Tara Ariano July 3, 2015 Share July 3, 2015 Quote The callbacks continue in Las Vegas as the judges pick the best stage and street dancers to make up the Top 20. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/
Elligirl July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 I'm just getting into watching this show and I really want to like it, but I have a hard time when the dancers are filmed disjointedly with cameras jumping around from person to person without showing the actual dancers dancing. t's maddening to watch while trying to form any kind of an opinion. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1299957
luvthepros July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 I knew from reading spoilers that Denys Drozdyuk was not in the Top 20. Now it makes sense why Denys Drozdyuk was not cast for the show. The panel looked very disappointed that Denys dropped out with Nigel actually angry at him. I've lost my favorite dancer. I guess I'll have to get on board for someone else. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1300067
mojoween July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 I live Burim and Virgil SO MUCH. I can't help it, I still don't dislike Jason. I think he and Paula are cute together. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1300090
PhD-Purgatory15 July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 (edited) Dun dun dun.....the ole injury switcharoo, and we're left hanging. W/ B1 getting to dance for his life twice, I wasn't overly surprised that he got the B-Boy nod over Asaf. Also not surprised that Jaja got the call over Marie Poppens...it felt pretty preordained. I was completely wrong on Alain the Hurricane. I still think he's (on dance ability) one of more forgettable competitors on Team Street. With ballroom unrepresented in the final Twenty...I'm happy Gabby the tapper got the final spot on team stage...although I'd have found a spot for Christine....since Street is 6F and 4M, I could easily see her as the replacement if the injured person is a male on team stage which is even at 5F and 5M if nothing changes. Other than that I'm still processing my thoughts on how it all went down... Edited July 7, 2015 by PhD-Purgatory15 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1300094
callie lee 29 July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 I missed part of the show, what happened with Avo? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1300103
mojoween July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 Oh, also, Asaf could have made his point without saying "head spin" over and over. It made HIM look bad, by making it sound like he was criticizing Burim because the judges liked his routine but critiqued Asaf. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1300116
Popular Post Caelicola July 7, 2015 Popular Post Share July 7, 2015 Hi everyone! First time posting in this forum, just to say that, as a ballroom aficionado, I freaking cheered when Denys decided to drop out. He and his partner are ranked number 28 in the world, and they got to see for a full week the art they have been dedicated to for longer than a lot of the other auditioners have even been alive treated like a second class form of dance; no ballroom round, no dancing for their lives while other dancers were given the opportunity to, no ballroom expert anywhere in that theatre, apparently no worth at all to it in the judges' eyes. I don't care what Nigel says, if Denys hadn't turned them down, HE would have wasted his time, so better waste a week of the judges' lives than a whole summer (plus eventual tour) of a top ranked couple's training and competing lives. Ballroom is clearly not a priority this season, and it actually hasn't been for a very long time, and that's completely fine, it doesn't have to be. Just don't act affronted and offended when one of the best latin ballroom dancers in the country notices it and decides that it's not worth putting his actual dancing career on hold (and his partner's as well) to, very probably, never get the chance to show what he actually excels in. I would have loved to get to see him on my screen for a while, don't get me wrong, but he definitely made the best decision for himself and his career that he could have made. So, good for you, Denys Drozdyuk, good for your dignity and your self worth. And, really, they want me to believe that if not for Denys they would have had some other ballroom dancer, when the only reason Denys even got there was because of his extensive ballet training? No way. 35 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1300144
threeleftfeet July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 ^^^^ this. Absolutely agree. But, I am so disappointed that I won't see Denys dance. [maybe that other show will put the two of them on to perform ... ] 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1300192
netlyon2 July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 On a similar note (to Caelicola's comments), while I am rather lukewarm on Gabby Diaz, my hackles rose when Travis congratulated her with some condescending "You're so much more than a tapper" BS. Dude, you mean she has a whole other skill set beyond the generic ballet/jazz/contemporary* that comprises the rest of your team. You mean that she lasted through rounds that didn't include her specialty, to get onto a show that *might* give her a chance to do one tap number before ignoring it altogether. That doesn't make tap less than, that makes tap one of several styles that are so difficult that the show can't fathom challenging its core dancers to do them. Shut up, Travis! (I have the feeling that I'll be saying it a lot this season; might as well start practicing now.) *And I say this as someone who loves ballet and jazz. 19 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1300217
Gbb July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 (edited) Was it just me or were the top 20 announcements weirdly anti-climactic this year? It's always been such a huge deal in the past and now just, "You've made it through to the next round" as if they were heading to Vegas week. Didn't they at least used to say "You're in the Top 20!" Or words to that effect? The whole season feels like the color has been muted. Edited July 7, 2015 by Gbb 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1300227
threeleftfeet July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 Yes ... I would like to see all of the dancers attempt a ballet routine, to be fair to the ballet dancers who have to perform the other styles. I am still annoyed over Nigel insisting that Chehon move like a hip hop or ballroom dancer, both of which are very specific disciplines, when he didn't put the hip hop, animator, or ballroom dancers in dance belt and ballet slippers and make them execute ballet steps with ballet posture and quality of execution. Apparently, the Top 20 were notified by phone, it wasn't a real "thing" we saw tonight. They were just telling them they were through for consideration for being in the Top 20 ... or some such nonsense. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1300231
beeble July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 (edited) Mr. Beeble is particularly grateful for the discernible lack of the word "buck" this season. We are in agreement that Denys was a pouty McPouterson. He knew the structure of the show and auditioned anyway. I wish "The Queen" Standing O had made it. There aren't many women over 120 pounds who make it. WHY did the judges say "You're going to the next round" instead of saying "You're in the top 20"? ETA that Mr. Beeble was a very good sport when watching this but lamented that not enough stuff blows up, or that nobody "Mans a Battle Station." Edited July 7, 2015 by beeble 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1300251
WhineandCheez July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 (edited) Asaf got Quentined (American Idol). NEVER speak to the judges, it never works. Please thank you and goodbye. He seemed like too much trouble for a breaker who was iffy on the choreo. That speech was his deathknell. Marie Poppins i remember from last year because she is a blank=she has no personal style or look. She looks and dresses like a young Mom. No way on earth was she making it over JaJa , who is adorable like kittens are adorable. Kittens in trucker hats. I cry foul on Standing O, and there was another heavier hip hopper with pink or yellow long fake braids that was super. No we have to get like 3-4 Jennifer Lopez standins so Nigel can ogle during BOTH the stage and street sections. Edited July 7, 2015 by WhineandCheez 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1300254
Watt July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 I'm really just here for Jaja and the hot Swiss guy. Or was he Swedish? Whatever, matters not. As for Standing O, it's just not going to work. I get that she's awesome, and I loved her, but as someone who is overweight myself there's no way she could do some of the choreography that they will make them do. I throw a fit if my husband tries to pick me up when he gives me a hug. I'm not saying she's not fit or is unhealthy or anything. I'm saying the way they have the show prevents people who are larger from being chosen. Its not her fault, it's the shows fault. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1300361
allypenguin July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 Pretty much Team Jaja and Jessica and the ballet guys for me. I will miss Denys :( I loved him on SYTYCD Canada. I really don't think it's fair though that Team Stage's choreography rounds were Contemporary, Broadway and Contemporary again. Seriously? No ballroom at all? It just kind of seems unfair to me and "So you think you can contemporary." Also felt really bad for Justin Ballasy. I loved his audition but he just couldn't pick up the hip hop choreo, which was unfortunate. Oh Asaf. You silly, beautiful, man. No talking back to the judges, come on now. I already can tell that I'm going to hate hate hate Marissa especially since my spidey senses are telling me she's anointed for the Top 10. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1300475
s-k-s July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 Love Virgil, but putting him on the street team has to be the biggest joke ever. He starred in a Broadway show that won a Tony for its choreography! He's clearly trained in multiple styles. (After Midnight is one of my top Broadway performances of all time; so sad that it didn't catch on. The singing and dancing were spectacular.) I don't really care - I mean, we shouldn't punish people for having training and being able to do multiple styles - but if they start giving him a "you're so good for a street dancer, look at you picking up choreography" condescending edit I may have to throw things at Nigel. On the other hand, SO excited to finally have multiple strong women hip hop dancers on the show. They've cast a token one here and there, but that's the one upside I'm really seeing from this format. Not having 9 flailing contemporary/"jazz" girls on my screen will be a serious plus. And I don't blame Denys for leaving. I kind of blame him for trying out. After the way the show has treated ballroom the past few seasons, I'm not sure why any serious ballroom competitor would try out for the show. (Yes, I am still bitter about Iveta's elimination, and even Maks. They were both excellent and sacrificed for one of Nigel's pet blond contemporaries.) 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1300532
Rick Kitchen July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 How did they decide who the captain of each choreography team was going to be? Why didn't we get the music they were actually dancing to instead of that generic song? It's fascinating seeing Street dancers performing to Carmina Burana. Burim looked like a Magic Mike dancer. Asaf needs to shut up. I hope he comes back. I don't think you want to be following in tWitch's footsteps, he didn't win, remember? I like Edson. Why are they telling some of them "You're through to the next round" and others, "We want you in our top ten?" The only ballroom they're going to do is Latin? What is Nige all pissed off about? I understand Denys's frustration, they're ruining the show by eliminating ballroom. Yay, Jim! What happened to Justin the Tapper? Did we see him being put through? Did we see his Dance For Your Life? Did I miss both of those? I don't know if I liked Cat's red shirt. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1300639
Cuatro1234 July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 "I really don't think it's fair though that Team Stage's choreography rounds were Contemporary, Broadway and Contemporary again. " Silly allypenguin, it was Contemporsry, Broadway, JAZZ!! So different! /tongue firmly in cheek 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1300795
Caelicola July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 (edited) Seriously, though, the more I think about it the more fired up I get, I might be a little too invested...but it just annoys me, the whole thing, how manipulative it was. Oh, look, we MEANT to have a ballrooom dude, he turned us down, the ungrateful little twerp! Nevermind the fact that he was literally THE ONLY BALLROOM PERSON to make it to the last step of the competition, without ever dancing ballroom except in his audition piece...nevermind the fact that he's a Juilliard graduate who has a stronger ballet foundation than a lot of the contempo-lyrical competition kids, and that's the only reason we are interested in him at all...ballroom has become the redheaded stepchild, and again, that's completely ok, they have been treating tap and ballet like novelty dances for a long time, if they want to do the same to ballroom it's absolutely in their right. But why pretend like it isn't so? Every other ballroom dancer has been cut doing contemporary, broadway or jazz; no contemporary dancer has been cut doing ballroom, because they didn't have to do ballroom at all. And the thing is, it has never been so clear and extreme before, the absolute disregard for ballroom. Iveta was treated very poorly in her season, but at least during Vegas week they allowed her to shine in her specialty, and they pretended to care. Denys would have been used to make some of their favorite cookie-cutter competition kid look great with his partnering skills and then he would have been unceremoniously dumped to save some other favorite cookie-cutter competition kid, because that's the track record for really good ballroom dancers who aren't fresh faced teenagers. And with a bit of luck, he could have also gotten the arrogant edit, like most of the other highly trained dancers they've had! Why, oh, why would you turn down this great opportunity? Don't you want to be patronized for a while as we pat ourselves on the back for being inclusive and having oh so many stage styles (look! A tapper, a ballet dancer and a ballroom dancer, in the same category! Don't think about the other seven contemporary kids!), getting to dance in your own style maybe a couple times, if you even make it that long, in routines that are probably gonna be humiliatingly easy for you because nobody else can do any ballroom and we never even tried to make them do it? Wow, I'm annoyed. Edited because, in my anger, I put up a wall of text that hurt my own eyes, so I tried to make it slightly more readable. Edited July 7, 2015 by Caelicola 14 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1300891
luvthepros July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 On 7/7/2015 at 2:24 AM, Caelicola said: Hi everyone! First time posting in this forum, just to say that, as a ballroom aficionado, I freaking cheered when Denys decided to drop out. He and his partner are ranked number 28 in the world, and they got to see for a full week the art they have been dedicated to for longer than a lot of the other auditioners have even been alive treated like a second class form of dance; no ballroom round, no dancing for their lives while other dancers were given the opportunity to, no ballroom expert anywhere in that theatre, apparently no worth at all to it in the judges' eyes. I don't care what Nigel says, if Denys hadn't turned them down, HE would have wasted his time, so better waste a week of the judges' lives than a whole summer (plus eventual tour) of a top ranked couple's training and competing lives. Ballroom is clearly not a priority this season, and it actually hasn't been for a very long time, and that's completely fine, it doesn't have to be. Just don't act affronted and offended when one of the best latin ballroom dancers in the country notices it and decides that it's not worth putting his actual dancing career on hold (and his partner's as well) to, very probably, never get the chance to show what he actually excels in. I would have loved to get to see him on my screen for a while, don't get me wrong, but he definitely made the best decision for himself and his career that he could have made. So, good for you, Denys Drozdyuk, good for your dignity and your self worth. And, really, they want me to believe that if not for Denys they would have had some other ballroom dancer, when the only reason Denys even got there was because of his extensive ballet training? No way. What you have to say makes a lot of sense. I guess I hadn't thought it through as you did. Now I'm angry at Nigel for giving Denys such a difficult time when Denys announced he was dropping out. I'm hoping back stage, Nigel gave Denys some words of encouragement for his career. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1300970
luvthepros July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 On 7/7/2015 at 2:45 AM, Gbb said: Was it just me or were the top 20 announcements weirdly anti-climactic this year? It's always been such a huge deal in the past and now just, "You've made it through to the next round" as if they were heading to Vegas week. Didn't they at least used to say "You're in the Top 20!" Or words to that effect? The whole season feels like the color has been muted. From what I have read, (sorry no source), the contestants were actually notified they were in the Top 20 by a phone call. What we saw last night on the show was not them advancing to the Top 20. In some circumstances, however, that didn't seem to be true either. At least one of the contestants was told that he/she was on Team Stage. That would indicate to me that the person was told they were cast for the show. IDK....I'm a bit confused about the way it was presented. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1300976
luvthepros July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 On 7/7/2015 at 3:23 AM, Watt said: I'm really just here for Jaja and the hot Swiss guy. Or was he Swedish? Whatever, matters not. As for Standing O, it's just not going to work. I get that she's awesome, and I loved her, but as someone who is overweight myself there's no way she could do some of the choreography that they will make them do. I throw a fit if my husband tries to pick me up when he gives me a hug. I'm not saying she's not fit or is unhealthy or anything. I'm saying the way they have the show prevents people who are larger from being chosen. Its not her fault, it's the shows fault. I disagree with you there. This show is all about fit young upcoming dancers. The females have to be small enough to be lifted as that is most certainly part of the choreography that WOW the masses. A larger female shouldn't really be expected to be cast for this show (a larger male either for that matter). Standing O got her message out there and accomplished what she set out to do.....gain recognition. I wish her much luck in her career but am very glad she was not cast for this show. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1300986
LadyMustang65 July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 Last night was just so 'meh' for me. The only dancer on the stage team I have any interest in at the moment is the ballet dancer. He's the only one I remembered who he was. I did like the tapper girl as well and am glad she made it. The others just all kind of ran together for me. I was so excited about the street team, but even there I was left just ok. (That may change once the actual competition starts but for right now I spent a lot of time going who was that again?) I was hoping Standing O would make it. The second season they had Donyelle on. She was a bigger girl partnered with Benji, and she was fantastic. If I remember correctly, she came in 3rd or 4th. So clearly the audience was able to get behind a larger girl. It just seems like Nigel can't. I was disappointed that Asaf didn't make the street team. Yes, it was a poor choice for him to sound off, and I didn't really understand what it was that set him off, but I'm wondering if at least part of that was a language thing. He wasn't struggling badly enough at choreo for them to want him to dance for his life until the last round, so there had to be something there. I just really enjoy watching him dance. I am glad that Burim got put through. He was another one I really enjoyed. Jaja is the one I'm rooting for right now on the street team. I had hoped Marie Poppens would make it as well. She is just such a smooth mover, but she was noticeably absent from the majority of the Vegas shows, so I figured she wasn't going to be there at the end. So glad we're finally through with all this and get down to the actual competition. Still not sure how it will work, but I guess I'll find out starting next week! :) On 7/7/2015 at 11:53 AM, luvthepros said: From what I have read, (sorry no source), the contestants were actually notified they were in the Top 20 by a phone call. What we saw last night on the show was not them advancing to the Top 20. In some circumstances, however, that didn't seem to be true either. At least one of the contestants was told that he/she was on Team Stage. That would indicate to me that the person was told they were cast for the show. IDK....I'm a bit confused about the way it was presented. Which is weird because almost all of them were shown with Travis or Twitch being welcomed to the team. And several were shown being consoled. It was definitely strange, but that would explain why they didn't have the final 2 in each group come out together to be told one was on the team and the other wasn't. It would have been nice if they'd explained that to us. But then again, we're just the audience. We don't really need to know what's happening. Nigel will tell us what to think. <lol> 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1300991
luvthepros July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 On 7/7/2015 at 4:00 AM, allypenguin said: Pretty much Team Jaja and Jessica and the ballet guys for me. I will miss Denys :( I loved him on SYTYCD Canada. I really don't think it's fair though that Team Stage's choreography rounds were Contemporary, Broadway and Contemporary again. Seriously? No ballroom at all? It just kind of seems unfair to me and "So you think you can contemporary."....... Someone up thread mentioned that Denys must have known how the show was structured this season before he auditioned. I'm wondering if any of the Stage contestants were aware there would be no ballroom round in Vegas. Is that something that is spelled out to these folks when they are auditioning for the first time? I can see now how Denys felt when there was no ballroom round in Vegas.....shoving that style under the rug as if it has no worth in the dance world. The more I think of it, the more I'm disappointed that the show is going in this direction. My first love of dance will always be ballroom, Latin especially. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1300998
luvthepros July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 On 7/7/2015 at 10:08 AM, Caelicola said: Seriously, though, the more I think about it the more fired up I get, I might be a little too invested...but it just annoys me, the whole thing, how manipulative it was. Oh, look, we MEANT to have a ballrooom dude, he turned us down, the ungrateful little twerp! Nevermind the fact that he was literally THE ONLY BALLROOM PERSON to make it to the last step of the competition, without ever dancing ballroom except in his audition piece...nevermind the fact that he's a Juilliard graduate who has a stronger ballet foundation than a lot of the contempo-lyrical competition kids, and that's the only reason we are interested in him at all...ballroom has become the redheaded stepchild, and again, that's completely ok, they have been treating tap and ballet like novelty dances for a long time, if they want to do the same to ballroom it's absolutely in their right. But why pretend like it isn't so? Every other ballroom dancer has been cut doing contemporary, broadway or jazz; no contemporary dancer has been cut doing ballroom, because they didn't have to do ballroom at all. And the thing is, it has never been so clear and extreme before, the absolute disregard for ballroom. Iveta was treated very poorly in her season, but at least during Vegas week they allowed her to shine in her specialty, and they pretended to care. Denys would have been used to make some of their favorite cookie-cutter competition kid look great with his partnering skills and then he would have been unceremoniously dumped to save some other favorite cookie-cutter competition kid, because that's the track record for really good ballroom dancers who aren't fresh faced teenagers. And with a bit of luck, he could have also gotten the arrogant edit, like most of the other highly trained dancers they've had! Why, oh, why would you turn down this great opportunity? Don't you want to be patronized for a while as we pat ourselves on the back for being inclusive and having oh so many stage styles (look! A tapper, a ballet dancer and a ballroom dancer, in the same category! Don't think about the other seven contemporary kids!), getting to dance in your own style maybe a couple times, if you even make it that long, in routines that are probably gonna be humiliatingly easy for you because nobody else can do any ballroom and we never even tried to make them do it? Wow, I'm annoyed. Edited because, in my anger, I put up a wall of text that hurt my own eyes, so I tried to make it slightly more readable. Will you please Tweet this to Nigel or put it on the SYTYCD Facebook page? (I don't have a Twitter or Facebook account). Thank you. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1301014
Andie1 July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 (edited) Quote And I don't blame Denys for leaving. I kind of blame him for trying out. After the way the show has treated ballroom the past few seasons, I'm not sure why any serious ballroom competitor would try out for the show. Denys won SYTYCDCanada so there's at least some pull to make top 20. Ballroom Dancers who got to top 20 often found a home in DWTS afterwards. Chelsie, Lacey, Witney, Britany, Paul, Allen, Lindsay, Jenna those last 5 are a recent phenomenon. Denys is at least as good maybe even better according to dancesport scores. So if Denys is the wrong fit because of age, I wonder what Aaron Turner's fit was making top 2? A tapper, well that's it. since Aaron looked 10 years older than he really was dancing with all the young ones. Thing is, this may have been more for Denys hoping for Antonia, who is younger than him into the top 20, he's been there and undoubtly wanted for her to experience that thrill because it was the partnership that got them 1st place at Blackpool.. . . What a feather in their partnership cap if that happened. But it didn't, Antonia's dancing was not validated by this show, so Denys looks like an ungrateful jerk in the process. #SYTYCD is a show that has teetered on cancellation many times. Dance fans who scratch their heads why only have to look at the machinations of Nigel Lithgoe to see why. Edited July 7, 2015 by Andie1 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1301066
shortpplfedup July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 (edited) I can understand why they cut Ladia, Marie Poppins, even Standing O. But cutting B Dash and keeping B1 is an insane decision. I have zero sense of who the stage team kids are, except for the Marissa girl who got through first, the tapper and the Asian ballet guy. I feel like the others just appeared out of nowhere. I'm just fine with no Ballroom. There is a whole show devoted to Ballroom elsewhere on network TV. Edited July 7, 2015 by shortpplfedup 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1301072
pally July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 I have a feeling Denys told them before the Green Mile and they just edited that in. If Antonina made it also, it made sense for them to give up their ballroom season without her, for him it was a no-brainer to drop out. It is interesting that ballroom is treated so badly when some of their most successful post-show contestants have been from ballroom. Even Allison made the jump from her comtemporary roots to that genre. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1301114
Caelicola July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 (edited) On 7/7/2015 at 12:52 PM, shortpplfedup said: I'm just fine with no Ballroom. There is a whole show devoted to Ballroom elsewhere on network TV. You see, I actually agree with that. I'm fine with no ballroom, what irritates me is the pretense that it has any value to them, the outrage that this extremely accomplished dancer would dare to turn them down. I'm fine with no ballroom, just say that there's gonna be no ballroom and that ballroom dancers aren't going to get any breaks at all, even though other dancers got to dance for their lives twice and get through to the next round even after cramping up and dancing about a quarter of the routine. Be upfront that you think ballroom dancers are worth a lot less than any other dancer and don't get pissy when one refuses to play by those rules. And with that, I've written the word "ballroom" so many times that it has now lost all meaning to me except for the dirty one. I'm fine with no ballroom, really, cause I am a girl and don't need no ballroom. Edited July 7, 2015 by Caelicola 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1301126
WhineandCheez July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 Denys was correct in what he did, career-wise. Antonina is his partner and GF, What is she supposed to do while he is on the show and then probably on the tour--sit on her tiny ass for 6 months? I watched some of their videos last night--she is really like a perfect little doll in all ways. The Asian ballet dancer (Jim?) is my man in the game. I also was impressed with the first stage girl who got in--long dark hair. In her group production she seemed very athletic and super strong. Although I saw her many times during Vegas week, blonde girl (Who was more of a gymnast) with dancing Dad didn't make it. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1301140
Carrots4 July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 It feels like the show has been making up the rules as it goes along this season, so I'm not sure that the contestants would have known about the lack of ballroom rounds during Vegas week. Had there been detailed information for the dancers trying out, I'd imagine it would have been leaked somewhere online. Since there didn't seem to be any spoilery info, it makes me think that Denys would genuinely not have known how little ballroom dancing there would be until he was done the callbacks. It was really annoying to see the ballroom dancers picked apart when everyone else in their group was dancing in their own style. Of course the ballroom dancers will look less polished in comparison! They used to cut those dancers some slack in previous seasons, why not this one? 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1301167
Wootini July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 I know they made it seem like it was Asaf's bizarre quasi-meltdown on stage after dancing for his life that made the judges want to cut him, but I would very much like to think that they realized that he was clearly terrible at choreography and they couldn't waste a spot in the top 10 on someone like that. Yes, he's terribly pretty, and he's clearly amazing at what he does. But I feel that that cocky/arrogant personality that makes him such a character also makes him unable to pick up choreography. I feel like he just wants to do his thing, not other people's things. And I was so thrown by Denys wanting to quit that I forgot he was the SYTYCD Canada winner. It was so weird the way the show made it sound like he was going to drop out because his girlfriend didn't get in, even though in front of the judges at the end he said that it was because there wasn't really going to be much ballroom showcased this season. But the fact that he already won the show in Canada makes me a lot less sad that he quit. I honestly don't think it's fair that he could even enter another SYTYCD competition after winning one. But that's just me. Although I do wonder who they put in after he dropped out. (Because from their leading questions, the judges were obviously aware that he was going to quit, so they had already selected a replacement from the runners-up.) And now we finally are at the point where we can find out exactly how this whole Street Vs Stage thing is going to work. They've been so vague about the actual logistics of the week-to-week competition that I still have no idea how it's going to go. So far, it's been close to the SYTYCD that we know and love (just with missing the choreography round during auditions -- the first round of Vegas kind of took the place of that, I guess), but next week is going to be the real litmus test as to whether this new format is going to work or be a complete and total disaster. Fingers crossed! 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1301287
rollerblade July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 On 7/7/2015 at 2:48 AM, threeleftfeet said: I am still annoyed over Nigel insisting that Chehon move like a hip hop or ballroom dancer, both of which are very specific disciplines, when he didn't put the hip hop, animator, or ballroom dancers in dance belt and ballet slippers and make them execute ballet steps with ballet posture and quality of execution. Alex 'Outta Your Mind' Wong ruined it for the ballet dancers who came on after him. :p The producers were WAY too easy on Cyrus, for sure. Even Russell (the krumper who won S6) had to do more routines outside his wheelhouse than in, and he was way more well-rounded than all these animators that appear in later seasons. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1301433
Primetimer July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 In what feels like three months into the season, we finally get our Top 20. Read the story Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1301441
Watt July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 On 7/7/2015 at 12:00 PM, luvthepros said: I disagree with you there. This show is all about fit young upcoming dancers. The females have to be small enough to be lifted as that is most certainly part of the choreography that WOW the masses. A larger female shouldn't really be expected to be cast for this show (a larger male either for that matter). Standing O got her message out there and accomplished what she set out to do.....gain recognition. I wish her much luck in her career but am very glad she was not cast for this show. Oh well yeah, totally. I get that. I only meant that it's the shows formatting that doesn't allow for larger dancers, but she should have known that going in, absolutely. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1301553
rollerblade July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 (edited) On 7/7/2015 at 12:00 PM, luvthepros said: I disagree with you there. This show is all about fit young upcoming dancers. The females have to be small enough to be lifted as that is most certainly part of the choreography that WOW the masses. A larger female shouldn't really be expected to be cast for this show (a larger male either for that matter). Standing O got her message out there and accomplished what she set out to do.....gain recognition. I wish her much luck in her career but am very glad she was not cast for this show. Really? Sure, lifts are prominent in dances like disco and contemporary, but who's to say the women has to be small? Makenzie of S10 is not small, especially not when compared to Paul, and they managed just fine! (I'm biased, I love Paul.) Jose of S7 was casted despite his tiny stature, I think he's smaller than Lauren Gottlieb (whom he had to partner with in a contemporary dance) - pretty sure Nigel commented on the struggles with lifts etc, but hey, that didn't stop Nigel from advancing Jose to the live rounds, or stopped audience for voting him through the Top 5-6. And why can't choreographers choreograph around it? Just talk to Derek Hough on how he managed Amber Riley's plus size. ;) That said, there are many talented hip-hop girls this season, so I don't have a problem with Standing O being eliminated. She was a weaker dancer compared to them even if she's < size 6. Edited July 7, 2015 by rollerblade 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1301625
luvthepros July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 (edited) On 7/7/2015 at 4:02 PM, rollerblade said: Really? Sure, lifts are prominent in dances like disco and contemporary, but who's to say the women has to be small? Makenzie of S10 is not small, especially not when compared to Paul, and they managed just fine! (I'm biased, I love Paul.) Jose of S7 was casted despite his tiny stature, I think he's smaller than Lauren Gottlieb (whom he had to partner with in a contemporary dance) - pretty sure Nigel commented on the struggles with lifts etc, but hey, that didn't stop Nigel from advancing Jose to the live rounds, or stopped audience for voting him through the Top 5-6. And why can't choreographers choreograph around it? Just talk to Derek Hough on how he managed Amber Riley's plus size. ;) That said, there are many talented hip-hop girls this season, so I don't have a problem with Standing O being eliminated. She was a weaker dancer compared to them even if she's < size 6. I stand by my comment. Makenzie may have been tall but she was fit....all muscle. Kayla Rodomski was also a larger girl but she was very fit with lots of muscle. Donyelle is the only dancer to ever be cast on this show who was actually a "larger" girl and she did not look to be as large as Standing O. Benji was able to lift Donyelle even though he was not very muscular when he competed. At least he didn't injure himself so that was in Donyelle's favor. As for Derek Hough working around Amber Riley's plus size.....that may work for DWTS but it just won't fly for this show, IMHO. Edited July 7, 2015 by luvthepros Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1301672
rollerblade July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 If Fatties Need Not Apply is one of the show's requirement, then maybe the producers/judges shouldn't even send her to Vegas, or at least not advance her past the "first day" of Vegas. The way they do it is kinda patronizing, much like chastising the guy who dances "too gay". Didn't they approve of his initial audition? Give the dancers their 15-min by airing their audition, then decline. "You're a good dancer but not what we're looking for, sorry." Or don't air it, whichever. The auditions have been kinda boring anyway, they should just cut to the chase and start with 2-3 episodes of Vegas round. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1301875
Skyler Durden July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 My two favorites, Virgil and Jim, made it, so I am pretty happy. The women are almost completely lost on me though. Yaya is my favorite but won't last, and all of the rest look like Fox News blondes to me - completely interchangeable and forgettable. Asaf was a mouthy A-hole and I am glad to see him gone. (He can still go to Vegas though, because he could make a killing as an Elvis impersonator. Seriously - go back and look at the tape. Once you see it, you can't un-see it.) Denys could have bowed out to be with his girlfriend and it would have been swoony and charming and oh-so-romantic. (Dumb, but romantic). But he too decided to mouth off, so Bye Felicia. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1301893
ari333 July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 (edited) That Nappy Tabs dance looked like hot ass to me. I did like the music. Denys did the right thing imo. I cant believe he even auditioned for this after winning the other one in Canada. I was appalled at that woman hitting the wall. If she does that with cameras around, what does she do off camera? Yikes Asaf is beautiful, but he seems like a real asshole. What was he doing with his mouth while dancing? His solo looked like a spider on a hot plate, but that hang yourself move will be stolen and will show up in some choreography somewhere. Anyway, he should have shut his pie-hole. I liked that Paula told Nigel that she is entitled to her opinion. Asaf is entertaining in a wth sort of way for me, and I kind of thought they'd keep him for the drama factor. I'm sure some are stage names, but some of the names crack me up. If I were younger, I'd audition as "GERD" or "Hot Pocket" (my bf's nickname for me) or "Gern Blansten." :) [/sMartin] TMI? :) I really like Edson. Edited July 7, 2015 by ari333 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1301961
WhineandCheez July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 Quote I'm sure some are stage names, but some of the names crack me up. If I were younger, I'd audition as "GERD" or "Hot Pocket" (my bf's nickname for me) or "Gern Blansten." :) [/sMartin] TMI? : I enjoy hearing some of those BBoy names coming out of Old As Shit Nigel's piehole, sounding like he's reciting painting names at a Sothebys auction. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1302012
PhD-Purgatory15 July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 (edited) Like luvthepros and Carrots4, it wouldn't shock me if all the ballroom dancers were unpleasantly surprised to not encounter Jean Marc (or some other ballroom choreographer) at any point in the Vegas week process. Initial thoughts on Team Stage: Marissa: seems very top ten chosen-y Alexia and Kate: Designated fodder, unless they just kill it next week Moises: Seems like a lesser version of Edson Jim: Most talented dancer. Not sure if he's more Ricky or Danny T. at this point Darion: seems like the more "expendable" of the two ballet males, unless he catches fire early Gabby: Feels like someone would could make Top 8 or Top 6. More sexy tap than Valerie was from last season Edson Juarez and Derek: The quintessential SYTYCD male archetypes. They don't excite me much, but I think they'll both be around for a while Hailee: YMMV, but I could see her as a relatively early exit Team Street Jaja: I think choreo may still trip her up from time to time, she's definitely a favorite and easily has the biggest fanbase going into top 20 Virgil: Choreo-ability + charisma/personality=contender/frontrunner Neptune: Who? Alain: YMMV, but I think he's an early out or I suppose it's possible that he skates by on personality for a few weeks Lilly: I think she gets overshadowed quickly by the other females on this team Jessica (JJ): I think she'll be the Sara Von G. of this season. Standout in other styles, underwhelm in hip hop/solos Megz and Ariana: Really solid hip-hop dancers, but they'll need to drum up fan support early and I wonder if they'll be able to accomplish that Burim (B1): Amazing soloist, suspect Choreo-ability; Should make Top 10, he might overstay his welcome if he lasts much beyond that Yorelis: Given her training interdisciplinarity....I expect her to shine early and often, plus I think she's a judges favorite too. Edited July 7, 2015 by PhD-Purgatory15 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1302084
realdancemom July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 For team stage, I like Jim. The other ballet guy might be good too but we haven't seen that much from him. Before the jazz round, I don't know what the judges saw with Edson. He might have used different music for his audition but he never seemed to hit the strong beats. His moves seemed to always come before or after those beats. The jazz and contemporary girls are interchangeable to me. I think I remember Hailee being a quirky dancer last year so she might interest me later. For team street, it's all about the women for me. My favorite is Jaja. I do see Virgil and Yorelis as being very versatile though. I don't think Denys knew the show changed that much. Until last night, I didn't know that they were only getting Latin this season. Denys probably thought that there would be a ballroom round in Vegas. Then once the show starts, we would get all styles including Ballroom. However, I remember that the ballroom dancers don't get to do their style very often. It seems that we mostly get a lot of contemporary. I bet Asaf wasn't chosen because he couldn't pick up choreography not because he mouthed off. He wasn't very good with the last choreo round and the judges said that's the best that he's done. That means he was a mess the first two rounds. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1302132
ari333 July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 (edited) "You are so much more than a tapper." Wow. insult imo. But then I think Travis is a twit. "You made it to the next round" sounds so anticlimactic rather than, "YOU MADE TOP 20!" So per Kat, someone is out due to injury and we, the unwashed masses, (my words, not hers) get to vote who's in? WHAT? Edited July 7, 2015 by ari333 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1302165
pamplemousse July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 (edited) Nigel is such a dick for getting all offended that Denys would have the nerve to turn down his silly little summer dance show of diminishing returns and ratings when Denys already won SYTYCD CA (which at its best was better than the US version), is a Juilliard grad, along with his partner is highly-ranked in the ballroom world, and was totally polite and mature when he told them he was withdrawing. It was the judges, particularly Nigel, who acted like spoiled whiny brats too big for their britches. I've been watching this show a long-ass time, probably too long, and it's had its moments and sometimes I've really enjoyed it because dance shows are so rare and dancers are pretty unsung in the entertainment world, but Nigel is seriously delusional if he thinks that Denys should give up a promising career to drag around some blonde contemp/jazz studio kid (*cough*how much money you wanna bet they were gonna saddle Denys with Alexia*cough*) and make her look good with all his partnering skill until he's served his purpose and they deep six his more-talented-by-far ass? And I wouldn't be surprisd if the show recruited him, they've done it before with other dancers (some dude named Henry from SYTYCD AU who the American show invited and coaxed into auditioning twice only to never put him into top 20), and then he got a rude awakening at Vegas week when ballroom wasn't to be seen and all the ballroom dancers were forced to do Sonya's fuck-ugly jazz shit and Travis's overwrought parody-of-contemp contemporary crap (I guess the ballroom dancers should've been satisfied that the Broadway routine was closer to their specialty?*snort*). I wouldn't be surprised if the show, because it is manipulative as hell, led Denys to believe that ballroom had more of a presence and then at Vegas week he had to stand by and watch his fellow ballroom dancers, many of them extremely talented in their field, get decimated one by one without ever getting to do ballroom or even the chance to do a fight for your life solo. It's bullshit and he did the absolute right thing -- Nigel is an idiot, the show wasted the time of all the ballroom dancers. If anything, I'm more inclined to believe that Denys was basically tricked into believing that ballroom would have some presence and then when he found out that was not the case, he got out before he got trapped in a show and tour that would've taken substantial time from his career teaching and training (not to mention hurt his partner's career as well because what's she suppoed to do while he drags around and props up some contemp/jazz chick -- twiddle her thumbs?) There have been larger male dancers on the show -- I guess no one remembers Allen aka Big Poppa from Season 1. He was probably bigger than Donyelle and Standing O put together (and for the record, I liked him just fine, I did not really have a problem with him or his weight as a viewer). Allen may have been a fairly isolated case, but this show is much more accepting of a wider spectrum of body type with the men than they are with the women. So I guess it's Standing O's fault for being stupid enough to try out and think or hope that a female who is talented at her genre could in 2015 possibly make it on this show weighing more than 120 soaking wet. Again, another thing that I call bullshit on. I don't find Asaf to be cocky or an asshole, I think he was defensive, sure, but I bet he's gotten a lot of shit in the past from other break dancers for being a pretty boy and not doing the traditional type of break dancing that B1 does. So I think Nigel saying something about entertaining people got Asaf's back up and he interrupted Nigel (which yeah he shouldn't have done a. because it's bad manners, and b. because Nigel's ego is so flipping huge that anyone arguing with him and daring to speak up pisses him of about as much as a woman who doesn't dance in a way meant to suggest that she's doing it for male pleasure and attention) because he thought Nigel was saying or about to say that Asaf's style of breakdancing is all style and entertainment with no substance -- basically that Nigel was about the say stuff that Asaf has probably heard before -- that how he breakdances doesn't have substance because it's not traditionally what people expect in break dancing -- in the form of 'constructive criticism.' I actually think it was just a misunderstanding because I think Nigel was about to say that Asaf is entertaining but he's pretty shit at picking up choreo. I think as soon as Asaf realized what Nigel was actually about to say before he cut Nigel off, he was properly contrite enough that even Nigel should've deigned to forgive him...were Nigel Lythgoe OBE's head not already so far up his own ass, having basically resided there for 11 seasons already, that he would need a spelunking crew to help him find it. I wonder if he'll come back. Seemed to me like the injury is gonna be someone from Team Street. I'm more excited about Team Street, I guess, mostly for some of the women. For Team Stage I look forward to seeing the two ballet guys Jim and Darion, none of the women have made an impression on me so far. I knew Gaby would get into because she's obviously quite cross-trained and because Nigel keeps trying to make tap happen on the show and most of the time America just doesn't care that much unless the tapper is a good-looking guy and/or a 'cutie pie' girl like Valerie. Gaby will probably go the same way of Melinda, another attractive female tapper who Nigel was really into but America didn't give a crap about. Edson is no chore to look at, but his sloppy feet bug me. Moises is good, but he reminds me of a Latino version of Michael Dameski from SYTYCD AU only not as good as Michael. That one kid who kind of looked like a taller Travis seems like a ringer to me -- I just got a feeling he has some connections to Travis and/or some of the other choreographers, he's obviously another one of those cookie-cutter studio kids this show seems to love so much. Team Stage, aside from the two ballet guys, is boring to me. I'm not always a fan of NappyTabs' choreo, but I thought Tabitha looked cute as hell demonstrating that routine (she probably wasn't going for cute though). Edited July 7, 2015 by pamplemousse 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1302310
Shannon L. July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 Quote I stand by my comment. Makenzie may have been tall but she was fit....all muscle. Kayla Rodomski was also a larger girl but she was very fit with lots of muscle. Donyelle is the only dancer to ever be cast on this show who was actually a "larger" girl and she did not look to be as large as Standing O. Benji was able to lift Donyelle even though he was not very muscular when he competed. At least he didn't injure himself so that was in Donyelle's favor. Unless I missed something about Standing O being trained in other types of dance (I skip the audition rounds), then there's also the fact that the contemporary dancers are trained on how to be lifted so they don't hurt their partner. I'm guess that Donyelle, regardless of her size, was taught and well practiced in the art of being lifted. When Denys quit, Nigel said something about how his decision meant that they passed on another good dancer who could have taken his spot. Did I miss something about who they replaced him with? I understand why people are ok with him bowing out, but I think he could have done it after the final round, while they were still making their decisions. People on reality shows ask to talk to a producer or director all time when they have an issue that they need to discuss. Right now, I'm more interested in Team Street and love the fact that they have so many strong female dancers. I can't wait to see more of Jaja. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1302326
Wootini July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 Again, if you've seen Step Up: All In, you know Jaja can do hip hop choreography just fine. :) The whole situation with Denys just rankles, and I'm actually glad it's over. I was never comfortable with a winner from another SYTYCD competing in another season in another country. And I'm sure that he already told production he wanted out and they made him to the green mile thing so that they could have the drama in front of the judges. And when he tried to explain that it wasn't worth it because there wasn't going to be any ballroom, the judges got all defensive and Paula leapt all over the "we" thing and tried to spin it like he was quitting because his girlfriend didn't make it through.The editing was awkward and a mess and just ruined the whole thing. (Although as I said before, he really shouldn't have been allowed to audition. There should be rules against that sort of thing.) 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1302376
Pallida July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 Other than when groups choreographed their own routines, did any of Vegas actually involve partnering? I'm pretty sure it has in the past. I've read that this season won't be focusing solely on partners and will have more diverse groupings, so I wouldn't be surprised if part of why Denys left is because he realized that his partnering abilities would be relatively meaningless in this year's competition. Accordingly, I call BS on cutting Standing O due to concerns over lifts. I did notice she looked a bit weaker in some of the choreography (but then again, that may have been selective producer manipulation). Instead, I feel like we have a bunch of music video girls (the "street" version of contemporary?) rather than diversity. Other than some tricks, I don't see the big deal about Asaf. He has some really good tricks, I won't deny that, but his transitions between them often left me cold. And I love b-boys. Maybe he just didn't click for me? 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1302455
Rick Kitchen July 7, 2015 Share July 7, 2015 Quote I'm just fine with no Ballroom. There is a whole show devoted to Ballroom elsewhere on network TV. Not with people who can actually dance. On 7/7/2015 at 8:00 PM, Wootini said: Again, if you've seen Step Up: All In, you know Jaja can do hip hop choreography just fine. :) The whole situation with Denys just rankles, and I'm actually glad it's over. I was never comfortable with a winner from another SYTYCD competing in another season in another country. And I'm sure that he already told production he wanted out and they made him to the green mile thing so that they could have the drama in front of the judges. And when he tried to explain that it wasn't worth it because there wasn't going to be any ballroom, the judges got all defensive and Paula leapt all over the "we" thing and tried to spin it like he was quitting because his girlfriend didn't make it through.The editing was awkward and a mess and just ruined the whole thing. (Although as I said before, he really shouldn't have been allowed to audition. There should be rules against that sort of thing.) Wasn't Avo the winner of SYTYCD Armenia? 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/28546-s12e06-vegas-callbacks-2-top-20-chosen/#findComment-1302775
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