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S01.E04: Wife

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No, it wasn't a giant favor.

But now Rachel is in his debt. He has leverage over her, power.  To Chet, that has to be more important than pretty much anything else ever.


Chet let Rachel back on the show. Her job is the biggest leverage he has. Doing small favors for her to get more seems like a waste of time to me. 


Chet is the least interesting character to me by several miles. He's not slimy in a fun way, which would at least make him watchable for me.

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I love this show!  It is pure fiction with an underbelly of truth.  Sure things are exaggerated.  She had to distance this enough from the Bach to avoid a law suit.  Chet is a great character and he is not going to die, for cryin' out loud nor should he.  Dramas and soaps have villains, it is part of the fun.  

Chet cracks my shit up, he's SUCH a slimeball. The fact that Quinn seems to actually truly love him humanizes her for me. Chet doesn't give a shit about her or anyone--he's all about being on top, being the king of all her surveys, even if all he surveys is a crappy reality show. He continually extracts his pound of flesh, even if he doesn't benefit or couldn't possibly need it, which is why I found him demanding a quid pro quo from Rachel credible. He has to let everyone know who's boss. He does a lot of coke so he's even more of a legend in his own mind.



I don't think so . . . I think she just wasn't featured in the most recent episode or so.  Considering the eating disorder and family tragedy, I think Anna's likely slated for a big, dramatic exit--attempted or successful suicide, hospitalization, or a physical attack on or by another girl.

I agree with this. When you're watching a real reality show, different people are highlighted at different times. We caught a glimpse of Maya, and Faith, and Shaniqua. I love that attention to the the little details like that.


Great moments:


When Athena grabbed that magazine out of the trash my heart stopped and I was all "oh fuuuuuuuck....Rachel is done for" but of course not!! Like she'd ever be that careless. 


The look of disgust on Adam's face as he was "doing his duty" with Kelly. Man. He thinks he's in charge and gets put in his place repeatedly. You have to give the lad points for confidence but every single time he thinks he has the upper hand he gets snapped back. The women vying for his attention are the only ones he seems to be able to influence. I think he was positively gleeful at eliminating Athena. And picking sad Mary for the onscreen kiss. He knew she'd be the most grateful.

Edited by Pepper Mostly
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So my take on this is that Chet stole the Everlasting concept from Quinn and that guy Bill. Quinn didn't care because she was in love with Chet and he probably had more clout, so the show would actually be made. Besides, as soon as he left his wife, he and Quinn would be together with community property. I think that's why stealing the Everlasting resort (along with the hookers) was the last straw.


As for Chet, of course he would want something in return for doing a favor in the show's interest. Quinn (and Rachel) are responsible for the show in his view. Anything he does is a favor that must be repaid. However, I though the nose gesture at the end meant that getting Adam to make the deal was repayment.


Adam is kind of a hot mess, like a female Paris Hilton. He was probably getting too close with his gf so he ended up with the prozzies (I love that word). He could go groveling back to his father and marry the girl, but he wants to get free of his family. Unfortunately, that means (literally) getting in bed with other shady characters. The Everlasting winery means guaranteed income because of the name alone. Adam definitely knows how to play people. He's toying with the contestants and saving all his real flirting for Rachel because she's the Alpha. I think that's what's drawing Rachel to him, too. They both mess with people for fun and profit.

  • Love 8
The Everlasting winery means guaranteed income because of the name alone.

If it's not managed properly, the novelty factor won't save it. 


I wonder just how successful/competent a businessman Adam really is. He told the two backers who left he'd learned a lot working with his father, but we don't know how much responsibility he actually had. 

  • Love 1

If it's not managed properly, the novelty factor won't save it. 


I wonder just how successful/competent a businessman Adam really is. He told the two backers who left he'd learned a lot working with his father, but we don't know how much responsibility he actually had. 

Chet and his creepy friend own a big stake in it. They'll hire competent management and keep Adam on for the Cromwell Hotel name.


Literal LOL because I only know that reference from NewsRadio! Sorry.

A little  disappointed, but not surprised.  I really DO wish this site dealt a LITTLE  more with the whole history of television (what??!!?? it's not like it would be the whole history of ART or THEATER or something, geez) - on the other hand I really hate the Bickersons on both radio AND television.

  • Love 1


Chet let Rachel back on the show. Her job is the biggest leverage he has. Doing small favors for her to get more seems like a waste of time to me.

it seems, to me, like there was a lot of studio input into Rachel coming back to the show. Chet is not a dictator as much as he would probably like to be.  Letting Rachel back on the show was way more about the show and practically nothing about Rachel. 


Think of it like The Godfather. Don Corleone didn't have to do all the "favors" he did for the people of his neighborhood. Those favors were literally nothing to him, but everything to the people he did them for, putting them in his debt and giving him more power.


Or think of it like Chet is a petty dick who gets off on the power play of something so completely inconsequential. 

  • Love 2

The look of disgust on Adam's face as he was "doing his duty" with Kelly. Man. He thinks he's in charge and gets put in his place repeatedly. You have to give the lad points for confidence but every single time he thinks he has the upper hand he gets snapped back. The women vying for his attention are the only ones he seems to be able to influence. I think he was positively gleeful at eliminating Athena. And picking sad Mary for the onscreen kiss. He knew she'd be the most grateful.

I'll have to go back and watch those scenes--I didn't catch any of those facial expressions. Adam remains a mystery to me--I can't tell if he's being sincere with his dickishness, sincere he's when talking to Rachel, or if he's content being whatever people want him to be and expect him to be. And maybe Adam has no idea who he is, thanks in part to his father, I'm sure. We haven't met his dad, but the guy sounds horrible. But then again, Adam could be  just making me think his dad is horrible. Wow. Adam is deep (or not).


I can't believe this campy, soapy show stays on my mind the way it does. I think most of the writing is smart and compelling (especially the writing for Rachel and for her scenes with Adam). And good writing always makes me love a show.

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Well it took me 4 episodes but I'm finally starting to root for Rachel, the disheveled mess she is, and Quinn, the ball busting mess she is!  Yeah everyone is still pretty unlikeable but now that we delve more into why they are the way the are then yeah I can watch.  I would never, NEVER, want to work with any of these people but for the viewing audience I find it enjoyable.  


I actually felt bad for Quinn when the black guy who is gay, sorry can't remember his name, told her that she couldn't fire him and that he would be working for Chet (not her) next season.


Speaking of Chet oh good GAWD, how awful a person can you be??  Even the name Chet it reminds me of 80's yuppies. 


I figured Adam and that man's wife would be having sex to "seal the deal" but holy cow to see the husband and Chet watching--good grief, this is the kind of stuff you expect to see on HBO or Showtime.

  • Love 7

I love this show. I LOVE this show. It might be my favorite watch of the week. I was not in love with the plots this week but I still enjoyed the crap out of the episode. I think I must have said this in every episode thread but I don't like the whole romance between Adam and Rachel they keep hinting at. However, I'm so in on the characters and the performances at this point that they can carry me through weak plots. They did have some nice moments with the Adam/Rachel story but I would still like them to kill it as soon as possible. I still don't care about Quinn and Chet but the progress this episode made sense. It was a long way to go just to set up this spa thing that was her final breaking point but I'm excited for where it's going to go. They are not doing enough with Jay. That was the wrong direction to go. Where was the awful girl this week... the other producer? Athena never lived up to her potential. I still think they were afraid to really commit to going there. It was confusing the way this episode ended. There were girls from the group date gathered, but also some extras and the rest were just safe? Can Lifetime just not afford to pay all the salaries every week? I did like the way it started with the host of the show but if we're not going to get anything from him I'd rather see as little of him as possible. They did a really excellent job casting the actor for Adam. He really is a fantastic liar. Finally, they went super trashy this week. I prefer it when they have a point to make about reality TV but a week or two like this can be fun. 

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However, I though the nose gesture at the end meant that getting Adam to make the deal was repayment.


I disagree, only because Chet did the nose gesture a couple of times during the episode.  The gesture is typically an indication of 'don't say anything about what you saw' or 'strictly between you and me'.  It generally signifies this goes no farther.

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Chet is awful.  If the character dies, I am perfectly okay with it.



My jaw dropped when I heard the word "clit" uttered on a Lifetime show.  I didn't know this word could be said on basic cable!

It didn't really phase me but thinking about it now, I'm glad they did it. I'm sure it was supposed to be shocking like Quinn saying "pussy" but it's a part of the female body and pretty exclusively tied to a woman's sexual pleasure. There's no reason it should be a "bad" word.


This show just insulted me. According to Rachel (the writers), anyone who watches a show like “Everlasting” (i.e., “The Bachelor,” which I do watch) thinks gossip tabloids (like The National Enquirer, which I never read) are on the level of the New York Times (which I do read).

I think this is a big problem for the show. I'm not specifically talking about you here but UnREAL does things that might alienate the audience that watches The Bachelor and I don't think a ton of non-Bachelor fans are going to watch a show like this. I personally don't get offended by any of these scenes but I also spend a lot of my TV time watching shows that most people overlook instead of the highminded ones (Mad Men, Game of Thrones, etc.). I don't think the target audience they thought they were going to get is going to search out UnREAL or have the patience for a show that's more soap than social critique. 



One of the things I like about Adam is that he not only took Maya on the one-on-one but also brought her to the vineyard. The one-on-one was clearly a demonstration that he wasn't going to slut shame Maya, but the vineyard seemed to make it more sincere that he also genuinely doesn't feel she acted in any way that creates a problem.

I don't know why he brought Faith and Mary, though, neither of whom he can be seriously considering. I think he sees it as a gesture of niceness, but I still think he would have been kinder to cut them both on the first night. Based on what we know of them and what we know of Adam, there is no possibility of a meaningful match there or even a fun fling.

Am I the only one who thought he was going to kiss Maya? It made the most sense. They must be planning something for Mary because otherwise I don't know why in the hell she's still around.

  • Love 1

This show just insulted me. According to Rachel (the writers), anyone who watches a show like “Everlasting” (i.e., “The Bachelor,” which I do watch) thinks gossip tabloids (like The National Enquirer, which I never read) are on the level of the New York Times (which I do read).



I think this is a big problem for the show. I'm not specifically talking about you here but UnREAL does things that might alienate the audience that watches The Bachelor and I don't think a ton of non-Bachelor fans are going to watch a show like this. I personally don't get offended by any of these scenes but I also spend a lot of my TV time watching shows that most people overlook instead of the highminded ones (Mad Men, Game of Thrones, etc.). I don't think the target audience they thought they were going to get is going to search out UnREAL or have the patience for a show that's more soap than social critique. 

I don't think the show was actually insulting the Bachelor/ette viewers necessarily.  Rachel was, but she is an embittered, cynical asshole and I don't think we are supposed to view her as a voice of reason. And I doubt even Rachel would actually say that she thinks that all of the millions of people who watch the show believe the "Bat-boy enters kindergarten" type rags.  But she was making a point that a portion of their audience buys into the romance of the show, even amongst those who are aware that at least some editing shenanigans occur some choose to enjoy the fantasy and not concern themselves with the realities of the reality tv genre; and the spell is broken when US Weekly and it's ilk suddenly have sexting messages with an ex being published.


I do agree, however, that this show runs the risk of alienating a group that would watch this show based on their interest in the genre "Everlasting" is meant to send up by being a little too acidic in the criticism.   I happen not to watch these shows, but find behind the scenes type shows interesting.... making me the rare perfect audience for this show.  I suspect, however, that the venn diagram overlap of people with that interest who also saw the ads for this show and are, thus, watching is probably small.  So maybe the show should try not to burn its other audience members so hard. 


I watched this episode weeks ago and even now I cannot decide how I feel about it.  I was hoping that Rachel, while maybe attracted to him, was sort of playing Adam and their attraction.  But her reaction to his whoring himself seemed to be a little too emotional.  And her watching herself at the end indicated that she was wondering how much she was getting sucked in by her own game and/or Adam's.  I guess I'll have to see how her reaction at the end plays out next episode.  

Edited by RachelKM
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That scene along with Quinn telling Rachel to stop thinking with her clit made me say, "Really? This is Lifetime?"



There was also Rachel telling Adam he had to deliver a "panty-dripping" kiss on this week's Everlasting. Shows like the Bachelor are kind of porn for women. Of course, they throw the contestants in bikinis once in a while so the male viewers don't tune out. UnReal is very aware of female sexuality. I was almost going to say sex positive, but it's not all that positive.

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I'll have to go back and watch those scenes--I didn't catch any of those facial expressions. Adam remains a mystery to me--I can't tell if he's being sincere with his dickishness, sincere he's when talking to Rachel, or if he's content being whatever people want him to be and expect him to be. And maybe Adam has no idea who he is, thanks in part to his father, I'm sure. We haven't met his dad, but the guy sounds horrible. But then again, Adam could be  just making me think his dad is horrible. Wow. Adam is deep (or not).

Adam seems to be pretty spoiled, so they've got a lot of options when it comes to his dad. He could actually be horrible, or he could have just set down some reasonable boundaries that spoiled Adam doesn't recognize as reasonable.


I'm not sure what they're going for with Adam and Rachel.  It's definitely not  pairing I see working out long-term, but the show is pushing them at least a little.  I just haven't figured out where, yet.  They're both such manipulators that I haven't decided when each is manipulating and when they're not--and how often are they lying to themselves, too.  


I actually felt bad for Quinn when the black guy who is gay, sorry can't remember his name, told her that she couldn't fire him and that he would be working for Chet (not her) next season.

I felt a little bad for both of them--she got slapped down pretty hard, there, but chances are good he won't be working for either one of them in the fall, and he was in a pretty difficult position.    It's still hard to be in a position where your boss's boss is asking you for something, and you know it's not what your immediate boss would agree to.  If you add in how awful the characters are on a fairly regular basis, it goes from "hard" to "horrible".

Edited by Mari
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I'm not sure what they're going for with Adam and Rachel.  It's definitely not  pairing I see working out long-term, but the show is pushing them at least a little.  I just haven't figured out where, yet.  They're both such manipulators that I haven't decided when each is manipulating and when they're not--and how often are they lying to themselves, too.

I've watched enough soaps at this point to realize this could go any way. That is, I don't know if the writers have figured it out yet. They like to A) fuck with the audience and B) keep their options open. The seeds of so many possible romances are planted and never sprout.

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Am I the only one who thought he was going to kiss Maya? It made the most sense. They must be planning something for Mary because otherwise I don't know why in the hell she's still around.


I didn't necessarily think he'd kiss Maya, but Mary was the last person I thought he would choose! I think he picked her because he knows that the showrunners have cast her as the desperate single mother, not as a sexy contender, and he wants to mess with their paradigm. Poor Adam wants to feel like he's in control. He keeps getting put in his place pretty soundly, but he keeps trying. That's why I think he's playing Rachel. Its a game to him. He doesn't respect any of the women on the show. He thinks he can win any woman. Rachel's a challenge, he can't resist trying to win her (think of Valmont and Mme. de Tourvel). Not because he wants her, but because she says she doesn't want him.

I've watched enough soaps at this point to realize this could go any way. That is, I don't know if the writers have figured it out yet. They like to A) fuck with the audience and B) keep their options open. The seeds of so many possible romances are planted and never sprout.

Anything like a romance between them would be a disaster, though. I hope for the sake of Rachel's tenuous sanity, she stays away.

Nobody is going to come out of this unscathed!

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But! What happened to Anna? I assume she got sent home, but when?

I don't think so . . . I think she just wasn't featured in the most recent episode or so.  Considering the eating disorder and family tragedy, I think Anna's likely slated for a big, dramatic exit--attempted or successful suicide, hospitalization, or a physical attack on or by another girl.


So the last scene made absolutely no sense. There were eight women there, but 10 envelopes--one for each of the remaining contestants. Each lady was supposed to pick up the envelope. Two were empty, and these were the women to be sent home. The women sent home were Athena and Tanya, which means that Anna and another woman (either Joy or Grace) stayed. But they weren't there at the envelope selection. So who picked up their envelopes?


Anna has a speaking role, and the show probably can't afford to pay her to appear in every episode. But it's weird that no one mentioned her name, as if she didn't exist.

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It wasn't very clear, but I think only some of the women were picked for the winery date--they showed Faith getting an envelope with the invitation, but her roommate didn't. so some of the women were left behind? So the women eliminated were chosen only from the ones who went to the winery. 


I didn't have an issue with Anna not being featured this episode--its pretty common in reality shows for a person to be highlighted one week and barely shown the next.

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I didn't necessarily think he'd kiss Maya, but Mary was the last person I thought he would choose! I think he picked her because he knows that the showrunners have cast her as the desperate single mother, not as a sexy contender, and he wants to mess with their paradigm. Poor Adam wants to feel like he's in control. He keeps getting put in his place pretty soundly, but he keeps trying. That's why I think he's playing Rachel. Its a game to him. He doesn't respect any of the women on the show. He thinks he can win any woman. Rachel's a challenge, he can't resist trying to win her (think of Valmont and Mme. de Tourvel). Not because he wants her, but because she says she doesn't want him.

Anything like a romance between them would be a disaster, though. I hope for the sake of Rachel's tenuous sanity, she stays away.

Nobody is going to come out of this unscathed!

Adam is definitely mercenary, and only wants to burnish his image. But I don't think all his choices show a lack of respect. He kept Faith rather than the villain, and chose Maya over Anna for the one on one date. I think he wants Rachel not as a challenge but because he needs her to look good and she's manipulating his feelings as well to control him. But it becomes tougher and tougher to hold the line from genuine emotion on both sides. And they're such wounded people that they probably don't even know themselves how to separate real feelings from manipulation.

  • Love 4


It wasn't very clear, but I think only some of the women were picked for the winery date--they showed Faith getting an envelope with the invitation, but her roommate didn't. so some of the women were left behind? So the women eliminated were chosen only from the ones who went to the winery.

That's what was weird. I haven't watched too much of The Bachelor/Bachelorette but my experience with dating shows has been that everyone is there for the rose ceremony (or whatever it's called for the specific show). And you definitely wouldn't eliminate two people just from the women who went on a group date. That really would signify that they were the "B team." I'd have to rewatch it but I don't think it was just the ladies who went on the date because I think that was only Maya, Faith, Athena, and Mary. I guess they got a bunch of people together and hoped we wouldn't notice the ones missing?


Adam is definitely mercenary, and only wants to burnish his image. But I don't think all his choices show a lack of respect. He kept Faith rather than the villain, and chose Maya over Anna for the one on one date. I think he wants Rachel not as a challenge but because he needs her to look good and she's manipulating his feelings as well to control him. But it becomes tougher and tougher to hold the line from genuine emotion on both sides. And they're such wounded people that they probably don't even know themselves how to separate real feelings from manipulation.

I haven't let go of my "the writers are fucking with us/don't know what they want to do yet" theory but my read on this is that there is a part of both Adam and Rachel that likes the other. He wants to be able to charm her because for him, that's one of the ways he exerts influence but he also wants respect/for her to think that he's a good person to some extent. I think that's what a lot of those moments where he looks to her off camera are about (e.g. picking Faith, the speech about his ex). I don't think either one is choosing to be awful on purpose. Or at least, if there was another good option, I think they'd take it. Weirdly, although Rachel is more successful in her evil (at least she enjoyed it unlike the people you screw), he's the one who comes off worse. I guess because he doesn't seem that tortured by his failure to be a good person. Again, great casting though. There's something about how boyishly handsome he is that was particularly disturbing in that scene where Rachel walked in on him and the guy from Napa's wife.

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Adam is definitely mercenary, and only wants to burnish his image. But I don't think all his choices show a lack of respect. He kept Faith rather than the villain, and chose Maya over Anna for the one on one date. I think he wants Rachel not as a challenge but because he needs her to look good and she's manipulating his feelings as well to control him. But it becomes tougher and tougher to hold the line from genuine emotion on both sides. And they're such wounded people that they probably don't even know themselves how to separate real feelings from manipulation.

See, I think he kept Faith mostly to fuck with production. Once he found out that he doesn't really have any control, he wanted to do something to mess around with the story production wanted to tell. He's got enough human kindness to feel bad about how the production views Faith as comic relief. But once he picked her, I kind of sensed a "oh, shit. now what?" vibe from him. He picked her to be a thorn in production's side, and now she has expectations, and he has to remember that she's a person. And he's trying to draw Rachel in to his story--he comes across to her as if they co-conspirators, with his sly glances to her and his flirtyness. She knows it, too. Sometimes she lets him believe it, since it suits her purposes. I don't think any other suitor has been able to go toe to toe with her in a battle of wits (probably most of them took the gig at face value, enjoyed hanging out with a bunch of beautiful women and did as they were expected to do)  and that throws her off balance a little.


I don't think either one of them is evil. I think Adam is very accustomed to getting what he wants, and knows how to work the charm. He's spoiled and narcissistic, and and opportunist, but I'm sure if asked, he'd wink and say he's a good boy, but sometimes he's naughty. Rachel knows what she does is terrible, but she is good at it and while she knows she's messing with people, she can't help but be proud that she's good at it. I'm sure they both tell  themselves that its a cynical world and to get ahead they have to play by those rules.

  • Love 11

See, I think he kept Faith mostly to fuck with production. Once he found out that he doesn't really have any control, he wanted to do something to mess around with the story production wanted to tell. He's got enough human kindness to feel bad about how the production views Faith as comic relief. But once he picked her, I kind of sensed a "oh, shit. now what?" vibe from him. He picked her to be a thorn in production's side, and now she has expectations, and he has to remember that she's a person. 

Plus, I had the impression that he genuinely liked Faith, at least a little.  He's not necessarily attracted to her, but  found her less obviously annoying/crazy that some of the others.  


If you're keeping people around, why not keep a person that allows you to annoy people you want to annoy, makes you seem unpredictable to the audience, get rid of someone you don't think you can trust or like, and whose company you find at least marginally more pleasant than some of the others?


And you're right, I think, that it didn't click in his head that picking her is, essentially, leading her on. 

  • Love 8
I would enjoy this show much more if Craig Bierko would stop channeling Buddy Hackett. His eye rolling and mouth stretching are keeping me from having ANY clue as to his character's personality or motivation.


I like the way he plays Chet for what I understand the character of Chet to be: essentially an entitled self-centered jerk. I think he gets that childlike self-centeredness across perfectly. But what I can't understand is what Quinn is doing with him. When he was originally introduced, it seemed like he was the creator of the show and had earned his money through his ideas. I could see Quinn being attracted to that. But now that it seems like he's more of a trust fund baby and we know he stole Quinn's concept, I don't get why she's with him at all, much less seemed to have genuine feelings for him. Especially since this

And, he looks like he smells bad.
is so true.
  • Love 3

What I can't understand is what Quinn is doing with [Chet]. When he was originally introduced, it seemed like he was the creator of the show and had earned his money through his ideas. I could see Quinn being attracted to that. But now that it seems like he's more of a trust fund baby and we know he stole Quinn's concept, I don't get why she's with him at all, much less seemed to have genuine feelings for him.

This episode made me think "WTF, Quinn?!" Maybe the reveal that Chet's married was meant to do the same, but I just can't understand working for (much less sleeping with) the person who stole your intellectual property—especially when there's proof.

But now I want to know why Quinn left Bill. I binge watched the first four episodes OnDemand ages ago, so the wait has been excruciating. Well played, show!

Chet cracks my shit up, he's SUCH a slimeball.

I've never heard anyone but me use this expression. Somehow I've never seen anything else Craig Bierko's ever done, but I like him here: gone to seed, campy.

Edited to add that I just realized Bierko was Ray King on Sex and the City—the porkpie hat–wearing jazz guy with ADHD. I hated that guy!

Edited by editorgrrl
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Yup.  And the thing about prescription drugs?  They're one of the biggest addiction issues right now.  So Mary's prescription drug regimen could mean she has one illness or another (mental or physical), or that she's an addict.  

Most of those pills were capsules though anything habit forming comes in hard solid pills so you can't snort them these days. Anti-depressants and mood stabilizers also tend to come in hard pill form so they enter your system slowly.  I wonder if she hasn't finished treatment for cancer since that really one of few illnesses that would require that many pills (the other one that comes to mind is HIV but I doubt Everlasting would go there). Even anti-rejection meds from a transplant are done to two or three pills a dose these days.  Adam made a comment about "everything she's been through" and she touched her hair. Which is rather short for this type of show. If she's only sixth months or so post chemo that would explain the pills and the hair.I could easily see them casting her based on the whole "cancer stricken single mom" angle. I m hoping we get more of her as a Jericho fan I want to see  more of the actress. I wonder if their not setting her up to be the bachelorette next season that's one of the things I keep trying to figure out about this show.

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Most of those pills were capsules though anything habit forming comes in hard solid pills so you can't snort them these days. Anti-depressants and mood stabilizers also tend to come in hard pill form so they enter your system slowly.  

True.  TV world doesn't always think about that, though.  I don't expect them to go the addiction route, I just meant that since they said absolutely nothing about them, just highlighted them, it was a possibility.    Psych issues wouldn't surprise me too much, though.


The cancer thing is a good theory--the Everlasting crew seems cold enough to milk that.

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I keep thinking Eric Roberts must have turned down this role.


Eric Roberts creeps me out.  His characters always seem to have this evil, sinister vibe that gives me the spooks.  Chet is definitely a pervy douchebag, but I think his character is meant to be laughed at and skeeved out by, more than be afraid of.  The crew is pressured into following his lead because he holds all the cards and all the money, but Roberts seems much more intimidating to me. The show would seem very different to me if Roberts was playing Chet. 

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One thing I couldn't quite figure out was Chet's wife's tone when she blew up Quinn's spot like that. Was she she being bitchily sarcastic or bitchily bitter? I fault the actress, unless this was a writer's room course-correction from her previous appearance when she was all glowy pregnant lady. And I thought it was weird, when she was listing all of Chet's assets she'd have, that she didn't mention his bun in her oven. Talk about a bargaining chip.


The scene with Jay sucked; he was just the unlucky one to come in her line of fire after having been blasted by Chet's wife. Although how Chet and Quinn thought they were in any way discreet when we saw them cuddling on a sofa in an open truck in an earlier episode. Maybe Chet even having a wife was a course correction too.

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I don't think either one of them is evil. I think Adam is very accustomed to getting what he wants, and knows how to work the charm. He's spoiled and narcissistic, and and opportunist, but I'm sure if asked, he'd wink and say he's a good boy, but sometimes he's naughty. Rachel knows what she does is terrible, but she is good at it and while she knows she's messing with people, she can't help but be proud that she's good at it. I'm sure they both tell  themselves that its a cynical world and to get ahead they have to play by those rules.

I agree and would just add that both of them probably think they can just go back to being good people once their goal is accomplished - out of my father's shadow, out of reality TV. This, of course, is self-delusion because there will always be something else.

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Eric Roberts creeps me out.  His characters always seem to have this evil, sinister vibe that gives me the spooks.  Chet is definitely a pervy douchebag, but I think his character is meant to be laughed at and skeeved out by, more than be afraid of.  The crew is pressured into following his lead because he holds all the cards and all the money, but Roberts seems much more intimidating to me. The show would seem very different to me if Roberts was playing Chet. 

Eric Roberts is playing the king of the Underworld on Lost Girl next season. That's about as evil as it gets.

I'll be impressed if they held off on exploiting Mary's illness until episode 4.

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I'll have to go back and watch those scenes--I didn't catch any of those facial expressions. Adam remains a mystery to me--I can't tell if he's being sincere with his dickishness, sincere he's when talking to Rachel, or if he's content being whatever people want him to be and expect him to be. And maybe Adam has no idea who he is, thanks in part to his father, I'm sure. We haven't met his dad, but the guy sounds horrible. But then again, Adam could be  just making me think his dad is horrible. Wow. Adam is deep (or not).


I can't believe this campy, soapy show stays on my mind the way it does. I think most of the writing is smart and compelling (especially the writing for Rachel and for her scenes with Adam). And good writing always makes me love a show.

I've been wondering if Adam's dad is somehow pulling the strings behind the investors.  Losing his original backers I believe and lining up the new one to put Adam back in his pocket by proxey.  Granted that is fucked up as hell, but what about this show isn't?

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Most of those pills were capsules though anything habit forming comes in hard solid pills so you can't snort them these days. Anti-depressants and mood stabilizers also tend to come in hard pill form so they enter your system slowly.  I wonder if she hasn't finished treatment for cancer since that really one of few illnesses that would require that many pills (the other one that comes to mind is HIV but I doubt Everlasting would go there). Even anti-rejection meds from a transplant are done to two or three pills a dose these days.  Adam made a comment about "everything she's been through" and she touched her hair. Which is rather short for this type of show. If she's only sixth months or so post chemo that would explain the pills and the hair.I could easily see them casting her based on the whole "cancer stricken single mom" angle. I m hoping we get more of her as a Jericho fan I want to see  more of the actress. I wonder if their not setting her up to be the bachelorette next season that's one of the things I keep trying to figure out about this show.

They're not going to choose this but that's not true about illnesses requiring that many pills. I have rheumatoid arthritis, in addition to seasonal allergies, and one way or another I'm taking atvkeastsix pills in the morning and night. Not counting vitamins. I take methotrexate once a week and that's six pills all by itself so if you saw me on a Wednesday you'd see me gulping down 15 pills. And I've hd ra since I was 14 so it's not age related.

Maybe on TV tropes you hate u should add w trope that only senior citizens have medicine regime, or hypochondriacs. It's seriously annoying, and I can't imagine how it makes you feel if you're a teen wi a chronic but not life threatening illness. Because it makes me furious and I'm middle aged.

I imagine a lot of autoimmune diseases are similar and then add in the not serious but common things like allergies, thyroid, even birth control, and you can get a lot of pills to take.

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They're not going to choose this but that's not true about illnesses requiring that many pills. I have rheumatoid arthritis, in addition to seasonal allergies, and one way or another I'm taking atvkeastsix pills in the morning and night. Not counting vitamins. I take methotrexate once a week and that's six pills all by itself so if you saw me on a Wednesday you'd see me gulping down 15 pills. And I've hd ra since I was 14 so it's not age related.

Maybe on TV tropes you hate u should add w trope that only senior citizens have medicine regime, or hypochondriacs. It's seriously annoying, and I can't imagine how it makes you feel if you're a teen wi a chronic but not life threatening illness. Because it makes me furious and I'm middle aged.

I imagine a lot of autoimmune diseases are similar and then add in the not serious but common things like allergies, thyroid, even birth control, and you can get a lot of pills to take.


I wasn't just basing it on the pills though if it was a chronic illness the line by Adam doesn't make sense.  Nor does it explain why they haven't given her a mountain of hair extensions like the other girls. That's what made me specifically think of cancer. Also the show isn't likely to call attention to something chronic unless its something stress aggravated like Lupus and Mary is going to collapse next episode. RA isn't something the show can play for drama either so I really doubt that's Mary's issue. I wondered briefly about Bi-Polar or other mental health issues but I would assume the show would screen out those women if only for the liability issues.  Unreal didn't show us Mary taking those pills unless they are going to pay it off n some way. 


There also the issue with the way media treats chronic illness in general as something to be brushed aside. Most people who have chronic conditions are supposed to suffer nobly or get sick for one episode and then never mention it again. Neither of which really work for this show. As a brittle asthmatic and allergy sufferer it pisses me off but I don't think this show would handle well anyway I'll watch Shameless for that. 


As I said i was not suggesting he show would dramatize ra.

I was reacting solely to the comment that only cancer could have that many pills to swallow. Many many conditions have multiple pills and lots of people ahve combinations of things that in themselves are relatively mild, such as, migraines and thyroid and seasonal allergies. Not that I'm suggesting the show is doing that.

Because it is a tv show and I'm absolutely sure the multiple pills are code.

Edited by lucindabelle
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