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Unpopular Opinions: "I hate BLTs from Kelly's!"

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I meant like ever. CD has one on his mantle. He won....last year, I believe.


He's been nominated, but he's never won anything. Chandler Massey has won the last three years in a row.

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Posting this here because I don't want to derail the episode thread, and it seems my opinion seems to be the unpopular one:


Regarding Patrick's frustration of having to wait for Robin and her return back to him and Emma, being soooooo long (it's only been 3 months), and having him contemplate divorce now, because he just can't wait for Robin to come back home.  I've no sympathy for him. Not because of the time factor, although that makes me less inclined to see his side of things, but because of the circumstances that led to her leaving. It wasn't  to do good in the world. She was basically blackmailed/threatened with having her loved ones killed if she didn't go to save that Borg and Helena and Stavros. Patrick knows as well. He even threatened that he'd kill Victor (Cassadine), if anything happened to Robin. And yet, he thinks, she can just leave and come home when he and Emma were in a car accident, where Emma hasn't even been hurt, physically. And no, I don't count that douchecanoefuckwit's tweets that Robin and Emma have been talking on the phone all along, because it didn't happen on the show, and not EVERYONE does Twitter, or Instagram, or FaceBook, etc. And this is just like, when Robin was tortured and that fucktard came back with what torture? She had three meals a day and a cot! Just like  a vacation, when same fuckwit showed us Robin being electrocuted, tortured mentally, watching as that pathetic loser, Obrecht stabbed Robert in the chest with that needle that put him in a coma for nearly a year.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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I agree with you. Patrick was never my favorite Drake. I loved Matt. (Free Matt!) Patrick is a self absorbed dork with a man beard. So now he cares about his baby? What ever dude. He's put Robin in danger so many times. I want a new hot Borg that can act that will sweep Robin off her feet.

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I agree with you. [snip] Patrick is a self absorbed DICK with a man beard. So now he cares about his baby? What ever dude. He's put Robin in danger so many times. I want a new hot Borg that can act that will sweep Robin off her feet.


There. I fixed that for you. And for the record, I've never thought Patrick was good enough for Robin.

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Guza's GH was actually good soap when the Sonny, Carly and especially Jason weren't involved. Early Dillon and Georgie was adorable, Lulu was perfect when she was first SORASed, Scrubs isn't exactly my cup of tea, but I can see why others liked it. Ric and Alexis were great when they first started getting together and the mini storyline between Robin Richard's Maxie and the end of Chad Brannon's run as Zander was surprisingly engaging as well when Kristen Storm's Maxie became determined to prove that Cooper Barrett didn't kill her sister .  I think Guza is actually pretty decent in creating characters (Dante, Patrick, Johnny, Ric Lansing, SORASed Lulu & Georgie & Dillon) and Luke & Tracy's initial relationship was actually pretty interesting.  It starts going to crap only when a lot of these characters get the stamp of approval and are thrust into the orbits  of the trio, especially Jason. It really irritated me to no end when Lulu pretty much threw over any loyalty to either Lucky and Nik for Carly (who defacto kidnapped Spencer) and Jason when she kept the secret about Jake as long as she did.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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Damn. Not even for the prison rape story? Does CM have blackmail on the judges?


CD was fine that year, but I bet Massey was better with whatever he had that year.

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Every time Dante opens his mouth I want to scream pants on fire.. Dante is the worse cop. he is just as much of a self absorbed idiot as his father. Sonny shoots him in the chest, in cold blood , and he lies and says he shot himself. What kind of police officer is s so brain dead he shoots himself, and what kind of police department keeps him on, and what kind of mother jumps into bed with the perp after seeing him ready to put another bullet in him.? one minute and the show made me hate two characters I did like.

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What kind of police officer is s so brain dead he shoots himself



The kind whose father is/was played an actor who wasn't leaving the show anytime soon (or, you know, ever), so they had to come up with a plausible reason why he wasn't going to prison. alas.

Edited by ulkis
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I have a confession to make. I liked Kelly Sullivan as Connie/Kate/Bob whatever. She stabbed cake, stood Sonny up at the altar, and looked like Sandy at the end of Grease.

And I don't think I like Ava anymore. I just can't. Even Julian bugs. I want some Quartermaines.

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I don't find Dante the least bit attractive.




Same here. I don't know what it is exactly, Dom isn't a terrible actor, he's passable especially for the current lineup that's on GH, but as far as attraction goes the kid just doesn't do for me in the slightest. Maybe it's because they're all Sonny's kids, heh, but Dante, Michael, and Morgan all just don't cut the mustard. I have a hard time even thinking that they're cute, and lord knows I think the younger two are two of the dullest actors on set. I either sleep through their scenes or rage at their characters' dopiness and general stupidity.


I never liked Lulu. Ever. I don't get what Dante sees in her.



Little girl Lulu was tolerable because she wasn't really used much, then they gave Julie the role and...nails on a chalk board, I could not stand that chick. I wished Lulu ill so many times it just became ridiculous. Then they paired her with Dante and it was like...god hated me, a lot. And now that Emme's playing her, an actress who I feel is even weaker than Julie was, and that took some doing to find imo, I need her to die in child birth, or at least enter into a coma-like state for a good few decades.

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I actually like Felix now that he's away from Sabrina and hanging out with Lucas . I will take them over perverted, pathetic Brad any day.



I wish Lucas would have Brad killed.


B/c liking these isn't enough I must also repeat them.

The only person I loathe more than Patrick is Brad. ugh! I wanted Lucas and Felix to chuck him down the elevator shaft Friday!

The only way Ron could sterotype Brad more is if he had blond tips on his hair.

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I definitely prefer Felix now more than when Sabrina was around. I still don't like him though. And he is incapable of having sexual chemistry with anyone, so I wish they'd stop trying to act like Felix/Lucas is a thing. Although, Felix himself doesn't seem to think it is a thing, so who knows.

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I thought about posting this in the Jason thread--still could, I guess--but since it's definitely a UO, I'll go ahead and say it here:


I've never found Steve Burton all that attractive. Ever. Whenever I see his eyes, all I think is that he resembles a cigar store Indian. Just not for me.


Billy Warlock, OTOH? Forget for a second whether he was a better AJ or not (and while I like him, I definitely fall into the SK camp overall, but that's not a UO), that man is one of the hottest men in GH history. Those eyes, that dark hair, that VOICE...SWOON. I don't give a fuck how short he is, I'd have taken his AJ over Dead Stare Jasebot ANYDAY. 

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Mmm...Billy Warlock.  Soooo hot! *fans self*  I'd laugh if Ron brought him back as NuJason.  But then I'd have to ship JaSam again because I thought BW & KeMo had great chem in the few scenes they shared.

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He's just too short for me to think he's hot. When I was a kid and he was on Baywatch, I loved him. And I loved him with Jen on Days back when they were still teenagers. But as an adult, I look at him and I'm just no. I'm very elitist when it comes to guys and height. If you aren't at least this tall, get the hell out.

Edited by tvgoddess
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Ok, I have debated letting out this deep dark secret.....but it's time to come clean.


I really really hate Tracy Quartermaine.  I find her selfish and mean.  Jane Elliot is too good for this show, for sure, but even she can't make me root for someone as awful as Tracy.   In fact, I have ff'ed most of her stuff since she came back, and not all of it was due to her nauseating romance with Luke.

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I really really hate Tracy Quartermaine.  I find her selfish and mean.  Jane Elliot is too good for this show, for sure, but even she can't make me root for someone as awful as Tracy.   In fact, I have ff'ed most of her stuff since she came back, and not all of it was due to her nauseating romance with Luke.



I like the actress, but Tracy since the 2000s I've found to be aggravating and actually kind of pathetic.  She's snappy and bitter, but not in a way I find fun or interesting most of the time.  Sometimes I've felt sorry for her, because as unpleasant as she is, she still always loses and everyone dumps on her.  But her schemes and pathetic love for Luke really don't interest me. 


Now 80s Tracy or even early 90s Tracy - that was a good time!



I've never found Steve Burton all that attractive.



I think he's a pretty handsome guy.  However, as Jason Morgan the character became more boring and intolerable over time, the more I became distracted by how tiny Burton's ears are.  Not in a bad way, they are actually kind of cute.  However, that became my barometer for how boring Jason was in any given scene - "how much am I noticing the ears?! oh, wow, a lot today!"

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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I thought about posting this in the Jason thread--still could, I guess--but since it's definitely a UO, I'll go ahead and say it here:


I've never found Steve Burton all that attractive. Ever. Whenever I see his eyes, all I think is that he resembles a cigar store Indian. Just not for me.


Billy Warlock, OTOH? Forget for a second whether he was a better AJ or not (and while I like him, I definitely fall into the SK camp overall, but that's not a UO), that man is one of the hottest men in GH history. Those eyes, that dark hair, that VOICE...SWOON. I don't give a fuck how short he is, I'd have taken his AJ over Dead Stare Jasebot ANYDAY. 



You are soo right. Billy Warlock made me a fan of AJ."s he could do no wrong for me. and I still hate carley for the awful things she did to him. I also don't like Ned for the same reason Calling him junior and all the garbage. Billy played AJ as a father who wanted his son and would go to any lengths to get him.  He even married Sonny's sister. Billy didn't look like Jason but he had the coloring of Alan.I still hate Jason and Sonny and carly, Robin was right to tell AJ Michael was his, and then she was the EVUL.I hold a grudge forever. TIIC never let him win, but his acting talent certainly made MB look stupid. Jasbot just looked dead. I think the show is returning to that era.when BW as AJ was killed off, I went on the barge for 7 years,

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I caught the Rafe goodbye/death scenes today. I know he was totally underwritten and poorly acted but damn everyone else sold me in those scenes. I admit, I cried. I was incredibly sad for Molly. 

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I do get why people would prefer this version of the show to the Guza regime.

And I feel bad if any of my posts have seemed disparaging to the fans who like the show now.

It is all personal preference. Just, for me, the things that drove me bonkers under Guza (bad guys always getting the upper hand, excessive nastiness and violence, interesting ideas that fall apart in the execution) are still a huge, huge issue under the new showrunners. Same problems, different characters -- with a heaping side dish of campiness.

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