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S10.E02: Dance Your Heart Out

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The other 2 seemed surprising as well to me. What is the prevailing theory re: what's happening w/ the fan vote? Is it just girls with a lot of social media followers getting their internet minions and sub minions to generate votes for them? I would hope that personal acquaintances alone (like real family and friends that they actually know IRL) wouldn't be enough to make that big of difference, unless very few total people actually vote? Are vote count totals shown?


Nope. FWIW, it's a well known "secret" that there are entire companies whose sole purpose is to spam votes for contests. If you want to win ANY contest, you can buy huge chunks of votes from these companies (usually in the thousands), and no legit person who is just sharing/has lots of family can ever stand a chance. I see this a lot on Facebook contests, but you can do it for any site, especially with the stakes this high. You just need deep pockets. 

Edited by Italian Ice
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So I just re-watched episode 2 on Youtube (I can't watch it any other way as I'm in the UK.. but this time I took notes!!!

So here are my thoughts.

Vets first. I loved Ashley Pro but she looked out of shape and still had the rabbit in the headlights look when on the big screen. Jasmine looked awkward.. but then I've always thought that and was never a fan. Poor Breelan .. the amount of times they showed her tummy jiggle O_o
I was impressed with Paige's work ethic. I would have loved to have seen more of Melissa, Kinzie and Erica's routines as they loved them so much.. and also Danielle's. I would have been interested to see her breakdance-y routine.

Courtney is getting a bit irritating. Almost like she is trying to channel bubbly Courtney Cook (no comparison! Curly Cook was awesome!) I'm surprised she got through, also Taylor (low LOW kicks) as they did so poorly on the field.

Colby.. where to start. I didn't notice the accent. Being a Brit, and a Londoner at that, I didn't think she sounded very British. But my oh my has she ticked me off!! She really wanted to get back to the US because she missed the 'Unity, Hard Work and Passion' of the Americans.. you better hope this works out because your old company will not want you back after that slur on all Brits lol!!! Apart from that I found her just a bit dull.

Small Town Holly seems sweet, she looks very young though. I look forward to seeing her progress. Also Megan. She looked great :)

Lastly, I have no idea who Neal McCoy or Melissa Rycroft are (except from their previous appearances on the last season and watching Brittney Schram dancing on N McC's video . I didn't see Melissa's rookie year) but he does come across a bit creepy and letchy and Melissa comes across as really thinking a lot of herself and her input.. when I suspect she is just there to pad out the programme a bit.

Phew! That's it!

**I have to just mention I LOVE this forum as I can read all your comments and hear what you all think.. as I don't know anyone else who watches this!

**** Forgive me if this gets posted twice.. my internet is very shonky today >:(


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Maybe because she was pretty tight with Jasmine?

Thoughts on the episode: rarely will I comment on someone's appearance, but Colby's smile is just horrific. She can control how hard she smiles, and, I suspect, her injections, so I don't feel too bad about it. STOP. She probably doesnt even have noticeable wrinkles yet. I'm almost 36 and I don't "need" Botox yet!

I can't wait to see how it plays out with her in TC.

Amy- wow. She is so beautiful, it's sad to see she didn't make it. I wonder if she will come back (with SUPPORT lol!)

It will be interesting to see if Madeline makes it to make over week. Her hair is atrocious, but I think she's cute otherwise. Stripping all that color put is going to be a night mare...

Jasmine- I really liked her, but I've always been of the theory that in Jasmine's case, her best might just not be good enough. I suspect the same is true with Ashley and her limited dance experience.

Neil McCoy is creeeeepy...

Edited by Elizabeth9
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Courtney is getting a bit irritating. Almost like she is trying to channel bubbly Courtney Cook (no comparison! Curly Cook was awesome!) I'm surprised she got through, also Taylor (low LOW kicks) as they did so poorly on the field.

Colby.. where to start. I didn't notice the accent. Being a Brit, and a Londoner at that, I didn't think she sounded very British. But my oh my has she ticked me off!! She really wanted to get back to the US because she missed the 'Unity, Hard Work and Passion' of the Americans.. you better hope this works out because your old company will not want you back after that slur on all Brits lol!!! Apart from that I found her just a bit dull.

I didn't see Melissa's rookie year) but he does come across a bit creepy and letchy and Melissa comes across as really thinking a lot of herself and her input.. when I suspect she is just there to pad out the programme a bit.


Courtney just doesn't have the DCC look IMO. Maybe its her round baby face, but she looks like she'll struggle with weight and is sort of plain to me. Cute, but not DCC. I know I'm in the minority here, but Curly Courtney irritated the life out of me. She was just so hyper and LOOK AT ME, that I wanted to shoot her with a tranquilizer, plus she made a lot of mistakes. Sydney gets slammed for mistakes, but Courtney's were more frequent and more visible to me. 


Colby - she reminds me so much of Kathryn Dunn. Very pretty, very pageanty rehearsed, so nothing she says comes off as genuine. Not sneaky, possibly lying disgenuine like Vivian, but just really, really rehearsed. Many of the girls have had a little 'work' somewhere here and there (implants, weaves, veneers, etc.), but Colby really looks very Botoxed, lip implanted, OC Housewifey. It ages her. She just seems a little off and wonky to me with the accent, surgery, etc. Not mean or that she couldn't be trusted to represent the brand, just more like she wouldn't blend in.


Melissa's rookie year - I think I actually said years ago (previous board) that Courtney Cook reminded me personality wise of Melissa Rycroft during her rookie year. I did not like Melissa. She also seemed goofy, giggly, unprepared, and like she was covering her mistakes and lower level of dancing (she was good, but not top rung), with silliness. Then flip to her interviews, and she'd pout and turn on the tears. It came off as immature and fake. Not as fake as Vivian, but more in that "I'll change my personality from giggle to pout to begging, or whatever it takes to get me here." Maybe it worked before, but Kelli and Judy see through it.

Just remembered what I forgot to say was about Jacie.  She was sitting in the front row and everytime the camera showed her, she looked worried and upset.  What was up with that??

She may have seen the writing on the wall and had a good idea some vets were going to be cut. If they were in her group or her friends, that can be really difficult to sit there like everything was peachy, when you just know the axe will drop, and then you have to go on with your job like nothing happened, at least for the rest of the evening.

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I honestly never cared much for Courtney Cook either. She talked so fast and it was annoying and her final audition season where she seemed whacked out on something was disturbing . I do hope she gets better but she was never a favorite of mine .

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Not really on topic but I wasn't sure where else to ask this.


So I have the bikini issue Star magazine and was wondering when it actually comes out in the US?


Reason I ask is, I saw that Ashley Pro, and Jasmine went to Tulum and had their photos taken.. so I wondered did they wait until the team was announced and then pull anyone who got cut?


*Perhaps I liked Courtney Cook because I was in awe of her spring hair!!

**Springy hair.

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Can I just say that I bought up the fan vote initially because, with Colby's winning and the judges being aghast, I was wondering if the fan vote would be questioned as it is now clear that the fans are really not the ones voting (even though they do vote). It's the personal friends/family that determine the outcome. That's was my thinking.

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Can I just say that I bought up the fan vote initially because, with Colby's winning and the judges being aghast, I was wondering if the fan vote would be questioned as it is now clear that the fans are really not the ones voting (even though they do vote). It's the personal friends/family that determine the outcome. That's was my thinking.

I'm sure they will continue to do it. It's a way for them to generate interest in the show and improve ratings, and it's easy enough for K&J to send someone packing after camp starts if they don't like who the "fans" picked. It also doesn't have a bad track record in theory, since this year is the first time someone won who probably wouldn't have made it to camp otherwise. Even though Vivian turned out to be a train wreck, she would have made camp regardless. Same goes for Loren. So two out of three ain't bad, right? Heh.

Edited by Oranaiche
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She really wanted to get back to the US because she missed the 'Unity, Hard Work and Passion' of the Americans..

I actually meant to comment on this.  When I was watching I said out loud, "Unlike those lazy, slovenly Brits?  Is that what you just implied???"  I'd say that was rude, but rude doesn't begin to describe it.

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And I do have to say I enjoyed Ashley Paige a lot more this year. She seemed a lot more relaxed and not as rehearsed, especially In her interview. I was upset that she didn't make it through because I wanted to see how she did

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I wonder if we will get to see some of the girls that got through but didn't appear in the shows so far. Like Emily, was it? I saw her called but that was the first time I'd really seen her.


It would be sad if we only ever saw the people who struggle or get told off. I'd like to see the girls that are good too!!


There are quite a few vets that I didn't know anything about until I started looking a bit further into the team pic and then on Instagram etc. because they weren't really shown much on the show.

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Rewarding. Again. I really wish this episode was 2 hours each season. Among Kitty coaching, interviews, solos, field, evaluations, and calling TC, it's too much for one hour.

I wish we saw more of Ashley from Kansas City to see if she was still as rigid. Otherwise I wish she had another chance at TC. I thought it was really unfair to "accuse" her of a loyalty to Kansas City. You cut her two years ago ; did you expect her to move to Texas anyway?

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Rewarding. Again. I really wish this episode was 2 hours each season. Among Kitty coaching, interviews, solos, field, evaluations, and calling TC, it's too much for one hour.

I wish we saw more of Ashley from Kansas City to see if she was still as rigid. Otherwise I wish she had another chance at TC. I thought it was really unfair to "accuse" her of a loyalty to Kansas City. You cut her two years ago ; did you expect her to move to Texas anyway?

Yeah like she obviously moved to Texas for DCC. And I know it was spoken about before that she went back to retry out for Chiefs....as other girls have done when they don't make it. I agree that the "loyalty" question was just out of line because you don't need to stay in Dallas for prep

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Glad to be here! I've read gobs of posts and watched the seasons (in backwards order!). Just a few comments: 


1. Judy's critique always seems to be "I couldn't watch you because you made so many mistakes." "I couldn't write all your mistakes down." It doesn't seem to be helpful to the girls. I wish she would pair up the mistaking person with a vet and walk them through so the person can see what mistakes she's making.

2. I really dislike the girls who cry and make speeches about how they "want it more than anyone else" or have "worked harder than anyone else." 

3. Loved Ashley Pro, so sad she got cut.

I agree with the posters who have said they wish the cameras would focus on some of the girls who are doing well!

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Glad to be here! I've read gobs of posts and watched the seasons (in backwards order!). Just a few comments: 


1. Judy's critique always seems to be "I couldn't watch you because you made so many mistakes." "I couldn't write all your mistakes down." It doesn't seem to be helpful to the girls. I wish she would pair up the mistaking person with a vet and walk them through so the person can see what mistakes she's making.

2. I really dislike the girls who cry and make speeches about how they "want it more than anyone else" or have "worked harder than anyone else." 

3. Loved Ashley Pro, so sad she got cut.

I agree with the posters who have said they wish the cameras would focus on some of the girls who are doing well!


I totally agree on everything you said here.  I wish that, if Judy's going to criticize a girl for making so many mistakes, write down every mistake a girl is making and give it to her as a reminder of what she screwed up on in addition to pairing her up with a veteran to work on it. That way the girl knows EXACTLY what to work on for the next time Judy and Kelly come to rehearsal.  It's not fair to tell a girl she's making mistakes (or making the same mistakes over and over again), but not tell her what mistakes she's making.  Come on!  How is she going to fix mistakes when she doesn't know what the mistakes are?


(Warning: I will be using the word "you" in the generic sense in the upcoming paragraph)  As for the girls who cry about "wanting this more than anyone else" or "working harder than anyone else". . . girl, you might have worked your skinny little behind off doing everything you could, but that doesn't mean you worked harder or wanted it more than EVERYONE else.  There are girls out there who worked just as hard as you did (maybe harder in some areas because that's where they had more issues to deal with), but you just insulted every other girl out there who didn't make Training Camp (or the squad) because you just said they didn't make it because they didn't "want" it enough or didn't "work" hard enough to get it when the same could be said of you when you didn't make Training Camp or the squad.  Wanting it is great because that means you'll put the work and the time in, but maybe you just didn't have what it took this year due to weight, look, dance ability, whatever.  Maybe you made a mistake in the dance or in the interview and, with something else missing, there just wasn't enough to move you forward.  Be glad that you made it as far as you did.


I loved Ashley Pro.  She has a great look and a fun personality, but she barely squeeked onto the squad last year and should have put some major time in on dance classes when she could.  If she'd shown some improvement in the dance, she might have been put through to Training Camp instead of being cut.

Edited by EricaShadows
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Rewarding. Again. I really wish this episode was 2 hours each season. Among Kitty coaching, interviews, solos, field, evaluations, and calling TC, it's too much for one hour.

I wish we saw more of Ashley from Kansas City to see if she was still as rigid. Otherwise I wish she had another chance at TC. I thought it was really unfair to "accuse" her of a loyalty to Kansas City. You cut her two years ago ; did you expect her to move to Texas anyway?

Yeah like she obviously moved to Texas for DCC. And I know it was spoken about before that she went back to retry out for Chiefs....as other girls have done when they don't make it. I agree that the "loyalty" question was just out of line because you don't need to stay in Dallas for prep

I'm glad this was brought up because I meant to comment on it, and then just forgot. I was really appalled at the way Ashley Paige was treated in her interview. The loyalty question was just outside any realm of reason. Considering she's not even from Texas, expecting her to just stay there when she had a job elsewhere and was released from training camp is ridiculous. They also knew when she auditioned two years ago that she was a former Chiefs cheerleader, not to mention tons of girls come from other teams. Why is this all of a sudden an issue when it comes to Ashley Paige? I can't remember who asked her the question. Was it Charlotte? Because whoever asked the question delivered it with a certain amount of quiet hostility. Just give the girl a damn break. Her answer also made my heart break. She's had a rough couple of years. Edited by Oranaiche
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I think that loyalty question was bang out of order.  If it was just worded VERY poorly and was meant to ask something along the lines of "How loyal will you be to this team?" or something like that, I could understand, but I think it was worded EXACTLY how they meant it and that was just insulting at best and downright rude/mean at worst.  Dallas and the DCC aren't the center of the universe (despite what the organization thinks) and to hold the fact that some girls have a life and career away from Dallas (but are willing to move down should an invitation to Training Camp present itself) against a girl shows more about that interviewer (and possibly the organization as a whole) than anything else.  I get that some girls shoot themselves in the foot by something they said or did (Kelsey, the Minchew sisters, Chelsea), but I don't see where Ashley Paige did anything wrong in this instance.


In her case, I think there's a distinct bias against her and she shouldn't bother coming back because I don't think she'll ever make the squad.  We've seen the organization take a dislike to some girls for whatever reason (some are mentioned while others aren't).  I wonder if some girls get the hint that they wouldn't be welcomed back even if they aren't explicitly told not to reaudition?  There are others that see the writing on the wall and realize that, no matter how hard they try, they won't make it.  Then there are others who are just SO desperate to be on the squad that they don't stop until it's been 5 or 6 "Sorry, you're not coming to Training Camp AGAIN."


Personally, I have a "three strikes" rule in situations like this.  I'll try something three times (interviewing for a position, whatever) and, if I'm not selected after three times, then I assume that I'm not wanted and move on.  Even if the opportunity comes up again, I won't try for it because I don't want to put myself through that again, knowing that I'm not wanted.  Only if the situation changes (like a complete overhaul of the department/organization where a lot of the staff, including those doing the hiring, are replaced or the position itself changes) would I consider doing it.  It save me a lot of time, headaches and heartaches.

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Yes it was Charlotte that asked Ashley Paige about loyalty and I also found it out of line. I'm not sure what their problem is with Ashley Paige, but it's ridiculous in my opinion. Her answers were fake and rehearsed? Well ladies, what do you have to say about Chelsea and how she had you all eating out of the palm of her hand rookie year? Then it turns out she was very, very fake and it blew up in their faces. So I think they (Kelli, Judy, and Charlotte) have lost some credibility on judging what's and who is fake.

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Speaking of Megan C, who was the judge who was insane enough to vote NO for her? Weak kicks?!?! Seriously?


Some goth looking woman. Who is she anyway?

Edited by MrsEVH
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My thoughts on this episode:


I LOVED IT! Why can't it be 2 hours? I love the Finals. That said:


1. Taylor is fun to watch, but those kicks should have immediately disqualified her. Terrible, but I do like her attitude. I know she got dinged for it pre-season, but I have seen her be nothing but sweet, gracious, and hard working.


2. Auto Amy - Good.Ness. The entitlement is strong in that one. I'm not sure why she thinks that she is such an insanely special snowflake that she is owed a place on the squad just because she moved to Dallas to pursue her dream. Lots of girls do. She ain't special. I also LOVED that Kitty called her out on her stank attitude. She had barely concealed hatred and rage when Kitty was critiquing her, and Kitty was actually softballing it by calling it "Resting bitchface." She (to me) came across as an actualfax girl with a stank attitude. That, coupled with her low kicks and gigantic sense of entitlement and self-importance? No thank you. Bye Felicia.


3. Love Holly. She's just adorable :) 


4. Madeline - She's my underdog this year, and I HOPE she can recover from that nasty haircolor and eyebrows and be a real stunner. 


5. Ashley Pro - My heart breaks for her, but from what everyone has said and observed about her all season, as Kelli said, she should have known she was on the bubble. She gained weight, still couldn't learn choreography, and from all accounts, spent the entire year partying. Not a good look.

6. Breelan - This girl is a stunner, but she shot herself in the foot by not even being able to answer the most softball of softball questions, doing a horrible solo, and then being probably the most out of shape veteran I've seen in the 10 years I've been watching this show. Wow. That stomach was everywhere.


7. Jasmine - I honestly think Danielle kept her here as long as she did. Kelli loves Danielle, but Jasmine just finally showed that she didn't deserve a spot on the team, regardless of Danielle. That sucks, but them's the breaks.


9. Colby - I can't deal. I just can't. There's nothing about her I like. I'm older than her and look a good 15 years younger. She's very hard to look at. I bet ANYTHING she gets cut during the cameo photoshoot, because all of the makeup and hair in the world can't hide that overly Botoxed face and make it look any less distracting. 

Edited by Italian Ice
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Regarding Ashley Paige, I absolutely adore her partly because she's from my town (though I do not know her personally) and also because she's not only gorgeous but seems so incredibly sweet! I was pissed at how she was treated in training camp two years ago (as well as in this year's interview). Kelli often seemed to talk down to her when referring to her as not being genuine and overly rehearsed. I never got that vibe from her. Yeah she was a bit stiff dance wise and very well spoken and polished, but seriously I got nothing but genuinely sweet when she interacted with the other girls. And on her social media she's so uplifting and encouraging to others. She is someone I would love to have as a friend. The fact that she came back after being treated that way before and handling the interview this year with such class and grace. I wish nothing but good things for her and feel bad that she has had such a rough time. I hope she has a good support system of friends and family to help her through it. I'm also sad she didn't make it back on the Chiefs when she re-auditioned. She clearly is someone that DCC missed out on. She'd be such a great leader and role model to the younger girls on the team. 

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Was I seeing things or did I see the gymnastics girl carrying a green flower pot with her into the finals at the stadium?

I remember seeing a pot but don't recall who had it.  Don't really remember all the solos as they flashed by too fast.

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Was I seeing things or did I see the gymnastics girl carrying a green flower pot with her into the finals at the stadium?

I wondered about the flower pot too!

I know I'm preaching to the choir - but they should put everyone's solos online!!

OhMyGosh YES!!!  :D

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I highly doubt that Jasmine was kept on the team because of Danielle. Jasmine made it back without Danielle before they changed their minds about taking Danielle in. She may not have been the best trained dancer, but she earned her spot and was a great DCC while on the team. I don't think they think THAT highly of Danielle even if they do love her.

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I have to say that when the fan vote was going on I voted for Colby because she looked pretty in her photo online and I kind of liked her. Now after 2 episodes I can not stand her. If I could go back I would not have voted for her sadly. I can't be the only one. I voted off of looks unfortunately I was not aware of her weird fake accent and lazy eye when I voted online!

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Caila also has the best body on the squad.

I absolutely love Caila. She was my favorite rookie last season, and such a sweetheart, she always responds on Twitter. I hope she stays with the team for awhile.

This season so far I'm really liking Holly, she is soo adorable and her look is a bit different with the short hair, which I like ( I loved it when they cut Mackenzie's hair short ). I just hope her makeover looks better on TV than what I've seen online. Honestly Holly didn't need much of a makeover.

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I wonder if we will get to see some of the girls that got through but didn't appear in the shows so far. Like Emily, was it? I saw her called but that was the first time I'd really seen her.


It would be sad if we only ever saw the people who struggle or get told off. I'd like to see the girls that are good too!!


There are quite a few vets that I didn't know anything about until I started looking a bit further into the team pic and then on Instagram etc. because they weren't really shown much on the show.


This is my biggest pet peeve with the show.  They need to show ALL of the girls who made it in to TC, not just a select few.  There are girls who "wow" the judges and never get shown.  I'd rather see some clips of girls doing well, strong dancers, than to put the majority of the focus on strugglers.  Yes, you still need the strugglers to have "drama" on the show.  But give some props to the ones who knock it out of the park from the get-go.  I also wish they'd show them pairing up the TCCs with their big sisters, show vets working with the strugglers, etc.  If all we hear is J&K saying "you make too many mistakes", I'd rather see a girl work on it and then see if there's improvement or not.  I don't think it would be difficult for them to make the Finals episode 2 hours.  Then we'd get to see more solos and see them announce ALL the TCCs.

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English Teacher-I think that judge is the manager/?owner of the tanning salon the DCC utilize.

She's the director at Halcyon Days which is the hair (and other things) salon.

Speaking of Megan C, who was the judge who was insane enough to vote NO for her? Weak kicks?!?! Seriously?

That was total bull. I like how when they showed Megan kicking as the judge was saying that, they showed her directly from the front so it's hard to tell how high she was kicking. Because her kicks are beautiful.

So basically what I'm saying is, someone jelly.

Edited by Oranaiche
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Some random observations:

- Courtney had the ugliest interview dress I've ever seen on the show.

- Poor Teague was in tears almost the entire prep session at Kitty's.  She unfortunately does not have an HD face, either.

- Was a little surprised that Rose made it after saying Uncle Sam instead of JFK.  She must be a very good dancer.

- Holly is adorable.

- Some of the judges' qualifications are just wacky.  The local meteorologist?  Really?  

- Neal McCoy is seriously creepy.  He gives me the heebie jeebies.  

- I wanted to see more rookies being announced into training camp - there were several that weren't shown even for a second.  Perhaps they didn't sign the waiver to be filmed or something, who knows.  Looking forward to the first practice!

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Some random observations:

- Courtney had the ugliest interview dress I've ever seen on the show.

- Poor Teague was in tears almost the entire prep session at Kitty's.  She unfortunately does not have an HD face, either.

- Was a little surprised that Rose made it after saying Uncle Sam instead of JFK.  She must be a very good dancer.

- Holly is adorable.

- Some of the judges' qualifications are just wacky.  The local meteorologist?  Really?  

- Neal McCoy is seriously creepy.  He gives me the heebie jeebies.  

- I wanted to see more rookies being announced into training camp - there were several that weren't shown even for a second.  Perhaps they didn't sign the waiver to be filmed or something, who knows.  Looking forward to the first practice!

-I also felt bad for Tiege. It looked like she was doing an actual ballet routine and Kitty just didn't like the style. (She's a Laker Girl now, btw.)

-Not  that surprised about Rose making it to TC, because she's tall and pretty and because people have bombed the interview before and made it on the squad. It probably has a lot to do with how well you recover from your blunder, too.

-I always re-watch the episodes with my mom and she was squirming every time Neal McCoy was on. She said he's like "a dirty old man" about these girls. I told her that's probably a big part of their fanbase, though. Either way...he's gross.


During deliberations-

  • Kelli: What did we put for Kelsey's interview?
  • Neal: Great eyes!


Panel interviews-

  • Madeline: If you wear it with grace and poise, it doesn't matter.
  • Neal: If you're wearing it, it'll be with grace and poise!
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Yay for Tiege for getting to be a Laker Girl.  And I was squirming when Kelli was talking about Kelsey and how "she just wants Neal to sing to her" etc.  BLECH.  No, she doesn't.  Really.  

Edited by h2ogirl
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I don't mind Neal - I think he represents what a big portion of the male fan base would say and think in the selection process. Also, how the girls react to him in the interview is a good test of how they would handle older male fans at events, etc.

Him glossing over Kelsey's gaffes because she had "nice eyes" made me laugh. I also thought his exchange w/ Ashley Paige and her leaving her ex in Kansas City was kind of cute.

Edited by MyFavShows
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Folks, I'm already mega sick of Courtney. I saw her, seemed like every 5 minutes explaining something or saying something.

Also Colby and the fan vote. Am embarrased by it.I had to laugh,though, when the the judges were discussing who the three fan picks were. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to allow fans to vote--more of a friend and family lobby than a real vote. Colby reminds me of a cross between Nina from an earlier season and Vampira.

Didn't like Courtney from the very first show. Just don't think she's cute at all. And she was a hot mess on the field during this past week's episode. Really, really wish they would get rid of Melissa. She adds nothing to the show.

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-I am surprised no one mentioned Robin. I loved her natural hair and she seems very fun. I hope to see more of her in future episodes. Or maybe I should hope I see very little of her, which means she is solid and will actually make the team! Lol

I like Robin, too! Very cute!

I like Robin, too! Very cute!

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Looks like Kelsey, Auto Amy and Vivian made the Ice Girls.

I don't see any of them in the Ice Girls instagram..?

So, I'm terrible, but my favorite TV moment of the year is seeing the vets who get cut. That is great TV. The only one I'm sad to see go is Breelan. Even thought that girl has ruined her neck with her petrified/"eeek" facial expressions. When they first started showing her at prelims last year, I thought she must be chubby because of her weird big neck, but no, it's just wrecked from those faces she makes, and those lines that run across her throat. I couldn't believe the weight gain, since besides for that neck she was extremely tiny last year.

Jasmine I never had an opinion on. I never got the love for Ashley. IMO she wasn't as pretty as her near-twin Melissa. To me she just looked like a small hick town cheerleader. /shrug

Edited by martinitorino
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