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"The View": Week of 07/13/15

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Mo 7/13: Jim Gaffigan, Rachel Smith
Tu 7/14: Billy Crudup, Jack Antonoff
We 7/15: Ian McKellen, Laura Linney, the Crystals
Th 7/16: Judd Apatow
Fr 7/17: Michael Douglas, Abigail Spencer, Jill Rappaport

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I feel bad about WG's brother but was she saying that is the reason she has been easy on Cosby- because it doesn't matter to her?

Edited by druzy
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WG seemed to be saying the news in real life was nothing compared to her own personal life or something?  Later she added to the Trump hot topic that lately her comments were getting her kicked in the rear so she was hesitating to speak.  I am surprised Camille's comments were not mentioned so maybe the Cosby topic is off limits now.

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
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Can someone hep me understand the "celebration" of Clyde in Chelsea and all the donations?  Was it a fundraiser?  WTF didn't Whoopi just foot the bill if it wasn't?
And if they were going to bring up Comic Con, they should have highlighted John Lewis' appearance  What nonsense this show has become.

Edited by NextIteration
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Can someone hep me understand the "celebration" of Cyde in Chelsea and all the donations?  Was it a fundraiser?  WTF didn't Whoopi just foot the bill if it wasn't?


And if they were going to bring up Comic Con, they should have highlighted John Lewis' appearance  What nonsense this show has become.

Yeah, I had no idea who Whoopi's brother was, and after watching the show i still don't know.  And I have NO IDEA why donations were needed.  Whoopi was all over the place with her comments, I know she was emotional, but she was just not telling a coherent story.  


And yeah, she let us know she was talked to about the Cosby thing.  A foot in her behind, getting in trouble for her comments?  here's an idea - do the research, then have an opinion based on FACTS, and you'll get more respect.  


Sherri's been tweeting about the amazing producers from the View -  her "View family", so she kind of let the cat out of the bag that she was coming back. 

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Yes, I agree Medicine Crow.  Whoopi is taking a lot of heat, and so she talks about something no one can jump on.  


I couldn't believe Rosie saying she liked Donald Trump until this.  There was never anything about him to like.

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The Whoopster isn't going to say anything negative about The Donald because she hasn't got the guts.  She knows all hell would rain down on her, not from the show, but from The Dumpster.  (I'm sooooo sick of her & her little games to avoid criticism.)


.... & don't get me started on Sherri coming back.  What is wrong with those show-runners???

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.  What is wrong with those show-runners???

Oooh!  I know!   I know!   

They're BONEHEADS.  

And that's my opinion.  I don't care if you like it or not - BACK OFF!  

Don't tweet me, don't text, quote, or message me -   just back off, because I DON'T CARE! 

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I'm just now trying to struggle thru Slop Topics --- and Whoopi's all verklempt because ABC/Disney has put her on notice (my opinion). She's all weepy, using her deceased close relatives as the reason why her very outspoken comments lately have been harsh. Hold her hand and console her, Nicolle. Whoopi has been victimized! BooHoo.




And is Sherri really rejoining the show? Is this a bad dream? What the hell?!? 

I don't think I can watch anymore today.

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I was unmoved by Whoopie's attempt at being sympathetic..I think Whoopie who is always so arrogant and strident in her opinions got  a dose of public outrage and contempt and that probably messed with her a bit....Whoopie may not care about us little people, but she does care about the Hollywood Elite...She probably got  some negative feedback from them and is running scared about not being able to play with them..Whoopie now realizes that she was backing the wrong horse in Cosby and is trying to backtrack a bit..You know what Whoopie, Do not cry me a river, Don't tweet me, text me or email me .. cause I don't care! You decided as a woman to support a serial rapist and you now have to deal with the consequences...Deuces! Please for the love of God, do not bring back that vacuous, fatuous, simpleton, imbecile  Sherri Shepherd back..I will definitely quit watching..I have had my fill of her nonsense to last me a lifetime....

Edited by Apprentice79
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It sounds like Sherri is on the roster of rotating co-hosts for next season, along with Stacy whom I know you all love and Candace, whom I HATE!!!!!

I don't think anyone here "loves" London, but Candace really makes it easy to dislike her.



tvaddict44:  I found Gaffigan very funny.  We're trying his new comedy on Wednesday - I've been wanting another comedy besides Big Bang.

I'm the same as you, but found the re-worked Odd Couple really funny.  Give it a try.  I also like Mike & Molly.

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Why in the bluedilly FUCK would they bring back someone they FIRED?!



Probably for the same reason they have kept a horrible moderator for so many years.  The people behind the scenes at the View are just as inept as the people on the stage at the View.  If this show cared even just a little they would oh I don't know actually pay attention to what the viewers are saying.  Sherri might have a following on Twitter but if this forum is any indication she is not well liked enough to keep this show afloat.  And as far as Whoopi goes, ABC please just cut her a check and show her the door.  At some point you have realize she is a liability.  Yes she is "making sparks" but do you really want to burn the studio down?

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I didn't see the show but if I am getting the gist of these posts right, am I correct in assuming that what happened was Whoopi talked about her dead brother as an attempt to deflect & excuse her Cosby comments and as a way of garnering some sympathy from the audience?  If so, there are no words. 

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I didn't see the show but if I am getting the gist of these posts right, am I correct in assuming that what happened was Whoopi talked about her dead brother as an attempt to deflect & excuse her Cosby comments and as a way of garnering some sympathy from the audience?  If so, there are no words. 


That would be what happened, along with tears and hand holding.

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Oh and also --- Sherri is coming back??  Is this for real?  If this is true and Whoopi & ABC decided to dredge up the topic of her dead brother because of the Cosby outrage, I am beyond disgusted and outraged with these people. 

That would be what happened, along with tears and hand holding.

Wow.  I am so done then.  I only started to tune back in on occasion because with my current unemployed status I have some free time on my hands but after this?  No.  Whoopi's face will cause me too much rage.  And I have enough to be ragey about. 

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I was done dammit, and then I got sucked back in to this train wreck.  But I don't think I can abide gawking or hate watching this with Sherri or Candace.

Me, too.  I was done for a good year and then got sucked back in the last few weeks.  But I refuse to watch a show that would so blatantly manipulate their viewers like this.  The masterminds behind The View and the Captain o' The Ship can all suck it.  A big, giant Eff You to all of them. 

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The idea that they want to ditch Nicolle for someone more stridently right-wing just makes it worse, since they'll have Bure as a rotating co-host.  There won't be any balance without Joy or RosieO because Whoopi isn't left-wing, she's a libertarian essentially, fiscally conservative and socially liberal (without wanting to pay taxes for a public safety net).  We know she's no feminist, that's for sure.  Actually, now that I think about it, all she cares about are civil rights and abortion.

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Did it sound like Whoopi's brother's Memorial Block Party was basically organized by volunteers and donated stuff to anyone else?  i don't think I've heard that many vendors names mentioned by a co-host since Starr was trolling for freebies for her wedding.   Pffft.    


Hey Whoopi, we ALL have problems/issues/losses in our "real life" but we still manage to act professional at work and do our jobs.  This stupid show is a five hour a week gig - don't try and deflect your years of defending the indefensible on the death of your brother two months ago. 




Slop Topics ---

I LOVE THIS!!  When Babs was on, I thought Not Hot Topics worked but with Whoopi at the helm, Slop Topics is perfect!


I saw the confetti and the congrats to Bangs. I don't mind her. I think she might be a good addition IF she ever gets a chance to talk.

How awkward for Rosie P to be sitting between her two replacements, lol.    She should have left after her 20 minute goodbye speech while she still had a shred of dignity. 



At the end of a clip I saw from today, the credits still list Barbara and Bill  as Executive Producers. So their hands (or something) are still in this mess??

Vanity titles only - Babs and Bill sold their share of the show two years ago - otherwise you can bet Babs would still be on the stage.

Edited by Cosmocrush
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I despise manipulative people. And Whoopi is the definition of a manipulative person. This latest move where she tries to garner support by preying on people's good will and sympathy goes beyond decency. It's all crocodile tears and pure theatrics plus a little greed thrown in for good measure. Deflect, deflect, look over there!

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Did it sound like Whoopi's brother's Memorial Block Party was basically organized by volunteers and donated stuff to anyone else?  i don't think I've heard that many vendors names mentioned by a co-host since Starr was trolling for freebies for her wedding.   Pffft. 


That's how I heard it and it was incredibly distasteful to hear a multi-millionaire do something like this.  You want to honor your brother with a neighborhood block party?  Pay for it yourself!

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I despise manipulative people. And Whoopi is the definition of a manipulative person. This latest move where she tries to garner support by preying on people's good will and sympathy goes beyond decency. It's all crocodile tears and pure theatrics plus a little greed thrown in for good measure. Deflect, deflect, look over there!


She is after all an actress first and a moderator last!  As soon as she started speaking about her brother I had a "ruh roh" moment and I thought the sympathy card is about to be played and then she gets ch cho chok chok **cough** choked up?!

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
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I was thinking about how many people have left while Whoopi is still there. Joy, Bitsy, BaWa, Sherri (?), Jenny, Rosie O., Rosie P., I might be missing a few. It really is starting to look like nobody wants to work with Whoopi lol.

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London bugs me like crazy... And she always looks like she smells something bad .. Shallow I know.. She is too animated.

And her fashion sucks



Here's one good thing about Stacy London, Jpxfactor: her supreme confidence.  She acts like she's the Best Thing EVAH!  Obviously someone buys it because she has her own show and she pops up on The View to bother me occasionally.  Stranger things have happened in the biz of show.

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They are all terrified of Whoopi.....with the exception of BW, imo. BW had to babysit Whoopi until she couldn't anymore - and exceeded her shelf life.

Up until The Whoopster took over as moderator, she contributed very little (unless a big stah was a guest) & mostly sat there in a drug-induced haze.  Handing her the moderator's gavel unleashed the beast we're seeing now.  What's that expression?  Give someone a little power ......

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They are all terrified of Whoopi.....with the exception of BW, imo. BW had to babysit Whoopi until she couldn't anymore - and exceeded her shelf life.

That's true but I don't really blame them and here's why: 


They watched Whoopi use the fact that she was the only leftover co-host and moderator to designate herself as The Boss.  She was able to take apart the new set, get herself a throne, have the first and last word on every topic and create an environment so hostile that RO decided she didn't need the added stress from this gig.  Now Rosie P is out.  Whether Whoopi had anything to do with that or not, she acts like she does.  Today when they announced Bangs will be a permanent co-host she phrased it in a way she had some say in it, "We liked her so much...., we decided..." etc.   In exchange, Bangs practically kissed Whoopi's feet.  Ewww, sorry for the mental picture of that.  Blech. 


After Whoopi attacked RO in December (for disagreeing with her) Nicole mader herself into Whoopi's Number One Fan and bff.  Nicole is not stupid, she just wanted to keep the gig or at least avoid the Wrath of Whoopi.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
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Thinking a little more about Whoopi because she played the pity card this morning....she could care less about the viewers thoughts on her opinions but the media's opinions crush her. On Thursday Apatow hopefully will successfully put her in her place.

I saw him on the Today Show this morning and Matt had no problem asking him about Cosby and Jason had no problem answering.

ETA - remember when the fashion critic criticized an outfit she wore....and in 2011 when the NYT forgot to mention her Oscar? LMAO

Edited by maggiemae
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Nicolle today said she and her son have already seen the new Minions movie like, hundreds of times.   (345 times, I think she said) 

The movie is out at the theaters - it's not on DVD.  


Kids her son's age DO watch the same movie over and over, so I think either - she hasn't seen it, just wanted to jump on the band wagon, and thought it was cute to say he's obsessed with it when he hasn't seen it yet;  OR she just outed herself as someone who watches illegal  bootleg  movies  on her computer instead of going to the theater. 


Because - if you take a preschooler to a movie in a theater, you do NOT say that you've seen the movie hundreds of times - you see it once, and you talk about taking your kid to the movie theater.   

It might seem like nitpicking, but I think back to when my kids were small.  If a movie came out a week or two ago, and someone said THEIR kid had already seen it 100 times, I'd be pissed as hell.  Liar?  or Thief? 

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Nicholle may have gotten a screener of the Minions movie. If talk shows like The View is having cast members on, the studios will often give the shows screeners of the movie so they can see it before interviewing the cast.

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Why is this show so obsessed with hiring comedians and actors? I'm not a Nicolle Wallace fan, but at least the woman has some credentials other than reality show star or underemployed comedian/actor who needs the money.



I've said it before: this show was far better before any of them were "stars." Lisa Ling was awesome, and a real journalist. I wasn't always a huge Meredith fan, but she had a real resume and she could handle the moderator chair. Good balance between silly talk show host and journalist.


And lest I become too romantic, this show and its hosts were never beyond criticism. But the endless drama of who's coming and going and who's hating and loving and who ... it's just ridiculous at this point. Put this show to rest. Amen.

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MaggieMae - You know, of course, that the "fashion critic" who dared comment on Whoppie's style aesthetic was none other than Stacy London??  So amazing to me that Stacy EVER appeared on The View in any capacity, after Whooops's lengthy on-air tantrum re Stacy's temerity.  IMO, Stacy (whom I enjoyed on What Not to Wear) could be a great panelist, if she'd just relax & not try so hard.  At any rate, she sure beats Ms Flat Earth! Stacy's well-educated (Vassar - Philosophy & Germanic Studies, apparently) & sophisticated, but is probably yet another conservative - her Mom's a venture capitalist & Dad's pres. emeritus of a conservative think tank (oxymoron!!)  Clinton Kelly forgave her & so can I, if she brings interesting opinions to the panel.

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I thought so tele....but googled it but lost interest. And yep.....Stacy tried too hard.

I saw Stacy on The Chew.....evidently the friendship between Stacy and Clinton more or less ended after WNTW as they didn't see each other socially.

After the way Sherri treated Clinton on the show in a food segment on TV I cared for her even less....if possible.

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Nicole made herself into Whoopi's Number One Fan and bff.



It's almost nauseating to watch Nicole pat and rub Whoopi (literally) and then kiss her ass (figuratively).  She refines the term Suck Up every day.


SHERRI:  Although I do not want her on my television, I will watch a couple of times to see if she returns to her exquisitely sexy self.  How I yearn for those hilarious comments about her jumping uterus (with gestures).  I miss her pawing every breathing (straight) male within her grasp.  Her horny, sexy body must make her the wet dream of every American male and I can't wait for the demonstrations.  Next season?  Why do we have to wait so long.  I know she'll have new material...after all doesn't she have yet another ex-husband to trash on the airwaves...and then there's that little chile'.

Edited by Former Nun
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MaggieMae - You know, of course, that the "fashion critic" who dared comment on Whoppie's style aesthetic was none other than Stacy London??  So amazing to me that Stacy EVER appeared on The View in any capacity, after Whooops's lengthy on-air tantrum re Stacy's temerity.  

I so agree. I specifically remember Whoppi calling London a BITCH, saying it with such venow, hate and anger. I don't understand how London could look, talk or even be in the same room with Whoopi. No way could I do so - not after the over the top rant and childish name-calling.

This, from a woman that constantly says how she doesn't care what others think; and don't tweet or email her (/making pointing finger gesture). Those that talk the loudest usually have the thinnest skin!


One more thing about Whoopi; she was pretty much sleep for the past several years - hell she barely said a word and just kinda slumped in her chair half the time. But when Rosie ODonnell came back, I think she realized she had to step it up. I still feel Rosie threatened her in some way - like she knew she couldn't measure up to Rosie. I don't know if her shitty attitude towards Rosie was deliberate, but I do feel Rosie was like eff this...I don't need this bullshit and was out. Which is too bad.


I think Whoopi tried to act like she was so above The View but in reality I feel she needs the show more than the show needs her. 

Edited by Stacee
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MaggieMae - You know, of course, that the "fashion critic" who dared comment on Whoppie's style aesthetic was none other than Stacy London??  So amazing to me that Stacy EVER appeared on The View in any capacity, after Whooops's lengthy on-air tantrum re Stacy's temerity.  IMO, Stacy (whom I enjoyed on What Not to Wear) could be a great panelist, if she'd just relax & not try so hard.  At any rate, she sure beats Ms Flat Earth! Stacy's well-educated (Vassar - Philosophy & Germanic Studies, apparently) & sophisticated, but is probably yet another conservative - her Mom's a venture capitalist & Dad's pres. emeritus of a conservative think tank (oxymoron!!)  Clinton Kelly forgave her & so can I, if she brings interesting opinions to the panel.

Some interesting background on Ms. London.  Still can't stand her.

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