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S07.E15: Don't Be All, Like, Uncool

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I think Wire is mistaken on that.  I just checked Heather's blogs from Turks and I didn't see that mentioned. 

I stand corrected then, it was 1 king sized bed. I was going by what the house site said and I thought Heather/Carole said they had separate beds in 1 room. Seems I have a memory problem with bedroom details! LOL The fact remains that sleeping "naked" beside a BFF that you have known for a few years is vastly different than having a naked guy, that you have never met, let alone that you did not know was there, sleep in the other half of a suite when the doors connecting them were open/unlocked!

  • Love 3

This is one of those times where LuAnn has a hard time reconciling LuAnn and the Countess. LuAnn is a kinda trashy good time Sally. The Countess is a pretentious maybe bigoted snob. LuAnn probably banged the married Scot, but the Countess sent him home in a cab.

Lu has lost her credibility in this department after the Italian friends incident in St. Barths.....  The funny part is she is still going on about Carole and Heather coming into her room and possible seeing her hanging from the chandelier with a guy on her back. 


Lu is mad at H and C for something that possible could happen but gives no credibility to them about something possibly happening with naked guy.  She also is claiming Girl Code on them entering their room but it's ok for her to make out with a married guy. 

  • Love 8

Zaldamo is right.  We'd all make the best litigators ever.  Case in point.


Exhibit C, your Honor:   Minute 0:21.  Now we're in Lu's room.  Carole and Beth declare she has the best room.  Pool and ocean view.  And Heather says, "We're right on top of you!"  So they also had an ocean view.


Can we close the case now? LOL

I stand corrected! LOL

  • Love 3

Well, my kid "possibly" dying and my car "possibly" getting stolen seems pretty comparable to me "possibly" getting murdered and my jewelry "possibly" stolen. How was your story relevant to what happened on the show? The guy didn't enter their room. He was passed out and heather entered the room he was sleeping in. There was no immediate threat that would cause Heather to storm into multiple rooms launching accusations. I don't think her actions negate her concerns but they sure didn't help her case. What exactly was she expecting to accomplish acting like that?


::LuAnnvoice:: Not really.  Your child is familiar to you so their whereabouts in your/their own house isn't a concern considering you all pretty much know your way around.  If you react the same way to your car being stolen (I'm presuming you meant without you in it, as opposed to like a carjacking) that you would confronting or being confronted by a strange man whom you had no idea was in the room adjacent and accessible to your unlocked room, I wouldn't tell you that you didn't have a right to your reaction just because I don't think your Jeep Cherokee is as important as you do.


My story was about good judgment (imo) meaning that you are prepared for the possibility of a threat, not the probability of one.  I think I even said that at the end there.   Won't be offended if you don't agree.


eta:  the point being missed is that unlike threats generally existing in the universe, Ramona introduced this potential risk into their environment.

Edited by ZaldamoWilder
  • Love 10
While Heather's reaction was a little over the top, it reminded me of a situation that happened to me in college. This moronic fraternity had a nonsense fundraising effort. They "kidnapped" people asked for ransom money. My "friends" paid to have me kidnapped. I was walking back to my dorm minding my own business when 3 guys in ski masks grabbed me, blindfolded and bound me, and took me back to the frat house. At the frat house, they let me in on the kidnapping. Either I or another friend had to pay $10 in ransom to get me out. While ultimately nothing bad happened to me, the 10 minute ride on the floor of a van scared the shit out of me. And those friends paid to have me kidnapped berated me because I didn't think being dragged into the back of a van by strangers was fun. So when I see these cows laying into Heather like she's the asshole, my blood boils. Heather isn't wrong about her concerns; it's just that these bitches just got lucky.



I can't imagine how scared you must have been.  I think one reason friends can fall out are boundaries; not everybody has the same boundary levels.  Lu, Ramona and Sonja might have not cared at all about a strange man, drunk or otherwise in the house; but Heather and Carole might have felt differently.  It doesn't make either of them wrong, just different.  I think Heather started crying and became very upset because she felt no one was listening to her, and I think Lu, Sonja and Ramona were hung over and really didn't want to hear what Heather had to say.  

  • Love 12
I just don't agree with that assessment. If your kid wanders into the kitchen, you don't flip out because he/she could get hurt and sprint in there screaming and scaring him/her half to death. If a high wind sets off my car alarm, I don't bolt from my bed yelling my head off that the sky is falling. Heather can control her emotions enough to speak her mind to all of the ladies who stayed up late partying, express her concerns and lay out some house rules (unless she is unstable which I don't think she is). Flying off the handle and making accusations is, IMHO, over the top (and I actually agree with her concerns).


I just don't think these are valid comparisons. My child wandering into the kitchen is something that happens daily and I have relative control over. I know my child, so I know what he is likely to get into/not get into and can organize my kitchen accordingly. I'm with my child every day and able to teach him what is dangerous and should not be touched. 


Wind setting off the car alarm is a force of nature and outside anyone's control. 


The naked man sleeping upstairs unbeknownst to the girls in the next room is something someone COULD have controlled, if they cared enough about other people to think of the position they were putting them in. No one really knew those men, so it's not a situation you could prepare for, predict the outcome, etc. 

The guy didn't enter their room. He was passed out and heather entered the room he was sleeping in. There was no immediate threat that would cause Heather to storm into multiple rooms launching accusations. I don't think her actions negate her concerns but they sure didn't help her case. What exactly was she expecting to accomplish acting like that?


How do we know he didn't enter their room? How do we know he was asleep the entire time? Ramona was dead to the world downstairs, she certainly wasn't keeping tabs on him.

  • Love 12

Heather was pissed off cuz she found a naked stranger sleeping in the open door connected room to her own.  I get that.   Heather storms into Ramona's room to confront her.  I enjoyed that.  Heather barges into Lu's room and gets told off by a confused Lu.  Enjoyed that, too.  Hungover, very sleepy Lu sullenly goes on the offensive.  That's good, too.  Sonja looking like the cat that ate the canary cuz she didn't have anal in the garden with Lu's sloppy seconds.  Priceless.   And hey, wasn't it Carole who got all self-righteous over the pirate party?

  • Love 7

Hey, guys, everyone noting that the guy "wasn't in Heather's room": what are you talking about? She herself said he was IN HER BED! Oh, wait . . . And who is anyone to judge/what business is it of ours that Heather sleeps "nude" with a co-worker when she herself brings it up on national tv? But it's totally our business that Lu fucks married men and strangers when she doesn't bring it up on camera and actually makes efforts to obscure it.


Did someone upthread mention: Double Standards?  Hmmmmm?


I agree.  But this is what makes the forums go 'round.

And 'round.  And 'round.  And 'round.....


I'm dizzy.

  • Love 2

Finally got to watch the episode. hahahaha!. Oh Luanne. I love you always, but I love you best when you're hung over, rocking a black bikini, telling Heather to take it down several notches. That was masterful.

My guess is Carole didn't actually give any shits about the naked man except for two: Shit 1: still being pissed at Ramona about the "fucking a 28 year old" comment and just jumping on the chance to call her out on something. Shit 2: Heather being so upset.

Seriously, the look on her face when Bethany didn't immediately get upset about the story told me all I need to know. She doesn't give a fuck if she wakes up to the cast of Hair sprawled out on her floor. She just wants to be on the right team come reunion time. When Bethanny shrugged off a Turks and Cacos one night stand she calmed herself right down. And she totally apologized to Luanne. My guess is after that brunch she was worried she would come across as an uptight middle aged lady and started to back peddle her reaction. I mean super cool, carefree writer girls love vacation tail! Amiright?

Exactly what I thought except that I do think Carole wasn't as cool with it and seeing Heather so upset confirmed to her that it was okay to be annoyed by it. Again this goes to why everyone calls Carole a puppet. I've noticed that she lets the others reactions dictate how to feel about something. It's starting to come out a bit more. Its like she's stuck in her teens where she doesn't want to go against what the cool kids think and so she sort of adjusts her position on something enough to fit in. She also doesn't like to cop to her shit. Notice how when she gets called on something she does this whole, weeeelllll nooooo, I didn't say that..... and then there's the unsaid... "well not exactly" that hangs in the air along with that overbite smirk of hers. She's a fucking two face that manipulates conversations in a way where she's not necessarily changing her opinion about something but depending on who she's talking to will put more weight on certain portions of her position while glossing over whatever details won't be received well by whomever she's have the conversation with.   


Example: I have a friend that says the same thing but in different ways in order to fit in.   When we were kids (and I'm dating myself now) there were popular sandals one summer called bricks.  Thick sole from toe to heel. Different kinds and styles all the craze. I had a pair and all that but she didn't like them. We talked about them and she was very blunt about how she didn't like this new sandal fad. We were best friends so whatever, she was being point blank with me but then the next day we were sitting around more of our friends who started talking about them, I think complementing me on mine or whatever and my friend chimes in with yeah, I like them too just the ones with the thinner sole. It's like girl bye... LOL! The whole point of the fad was the thick sole, hence the term bricks but in order to fit in she "adjusted" what she said and technically it didn't go against what she told me the day before but still. Serious eyeroll. After that I started to notice just how often it happened. LOL. It's like technically you're not lying or changing your story but you're wording it in a way that is agreeable to any particular persons point of view.

  • Love 6


Wind setting off the car alarm is a force of nature and outside anyone's control. 


The naked man sleeping upstairs unbeknownst to the girls in the next room is something someone COULD have controlled, if they cared enough about other people to think of the position they were putting them in. No one really knew those men, so it's not a situation you could prepare for, predict the outcome, etc. 


How do we know he didn't enter their room? How do we know he was asleep the entire time? Ramona was dead to the world downstairs, she certainly wasn't keeping tabs on him.

You know what else could have been controlled? Heather's emotions but she chose not to do that. Also, if she truly thought this guy entered her room and did whatever creepy things that were going through her mind then she should have called the police because yelling at LuLu wasn't going to do anything about it.
  • Love 1

Well, my kid "possibly" dying and my car "possibly" getting stolen seems pretty comparable to me "possibly" getting murdered and my jewelry "possibly" stolen. How was your story relevant to what happened on the show? The guy didn't enter their room. He was passed out and heather entered the room he was sleeping in. There was no immediate threat that would cause Heather to storm into multiple rooms launching accusations. I don't think her actions negate her concerns but they sure didn't help her case. What exactly was she expecting to accomplish acting like that?

That grown ass women get a clue maybe? Apologize that their thoughtlessness caused even the slightest of fear to their roommates. You know, instead of throwing around terms like "be cool don't be all like uncool"

  • Love 15

Hey, guys, everyone noting that the guy "wasn't in Heather's room": what are you talking about? She herself said he was IN HER BED! Oh, wait . . . And who is anyone to judge/what business is it of ours that Heather sleeps "nude" with a co-worker when she herself brings it up on national tv? But it's totally our business that Lu fucks married men and strangers when she doesn't bring it up on camera and actually makes efforts to obscure it.

And don't forget according to Lu Carole and Heather banged Lu's door down.


Who said that Heather sleeping nude was none of our business?  I know I stated that who the heck cares and who is anyone to judge her.  Like I stated to Rye and Shoegirl, if you think it weird...ok. 


We know the horse is dead.  Let's bury him....

  • Love 2

That grown ass women get a clue maybe? Apologize that their thoughtlessness caused even the slightest of fear to their roommates. You know, instead of throwing around terms like "be cool don't be all like uncool"

If that was her objective she took the exact wrong approach because waking someone up yelling accusations isn't giving anyone else any clues (except that you're threatening and slightly unhinged).

  • Love 3

Here is how the jeans are doing!  




Yummie Jeans Decorated by Kristen Taekman, Real Housewive...


24 Bids4d 16h


Yummie Jeans Decorated by Luann de Lesseps, Real Housewiv...


12 Bids4d 16h


Yummie Jeans Decorated by Ramona Singer, Real Housewives ...


40 Bids4d 17h


Yummie Jeans Decorated by Bethenny Frankel, Real Housewiv...


36 Bids4d 16h


Yummie Jeans Decorated by Heather Thomson, Real Housewive...


24 Bids4d 16h


Yummie Jeans Decorated by Carole Radziwill, Real Housewiv...


21 Bids4d 16h


Yummie Jeans Decorated by Dorinda Medley, Real Housewives...


24 Bids4d 16h


Yummie Jeans Decorated by Sonja Morgan, Real Housewives o...


If this affects apple distribution, the tables have turned for the long time housewives.  

  • Love 1
You know what else could have been controlled? Heather's emotions but she chose not to do that. Also, if she truly thought this guy entered her room and did whatever creepy things that were going through her mind then she should have called the police because yelling at LuLu wasn't going to do anything about it.


The man was already gone, so there was no need to call the police. She was yelling at the other women, because they put her in a risky situation without saying a thing, and then proceeded to act like their feelings were ridiculous. Emotions aren't always easy to control. Especially when people are dismissing your reaction to finding a stranger in the house. 

  • Love 14

If that was her objective she took the exact wrong approach because waking someone up yelling accusations isn't giving anyone else any clues (except that you're threatening and slightly unhinged).

Or that you're really angry and upset.   I don't think Heather appeared threatening or unhinged.  People aren't perfect.  Most people don't leave their emotions in check 100 percent of the time especially when something happens that scared them or angered them. 

  • Love 10

Who said that Heather sleeping nude was none of our business? I know I stated that who the heck cares and who is anyone to judge her. Like I stated to Rye and Shoegirl, if you think it weird...ok.

FTR, let the court transcript reflect that I don't think it's weird to sleep naked. Only that Heather sleeps naked in the bed she shares with her friend/coworker, on a group trip in a house crawling with people and cameras.

  • Love 7



The naked man sleeping upstairs unbeknownst to the girls in the next room is something someone COULD have controlled, if they cared enough about other people to think of the position they were putting them in. No one really knew those men, so it's not a situation you could prepare for, predict the outcome, etc. 





The simplicity of this is just so beautiful.

  • Love 6

The man was already gone, so there was no need to call the police. She was yelling at the other women, because they put her in a risky situation without saying a thing, and then proceeded to act like their feelings were ridiculous. Emotions aren't always easy to control. Especially when people are dismissing your reaction to finding a stranger in the house.

Firstly, my post you quoted was in reply to a post stating a lot of "we don't knows" of how the man could have entered their room, etc. It doesn't matter if he left if she truly felt this guy violated her. If I thought some stranger, in fact, entered my room and did something nefarious, I'm calling the cops whether he left or not. As for her controlling her emotions, she certainly controlled them enough to go back to Carole upon seeing him and relaying what she saw in a normal, non-yelling manner. If she had so little control, I would think she would have screamed the second she saw him as opposed to well after he left. She wasn't yelling because she was scared. Heather was yelling because she was angry and it wasn't even immediate anger as the guy had time to get up, get dressed, sit on the couch for a bit and then leave.

"People aren't perfect." - Perhaps Heather should keep that in mind as well before barging into people's rooms.

Edited by Freckledbruh
  • Love 4

Exhibit 3427A.  Heather can't let Carole speak for herself.


Minute 0:49 during the Bedazzle party.


Heather wants Carole in the room to confirm or deny the claims that Carole went to Lu to apologize for Heather's rampage.


Lu starts to reiterate what Carole allegedly said and before Carol can wipe the sheepish grin off her face, Heather says: "That's not true."  (Lu:  "It is true.")  Heather:  "No, it isn't, Luann. That's not true."   Day-um, Heather.  I'm glad you have such confidence in your friend. Why even feel the need to call her in then?


I wish she would've let Carole speak for herself.  Or get a word in edgewise.


Sigh.  Imma gonna miss Heather.

Edited by ryebread
  • Love 3

Exactly what I thought except that I do think Carole wasn't as cool with it and seeing Heather so upset confirmed to her that it was okay to be annoyed by it. Again this goes to why everyone calls Carole a puppet. I've noticed that she lets the others reactions dictate how to feel about something. It's starting to come out a bit more. Its like she's stuck in her teens where she doesn't want to go against what the cool kids think and so she sort of adjusts her position on something enough to fit in. She also doesn't like to cop to her shit. Notice how when she gets called on something she does this whole, weeeelllll nooooo, I didn't say that..... and then there's the unsaid... "well not exactly" that hangs in the air along with that overbite smirk of hers. She's a fucking two face that manipulates conversations in a way where she's not necessarily changing her opinion about something but depending on who she's talking to will put more weight on certain portions of her position while glossing over whatever details won't be received well by whomever she's have the conversation with.

Example: I have a friend that says the same thing but in different ways in order to fit in. When we were kids (and I'm dating myself now) there were popular sandals one summer called bricks. Thick sole from toe to heel. Different kinds and styles all the craze. I had a pair and all that but she didn't like them. We talked about them and she was very blunt about how she didn't like this new sandal fad. We were best friends so whatever, she was being point blank with me but then the next day we were sitting around more of our friends who started talking about them, I think complementing me on mine or whatever and my friend chimes in with yeah, I like them too just the ones with the thinner sole. It's like girl bye... LOL! The whole point of the fad was the thick sole, hence the term bricks but in order to fit in she "adjusted" what she said and technically it didn't go against what she told me the day before but still. Serious eyeroll. After that I started to notice just how often it happened. LOL. It's like technically you're not lying or changing your story but you're wording it in a way that is agreeable to any particular persons point of view.

You know I could see that. IMO, Carole has always come across as someone who is hyper aware of her persona and curates her opinions and manners to project the type of person she wants to be. I seldom feel like Carole is relaxing and just being herself, everything seems calculated to project a cool girl person. It's interesting when the cool chick masks slips every now and then. Like how she actually seems pretty sensitive about the age difference between her and Adam and not able to brush off jokes about dating a much younger man. I could see that maybe she was upset about all the vactaion sexcapades happening in the next room and then after some time had passed started to worry that cool chicks are never bothered by strange dick wandering around and tried to distance herself from Heather's reaction. Hmm, this might be interesting to watch play out.

  • Love 4

FTR, let the court transcript reflect that I don't think it's weird to sleep naked. Only that Heather sleeps naked in the bed she shares with her friend/coworker, on a group trip in a house crawling with people and cameras.

FTR, they are filmed during SET times, the camera crew/production do NOT film 24/7 and it has NOT been proven that any of the production crew stay inside the vacation houses/hotels after filming for the day ends.


FTR, hotel/house staff do NOT just willy nilly enter guest bedrooms at any time unless summoned before hand and they knock before entering.


Why then was LuAnn upset when they came into her bedroom, and she concedes in her blog that they may have knocked before entering, she was NOT in bed sleeping naked nor did she have someone with her swinging from the chandelier! LOL 


Firstly, my post you quoted was in reply to a post stating a lot of "we don't knows" of how the man could have entered their room, etc. It doesn't matter if he left if she truly felt this guy violated her. If I thought some stranger, in fact, entered my room and did something nefarious, I'm calling the cops whether he left or not. As for her controlling her emotions, she certainly controlled them enough to go back to Carole upon seeing him and relaying what she saw in a normal, non-yelling manner. If she had so little control, I would think she would have screamed the second she saw him as opposed to well after he left. She wasn't yelling because she was scared. Heather was yelling because she was angry and it wasn't even immediate anger as the guy had time to get up, get dressed, sit on the couch for a bit and then leave.

"People aren't perfect." - Perhaps Heather should keep that in mind as well before barging into people's rooms.

Heather's voice was shaking, she was upset when she talked to Carole. Also, she had no reason to think that Carole was the one to let the guy sleep in the adjoining bedroom of the suite they were in so no reason to yell at her. LOL

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 7

Exactly what I thought except that I do think Carole wasn't as cool with it and seeing Heather so upset confirmed to her that it was okay to be annoyed by it.

Yeah, Carole's initial reaction (that we saw) right after Heather led her into Bethenny's room but before they went to Ramona's was "Oh my God, what is wrong with them?" She was questioning Dorinda just as much as Heather was right afterwards. She clearly wasn't cool with what happened, even if she wasn't as loud as Heather.

Seriously, the look on her face when Bethany didn't immediately get upset about the story told me all I need to know. She doesn't give a fuck if she wakes up to the cast of Hair sprawled out on her floor. She just wants to be on the right team come reunion time. When Bethanny shrugged off a Turks and Cacos one night stand she calmed herself right down. And she totally apologized to Luanne.

Bethenny didn't immediately agree with her because she was trying to get the facts - she initially thought that they were angry because Ramona brought home a guy and she was thinking, "What are we, the Golden Girls, we can't bring home a damn guy?" (Which made little sense, because Blanche alone would out-sex all of these women.) When Carole said, no, LuAnn brought home a guy too and she was fine with it because LuAnn had made sure he left and that wasn't the case with Ramona, Bethenny said, "I totally get that [...] I get it, I wouldn't have liked that." Then the conversation switched to the Cursing Dinner. She didn't shrug it off, she agreed that she wouldn't have liked it either. Edited by Luciano
  • Love 9

Here is how the jeans are doing!  




Yummie Jeans Decorated by Kristen Taekman, Real Housewive...


24 Bids4d 16h


Yummie Jeans Decorated by Luann de Lesseps, Real Housewiv...


12 Bids4d 16h


Yummie Jeans Decorated by Ramona Singer, Real Housewives ...


40 Bids4d 17h


Yummie Jeans Decorated by Bethenny Frankel, Real Housewiv...


36 Bids4d 16h


Yummie Jeans Decorated by Heather Thomson, Real Housewive...


24 Bids4d 16h


Yummie Jeans Decorated by Carole Radziwill, Real Housewiv...


21 Bids4d 16h


Yummie Jeans Decorated by Dorinda Medley, Real Housewives...


24 Bids4d 16h


Yummie Jeans Decorated by Sonja Morgan, Real Housewives o...


This is nothing but an arms race of the HW friends who need tax write offs bidding so Bethenny et al can get press. And oh look Bethenny is winning. Betcha 610 bucks her publicist or assistant is bidding by proxy in behalf of one her pals who needs tax write offs.

  • Love 4

FTR, they are filmed during SET times, the camera crew/production do NOT film 24/7 and it has NOT been proven that any of the production crew stay inside the vacation houses/hotels after filming for the day ends.

FTR, hotel/house staff do NOT just willy nilly enter guest bedrooms at any time unless summoned before hand and they knock before entering.

Why then was LuAnn upset when they came into her bedroom, and she concedes in her blog that they may have knocked before entering, she was NOT in bed sleeping naked nor did she have someone with her swinging from the chandelier! LOL

I think what happened to LuAnn is exactly the reason why it's weird and I would wear a nightie at least.

That, and the chance of encountering random strangers LuAnn brings back.

Edited by shoegal
  • Love 1

If that was her objective she took the exact wrong approach because waking someone up yelling accusations isn't giving anyone else any clues (except that you're threatening and slightly unhinged).

Mad isn't unhinged. And had Lu Ann addressed Heathers concerns quickly with a hey sorry you woke up to that but that had nothing to do with me AND THEN went into how she was completely offended that Heather decided to burst into her room in such a rude manner to address it then things could have been dealt with better. I'll excuse Heathers outburst more than LuAnn's fake outrage days later because one was based out of genuine emotions and some fear which really shouldn't be downplayed by others while Luann's was based off of dismissive, I could care less, fuck you all over the place, ridiculousness. I honestly believe that had Heather been checked on that right then and there after first being HEARD with regards to how unsettling her morning was (vs, people you know "breaking down" you door) she probably would have admitted to being wrong to do that and apologized but being that Lu continued to be all obtuse about what Heather was upset about to begin with... well then, we see how that worked out.

The man was already gone, so there was no need to call the police. She was yelling at the other women, because they put her in a risky situation without saying a thing, and then proceeded to act like their feelings were ridiculous. Emotions aren't always easy to control. Especially when people are dismissing your reaction to finding a stranger in the house. 

Now you see I do not find this logic hard to follow.

  • Love 6

Here is the very first example I remember and remember it well because even though I'd never been a fan of hers it was when I realized her how inauthentic she is.  I even remember writing about it on TWOP and saying "Liar, liar, pants on fire."


She and Aviva went for a pedicure.  This was right after Carole told Heather her version of how the ghostwriter lunch had gone down. Heather said in a TH that she was on a fact finding mission.  So she questions Aviva like a prosecuting attorney and tosses some insults, like, no one would buy Aviva's book because she wasn't famous and was the book all about her leg? LOL


Now we're at Aviva's party.  And Heather runs right over to Carole to say she'd had a pedi with Aviva and Aviva was the one to start asking questions about Carole's book, etc.  LIAR!  Absolutely untrue.


Girl embellishes.  Our suite, our room, MY BED. 


Well, you never know for sure how a conversation actually played out vs. how it's shown on TV. 


And even if she did exaggerate the story, it is MY OPINION (TM Tamra Barney) that Heather is more authentic than Lu, Sonja and Beth combined.  "Italian friends," Nigerian football teams, being "homeless".... the list of lies goes on and on. 


Encountering naked guy in the joint bathroom? Now this I understand, but I never heard Heather express this sentiment. If she had expressed concern that she could have encountered naked guy in the bathroom when she got up to pee or brush her teeth, I would understand, especially if Heather is naked ....although, I have to say that I think it's weird that Heather sleeps naked in a house full of staff, cameras and people (sometimes random people) while sharing a room with Carole, and I'm pretty sure they were sharing a bed because I believe that room has one king bed. If it were me, I'd throw on a nightie.


I dunno.  Sounds like naked-sleep shaming to me!  ;)



You see me defibrillating my horse?  Damn yall.



You may need to defillibrate me next.  Your posts are killing me softly! (in a good way)

Edited by Duke2801
  • Love 9

I think what happened to LuAnn is exactly the reason why it's weird and I would wear a nightie at least.

That, and the chance of encountering random strangers LuAnn brings back.

LOL But oh my...... LuAnn is mad when she comes out of her room,  and says in her TH....."that they could knock first and let me put my robe on for God's sake before they came in"! Why put a robe on for your friends when you walk around in front of the cameras/production/house manager/house staff with it wide open showing your undies? It is more upsetting to LuAnn for then friends Heather/Carole see her in her underwear than for everyone on the film crew and house staff to see them? Really! LOL

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 1


I dunno.  Sounds like naked-sleep shaming to me!  ;)






I have put ' -shaming ' in my arsenal of tools now.  If I get accused of something, I add it:


I ate too much =  Food-shaming

I was late  = Time management-shaming

I burned dinner = Chef-shaming  hahaha make that Cook-shaming

I spent too much money = Money management-shaming

I watch too much Bravo = Stupid-shaming  lol

and on........ :)

  • Love 8

The man was already gone, so there was no need to call the police. She was yelling at the other women, because they put her in a risky situation without saying a thing, and then proceeded to act like their feelings were ridiculous. Emotions aren't always easy to control. Especially when people are dismissing your reaction to finding a stranger in the house. 

The man being gone or not there was never a reason to call the police.  This man was invited to stay-if Heather wanted answers from him-why didn't she ask when she ran into him downstairs-or better yet-"can I help you find the someone who invited you in?'.  Heather is pretty outgoing I think she could have asked the man what happened and then waited for him to leave before storming the other ladies sleeping quarters.

  • Love 4

LOL But oh my...... LuAnn is mad when she comes out of her room,  and says in her TH....."that they could knock first and let me put my robe on for God's sake before they came in"! Why put a robe on for your friends when you walk around in front of the cameras/production/house manager/house staff with it wide open showing your undies? It is more upsetting to LuAnn for then friends Heather/Carole see her in her underwear than for everyone on the film crew and house staff to see them? Really! LOL

Don't forget about the jumping up and down in waist-deep water for the camera without her bathing suit top. But oh dear is me, they BURST into her bedroom when she was under the covers naked.  Shame on them/you/who/anyone/Idunno

  • Love 5


I have put ' -shaming ' in my arsenal of tools now.  If I get accused of something, I add it:


I ate too much =  Food-shaming

I was late  = Time management-shaming

I burned dinner = Chef-shaming  hahaha make that Cook-shaming

I spent too much money = Money management-shaming

I watch too much Bravo = Stupid-shaming  lol

and on........ :)

Don't forget to mention that you are a victim of that shaming, then pull your best Eileen Davidson "How dare you!"

  • Love 2

can't these middle-aged women go without having sex with a man for 4 days?  Just sayin'


Taking out the judgment of bringing a man home but not making sure he left I'm puzzled.


Why should they go without sex for four days? Why is it wrong for two consenting adults to have sex if they want to? What does being middle aged have to do with the amount of sex you want if you meet someone and are attracted to them?


Does this apply to Carole too? 


There are a lot of things wrong with Luann and Ramona but enjoying sex is the least of it.

  • Love 10

If the producers were mad about men being in the house, it was only because they couldn't get them to sign releases. No footage of the ladies out clubbing either, I bet there was some epic turtle time going on.

It really, actively makes me angry that Ramona was the cause of all this discord but she comes out smelling like a rose. She left the dude unattended when she passed out. She sent Heather and Carole to Luann, implying that she was responsible. But after everyone is at each other's throats, she gives a lame sheepish apology and all is forgiven. Grrrrrr.


Unattended?!? Unattended?!? Them is fighting words!!!

Oops...sorry about that...Theresa G took over my typing fingers


As for Ramona...I find it utterly amusing that she does these things and the ladies always forgive her after a simple apology (it's not even sincere)

She has some serious Jedi Knight Mind Tricks Mojo ...it's Rojo

  • Love 10

Don't forget about the jumping up and down in waist-deep water for the camera without her bathing suit top. But oh dear is me, they BURST into her bedroom when she was under the covers naked.  Shame on them/you/who/anyone/Idunno

Bikini-clad, naked or in my undies, I would still be pretty pissed off if someone barged into my room without permission, waking me up from sleep and started accusing me of something I didn't do.  LuLu was nicer than I would have been because I would have cussed Heather all of the way out.  In fact, the other HWs should have had a meeting and told Heather and Carole that they didn't feel safe with them in the house because they can't respect anybody's privacy and asked them to leave.

  • Love 8

Weird that we had talking heads with Beth doing a spot-on impression of Dorinda despite the fact that she didn't witness that shitshow (and there were few from the people who *actually* were there).


That's because Dorinda has done her little meltdown routine more than once.  I think Bethany was there to witness at least one of them.

  • Love 4

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