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He said he was going away for awhile.  I think he is in some deep deep shit.  Suzanne Gomez was probably all over him as well she should be.  He put up a white flag as his profile pic on Facebook.

Edited by catrox14
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I think that's pretty pathetic actually, to delete his twitter picture or whatever. That feels too close to playing the victim card. Already people are like 'see what you did! SA's gone now because you all hated on him!' Ugh. 

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He didn't apologize. He never said he was wrong and that he was sorry, just that he didn't mean to offend anyone. Typical non apology "apology."

It is basically apologizing to me since it is the standard Celeb thing to say which is what I interrupted his initial "not apologizing"  as, 

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This story about Ahmed made me an extremely emotional person today probably because I can see that happening to my curious little nephew. I am happy everyone came together and there was a positive respond from all over the world.

Anyways, I am really amazed he didn't think this through before he tweeted it. I thought the guy was all about being the King of Social Media but at this moment I just want him to STFU!!! He knows nothing about Islamophobia and I don't even want him commenting on it. 

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It is basically apologizing to me since it is the standard Celeb thing to say which is what I interrupted his initial "not apologizing"  as, 


Okay. To me, an apology is actually saying you're sorry, regardless of what's standard. It doesn't really matter anyway, since I doubt he did it on his own accord, because he realized he was being ignorant and wrong - someone from the network probably made him do it.

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An apology is an apology. The typical celeb apology is them looking like they were made to apologize by their PR people and giving a half assed sort of apology without ever saying the words "I'm sorry for what I said or did". 

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This story about Ahmed made me an extremely emotional person today probably because I can see that happening to my curious little nephew. I am happy everyone came together and there was a positive respond from all over the world.

It's an incredibly shitty story. That kid was in a frigging NASA t-shirt, for goodness' sake. And the cops are still calling it a hoax bomb and calling him "less than forthcoming" because he didn't tell them the purpose of the clock after he told them repeatedly, according to their own reports, that it's a CLOCK. If you don't know the purpose of a CLOCK, I don't see how you can possibly be a teacher or a cop.

About a year ago I was pulled over by a cop who made me get out of my car while he had his hand on his gun because it took me ONE MILE to pull over, on a county road with no shoulder. I'm still upset about it. This kid was arrested, handcuffed, perp-walked through his school, transported to the police station, fingerprinted, and photographed. It's absolutely horrific and I very much hope he sues the school, the town, and the police for millions.

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That is hilarious. What happened to him not apologizing?

I don't find any of this hilarious. I don't appreciate the glee that people are apparently getting from the fact that he screwed up "worse" than how someone else screwed up. I hope he learns a lesson from this, and I hope we get an apology for the way he dismissed people's opinions (I don't think he should apologize for his original tweet, because that's his opinion, even if I disagree). There is no part of this that's even remotely amusing.
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I don't find any of this hilarious. I don't appreciate the glee that people are apparently getting from the fact that he screwed up "worse" than how someone else screwed up. I hope he learns a lesson from this, and I hope we get an apology for the way he dismissed people's opinions (I don't think he should apologize for his original tweet, because that's his opinion, even if I disagree). There is no part of this that's even remotely amusing.


Exactly. The fact that he's being harassed because of all this just goes to show just how NOT funny this situation is. NO ONE is a winner in this scenario. And it's not something to take lightly. 

Edited by wonderwall
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I don't find any of this hilarious. I don't appreciate the glee that people are apparently getting from the fact that he screwed up "worse" than how someone else screwed up. I hope he learns a lesson from this, and I hope we get an apology for the way he dismissed people's opinions (I don't think he should apologize for his original tweet, because that's his opinion, even if I disagree). There is no part of this that's even remotely amusing.

The thing that bothers me a lot is that I keep wondering if maybe this fourteen year old boy maybe likes Arrow. Because he's a teenage boy and teenage boys like shows like that. And maybe he follows stephen and now he thinks that Stephen thinks he's some sort of terrorist. That really, really bothers me.

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I'm sure he doesn't think he's wrong. He felt his friends and family were being judged and it annoyed him so he commented. Then the Twitter people went at him and Stephan doesn't know how to let things go. And then the people going at him for white privilege pissed him off. That is never going to sit well with people who think they do what they can to make the world better. I know you all are never going to understand why people who are white just sees prejudices as prejudices, but it's just concepts to people who aren't in the middle.


I'm glad he "apologized" and was made to leave social media for a bit. Stephan is basically a good guy though. I hope his publicist hooks him up with some people who have been racially profiled so he can understand. Meeting the people beyond the concepts is needed for some.

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I know you all are never going to understand why people who are white just sees prejudices as prejudices, but it's just concepts to people who aren't in the middle.


.... w.. I...  wh... *exhale*.. what?!!!

I'm white, i'm also jewish. i'm also a woman. and I can't even start to wrap my head around what you just wrote and how wrong it is. The only ones who see prejudices as nothing but a concept are usually white males who had the luck of being born into middle or higher class, they also tend to be christian (but not necessarily)- Actually I know some lower class white males who only see prejudices as nothing but a concept. some don't even think it really exists.

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I think that prime minister of Canada thing is looking less likely.

I'm from Texas and active politically. I never mind when Texas and Texans gets called out on terrible behavior regarding women and minorities and always naively hope valid criticism will make the political situation here better.

Unfortunately, it rarely has any effect- except causing the Far Right to even go farther right. But bring on the ridicule. I don't take it personally. If anything, I totally agree. I think most people understand that Texas is the second largest state in America and not all of us are small-minded jingoistic asshats. I didn't need SA to defend me - neither does his wife or his TV buddies.

Sadly, SA will probably get more press out of this and it will raise his profile.

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It's an incredibly shitty story. That kid was in a frigging NASA t-shirt, for goodness' sake. And the cops are still calling it a hoax bomb and calling him "less than forthcoming" because he didn't tell them the purpose of the clock after he told them repeatedly, according to their own reports, that it's a CLOCK. If you don't know the purpose of a CLOCK, I don't see how you can possibly be a teacher or a cop.

About a year ago I was pulled over by a cop who made me get out of my car while he had his hand on his gun because it took me ONE MILE to pull over, on a county road with no shoulder. I'm still upset about it. This kid was arrested, handcuffed, perp-walked through his school, transported to the police station, fingerprinted, and photographed. It's absolutely horrific and I very much hope he sues the school, the town, and the police for millions.


They are lucky Ahmed wasn't one of those sarcastic kids. He was probably to scared to get smart with the cops. Honestly, I didn't understand why none of them would not check it themselves to see if it is a clock or not. 


And, I am glad things worked out for you with that tricker happy cop. There are some cops out there now days have zero patience and they are giving the rest of the Police a bad name. 

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I'm glad he "apologized" and was made to leave social media for a bit. Stephan is basically a good guy though. I hope his publicist hooks him up with some people who have been racially profiled so he can understand. Meeting the people beyond the concepts is needed for some.


He also needs to learn the difference between profiling and stereotyping, because he's equating them and they are not the same thing. 

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I think that prime minister of Canada thing is looking less likely.

On the other hand the 45th President of The United States of America looks possible. Rick Perry just dropped out so there's an opening in the race. He'll fit right in and he can even represent Texas.


Edited by Morrigan2575
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He's going to gain a lot of conservative followers for this. Frankly, I think he's revealed what kind of guy he is (if his past tweeting hadn't already- I actually do think what people tweet tells you something about them, at least what they think about things. It's a stream of consciousness situation, but those are people's real thoughts, unless they're actively trying to do a fake persona).


I was already on the fence about tuning into Arrow anymore, since I didn't like the last season at all, but now I'm almost sure to not watch it. He's kind of an entitled douche and I'm not into it. I'll have to just do crossover stuff only I guess (I love The Flash).

Edited by Ruby25
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SA has frustrated me a few times because he does seem to forget the power of his words and he just says some ridiculously offensive things.  


But he has let us get to know him over the past few years (I've been following SA on FB since there were just 200,000 people).  He shared himself a lot.  He loves seeing his popularity in action - seeing the numbers of comments, likes, and people watching his live broadcasts - it is almost like it gives him that comfort blanket he is liked.  I also feel that he has some insecurities when it comes to being so public so when he screws up, he feels he needs to "disappear."   This isn't the first time he has 'eggd' himself on twitter or deleted his account - he always comes back.


He has shown himself to be more real than most celebrities I follow.  And with that, comes the good and the bad qualities.   Like people we know in "real life," we either accept him for the way he is (faults and all) or we just say 'goodbye and good luck.'

Edited by BumpSetSpike
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He has shown himself to be more real than most celebrities I follow.  And with that, comes the good and the bad qualities.   Like people we know in "real life," we either accept him for the way he is (faults and all) or we just say 'goodbye and good luck.'


I see what you're saying, but these aren't actually the only two options. There's something in between Stan and Hater--where fans can say, "Hey, dude, I like you, but this thing is unacceptable." And then you can hope he learns or grows or changes, and if he doesn't, then you choose to what level you continue to engage with him. Maybe it's a dealbreaker to the point that you swear off him and all of his projects for infinity (hey, Adam Baldwin!), or maybe you're fine with watching his stuff but you don't care for him as a person anymore (hey, Isaiah Washington!), or maybe you just accept that he has some blind spots and you can still be a fan of both him and his work. I've accepted SA's other blind spots before--his casual sexism, for example--but this has been really disappointing and I'm not sure how I'll feel about him going forward.

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6 hours of meetings this afternoon and I miss all the "fun".  This is depressing beyond reason.  I have always defended SA, even when he was being tone deaf.  This is another level.  I think the anti-apology makes it worse.  We get it - you don't think you're wrong and think we're just bored, dumb Twitter people.  That have never been to Texas.  Check.

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I think that prime minister of Canada thing is looking less likely.

Not necessarily.  Today the prime minister announced that in spite of having lost the case in two lower courts, they will be taking the case to the Supreme Court to force women to remove their niqab while swearing the citizenship oath  Never underestimate what a politician will do to try to get re-elected.


Racial profiling by carding is a huge controvery in Toronto.  Apparently SA he wasn't paying attention while he lived there.


What struck me in the story about the boy in Texas is that after he showed his clock to his science teacher, the teacher praised him and then told him to hide it so no one else could see.  Obviously the teacher knows something about the atmosphere in the school.


Ibrahim Hooper, a spokesperson for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said that “It would not have occurred if he did not have a Muslim name and have a heritage from the Muslim world.”

To be quite honest, I'm not sure that's true, at least I hope it isn't.  While it is much worse for people of colour, given how many school shootings there are by isolated and screwed up white teenage boys,  I'm not sure that it a white boy who brought a ticking something hidden in his bag might not have been arrested too.


Stephen Amell was wrong but he's just an actor, a guy who too often engages his mouth before his brain is in gear.  Ibrahim Hooper is wrong to focus this on race and reduce it to an "them vs us" issue rather than a 'jumping to conclusions' one which actually might prevent the situation from happening again.  That's what I think is much worse than what SA did and worthy of more attention, that this man who identifies himself as a spokesperson for Muslims, for whatever reason is making the situation worse.  And shame on the news media for going to sensationalism rather than thoughtfulness


3. I happened to read a series of tweets pronouncing that this is a systemic problem in Texas, which is also profiling.


    4. It's profiling in a much less hurtful / destructive way... but it is profiling.

Once again proving that math is not his forte.  Saying that something "is a systemic problem" is nothing near profiling.  sigh

Edited by statsgirl
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Did you see those crazy stans using the IStandByAmell hashtag on Twitter though? Like thanks for proving how wrong he was yet again by making it about a white privileged male instead of a young Muslim boy. Wtf is wrong with people? I will never understand. At least I've seen true colors tonight though.

Edited by Guest
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I'm really dissapointed and I don't know how to feel about him anymore. He made it so much worst. I hope he take a step back and try to understand where people are coming from and apologize. I'm seeing this screenshot of his father in law going around, media will move on but he really took a hit in the fandom. 



Edited by rainydawn
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I'm glad he "apologized" and was made to leave social media for a bit. Stephan is basically a good guy though. I hope his publicist hooks him up with some people who have been racially profiled so he can understand. Meeting the people beyond the concepts is needed for some.

Yeah. I'm glad he said what he said. He expressed regret and he looked like he felt like crap about it and he figured out ( or someone did) that the best thing for him to do was shut up. I know some don't feel like it's an apology unless there is an admission of guilt and the specific use of "I'm sorry" but I do think when he said he didn't mean to offend but acknowledged that he did, he was owning up to messing up.

i also have hopes that some time to think and not just blindly react will lead him to figure out where and how he messed up. I also strongly believe he will have some "help" figuring it out. He's reactionary and stubborn but he is also empathetic and wants to do good so that should mean he can be taught.

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I see what you're saying, but these aren't actually the only two options. There's something in between Stan and Hater--where fans can say, "Hey, dude, I like you, but this thing is unacceptable." And then you can hope he learns or grows or changes, and if he doesn't, then you choose to what level you continue to engage with him. 


I agree with you completely - I didn't mean to say those were the two options, but it is more like a spectrum decision on how far you lean to either side.  He definitely has continued to disappoint me with his comments, and I am still figuring out where I end up on this after this mess.


And do share about Adam Baldwin.  I know nothing about him but just finished a Chuck netflix bingewatch this weekend.  You have me curious ;)

Edited by BumpSetSpike
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He went from antagonistically unapologetic to repentant pretty damn fast, and made fun of people who called him out, so...I doubt he made that Facebook video on his own, just because he caused an uproar. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, so I do believe him when he says he didn't mean to offend people, but intention isn't the issue here. I mean, we all have our problematic faves, but this isn't the first, second, or even third time he's been messy on social media. You can be "real" without being an asshole. He needs to learn how to do that.

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I will give Stephen credit for one thing.


He said he "I didn't mean to offend" which is a lot better than the "I'm sorry IF I offended" or the ever terrible "I'm sorry if anyone took offense", which is usually the non-apology apology. At least to me it is and that's a start to a conversation that I hope he has with someone. 

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I think something about Twitter brings out his reactionary side. Not excusing him but he always seems to cause himself the most trouble when he is on Twitter.

And do share about Adam Baldwin. I know nothing about him but just finished a Chuck netflix bingewatch this weekend. You have me curious ;)

Let's just say his character's politics on Chuck are milder than his own.

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I'm really dissapointed and I don't know how to feel about him anymore. He made it so much worst. I hope he take a step back and try to understand where people are coming from and apologize. I'm seeing this screenshot of his father in law going around, media will move on but he really took a hit in the fandom. 




At this point I will say he is fortunate that no one has taken the text of his father-in-law (I'm guessing he's a Texan) and included it in their write-ups with Stephen's Twitter comments. I'm sure this is not what the CW Network wants to be dealing with when its so close to launching Season 4. So I'm pretty sure with the season being so close to premiering had something to do with his quick flip of "I'm not apologizing nor deleting tweets" comments, to him now posting Tweets and a FB video stating he "didn't mean to offend anyone, and 2 wrongs don't make a right". Maybe he's been hanging around Jared Padalecki too long (he was always inserting his foot into his mouth on social media). He's entitled to his opinion however I think his opinion is being based on his family connection and if that comment from his father-in-law was printed I do believe he would be in even more of a situation than he is right now. I'm sure it will blow over but I think the next time anyone in his family defends Texas it will probably be his wife since it is her home state.

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I think that prime minister of Canada thing is looking less likely.

I'm from Texas and active politically. I never mind when Texas and Texans gets called out on terrible behavior regarding women and minorities and always naively hope valid criticism will make the political situation here better.


I grew up in Texas, and I still love the state. I also have a clear understanding and recognition of its faults. The first thing I said when I heard about Ahmed was, great, my people fucked up once again. 


I see what you're saying, but these aren't actually the only two options. There's something in between Stan and Hater--where fans can say, "Hey, dude, I like you, but this thing is unacceptable." 


This is where I am. I am always severely disappointed when someone I admire screws up so royally. When I was last in TX (to attend one of SA's wine parties, huh) I spent time with my best friend. I've grown up with her, and have loved and respected her for over 25 years. She said some of the most surprisingly bigoted things to me. I live in Los Angeles now and the verbage she used just isn't said in my current community. It shocked, saddened, and disappointed me, and ultimately left me speechless. I still love her, but my perception of her has been forever changed.  


I don't feel as strongly about SA because I don't know him. I hope he steps back, takes a moment, and tries to see this situation from the perspective of the people who are criticizing him. Racial profiling is so prevalent and pervasive, and those who don't experience it, white dudes like SA, need to shut up and LISTEN when these unfortunate events occur. Because they occur every day, all across this country, and unless people stand up and say it's no longer okay, it's no longer going to be tolerated, it's not going to stop.


You know, the more I write, the more upset I get. I think I'm more disappointed in SA than I realize. Maybe because he's done so much good. I don't know.

Edited by calliope1975
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Seriously, what was he thinking? It's great to have opinions, but when you are followed by a lot of people what you say matters & it sticks. Social media is a messy playground. He should learn to keep his opinions out of social media when it comes to hot button topics like politics, gender, race & religion. Those are like the third rail of social media, just don't touch it. He should have known better. You just don't mess with some topics. If he was dying to vent, he should have just group texted his buddies. Its really challenging to to express thoughts on a rather delicate & complicated situation in 140 characters with absolute strangers. Or just make a dummy account for when he wants to throw caution in the wind and say whatever is in his stream of consciousness.


Some one needed to take his phone & social media priveleges away so much sooner than when they did. As others have mentioned he needs to be open to education about the issues. He needs to make a more thoughtful apology. Most of all he needs to learn his lesson this time about when to keep his mouth shut & when to shut it up. He did look rather contrite during his FB video, but still he needs to talk to a serious PR person about how to untangle himself from this mess in the best fashion.

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