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S05.E07: Hitting Home


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Sad to say that I "GD" intended not to watch this show tonight and I am sorry I did.  I cannot believe that it has come to Harvey and Louis brawling AT WORK over a girl, and the girl is Louis' sister.  


It is way beyond time that they let Louis grow up, and stop bringing in Daniel Hardman.  He wasn't interesting the first or second time he was on, and the third time is not going to be the charm.


Right Jessica, if you think someone is out to get you, the one person you really want him around is Mike "GD" Ross!   How stupid is that?  Yes, let's put him with the one person whose secret could ruin us.   Also,  she said many episodes ago that there was an issue with Mike not getting too much praise or the limelight.  It is common sense that at some point people would start to question why he is not moving up.  There was brilliance in moving Mike to the other job, but the writers just couldn't figure out a way to make it work. 


I'm also tired of "know it all Donna," who supposedly has a boyfriend, but still can't focus on her own life as opposed to Harvey and Louis.  


I can't even remember what the rest of the episode was about, but I know that Gina Torres' wardrobe was amazing!  I would do anything to have that blouse she had on in the last scene, and her hair was gorgeous!    I have a female style crush for the first time in my life!   

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The best parts of the episode for me were 1) Jessica's outfits, 2) the brother-sister moment when Louis and Esther each say how good the other is at their career,and 3) the flashback to Harvey's childhood.

I feel like we have been told these facts several times about Harvey's mom, but this is the first time we have seen him talk about it and seen the effect it had on him.

The worst moments were 1) revisiting the Mike isn't really a lawyer storyline, 2) Hardman returns, and 3) anything with that annoying lawyer that is apparently Hardman's mole.

This firm's lawyers spend so much time arguing with each other it is a wonder they have time to practice law.

Edited by Athena5217
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I intended to drop this show after that last crappy episode, but I saw that Amy Acker was going to be on and she can be so darn charming at times! If Harvey ever grows up, he and Esther might be a cool ship to jump on. The key word is grow up, because I'm tired of watching kids pretending to be lawyers. And though yes, Louis does has a very punchable face, Harvey should know better to punch him in his nearly all-glass office. You're supposed to be lawyers! Use your words. Does Jessica need to toddler-proof all the sharp corners in the firm?


Aaaand, with the return of the stupid Mike fraud lawyer plot, I'm out. In my version of the last Suits episode, Jessica and Gretchen stylishly run the office and everyone else gets fired. Yay! The End. 

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Good to know that quitting at the end of the last season was a good choice. I only checked in to see if any of the characters had any growth but seems like they're still acting like spoiled children throwing temper tantrums when they don't get what they want immediately.


Even law firm shows like Ally Mcbeal and Boston Legal which were more comedies actually had court cases and lawyering. This show is all blackmail and extortion and a really stupid secret with Mike. Mostly it comes across as a bad melodrama.

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It seems like it's been a while since Harvey has actually done anything have to do with the law. 


Now for some observations about real-world law vs. Suitsverse law:


It happens to be unethical for a lawyer to sleep with one of his clients, for reasons that should be obvious, especially when that client is going through a divorce and is emotionally vulnerable. So Harvey should be concerned about more than just Louis finding out that he f---ed Esther.


Speaking of unethical, a lawyer generally has to respect a client's wishes. So if the client says she wants to settle a case, for a while you can stress that you might think settlement is a bad idea, etc. But eventually, you're bound by the client's wishes. So Louis totally should not file a countersuit without getting his client's permission.


I'm pretty sure that if an attorney -- even in chambers -- referred to something another attorney said or did as "bullshit" in the presence of a judge, that judge would educate the attorney about proper decorum.


It should be obvious that if a senior partner wants you to do something and you're just an associate, you just have to do it. with a smile on your face. You definitely don't get to openly spit in his face as Mike Ross did to Annoying Troublemaking Lawyer (ATL).


The "I faked those 200 e-mails" resolution to the court case is ridiculous. Even putting aside the massive ethical breach of presenting forged evidence as real evidence and the difficulty of faking that many e-mails, there's the simple tactical issue of it not being a viable strategy. Whatevercorp would just go back and check their e-mails and learn that they were forged.


Then there's the whole "we won't press criminal charges against you if you turn over your e-mails" deal. PSL is a civil firm. The only people basically who can press criminal charges are prosecutors -- district attorneys and U.S. attorneys.


Wasn't the whole idea about taking Esther on as a client that there'd be lots of money in it? Why would Harvey not want to take Esther's actual case?


Esther says she didn't realize that her brother was a damn good lawyer until he represented her. Hmm...wasn't the Harvard Law degree with honors, plus years at a top New York law firm, culminating in being a name partner there, enough of a clue that he might have something going on?


Switching gears: I'm kind of tired of seeing Harvey hulk out and not have the slightest clue about handling his emotional baggage. The notion that a 40-something man would not have the basic emotional self-control to prevent himself from hitting first Tanner and now Louis when taunted about his childhood is pathetic.


I also had a scary thought: Could ATL either be Harvey's half-brother or the child of some marriage that his whore of a mom broke up? By all that is holy, let it not come to pass!

Edited by Chicago Redshirt
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If Harvey is 40 something, why was that childhood flashback happening in 2015 instead of the early 80s? Is Harvey secretly the kid from Big and that's why he acts like a gd child all the time?

As for Mike and his junior partnership, what did the secret keepers think would happen with his career? Good lawyers move up and minus the law degree, Mike is a good lawyer according to the rules of the show. Eventually someone was going to either ask why he was still an associate or suggest a promotion.

I did love everything to do with Gretchen, the scene where Harvey asked Donna to dinner, their dinner and all the Louis/Esther sibling stuff. And Jessica and her wardrobe.

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This episode just served to confirm what I have long believed -- Mike Ross truly is a sociopath. He doesn't get that as long as he continues this fascade that he is a lawyer, he will never be anything more than he is now. He truly believes that he is entitled to and deserving of a partnership.

My dislike for Donna continues to grow.

Continue to love Jessica and Gretchen, but I'm sure with the Harvey/Luis war set to take center stage again, Gretchen will soon be sacrificed at the alter of Donna, the not so great.

Until his conversation with the therapist, who I have disliked until this episode, I really don't think Harvey got that he is an accountability avoiding, scheming, d**k.

Clearly we will be subjected to more Daniel Hardman.

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Gretchen will soon be sacrificed at the alter of Donna, the not so great.


Perfect ending would be Jessica taking Gretchen as her legal secretary/assistant.  And watching Donna have to go through Gretchen before barging into Jessica's office.  

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In my version of the last Suits episode, Jessica and Gretchen stylishly run the office and everyone else gets fired. Yay! The End. 

In my hope for the last episode of Suits, despite my fandom of Louis, the entire firm crashes down, and all guilty parties in covering up Mike not having a degree are in jail.


If Jack does turn out to be related to Harvey, oh joy.


And Harvey, what a douche.

Edited by Jediknight
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Ok enough with Hardman he really is not that good a character to keep bringing him back.


I have really had enough of Donna and yet again the whole leaving you thing is back, you are a secretary not a wife/ girlfriend stop saying that.


I have no idea how Louis has managed to get this far in life when he acts like a child all the time, I also have no idea how they are going to spin Harvey assaulting a fellow named partner. Louis is going to want him gone and I can only assume Hardman will find a way to worm back in with his help and get rid of Harvey. I'm curious how they deal with it.


Best part of the episode was that there was  very little Rachel so that's good.

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*sigh* *sigh* *sigh*

The show continues to get more unwatchable with each passing show.  Who's in charge of writing here?


Donna, whom I will always love, should be with Harvey.  She NEVER should have been put with Louis.  And while I do love her character, her self-righteousness is dumb.


Louis is at his best when he is happy, he is at his worst when he is fighting with other firm employees.  Let the man be happy, for goodness sake!  Really?  ---  He's enraged at Harvey for sleeping with his grown ass sister?


This show focuses way too much on ridiculous 'everyone's out to get everyone else' plots. 


By now, Mike should have graduated law school at night and passed the bar.  At the very least, since he had Harvard's records hacked, just take the bar. 


Good catch on the Harvey flashbacks showing signs of 2015, not the 80's.



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The show continues to get more unwatchable with each passing show.  Who's in charge of writing here?


My exact sentiments. In the beginning this was much see TV for me but it's growing increasingly a boor. It was the same with two other USA networks shows, Burn Notice and White Collar. The first several years they were enjoyable and got boring and I quit watching all together.


I DVR this plus Donnie loves Jennie on Wednesday and watch Donnie first. How sad is that.


I think I will finish out the season and give it up.

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Is the show renewed for another season? I would not be unhappy with it ending with everyone getting their comeuppance.  I would like for Jessica to be spared, but hey, she went along with it too. 


I can't help, however, but have sympathy for her, especially after this episode when she talks to Mike about some of her accomplishments.  She is afraid of losing everything she worked for just because of pride.  Honestly, she knows hat if it comes out that Harvey hired Mike and his secret without her knowing, she still would be blamed because everyone would point to the way that she molded, crafted, mentored, and trusted Harvey. I remember some episode where a partner or someone called her a kitchen maid or something like that....Jessica has had to prove herself as a woman, a black woman, in a male dominated world.  She has made great sacrifices, and to have to give that up because she trusted Harvey to behave like an adult and he didn't would sting.   Not only that, although we only see a small portion of it, that would affect tons of jobs for other people, not just them individually.  That is a lot of weight to carry.  They are supposed to be there for each other, but he has never had as much to lose as she does, and would a real friend put you in that position? 


I should not be surprised by Harvey's behavior because the whole Mike thing is because of his immaturity.  He thought it was funny, a lark, a game and did not think of the ramifications to Jessica, to Mike, himself, or the other members of the firm.  He has been selfish from the first instance, so it has always been hard for me to buy him as so smart and so slick.  That's not to say that I don't sometimes enjoy the character, but in relation to the proportion of what would happen if MIke is discovered, you cannot tell me he has done that much for Jessica for her to keep protecting him.  The actor's anguished face when he is having an attack on on the verge of an attack or anger just reads constipated to me.  He could  have neutralized Louis without throwing him into a glass table, and didn't Louis have a heart attack before? 


To show Louis behaving like that was just wrong. He was like a little dog nipping at the big dog's leg.  It didn't even make any sense after his sister had told him how Harvey praised him and supported him. 


I was over Donna in season 2.  They should have made her boyfriend from England a real boyfriend and not a plot point.  Harvey and Donna may work as a work relationship, but not a romantic one.  ITA agree with whomever posted that she is the secretary, not the wife.  Act like it and draw boundaries. I also find the sexual innuendo between Donna and Louis appalling, and what would be the reason for her to be in Harvey's love life right now? He is sleeping with Louis' sister, not Louis...and as it is none of Louis' business, it certainly is not hers. 


The sister can go at any time...not at all interested and  I don't care how awesome she as on some other show.


I also agree with whomever stated Mike acts entitled. He may be a great guy, etc., but along the way the writers took away his humility.  Yes, it was clear he lacked confidence (which is why Trevor was able to control him), but there is a big jump from building confidence to becoming arrogant and entitled . He may be a better lawyer than Harold, etc. at the firm, but they put in the time to get the degree. It reminds me of a Mad Man episode when Don was on the way back and someone said, "just do the work, " and then it shows him at his typewriter going back to writing copy or whatever menial job they had assigned him.  The way he talked to the Jack (?) guy just made me ill, and did he really need to make the comment about Harvey having problems? 


Rachel can get locked up with them too.  No woman should compromise her ethics so much for a man...that's not true love, that is stupidity and weakness.  If he lies to everyone for whatever reason...he is not the one!   Who would want to live their life in constant fear?     Did she even do anything this week? I stopped looking at her outfits long ago. 



By the way, did the show get another showrunner? 

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I just watched the show and its run its course.


Jessica is the only one left that I have even remotely any interest in what she does.


The rest are cartoon characters at best.


I'll finish out this year but I'm done.

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Look, there is many things I can overlook because ENTERTAINMENT!!! but I cannot ignore Mike pretending as if he can become a partner and won't get caught. I can't even side with him when it comes to matters of the firm and him trying to rise in the first. He needs to just quit and end it now. I don't care what the premise is predicated on. You cannot be a fraudulent lawyer and feel entitled based on fraudulent work. 


They are seriously dropping the ball with Donna. What are her motivations and feelings? I'm not understanding her mindset and I have to fill in too many blanks. I understand Harvey, but I draw a blank about what's going on in her head. Donna's problem was that she could she could up and leave Harvey and expect him to take it well--no talk, no warning, no nothing. Understandably, she should be upset at his reaction but I'm, baffled at her avoidance of why he's upset and the fact that she should've known better than to leave in the way she did. I'm seeing Harvey make more of an honest effort and actually trying where Donna tries to avoid the consequences of her actions and either places sole blame on Harvey or act as if addressing the elephant in the room isn't important. 


Clearly, Donna is afraid or unable to understand why her personal life isn't where it needs to be either. She thinks that dating non lawyers makes things better, but her dating life suffered because she prioritized Harvey above all else--she refused to let him go and assess her feelings honestly. She can't move on with her life with her life by continuing to postpone a long overdue talk. Why can't she just be flat out honest with Harvey and let him do what he will with it? 


Every time she claims she's over or doesn't have feelings for him, we see something that shows she obviously does.


Louis needs to understand Ester is a grown ass woman. Rather than confronting Harvey, he needed to speak to his sister about what happened. He isn't doing her any favors by treating her like a child. And, let's be honest, if Louis could actually fight, it would've been a different story. Louis needs to stop trying to control and micromanage everyone's behavior. And he needs to stop projecting and making assumptions based on nothing.


I have a love hate relationship with Jack--I love to look at him, hate the storyline. 

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Look, there is many things I can overlook because ENTERTAINMENT!!! but I cannot ignore Mike pretending as if he can become a partner and won't get caught. I can't even side with him when it comes to matters of the firm and him trying to rise in the first. He needs to just quit and end it now. I don't care what the premise is predicated on. You cannot be a fraudulent lawyer and feel entitled based on fraudulent work.


Yes! And, wasn't this already covered? I'm sure some seasons ago, Jessica told Mike that he'd never rise in the firm and often wouldn't get credit for his most impressive work, because it put them all in danger. And then Mike and Harvey talked about it, and Harvey told him that he had to decide if living his dream of being a lawyer and making a difference for the people he supposedly helps was worth never getting to be in the limelight. And Mike decided it was. So why is this coming up again? I'm not sure that they're trying to show Mike believing he should have the partnership (he only pointed out that turning it down would draw attention to him since it's "every associate's dream," he didn't say he wanted or deserved it. He was upset about how difficult it was going to be to convincingly refuse it, not because he couldn't have it, I think), but it feels very much like territory they've covered before.


Actually, most of the episode did. This show is getting so GD heavy-handed, it's just painful. It's always lacked subtlety, but Harvey connecting his behaviour with Esther to his mother's affair, and then Louis going off on him and calling him a "cheater" for NO REASON AT ALL, THAT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE! was genuinely hard to watch. How dumb do the writers think I am that after the therapy session they assume I somehow haven't understood that Harvey is wrestling with his own manifestations of his mother's behaviours and I need it shouted at me many times in a grossly shoehorned-in way to make sure I get it! I know, they always do this, but it really felt extra anvilicious this week. Probably because there was the potential for some real emotional storytelling with this, and instead the only feeling it inspired was irritation that they couldn't stop shouting the point at me and just let it happen.


Also, it failed in large part because the writers tried to equate the betrayal of a cheating spouse with the betrayal of Harvey breaking a stupid, meaningless promise to Louis. Of everything that could be considered morally dubious about Harvey sleeping with Esther, having promised Louis he wouldn't is really the bottom of that list. Louis isn't a wronged party here. He has not been betrayed by Harvey in a way that is anything like marital infidelity. So, while Harvey's guilt makes SOME degree of sense given his mommy issues, Louis' anger does not. So the entire confrontation was bizarre, ham-fisted, wholly unrealistic, and stripped of any emotional resonance it may have otherwise achieved.


I'm trying to think of one thing that worked for me in this episode, just one... and I'm coming up empty. OH! Jessica's wardrobe. There. The only thing this show is doing right can't even be credited to the writers or showrunner. How on earth did things get this bad? I remember that I used to consider this show a must-watch, but I can't remember why.

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Is the show renewed for another season? I would not be unhappy with it ending with everyone getting their comeuppance.  I would like for Jessica to be spared, but hey, she went along with it too. 


I can't help, however, but have sympathy for her, especially after this episode when she talks to Mike about some of her accomplishments.  She is afraid of losing everything she worked for just because of pride.  Honestly, she knows hat if it comes out that Harvey hired Mike and his secret without her knowing, she still would be blamed because everyone would point to the way that she molded, crafted, mentored, and trusted Harvey. I remember some episode where a partner or someone called her a kitchen maid or something like that....Jessica has had to prove herself as a woman, a black woman, in a male dominated world.  She has made great sacrifices, and to have to give that up because she trusted Harvey to behave like an adult and he didn't would sting.   Not only that, although we only see a small portion of it, that would affect tons of jobs for other people, not just them individually.  That is a lot of weight to carry.  They are supposed to be there for each other, but he has never had as much to lose as she does, and would a real friend put you in that position? 


I should not be surprised by Harvey's behavior because the whole Mike thing is because of his immaturity.  He thought it was funny, a lark, a game and did not think of the ramifications to Jessica, to Mike, himself, or the other members of the firm.  He has been selfish from the first instance, so it has always been hard for me to buy him as so smart and so slick.  That's not to say that I don't sometimes enjoy the character, but in relation to the proportion of what would happen if MIke is discovered, you cannot tell me he has done that much for Jessica for her to keep protecting him.  The actor's anguished face when he is having an attack on on the verge of an attack or anger just reads constipated to me.  He could  have neutralized Louis without throwing him into a glass table, and didn't Louis have a heart attack before? 


To show Louis behaving like that was just wrong. He was like a little dog nipping at the big dog's leg.  It didn't even make any sense after his sister had told him how Harvey praised him and supported him. 


I was over Donna in season 2.  They should have made her boyfriend from England a real boyfriend and not a plot point.  Harvey and Donna may work as a work relationship, but not a romantic one.  ITA agree with whomever posted that she is the secretary, not the wife.  Act like it and draw boundaries. I also find the sexual innuendo between Donna and Louis appalling, and what would be the reason for her to be in Harvey's love life right now? He is sleeping with Louis' sister, not Louis...and as it is none of Louis' business, it certainly is not hers. 


The sister can go at any time...not at all interested and  I don't care how awesome she as on some other show.


I also agree with whomever stated Mike acts entitled. He may be a great guy, etc., but along the way the writers took away his humility.  Yes, it was clear he lacked confidence (which is why Trevor was able to control him), but there is a big jump from building confidence to becoming arrogant and entitled . He may be a better lawyer than Harold, etc. at the firm, but they put in the time to get the degree. It reminds me of a Mad Man episode when Don was on the way back and someone said, "just do the work, " and then it shows him at his typewriter going back to writing copy or whatever menial job they had assigned him.  The way he talked to the Jack (?) guy just made me ill, and did he really need to make the comment about Harvey having problems? 


Rachel can get locked up with them too.  No woman should compromise her ethics so much for a man...that's not true love, that is stupidity and weakness.  If he lies to everyone for whatever reason...he is not the one!   Who would want to live their life in constant fear?     Did she even do anything this week? I stopped looking at her outfits long ago. 



By the way, did the show get another showrunner?

I love every freakin' word of this post. It just spells it all out so clearly. The show has clearly run its course. My only concern is Gina Torres bouncing back and landing a gig that reflects and actively seeks to shine light on her talent.

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Look, there is many things I can overlook because ENTERTAINMENT!!! but I cannot ignore Mike pretending as if he can become a partner and won't get caught. I can't even side with him when it comes to matters of the firm and him trying to rise in the first. He needs to just quit and end it now. I don't care what the premise is predicated on. You cannot be a fraudulent lawyer and feel entitled based on fraudulent work. 



ohmygah I can't believe I'm coming to Mike's defense. His issues with Jack's nomination is that Jessica shoved him to the forefront by insisting he work with Jack and now will have to make a very public, strange, gossip worthy refusal of Jack's nomination. I do believe that Mike desires some of the recognition that someone with his AS SEEN ON TV skills has, however, I also believe he came to terms with his inability to achieve that recognition/ status when he returned from investment banker-dom. He's pissy now because he was trying to fly under the firm radar while being useful but cannot continue to do that because of what Jessica has done because she's so GD paranoid about all things Hardman.

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What have the writers done to my once most favorite show? It started great; good stories. Now, it is nothing but a group of kids who think they are adults acting like spoiled little brats. Suits is now nothing but a soap opera. Please please don't drag that Hardman character back into the story line. He is a waste of tv screen time. Since I DVR the show I can at least fast forward through his s***. I want more stories based on the firm's legal cases not who hates who the most.

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This episode only served to make me angry at myself for even watching this trainwreck of a show. I am so sick of watching emotional 12-year-olds throw tantrums. From now on, recaps only for me.

Edited by fivestone
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I thought this was the best use of Jack's character they've had yet. I like that he was actually given a bit of depth beyond "slimy villainous lawyer working against the firm from the inside" that he's been all season. John Pyper-Ferguson is great- when he's allowed to act and be three-dimensional. This show is at its best when it allows the characters to be more than one-dimensional caricatures, but it seems to happen all too infrequently before they revert to type (ie, Louis and Harvey's childish fight at the end).


And of course, the yelling. Always with the yelling. It seems like there is never a time when any two characters can interact without ending up yelling at one another. Jessica couldn't have gone to Mike and said, "I'd like you to work with Jack and let me know if he's up to something?" Instead its, "Do this, or it's your ass!" Ugh.


I like some of what the show does, but so much of what it does I don't. I am not sure why I continue watching. Deer in headlights? I suppose I am.


(Funniest moment of the show tonight: Jack brings a case to Mike "because I thought it was tailor made for someone with experience with hedge funds." Which Mike has all of- what- three months of experience with?

Edited by Cthulhudrew
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(Funniest moment of the show tonight: Jack brings a case to Mike "because I thought it was tailor made for someone with experience with hedge funds." Which Mike has all of- what- three months of experience with?

Funny thing is as smart as the fictional character Mike is, he probably knows more in three months than most would have in three years.

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I agree with so much that was already posted, but also wanted to add this:  Wasn't it just a short while ago that Louis was choking Mike in a parking lot, and Harvey had to break it up?  And yet no charges were pressed against him, but he is going to press charges now...I guess its okay when he is the one getting physical versus being the one beat up.  Whatever.  So sick of everyone being a childish, back stabbing, hypocritical dick.  The sad thing was, in season 1, I found the characters to be interesting and the show was very enjoyable. 

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What the hell is going on with anyone anymore? I came away more intrigued by their laptop choices than the plot.


Mike and Jack are using Macbook. Jessica and Harvey are using Dell XPS. (I find it interesting they aren't using Latitude). Louis seems to be using an boxier Dell with front edge band, but he has a different laptop in previous episode of this season. Weird.


Donna's monitor is missing an "L" on the Dell logo - the white lettering fell off or faded, leaving a black lettering backdrop.


Esther has a new iMac, and whoa.. what a fancy schmancy office for a muffin company?

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What's happening to this show is the reason why a great idea for a movie or mini-series can be hard to sustain over the long haul. OF COURSE the deceit of saying you graduated from (arguably) the world's most famous law school and are practicing as a lawyer is going to catch up to you at some point. Because in the law profession especially, you're expected to move up, or out. 

Even though the "Omigod, will the secret be discovered" factor wouldn't have been there, why on earth couldn't Harvey have hired Mike as his researcher or paralegal? It would have given Mike the room to continue with his Bike Messenger aesthetic, instead of turning him into a Harvey clone. It could have been great fun watching the scruffy kid in t-shirt and messenger bag be a thumb in the eye to everyone in the "Harvard grad associates only" firm because his superior memory and analytical skills are undeniable. 

I was actually encouraged by the direction things might take when Mike left to go to the investment firm. That was a perfect spot for someone with his abilities, and would give him a chance to step out of Harvey's shadow. High-powered law firm, high-powered investment firm, I'm sure there would have been plenty of stories to tell. Instead, Mike's tenure in the finance world was weird and short-lived. So, back to the law firm, and the list of those who know "THE SECRET" grows.


Now, I watch the show for Jessica's outfits. That woman oozes style. More Jessica, please.

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I found myself putting off watching this ep - kept finding other things to watch in the last week - and then last night realized it was Wednesday again already and then I'd be two behind and my immediate reaction was -ohgawd I don't even want to watch one, how am i going to force myself to watch two? So that was a lightbulb moment for me that I will have to say goodbye to Pearson Specter Litt. (Altho if your Jessica/Gretchen scenario above comes to fruition, I will be back with bells on!)

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