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Women who kick ass?


They announced who's on that one. Maisie Williams (Game of Thrones), Tatiana Maslany (Orphan Black), Katey Sagal (Sons of Anarchy), Natalie Dormer (Game of Thrones) and Nicole Beharie (Sleep Hollow)


Although  I'd watch an Arrow Women that Kick Ass panel with Caity Lotz, Katrina Law, Summer Glau and Celina Jade.

Ew, the women that kick ass panel got heckled at Comic-Con? All-accepting Nerd Mecca my butt. That makes me mad.


The amount of jeering, snide looks & comments directed at women in cosplay at NYCC that I witnessed made my skin crawl & blood boil. I expected the oogling over some of the costumes but the negative stuff was ridiculous.  When I read about the heckling at the women that kick ass panel, I wasn't surprised.


I hope the audience behaves better and not just because 1 of the panelists is a young woman.  It's well beyond time for decorum to become the norm at these types of events.  And perhaps the moderators & organizers need to be more pro-active so that anyone thinking of being rude is motivated or encouraged to choose to behave differently


That kid is so my celebrity crush right now.

He's so darn charming, it's ridiculous.

I also had no idea Amell did the voice of Green Arrow in the Injustice video game, that's awesome. If they don't let him play GA in the JLA movies, I'll be rather pissed. (if they decide to include GA that is.)

Edited by Tangerine
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Got the Arrow bag! I had to do some trading (started with I, Zombie which traded for Vampire Diaries which traded for Arrow) but it's aaaaaaaaall mine! It had Amell's pretty face complete with eye mask. No cape this year but it's all good.

Eta: I just checked and Katie isn't scheduled for the autograph session. Neither are Emily or Caity, granted, but I think that's telling. Willa is scheduled along with Amell, Ramsey, Haynes, Blackthorne and Barrowman so read into that however you want.

Edited by scarynikki12
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Most likely that they don't want to draw attention to the Canary/lead character issues surrounding Laurel while also making clear that Thea will play a big part to start the season. It could mean that they know how poorly Laurel and Katie are received and don't want to risk a less than enthusiastic reception at the signing (which would be really obvious next to the guaranteed love that the others-Amell, Barrowman, Ramsey, and Blackthorne in particular-will get).


I don't know...I think that may be reading into things. 

To go to the SV route...characters like Chloe and Lois were both heavily criticized during the last three years but at SDCC they both were cheered heavily. 

I've always felt Laurel's "unpopularity" isn't really that widespread, especially with the non-internet audience. 

Plus if they didn't want there to be awkwardness, they wouldn't have those three (or just KC) at the panel rather than the signing. 

Edited by wingster55
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People liked Kirsten Kreuk the person so yeah, she got a nice reception. (When she went ) I don't think she was under any delusions about her character's flaws.

Personally I do find Laurel a Lois. Has the name in the comics but the show gives a full fledged version first that the audience loves but gets pushed aside and ripped apart because TPTB didn't want to buck comic lore or be creative in adhering to it.

Edited by BkWurm1

There was a lot of Lana-hate on the big Smallville boards, but she had her fair share of fans as well. It's just that those fans avoided the big, open forums because they didn't want to deal with the hate all the time, so they congregated to their own boards. If I remember correctly, the Sweets forum had over 50000 members.

Wow I didn't know Smallville fandom was this big. Although I think there are some Laurel fans in Arrow fandom too (or at least KC fans... I wonder who they like more, the actress or the character? I never hear about "CL fans" or "EBR fans", just their characters', but it's usually KC fans, not Laurel's). It really sometimes feels like the fandom's 95% Olicity 4% Laurel and 1% everything else, and considering I don't care about the former and utterly despise the latter, it's just one more reason to feel excluded.

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KC has a following. But EBR and CL don't because this is their first major role. I'm pretty sure they both will have followings after Arrow! I mean, EBR already has more than half of the followers KC has on twitter which goes to show her popularity is INSANE! I'm actually really happy for her and hopes she moves onto bigger and better roles in the future (and not be tethered to the CW)

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KC has been acting for awhile (which is why I think she should be better at it) so she has fans from her other work, so her reception at SDCC and her autograph line could be fans from those projects and not just Arrow. I know internet fans are not the whole world, but there had to be an overwhelming amount of dislike of the character if the EP's are aware of it. Social Media wasn't that big in the Smallville days so those EP's may not have been that aware of the Lana hate.


Tomorrow we'll find out more about what's happening. I'm also interested in what they are showing in the teaser trailer and if Sara's Canary will be in it. 


Laurel's not a Chloe or a Lois, though. She's a Lana. Did the fans on cons cheer Kristin Kreuk?

Of course, Lana had a huge fan base as did Clana. Laurel has a fan base and KC as well, granted they aren't on here but they're there. I think it's reaching to assume KC is not signing autographs because of Laurel hate. Laurel is a character after all and Arrow has a broad fan base that enjoys all aspects of the show. Let's not be solipsistic.

Edited by slayer2
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I'm looking forward to the panel, I like most of the cast as the majority seem to enjoy working with one another and maybe they sell me on some storylines. I love watching them interact. I'm probably wrong, but I don't think having differing views makes someone solipsistic as from my understanding that is the theory based on self knowledge and that other minds don't exist. 


I'm looking forward to the panel, I like most of the cast as the majority seem to enjoy working with one another and maybe they sell me on some storylines. I love watching them interact. I'm probably wrong, but I don't think having differing views makes someone solipsistic as from my understanding that is the theory based on self knowledge and that other minds don't exist.

What I took from the quote was that someone felt she wouldn't be signing autographs because people don't like her. But some people do like her and Laurel very much hence my suggestion to let us not be solipsistic and assume that everyone is pro-EBR pro-CL and anti-KC. Arrow has a varied fan base and neither is worth less or more than the other and all of them have a percentage of people who like to attend events like this in support of their favourites.


Yeah, online popularity or dislike doesn't determine whether an actor is present for the cast signing at SDCC. I remember when the awful V remake was on the air, Tyler Evans was probably the most hated character on all of television and Logan Huffman still signed autographs at SDCC with the rest of the cast and producers.

Edited by strikera0

I couldn't tell who was more popular at the signings at SDCC, you get in line and go across the table for everyone's autograph whether you want theirs or not. At the Supernatural one only Jensen was there because Jared was at another panel during that time, so that could be another reason why KC and EBR are not there.


At regular cons you might be able to tell who is more popular. At the one I went to in March Steven Yeun from the Walking Dead had a waiting line to get into his waiting line. Stephen Amell had the larger area out of the 4 of them (David, Manu and Emily) and a pretty big line. When I met her, EBR didn't have a line (granted it was towards the end and most people didn't know she was still there) it worked out for me though, since I actually got to talk to her for awhile. 

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You can tell because people try to linger with their favorites and the people walking super slow by the booth will cheer for their favorites as well. I'm rarely at the front of such lines so I've seen a lot of attempts at lingering. The one Warner Bros guy who is in charge of the booth will lecture you if you try to pull that but people always do everything they can to prolong the experience, even if only for a few seconds.

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