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S10.E04: Charity Case

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Vicki has admitted from season 2 she hates when  someone marries into money, and that it's because she never had the opportunity.(although I do think Donn made a lot more than her originally). She was happy for Laurie but also resentful and fully admitted it. I had no problem with what she said last night, because she said it matter of factly, as  she figures everyone who's watched from day 1 knows her stance. I like that it shows she's the OG.

Edited by LVmom
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I love the dead eye/painful plastered on smile of Meghan when she realized how badly she had miscalculated with not inviting Shannon as the others were all leaving her party to me up with Shannon and Vicki.

Edited by biakbiak
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I'm with Vicki: It's not her money, it's Jimmy's (and who in their right mind goes by "Jimmy" after childhood?). I'm sure he and his lawyers figured out a sturdy prenup before they married. He's no kid anymore.



And...Ms. Vicki don't be doing any pot-calling.  Remember you have Scam Artist Extrordinaire living with you.  I doubt if he's providing any financial support.


Edited by Former Nun
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Idk, in terms of Housewives loony convos, the one with Meghan swooping in for the kill yet again to Shannon, had to be one of the loonier ones.  Oh, it was far from the looniest, but it was loony.  OK, Shannon was turned away from Meghan when she was trying to talk to her.  But honestly, I woulda been turned away from that skeery ET/giraffe-looking woman too.  I'm sorry, but that woman skeers me.  She has a very threatening, imposing, menacing physical presence.  And it's not just her tallness or the insane look in her eyes or her creepy/phony smile.  It's her aura & her attitude.  Ew.  The woman gives me the full-on creeps.  But then again, so does asshole Jimmy & his badly-dyed shoe-polish hair.  


Meghan (indirectly) demanding Shannon look at her even made Tams look at her like she was nuts.  And you have to sink pretty darn low to make Tams do that.


Now, look, I am not especially on Shannon's side in this one.  The weird thing is she didn't even seem particularly threatened by Meghan.  She was kinda taking a haughty condescending attitude with her -- which I didn't care for either.  Oh Lord, thanks for this, Satan Andy.  Another Housewives fight, where we have to choose between 2 assholes, of who acted like the bigger asshole, eh?  OK, well, Meghan is the winning champ here.  She is THE reigning queen asshole of this ep.  And thanks for this too, Satan Andy.  Never ever ever have I typed the word asshole so much in my life. 

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Vicki has admitted from season 2 she hates when  someone marries into money, and that it's because she never had the opportunity.(although I do think Donn made a lot more than her originally).



Didn't Vicki leave Husband #1 for Donn when she worked for him in a low-paying job at Home Depot?  Seems like instead of presenting herself as the long-suffering Queen of the Manor...the working queen, of course, she could motivate people by telling about her early work experience.

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The Dubrows fret over spending hundreds of thousands over budget the way I fret over $20.  I just can't even imagine.  Where did I go wrong???  Someone mentioned the house looking "institutional".  I remember their last house looking the same way - Cold, high marble walls and floors that looked like a hotel lobby.  I guess it's Terry's taste. 


It was great to see everyone leaving Megan's party and meeting up with Shannon and Vicki.  And Vicki "I can't put my life on hold while the love of my life has chemo".  Methinks Vicki and Brooks are in on this cancer farce together to amp up the storyline.  How else is Brooks supposed to get camera time? 


If someone patted me on the head like Megan did her assistant, it would get real ugly, real fast.  I just want Megan to go away, off this show. 

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I don't have watch this show on a regular basis...I know I saw a snippy Shannon tell Megan that she STARTS charities. It was obvious to me she didn't want to be involved in some no-name newcomer's charity event--no matter what it was. From further conversation, it sounded like both JDRF and Megan would invite guests. Why wasn't Shannon Numero Uno on the JDRF guest list if she's so special and so involved?

I've seen the little clips of Shannon freaking out in Mexico and then running up the stairs like an angry 10-year-old in Napa. I think she's a spoiled, manipulative and unstable woman who does NOT belong on television of any sort--let alone "reality" TV. Is it scripted that Shannon and Vicki need to make comments about Megan's age...like 30 is some embryo without any experience and not a serious thought in her head? Maybe Shannon and Vicki need to be turned out to pasture because they're no longer "with it."

That's always been my impression of Shannon too. I think all the crying and whatnot is manipulative. I think she's a spoiled little girl who used temper tantrums to get her way who then grew into a spoiled, bored housewife who uses temper tantrums to get her way. I think within the filming of the shows she has started crying because she felt insulted at more events than not. I know that may not be an accurate representation of her , but it's what I got so I'm going with it. Even with all the mitigating circumstances she has a tantrum pretty much all the time. David's "Oh look. Shannon is crying because someone was mean to her. Is it 10PM already?" look killed me. You know this happens all the fucking time. I bet when they were dating David thought of this as delicate and sensitive and now he's just tired.

None of that however, makes Megan less of a bitch. Lord girl. How about "I'm sorry I upset you." And then just smile and nod as Shannon goes on about how far out of her way she goes for other people *snort*. Talk about trying to turn a slight incline into the high road. Just get over yourself. And why have you moved 6 times in a year? Trying to stay a step ahead of the creditors? Also your husband hates you. How did she talk him into getting married? He just HATES her so much and it's only been 4 months. Tamara and Simon took 10 years to get to that level of disgust.

Anyone wanna bet that David's mistress was around 30? Shannon seems awfully fixated on that age.

I think Brooks is sick. How sick? Who knows? But yeah, he seems different. More reserved. Like he's not sweating the small stuff.

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Yeah, I think that is her issue more than the SAHM. Especially now since her dearest daughter is a SAHM. Gretchen wasn't a stay at home mom but she was taken care of. I also don't think she's come for Heather regarding her status as a SAHM (I don't count her bit parts on shows as a full-time job).

I think she views Heather as someone who works, not a SAHM by any means. She talked about this when Heather first joined the show. She liked her because she had made her own money (some of it). 


I don't think it is a SAHM issue specifically - I think it is an issue with women who don't work. In her mind her identity is tied to her career. The recognition she gets from that is critical to her self-esteem. She has always been so open about the fact that she thinks she works harder than anyone else and therefore she is better than the rest (one of the many things about Vicki that reminds me so much of Ramona). If you don't work that you must not be valuable because in her own mind, she would have much less value as a person if she had no career.  I have no reason to believe that she doesn't feel the exact same about Brianna. That she doesn't wish she would have done more with the career she worked hard for, and hates the fact that she instead stays home with the kids. 

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I just watched the clip from the Bello party again (I wanted to see if the "exclusive" had new content; it didn't) and Meghan should never wear her hair up.

I'm younger than Meghan and I would never behave the way she does. When someone apologizes, even if it doesn't seem sincere, the thing to do is to graciously accept. If you don't want to deal with that person in the future, then fine. But her behavior at Bello was awful. And I think she uses her height to intimidate people the same way Brandi does. I'm not a fan of hers.


I bet Melissa is wife number 4.

Then then according to what you just said/posted, Shannon should have accepted Meghan's apology but she did not, she immediately went into defensive mode lecturing Meghan on why she felt "attacked"! LOL

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Do you really think with her kids in the car and the phone on hands free mode that Shannon would be taking a call from one of David's side pieces?  First off there is no indication there is more than one person that David had an affair with and how often does a side piece call the wife and kids and where would she get Shannon's private number from?

I did not hear anything that would indicate Shannon would not take the call and clearly she took the call.  Again probably right around the time filming begins the ladies get calls from production assistants and the like getting stuff set up.

You're right. We don't know that there was more than one mistress in David's life but we also don't know that there wasn't.

You must have missed Shannon herself saying she doesn't answer calls from unknown numbers. She also said that she doesn't know anyone from Missouri.

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I'm not seeing this Shannon who reasonably removes herself from disputes in order to collect herself sans drama. Sure, she might extricate herself from the conflict but said self-removal usually involves some sort of theatrical flourish a la shouting "I start charities!" and then stomping off or sobbing about how her sadistic husband is intentionally trying to "make her look like a bitch" because he wants to enjoy a tequila shot at a group dinner. And I say all that as someone who cries whenever I get frustrated and understood why Shannon flipped out during the gaslighting even before Tamra started physically assaulting her . . . Lee Ann's circumstances are the reason why Jim - and thus Meghan - remain in Orange County part-time. So why wouldn't she mention it? If there was some sort of embargo on allusions to that situation, pretty sure Lee Ann or Hayley would have communicated that to Meghan . . . Since Vicki and Shannon find Meghan's age relevant, there should be no problem with Meghan's coming reference to Vicki's. And, although I have enjoyed Vicki ever since she started to drift from Tamra, she has always had a bizarre complex about "work" and the dichotomy of ownership that she dresses up as ethic. Didn't she live as a sahm for periods of time throughout her life? And Donn supported her while she struggled to launch an insurance business yet she remained fixation of "my money" and seemed to think that Donn shouldn't have received any monetary benefit from those circumstances during their asset division. She also always does that thing where she won't relinquish her BlackBerry even in the acupuncturist's office because she 's just that busy. It's just a variant method of conveying how important she is a la Meghan's entitlement . . . And considering Heather's constant numbering dropping; Shannon's "my party was three times bigger!"; Tamra's entire persona; Vicki's bedwetting; and the intoxicated bar dancing, I'd say Meghan is just as "classy" as most of these "ladies" even with the invocation of hashtags.

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Meghan reminds me of the Sarah Jessica Parker character in The First Wives Club.  Meghan's "coming out in the OC" charity was akin to Sarah Jessica's character trying to find her place in society under the tutelage of Gunilla Garson Goldberg.  I can see Heather Dubrow  whispering "fork fork" to Meghan at a fancy dinner some point this season.  Meghan doesn't seem too bright.


Jimmy married Meghan pretty quickly after his divorce.  I wonder if she was his side-pork while he was married to number two.  Baseball players in St. Louis must love these pharm reps.  Mark McGwire married one too, I believe.  McGwire's wife was stunning, it must be a requirement for the job. 

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I just don't like Meghan. I don't care about what Shannon should or should not have done in that scene. We're not going to see eye to eye on Meghan and Shannon and that's okay.

I really don't care for Meghan much either but Shannon is playing the same old game, "Victim", as she did last season with her whining, crying and "poor me someone is daring to question my entitled authority" attitude. Shannon has a season under her belt and knows how the HW game is played and she is going after the newbie because Tamra/Heather refuse to play along with her anymore, otherwise her only storyline is David's "cheating" on her. JMO

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Aside from being a bitch, what an extremely odd looking woman this Meghan is. Like an early and flawed prototype from Walt Disney's 1950s animatronics lab, she comes across as quasi-human at best, her posture erect and rigid during her TH sessions, large oddly-shaped alien head mounted atop that giraffe neck, while a ragged symphony of conflicting emotions simultaneously play across her face - extreme aloofness, a tight smile to pretend friendliness, cold dead eyes - and all of it looks like it's being controlled remotely by some technician at a computer in another room.


I just bellowed out the biggest guffaws and snorts of the week with that description of Megan. Dead on! She really doesn't seem human in some ways when you look at all her parts working in unison. Alien head & giraffe neck! Classic! 

Edited by aurora296
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I think it's funny that Vicki points out it's Jimmy's money, not hers. Couldn't we all say the same thing about Brooks leaching off you Vicki? And you're not even married.


Oh, I think Vicki is well aware of that, as is Brooks. Hence why when he gave his speech at Fiesta night he said things like "Vicki would like to thank you"..,.,"coming out to HER house". 


I'm not thrilled to have Meghan affiliated with a charity (JDRF) I hold near and dear to my heart but I did love it got a little exposure. I wish it would have gotten a little more exposure....just enough at least to explain what the charity was.


The bolded is a good point. I spent most of the episode not knowing what it was, just hearing initials tossed about. There was a brief moment where a child with diabetes was mentioned and I was able to put the acronym together. 

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Meghan reminds me of the Sarah Jessica Parker character in The First Wives Club.  Meghan's "coming out in the OC" charity was akin to Sarah Jessica's character trying to find her place in society under the tutelage of Gunilla Garson Goldberg.  I can see Heather Dubrow  whispering "fork fork" to Meghan at a fancy dinner some point this season.  Meghan doesn't seem too bright.


Jimmy married Meghan pretty quickly after his divorce.  I wonder if she was his side-pork while he was married to number two.  Baseball players in St. Louis must love these pharm reps.  Mark McGwire married one too, I believe.  McGwire's wife was stunning, it must be a requirement for the job. 

Pharm reps in St. Louis are, from my experience, extremely attractive and very very fit. The ones I know have degrees and are very smart-the cream of the crop.  They also make enough to mingle with the big wigs, here it's businessmen and athletes. I'm not saying I am an authority or anything, but I am quite familiar with the area Meghan comes from(Webster Groves). Worked around there for years,hubby went to school there.

It's also the sales job everyone wants. I knew driven women who would have cut a bitch to get a pharm rep job, even though their current sales job was lucrative.

Edited by LVmom
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Oh, I think Vicki is well aware of that, as is Brooks. Hence why when he gave his speech at Fiesta night he said things like "Vicki would like to thank you"..,.,"coming out to HER house". 





The bolded is a good point. I spent most of the episode not knowing what it was, just hearing initials tossed about. There was a brief moment where a child with diabetes was mentioned and I was able to put the acronym together. 

The blame for that would be and is, Production! Not Meghan's, nor any of the HWs on any charity they sponsor during filming. Production does not care if we really know anything about whatever charity they film, it is just another "event/gathering" for them.

Edited by WireWrap
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I'm torn.... I fluctuate.... I'm not sure I believe Brooke's has cancer. I hate being doubtful. Then I think, it's Crooks. He's lying. Then I feel bad. Who would lie about that?

However, there ARE sick people who DO lie about that. My adult son was with a girfriend who lied to all of us that she was dying from cancer. Suffice to say, we went through months of caring for her and her two young children, visiting a palliative care hospice, saying final goodbyes, to finally finding out it was all false.

These few sentences cannot convey how much we went through and how dishonest she was... But she she seemed so credible until the end when she got busted. I just hope Brooks is being honest.

Ps. I am an intelligent, educated woman.... I guess I don't expect to be lied to on such a grand scale, so it was easy (???) to be preyed on by an unwell person (or an unscrupulous person).

I know this is off topic, but I'm sorry you went through that. it sickens me that people are so vying for attention, yet still have a cold enough heart to keep the facade going for days and weeks at a time. 

I went through a similar thing, where a friend of mine asked me to meet him over drinks so we could talk and he told me he was diagnosed with HIV. This was about 20 years ago, when there was still a big fear about the virus. i cried with him, hugged him, prayed for him. I ran into his brother and asked how his family was doing in dealing with the bad news. His brother had no idea what I was talking about. When I confronted my "friend" about why he lied to me about having HIV he completely denied ever pulling such a stunt and told me I was crazy. Sheesh! 


For all of Vicki's craziness, I think she has a giving heart and if Brooks is lying about having the Big C, I'll punch him in his fake, Vicki owned teeth. 

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Sigh. Meghan will be in for a rude awakening when Jim has wife number 4 and she's a younger, hotter version of her. The ego on that girl is ridiculous. The charity event was more about her than the charity. Ridiculous. I know Shannon pointed to Meghan's age, but I don't think age has anything to do with it. I am younger than Meghan (not by much, but still), and I don't have the sense of entitlement or dare I say bitchiness that she's demonstrated thus far. I find it terribly childish not to invite a rich acquaintance to a charity event. The end goal is to raise money for the charity so who would it help to not invite a rich 'coworker' who has a relationship with the charity? Meghan is dumb and it's not because she's young. She just thinks very highly of herself.


That's a broad statement. There are many wealthy people that have ostentatious homes like the Dubrow's, take lavish vacations, have multiple luxury cars, investments,etc. Look at all the celebrities out there that flash their wealth. I hardly think The Beadors, Lisa Vanderpump or the Fosters are tight with their wealth. 

I agree. While there are some wealthy people who live modestly, driving cars until the wheels fall off and wearing clothes until they are faded and worn, there are very wealthy people who love to floss and show off their wealth.


I love a big beautiful home - I stalk a real estate blog just to drool over columns, window settings, and decor. However, Heather is obnoxious to me in general - I feel like she feels the need to point out the cost of things whereas you see someone like Yolanda with a gorgeous property and it speaks for her. Like we know her refrigerator cost an arm and a leg. We know Lisa's gorgeous walk-in closet and its contents indicate great wealth - she doesn't need to say it. I don't know if that makes sense. I do agree with whoever said that if Heather were on the BH series, she would fit right in. I'm not saying that the ladies on the OC are broke, but Heather's level of wealth is more consistent with what we've seen on BH. Likewise for Shannon.

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You're right. We don't know that there was more than one mistress in David's life but we also don't know that there wasn't.

You must have missed Shannon herself saying she doesn't answer calls from unknown numbers. She also said that she doesn't know anyone from Missouri.

We may never know how many women David slept with outside his marriage.  What we have not been presented with to date is any evidence that this woman or these women call Shannon.


I don't believe Shannon ever said she didn't answer calls from unknown numbers.  I think she said that very few people had her PRIVATE cell phone number.  The implication being that when someone calls her she recognizes the number.  I think when they begin filming there is probably a lot more phone calls RH take because they are probably trying to schedule things.   Even if Shannon said such a thing it is irrelevant because we have video of Meghan making a call to her.  BTW if they really wanted to make this real they could have said, Joe Blow from production gave me your number (beeping Joe Blow's name out like the did the real name) and would not have caught Shannon off guard.  So when Meghan went into her charity pitch Shannon would be clued in.  I don't like manufacturing drama. Meghan could not get anyone to agree with Shannon being rude.  All her husband would say is it sounds like she doesn't want to help.


Anyone working for a charity knows or has been told it is poor form to guilt someone into donating or volunteering at a charitable event--especially someone who had six months earlier put on an event.  Meghan exhibited poor taste and poor judgment even bringing it up to Shannon.  If during the trip, as the parties have attested to the event was brought up, then would be the time to ask if Shannon was interested in helping.  Not brow beating her over Meghan being offended.  meghan has a lot to learn about representing charities.  

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I think production told Shannon to expect a call at a certain time, and that she should answer it.  They all seem to know when they are going to get calls from each other so they can put them on speaker-cameras were rolling when Tamra got her invitation call from Megan, we've seen it happen while wives are shopping,...I think Bravo set up the phone call, told Shannon to answer the call, but didn't tell her who it would be from or what it would be about.

Per Shannon's blog, she was not told to expect a call. I believe her. I do think that it was a production set up and that Shannon probably didn't know that Meghan was the new HW.

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Pharm reps in St. Louis are, from my experience, extremely attractive and very very fit. The ones I know have degrees and are very smart-the cream of the crop.  They also make enough to mingle with the big wigs, here it's businessmen and athletes. I'm not saying I am an authority or anything, but I am quite familiar with the area Meghan comes from(Webster Groves). Worked around there for years,hubby went to school there.

It's also the sales job everyone wants. I knew driven women who would have cut a bitch to get a pharm rep job, even though their current sales job was lucrative.

Meghan sold medical software--is that considered pharmaceutical sales?

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How are Meghan and Jim's ex-wife raising the teenage daughter "together" when Meghan and Jim have only been married for four months?  Vicki's right: Meghan's presumptuous.  To me, she comes across as the type of person who has been indulged her whole life because of her looks and now lends too much credibility to her own thoughts and words because of it.


I like neither Vicki nor Tamra, but I'll admit it brings me a smile to see them interacting happily.

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Sigh. Meghan will be in for a rude awakening when Jim has wife number 4 and she's a younger, hotter version of her. The ego on that girl is ridiculous. The charity event was more about her than the charity. Ridiculous. I know Shannon pointed to Meghan's age, but I don't think age has anything to do with it. I am younger than Meghan (not by much, but still), and I don't have the sense of entitlement or dare I say bitchiness that she's demonstrated thus far. I find it terribly childish not to invite a rich acquaintance to a charity event. The end goal is to raise money for the charity so who would it help to not invite a rich 'coworker' who has a relationship with the charity? Meghan is dumb and it's not because she's young. She just thinks very highly of herself.


I agree. While there are some wealthy people who live modestly, driving cars until the wheels fall off and wearing clothes until they are faded and worn, there are very wealthy people who love to floss and show off their wealth.


I love a big beautiful home - I stalk a real estate blog just to drool over columns, window settings, and decor. However, Heather is obnoxious to me in general - I feel like she feels the need to point out the cost of things whereas you see someone like Yolanda with a gorgeous property and it speaks for her. Like we know her refrigerator cost an arm and a leg. We know Lisa's gorgeous walk-in closet and its contents indicate great wealth - she doesn't need to say it. I don't know if that makes sense. I do agree with whoever said that if Heather were on the BH series, she would fit right in. I'm not saying that the ladies on the OC are broke, but Heather's level of wealth is more consistent with what we've seen on BH. Likewise for Shannon.

I understand the criticism, but also think that we are expecting too much. As Heather pointed out in her blog, she is not walking around to the other ladies talking about how much everything costs or how much she has just randomly (which was what Alexis use to do). We are watching her interact with her builder and husband about the home that they are building. That means that the cost of things will be discussed. If they were not discussing the cost of stuff, then it would all be fake. When I was building my first home every conversation involved how much things cost.  I also don't agree with the part about Yo or Lisa. Last year when Lisa was showing Ken some shoes she mentioned they cost $1500 and were worth every penny. We saw her try on a ring and tell us that it cost $65K. She talked about the costs of opening Pump (although she did that more on VPR than she did on the BH show). She talked several times about how over-budget they were, about the cost of the rare trees she was having flown in, etc. Again, the cost of every single item was detailed when Pandora got married. In these cases we were watching Lisa interact with people she was hiring to perform a service, so mention of the cost of these things is going to come up. 

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We may never know how many women David slept with outside his marriage.  What we have not been presented with to date is any evidence that this woman or these women call Shannon.


I don't believe Shannon ever said she didn't answer calls from unknown numbers.  I think she said that very few people had her PRIVATE cell phone number.  The implication being that when someone calls her she recognizes the number.  I think when they begin filming there is probably a lot more phone calls RH take because they are probably trying to schedule things.   Even if Shannon said such a thing it is irrelevant because we have video of Meghan making a call to her.  BTW if they really wanted to make this real they could have said, Joe Blow from production gave me your number (beeping Joe Blow's name out like the did the real name) and would not have caught Shannon off guard.  So when Meghan went into her charity pitch Shannon would be clued in.  I don't like manufacturing drama. Meghan could not get anyone to agree with Shannon being rude.  All her husband would say is it sounds like she doesn't want to help.


Anyone working for a charity knows or has been told it is poor form to guilt someone into donating or volunteering at a charitable event--especially someone who had six months earlier put on an event.  Meghan exhibited poor taste and poor judgment even bringing it up to Shannon.  If during the trip, as the parties have attested to the event was brought up, then would be the time to ask if Shannon was interested in helping.  Not brow beating her over Meghan being offended.  meghan has a lot to learn about representing charities.  


I'm pretty sure Shannon said she doesn't answer calls from unknown numbers.  I know that she said she didn't know anyone from Missouri which makes it seem like production prompted her to answer that call.


Without rehashing the Meghan vs. Shannon disagreement and the fact that Meghan did not invite Shannon to the charity event, I still have to wonder why JDR did not invite Shannon since she had a previous connection to them.   They said the invitations went out from both Meghan and the JDR people.

Edited by AnnA
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I understand the criticism, but also think that we are expecting too much. As Heather pointed out in her blog, she is not walking around to the other ladies talking about how much everything costs or how much she has just randomly (which was what Alexis use to do). We are watching her interact with her builder and husband about the home that they are building. That means that the cost of things will be discussed. If they were not discussing the cost of stuff, then it would all be fake. When I was building my first home every conversation involved how much things cost.  I also don't agree with the part about Yo or Lisa. Last year when Lisa was showing Ken some shoes she mentioned they cost $1500 and were worth every penny. We saw her try on a ring and tell us that it cost $65K. She talked about the costs of opening Pump (although she did that more on VPR than she did on the BH show). She talked several times about how over-budget they were, about the cost of the rare trees she was having flown in, etc. Again, the cost of every single item was detailed when Pandora got married. In these cases we were watching Lisa interact with people she was hiring to perform a service, so mention of the cost of these things is going to come up. 

Okay - I hear your point on Lisa. I still find Heather obnoxious.


Without rehashing the Meghan vs. Shannon disagreement and the fact that Meghan did not invite Shannon to the charity event, I still have to wonder why JDR did not invite Shannon since she had a previous connection to them.   They said the invitations went out from both Meghan and the JDR people.

I thought that was a little weird, too. Since she hosted an event for them previously, I would have thought Shannon would be invited regardless of Meghan's thoughts.

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Meghan sold medical software--is that considered pharmaceutical sales?


I'm not sure-however, any kind of medical sales seem pretty desirable. I know someone who sold that sort of thing to medical spas and mingled in decent circles financially. She also had that Meghan look. I do think actual pharmaceutical sales are the most lucrative-top tier.

Edited by LVmom
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Okay - I hear your point on Lisa. I still find Heather obnoxious.

I thought that was a little weird, too. Since she hosted an event for them previously, I would have thought Shannon would be invited regardless of Meghan's thoughts.

Um did you not see her TH? Shannon NEVER hosted a party for JDR! She hosted a party for OC Magazine that benefited JDR! And she is COMPLETELY calm! How dare you suggest otherwise! She always shakes like a chihuahua going through withdrawal when discussing the many charities she invented. Now she is going home where no one ever says the word divorce and have her grey goose with six ingredients! She nurses one all night! How dare you! YOU WILL ALL SEE THE TRUTH!

This mashup of Shannon freak outs brought to you by Fozzybear.

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Without rehashing the Meghan vs. Shannon disagreement and the fact that Meghan did not invite Shannon to the charity event, I still have to wonder why JDR did not invite Shannon since she had a previous connection to them.   They said the invitations went out from both Meghan and the JDR people.


I thought I heard Shannon make the distinction that while Megan was hosting an event directly for JDR, Shannon had hosted an event for some magazine or club (I really can't remember) that features a different charity each time. And JDR just happened to be the one featured when she hosted. I'm really not sure how all that works, but perhaps she didn't work very closely with the actual foundation?

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And she is COMPLETELY calm! How dare you suggest otherwise! 

She has really perfected the art of this!  "I'm fine." said in a tone and with a look so that everyone knows she's not.  "It's no big deal." but you know whoever (probably David) is never going to hear the end of it.

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In terms of the private cell phone number thing - I was thinking that maybe to Shannon (or all of the housewives) it is more important to her that her number be private than the average person because she is a Bravolebrity. I half wonder if Shannon was thinking of the incident where Tamra posted Lizzie's phone number on Facebook and Lizzie had to change her number.


Meghan is horrible. She was trying so hard and seems like a mean person. And not an entertaining mean person. I really don't get the big deal. Shannon may not have been very nice to her during the call, but nothing really happened during that call. Meghan's anger was crazy.

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Somehow I'd like to see Brooks resemble, in the slightest, my adult son's physical appearance(s) as he underwent long (successful!) treatment for Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma...and my son is young enough to be Brooks' son.  Extreme weight loss (and he vomited less frequently than Brooks' claims), loss of all his hair...eyebrows, eyelashes, etc. Family and friends were willing and DID everything to help in his fight.  I never would have gone to Disneyworld! Perhaps Brooks had some sort of diagnosis that scared him, but along with several others, I'm skeptical.  Also, the coffee enema tripe doesn't usually come until there is more deterioration, along with rubbing on holy water, traveling to Mexico, etc--when things seem hopeless.  It's difficult to give any sympathy to Mr. Once a Schemer always a Schemer.  


If Bravo is instrumental in helping Shannon "research" treatments for a real cancer victim, I'm appalled. 

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Heather....millionaires count their pennies because they have more to lose.

I don't see Betheney, Yolanda, Camille, or Lisa Vanderpump allowing a vendor to go over budget and doing so with a smile on their face. I think that Heather and Terry are spending recent earnings much like Nene. Anyone who has acuumulated money over time does not let go of it easily.

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I'd love to be Heather's builder. "I'm installing linoleum floors. I know that they're linoleum, but this isn't regular linoleum: Jesus walked on this linoleum. It'll cost 250K. Might have to increase that. By the way, can I interest you in this 100K formica counter?"

So funny!

Edited by BookElitist
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I don't see how a Shannon is "playing" a victim. Last year she clearly was on the receiving end of some major nastiness from Heather and Tamra for no good reason. And this year she's dealing with a cheating spouse. She IS a victim from what I can see. I've not seen her throw out any random meanness to anyone since shes started on the show. Granted she's not dealing with things all that well, but I don't see her milking anything for sympathy.

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Did Meghan's Caller ID say "Missouri," or has The Brilliant Yet Unstable Shannon memorized every Area Code in the United States?

Usually, if the number is not listed as "unknown" or "private" the ID will reflect the phone number and what city and state it originates from. You wouldn't need to know what area code the call came from. At least that is how it works on my iPhone.

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I'm pretty sure Shannon said she doesn't answer calls from unknown numbersarrow-10x10.png.  I know that she said she didn't know anyone from Missouri which makes it seem like production prompted her to answer that call.


Without rehashing the Meghan vs. Shannon disagreement and the fact that Meghan did not invite Shannon to the charity event, I still have to wonder why JDR did not invite Shannon since she had a previous connection toarrow-10x10.png them.   They said the invitations went out from both Meghan and the JDR people.

I have watched the clip on Bravo  Shannon never said anything about not answering calls from unknown numbers.  Both clips are available on Bravo.


According to Heather she and Katie were invited in advance, Shannon claims to have gotten a Save-the Date e-mail,  Vicki and Tamra were invited by phone two days before.  I think it was on the production schedule.  I have another theory sometimes it is difficult to film these large events as they have to get releases and there may be fair number of OC residents that do not want to be part of  filming.  I think Shannon believed she was going as she and Meghan had mutually apologized and continued to discuss the event on the bus.  Exaggerated statements by Heather of Defcon 4 will happen and Tamra claims of unstable Shannon (Tamra is today expressing regrets for having used such terms in her blog) and claims Meghan's husband was worried about her stress level and thereby cancelled Shannon's invite are just too suspect.  I find the JDRF very weak and they should be ashamed for letting this get out of control.  A very long letter of apology needs to go out to the Beadors.

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Somehow I'd like to see Brooks resemble, in the slightest, my adult son's physical appearance(s) as he underwent long (successful!) treatment for Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma...and my son is young enough to be Brooks' son.  Extreme weight lossarrow-10x10.png (and he vomited less frequently than Brooks' claims), loss of all his hair...eyebrows, eyelashes, etc. Family and friends were willing and DID everything to help in his fight.  I never would have gone to Disneyworld! Perhaps Brooks had some sort of diagnosis that scared him, but along with several others, I'm skeptical.  Also, the coffee enema tripe doesn't usually come until there is more deterioration, along with rubbing on holy water, traveling to Mexico, etc--when things seem hopeless.  It's difficult to give any sympathy to Mr. Once a Schemer always a Schemer.  


If Bravo is instrumental in helpingarrow-10x10.png Shannon "research" treatments for a real cancer victim, I'm appalled. 

Shannon said very clearly in a recent interview she helped research doctors who practice traditional western medicine with practitioners who also use homeopathic and nutrition based modalities.   Vicki said in her blog today that Brooks is going in for a scan tomorrow and had not had chemo since January.  On an unnecessary  tit for tat note, Vicki also commented on the seemingly well appearance of LeeAnn Horton and was surprised she was terminal.  Maybe RHOC should leave the cancer patients out of the mix.  I would think that Vicki would not go along with Brooks faking cancer.


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Mary Ingalls collaborated with Fredericks of Hollywood for Lizzie's one of a kind charity ball gown. Big Hair and Lace Cut outs on the Prairie. WTF.

I expected so much more snark for that monstrosity of a dress.  I cannot imagine how she put that on, looked in a mirror, and said to herself, "I look good!"  


Did Meghan's Caller ID say "Missouri," or has The Brilliant Yet Unstable Shannon memorized every Area Code in the United States?

For calls from numbers that are not in my contact  list, my phone shows the general location for the area code, either the state or, if it can be determined, the city.  It's not unusual.  

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I thought I heard Shannon make the distinction that while Megan was hosting an event directly for JDR, Shannon had hosted an event for some magazine or club (I really can't remember) that features a different charity each time. And JDR just happened to be the one featured when she hosted. I'm really not sure how all that works, but perhaps she didn't work very closely with the actual foundation?

That's possible. I've attended charity events and once a charity has your name, they'll keep inviting you to any and every event they have, It may be different if the event takes place in someone's home though. I've never been to one of those.

Edited by AnnA
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Don't like Vicki but I don't think that I can watch that scene where she hears of her mom's death.

I'm not a fan of Vicki either but I do have an elderly mother so I can sympathize with her loss.

However, am I the only one who thought it was odd that Vicki had to lie down on the floor because she didn't have a cordless phone and the wire wouldn't reach a chair? I find it hard to believe that Vicki would still have a phone with a wire in her home. That scene had to be staged.

Edited by AnnA
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We only have phones with cords (aside from cellphones) because our cordless phones kept on receiving interference.

OK. That's something I didn't know.

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Um did you not see her TH? Shannon NEVER hosted a party for JDR! She hosted a party for OC Magazine that benefited JDR! And she is COMPLETELY calm! How dare you suggest otherwise! She always shakes like a chihuahua going through withdrawal when discussing the many charities she invented. Now she is going home where no one ever says the word divorce and have her grey goose with six ingredients! She nurses one all night! How dare you! YOU WILL ALL SEE THE TRUTH!

This mashup of Shannon freak outs brought to you by Fozzybear.

I missed that she hadn't hosted an event for JDR directly. Sorry.

Edited by trimthatfat
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Also, if you're without power for a while (like the NYC blackout a few years ago) landlines with cords that don't require an external power source still work.

I know about landlines working in a power outage. That's why I kept an old princess phone in the house. Since I switched over to VOIP with my cable company, that no longer applies but I had them hook me up with an 8 hour battery backup.

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I have watched the clip on Bravo  Shannon never said anything about not answering calls from unknown numbers.  Both clips are available on Bravo.


According to Heather she and Katie were invited in advance, Shannon claims to have gotten a Save-the Date e-mail,  Vicki and Tamra were invited by phone two days before.  I think it was on the production schedule.  I have another theory sometimes it is difficult to film these large events as they have to get releases and there may be fair number of OC residents that do not want to be part of  filming.  I think Shannon believed she was going as she and Meghan had mutually apologized and continued to discuss the event on the bus.  Exaggerated statements by Heather of Defcon 4 will happen and Tamra claims of unstable Shannon (Tamra is today expressing regrets for having used such terms in her blog) and claims Meghan's husband was worried about her stress level and thereby cancelled Shannon's invite are just too suspect.  I find the JDRF very weak and they should be ashamed for letting this get out of control.  A very long letter of apology needs to go out to the Beadors.

Then Shannon was invited already and Meghan never called her directly to rescind the charity invite so she could have gone if she wanted to........UNLESS...... she wanted to cause a stink! LOL  

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Then Shannon was invited already and Meghan never called her directly to rescind the charity invite so she could have gone if she wanted to........UNLESS...... she wanted to cause a stink! LOL  

It seems like it would have caused more of a stink if she had gone knowing that she wasn't welcome in the Edmonds home. That is kind of a no win situation. If she went because she never received an official invite or rescinded invite, she would have been accused of causing unnecessary drama when it should have been about the charity. 

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On an unnecessary  tit for tat note, Vicki also commented on the seemingly well appearance of LeeAnn Horton and was surprised she was terminal.



Although I didn't know her name, I did notice that LeeAnn Horton seemed to be wearing an odd-fitting wig, so maybe her appearance has had some professional assistance.

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This week's episode was a snore fest.


Maybe I was tired...but I started to lose interest real fast and I found myself thinking about the lint in my belly button.


The one thing I am looking forward to is the Watch What Crappens Podcast...maybe they will make this episode enjoyable.

If I am reading the info on their site correctly...Ben is on vacation so Amy Phillips will be on as a guest with Ronnie

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