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Season 17 Live Feed Discussion: Watch People Sleep All Day!

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She's doing it smartly, as she isn't actively saying "nominate them," so it can't come back on her THAT way, but she's basically saying, "Hey, if you think that's a good idea, do that."

EDITED TO ADD: Okay, now I'm a bit less impressed. This whole "I will not nominate you and one HG of your choosing if I get HoH in the next four weeks" offer? Who makes an offer like that? Who takes an offer like that seriously? The guy just talked earlier about why would Shelli need a deal with him if she trusted him and now Vanessa is offering a deal like this? It SHOULDN'T work. I mean, James is a moron, so it probably WILL work, but it SHOULDN'T work and it is not a good idea by Vanessa. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
  • Love 3

Hilarious.... I caught about 20 seconds of BBAD while it was taping and heard Shelli (with damp hair) and Clay discussing who they will put up. Sighed, and assumed Shelli won, same old, same old. But to learn James was the victor? Expect the unexpected!! So pleased.


Is there any chance he's actually a pretty smart guy and will do what he wants this HoH? Use some blood as war paint again? He mentioned being on the chess club in school, but was that serious? Maybe he's a bona fide genius just playing camo-clad horndog. Now I'm gonna have this fantasy about him walking away at the end, dropping the waddle for an elegant walk and the redneck accent for a British one, all Keyser Soze and shit.

  • Love 9

While the main takeaway from Vanessa's conversation with James is "Whoever you nominate, it shouldn't be me, because you and i are both straight shooters" (with a side of "Hey, James, I'll give you some self-serving advice in exchange for you telling me all of your strategy" "Oh, sounds good! We're both straight shooters!"), I actually think she did a decent job planting a seed to protect Clay and Shelli, as well, under the whole "straight shooter" thing and "do what you say you're going to do" stuff, which is subtle "You promised them safety, so a straight shooter wouldn't do that, now would he?" Losing one of Austin and the twins would be fine for Vanessa at this point. 


EDITED TO ADD: Never mind, she then went full bus driving on Clay and Shelli under the argument "if you get rid of one of Austn and the twins, then the other two will be after you, while if you get rid of Clay or Shelli, only one will be after you."


EDITED AGAIN TO ADD: Yeah, Vanessa has definitely made her choice and her choice is the twins and Austin over Clay and Shelli. It's not a bad move on her part, as she likely still gets to work with whoever is left between Clay and Shelli. She just has to keep Clay and Shelli from KNOWING she has made that decision. Becky, by the way, ratted the whole plan out to Clay.

Edited by Brian Cronin
  • Love 7

The interesting thing is that Clay knows something is up with Vanessa and Vanessa has to know something is up with Clay (he didn't tell her right away that Becky just ratted out the plan to get Shelli out), so we might see a possible splintering. Goddamn, BB, don't you get that THIS IS HOW BIG BROTHER SHOULD BE PLAYED? If we had this last season, there's no way that alliance would have lasted as long as it did, because all you need is for, like, Donny or whoever to win HoH, and then they'd turn on each other. That's what happens - large alliances will splinter when they're not in power! It is how BB should work!

  • Love 10

Okay, I'm not sure at this point if Shelli is angrier that there is a plan against her or that she can't go get a cookie and has to stay with Clay.  Becky is all in with S/C it seems, at least for this week. Vanessa seems to be in trouble.  God knows what will happen if Shelli doesn't get her cookie soon!

Edited by pennben
  • Love 1

I last checked in with this thread a couple of hours before the episode aired. When I checked in just now (not having seen the episode yet) and saw how much had been written in just a few hours, I was so excited because I knew it had to have been because of an endurance comp. Then to read that BoB is no more—my joy knows no bounds!

For a brief moment, she was known as Becky Becky Trainwrecky at our place. It was the only way Mr. Callaphera could remember her.

That's been all I can think of when I see her since it first popped into my head a couple of weeks ago. Fortunately, we've seen so little of her that I haven't annoyed myself with it.  

He needs to put up Austin vs. Liz. That way, worst case scenario, Julia wins veto and takes off Liz, Austin still goes home.

My dream scenario is that James puts up Austin and Julia, and that Liz wins PoV and takes Julia off of the block instead of Austin. Imagine the look on his face! Imagine the days of Austin's misery over his betrayal by his one and only love! Too good to be true, of course, but I can still dream.

Speaking of Liz, I have gotten the biggest kick over how she has told Julia that she can "manage" a situation with a guy. First, Julia tells Liz that she's concerned about Liz cozying up to Jeff. Liz tells Julia she can "manage" him, followed by Jeff prying Liz for confirmation about being a twin and Liz totally unable to shut him down. Next, Liz tells Julia she can "manage" Austin, followed by Austin monopolizing her and kissing her. Yep, she definitely has a gift for managing men.

Also, it was Jace's picture that was replaced on the wall with Julia's. That's kinda mean, BB, even if he was the first out.

Mean, yes, but satisfying and delightful as well!  

Dear BBAD, no more Shelli and Clay! You misunderstand who matters to us.

It's not as if they say anything new when they're together, after all. Wait until they're talking to a third person and then shift the camera to them, BB.

  • Love 3

There is still time for this to change, but as of right this second, they're planning to nominate Vanessa/Liz, with Shelli as the backdoor target. I think it's a bad move, as they should just nominate Shelli/Clay if they want Shelli out, but whatever, things change pretty quickly so there is obviously still a chance things will change, especially since nominations are a bit later than normal this week. 

  • Love 2

Yeah, I believe that's it exactly.


EDITED TO ADD: Vanessa has just figured out that she's going up and she is none too pleased. She is prepared to blow up Clay and Shelli's game. The thing is that her going up has nothing to do with them and blowing their game up is likely not going to keep her from being nominated, so it's probably not worth it. Just win veto and get Shelli put up and evicted. 

Edited by Brian Cronin

There is still time for this to change, but as of right this second, they're planning to nominate Vanessa/Liz, with Shelli as the backdoor target. I think it's a bad move, as they should just nominate Shelli/Clay if they want Shelli out, but whatever, things change pretty quickly so there is obviously still a chance things will change, especially since nominations are a bit later than normal this week. 

This is a terrible plan. Why put up Vanessa against Liz, and not Austin? Even if the plan is to backdoor Shelli, if Shelli or Clay win veto, nominations stay the same. Then, Vanessa could go home, and they still have all pairs intact. Put up Austin and Liz, though, and that's guaranteed at least one pair leaves.


If Vanessa is on the block she's going home. If Shelli and Clay win the veto they are not going to use it because they know one of them would be the renom. Austin/Julia would never vote against Liz and the others would realize that Vanessa is the bigger threat. Should be interesting to see what happens!


ETA: James was persuaded from putting Clay/Shelli straight up because Meg and Becky think they can get Clay if Shelli goes home. Except if Vanessa goes, then they still don't get Clay because Shelli is still there.

Edited by kellog010
  • Love 1

They're really done in by Meg's obsession with Clay. I mean, I get it, he's hot, but damn, Meg. Don't get me wrong, if it came right down to it, she WOULD evict Clay, but she sure doesn't want to. If Shelli actually does get evicted, by the way, Clay suddenly is in awesome shape, as he is now "pairless," and thus not a target, while still being in a majority alliance.

  • Love 2

I will laugh so hard if Shelli goes home pre-jury. I have a feeling, though, Vanessa might be going this week. Not even because she's being targeted, but because plans are going to fall through. Unless she or her co-nominee wins Veto, she might be fucked. 


James can be so dumb and easily manipulated, I worry that he won't do what needs to be done.


James needs to just put up Shelli/Clay if they want to get rid of one of them. Jason even told them this before he left. Anyone else on the block, it's a huge risk of veto not being used to keep noms the same. If they were truly smart, they'd put up Shelli/Clay and have Vanessa as the renom with whoever was left if Shelli or Clay won veto.

Edited by kellog010
  • Love 3

Ugh! This is frustrating. So the stupid  (and I mean that literally) whitebread dude with the good social game lets two strong, powerful women protect him, and gets to sit back while the rest of the house fights to get out those strong, powerful women, with even the women theoretically not in his alliance bending over backwards to protect him.


Big Brother, you are American Idol at this point. The last winner who was not a white guy was Rachel Reilly. That should tell you something.

  • Love 9

I feel like the only way to ensure Shelli goes is if she's next to Vanessa or Clay. I'm glad James is targeting her but this plan could easily blow up in his face because they have so few numbers and don't control the votes.

If it's Liz/Shelli, do they have the five votes needed to get Shelli gone?

Austin, Julia, Meg, Jackie. That's only four. They think they have Trainwrecky but she's a stooge for Slay.

Clay, Becky, John would evict Liz.

Vanessa (and by proxy Steve) would be the swing votes and I'm not sure which side Vanessa would choose at this point.

I'm watching bad right now and just ff . That's all Im doing! I can't stand the sight of Shelli, I can't stand the sounds of the twins (BTW, they are JUST twins! My GOD! I have a set!)..If James wastes this hoh, which I have a sad feeling he will) I'm seriously completely done! I did cancel my live feeds yesterday, but I have them till the 5th, but I was pretty disappointed James won. I was rooting for Jackie, that's kind of all I can root for. Meg,James and Becky are complete idiots. I am enjoying repulsive Austin squirming right now cause he princess is with her twin now. What a fool! What a TOOL! He is so hatin Julia being there and he DID mean everything he said to Jason! CREEP!

  • Love 2

I don't think it's a bad move. It's good for James if Vanessa goes. If he wasn't safe last week he very well could have been the backdoor. Vanessa, Shelli, Austin or Liz are all a win for him. Sure it might not work this week to get Shelli out, but he and his alliance (Meg, Jackie) should be better off by the time it's done.

  • Love 2

This is a terrible plan. Why put up Vanessa against Liz, and not Austin? Even if the plan is to backdoor Shelli, if Shelli or Clay win veto, nominations stay the same. Then, Vanessa could go home, and they still have all pairs intact. Put up Austin and Liz, though, and that's guaranteed at least one pair leaves.


I think it's smart. The only people who are going to keep the nominations the same are Clay and Shellie. Their odds of getting picked for veto and then winning said veto are slim. Everyone else will be gunning to change the nominations by either saving Liz or Vanessa. 


Even if the nominations do stay the same getting Vanessa out is good for James. She's put him up before and wanted to put him up last week. 


ETA: Just saw he wants to put up Shelli and her son outright. That works too!

Edited by PinkSprinkles
  • Love 7

Well, I guess to be fair, Clay is pretty useless. He's only won one competition and Shelli and Vanessa are both much better players than he is. Clay can afford to stick around, but if James wants to make a big move, Vanessa or Shelli would be a big move. 


Ideally, as I was thinking about it this morning, I would have wanted Shelli and Austin up originally. If Austin wins POV, put Clay up. If Shelli wins, put Clay up. If Clay wins and takes down Shelli, put Liz up. That way, either Shelli or Austin would go. And, if they really want Vanessa gone, put her up as a backdoor option. I'd rather Clay or Austin went (because that puts us one step closer to having a female win and those two cannot play the game), but Shelli/Vanessa would be a major power move.


I now have a problem with Becky and I now wish she would have went instead of Jason. At least Jason would have not spilled the beans to Shelli or Clay.

Edited by Lady Calypso
  • Love 2

Watching BBAD last night I was struck by how Liz is orders of magnitude less annoying than Julia. I found it amusing how Liz was trying to tell her stuff and Julia kept saying "stop getting off topic!".

For me, it's totally the other way around. Julia is probably my favorite houseguest at the moment. And Liz really was all over the map in her conversation last night. Julia wanted to know about how the backdoor Jason plan went down and Liz was jumping around to what case they can make to James. I'd be annoyed by her too!


I really wish this week would end with Austin and Clay leaving, but I realize that is for totally selfish reasons because I hate Austin, and Clay does nothing, and I would much prefer not having to see either of them again until finale night than Shelli or Vanessa, who can definitely be annoying but Vanessa's crazy can be amusing and I'd love to see Shelli play without Clay. But in terms of game for James and his allies, getting either Vanessa or Shelli out would be really smart and a big power move. And I really do like seeing the other side be scared for once. It's about time!

  • Love 5

I don't like Liz's personality, but I think Liz as a game player is doing well. She has Austin wrapped around her little finger, and is using him to protect her and her sister. She may like hanging out with him, but she's made it clear she's thoroughly disgusted by his advances and does not see him in that way. Now, Julia's in the game and she has been fantastic. I hope she keeps it up.

  • Love 2

Late to the party, but I want to snark, dammit!

Steve told Jason last night that he's taking his eviction better than Audrey. Talk about setting a low bar.

Considering how Jason was treating Steve, I choose to view this as intentional, though subtle, shade.


Being able to graduate college quickly is less about being smart and more about being able to finagle a stack of courses that will get you around the usual red tape (e.g. course prerequisites) and let you CLEP as much as you can, while still qualifying for a degree.

But it is, in its own way, an example of stellar - real life - game play.

Edited by Way Wes Jr
  • Love 1

Holy crap. So much has gone down and the HOH comp wasn't even 24-hours ago. I like what is happening so far. I don't have the feeds and fill like I'm going to be attached to this thread u till after veto. It is crazy how this is he only show I live for the spoilers. Also? Who knew James had it in him.

Hell, if he puts up Shelli and Clay this week, yes, they might be pissy he went back on his word but as long as they stay up on the block,Mao what, only one will remain next week. And he one remaining would most likely be Clay and I just don't see him winning HOH so....

Crap. How much is AG going to rig all this for Shelli to stay? Or will she realize this is the most excitement of the season and fans are loving it?

  • Love 1

Wow, what a night!  I was absolutely stunned to read that James is going full out and putting up Shelli and Clay.  Hopefully no one changes his mind - can they just do the nominations right now?


My ideal would be Clay winning veto, much passive aggressive guilt from Shelli about how he would be SO much safer than her to stay on the block, he's like "yeah, no", uses it on himself, and Vanessa gets put up in his place.  To see Shelli and Vanessa go after each other, with the loser out of jury?  Epic.   Even though I do still think those two are the two best game players, and part of me did want to see them battle to at least close to the end, at the end of the day this is all entertainment to me, and I want to be entertained NOW, damn it!


Becky being a rat is an interesting development.  James was just telling her his plan to nominate them both; I wonder if she'll tell them.  She could very well blow up her own game by doing that, but she really, really wants to work with Shelli/Clay.  Scratch that - she really, really, really wants to "work" with Clay.

  • Love 13

I hope Shelli pulls out a veto win and Clay goes. I appreciate what Shelli brings to the feeds and she's a surprisingly strong character despite being a recruit. It would be a shame if she misses jury considering how big of a role she's played in the season up until this point.


Clay's a bland cipher in comparison, and I think he makes F4 easy if he survives this week. It actually be good for him if Shelli goes at this point as I think a lot of people would try and pick him as their F2-partner without Shelli in the mix. And he's smart enough to tell everyone what they want to hear. 


I hope that some of the weaker players like Steve, Becky, John, and Meg start to get cut down. This is a strong cast but the stronger players are targeting each other and we might have a similar situation to BB15, where we get an incredibly mediocre F5.

  • Love 6

Becky being a rat is an interesting development.  James was just telling her his plan to nominate them both; I wonder if she'll tell them.  She could very well blow up her own game by doing that, but she really, really wants to work with Shelli/Clay.  Scratch that - she really, really, really wants to "work" with Clay.


If she had any sense she would keep her mouth shut for once. Clay and Shelli will sell her out in a hot minute if she keeps talking.

  • Love 4

I am so done with Becky. What a fucking embarrassment she is. This morning she even tried to steer James away from nominating Shelli/Clay. She's so awful and stupid I can't. If Shelli does in fact go this week Becky will be on cloud nine thinking she has a chance with Clay.


My ideal would be Clay winning veto, much passive aggressive guilt from Shelli about how he would be SO much safer than her to stay on the block, he's like "yeah, no", uses it on himself, and Vanessa gets put up in his place.  To see Shelli and Vanessa go after each other, with the loser out of jury?  Epic.   Even though I do still think those two are the two best game players, and part of me did want to see them battle to at least close to the end, at the end of the day this is all entertainment to me, and I want to be entertained NOW, damn it!


This. All of this. Vanessa vs. Shelli on the block would be insane. I actually would want Shelli to come out on top in that case, but I think Vanessa would.


If any of Shelli/Clay/Vanessa/Austin leave this week I'm good. And honestly even if it's Steve/John/Becky I'm good, too. They're all worthless ass kissers.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 4

To the posters above saying Liz/Vanessa would have been a good plan, I disagree, because it almost ensures that Vanessa goes home. And if that happens, James is still leaving 3 extremely strong and loyal pairs in the house. Vanessa is a huge competitor and threat to James, but all the pairs are too PLUS they're pairs. So, it just wouldn't be a great move on his part to put up Liz and Vanessa. It should either be Liz/Julia, Liz/Austin, or Shelli/Clay. Those would all be better options than Liz/Vanessa, which IMO is actually one of the worst options out of any combo of those 6.

I, however, LOVE the plan to put up Shelli and Clay outright. Shelli would lose her damn mind. I'm still doubting it will happen until it happens though. James makes me nervous.

  • Love 10

I think one thing Vanessa has in her favor, is that James sees a potential for working with Vanessa down the road if it came to it. She has successfully sold that she is open if still not completely trustworthy to him. With the twins, Shelli/Clay, Austin/twins that's harder to work with unless you break them up. James/Meg/Jackie need numbers and recruit more allies. I sincerely hope he follows through and puts up Shelli / Clay with Liz as the renom if one wins veto.

Edited by kellog010
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