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Unpopular Opinions: "I hate BLTs from Kelly's!"

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I feel literally nothing for Jakeson. BM is okay, but he doesn't look like Brad Pitt, and the way Liz is fawning all over him is just so stupid. It's only making me hate her even more. I don't care who he gets paired with, who remembers him, or who he remembers.

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I would have liked Jason to stay dead dead dead dead dead!




I don't mind Billy as much but I do hate that he was brought on as Jason.


I'd waited over 15 years for Jason to finally bite the dust. AJ was the black sheep of the family and Jason was the overly entitled preppy brat whose ass everyone kissed. They were the Cain and Abel set of GH, though I always thought AJ got utterly shafted with that.


And now to think that AJ has finally been killed off, and by that fucker Sonny, while Jason has been brought back from the dead like some sort of immortal demigod sickens me.

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she's playing basically a 20-year old in 40-year old who's lost an incredible amount on top of that she's a mentally unbalanced woman going without her meds,


I wish Ron hadn't added the mentally ill part to Nina. It's completely unnecessary to me, not to mention mildly offensive. And I think it gives MS license to wildly overact. As I wrote in the episode thread, if Nina weren't BSC, her situation would be more sympathetic for me. I could feel sorry for her, but instead we get these near campy "REPENT!" and "MOTHER!" scenes instead.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I think Rosalie is way overrated. Is she better than Kiki and Sabrina? Yes. Is she a better actress than KA and TeCa? Yes, but that's hardly saying anything. I don't see any burning chemistry between her and Morgan, although I see a little bit with her and Michael. Mainly, I just don't understand why she's necessary of having family ties.

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I don't know if this is an upopular opinion but I despise Carly always have always will.

I hate her so much that I hate all her spawns Michael, Morgan, and Josslyn. I know Sonny is a POS but I think he deserves better than her and I get hives when any of my fav males(Sonny and Jax)share scenes with her. I rather Jax died violently than come back to be that rapid beasts' whipping boy.

I hate her so very much yet ironically I have liked all the actresses in the role.

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My UO is that I continue to like Liz, and can't see myself stopping. I have liked all of her pairings, excluding Ewen's creeping, and I don't care about her "hurting" poor whiney Lucky.

I like Liz too, but hated her cheating on Lucky both times (it might have to do with my fondness with both Greg Vaughn and Jonathan Jackson), however I found Liz behavior during Liason/Jake episode more off-putting than Niz/Adian. Why?  At least with Niz, especially when JJ returned, it was remotely being presented as something hurtful to Lucky (but they went why overboard about how Lucky wanted to put the past in the past) and Lucky's family wasn't taking her lover's side (even though this time around, they were more related to Nik). With Liason, stupid Guza wanted the audience to be okay with Jason yet again taking someone's spouse, because the spouse didn't "deserve" her .


And I liked Ewen, mainly because they finally created a love interest for Liz, like just about every other female on this show gets.

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I still love Billy Miller, but I wish Sam or Micheal or anyone else would have scenes with him.

I also liked Ewen and Liz. I think she deserves a good, unattached love interest not related to Lucky. And I want Jake to not be dead. A Quartermaine/Webber kid is more important than a fiftieth Corinthos spawn.

And I love Donna Mills' s eye shadow.

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My extremely unpopular opinion:  I am finding Franco the most entertaining person on the show right now.  I love the way he is messing with Carly, and I can't wait for him to humiliate them at the wedding (assuming stupid Sonny doesn't win as per usual).  Now that RoHo isn't hamming it up quite so much I think his acting has really improved.  

I think I like him as much as I do because I wasn't watching during the original Franco storyline (with the real James Franco) so don't know / am not invested in the back story of the character that much.  Also, Sonny, Carly, and Shawn are just vile.  

I do HATE Nina, though, and do not want a Franco / Nina pairing.  


And here is an opinion that might be even MORE unpopular...I don't think Kirsten Alderson is as bad as an actress as everyone else seems to think.  I don't think she's really good by any means, but I think TeCa and some others are a lot worse.  The character of Kiki sucks, though, obviously!

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OK, maybe I should clarify that I wasn't happy about Liz screwing Lucky over with Nik, but AT THIS POINT I don't care about it. If I can't hold Sam being a literal street walking whore against her, then I'm not holding that against Liz years down the line.

And, I don't think Liz cheated with Jason on Lucky. Was their friendship a bit much, sure, but if that is cheating then Jason cheated on Courtney with Liz for their entire relationship (until the blinding thing anyway) with Liz. And on Sam as well.

Another UO, I don't find the "Quartermaine family" all that important, and didn't even when they were all not dead. I liked the characters, and wish that AJ was not screwed over, but in general, I don't care.

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My extremely unpopular opinion:  I am finding Franco the most entertaining person on the show right now.  I love the way he is messing with Carly, and I can't wait for him to humiliate them at the wedding (assuming stupid Sonny doesn't win as per usual).  Now that RoHo isn't hamming it up quite so much I think his acting has really improved.

I totally agree with your unpopular opinion.  His sense of humor creeps into his scenes, even when he is angry.  Now that they have Nina so far off the rails  that I can't even follow, he is the only bright spot for me - unless Heather offs Sonny, Shawn, and maybe Carly.  That would be entertaining.

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I hate Sam. I didn't watch until she was messing with Liz and her boyesss so I didn't see early Sam. I don't know if it is either the character or KeMo but she is so low energy that she sucks the air out of all the scenes that she is in.

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I'm mostly indifferent to Sam, especially the last few years. She's just...there. KeMo is also way too low-energy for my taste and has unfortunately brought JT down to her level.

The character, though, has improved from crying and screaming JAAASON in every other scene, so I'll give her that.

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I agree, Sam has bought not only JT but ME down to her level. Notice I didn't include SBu because that is the way he has been since his days with Robin. Sam needs an energy transfusion. I also noticed that NuDanny doesn't seem to give a damm about her.

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 KeMo is also way too low-energy for my taste and has unfortunately brought JT down to her level.


To be fair, JT IMO tends to not always be the most giving scene partner. KeMo isn't the most high-energy actress, true, but I don't think the problem is entirely with her.

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I enjoyed bitchy Livvie.Wasn't much of a fan of her and caleb but I did love when she was making trouble for people.I don't hate Sam but I'm just indiffernt to her.


I don't hate Kiki as much as some do.Do I think shes a hypocrite?Def but she hasn't reached levels of sonny/Carly/Jason hate yet for me lol.

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I thought JT and KeMo were pretty good when Patrick and Sam first started working together (this current go-round). But then the writing didn't go anywhere, and they both faded out.


But I'll take low-energy KeMo (and JT, for that matter) over weepy KeMo. I'm so tired of watching Sam cry for days on end.

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I thought JT and KeMo were pretty good when Patrick and Sam first started working together (this current go-round).


Man, me too. They really sparked. And now literally everything good about them has been zapped. It's so weird.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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To be fair, JT IMO tends to not always be the most giving scene partner. KeMo isn't the most high-energy actress, true, but I don't think the problem is entirely with her.

Oh, I agree. I don't think it's ALL her fault. JT, right now, barely even has a story. He's been cast as "Sam's flirty friend." Essentially, he's a prop for Sam. So I'm not surprised that his performance consists of standing, staring, smiling, and nodding his head.

I agree about Danny, Lillybee. I hate saying stuff about kids, but he just never looks happy and it's a bit distracting in scenes.

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I don't have a problem with MS so I'm happy I get to see her on my screen again. I'll see myself out. 

Right with you.  The problem here is the crappy writing, not the actress.  Michelle Stafford can play the hell out of anything, but the humor and sexiness of this actress is missing in this storyline.  She has had a few funny lines, but mostly with Rosalie, and she can only do what is written for her to do.  Maybe the writers found some things in the Y&R character of Phyllis that they liked, and they are overplaying those things, like the campy craziness.  I enjoy watching her, no matter what she is doing, so I'll see myself out, along with you.  

Edited by movinon
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I find it hilarious that the kid playing Rocco seems to hate ER/Lulu.

I've noticed that too, but he seems to like his Dad and Grandmother.  Now, with Danny obviously hating Sam, I think they should cast their children more carefully.  Also, some people just have more chemistry with kids than others.  Billy Miller is fantastic with any kid I've ever seen him work with, from tiny babies to school-age children.  I do hope they will have him working with some child in his storyline.

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I don't hate KA and I didn't watch OLTL. There are sooooo many people to hate on this show with sooo many legitamit reasons KiKi doesn't bother me at all. Want hate I hate Sonny and carley with the fire of a thousand suns. Jason also especially if Jakeson is J.M.You can also have almost all of the newbies and the Y&R rejects.Oh yes I also hate FrankenRon with the same fire.

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My unpopular opinion is that I cannot wait until the truth about who killed AJ come out. Not because I care about what was done to AJ. I never liked AJ and as soon the truth and fallout is done, I would be quite happy never having to hear his name mentioned except one in a blue moon by Monica and maybe Michael.

Edited by nilyank
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How about this, I borderline dislike/hate Michael even more now than when he was the red menace.

Me too his birth and the Holy Trinity helped bring GH into a state it's never been able to dig itself out of.

And I despise anything that is connected to Cujo the loud mouth beast especially her spawn.

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I liked DG's Michael, especially the way he looked at everyone as if lasers were about to shoot out of his eyes.

Now, to be on-topic and post an unpopular opinion, me mucho gusto Rosalie.

Edited by Tiger
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Me mucho gusto Rosalie. She's fiesty, sexy, and makes Micheal not boring. The only other person who could do that was AJ. So, I'm like Viva La Rosalie! Plus, out of the scrubs, she and Jordan make me want to hit the gym.

I would watch a Micheal/Sabrina/Rosalie triangle because it might be kinda awesome.

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