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S01.E10: Episode Ten

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See this is why you don't take jobs without knowing all the details.....like the partners you've been saddled with like to double cross you.  


Five to the rescue. isn't everyone glad that Five stowed away?


.Hey is it me or is three getting the crap heat out go him a lot by androids.  Must be is sparkling personality.


Hey Two  only bruised one  of the annoying dude's testicle.    I think she used a lot of restraint    Especially since he was going to double cross her and then use the shock stick on her.   Pretty sure she's going the bruise the other one pretty soon.


Two Zoie Palmers on a single episode.   I loved the Android scene when she was basically talking to herself.....so a second personality now.  That's not going to bite anyone in the ass later.  

  • Love 1

Ah, a good old-fashion heist job.  Those are always entertaining enough, but it was way too obvious they were going to turn on them. Even if the other gang didn't look as sneaky as they did, I knew it was trouble as soon as Six said he thought it was a bad idea, because this show tends to make him be the one of the more reasonable ones.  So, now, the crew is captured.  Well, most of them: Two got blasted out of the airlock because she kicked their leader's ass that one time.  But is she dead?  I doubt it.  I'm guessing her whole magical healing thing is going to play a factor.  Plus, we still never got her back-story, so I doubt they'd kill her before that.


Look at One, trying to be all "I'm my own man!  Two ain't the boss of me!", and then look like he was about to piss himself when he told her he disagreed with her (and that was after he tried to pass telling her off to Three/Four/Six.)  And he even seemed to be more afraid during the heist, then Five.  What a putz.  


I've lost count: how many times has Android been taking out of commission?  She really needs to find some way to fix that problem, instead of focusing on her "personality" issue.


Five gets to go on the mission, despite Two and Six turning into the world's most annoying parents there for a second.  Oh, you two!


Three brought a lot of snark and Four killed a bunch of guys, so nothing new for them.  Well, except Three being the one to break and give out the password, was interesting.  Does he still have feelings for Two or would he have done that for anyone?


I might find her acting hit or miss at times, but I certainly am not against watching a sweaty Melissa O'Neil lift weights.

  • Love 5
I've lost count: how many times has Android been taking out of commission?  She really needs to find some way to fix that problem, instead of focusing on her "personality" issue.


How about they try locking the fricking door to the bridge ?  Maybe scanning for weapons BEFORE allowing visitors onto the bridge.  Or here's an idea, no visitors on the bridge -- ever !!  They've got to do something.  Or maybe try locking up all their weapons when people they don't trust are onboard -- they had Three's gun.  I couldn't believe that Two didn't notice the other dude on the bridge before he shocked her.


Two got blasted out of the airlock because she kicked their leader's ass that one time.  But is she dead?  I doubt it.  I'm guessing her whole magical healing thing is going to play a factor.


They did a similar thing with Dutch on Killjoys a few episodes back -- Two is going to be just fine.

  • Love 2

But Moss is the one who can walk away. A DNA test will prove he's not the terrible outlaw Jace Corso. Lin should have noticed that. I don't think they've established that she's that inept or that she's confused by her tepid feelings for Moss. I'd have to say this is a real misstep in characterization. I would think Moss, knowing who he truly is, is feeling the temptation of power. (Maybe his core evil trillionaire personality is coming out?) But the show has pretty consistently made him the comic dork, so maybe we're supposed to think he really is thinking about a way for the group including Boone to live. 


Ghost Android may be very helpful in resolving the physical jeopardy plot. 


And, agreed, Lin is going to be just fine.

  • Love 1

Yay!  One crew member down, only five more to go.  Boo!  You all are probably right and Two will be just fine.


Ghost Android may be very helpful in resolving the physical jeopardy plot. 


Yep.  Android said that Ghost Android couldn't interact with the crew.  She didn't say anything about the ship or other crews.   Dunh-dunh-dunh-dunh!  This show is so anvilicious.

Edited by MrHufflepuff
  • Love 2

I've reached my limit with Five. For the first time ever I fast-forwarded through a scene simply because she is such an irritant.  She has two modes: petulant and panicky. Neither are appealing.


It beggars belief that Five has all sorts of high-level technical knowledge, yet none of the rest of the crew seem to display even a modicum of strategic thinking. They argue in front of the Corporation representative (instead of showing a united front with a clear leader/chain of command), and they let their guards down around complete strangers.  That's poor characterisation.


I'm glad that next week we'll probably get more information about Two.  That's long past due.

  • Love 1

How about they try locking the fricking door to the bridge ?  Maybe scanning for weapons BEFORE allowing visitors onto the bridge.  Or here's an idea, no visitors on the bridge -- ever !!  They've got to do something.  Or maybe try locking up all their weapons when people they don't trust are onboard -- they had Three's gun.  I couldn't believe that Two didn't notice the other dude on the bridge before he shocked her.


Remember that old Star Trek episode where like 6 hippies take over the ship?  Or that old Star Trek: The Next Generation episode where like 6 Ferengi take over the ship?  Nobody ever secures the bridge (or auxiliary control) properly in outer space.  I think writing about outer space might cause some kind of dementia in sci-fi writers.

  • Love 6

...Three being the one to break and give out the password, was interesting.  Does he still have feelings for Two or would he have done that for anyone?

Probably PTSD/Survivor's Guilt over not being able to save the love of his life.

Ghost Android may be very helpful in resolving the physical jeopardy plot. 


And, agreed, Lin is going to be just fine.

I'm expecting Two to be grabbed by the stiffly outstretched arms of red suited Android tethered outside the airlock door. And, yes, the fake bandage on her neck will finally pay off in her being able to unfreeze herself after having her bare skin exposed to space--or some less gory variation of that theme.

I like that the show isn't into gore. It's definitely a Stargate step child. I get bored during the action scenes, but I don't think it was completely anvilicious. There were a few twists.

The guy Two had to beat up is Oz from The Listener, right?

Nothing wrong with a good old-fashioned heist - especially when it's combined with the crew having to interact with other people. They even managed to conjure a scenario where Four arriving with a sword did actually make sense.


I'm not the least bit worried about Two - it's clear her magical healing powers will just scoff at death in space.


Obivously Red Android will have to play a major part in the next episode. I was surprised she did not resurface this episode.


Three giving away the code was the biggest surprise, but they gave him a couple of good scenes with Five throughout the episode so maybe he's bonding with her. I like how he keeps bringing up her crawling through the air-vents, nice bit of characterisation. Poor guy (he!) that's the second crew member he seems to connect with secretly holding a major grudge against him.


I'm starting to think that One coming across as whiny/wimpy is intentional - interesting. He's certainly not leading man material - apparently that part is reserved for Two. Since we don't know if she's even human I'm not (yet) bothered by the gender-politics behind her characterization. But st's about time we get some of her back-story. They've only given us tidbits so far. Girl recognizes a particle accelerator when she sees one and apparently she watched 'The Hunt for Red October' once and picked up one of Captain Ramius' better tricks.

Edited by MissLucas
  • Love 4

I'm starting to think that One coming across as whiny/wimpy is intentional - interesting. He's certainly not leading man material - apparently that part is reserved for Two. Since we don't know if she's even human I'm not (yet) bothered by the gender-politics behind her characterization. But st's about time we get some of her back-story. They've only given us tidbits so far. Girl recognizes a particle accelerator when she sees one and apparently she watched 'The Hunt for Red October' once and picked up one of Captain Ramius' better tricks.


Except instead of a torpedo it's a missile with a 20 megaton nuclear warhead -- which is some serious firepower.  As a point of reference, that's over 1300 times more powerful than the Hiroshima atomic bomb.  Good thing that maneuver worked, of course there is still a large quantity of radioactive material scattered all over the hull from the missile impact.

Except instead of a torpedo it's a missile with a 20 megaton nuclear warhead -- which is some serious firepower.  As a point of reference, that's over 1300 times more powerful than the Hiroshima atomic bomb.  Good thing that maneuver worked, of course there is still a large quantity of radioactive material scattered all over the hull from the missile impact.

In space the destructive potential of nuclear weapons is severely curtailed, since the pressure wave obviously can't exist with no atmosphere.  Instead there'd be a rapidly expanding ball of plasma which would then fade, although a nuke would still very much need to be a contact detonated weapon.  That said, the ionizing radiation the weapon would emit would be much more powerful than in an atmospheric nuke.

  • Love 4

Are you shitting me, Dark Matter? A halfway interesting episode is ruined by having Melissa O'Neill turn into a cartoon immediately before being sucked out of the Raza? Gee, good thing Two wasn't sucked out, it was only her cartoon.


What's the matter, the budget didn't stretch (ha!) to a couple of bungee cords, a winch, and a couple of air mattresses? You know, when we cut to credits, I wasn't even worried about One (she'll be fine), I was just annoyed about the half-assed digital effect.


I would like to draw the court's attention to 0:10 in the following vid, viz the opening titles to a televisual program about the adventures of an adolescent lycanthrope  and his companions:



That's how you do someone being dragged away against their will. Now, no one's ever accused Holland Roden of being a great actress, but Melissa O' Neill is giving her a run for her money. And for the last fucking time - use a PRACTICAL EFFECT! Enough with the fake-looking CGI shit! Save it for when you need it!


Oh, and the bullshit underlying meaning, that One was right, they should never have agreed in the first place, bla bla bla - I don't buy that for a second. They had no choice but to agree to the mission. Their mistake was trusting those assholes, especially as the leader's first instinct was to sexually assault their fricking leader.


They should have put loads of contingency plans in place, but because we're going for the "diamonds in the rough" characterization, they're just ineffectual. Call me harsh, but the second Wexler's team left the Raza, Wexler should have had a fatal accident. "Woops, so sorry! Now, do the rest of you want to have accidents too, or shall we honour the agreement?"

Edited by arjumand

The weightlifting scene hilariously highlighted how massively unobservant one is - That was some serious weight she was shifting, I don't think you could actually fit any more on her barbells, and she was barely even glowing. "Human? Sure. Version 4.6" it was also very amusing to watch mister creepazoid get pummeled. Very predictable, but still, that never gets old.


The sudden yet inevitable betrayal really is something they ought to have planned for, tough. I mean.. seriously, some basic contingency planning here? 


I don't expect being spaced to kill, or heck, even much inconvenience, two.. but that doesn't mean it is a non-event. It happened on live camera in front of both crews. When she gets back aboard and rips out his spine, that is rather going to give the game away. 

Edited by Izeinwinter
  • Love 6

I've lost count: how many times has Android been taking out of commission?  She really needs to find some way to fix that problem, instead of focusing on her "personality" issue.


Every show needs a Giles, I guess.


Remember that old Star Trek episode where like 6 hippies take over the ship?  Or that old Star Trek: The Next Generation episode where like 6 Ferengi take over the ship?  Nobody ever secures the bridge (or auxiliary control) properly in outer space.  I think writing about outer space might cause some kind of dementia in sci-fi writers.

Auxiliary control on the Enterprise seemed to exist entirely to assist people who wanted to take over the ship.

  • Love 5

Was it just me or did Two come off really badly in this episode? "Well, if you're not going to agree with me on everything, then we should rethink the sex."

Seriously? Fuck you.


I was definitely irritated by her, with her being offended that the crew members were discussing the mission without her, her continued lying about her wound/ super healing, jeopardising a mission because a guy was being a sleazy asshole (she could have just left it at kneeing him instead of breaking his wrist) and barking orders at people she didn't even know. That said I did find her plan to fly right into a nuclear missile funny.


I find it funny that noone knows how old 5 is and yet still treats her as if she was 12.

  • Love 4

Was it just me or did Two come off really badly in this episode? "Well, if you're not going to agree with me on everything, then we should rethink the sex."

Seriously? Fuck you.


Ugh. So much yes to this statement.


She's acting like he's her henchman or something.


And yes to the statement that she's being written really badly. For them, strong woman = beats everyone up.


I still think she should have made some sort of accident happen to Wexler as soon as both crews were off the ship. The fact that he was putting his hands all over her should have told her he really didn't give a fuck, and that would be a problem in the future for his crew, if the Raza crew spread the word that he's an asshole and couldn't be trusted to even be professional. Ergo, they wouldn't be alive (or free) to spread that word. He showed his hand really early on, and Two, for all her "insight" didn't see it, like, at all.


ETA Also, the fact that they didn't make much of a fuss when she put their leader in space hospital. So many things the Raza crew didn't pick up on. Someone like we're been led to believe Three is should have said, you know, "Hey!"


Something just occurred to me - Three was the one who gave up the code! On the one hand, ugh, because I'm tired of the woobifying of Three. Enough already. We get it. He's your boy. On the other, the crew is never going to let him live this down, are they? Or they shouldn't, if they were written in an entertaining manner.

Edited by arjumand
  • Love 1

I didn't mind 2 rethinking the sex, because of how very shifty one played that scene. Heck, this entire episode. He does not owe her obedience due to the relationship, but he did kind of owe her at least talking with her before fomenting dissent. Not because he's sleeping with her, but because, frankly, tossing catnip at the person trying to herd cats is bloody rude.  So it came across more like "Ugh, I'm banging this person?" than any kind of pettiness.

  • Love 8

I don't mind that Two went overboard with Wexler because I absolutely loathe the trope that women who are in charge want to dominated in the bedroom. It's something you never hear said about men. And One is such a spineless turd that I don't mind she basically went "bad boy, no sex for you".


Five doesn't bother me much and I like heists so I mostly enjoyed the episode. My expectations for this show have been sufficiently lowered, as long it's not outright stupidly, ridiculous it's fine. 

  • Love 5

I didn't mind 2 rethinking the sex, because of how very shifty one played that scene. Heck, this entire episode. He does not owe her obedience due to the relationship, but he did kind of owe her at least talking with her before fomenting dissent. Not because he's sleeping with her, but because, frankly, tossing catnip at the person trying to herd cats is bloody rude.  So it came across more like "Ugh, I'm banging this person?" than any kind of pettiness.


How is asking the other crew members whether they wanted to go on a mission to get a corporation sponsorship fomenting dissent ? If 2 was any sort of leader she'd ask the corporate woman for a moment to discuss it with her team before making a decision. Instead she said no and didn't care what anyone else thought about it. Then she sabotaged the mission when she didn't get her way and acted snotty about it with practically everyone.

  • Love 1

One called a private meeting to shore up his "us against her" position.  Three acknowledged that was the purpose of the meeting.  Two's mistake was not meeting with the crew as soon as Truffault left.


The crew need to figure out their decision-making process and then stick to it.  Either they defer to Two on leadership decisions or they put everything to a vote. Right now they're trying an inconsistent combination of both and it's a mess. That can't work in the long run.

Edited by DEM
  • Love 4

One called a private meeting to shore up his "us against her" position.  Three acknowledged that was the purpose of the meeting.  Two's mistake was not meeting with the crew as soon as Truffault left.


The crew need to figure out their decision-making process and then stick to it.  Either they defer to Two on leadership decisions or they put everything to a vote. Right now they're trying an inconsistent combination of both and it's a mess. That can't work in the long run.


Except all he did was ask their opinion, it's not his fault that Two didn't bother to ask them for their opinions, it's not like he was particularly pushing an agenda at that meeting. Three was as soon as the meeting started.


As for Two using witholding sex as a threat, Three actually led an armed mutiny and then she slept with him... I don't know what Two is on about really. It's not like there is any reason for the crew to particularly respect her, they don't know if she has any qualifications to lead other than she wanted to boss them around.

  • Love 2

Well she did save all their asses on at least two occasions.


Yes by flying into a nuke and running off to try and cut a deal with an unknown Corp... As proven by One and Three's discussion last episode, they've saved each other lives repeatedly... they still don't particularly like or respect each other.


5 or 4 would probably would make better leaders at this point.

Yes by flying into a nuke and running off to try and cut a deal with an unknown Corp... As proven by One and Three's discussion last episode, they've saved each other lives repeatedly... they still don't particularly like or respect each other.


5 or 4 would probably would make better leaders at this point.

The point was not that the others haven't done anything useful - the point was that Two has done more than just bossing people around and that nobody would have a reason to respect her.


So far the only other person capable of taking over command is 6 and he seems to be okay with how things are run. Even his support of the male mutiny was pretty lukewarm.

  • Love 3

Well the show finally gave us a reason to care about their losing their memories. If they actually had any experience they probably wouldn't have been so naive.

Two can't be dead. Besides being one of the leads there are too many questions about her--her healing, her super soldierdom, her recognizing what the space lab was about. Isuppose the writers could think it would be cool to build her up as the most mysterious of the crew and then kill her or maybe they realized they had built or up and didn't know what to do but i hope not.

  • Love 3

Except all he did was ask their opinion, it's not his fault that Two didn't bother to ask them for their opinions, it's not like he was particularly pushing an agenda at that meeting. Three was as soon as the meeting started.


It was passive/aggressive. He didn't say "hey guys what do you think.l. It was more "hey guys do we really want to go on this dangerous mission just because Two says we should.....what is your opinion on Two's bad decision."

As for Two withholding sex. I saw both sides. One immediately took it as them being in a relationship and that she would get his opinion before making any dea ions and when she said she wouldn't and sex didn't mean that and told him maybe he should back her up instead he IMMEDIATELY went against her to the guys and countermanded her.

  • Love 1

Except all he did was ask their opinion, it's not his fault that Two didn't bother to ask them for their opinions, it's not like he was particularly pushing an agenda at that meeting. Three was as soon as the meeting started.


It was passive/aggressive. He didn't say "hey guys what do you think.l. It was more "hey guys do we really want to go on this dangerous mission just because Two says we should.....what is your opinion on Two's bad decision."

As for Two withholding sex. I saw both sides. One immediately took it as them being in a relationship and that she would get his opinion before making any dea ions and when she said she wouldn't and sex didn't mean that and told him maybe he should back her up instead he IMMEDIATELY went against her to the guys and countermanded her.

As for Two withholding sex. I saw both sides. One immediately took it as them being in a relationship and that she would get his opinion before making any dea ions and when she said she wouldn't and sex didn't mean that and told him maybe he should back her up instead he IMMEDIATELY went against her to the guys and countermanded her.


But that's not what happened. One went to the boys first, then when they all expressed their opinions, he went to One. Once he told her that just because they are sleeping together doesn't mean he's going to back her up no matter what, she pulls the 'maybe that means no more sex' card. Two must have a magic vagina because One should have dumped her ass like it was on fire.


Also, they need to get the command structure down on this ship. Two seems to be in charge because she wants to be and everyone agrees with that. But she shouldn't be making unilateral decisions about jobs before consulting with the rest of the crew. These people are mercenaries, not military. Two doesn't have the right to the ship, beyond the rights of everyone else. Someone needs to be in charge, but they really need to hash out whether it is just a tactical command or does Two make all of their decisions without any consultation?


I mean, so far she hasn't really shown great leadership or decision making abilities.

Also, they need to get the command structure down on this ship. Two seems to be in charge because she wants to be and everyone agrees with that. But she shouldn't be making unilateral decisions about jobs before consulting with the rest of the crew. These people are mercenaries, not military. Two doesn't have the right to the ship, beyond the rights of everyone else. Someone needs to be in charge, but they really need to hash out whether it is just a tactical command or does Two make all of their decisions without any consultation?


I mean, so far she hasn't really shown great leadership or decision making abilities.


This is my problem Two seems to equate being their 'de facto leader' as being the equivalent to being a military commanding officer where the crew reports to you and has to defer to your authority and can't undermine your authority in front of the others. They're not a military unit, they're a bunch of amnesiacs with their own agendas and they need to be handled carefully, they need a civilian leader/manager to help them organise the team.


She's not a good leader, she's slept with two of the subordinates/crew members, is lecturing them as if they were children/inferiors, making unilateral decisions without their input, which is understandable in situations such as the nuke but there is absolutely no reason when Corporate Lady asked them to do a mission that she couldn't have taken a minute to take a vote on the matter or at least see whether she'd get pushback from the rest of the team since they have a tendency to wander off and do their own thing. There's also the fact that she ignored an actual armed mutiny and that there was no consequences to that so she undermined her own command then. Why should anyone respect her when there is no chain of command and no consequences to desertion or mutiny ? Also she's withholding information from the crew about each other and herself despite a lecture about keeping secrets endangering their lives.


They really need to determine whether Two is their pilot/field commander/captain/ manager/ negotiator or muscle or some variation or combination of those because she acts like she's the boss but she's not in control and obviously the crew isn't happy with her decisions. In this episode One disagreed with her, 5 wanted to go on mission, 3 and 4 thought it'd be a good idea to get corporate sponsorship. The only person that seemed fine with her decision was 6 and that seemed like he didn't want to get involved.

  • Love 2

I guess YMMV.  I thought they were both behaving childishly.


I mean, Two's the boss just 'cause. As she said, she stepped up and no one's challenged. Ok. But  then there's no reason decisions like this shouldn't be discussed with everyone. It's a crew of only six. At the same time, it was One who brought the sex into the discussion at all. It had nothing to do with the situation until he shoved it in there (that ended up sounding more double entendre than I expected). Two was just responding to his petulant little statement. Sure, maybe she responded by being equally petulant but have you had a good look at her? She's, like, twelve. And still more mature than One. I think I liked him better when he was the wishy washy "conscience". Now he's switched to "juvenile billionaire who never had to grow up" and it's excruciating.


Fact is, they should have had a quick meeting before letting any corporate type on board to see what their response to an offer like this would be.

  • Love 5

I guess YMMV.  I thought they were both behaving childishly.


I mean, Two's the boss just 'cause. As she said, she stepped up and no one's challenged. Ok. But  then there's no reason decisions like this shouldn't be discussed with everyone. It's a crew of only six. At the same time, it was One who brought the sex into the discussion at all. It had nothing to do with the situation until he shoved it in there (that ended up sounding more double entendre than I expected). Two was just responding to his petulant little statement. Sure, maybe she responded by being equally petulant but have you had a good look at her? She's, like, twelve. And still more mature than One. I think I liked him better when he was the wishy washy "conscience". Now he's switched to "juvenile billionaire who never had to grow up" and it's excruciating.


Fact is, they should have had a quick meeting before letting any corporate type on board to see what their response to an offer like this would be.


Oh I'm not saying One is a prize by any stretch of the imagination but their whole relationship is based on highschool nonsense, she only hooked up with him because turns out he was happy to settle for a fem bot rather than her and after finding him having sex with someone else she decides to get it on with him even though they had recently discussed how messy that could make things...


I guess I'm holding Two to a higher standard because she chose to be the leader of this rag tag bunch of misfits. Everyone else have made terrible decisions from time to time but they're not really responsible for or to anyone but themselves really. Two as self appointed leader is responsible for her crew and to her crew. If not she's really got no claim to the reins other than noone else can be bothered.


I'm not sure why they need a leader, they could just vote on every issue and be done with it.

That's a terrible idea if you happen to be on a starship that may get shot at.

That said, deciding on what kinds of jobs to pick should definitely be a democratic process.


Well they don't have to vote on everything, they could just have certain members be responsible for certain things. One in charge... of nothing. Two in charge of flying the ship, Three in charge of heists, Four in charge of field operations/killing, 5 in charge of the med bay and 6 in charge of taking the minutes of the group meeting.


This is the first time they've been shot at ship wise... They aren't the Star Trek Enterprise, they're not making a terrible impression on half the species in the galaxy so I don't think they really need a captain in charge of everything.

  • Love 1

Those things you listed are specialties. They would be there regardless of command structure and process.  I'd argue that a mercenary crew especially need a firm process in place.  Mercenaries in general tend toward anarchy, and it's been dramatized and explicitly stated that the members of this crew "tend to wander off."


If Mallozzi and Mullie were stronger writers, I'd assume the Raza crew's problems (which most often are due to One and Three randomly undermining Two when it suits them, and Two sighing and caving) were intentional -- a story arc to be resolved.  Right now I remain open to the possibility, but I'm pessimistic about its handling.

Edited by DEM
  • Love 3

I've reached my limit with Five. For the first time ever I fast-forwarded through a scene simply because she is such an irritant.  She has two modes: petulant and panicky. Neither are appealing.


Every time someone comments on just how young Five is I crack up. She and two look the same age.



I find it funny that noone knows how old 5 is and yet still treats her as if she was 12.

I've got a theory regarding Five.  People treat her like she's a minor because that's the way she acts.  However, I think she acts way too immature for a 15 or 16 year old.  The crawling around vents, always looking for someone to play with doesn't fit the characterization of a teenager.  Maybe she's off mentally and really is in her twenties.  The thought occurred to me when she scared Six while he was weightlifting.  It didn't seem to occur to her that he could've been seriously hurt.  

I'm expecting Two to be grabbed by the stiffly outstretched arms of red suited Android tethered outside the airlock door. And, yes, the fake bandage on her neck will finally pay off in her being able to unfreeze herself after having her bare skin exposed to space--or some less gory variation of that theme.

The funny thing about the fake bandage is that most shows would have had a normal human completely healed by the following episode.  On this show, a woman with rapid healing has been faking her recuperation way too long.


The weightlifting scene hilariously highlighted how massively unobservant one is - That was some serious weight she was shifting, I don't think you could actually fit any more on her barbells, and she was barely even glowing. "Human? Sure

Thanks for bringing that up.  I was paying special attention to that scene.  I saw a 45 on one of the barbell plates and I assume the other one also said 45.  There were only two plates on the bar and if we assume that these were pounds then that's only 90 lbs.  Two isn't built like a stick figure so I'm sure she's capable of benching that amount of weight.  However she did seem to handle it rather easily.  I was more impressed with how much weight she had on the dumbbells.  I couldn't tell how much but it seemed to be a lot more than I've seen a woman her size lift.


I'd also like to say I enjoyed Three's support of Five.  More crew bonding please.

Edited by maczero
  • Love 4

Except instead of a torpedo it's a missile with a 20 megaton nuclear warhead -- which is some serious firepower.  As a point of reference, that's over 1300 times more powerful than the Hiroshima atomic bomb.  Good thing that maneuver worked, of course there is still a large quantity of radioactive material scattered all over the hull from the missile impact.

It'll help if they have to pass for Reavers.

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