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Season 17 Live Feed Discussion: Watch People Sleep All Day!

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Please get Van out of this game. Her mental status depends on it.

James's face when listening to Van explain her thought process during the comp was made up of all kinds of win. He was definitely thinking "This bitch is crazy. Get me the fuck outta here."

So now Van is saying she will tell someone straight up how she feels but if James tells her she's playing to hard she gets butt hurt? What a fucking hypocrite.

Edited by urusai
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Listening to James and Vanessa talking.  Vanessa doesn't listen as well as she thinks she does.  She assumes she knows where people are headed so she hijacks the conversation to talk about her feelings and actions.  I wasn't watching the feeds before James went up to the HOH so I'm not sure what his goal was, but I can see there have been many instances in this conversation where if Vanessa had let James lead, she might have discovered some interesting opportunities.  

On the other hand - James isn't picking up Vanessa's hints that her alliance doesn't have her back.  


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 Liz/Austin went to breakup the James/Vanessa conversation, Steve later joined them in HOH room, everyone else asleep.  I think we have another endurance challenge here as it seems no one wants to be the first to leave the HOH now.   


ETA:  James finally left HOH room. Vanessa says she's still leaning to target Meg because she's burned her bridges with both James/Meg and only wants one left in the game. Vanessa says she knows Meg is gunning after her, it is written all over her face. Says it is tough for her to decide who the pawn is. Austin is pushing that John go up by saying that they could earn his trust when he is up and vote out Meg. Vanessa is resisting. Says she may ask Steve to be a pawn, Steve is frozen in his seat.  Says it is a lot for Austin/twins to ask that all three stay off the block all the time and expect someone else from the alliance to always be the pawn (she may be crazy, but thank you for telling them that Vanessa)  .  If no one will volunteer, Vanessa says she'll have to weigh all options to decide who the pawn is. 

Edited by pennben
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Okay, Vanessa asked to speak to Austin alone to address a couple of things James said about Austin.  He is basically able to get them addressed by explaining they were during the conspiracy to get Vanessa.  This is actually an interesting conversation, no way Vanessa is putting up Austin.  Austin agrees that it's not right that Julia won't go up as a pawn, but they would never be able to explain to either twin that it is a necessary part of being in an alliance.  Austin says he will try to defend what Vanessa is saying as it is true that it's not fair to expect never to be a pawn and then expect others to be pawns when they are in charge.  They are having what they call an "objective" conversation about the twins.  Vanessa tells Austin he can't keep trying to make deals for three people, he needs to make them for himself, or himself plus his girlfriend.  Austin agrees, but says he can't actively conspire against either twin (read Julia).  Austin knows he's also going to face hell when he gets home for "decisions he has made in the house" (read, hooking up with Liz and dumping his girlfriend).


ETA:  I meant to also say that Vanessa is leaning towards putting up Steve, but he shouldn't expect that she will always to defer to all three of Austin/twins not being pawns.

Edited by pennben
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Holy shit, usual caveats apply, but I think Vanessa is going to be able to keep John off the block.  She has convinced Austin that if they put John up, when they take out Meg it will be just another person coming for Vanessa (Austin can't tell her he'd be fine with that).  Now Austin has said he wants himself/Vanessa to go to John and say the deal for this week is Vanessa will agree not to use him as a pawn if he agrees that neither Vanessa/Austin will be up on the block in a John HOH and that he would target James.  The rationale for including Austin in this deal is that it would be the only way he could be comfortable voting out Meg (I don't fully get that). Steve still could be in trouble if on block, but who knows. 


ETA1: While this was going on, Liz/Steve talked Julia into being okay to go up as a pawn


ETA2:  Now Austin is talking to Liz, they've decided to have Julia go up, because if they keep Steve over Meg, James would be pissed, but he would understand why they would have to keep Julia over Meg.  Austin says he could then make a deal with James.  


He may be vile and smelly, but Austin is good at this game!

Edited by pennben
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Holy shit, usual caveats apply, but I think Vanessa is going to be able to keep John off the block.  She has convinced Austin that if they put John up, when they take out Meg it will be just another person coming for Vanessa (Austin can't tell her he'd be fine with that).  Now Austin has said he wants himself/Vanessa to go to John and say the deal for this week is Vanessa will agree not to use him as a pawn if he agrees that neither Vanessa/Austin will be up on the block in a John HOH and that he would target James.  The rationale for including Austin in this deal is that it would be the only way he could be comfortable voting out Meg (I don't fully get that). Steve still could be in trouble if on block, but who knows. 


ETA1: While this was going on, Liz/Steve talked Julia into being okay to go up as a pawn


ETA2:  Now Austin is talking to Liz, they've decided to have Julia go up, because if they keep Steve over Meg, James would be pissed, but he would understand why they would have to keep Julia over Meg.  Austin says he could then make a deal with James.  


He may be vile and smelly, but Austin is good at this game!


Strange - it's 4:50AM CDT here, but suddenly my day just got sunnier.

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Oh, thanks for posting Nashville, I feel so bad constantly posting back to back after myself.  


Austin/Liz went to Vanessa to say it is okay to put up Julia; Steve came in; they tell him they are weighing pros/cons of Julia or him going up.  If Steve goes up, John will no longer think that she's working with Steve/Austin/twins (I think that is a nod to tell Steve how to play this conversation); if Julia goes up, it's good for Austin/twins to say to James that they had no choice but to take out Meg.  They seem to be settling on Julia, which is good for John/Steve/Vanessa, even though it gives Austin/twins an out to James.


This has just been a fantastic night! 

Edited by pennben
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So it looks like Meg is actually going to go. Huh. I'm glad. I started to warm to Meg, but she's so utterly useless game-wise, she seemed to have F2-F3 on lock-down. This is like Victoria getting evicted at F8.


I'm curious to see what James does, losing Meg. He'll make a pitch to Steve and JMac at the very least. Man, I never would have imagined out of that huge Jackie/Jason/James/Jeff/Day/Meg group that James would be the last one standing. 

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Wow, I have to give it up to Austin. He has handled this wonderfully. Getting Julia to agree to go up is magnificent. 


However, at the same time, it clearly did the most interesting thing it could do, which was put little chinks into Vanessa's alliances, since the fact that she won't put up John has to be screaming to Austin that she wants him here to get you out. 


The amazing thing, though, is that Julia going up would mean John and Steve would control the votes this week and they could do some Austwins damage if they so chose.

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For the record, Steve/Liz got Julia to agree, not Austin, although he jumped on the opportunity it presented when he heard it from Liz.  I do wonder if somehow/someway Austin is thinking about a hinky vote to get Julia out but cast blame on John/Steve.  And they don't even know its DE this week.....there shall be another glorious week of feeds even next week, methinks.

Edited by pennben
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For the record, Steve/Liz got Julia to agree, not Austin, although he jumped on the opportunity it presented when he heard it from Liz.  I do wonder if somehow/someway Austin is thinking about a hinky vote to get Julia out but cast blame on John/Steve.  And they don't even know its DE this week.....there shall be another glorious week of feeds even next week, methinks.

Oh, we NEED a Judas vote to get Julia out. That would be beautiful.

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Can you imagine??!!! And then can you imagine if John/Steve actually vote to keep Julia along with Liz! So, Julia stays and then who do they all point the finger at!  Or, John/Steve already decided to vote out Julia (along with James) and the vote goes 4-1 Julia gone over Meg! Now I think I want the latter.  This season is so much fun!

Edited by pennben
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Meg was a nice & flowery HG this summer but didn't do squat in the game. Normally, I feel bad for the nice person who is going home but Meg hasn't done a thing all summer and she's really out stayed her welcome. I'm really happy that the HG don't know (as of now) that's it's a DE coming Thursday. If the twins, Austin or Vanessa don't win HOH I would hoe one of them would go home. If not, one of them deserves to win just because everyone else is sooooooo stupid!

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I haven't had a chance to watch any of the conversations past 10pm BBT, but it sort of sounds like James handled his conversation with Vanessa badly. When on the hot seat with Vanessa, Austin has really been the only one to pretty much say exactly the right things at the right time. John did an okay job too, because he specifically said that he's targeting the Austwins. I'm not sure what James could have said to Vanessa to get the heat off of Meg, but telling Vanessa she plays the game too hard probably wasn't the best decision.


Things could change today, because Vanessa will be sober and also she still has about 24 hours to run 800 different scenarios in her head. But I'm proud that (as of now) she's decided to do something to benefit herself alone rather than benefit the Austwins. I hope John does go up and talk to her again today and remind her that she's in absolutely no danger if he wins HOH.

Edited by Ceeg
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Sun 2:52 AM BBT Steve's Scampering backyard monologue 8/28, about 2:08am BB time, Camera 1 -- his plans going forward. (inside) Plans to put up Liz & Austin... 

Steve: 8/28, about 2:08:30 AM, Camera 1

If I win HOH, I'm totally putting Liz & Austin up. I'll give Julia my vote this week. I can put Liz and Austin up in HOH 100%. Cause the thing is I can't make that first step at Julia. It HAS to be Liz or Austin. The first step has to be Liz or Austin. And frankly the other problem with getting rid of Julia this week is that then Austin, Meg, James ...Austin, Meg, and James... and Liz are going to make a 4-person against me, and I can't have that. The way to do this is to get rid of Meg and win HOH and put Liz & Austin up. THAT's the way to do this. Make a deal with James. Bring him in. He'll know he's at the bottom but he doesn't have anything better going for him...(mumbles -- going over dialogues...practicing what he's going to say to different people it seems like -- hard to tell who, though.) I should practice Days to make sure I win this HOH...(practices that).


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You see, Steve makes a lot of sense in that scenario. He knows what is best for his game; he knows getting rid of Meg is his only option this week. If he goes for Julia and convinces John to flip (and you know he would absolutely flip), Liz/Austin/Meg/James will be coming after him, even with James/Meg being saved. He knows Vanessa would never put up Austin/Liz so he has no chance of getting them out. All he can do is gun for HOH and save himself. Basically, if Steve doesn't win HOH for the DE again, he'll be screwed. I think Steve has a chance of winning again and if he does, he would be my absolute hero. 


Now, I have to pray for a Steve HOH. I do think he would absolutely do it too. He's not an idiot and he knows him and Johnny Mac are absolutely the targets next, especially him if Johnny Mac wins veto. So if he doesn't win HOH next, he is probably going next. Although a John HOH would be hilarious, because he doesn't care who he pisses off.


But just watch for Thursday, Liz or Austin win freaking HOH again. I have a feeling I'm going to hate Thursday.

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If it's a days comp, Vanessa isn't playing and Meg is out. So Steve's chances of winning should be pretty high. His biggest competition would be Liz, I think, based on Vanessa's Jedi drilling with her. But if Steve can't beat Liz in an intellectual type comp when he's actually trying, then he has bigger things to worry about.

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At this rate I think the Austwins are legit gonna be the F3. I gotta hand it to them, they're good.


IMO Austin is good; however, the twins?  Dumb and dumber.  And its not so much that Austin is so good, but that the other hamsters can't get it through their heads that the threesome needs to be broken up ASAP.

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Steve can be a wimp.  Him putting up Meg and Jackie was such a chicken move.  That would have been the perfect time to split Austwins.  If he wins either HOH or POV with DE, he needs to be able to think quick.

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I don't know, I think Austin and Liz are both playing well. Individually they both have some deficiencies (Austin in comps, Liz socially), but as a duo they are quite good imo.


I don't believe Steve would actually put up Austin/Liz. He's too much of a weak-minded player. Although a DE would be the perfect time to do it because he won't have to face a whole week of them coming at him.


Honestly the only thing I really want is for Vanessa to get evicted. That's what I'm rooting for now. I would really love it to be at the hands of Austin, for maximum hilarity, but I'll take it from anyone.

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I don't believe Steve would actually put up Austin/Liz. He's too much of a weak-minded player. Although a DE would be the perfect time to do it because he won't have to face a whole week of them coming at him.

But if Meg is evicted, he's sort of forced to. He's definitely not going to put up Vanessa or John. His only options are James/Austwin or Austin/Liz.


John has also been telling Steve that he's pretty sure America doesn't like Austin or Liz, but they're into the Steve/John/Vanessa alliance. So, that could be a factor for him as well.

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Steve can be a wimp.  Him putting up Meg and Jackie was such a chicken move.  That would have been the perfect time to split Austwins.  If he wins either HOH or POV with DE, he needs to be able to think quick.


He absolutely can be a wimp. Like me, he might be thinking about how he would be angering that side if the wrong person goes home and the person remaining wins the next HOH. But hopefully, now that he's talked out who he plans to put up, DE HOH will be less stressful than the last one, the one he was trying to throw.


I don't know, I think Austin and Liz are both playing well. Individually they both have some deficiencies (Austin in comps, Liz socially), but as a duo they are quite good imo.


I don't believe Steve would actually put up Austin/Liz. He's too much of a weak-minded player. Although a DE would be the perfect time to do it because he won't have to face a whole week of them coming at him.


Honestly the only thing I really want is for Vanessa to get evicted. That's what I'm rooting for now. I would really love it to be at the hands of Austin, for maximum hilarity, but I'll take it from anyone.


Unfortunately, they are a good duo. I don't like either of them, but Austin's been doing a good job socially, while Liz has been doing quite well in terms of telling Austin what to do, and she's been slightly better at comps than him. If they weren't so damn unlikable personally, I might actually be more impressed.


I do agree in some senses, that I'd have to see Steve put them up to believe it. But seeing as he won't put up Vanessa or John (well...I don't think he would) and he'll really only have James, Julia, Liz and Austin as options, it's entirely possible he'll go 'screw it' and do it.

Edited by Lady Calypso
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I don't know, I think Austin and Liz are both playing well. Individually they both have some deficiencies (Austin in comps, Liz socially), but as a duo they are quite good imo.


I think Austin is playing really well, and is playing a bit better than Liz, primarily because he's not related Julia.  One of the interesting things for me overnight is that I think Austin is trying to find a way to get rid of Julia with no guilt.  I think he sees this week as a possibility..


I don't think Vanessa can win, but good lord, she played the hell out of tonight (as did Austin, as did Steve) and is a big part of why the feeds are just batshit crazy, so I want to keep her at least one more week.

Edited by pennben
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It's not just this season, as it has happened many times in Big Brother history, but boy, how many fucking times do we have to hear "It's too early" from people who then, of course, WAIT TOO LONG TO MAKE THEIR MOVE? I think if you asked Helen today, she would tell you that it is still too early to make a big move. 


Honestly, not making the move to get rid of Julia this week doesn't even really piss me off, it's more how Steve is couching it as if it is clear that it is too soon. It is far from evident that getting rid of Julia this week would be a bad move. 

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It's not just this season, as it has happened many times in Big Brother history, but boy, how many fucking times do we have to hear "It's too early" from people who then, of course, WAIT TOO LONG TO MAKE THEIR MOVE? I think if you asked Helen today, she would tell you that it is still too early to make a big move. 


Honestly, not making the move to get rid of Julia this week doesn't even really piss me off, it's more how Steve is couching it as if it is clear that it is too soon. It is far from evident that getting rid of Julia this week would be a bad move. 


Very true. I do agree that this 'too soon' nonsense is just that, nonsense. But I think where Steve is coming from, he's worried about getting rid of Julia and having Liztin come after HIM. It wouldn't be all Vanessa's fault because she would have assumed the votes are safe. They hate Johnny Mac anyway so he'd be screwed too, but Steve, who promised them his vote? That would be a betrayal and seeing as Austin/Liz's comp record is higher than his, it's too high of a chance of him going home due to their anger. I don't know if he thinks it's too soon, but more that it's not the right time, and certainly not the right circumstances. Plus, I think Steve genuinely likes Julia and wants her sister and her boyfriend to go before Julia. If Julia goes, that means he's stuck with the insufferable duo who would become more insufferable. 


But that's just how I see his reaction.

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I really think Vanessa likes Austin a lot on a personal friendship level and doesn't want to prove him right that she was a manipulating player who will do whatever it takes to win.

He's one of the only HGs I've seen her have sincere, totally unrelated game conversations with, so I just don't see her betraying him. Austin will betray her in a heartbeat though, so that could very well be her downfall.

I agree, Austin would betray Vanessa just as fast as Dan betrayed Danielle. It's my guess that Vanessa's crying is just a ploy for sympathy and not a sign of mental weakness. To be at a poker table for days, in a tournament, you have to be mentally tuff not only to sit there but to have to think about each hand that is played.

I don't understand why Vanessa is worried about putting up John. There are 3 votes to get out Meg and even with a tie. It would be stupid for them to vote John. Meg goes and it's Vanessa's head on the line not theirs. James would be all alone and vulnerable if he doesn't win HOH or every veto comp. At this point, Austin/Liz/Julia, think they are invincible, so there is no telling what they will do.

It would be in James' best interests to put his feelings aside and align with Vanessa, Steve, and John. Meg could only protect him from a hangnail.

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I agree, Austin would betray Vanessa just as fast as Dan betrayed Danielle. It's my guess that Vanessa's crying is just a ploy for sympathy and not a sign of mental weakness. To be at a poker table for days, in a tournament, you have to be mentally tuff not only to sit there but to have to think about each hand that is played.

I don't understand why Vanessa is worried about putting up John. There are 3 votes to get out Meg and even with a tie. It would be stupid for them to vote John. Meg goes and it's Vanessa's head on the line not theirs. James would be all alone and vulnerable if he doesn't win HOH or every veto comp. At this point, Austin/Liz/Julia, think they are invincible, so there is no telling what they will do.

It would be in James' best interests to put his feelings aside and align with Vanessa, Steve, and John. Meg could only protect him from a hangnail.


It's because she isn't sure if Austwins are going to vote out Meg, like she wants, or vote out John, who they want. She can't trust them, which is her problem, and it's understandable. I honestly have no doubt that they would vote out John, Vanessa be damned. They've made good points as to why John has to go, so if she puts him up, he's gone. She's aware that it's a possibility, and she doesn't want to take the chance. Hell, even John and Steve know the Austwins are only covering their own asses, and not Vanessa's so why would they vote out Meg, if it doesn't benefit them? And I agree; Austwins would absolutely, 100% vote out John. He's coming after them, while Meg is snowed by them. It's pretty easy who they would take out in a John vs Meg scenario.

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It's because she isn't sure if Austwins are going to vote out Meg, like she wants, or vote out John, who they want. She can't trust them, which is her problem, and it's understandable. I honestly have no doubt that they would vote out John, Vanessa be damned. They've made good points as to why John has to go, so if she puts him up, he's gone. She's aware that it's a possibility, and she doesn't want to take the chance. Hell, even John and Steve know the Austwins are only covering their own asses, and not Vanessa's so why would they vote out Meg, if it doesn't benefit them? And I agree; Austwins would absolutely, 100% vote out John. He's coming after them, while Meg is snowed by them. It's pretty easy who they would take out in a John vs Meg scenario.

Yeah, I really think John is a goner if he goes up. If Vanessa really does manage to keep him off the block, and all her relationships in tact, she's in much better shape.

I hate to say it, but Austin is showing he's a very good player. I really think he'd win over Vanessa - he's made all the moves at the right times, and while it has helped that the power shifts have gone in his favor the majority of the time, he's kept him and the twins out of danger even when they haven't because his social game is great. But if Steve really does put up Austin and Liz, I'm not sure who would go out of the two. It should be Liz, but it might be him because he's seen as the head of the operations. And I don't trust this group to see the obvious.

ETA: I haven't seen the feeds, but James' and Meg's reaction to be nominated seemed a little ridiculous. I know Vanessa's reasons are always stupid, but wasn't it obvious that her choices were limited and they never worked with her and have wanted her out week after week?

Edited by mooses
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I would think it's in Austin's best interests to get out Julia. He's got to know that Liz and Julia are unbreakable. Liz would take Julia over him. Julia wound take Liz. Getting Julia out garantees Liz and him a final 2. If Julia goes up, don't be surprised he works to get her out.

Yeah, Austin is good. I hate him with a passion.

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I would think it's in Austin's best interests to get out Julia. He's got to know that Liz and Julia are unbreakable. Liz would take Julia over him. Julia wound take Liz. Getting Julia out garantees Liz and him a final 2. If Julia goes up, don't be surprised he works to get her out.

Yeah, Austin is good. I hate him with a passion.


I just get the sense that Austin is delusional enough to think he can convince Liz to take him over her sister. I think it would be best to throw out a hinky vote toward Julia and then blame it on John/Steve. It would be doubly hilarious if John actually ended up voting Julia out just because he has nothing else to lose, and then Julia ends up going. Of course, that means Steve is in danger and I wouldn't like that. Plus, that would screw up Austin's game because having Julia as a number for another week or two actually is better for him. Losing her right now is actually worse off for him. He would actually have to make sure John votes out Julia, and that would be entirely too suspicious. But I mean, if he can succeed in getting Julia out, props to him. He might be worthy of final 3, after all.


But I strongly dislike him, so please get him out soon, guys. 

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I would think it's in Austin's best interests to get out Julia. He's got to know that Liz and Julia are unbreakable. Liz would take Julia over him. Julia wound take Liz. Getting Julia out garantees Liz and him a final 2. If Julia goes up, don't be surprised he works to get her out.

I don't think it's in his best interest to get out Julia at all. Meg and Julia are practically the same. Liz would take Julia over Austin, but James would take Meg over Austin. So, it doesn't make sense to piss off both Liz and Vanessa (who would likely never put Austin up), just to keep Meg, who is dumb but has no loyalty to Austin in any way.

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It's because she isn't sure if Austwins are going to vote out Meg, like she wants, or vote out John, who they want. She can't trust them, which is her problem, and it's understandable. I honestly have no doubt that they would vote out John, Vanessa be damned. They've made good points as to why John has to go, so if she puts him up, he's gone. She's aware that it's a possibility, and she doesn't want to take the chance. Hell, even John and Steve know the Austwins are only covering their own asses, and not Vanessa's so why would they vote out Meg, if it doesn't benefit them? And I agree; Austwins would absolutely, 100% vote out John. He's coming after them, while Meg is snowed by them. It's pretty easy who they would take out in a John vs Meg scenario.

I see your point. I'm not a live feed watcher nor do I get BBAD so I have to rely on the two demential words of the boards. It's not until the live shows that I can pickup on the 3D of facial expressions and body language to get a better read on the HG's. Instead of Julia, Liz may be a better bet to get out Meg. At this time in the game, conservatism be dammed.

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Thanks for the excellent overnight updates!

I hope it stays with Julia as the renom because any other person and I think Meg stays. I like Meg, but her time is up. She's no use to James if she can't win anything.

I am a bit sad that in the year of the powerful female, the jury is all women. Still hope a female wins head to head against a male, but that's not going to happen with Austin around.

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It's in Steve and Johnny's best interests to break the 3-some up. Why get ride of useless Meg when you have an alliance of 3 person on the block, someone that is more a threat to them and especially with Johnny HATES him. 


Johnny voting out Meg who likes him and wouldn't target him is stupid.

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It isn't that John wants to vote Meg out over Julia (although he surely is no fan of Meg's either, as she voted him out of the game after all), but rather he knows Steve won't vote Julia out, so it would be pointless for him to do it. I am sure he will talk things over with Steve once Julia is officially up, but if Steve isn't voting her out, it doesn't make sense for John to do it. 

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If Steve's monologues about putting up Austin/Liz up are honest then breaking that alliance up by evicting Julia is something he should be doing too. It's not like Julia would be on his side after he breaks up her alliance.

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I think Steve's concern is more that he fears Liz and Austin winning HoH. He does not fear Julia winning HoH. So he thinks if he is going to turn them against him, he wants to do it by taking out one of their two good HoH players. I think he's overthinking things and is just generally being overly cautious, but I can at least get his logic. 

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It isn't that John wants to vote Meg out over Julia (although he surely is no fan of Meg's either, as she voted him out of the game after all), but rather he knows Steve won't vote Julia out, so it would be pointless for him to do it. I am sure he will talk things over with Steve once Julia is officially up, but if Steve isn't voting her out, it doesn't make sense for John to do it.


Yes, Meg did vote him out, but so did everyone else he has various alliances with.  They're all guilty of the same thing, voting with the house, even when its their own alliance member.


I miss the old days when the HOH decided who to put up rather than it being a group decision, and nominations were actually a surprise, with the nominees not knowing ahead of time that they were going on the block.  I also miss people voting the way they wanted instead having the HOH tell them who to vote out.  B.G. (before Grodner), production didn't tell the HGs what was going to happen beforehand (like letting them know when a double eviction was coming so they could plan ahead), and they don't change the comps up enough to keep the HGs from trying to figure a way to skew comp results.  HGs also weren't allowed to discuss sharing winnings or offering money ( umm...Vanessa).   Production sure has gotten lax over time with what they'll allow, and the excitement of the game has suffered because of it. 

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I haven't seen the feeds, but James' and Meg's reaction to be nominated seemed a little ridiculous. I know Vanessa's reasons are always stupid, but wasn't it obvious that her choices were limited and they never worked with her and have wanted her out week after week?


Their reaction wasn't really that bad imo, certainly not on the level of Vanessa when she was nommed or Jace or Audrey. Or even Day. But, yea, they should've realized that was gonna happen. Meg actually did suggest beforehand that they would both be nommed, but James didn't think so. They're both so dumb, but they both also have fleeting moments where they get it.


Steve said that he checked the Native American box to get affirmative action at Cornell. He said it worked. That's pretty foul. And this is why I don't fully believe Steve's "I'm just so awkward and cute so don't be mad at me for all the gross stuff I say and do tee hee" schtick.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I think Steve's concern is more that he fears Liz and Austin winning HoH. He does not fear Julia winning HoH. So he thinks if he is going to turn them against him, he wants to do it by taking out one of their two good HoH players. I think he's overthinking things and is just generally being overly cautious, but I can at least get his logic.

Yeah, if he gets rid of Julia now, he becomes enemy #1. Next week, if him or John or even James win HoH, they have a good chance of getting rid of an Austwin. But if they don't, John and James are targets ahead of him for the Austwins.

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I'm probably forgetting some very good points about why Austin is a good player, but I'm not a fan of his game.  His main game 'moves' were deciding to fall in love with Liz and placating whoever was in power by blaming everything on Vanessa.  

That may be a fair strategy and a way to win Big Brother, but I'm not impressed by it.  Wasn't that Andy Herren's strategy as well?  

It's infuriating because other people are sticking their neck's out to move farther in the game and he's doing nothing.  

I feel like he would have been a collaborator with the Vichy government in France during WWII.

My preference is a player who actively creates a situation that ensures a win.  

James and Vanessa are the two players left who have done that the most, in my opinion.  Maybe John - I can't tell.  And I'm still not clear where Steve's at.

So, Austin may play a game that gets him and the twins to the final three, and it may be because he played a strategy that worked, but it's on the backs of other's efforts and I don't like it.

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