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16 Good
  1. *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* The show continues to get more unwatchable with each passing show. Who's in charge of writing here? Donna, whom I will always love, should be with Harvey. She NEVER should have been put with Louis. And while I do love her character, her self-righteousness is dumb. Louis is at his best when he is happy, he is at his worst when he is fighting with other firm employees. Let the man be happy, for goodness sake! Really? --- He's enraged at Harvey for sleeping with his grown ass sister? This show focuses way too much on ridiculous 'everyone's out to get everyone else' plots. By now, Mike should have graduated law school at night and passed the bar. At the very least, since he had Harvard's records hacked, just take the bar. Good catch on the Harvey flashbacks showing signs of 2015, not the 80's.
  2. I worked with a gay guy back in the 80's, and he told me that since men don't have the instinct to be discriminating about whom they sleep with like women do, gay men have sex as casually as they shake hands with someone. Don't know if that's true, or just him. :)He did this thing to my ass that made my eyes water. Now, I'm all for gays becoming mainstream, but I would find that just as offensive if they had a female saying it. I don't need TV sex forcibly shoved down my throat -- it's idiotic. I'm out of here with this show. It is removed from my DVR schedule.
  3. Maybe she realizes that advice doesn't hold water anymore. If there's nothing real they can attack you with, they just make stuff up. Like she was really born in Paris. Or she pals around with anti-American socialites.As for the Zach thing, good lord, Alicia, grow up as a parent already! Teenagers lie. Especially about their sex lives. Alicia needs to get over herself. Planning revenge by withholding financial support.... *hmmmph* What is she going to do when he doesn't need her money anymore? Manipulate Grace into turning against him? Selfish, cold woman.
  4. When you think of that in the worldview, the fanatic Muslims they were talking about on Bill Maher think everyday is "American privilege" day. They don't level their hatred of Americans by skin color --- Americans are all hated equally. I hear that. She once said women got the vote before black men. And she said it in a very self-assured tone.
  5. never mind, just noticed moderator's request to stick to the show.
  6. Hey, I'm always in the market for "guilty pleasures" on TV, and this one fits the bill very nicely. Especially since the summer replacements are over and the new Fall season hasn't begun. I agree, LeAnne is a screwed up person, the kind you keep far out of your life. Jamie should run, not walk. People like LeAnne do nothing but suck the life out of everyone around them, with their narcissistic view of life. They can't help it. It's like part of their brains never matured past the "me-me-me" toddler stage. And yes, Adam Rodriguez, whom I really like, seems so out of place and uncomfortable in his scenes. He doesn't fit as second fiddle. I like Jamie. I usually find female leads to be so incredibly annoying (think Julianna Margulies), but Anna Wood is refreshing. Gregory Harrison--what a blast from the past! And he DOES still look good. I hope his character doesn't become so despicable that he's hard to like. I hope the show makes it....I love the Charleston shots...I've never been there, but it looks gorgeous. May be my next vacation stop.
  7. As a much higher-budget show, I expect more from TGW. And, to me, it was so bad I developed a hatred for Alicia. The kind that makes you just wish someone would smack the smug look off her face. She has now joined the Rachel category of annoying self-righteous characters.
  8. *Sigh* Looks like the show is following in the footsteps of The Good Wife. If the season goes as predictably as it's starting, we will be subjected to Harvey vs. Mike the entire season. With all the law firms and all the investment companies in New York, somehow Pearson Specter will always be involved in a lawsuit with Mike's firm. And it will be like a ping pong match, with Harvey winning, wait, no, Mike's winning. But, OMG, now Harvey's winning. Or is he..... And on and on and on. Can't they just have Harvey and Mike interact as friends at the end of their work day, with each having his own work-related storyline? I hate having to choose between them. That said, I'm on the Harvey train.
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