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It's always annoyed me when people pile on Bethenny about being anorexic.


Bethenny strikes me as someone who holds extremely high standards for herself.  But she set this up by naming her brand Skinnygirl.  That's a very difficult name to live up to.  I know so many people who were naturally quite thin when young & then for all sorts of reasons were subject to varying degrees of weight changes.  It's just life & it happens.  It's one of the reasons I can't stand that brand name.  It's generated to set up an ideal so many can never reach & has likely made many feel insecure about themselves -- including Bethenny herself to maintain a "skinny" standard.  Sheesh, if Bethenny develops weight problems beyond her control, I could see her crying non-stop.  But then again, it doesn't seem to take much -- at least when those Bravo cams are rolling.


The thing is, she definitely has admitted to eating disorders in the past in at least one of her books (maybe more or all -- Idk).  She may still have them.  I don't know much about them, but it may be a myth that all people who have eating disorders exhibit the physical signs.  She may still have eating disorders now, but to smaller degree.  Who knows?  What I was noticing was that from looks alone, her weight doesn't seem unhealthy.  I'm not even sure I would describe her as "skinny".  With her boob job, altho not huge, she doesn't look especially skinny to me -- just toned & really good in a bikini.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 5

It's not so much how Beth looks (although she is quite thin; those scenes from behind during the Sonja-Beth confrontation make her back look kinda bony) as much as it is what she says and does. And not all people with eating disorders "look" like they have an eating disorder, at least not what society thinks an eating disorder looks like (Isabelle Caro is the poster child-quite literally- but few anorexics get that thin). Not saying more because this is really for the Beth thread.


I'm not sure why so many people are so anxious for her to have an eating disorder.  Some people are fit because they eat right and exercise.  It happens.

  • Love 4

I'm not sure why so many people are so anxious for her to have an eating disorder.  Some people are fit because they eat right and exercise.  It happens.

I don't think that the few times we have seen her eat something it was along the line of chick peas and not much more has helped remove any questions about an ED. Add to that her advice in her many SG books that promote taking 1 bite of food and little else. Does she have an ED, who knows, she admits that she has suffered from it in the past and claims her mother did as well, so there is a history, 1 that often repeats itself especially during stressful times. I hope for her sake and that of Bryn's, that she no longer has these food issues, it would be horrible if she passed this behavior/illness on to her own daughter.

  • Love 3

It's always annoyed me when people pile on Bethenny about being anorexic. As you point out, while she's thin, she's obviously very healthy and very fit.  She's not carrying any flesh or fat she doesn't need, but she's also obviously not starving herself.  It's kind of a sad day when simply being perfectly fit isn't good enough.

I don't know how healthy she actually is but while I don't think she's 'starving' herself, she does seem obsessed about food.  You can be fit but that doesn't necessarily mean you're healthy.  The two don't go hand in hand.

  • Love 11

I'm not sure why so many people are so anxious for her to have an eating disorder.  Some people are fit because they eat right and exercise.  It happens.


I guess some of the 'many' who are 'anxious' to give Bethenny an ED are reacting to her openly discussing her disordered eating, the anorexic-approved strategies she wrote about in her first book (discussed in her thread), the fact that she latched onto 'skinny' as a modifier for her brand, and have their own, legitimate (if 'sad') opinions about her appearance.  It's opinion, which are like...ya know!

  • Love 9

One of my friends looks totally fit and does a ton of exercise, however, she is obsessed with food -- to the point of constantly thinking about her calorie intake vs how much she's burning -- and admits to having an ED that began in her early teens. I think Bethenny is similar in her relationship to food.

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 9

I read an interview that Ramoma did where she said this year has been so hard for her with the Mario stuff, and that is the reason she hasn't been doing her Bravo blogs very often. Meanwhile her Twitter is full of her out boating, dancing, dining with friends.

Blinkblinkblink....so you don't believe her, MCM?  Who are you going to believe, Ramona, Ramona's Twitter feed, or your lying eyes?


She's just waiting for whatever time lag that idiot thinks an Independent Woman (not) would do before making the public reconciliation that Mario needs financially and dreads otherwise happen. 

  • Love 3

One of my friends looks totally fit and does a ton of exercise, however, she is obsessed with food -- to the point of constantly thinking about her calorie intake vs how much she's burning -- and admits to having an ED that began in her early teens. I think Bethenny is similar in her relationship to food.


Exactly.  Not to mention, one can have "disordered eating" without being a full-blown anorexic.  


I think it's very unlikely that a healthy (as in, not suffering from any diseases that have weight loss as a side effect) 5'7' 44 year old woman keeps her weight at around 114 pounds without some severe form of control over her eating.  And yes, that means either under-eating or consistent over-exercising. Her BMI of 17.9 - and just to keep in mind anything UNDER 18.5 is considered "underweight."   


Now, that being said, I think it's highly likely that many celebrities do the SAME thing that Bethenny does - and perhaps a good # of housewives too -- in order to stay "camera ready."  Because, let's face it, while I'll bet Beth looks crazy-skinny in real-life, on TV in a bikini, she looks quite good. 

  • Love 8

I'll throw in another reason: Cause she's a "chef" not a "cook." I think she works very hard to dispel Kelly Bensimon's comment so we all recall that yes, she is a chef.

I'm just curious. What makes her a chef again? I can't remember. Not to be all uncool but I find that people are quick to claim the title chef and I mean I think it's a very tricky title considering there are self taught and schooled chefs out there. Saw the comparisons and slight defensiveness on Top Chef but even the self taught ones on the show reached a pretty impressive level in the profession before being on the show so I'm curious where was she a Chef? Were did she perform these duties officially as a Chef? I've never seen her present some X ala Z with a side of Y or anything. This has always bugged me because there was a part of me that was wondering if Kelly was just pointing out that just because someone fancies themselves a Chef doesn't really make them one. Now granted I've never researched the validity of Beth's claim of being a Chef but whenever it randomly comes up I just wonder. I mean what Bethenny was making didn't look too impressive and while it looked absolutely fabulous as a person who likes to cook, a person who can whip something very nice and tasty up for a group of people what she puts out  just doesn't look like it backs up the theory that Bethenny is in fact a Chef (in an official capacity that is).

  • Love 4

Speaking of Carole's "great ass" -- I think it's gone from 1st to worst. Now that we've seen Bethenny's and Heather's, plus the rest of the ladies' butts in their bikinis, Carole has nothing special to brag about. Actually, of all the HoWives, she does indeed seem to be the least in shape, most lethargic and unmotivated, etc. Put down the bong and perk up, Radzi!

I've always felt this way. What fucking ass is anyone talking about? I was actually rewinding when she was standing at the end of the table in her bathing suit and her back was to the camera trying for the life of me to see what the fuck everyone was seeing and what her tag line was about last season. I mean, I have to believe it was from that ONE comment that I think Heather said about her ass when they were walking into Caroles bday party and wait did someone say something about her ass when she was walking to the beach during one of their trips? But geez louise I'm a Puerto Rican chick from the Bronx, age of the JLo booty, which by the way isn't the biggest of them all anymore so this whole to do about Carole's ass has always made me chuckle.


(And I can only imagine the hollering laughter from the ATL cast when they heard her tag line) ;-)

Edited by Sincerely Yours
  • Love 4

I think there's a difference between saying you once had an eating disorder and having one currently. 

I was under the impression that eating disorders are lifelong illnesses that can be gotten under control. That people can obviously get healthy but like with alcoholism it never truly goes completely away. I think that's what keeps the debate up for questioning when it comes to Beth's body issues.

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Bethenny has copped to doing yoga twice a week. Kristen has a 20-minute daily routine (per Star magazine). Maybe the minimalist approach is fine if you're already in great shape to begin with. 


I think of Heather as having an athletic, sorta tomboyish body.  I think she looks good, even with the bit of backfat.



Didn't Sonja make a catty comment about Heather gaining weight and it all went to her ass? I thought she made some sort of crack about Heather while packing. Heather is definitely built like an Amazon woman and if any of these women could pull off the "she lifted a car off a trapped child" scenario, I'd put my money on her.


Although frankly, I'd be happy with any of these women's bodies.


I was under the impression that eating disorders are lifelong illnesses that can be gotten under control.



Yup. It's like any addictive behavior. Every day you make a choice to toe the line or not. It's not like one day you wake up and the behavior is gone forever. It ebbs and flows, especially if it's triggered by certain people, places or events.

Edited by archer1267
  • Love 5


Didn't Sonja make a catty comment about Heather gaining weight and it all went to her ass? I thought she made some sort of crack about Heather while packing. Heather is definitely built like an Amazon woman and if any of these women could pull off the "she lifted a car off a trapped child" scenario, I'd put my money on her.


Although frankly, I'd be happy with any of these women's bodies.


Sonja said that "even Heather has lost some weight" this season and that "her", Sonja's, butt grew and that "men like it" more now. LOL Of course, Heather was training, during filming, hard for the Charity mountain climb she just did.


I agree, they all look good.

  • Love 4
I would gag if someone cooked food for me while wearing a bikini.

I was more grossed out that she didn't put her hair up.


What I've observed with Dorinda is that she has 2 triggers...Hannah & John.

She evidently has other triggers, given the way she lost her shit during WalkGate and FuckGate.


Both Carole and Heather will be on WWHL on Tuesday! 



I expected to see the usual eating disorder body -- with bones & ribs sticking out all over.

As mentioned, her bones were jutting out when she was shown from behind. (And, I'd venture to guess she would've appeared more bony in the front if her breasts were natural.) I don't think she's toned as much as she's just lean as all get out.

  • Love 6

I'm just curious. What makes her a chef again? I can't remember. Not to be all uncool but I find that people are quick to claim the title chef and I mean I think it's a very tricky title considering there are self taught and schooled chefs out there. Saw the comparisons and slight defensiveness on Top Chef but even the self taught ones on the show reached a pretty impressive level in the profession before being on the show so I'm curious where was she a Chef? Were did she perform these duties officially as a Chef? I've never seen her present some X ala Z with a side of Y or anything. This has always bugged me because there was a part of me that was wondering if Kelly was just pointing out that just because someone fancies themselves a Chef doesn't really make them one. Now granted I've never researched the validity of Beth's claim of being a Chef but whenever it randomly comes up I just wonder. I mean what Bethenny was making didn't look too impressive and while it looked absolutely fabulous as a person who likes to cook, a person who can whip something very nice and tasty up for a group of people what she puts out  just doesn't look like it backs up the theory that Bethenny is in fact a Chef (in an official capacity that is).

I've always thought that she wasn't very skilled and the food she's presented on the show looks mundane. She said in an interview I read years ago that when she did her personal chef/catering stuff that Costco was her best friend so much of her stuff would have been already prepped or even prepared by the store. Just a guess that she would be overwhelmed if she had to compete on a cooking show.

  • Love 9

Well, Dorinda's blog is finally up! LOL She is trying to minimize the fight with Heather last episode but no apology for what she said.


"Yes, I did drink a little TOO much, and not that I want to excuse it, but I will say this: I was exhausted, physically and mentally, and quite frankly, ready to go home. I am feeling like if one more topic is belabored and over-discussed, I was going to go all Patty Hearst on everyone. Listen, we were all on vacation, and every once in a while, you get a little tipsy on vacation. It’s not like we broke new ground here, people. I don't think it merits the full-fledged onslaught, did it? Heather and I got into it over a silly topic that got blown out of proportion, and then it was over—or I tried to just get out of the way and end it. That’s that. As you’ll see, it all moves forward and the story continues…Sigh. Moral of the story: I need to take my daily nap and make the martinis much dirtier… (For those who don’t understand that, it means more olive juice, less vodka.)"


She is trying, IMO, to make it sound like Heather started that argument to begin with, which is not what happened, and that Heather did not try to stop the argument, which again, is not what happened.  Sly little fox that Dorinda, she is learning the HW game of "spin it" quickly, Luann, Ramona and Sonja must be coaching/teaching/advising her! LOL  JMO

  • Love 8

Well, Dorinda's blog is finally up! LOL She is trying to minimize the fight with Heather last episode but no apology for what she said.


". I am feeling like if one more topic is belabored and over-discussed, I was going to go all Patty Hearst on everyon

I think it's a little messed up to compare yourself to someone who was kidnapped, locked in a closet, repeatedly raped, beaten and brainwashed.

Edited by JennyMominFL
  • Love 14

WireWrap, thanks for posting that portion of Dorinda's blog. I think there might be something wrong with this chick. This is my favorite part of her blog. She is talking about folks judging Ramona for being a bitch to them the night before:



"The Gansevoort, which Sonja arranged for us, and it was HEAVEN. Such a beautiful place and such an amazing penthouse! We all end up on the balcony, overlooking the beach, and start with the pokes and prods and barbs and jabs…Listen, besides outright betrayal, there’s really nothing to get so judgy over. And certainly no need to start throwing zingers as if it’s a shakedown or competition. I just want all the girls to be happy and not hurt each other or themselves. I want us to be there for each other when we need advice, but there’s no need to mother one another or be moralist or preacher or judge. Let’s all find our happy place and be supportive, right? At this point in our lives, no one needs a judge and jury. It’s monotonous. We all have enough stuff going on in our lives, and as women we should be wholly supportive and not nags who point out what is right and wrong constantly. So Ramona had a little flirt and a good night with a guy she was talking up at a bar…big whoop! HOORAY RAMONA! YOU GO GIRL! (See? That wasn’t hard to do…)"


Am I reading this right? Is it perhaps a joke being played upon us? She is lecturing on not judging anyone else, in not being a nag who points out what is right and what is wrong? I just cannot understand making such a huge, grand statement, when you were shown IN THE SAME FUCKING EPISODE JUDGING AND BEING A NAG. Now I'm going to have to get on Twitter to annoy her. Damn her to hell for making me do that. 

  • Love 12

Who was her proofreader? Hannah? Maybe she missed the reference and thought D was talking about stopping the presses lol.

Also, earlier I said she gave me an Edie Sedgwick vibe and after seeing her vacation wardrobe I think she does it intentionally. But Dorinda, you will never be Edie.

THAT'S who her husky smoker's voice reminds me of: an older Edie Sedgwick!!! Same sort of Northern lilt and everything...she does share a few style tips from Edie as well(white-blonde bobbed hair, big/long earrings, mini-dresses)...interesting observation.

I'm also in shock that Bethenny is supposedly 5'7 and weighs only 114lbs---I always thought she was shorter! If that's the case, she's severely underweight for her height. That's actually a very scary weight and extremely difficult to maintain without extreme dieting and exercising, especially at her age. She obviously does just nibble and taste things then.

I'm 5'7 and 135lbs and I've had doctors tell me I'm considered "mildly underweight" for my height, so I can't even imagine what a doctor would tell her. No wonder her face looks so gaunt and requires fillers!!

  • Love 4

Ok but only if we keep the Carole and Heather bashing limited exclusively to their threads? 

No?  Ok then. 

Agreed. Beth bashing? Talking about how she looks in a bikini and wondering if she's counting on her fingers and toes her calorie intake while doing downward dog in Yoga class 7 days a week seems pretty episode specific. Touching on it, like we were touching on Heather's body, Ramona's body/boob job, Sonja's alcohol induced chub and Lu's and Kristens rocking bodies as well as Carole's "great ass" comes with Bikini territory IMO.

Edited by Sincerely Yours
  • Love 7

THAT'S who her husky smoker's voice reminds me of: an older Edie Sedgwick!!! Same sort of Northern lilt and everything...she does share a few style tips from Edie as well(white-blonde bobbed hair, big/long earrings, mini-dresses)...interesting observation.

I'm also in shock that Bethenny is supposedly 5'7 and weighs only 114lbs---I always thought she was shorter! If that's the case, she's severely underweight for her height. That's actually a very scary weight and extremely difficult to maintain without extreme dieting and exercising, especially at her age. She obviously does just nibble and taste things then.

I'm 5'7 and 135lbs and I've had doctors tell me I'm considered "mildly underweight" for my height, so I can't even imagine what a doctor would tell her. No wonder her face looks so gaunt and requires fillers!!

I'm 5'6 and 175 pounds and trying desperately to get to 150-155 territory where, when I was there, I had people telling me to stop what I was doing (I was working out and dieting to get down from 190) cause quote "You lose anymore you'll disappear". I look at those pictures and I was rather slim but nothing compared to my pre pregnancy weight of 140 which I can only imagine would look ridiculously thin to most considering the reactions I was getting when I previously got down to 150 lbs.

Edited by Sincerely Yours
  • Love 2
Also, earlier I said she gave me an Edie Sedgwick vibe and after seeing her vacation wardrobe I think she does it intentionally. But Dorinda, you will never be Edie.



Gawd, I hope not! Edie destroyed herself with drugs. I like Dorinda's style and think she usually looks great (if we ignore the occasional breadcrumb on her lip). 


Watching this episode or the previous one it struck me that she has a slight similarity to Princess Diana, short blond hair, big nose and all. 

Edited by RedHawk
I wish the Bethenny bashing was in her thread, which I avoid.


Anyone bashing?  Just noticing how she looks in this ep, which absolutely does belong here.  Shrugging hard.  Are any comments on Bethenny (at all) considered "bashing" by her uber-fans?  


Anyhoo, I've never been impressed by anything she's made on the show.  I kinda remember what she made for Kells on Scary Island, which Kells was too skeered to eat -- a steak, mashed potatoes & string beans.  Big woo.  Real impressive.  She just chops a lot, which I suspect a lot of chefs do for show -- Bethenny included.  Given how everything, everything, everything Bethenny does on camera is so freakin' cunning & planned & calculated, me thinks she insisted on shoving this shtick with her chef "skills" at us, with the intention it would give her latest flurry of oddball Skinnygirl products some kind of credibility.


Wow, I didn't notice any bones sticking out on B, but I guess I gotta go to Best Buy to look at those super-duper HD 80 inchers, cuz otherwise I'm missing out.


Snotty comment from Dorinda on her Bravo blog-


"You’ll all be glad to know I’m now thinking of investing in designer bibs and a Dust Buster for my face. You’re welcome."


Dorinda, hun, you're a sloppy drunk & you don't wipe your mouth (while drinking like a fish & cramming food down on camera), & you're blaming us for noticing how disgusting & classless you looked?  Snotty.  I'm really digging her less & less.  People have been calling out John for seeming like a slob.  Wrong call.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 11

So did I miss the discussion about Sonja's comments about asking John (aka "Old Man Morgan") to "let her go" when they met in court over yet another financial settlement on the Colorado house? When she and Luann were having their private chat, Sonja went into this talk about how "he had tears in his eyes" when she made this request of him so that she could move on -- financially, not emotionally -- and, apparently, date age-appropriate men. She was all "I need to not be in debt to anyone" and stuff like that. Which just makes me think that she asked him for more money, and she was trying to make it appear that he doesn't want to settle these financial things with her because it's his way of keeping their connection and seeing her from time to time. Yet I recall some time ago she told about getting all dressed up and made up to see him in court -- and basically admitting she hoped to hook him back in again.

I say bullshit and think it's totally her way of trying to get more cash out of him (i.e., "please clear my huge debts") so she can return to her previous fabulous lifestyle full of air conditioning, hot water, new swimsuits and purses, and yacht parties with John-John and Madonna.

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 8
So did I miss the discussion about Sonja's comments about asking John (aka "Old Man Morgan") to "let her go" when they met in court over yet another financial settlement on the Colorado house?


I dismissed this as more of her delusions (er, lies).  I thought the story was he threw her away for someone younger & he's long ago moved on & remarried.  Anyone know?  I'm not interested enough to search it.  So many of his actions have implied he's annoyed with her & has no patience (or tolerance) for her bullshit.  Look, despite all of Sonja's delusional babble & nonsense (actually, outright lies), she was a penniless restaurant hostess from upstate New York, with absolutely zero hoity-toidy Manhattan high society connections before the marriage & from a clearly middle class background, at best.  Given all that, she made out pretty good financially, for someone whose greatest career accomplishment before the marriage was being a restaurant hostess.


I'd like to think Sonja's ex would have at least a modicum of sympathy for her, given she is raising his daughter.  Not sure if this is the case.  I wonder how Sonja is as a mother.  She couldn't be any worse than Lu, who seemed to never be around & way more interested in getting laid than having anything to do with those kids.  I wonder if I trotted over to Beautique on a Monday nite, I might spot Sonja, drunk off her ass & slobbering over & throwing some of Satan Andy's Bravo cash at some young hustler boy -- probably gay anyway, like most of her young things seem to be.  Haven't passed by Sonja's townhouse lately so I can't confirm if she's there or if her windows are open, but the weather has been somewhat nice lately, so at least Sonja can survive decently without AC, the poor thing.


I kinda liked Bethenny pointing out that Moaner is from "nothing" & questioning where her entitled attitude comes from.  I'd luv to know the same thing.  It's interesting how ALL of these women seems to be from ordinary backgrounds.

  • Love 2
I kinda liked Bethenny pointing out that Moaner is from "nothing" & questioning where her entitled attitude comes from.  I'd luv to know the same thing.


In my experience, people with entitled attitudes had developed those during childhood.  Meaning, not everyone from a humble background who strikes it rich, one way or another, develops an entitled attitude.  But those who have an entitled attitude had one long before they made money.

  • Love 3

In my experience, people with entitled attitudes had developed those during childhood.  Meaning, not everyone from a humble background who strikes it rich, one way or another, develops an entitled attitude.  But those who have an entitled attitude had one long before they made money.

Very true. One doesn't have to be born with a silver spoon in their mouths to be spoiled. My fiancé's daughter is a very spoiled and rude little girl that thinks her every demand should be catered to and she's only 6 living a middle class life. Ugggghh.

Edited by Sincerely Yours
  • Love 5


I kinda liked Bethenny pointing out that Moaner is from "nothing" & questioning where her entitled attitude comes from.  I'd luv to know the same thing.  It's interesting how ALL of these women seems to be from ordinary backgrounds.

Hey Scoobie, for only $25 or so you can probably learn what makes Ramona tick. Her book is on sale now (Life on the Ramonacoaster) and she apparently talks a lot about her childhood. I would never buy it, but imagine it would be fascinating to have all of her delusions neatly bound in one place. There is more than likely a lot to snark on in that book. If you do decide to take one for the team and gain any insights, please report back.

  • Love 2
Hey Scoobie, for only $25 or so you can probably learn what makes Ramona tick.


No thanks, not that interested in Moaner's aerobics-gal past.  You know, I've never cared for that "Ramonacoaster" crapola, but Satan Andy adores it & thinks it's hysterical cuz his fav palsy-walsy Bethenny came up with it & he says it all the freakin' time on WWHL.  Me thinks Moaner at least partly named it that to smooch up to Satan Andy.  But more likely, her publishers thought it would have the best marketing impact to viewers of the show.  Guess the question is how many viewers are interested enough to actually buy it.  Hmmmm, if Moaner gives advice tips, could be worth a few giggles & chuckles.

  • Love 3

Sonja's written two blogs, or finally put the hammer down on that poor homeless intern in Ireland who curates Her Highness's social media.


De-lu-sion-al!  She is not nice.  Not to get all a la Francaise, but she's a (fucking) jerk.  She is rather obviously lying about the situation (first blog) where she tried to hit on LuAnn's friend's partner.  She's just such a dirty, dishonest person, and she lies constantly.  Constantly.  I am the captain of the S.S. Sonja Sucks and I truly don't get how she is largely perceived by fans and the other Housewives as not having malice.  I think she is a very malicous, manipulative, cruel woman.





  • Love 4

Anyone bashing?  Just noticing how she looks in this ep, which absolutely does belong here.  Shrugging hard.  Are any comments on Bethenny (at all) considered "bashing" by her uber-fans?  


Anyhoo, I've never been impressed by anything she's made on the show.  I kinda remember what she made for Kells on Scary Island, which Kells was too skeered to eat -- a steak, mashed potatoes & string beans.  Big woo.  Real impressive.  She just chops a lot, which I suspect a lot of chefs do for show -- Bethenny included.  Given how everything, everything, everything Bethenny does on camera is so freakin' cunning & planned & calculated, me thinks she insisted on shoving this shtick with her chef "skills" at us, with the intention it would give her latest flurry of oddball Skinnygirl products some kind of credibility.


Wow, I didn't notice any bones sticking out on B, but I guess I gotta go to Best Buy to look at those super-duper HD 80 inchers, cuz otherwise I'm missing out.


Snotty comment from Dorinda on her Bravo blog-


"You’ll all be glad to know I’m now thinking of investing in designer bibs and a Dust Buster for my face. You’re welcome."


Dorinda, hun, you're a sloppy drunk & you don't wipe your mouth (while drinking like a fish & cramming food down on camera), & you're blaming us for noticing how disgusting & classless you looked?  Snotty.  I'm really digging her less & less.  People have been calling out John for seeming like a slob.  Wrong call.

Funny how at first people thought Dorinda was to good for John. I thought they seemed rather evenly matched and that John could probably get someone nicer and younger. (younger, just because that's the way it often goes...)

No thanks, not that interested in Moaner's aerobics-gal past.  You know, I've never cared for that "Ramonacoaster" crapola, but Satan Andy adores it & thinks it's hysterical cuz his fav palsy-walsy Bethenny came up with it & he says it all the freakin' time on WWHL.  Me thinks Moaner at least partly named it that to smooch up to Satan Andy.  But more likely, her publishers thought it would have the best marketing impact to viewers of the show.  Guess the question is how many viewers are interested enough to actually buy it.  Hmmmm, if Moaner gives advice tips, could be worth a few giggles & chuckles.

One of the posters here (or maybe the other place) who's in the publishing industry said there's a built in audience of around 2000 buyers for HW books. It'll be interesting to see if that holds true as the franchise seems to be wearing out.

  • Love 2

Hey Scoobie, for only $25 or so you can probably learn what makes Ramona tick. Her book is on sale now (Life on the Ramonacoaster) and she apparently talks a lot about her childhood. I would never buy it, but imagine it would be fascinating to have all of her delusions neatly bound in one place. There is more than likely a lot to snark on in that book. If you do decide to take one for the team and gain any insights, please report back.

So Ramona actually got a (ghostwritten) book out well before Carole (the serious writer who would never never ever use a ghostwriter even for trashy 2nd, 3rd, and 4th books), who apparently doesn't even sit down and bang out a few sentences a day toward completing hers? LOL!

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 3

Hey Scoobie, for only $25 or so you can probably learn what makes Ramona tick. Her book is on sale now (Life on the Ramonacoaster) and she apparently talks a lot about her childhood. I would never buy it, but imagine it would be fascinating to have all of her delusions neatly bound in one place. There is more than likely a lot to snark on in that book. If you do decide to take one for the team and gain any insights, please report back.

Ramona is 1 of 5 kids, I think, and I have to wonder if we will hear from any of them refuting what she says about their childhood?

So Ramona actually got a (ghostwritten) book out well before Carole (the serious writer who would never never ever use a ghostwriter even for trashy 2nd, 3rd, and 4th books), who apparently doesn't even sit down and bang out a few sentences a day toward completely hers? LOL!

Well, to be honest, I am sure it is easier to record your thoughts, tape recorder, and have someone else organize them and bring those thoughts to life in print....much like Brandi did with both of her books. LOL Ghost writers make "writing" a book so much easier and faster than doing it all yourself, at least IMO.

  • Love 2

Anyone think viewers are being too hard on Dorinda?  I vaguely remember seeing Carole eating & talking on cam & it wasn't pretty.  But Idk, that thing with the lip crumb being there for hours?  Honestly, I wouldn't wanna be out in public eating a meal with her.  How'd she snag a couple of rich husbands with these kind of disgusting manners?  The woman seems so coarse.

  • Love 1
Ramona is 1 of 5 kids, I think, and I have to wonder if we will hear from any of them refuting what she says about their childhood?


That shocks me. Have we ever heard her mention any of her siblings? I've only heard her talk about her parents. I wonder what the relationships are like. 


Anyone think viewers are being too hard on Dorinda?  I vaguely remember seeing Carole eating & talking on cam & it wasn't pretty.  But Idk, that thing with the lip crumb being there for hours?  Honestly, I wouldn't wanna be out in public eating a meal with her.  How'd she snag a couple of rich husbands with these kind of disgusting manners?  The woman seems so coarse.


Dorinda's manners leave a lot to be desired, but frankly, they're the least of my issues with her right now.

  • Love 4

That shocks me. Have we ever heard her mention any of her siblings? I've only heard her talk about her parents. I wonder what the relationships are like. 






Here sister was on one of the first episodes this season in the Hamptons.  You remember, Ramona said her sister is 5 years younger than she is but that her sister didn't like people to know that, because everyone always thought that Ramona was the younger one and it hurt her sisters feelings.  Can you imagine growing up with Ramona?


One of her brothers wrote a book last year. It was a minor deal at the time. He basically accused Ramona of abandoning her mother when she was very ill. 



  • Love 4

Here sister was on one of the first episodes this season in the Hamptons.  You remember, Ramona said her sister is 5 years younger than she is but that her sister didn't like people to know that, because everyone always thought that Ramona was the younger one and it hurt her sisters feelings.  Can you imagine growing up with Ramona?


One of her brothers wrote a book last year. It was a minor deal at the time. He basically accused Ramona of abandoning her mother when she was very ill. 




No, because one of us wouldn't have survived to legal drinking age.


Ramona doesn't look that great since she has lied about the fuckton of surgery she's had.  (Boobs, nose, eyes.)  She works out but give another woman some Singer family business cash for Dr. Sharon Giese and Ramona wouldn't necessarily stack up so well.  Her sister doesn't have those Bill the Cat eyes and nostrils, I'm just saying.

  • Love 3

I hesitate to nitpick on Heather's body cuz I think she's in terrific shape, but it just shows how unforgiving the camera can be.  Er, I did notice some unflattering backfat on Heather.  I wouldn't have noticed or cared, but there ain't none of that on Kristen or Bethenny or Carole.  I didn't notice cellulite on any of 'em, but I wasn't looking closely.  Still think they all looked very good -- ALL of 'em -- in whatever swimwear they wore.  I kinda liked Moaner's one piece black number.  It's just that Moaner's posture is so darn weird.  She's trying so hard to jut her chest out -- I'm guessing cuz of the boob job.  But it makes her gut jut out too.  So I think her posture was making that black one piece look not so great, when it actually was a very nice swimsuit & very age appropriate & flattering for her body.

Heather makes me think of a "Mommy Makeover" at the plastic surgeon's office because she has a flat tummy but is larger everywhere else.


I agree they all looked good though but am extra impressed with the work Ramona has put in at the gym since she's pushing 60.

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