perhaps Nicole did move on and date others, but that doesn't mean she still did not try to hook up with Adam. LuAnn may be protecting Nicole's new relationship, so that's why she is a bit sketchy.


Methinks that perhaps Adam does some of his best "cooking" in rooms other than the kitchen....

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I think that LuAnn is counting on not everyone realizing that this wasn't a couple's getaway. I did a Google search, and my guess about Nicaragua was correct: Finca Santa Marta, Nicaragua, and the crew went there in December last year. That's the trip that LuAnn is playing fast and loose about. 

I know what you're saying, and that's kind of my point.  Cold hard fact was it was some group trip.  Doesn't mean the niece didn't have another motivation for going, though, like wanting an ex-boyfriend (one your rich Aunt has been keeping around for you) back.  That is, of course, random speculation because for me that's fun, and it's still reasonable enough to help fill in what's going on.  


I'm not overly-invested in this bit of drama, though.  What really was real...who knows, it's been a decent enough storyline, though it's probably time for Luann to move to something else, some new more direct offense to hold against Carole.

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She was flirting with him and he with her! It went both ways. 

True, but he wasn't the initiator and that's the salient point. (He was gathering ingredients in the kitchen and she introduced herself by announcing how hot he was.)

Edited by anonymiss
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I'm just mad because all this focus on the stupid and lame Carole/Adam/Luann/Nicole saga took up so much time at the reunion that Andy must have cut all the discussion of how fucking annoying Bethenny was in the first part of the season.  Not that she got much better later, but at least she was slightly less jittery.  All we got was a montage of her bursting into tears.



It pissed me off that Beth was allowed to literally shrug off her bad behavior from the first half of the season. Behavior that was so bad they had to re-edit the later episodes and shoot new THs.


It gave me a bit of PTSD because I had a colleague who treated me like shit (verbal insults, bizarre email attacks), and when we finally went to talk about it, he said, "Never mind all that stuff - I can be bipolar sometimes!" So in a split second, it all got blown off with zero accountability. It was maddening. Having said that, I think Beth's PR team coached her very well on how to dismiss her assholery when it came up.


Did Ramona get more than one sentence in?


Sonja is hilarious when she's sober. "Raise your hand if you slept with* Alistair" was the line of the night.


*or "did Alistair?"

Edited by missy jo
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I saw her initiate it in shamelessly aggressive fashion while he was minding his own business (gathering ingredients in Lu's kitchen).

And he was so turned off by it he's been dating her for almost a year.

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 LuAnn needs to stop tweeting or at least stop trying to start twitter wars to keep herself relevant. LuAnn started when the season began and Carole ended it at the reunion. LOL


I'll take your word for it.  I don't follow any of the Ho-wives on Twitter so I don't know anything about the Twitter wars; my comments were just about the season and the reunion. 




Sonja is hilarious when she's sober. "Raise your hand if you slept with* Alistair" was the line of the night.


*or "did Alistair?"

I think she said, "did Alistair" LOL.   While I think Sonja would be maddening to deal with in real life, I find her endlessly entertaining on this show. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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And he was so turned off by it he's been dating her for almost a year.

Carole has a lot to offer: a malleable personality, noncommittal sex, and a reality show career he's already getting a boost from.


But the salient point is that Carole unapologetically went after this guy who was somewhat spoken for (i.e., a recent former relationship with possible current hookups) and then doesn't want to acknowledge that Lu and her niece would naturally be hurt by this.

Edited by anonymiss
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It's basic protocol as well as common sense that you don't go after exes of your friends (or family), unless you want to cause drama. The only respectful way to go about it is to ASK first, and if your friend says it's fine, then you may proceed.


But Carole went after neither her friend's ex nor her family member's ex. Nicole is not Carole's friend; she's not Carole's family.


The only reason Luann's concern for her niece rings true to me is that Adam was at Luann's in the first place.  Why would Luann specifically hire Adam if Nicole didn't ask her to do it?  If Nicole really was done with Adam then I doubt Luann would have had him cook for that dinner.


If LuAnn really were only concerned for her niece, she would have kept that tack instead of jumping all over the place for why she's been going in on Carole these past months. In any case, like I said before it very well could have been that Adam and Nicole were still hooking up from time to time even after they had officially called it quits, or they could be the kind of exes who've remained friends (without benefits). That wouldn't negate the reason(s) for why Adam was at LuAnn's house that day.


Carole has a lot to offer: a malleable personality, noncommittal sex, and a reality show career he's already getting a boost from.


But the salient point is that Carole unapologetically went after this guy who was somewhat spoken for and then doesn't want to acknowledge that Lu and her niece would naturally be hurt and upset by this.

Somewhat spoken for according to LuAnn, who, at the time of filming when Carole pulled her aside to tell her about Adam, agreed that Nicole and Adam had been done with each other for awhile.

Edited by Mozelle
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But the salient point is that Carole unapologetically went after this guy who was somewhat spoken for and then doesn't want to acknowledge that Lu and her niece would naturally be hurt and upset by this.

I believe Adam is the one who determines if he is "somewhat spoken for" and he's the one who texted Carole and wanted to get together.

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I think Heather's gone, whether she wants to be or not. She's proof that a loud, kinda pushy, not conventionally beautiful, successful woman can also have a good personal life. Makes Bethenny look bad. And now that Carole's shown herself willing to be Bethenny's useful idiot, I don't think Bethenny will want to run the risk of Carole getting sidetracked.



I love Carole, but it annoyed the hell out of me that she helped Beth sidestep the gag order on her divorce by giving out some dirty details.


And yeah, Heather is everything that Bethenny is not and never will be: Happy.

Edited by missy jo
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True, but he wasn't the initiator and that's the salient point. (He was gathering ingredients in the kitchen and she introduced herself by announcing how hot he was.)

Yes, he was the "initiator." You must have missed the gummy bear scene when Carole told Heather about Adam calling her and asking her out.

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I believe Adam is the one who determines if he is "somewhat spoken for" and he's the one who texted Carole and wanted to get together.

Adam, like all of us adults can be with whoever we please. The argument, though, is about what boundaries Carole may or may not be responsible for crossing. When she went after him, as the initiator, she deliberately made it known to Lu how she feels: "Screw how LuAnn and her niece might feel. I have to try screwing this guy."


Yes, he was the "initiator." You must have missed the gummy bear scene when Carole told Heather about Adam calling her and asking her out.


That was after she had initiated the "You're so hot" introduction, leaving no question of her intentions.

Edited by anonymiss
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Adam, like all of us adults can be with whoever we please. The argument, though, is about what boundaries Carole may or may not be responsible for crossing. When she went after him, as the initiator, she deliberately made it known to Lu how she feels: "Screw how LuAnn and her niece might feel. I have to try screwing this guy."

Actually, what she said was, I didn't know that night that Adam had dated Nicole.

Was Adam introduced to Carole as "Adam, The Man Who Has Previously Fucked Nicole, My Niece That I Love?"

Edited by shoegal
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I'll take your word for it.  I don't follow any of the Ho-wives on Twitter so I don't know anything about the Twitter wars; my comments were just about the season and the reunion. 



I think she said, "did Alistair" LOL.   While I think Sonja would be maddening to deal with in real life, I find her endlessly entertaining on this show. 

When you read/see her tweets, it changes everything IMO. She was off the charts! She kept changing her story and telling everyone we would understand "soon". LOL Twitter can be dangerous for some of these HW, LuAnn and Dorinda are prime examples on the NY show and Brandi is a prime example for ALL of the HW shows! LOL


Carole has a lot to offer: a malleable personality, noncommittal sex, and a reality show career he's already getting a boost from.


But the salient point is that Carole unapologetically went after this guy who was somewhat spoken for and then doesn't want to be held accountable for the consequences.

The only 1 claiming that he was still having sex with Nicole was/is LuAnn and even she admits that they broke up a year before Adam even met Carole, which in my world means he was as free as a bird and was NOT spoken for.

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The fact that Carole expected Lu to be considerate of her extremely close friendship with these people and not treat the visit as an opportunity for personal gain. She made a big deal about how rude it was of Lu to put her friends on the "spot" and how embarrassing it was to Carole that her friends were put in an "awkward" position by asking for favor.


It's not exactly the same but Carole was quick to criticize and get mad at Luann for doing something that would make Carole and her friends uncomfortable. And this was just about a damn dress no less.


Carole = Lu

Designers= Lu's Niece

Dress= Adam


Carole's quick to draw lines and boundaries when it's about the people in her life but can't see it in terms of Lu's situation with her niece? 

"Not exactly the same" ?  That's putting it mildly!  A visit to a designer for a dress leads to borrowing dresses....because you're a greedy bitch.  A visit to someone's house leads to a romance....because you are two humans attracted to each other.


I'm Team Luann.  You don't screw someone else's help.  Those people are kept for the pleasure of their owners (ok, renters since you can't technically own people anymore...stupid Amendments to the stupid Constitution).  Luann was keeping that cook for her niece, not for Carole.  I feel like Carole could at least offer Luann something in exchange, like a horse (thoroughbred) or maybe something social, like hooking Luann's kids up with an opportunity nobody else could get because we lack connections.  


Which is to say: I feel like this is some serious Rich People Problems kinda stuff going on.  And while I can't relate to it, I'm entertained enough.


More seriously, Carole should have figured this out by now.  I think the key is Luann's phrase about how the cook and the niece were planning a trip to Nicaragua together.  To me that's a clue that the niece still had feelings because for her it was a trip with a guy, not a trip for anything else (at least as Luann relays it).  I also have a better handle on the age thing because I think Luann's point is that young men are for fun but you leave them to build relationships with the young women, like the niece.  That's how I'm spinning it anyway so that it makes sense, though I still think Luann needs to acknowledge that this guy is a free person who, y'know, made choices.


On another note, this is still my favorite HW season ever.  


I think my favorite part of last night was watching Bethenney pretend that she's in any real way cool with Heather (Frankel cannot control her face...or her urge to look to Andy for support in moments she finds exceedingly annoying).  I also appreciated Heather's position re: her nanny leaving a lot more once she explained it the way she did (ooh- I like that my comment can start and end with references to the help and their role in the lives of the wealthy).

But I think all the old rich wrinkly men are beating them to it!


It's basic protocol as well as common sense that you don't go after exes of your friends (or family), unless you want to cause drama. The only respectful way to go about it is to ASK first, and if your friend says it's fine, then you may proceed. Even then, the person may not really be unbothered, but at least they can't openly be upset with you because you got their permission. This shows respect for the relationship you two share. So I understand why Lu is upset: Carole showed zero respect or regard for her family member's feelings.


Carole knows she violated this protocol and instead of just apologizing for that, she's adamant she did nothing for Lu to be upset about and tries to deflect by making it only about age and sex.


And it's not like Adam is exceptional, either. From what we've seen of him, he has nothing to say. But of course that's not why she's with him. So then, there's no shortage of scrawny boys waiting for a come up/sugar momma.

All fair in love and war!  I think there's a time limit isn't there that after a certain period of time you don't have to ASK permission of anyone to date anyone else?  What is this - middle school?

And yeah! What someone else said about Harry!  Obviously LuAnn doesn't follow her "you should have asked my permission!" rule cus wasn't she boinking Harry at the same time Sonja was?

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When you read/see her [Luann] tweets, it changes everything IMO. She was off the charts! She kept changing her story and telling everyone we would understand "soon". LOL Twitter can be dangerous for some of these HW, LuAnn and Dorinda are prime examples on the NY show and Brandi is a prime example for ALL of the HW shows! LOL


Thanks, I might have go back and check them out.  I know about Brandi, she and JillZ are the reason I quit following ho-wives on Twitter,  

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Adam, like all of us adults can be with whoever we please. The argument, though, is about what boundaries Carole may or may not be responsible for crossing. When she went after him, as the initiator, she deliberately made it known to Lu how she feels: "Screw how LuAnn and her niece might feel. I have to try screwing this guy."


But Lu doesn't care if you fuck the help, only that you don't date it.


Same thing with a guy under 30. She's fine if you flirt with his penis, just don't have dinner with it.

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The gag order is a myth. Or a made-up tabloid thing.



OK, sorry. I love Carole, but I really didn't like her dishing dirt on Jason so that Bethenny didn't have to, and could look like the victim.

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OK, sorry. I love Carole, but I really didn't like her dishing dirt on Jason so that Bethenny didn't have to, and could look like the victim.

I thought that was really weird.  Has Carole ever met Jason? She needs to stay out of that hornets nest.    I am fine with Bethenny not talking about her endless divorce and I don't want to hear about it from Carole either.  

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I so agree. Reading the "how dare Carole slut shame Luann" left me scratching my head and wondering if maybe I had watched a different show.

Luann started that bullshit and Carole acted in response to what Luann started.

I think a lot of people just don't like Carole and ignore what other people do and just bash Carole at every opportunity.


I don't think this is a fair assessment. Maybe for "a lot of people", but not all. Carole is my favorite HW, and I posted in the first looks about how obnoxious I thought it was for her to yell, "YOU HOOKED UP WITH THE HOUSEBOY!" I'm just over these woman bringing out each other's sexual dalliances as a retort in an argument. As I said in the first looks- I don't like any woman using another woman's sexual experiences to insult her or to shame/degrade her or to be trotted out as fodder in an argument. Men don't use other men's sexual experiences as slights against them, why do women? Why feel the need to yell at someone for sleeping with (whomever)? Unless they're sleeping with your husband or boyfriend- stay out of it. Sexuality does not equal moral character and its a cheap put down to act as such. This goes for all the women- Luann, Carole, Heather. I have a problem with any of the women that do this. This is my opinion, and it has nothing to do with like or dislike of anyone in particular. I'm capable of seeing behaviors independent of my like/dislike for an individual, and if I have a problem with what someone says it had nothing to do with whether I like them or not. *Hopefully, this will be the end of this topic, or at least my end- as I feel I have already articulated my point and I'm going to stop rehashing it.*


Anyways, as far as the reunion goes. I thought Carole looked the best she ever has. I'm surprised so many here think that flat-chested women don't look good in strapless dresses. I've always heard the opposite- that they don't work well with women with big boobs. To each their own. On my TV Carole looked youthful and radiant.


Takeman's nails- Why didn't she just wear one of her shades of Pop of Color? Even if there is some PoC under all that mess- who can tell? I think she should have gone with a solid nail color from her brand to show it off. And yes, Kristen needs boob tape.


Now that I look at it more closely, I love Ramona's dress. Second best dressed of the reunion- behind Carole.


I hate Sonya's hair in that style. Sometimes she can sound somewhat coherent (talking about her judgement and how it was resolved) and other times she's on another planet. Is it an act? Does she believe her BS? I don't know.


I think they're trying to set Bethany apart as the anti-HW HW, hence the outfit. I don't mind it- it relayed confidence. It was much better than Kristin or Heather's getup- which seemed to be trying to hard.

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So let's review what we learned so far.

What's a John-John.

To Carole it's someone only she can make money off of by exploiting his celebrity.

To Sonja it is the fond memories of a party friend from the1980's.

To Luann it is the place you go to bang young guys.

That is about the gist of it.

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