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"The View": Week of 06/22/15


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The Morgan Freeman interview could be interesting.....he is a great guest and could derail the craziness on the panel.


On the other hand, my frame of reference for Freeman interviews is the(late, lamented)  Craig Ferguson Show, and Craig and Morgan clearly liked each other and Craig is a much better interviewer than any this show has seen in years.  Craig was especially effective with those he liked/respected/had fun with.  His Phillip Seymour Hoffman interview was a master class in the art.


Still I like Freeman and might consider tuning in in spite of the craziness so eloquently documented on this forum!

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They praise republicans when they do or say something good and ignore them when they make foolish statements. Today they praised Romney for his stance against the Rebel Flag..... but they ignored Huckabee saying there needs to be more guns in churches..... they ignored Rick Perry's comment that the Charleston church shooting was an accident.... or how Carly Fiorina said she thought the flag was racist but it should not be removed.


If they want to talk about the good... they should talk about the bad too... seems like a 1 sided show

  • Love 14

In my fantasy, Whoop calls out the "boneheads"  at Fox news (including her friend Bitsy)  when she goes on her rant about how the Charleston shooting is racist, and not against christians.    Whoopi yells about it. I wish she'd name names. 

The Whoopster doesn't really have the guts to call a spade a spade!!  She'd rather call it a shovel-shovel.

  • Love 11

Rosie O'Donnell was the best interviewer on the show, followed by Joy..Rosie made the interview all about the guests and would interject her opinions and anecdotes without derailing the interview. In some ways, you felt like a voyeur watching a private conversation between two friends..I will never understand why the producers of the show let her go, she is truly a gem..I still miss her....

  • Love 17

The Morgan Freeman interview could be interesting.....he is a great guest and could derail the craziness on the panel.


On the other hand, my frame of reference for Freeman interviews is the(late, lamented)  Craig Ferguson Show, and Craig and Morgan clearly liked each other and Craig is a much better interviewer than any this show has seen in years.  Craig was especially effective with those he liked/respected/had fun with.  His Phillip Seymour Hoffman interview was a master class in the art.


Still I like Freeman and might consider tuning in in spite of the craziness so eloquently documented on this forum!

Wait, wait, we're talking about the imaginary Morgan Freeman, right??  Like so many of the guests that are billed but magically do not appear or are not mentioned!!


ETA:  Oops, I thought he was supposed to be on today.  My BAD!!!

Edited by Medicine Crow
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The claim that that pastor wanted women arrested for saying "Oh God" during sex came from a satire website.  It isn't true.


And the Sony requirement that Spider-Man be white and not gay is also not true.  The requirement was that *PETER PARKER* be white and not gay, but if another character should play Spider-Man (and there have been other Spideys), they had no problem with it.


The William Hurt interview was bizarre.

  • Love 8
the claim that that pastor wanted women arrested for saying "Oh God" during sex came from a satire website.  It isn't true.


Thanks for that info!   hilarious that they all fell for it.    The crazy thing is that every woman on that panel believed that there are religious zealots nuts enough that some random person would call for women to be arrested.    


The spiderman thing was weird - It seemed like none of them have ever watched a spiderman movie, as they were asking "maybe he is, how do we know?"  And then Whoopi is asking "wasn't there a batwoman in love with catwoman or something?"   She had no clue.  NONE of them knew what the hell they were talking about.   So WHY are they discussing it?  

  • Love 10



Thanks for that info!   hilarious that they all fell for it.    The crazy thing is that every woman on that panel believed that there are religious zealots nuts enough that some random person would call for women to be arrested.    


The spiderman thing was weird - It seemed like none of them have ever watched a spiderman movie, as they were asking "maybe he is, how do we know?"  And then Whoopi is asking "wasn't there a batwoman in love with catwoman or something?"   She had no clue.  NONE of them knew what the hell they were talking about.   So WHY are they discussing it?  

Because that's what they do -- have a major conflab about something they know nothing about!!!  We've been harping about it for eons!!

At least The Whoopster was honest when they were going to commercial today -- she said they had to sell stuff or something to that effect. 

Edited by Medicine Crow
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They were giving props to John McCain because in 2000 he was pandering to the people of South Carolina by not saying that the flag should come down.... it was only AFTER he lost.... AFTER he backed down from the election that he came public that he lied..... after all of that he said he things the flag should come down.


That is NOT integrity.... that is NOT a positive thing..... the correct thing to had done was be honest in the first place.


Notice that Mitt Romney who said the flag should come down.... is not running for anything either.... he didnt come out in the past against that flag either

  • Love 15

Roger, now that public pressure is on these usually spineless politicians, they are calling for the Confederate flag to be removed. Mitt Romney was at least brave enough to say that it should be removed several days ago and was fiercely criticized by many Republicans. Now some of these Republican governors and state legislators  are acting only because the general public is demanding it, not because they are principled people. I agree with you about John McCain. It's really lame to admit that you pandered to get votes and now you're sorry about it, but actually that is the situation that every Republican candidate is in. They either tow the party line, or they have no chance of being even nominated.

Edited by Kenz
  • Love 7

Roger, now that public pressure is on these usually spineless politicians, they are calling for the Confederate flag to be removed. Mitt Romney was at least brave enough to say that it should be removed several days ago and was fiercely criticized by many Republicans. Now some of these Republican governors and state legislators  are acting only because the general public is demanding it, not because they are principled people. I agree with you about John McCain. It's really lame to admit that you pandered to get votes and now you're sorry about it, but actually that is the situation that every Republican candidate is in. They either tow the party line, or they have no chance of being even nominated.

And don't forget, South Carolina is the first important primary of the South.  It goes Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina.  GOP candidates that don't do well in SC will have difficulty going forward. 

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Sorry, but I don't give that twit, Haley any credit for any such shit. I saw part of her "conference" and what she said was, yes, the flag should come down, BUT....wait for it, there will be debate "later this summer" to "decide" and that there has to be a 2/3 majority vote to "agree" to take down the flag. So until sometime later this summer, that freaking sign of treason will remain.


I agree with Larry Wilmore, in that why doesn't someone just grab a pair of bolt cutters, and just cut the damn thing down. I mean, that is what everyone agrees on, right?  By waiting, the hue and cry will die down and as is typical for us, we will forget and move on.  Just like Jon Stewart said. Or something like that.


And Haley's initial response to the tragedy, or rather that racism is gone? South Carolina voted for an Indian American Governor! That would be her.


FUCK OFF, Haley.  You make me ashamed to be a first generation Indian American.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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What are they going to do about Pastor and State Senator Pinckney lying in state at the capital? Surely they are not going to have the mourners walk past the flying Confederate flag. They're going to have to come up with something to shield that from view. 


And on a different note - did no one at the network ever vet Whoopi for the job? She's so inappropriate for the position, it seems like it would have been obvious before the offer was made. Is this a case of Babs and Geddie trumped everything else?

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Sorry, but I don't give that twit, Haley any credit for any such shit. I saw part of her "conference" and what she said was, yes, the flag should come down, BUT....wait for it, there will be debate "later this summer" to "decide" and that there has to be a 2/3 majority vote to "agree" to take down the flag. So until sometime later this summer, that freaking sign of treason will remain.

From what i have seen today, that 2/3 may be hard to come by. There are quite a few legislators who are adamant that it stay. This is where I wish these women did some research and could talk about this in an informed way. They seem to want to give props to someone and make it seem like "problem solved".  Yeah, I know --I won't hold my breath.

I am sure that flag is being watched for possible vandalism. I thought about a flaming arrow shot at it. There is isn't way to lower it at all. You would need a lift to get up to it.



What are they going to do about Pastor and State Senator Pinckney lying in state at the capital? Surely they are not going to have the mourners walk past the flying Confederate flag.

And yes, it will still be there! I was born and raised in the south but this flag never a symbol for anything but hate.

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This is where I wish these women did some research and could talk about this in an informed way. They seem to want to give props to someone and make it seem like "problem solved".  Yeah, I know --I won't hold my breath.


They'll begin to find solutions to the 'problem' when those racist legislators stop passing legislation that restricts the vote for African Americans and cut social welfare (for all the poor white people too) and they work to find ways to improve education and employment and health care opportunities for all. This flag issue, while important, is just a sideshow. 

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There was a vote today to have a debate about removing the flag.... it passed the house 103-10.... there was a voice vote in the Senate where it passed


It has prodded other actions by other southern states



Edited by RogerFromOhio
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They need to take that damn flag down before Senator Pinckney lies in state, there is a loophole they could use, it can be taken down temporarily for cleaning and/or maintenance.  Or, someone could just cut the darned thing down right quick in protest.


Agree. I just can't clap my hands and say "hoorah" to everyone who is now coming out, saying the flag needs to come down. Talk is cheap. Actions speak louder than words. Take that damn thing down, and then maybe I'll cheer.

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Uzo Aduba was such  a class act and I want to get to know more of her..She made the show for me. I loved her admiration for Whoopie because Whoopie became a success in Hollywood, where women who look like her and Uzo Adubo are not considered beautiful or bankable. I loved that sister moment between these two women.The whoopster did not bother too much in tepid topics, when she called out P. Diddy for his juvenile behavior....I was shocked by that because she  has always been and will forever be an apologist for celebrities..Oh wait!  perhaps I am giving her too much credit, P. Diddy may have lots of money and successes in his own right, but he is not a part of Hollywood royalty....Never mind!...lol

Edited by Apprentice79
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I watched up until now y'all, barely made it through lukewarm topics but thoroughly enjoyed the interview with Uzo Aduba, right up until Whoopi started waving her finger at me.  Well and who knew?  Opera?  Amazing.

Yes, I thought she was amazing too.  I would say the interview was amongst their top 10 (if they had 10 good interviews).

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Some observations from todays show:


Rosie is really not enjoying Raven, considering the looks that she gives after Raven speaks.


Molly Simms adds nothing to the panel. She is a "mama-bear" though. She said that twice.


Nicolle loves to pat Whoopi on the back every chance that she gets.


I was happy to see that  Whoopie made some good points today about the P. Diddy thing, and she also talked about the fact that the US did not like to be diplomatic with other countries during the Bush administration, which is true. Take that, Nicolle!

Edited by Kenz
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OMG... they are trying to say that the dad catching a baseball put the baby in danger??  Such insanity


I thought so too. Then Rosie (Queen of Boxing) said that kids shouldn't be allowed to attend a live boxing match. Was she implying that kids shouldn't go to a baseball game? Really weird.

I loved that the guy caught the ball one-handed while holding the baby who was holding his bottle in his mouth.


Uzo Aduba was such  a class act and I want to get to know more of her..She made the show for me. I loved her admiration for Whoopie because Whoopie became a success in Hollywood, where women who look like her and Uzo Adubo are not considered beautiful or bankable. I loved that sister moment between these two women.


I couldn't agree more, Apprentice. Well said. This really made the show worth watching today. I think Uzo is amazing. There seemed to be a sincere bonding moment with her and Whoopi. Very sweet and personal.

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I loved that the guy caught the ball one-handed while holding the baby who was holding his bottle in his mouth.


If you look at the clip closely, you'll find the dad was still holding the other end of the bottle for the baby; he was feeding the baby and catching the ball simultaneously!!!

Edited by sugarbaker design
  • Love 4

Uzo Aduba was such  a class act and I want to get to know more of her..She made the show for me. I loved her admiration for Whoopie because Whoopie became a success in Hollywood, where women who look like her and Uzo Adubo are not considered beautiful or bankable. I loved that sister moment between these two women.

I totally agree. Uzo is kind and funny--she's a pleasure to watch.



I loved that the guy caught the ball one-handed while holding the baby who was holding his bottle in his mouth.


If you look at the clip closely, you'll find the dad was still holding the other end of the bottle for the baby; he was feeding the baby and catching the ball simultaneously!!!

Nice catch, but the guy was kind of a jerk. He interfered with the outfielder trying to catch the ball. But the batter was ruled out anyway due to fan interference.


And WTF is wrong with Raven's hair? That crazy wig makes her look like the Wicked Witch of Mars.

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So Rosie Queen of Boxing doesn't approve of children viewing this Sport of Gents - but as an "adult sport" (sorta like porn, I guess) it's A-OK (& grounds for constant celebration on her part) for the grown-ups (?) to watch these bloody beatings that too often leave fighters with permanent brain damage.  I'm always surprised by politically liberal Rosie's trumpeting of boxing, when the "sport's" existence relies so heavily on the lack of other opportunities for young minority/low income teens - no greater calling apparently than to risk getting your brain shattered to entertain the masses. 

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So Rosie Queen of Boxing doesn't approve of children viewing this Sport of Gents - but as an "adult sport" (sorta like porn, I guess) it's A-OK (& grounds for constant celebration on her part) for the grown-ups (?) to watch these bloody beatings that too often leave fighters with permanent brain damage.  I'm always surprised by politically liberal Rosie's trumpeting of boxing, when the "sport's" existence relies so heavily on the lack of other opportunities for young minority/low income teens - no greater calling apparently than to risk getting your brain shattered to entertain the masses. 

I was really surprised when I found out so many of my friends were going to viewing parties for the big fight (who fought whom? Who knows!) about a month ago. I've always thought boxing was the worst kind of sport there is - just an excuse for sanctioned violence. I just don't get what Rosie sees in what is called, "the Sweet Science."


I don't think this has been mentioned yet, but one day (maybe Monday of this week?) Whoopi introduced Michelle Collins and said that they hoped she would be picked to be another permanent co-host. I don't think she adds much to the conversation; she's pretty bland for my taste, but she seems to get along well with the others. 

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They apologized for their error on yesterday's show!That's gotta be embarrassing...a nationally syndicated show making stupid mistakes (almost on a daily basis). NOBODY is doing their job...not anyone in front of the camera or anyone behind the scenes. Oh to be a fly on the wall at their staff meetings!

I'm convinced that this show and particularly Whoopi and Company are incapable of being embarrassed.  I saw Whoopi's flippant correction of the previous day's daily blunder and she literally shrugged it off. 


And I don't think they have staff meetings - at least not with the co-hosts [ I refuse to use the word talent, lol]  When Babs was there the 'meeting' was yakking it up during hair and makeup, minus Whoopi of course.  And reportedly, RO wanting daily 8:00 am meetings was one of the things that pissed Whoopi off. 

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President Obama is speaking..... which interrupted The View.... I love when this happens..... I wonder if he realizes it is such a Right wing show so he schedules speeches just to interrupt them..... of course I know that doesnt cross his mind... but wouldnt it be fun if he did??  hahahahhaa

Oh... In My Opinion.... Molly Simms has not looked good on any of her appearances on The View

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