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S12.E09: A Decade of Dance Special Edition

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I also agree that they should've done a longer montage of the success of the dancers. If the show can claim the successes of Katy Perry, Lady Gaga and Christina Perri then they should be able to claim any and all success any dancer that has ever even stepped foot on their stage has is because of this show too. You'd think having a LONG list of alumni and their accomplishments would've appealed to Nigel more so he could puff up and cluck around like a rooster and all he's done for dance in the world.

I am totally willing to concede that Stacey Tookey changed Christina Perri's life overnight, but Nigel taking credit for Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, and OneRepublic? Uh, no. Lady Gaga had already performed for the Miss Universe Pageant and "Just Dance" hit #2 on two different Billboard charts (Hot Dance Airplay and Hot Dance Club Play) before she appeared on SYTYCD. Katy Perry's video for "I Kissed a Girl" was already #1 on TRL in June and was #4 on VH1 before she appeared on SYTYCD.

Also, too much Travis!! He already choreographed two weeks in a row for his Team Stage. Why did he have to choreograph the opening number? It was beautiful but I think it should have been another reprisal.

I agree. Too much Travis for one episode, plus it was later obvious that the dancers in the opening number were mostly the contemporary dancers who were asked to reprise other dances (in other words, not tWitch). I think I counted ten dancers in the group number so I'm not sure who else was missing. Comfort? Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
Hip Hip Chin Chin


That song is on my workout IPOD because of Heidi. In fact, also "Get Up Offa That Thing," also because of Heidi, and Benji also.


What a shameful whoring out of Seacrest's new show for 1/5 of the screen time available.  Would it have killed them to have a 10 second video recap of each winner and their NAME, along with (even better) a quick update video of where they are now.  But no, then they would have to pay them, and it would cut into Sprinkles tenjilliondollar salary.

  • Love 4

To be fair, this episode was 41 minutes long after removing all the Seacrest pimping so it was about a minute or two shorter in content than a regular episode (which usually runs 42-43 minutes). But I still agree that more dancing and less Ryan would have been a huge imptovement.

And ITA that a ten second clip of each winner would have been awesome. I would have gladly traded the pointless ten second solos from this season's dancers for that.

  • Love 4

 and especially Alex. I will always love Alex, and pretend he won in the imaginary season in my head. 

Had Alex not been injured, ironically right after Outta My Head, he would have won that season I have no doubt so for me he is the winner as well.


Christina Perri also credits SYTYCD with launching her.  My daughter just saw her in concert last weekend and she mentioned it.

Edited by Koffee Kup
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I was very disappointed that Joshua and Katee didn't perform one of their many great routines.  IMHO, they are the best pair that SYTYCD has ever seen and Katee may well be the best all around dancer that has ever been on the show. She nailed every routine that was thrown at her and made each of her partners a better dancer. 

  • Love 6


I was very disappointed that Joshua and Katee didn't perform one of their many great routines.  IMHO, they are the best pair that SYTYCD has ever seen and Katee may well be the best all around dancer that has ever been on the show. She nailed every routine that was thrown at her and made each of her partners a better dancer.

I agree that I would've loved to see a Katee/Joshua routine (Hometown Glory?  almost any of them).  I loved Katee though I know she got a lot of criticism for her feet and other technical aspects. It seemed like TPTB loved her, too, and she got that special money bonus that was only given that year.  But the show never mentions her now....what gives?


Edited to add that the Katee/Joshua partnership was one of the great partnerships that I loved to see on the show.  I really loved Season 4 so much, but I assume it's because that's the first season I watched in its entirety.

Edited by Cuatro1234
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I am totally willing to concede that Stacey Tookey changed Christina Perri's life overnight, but Nigel taking credit for Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, and OneRepublic? Uh, no. Lady Gaga had already performed for the Miss Universe Pageant and "Just Dance" hit #2 on two different Billboard charts (Hot Dance Airplay and Hot Dance Club Play) before she appeared on SYTYCD. Katy Perry's video for "I Kissed a Girl" was already #1 on TRL in June and was #4 on VH1 before she appeared on SYTYCD.

Oh, I know. It was just the way the show presented it as if these artists appearing on the show launched all their careers. By that logic, being on this show is why all of these amazing dancers are working. If that's the way they think, then they should've been listing the successes of each dancer that's appeared on the stage, not just their chosen few.

I found it weird which alumni they chose to highlight over others.

Another name to add to the long list of oversights: Sara from season 3, who toured with Avril Lavigne.


But it cracks me up that Nigel made a big deal over his supposed concern that the show leans too much on the "reaching and emotion" style of contemporary and then chose the granddaddy of them all (for this show), The Bench as his favorite routine.

I laughed at the new opening number because it ended with slow walking AND reaching out!


And with Danny back in the U.S., it's mind-boggling he's treated as if he never existed. Maybe he doesn't want to come back. I can't tell from his Twitter.

Danny's on twitter?! I'm guessing he chooses not to come back. I would have loved to see his samba reprised but knew there was no way that was going to happen.


Oh I just realized Courtney probably wouldn't have been able to dance because of her condition and I wouldn't have wanted to see anyone but her do "The Garden" with Mark.

I have been impressed that she's continued to dance and that the show has continued to allow her back on since I assume she's at a higher risk of needing to drop out at the last minute due to MS relapses.


And stop it with saying Dmitry was a star on Bones. He was on for about five minutes and had about one line.

Ha! They showed him ripping open his shirt, too. Somewhere, Mary Murphy was very happy.


I wish they had brought Benji back for the special. I would have loved seeing one of these routines again!

Oh look, convicted sex offenders Alex Da Silva and Shane Sparks sitting next to each other. Black Mambo is fantastic but will never be seen again due to that.


I watched this On Demand and was spared any Seacrest, though I still had to hear Cat talk about it.

Sounds like all the Knock Knock Seacrest stuff spoiled the live viewing.  I got Cat talking about it and then a lot of Rob Lowe commercials.  Guess I got the better end of that deal!


Brian Gaynor's audition was a big omission, I agree.  I also wanted to see the clogger.  And I would have liked Fik-shun and Marie Poppins.  And Mark K's audition.  And that odd redhead who was friends with Katee.  And Hok's (both of them).  And ... we got joke auditions instead.  What the hell?


On the bright side, I really enjoyed the reprises.  I loved Kathryn in The Bench, and Travis danced it better because of her.  Comfort keeps getting better and better.  I think if Earth ever gets attacked by aliens, we should send Comfort out to dance at them and they will all run away.  Or join in.  WIn-win.


Jamie was incredible, and I'm glad Hok was there with her.  I didn't appreciate Jamie in her season all that much (I was very turned off by Travis' campaigning for her and his negative campaigning against the Schwimmers), but wow, she was amazing.


Allison and Robert made me tear up.  I have loved some of the contemporary routines on this show.  Sue me.  I think I pretty much blacked out for a little while after they went on, because I don't remember much else until Alex and Twitch danced.  And ... I finally see what the fuss is all about.  Outta my mind was pretty awesome (and a whole lot harder than I remembered).  Twitch is such a great partner, and Alex completely won me over.


I think it is ridiculous that, in a season of Team Stage versus Team Street, that the only group number was a contemporary.  I would have preferred a Broadway, like a Lion King, or:


I was so hoping for Rama Lama as the opening number. Anyone can be a zombie if you slap them in the makeup and if you're a dancer on this show and you haven't taught yourself the choreography to Rama Lama, just leave now. Its by far the shows most iconic group number and they could have had every single alum there as a dancing zombie.

That would have been awesome.

  • Love 2

I was very disappointed that Joshua and Katee didn't perform one of their many great routines.  IMHO, they are the best pair that SYTYCD has ever seen and Katee may well be the best all around dancer that has ever been on the show. She nailed every routine that was thrown at her and made each of her partners a better dancer. 

I'm glad that there at least two of us that think so. The two of them simply beginning to walk forward at the start of "Hometown Glory" (just watched it again for the first time in years: frack, what a good piece) is the standard by which I judge most dance now. Can a dancer command the stage like that? Then we are talking dance. The subsequent movement itself is also necessary - but I live for moments like that. (And Jim and Jaja caught a bit of that frisson at the beginning of theirs this week which is why I find both of them promising.They may not get there this season, but I currently think they have the greatest chance.)

Edited by Mertseger
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I agree that I would've loved to see a Katee/Joshua routine (Hometown Glory?  almost any of them).  I loved Katee though I know she got a lot of criticism for her feet and other technical aspects. It seemed like TPTB loved her, too, and she got that special money bonus that was only given that year.  But the show never mentions her now....what gives?


Edited to add that the Katee/Joshua partnership was one of the great partnerships that I loved to see on the show.  I really loved Season 4 so much, but I assume it's because that's the first season I watched in its entirety.

That was amazing because there was no inkling that there would be a "best girl" bonus that season until almost the finale as I recall.  I suspect that the show runners understood that if Joshua won, Katee was almost 50% responsible for that and they chose to show their respect and admiration with hard cash.  Of course if Joshua had not won with Katee already being eliminated, you have to wonder about whether she would have gotten the money.

  • Love 2

That was amazing because there was no inkling that there would be a "best girl" bonus that season until almost the finale as I recall.  I suspect that the show runners understood that if Joshua won, Katee was almost 50% responsible for that and they chose to show their respect and admiration with hard cash.  Of course if Joshua had not won with Katee already being eliminated, you have to wonder about whether she would have gotten the money.

It was reported on several reliable entertainment sites that the cash prize for Katee was from a private donor, who was quite taken with her performances. Why that was allowed was never clarified, nor what would have happened if Katee had won the full prize. I seem to remember most prognosticators assuming that Twitch would win with Joshua as a close second. A private donor would explain why that consolation prize was never repeated. If it were, one would think it would go to 2nd place, not 3rd.

  • Love 4

It was reported on several reliable entertainment sites that the cash prize for Katee was from a private donor, who was quite taken with her performances. Why that was allowed was never clarified, nor what would have happened if Katee had won the full prize. I seem to remember most prognosticators assuming that Twitch would win with Joshua as a close second. A private donor would explain why that consolation prize was never repeated. If it were, one would think it would go to 2nd place, not 3rd.That

That is some very interesting information but it seems odd that a major TV competition show would let an outsider intrude into its process, especially with money.  The show's creditability could be seriously damaged by conceding any degree of control of the results to a "fan".    Even so, I would think that if this was the case, the producers allowed it perhaps because of how they felt about Katee. 

  • Love 1

I remember Katee's prize coming from a private donor, too.


If I never see "Bleeding Love" again, it will be too soon, so I was glad that wasn't on the show. I liked the K-pop routine again. I've come around on Jenna so it was fun to watch. I remember Nigel et al. praising her work ethic, and it just makes me scratch my head about Asaf, because he's being shown as difficult to work with. (ETA: I didn't seem to finish my thought here. I'm puzzled that they put him on the show at all if he's difficult and that they're not being harder on him right now. But then I never wanted him there in the first place.)


Fun fact (if I'm remembering correctly): Every reprised routine had someone from seasons 2, 3, or 4 (though some were as all-stars from later seasons).

Edited by dcalley

Watching that- they should bring back past contestants as choreographers again.  If three of their best came from those sources- Run the World was Comfort's, right?- why would they not tap that well? 


Speaking of Run the World- I wished they brought out some of this season's hip hop girls for that.  You're celebrating, don't just recreate- build where you can, y'know?


I think they were smart to go 30 minutes (excluding promo time and other filler it felt about that long).  Left me wanting more, and thinking of all the other routines I loved that I would want to see again.  Most of which were from Season 4, with Katee (add me to the list of fans).  If they'd gone longer they wouldn't have given me that same sensation, I'd probably have been more fatigued, or annoyed at what they still managed to leave out.  


Was the camera work on The Hummingbird piece always so...swirly?  I got distracted.  


Did Mary get a shout out at all?  Paula's been great, but Mary's Tamale Train is part of the show's fabric.

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Ok, I'm finally getting around to watching this special tribute to Ryan Seacr - I'm mean 10 year of SYTYCD and I had to stop after the opening number because the slow walk and reach at the end of the dance felt very directed at Nigel's comment from last weeks episode. Either it's a passive aggressive F*you to Nigel or it's an in joke - probably shared by Nigel. That line up and slow walk sure as hell didn't follow organically (™ Mia) from the dance itself. It made me laugh anyway, so that's a good thing.


I took the time to notice who was "representing" and the opening went sequentially from season 2 to 10.  Travis Wall & Allison Holker (S02), Jaimie Goodwin (S03), Brandon Bryant (S05), Kathryn McCormick (S06), Alex Wong & Robert Roldan (S07), Marko Germar (S08), Jasmine Harper & Jenna Johnson (S10). Each supporting and assisting the other along what (in my imagination) was a representation of the dreaded "journey". And now that I've said that, the ending becomes a tongue-in-cheek representation of the journey continuing... life long.      :-P


Yup. That's the story as I saw it and I sticking to it.


(I don't think anyone has listed who all was dancing in this piece yet. Apologies if this is actually redundant.)

Edited by Anothermi
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So, Cat tells us that 2 weeks before, Christina Perri was a waitress and then Stacey Tookey did a routine with Billy Bell and Kathryn to her Jar of Hearts (cut to Allison and Neil doing the dance albeit with Christina playing the song and a string trio on stage as well). Couldn't get the rights to the original with Billy and Kathryn? *eye roll*

  • Love 1

I think that Nigel had his idea of what should happen in S1 and because it didn't, he just pretends that it never happened which is a shame because there were a lot of great dances that season. For S2 they changed the title to "America's Favorite Dancer" (in S1 it was "America's Best Dancer"). But it's obvious that Nigel is super bitter about S1 since they never have any routines from S1 in any of the anniversary shows/specials (not the 100th episode, the 10 year anniversary, the Mia Michaels recreation episode, etc) and they never mention any of the dancers from that season. There are no clips from S1 in the opening credits anymore (I really miss the original opening credits with everyone from S1). Nigel acts like if he acknowledges the very existence of S1, the earth will open up and swallow the SYTYCD stage.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 2

Nigel needs to retire.  His pandering, objectification of women, homophopia, self-congratulation, and pretend embrace of street dance ruins my enjoyment of the show.  Instead of having the dancers run off the stage without comment, I wished the judges were silent (or not even present!) and we could have heard from and seen more of the dancers. Witney was just nominated for an Emmy for her choreography and she won DWTS, but she wasn't mentioned at all. Ryan Seacrest needs a vacation.  He's probably depressed to be tied to such a loser of a new show.   Fox needs to get rid of the old geezers who control programming.  Sheesh.

  • Love 4
.............Jamie was incredible, and I'm glad Hok was there with her. ......

After watching The Hummingbird routine on the anniversary show, I noticed Jamie's arms, in the beginning of the dance, seemed so much more fluid than I remember. After the show, I watched Jamie and Hok's original performance and sure enough....Jamie's arms are on a completely different level. She has improved so much, it is astonishing. 

Edited by luvthepros
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My rewatches after the show were:  Danny and Lacey, Will and Jessica (hiphop - I rewatch that about 2 or 3 times a year still), the original "Who runs the world" which I found infinitely better because Jasmine was less frenetic and I liked Comfort's hairstyle better<superficial, yes!)), Ellen dancing "Outta your mind", Cyrus and Comfort, Cyrus and Twitch, Billy and Ade "Mad World". If I hadn't seen it so recently, I would have added Fikshun and Twitch.  I found that interesting because Cyrus featured in two of them and Comfort featured in two of them and tWitch featured in two of them.  I wonder what the general youtube effect of the anniversary show was.  I probably would have watched more except that a child had to be put to bed.


Nigel is a freak.

Oh and also, I still hate "the hummingbird" and it looked even less hummingbird-like because I was so distracted by Hok's hair.  I do love that Wade Robson was acknowledged.

  • Love 1

I don't know how to quote, but to reference an earlier post, why was Nigel upset that season 1 didn't go how he wanted it to? I was a naive viewer then, didn't know anything about dancer's reputations, etc. I loved the concept of the show. And while I am not a voter (ever, only time I ever voted for a tv show was for Adam Lambert on AI) (I do vote in political elections though), I remember Nick and Melody from their auditions, and really thought they were great.

The only other time I might have voted if I were a voting person, I would have voted for Danny Tidwell. But I didn't. :(

I like to know where these dancers ended up, so I wish they did more of that for more of them on the show.


But it's obvious that Nigel is super bitter about S1 since they never have any routines from S1 in any of the anniversary shows/specials (not the 100th episode, the 10 year anniversary, the Mia Michaels recreation episode, etc) and they never mention any of the dancers from that season.

They showed Nick and Melody's All That Jazz and Jamile and Destini in a Shane Sparks hip-hop in a special (100 eps special?). Now that was a good special.

I'd like to see S1 acknowledged more, too. I was bummed they didn't cover more of what winners are doing now. I could have done without the bad auditions and Seacrest show plugs.

Edited by Electruck

I skipped most of the episode, because I don't have a lot of interest in revisiting auditions and have the opposite of interest in Seacrest's new show. But I decided to watch the last montage because I figured ten years of a dance show should result in a few minutes of amazing visuals. But even that montage was a waste of time, because it was mostly judge comments. The judges are not the stars of the show!

  • Love 2

But I really, really wish they would have found a way to showcase Kayla and Kupono's Gravity. They didn't even show it in the clips of the memorable dances! I distinctly remember watching that the first time and not moving a muscle the entire dance because I just knew I was watching something amazing. 

Absolutely this. I was hoping that since it made no appearances in any of the montages it would turn out to be the final fan favourite, but sadly, no. Not that Twitch & Alex were a hardship to watch.But Gravity, man. Every time I watch that, I end up spellbound, watching it like 10 times in a row, and even on the tenth time, it's still giving me chills. I also would have loved to see Tucker & Robert's piece from Season 10, or Amy and (sorry) Travis doing Wicked Game (mostly because I loved Amy in it). Actually, thinking back on it, I have a *lot* of faves from S10. I really liked S10.


Anyway, the main thing this show did is inspire me to go back and watch old seasons. How did I completely forget that Cat didn't host the first season? It was weird to see someone else, and also weird that I really had no recollection of watching that season at all. But I'm almost positive I did, because for some reason, I remember the name Jamile quite clearly. Unless there was also a Jamile on a later season?

  • Love 1
But I really, really wish they would have found a way to showcase Kayla and Kupono's Gravity. They didn't even show it in the clips of the memorable dances! I distinctly remember watching that the first time and not moving a muscle the entire dance because I just knew I was watching something amazing.
Absolutely this. I was hoping that since it made no appearances in any of the montages it would turn out to be the final fan favourite, but sadly, no.

I was hoping the same.  Why it wasn't showcased in even a tiny blink and you miss it clip, I'll never know.

Unless there was also a Jamile on a later season?

I'm pretty sure S1 Jamile is the one and only Jamile.

Adored tWitch and Alex's routine but was saddened there weren't more routines featured.  This show needs to release some DVDs of entire seasons of routines minus the judges' commentaries.  I started watching late and know youtubing it can be tedious. I know I miss things because I don't really know what I'm looking for.

  • Love 2

 This show needs to release some DVDs of entire seasons of routines minus the judges' commentaries.  


It would be another WKRP in Cincinnati, which was recently recently released in DVD format but still without all of the original music. Imagine the cost--which, of course, would be passed along to us--of getting releases for even half the music SYTYCD features.

  • Love 1

The difference is that at any point, the producers could have decided that from the current season on they would obtain music rights for both the broadcast AND any DVD release (I concede that it's more costly to get musical clearances for past seasons because it means the price for each song is up for negotiation and any artist could decide they want a million dollars). Instead every year they continue to CHOOSE not to include DVD rights as part of the music rights when they clear songs for the shows. Makes me glad that I recorded the first few seasons and I still have the tapes (yes, I still had a VCR back in 2005).


And for the record, it IS possible to get a lot of music cleared. Everyone said that The Wonder Years would never be released on DVD because of the huge amount of musical clearances, but they did it earlier this year. It was really expensive to get the musical clearances for Freaks & Geeks, but the DVDs still came out with all of the music intact. The Wonder Years had to replace a handful of songs (14 songs were replaced out of the almost 300 songs originally used on the show).

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 1

I too paid full price to preorder both the Freaks & Geeks set as well as My So-Called Life (the first time around) because it was worth it to me to have the whole series with all the music intact (so imagine my frustration and disappointment when both shows were then available for significantly less after the release date). The Wonder Years is $250 for all six seasons plus a bunch of bonus material, which works out to $41 per season which is less than HBO used to charge for each season of Oz, The Sopranos, and Sex and the City (which all had way less episodes per season), but you can buy the individual seasons for less on amazon or at Cost Co (I saw S1 & S2 packaged together for less than $30).


But the point is that those shows had to pay for musical clearances a second time because DVD releases weren't expected when those shows originally aired. SYTYCD could start negotiating that for the new seasons (which is what most shows do now) but they just don't. It makes no sense to me!

Ok in the interest of full disclosure Dmitry had a bigger part on "Bones" than I remembered. He also danced with an open shirt.

Mary and Tyce were the judges on their fake dance show and I think Chehon also played a ballroom dancer.


tWitch was also on Bones (earlier, different episode). I think he played a street performer.

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