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S10.E03: Auditions 3

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Meh episode. That final singer wouldn't even make it past the knockout rounds on the Voice.

Strength acts haven't impressed me since the Kristef brothers with their humor. They just bore me now.

Also not impressed with the screen dancer this episode. Not even as good as the rain one last weeks auditions.

The only person I really liked was the drag queen. He was hilarious.

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I wonder how far you can go on this show just on the merit of being 97.


I thought the first dancer was great.  He didn't need all that b.s lighting and effects. The girl was totally wasted in this act. Plus it was too dark to see everything he was doing.


The ventriloquist was good.  


The mariachi singer was pretty good, but I have no interest in her act.  However, now I want a margarita.


I liked the drag queen comedian.  


I thought the children's orchestra was very impressive.  They sounded a little off in the middle of the song, but it can't be easy to play and do choreography at the same time.  It didn't look like the kids who did the splits were playing at the time, so maybe they all were switching off playing at times as well. Still very cool to watch.


I don't watch Jackass for a reason.  I don't need to see Jackass type acts.  The guy who liked to get hit in the nuts from last year was more than I wanted to see. This year it's some moron who jumps on tacks.  Woo freaking who.  


I don't think the hand balancers were quite as good as the guys last year, but watching them balance on knives or whatever those were pretty much blew me away. It made me nervous because they were wobbly  during the earlier part of the act.  I don't consider them a great act because they pulled off one stunt well though. It's like the singers who can't sing softly, but they can hit the big notes.  


I didn't like the song the final singer sang.  I'm not sure I like that style of singing.  I guess it's up to other people to judge if she sang well or not.  It just isn't my thing.

Another waste of the golden buzzer.  

  • Love 8

I liked what Sharon Irving did with Take Me to Church, though it isn't something I haven't seen before.  That drag queen comedian was very good.   I thought the 97 year old dancer was good, but not that good.  And I couldn't stand thumbtack guy at all, I can't believe they let him through. 


One act I really liked was the band with the dancers, I don't remember their name.  A lot of the acts were similar to what we've seen before.

  • Love 2

Again, judges, not *everyone* wants to see some fat guy in his underwear throw himself on tacks.  It's not a "talent."  It's self-mutilation, and it's not entertaining; it's sick.  Just like barf guy last week, no one in my household wanted to see this guy the first time, and we never want to see him again.  Gross.  Just gross.


Otherwise, we thought there were more good, entertaining acts this week than in previous weeks.  We liked the dancer at the beginning with the lights and stuff.  We've seen stuff like that before, but I thought he was a much better dancer than the guy from last week.  We also liked the comedian, the ventriloquist, the magician, the kid orchestra, the hand balancers and the last singer.


I give mad props to the 97-year-old lady for dancing, but no way should she have been put through.  I'm always glad to see people who are still active and out there doing new stuff very late into life, and I love that they challenge the stereotype of what an "old" person is, I don't think they should be put through just because they're old (or young).  Let the audience see the entire audition, then wish them well and let them go.  YMMV (and my family insists that I'm just a cranky old lady myself.  <lol>)

  • Love 7

The magician was pretty amazing. I assume that the cards-in-mouth trick was some sort of sleight of hand (or tongue), but does anyone have any guesses on how he got the SW initials to appear on his chest.


Tack guy will probably have a career in carnival freak shows. I really don't need to see him again.


The 97-year-old dancer was great for a 97-year old and I assume she and her partner got put through as an "awww..." story. But I suspect their act has, uh, a limited life expectancy.

  • Love 1

Again, judges, not *everyone* wants to see some fat guy in his underwear throw himself on tacks.  It's not a "talent."  It's self-mutilation, and it's not entertaining; it's sick.  Just like barf guy last week, no one in my household wanted to see this guy the first time, and we never want to see him again.  Gross.  Just gross.


Otherwise, we thought there were more good, entertaining acts this week than in previous weeks.  We liked the dancer at the beginning with the lights and stuff.  We've seen stuff like that before, but I thought he was a much better dancer than the guy from last week.  We also liked the comedian, the ventriloquist, the magician, the kid orchestra, the hand balancers and the last singer.


I give mad props to the 97-year-old lady for dancing, but no way should she have been put through.  I'm always glad to see people who are still active and out there doing new stuff very late into life, and I love that they challenge the stereotype of what an "old" person is, I don't think they should be put through just because they're old (or young).  Let the audience see the entire audition, then wish them well and let them go.  YMMV (and my family insists that I'm just a cranky old lady myself.  <lol>)

Damn, she made me cry! but I was afraid she would break a bone there.

Don't thinkt the multi-media stuff should even qualify, IMHO. Anyone with a computer can make video effects, geeze.

No matter how good the magicians/ comedians and dance groups are; a country singer with a guitar and a sad story will win.

  • Love 1


Again, judges, not *everyone* wants to see some fat guy in his underwear throw himself on tacks.


I'd rather see him put on pants and a shirt and cure cancer.  (Or cure cancer, and then use the cure money to buy some nice clothes.  Either way.)


I wondered why the stand-up comic in drag had a beard, since pizza delivery drivers get better tips when clean shaven--but maybe that was a sacrifice he made to be funnier.  (I *think* he sees himself as male; my apologies if I have that mistaken.)


The season is definitely showing fewer bad acts (the only act they showed that all the judges disliked was the karaoke women), and maybe fewer child acts.  I think they've got the right mix of good/bad acts we see, and are only a few child acts a show from the right number of child acts (e.g. none.)  Glad they didn't show ANY "failed child acts"; that's just cruel to everyone.


I also realized why the Big Group Of Dancers don't do more of the footwork you see from the single/pair dancers.  Try a thought experiment:  imagine being in a dance troupe with Hitler*.  If there are a lot of arm moves, sooner or later you're going to "accidentally" punch Hitler.  Which do you think will cause a serious injury?  If there are footwork moves, he's going to be kicked.  that's why when there is footwork, it's a few people while the rest of the group is standing to the sides, or it's relatively simple or spread out.  


And although I thought this was a good CGI dancer act, why can't the judges admit they saw that last year?  Or last week?  Or on every show for the past two years?  They don't claim they've never heard a woman sing, or a magician do a card trick; you don't have to be "completely original" to be completely talented.


Another probable waste of the golden buzzer; it's two wrongs making a boring.  I liked the singer they used it on; I wonder what else she's got.


* I know, I'm close to Godwin's Law, but in this case Hitler is just a stunt double for Stalin.

  • Love 2

Loved the drag comedian - I hope he has the chops to do well.


The mariachi girl was adorable and powerful. She was a little pitchy, but I hope she enjoys her time on the show and is able to parlay this into something awesome if that's what she wants. 


Other than those two, I don't care about anyone else from last night. The golden buzzer for the singer? Pointless. She was lovely and had a nice voice but she was nothing special. And that thumbtack guy? Yikes. 

  • Love 1
Again, judges, not *everyone* wants to see some fat guy in his underwear throw himself on tacks.  It's not a "talent."  It's self-mutilation, and it's not entertaining; it's sick.  Just like barf guy last week, no one in my household wanted to see this guy the first time, and we never want to see him again.  Gross.  Just gross.



I like how the judges will ask some person who actually has TALENT if he/she considers his/her act worth a million dollars and then that act gets sent home, but they never EVER ask someone like tacky fat man or milk-spewing eyeball guy that question, they just move them on to the next round.


I did think acts were better last night. I like the magician, and he cried when put through. Awww! I don't have a clue how he did his tricks, except both were magic so there's that. I also like the first dancer guy, he was incredibly talented, like he dances with Alvin Ailey or some other company.


The singer who got the Golden Buzzer: I wondered if she would have made any chairs turn around on The Voice. And why she wasn't on TV instead of this show? Did she not make it through to audition on TV or Idol?

  • Love 1

I liked ventriiquist guy and "Sam."  He was very good ("I know you are looking at his lips.")


Magician guy was good.  Was his name Mike?  Cuz I want to call him Magic Mike.  :)


Singer was just ok (agree - another waste of the golden buzzer) and bearded comedian was better than most.  He needed a better ending.  Howie could help him with that.  And someone get poor Heidi some sunglasses!  I am tired of her doing the tunnel thing with her hands

  • Love 3

The season is definitely showing fewer bad acts (the only act they showed that all the judges disliked was the karaoke women), and maybe fewer child acts.  I think they've got the right mix of good/bad acts we see, and are only a few child acts a show from the right number of child acts (e.g. none.)  Glad they didn't show ANY "failed child acts"; that's just cruel to everyone.


I also realized why the Big Group Of Dancers don't do more of the footwork you see from the single/pair dancers.  Try a thought experiment:  imagine being in a dance troupe with Hitler*.  If there are a lot of arm moves, sooner or later you're going to "accidentally" punch Hitler.  Which do you think will cause a serious injury?  If there are footwork moves, he's going to be kicked.  that's why when there is footwork, it's a few people while the rest of the group is standing to the sides, or it's relatively simple or spread out.  


Yeah, the only thing I want to see less than children on this show is children being extremely bad at their act and then being told so. One of the main reasons I wanted Mara whatsherface (I want to say Wilson, but that's the little girl from Matilda) gone last season, besides the fact that she was not good, was that every results show she looked on the verge of a nervous breakdown and it was not something I needed to experience.


As to the large dance groups, it actually is possible to do complicated moves in large groups. I danced for 14 years, and one of the things you develop is a great aptitude for spatial reasoning, mostly because there are collisions/accidents and you have to work together to avoid them.


Still loving the dance/visual combo acts. Cuz you know what? I'd rather see five of those kinds of acts go through than even one singer.


My dislike of child acts aside, I did enjoy that little mariachi girl, mostly because her singing style was different from what we normally see and she seems to have actually been properly trained. Unfortunately, I don't see them putting her through to the live rounds because she's not as marketable as someone who just sings Top 40 hits.


Ok, if they're going to give us the occasional bad act, why can't they be really terrible? The karaoke ladies were your garden-variety terrible.


Yeah, no interest in seeing a guy throw himself into a pile of thumb tacks. Lol that Mel didn't know what they were. Does anyone know what they call thumb tacks in the UK?


I really liked the ventriloquist, the drag comedian, and the magician.


Not gonna lie, it's really awesome that they show Heidi eating things like cheeseburgers and candy on this show. With so many horror stories about what women in Hollywood, especially models, do to their bodies to continue being employed, I think it's important that young girls see a former supermodel happily chowing down on a donut (which might be one of the most unhealthy things you can eat; seriously, where is the nutritional value in one of those things?). Obviously Heidi probably has a personal trainer and works out, but she also eats like a normal person and isn't afraid to show it. Idk, it's just really refreshing (looking at you, Kate "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" Moss).


ETA: I didn't see the last act that got the golden buzzer; my internet has been going in and out because even in the year of our Lord 2015, my school's wifi is slow as molasses and I just didn't care enough to keep refreshing the video. Anyway, I assume she was just another decent singer who should be auditioning for The Voice instead.

Edited by helenamonster
  • Love 4


Again, judges, not *everyone* wants to see some fat guy in his underwear throw himself on tacks.  It's not a "talent."  It's self-mutilation, and it's not entertaining; it's sick.

Done by the right fat guy of genius, it is Art with a capital A.  Google Mick Foley.


Apparently none of the judges on this show have ever watched professional wrestling, the people's ballet.  Shitheads.


Edited to add: sorry, I was so annoyed I forgot to make my actual point.  This thumbtack guy was no Mick Foley.

Edited by ratgirlagogo

Really, really, really, loved the Mariachi girl.  The contrast to her power across all registers/octaves and almost all singing reality contestants anymore who have very thin voices was astounding.  I fully agree with Howard in that the purity of her tonality demands a variety of song choices from her.  My Grinch heart melted a wee bit watching her have a well-deserved moment.  I sure hope she will be able to focus on that and not the coming pressures.


I enjoyed the ventriloquist breaking down the fourth wall.  Very clever.  It appears he has a wealth of solid material to come.  


The orchestra was quite something.  However, not a single bum note was heard?  Not one?  Editing shenanigans.  Why no golden buzzer for them?  The logistics are horrendous.  TPTB could have saved themselves a ton of headaches and expense.


Mel's GB was another weak usage.  That singer is very good, but no way did she merit a pass-through.


The backstage vignette with the fat dude in the overalls was an absolute hoot. I wanted to see his act.

The magician was pretty amazing. I assume that the cards-in-mouth trick was some sort of sleight of hand (or tongue), but does anyone have any guesses on how he got the SW initials to appear on his chest.



My thought was that Mel had mentioned SW in a book/interview and he was pretty sure of what she would say.


I must have been in a mellow mood because I liked a lot of the acts, including the young singer... despite hating kid acts. And singing acts. And kid singing acts.

So glad the guy who stripped down and rolled around in thumbtacks made it through. Only not.


Duo Vladimir rocked as did the drag comedian.


I swear that some of the dudes from Chicago's Ultimate Tumblers were also part of Chicago Boyz.


I kind of want to see more of the guys who danced in the red heels. They looked fierce.


AGT, I am begging you, stop spoiling the golden buzzer in the previews.

  • Love 2

The grossest thing in tack guys act wasn't the blood. It was his taking his shirt off. But maybe that was to make the average American male feel better after the six pack abs of The Vladimirs and the magician. (Though we have to take Mel's word for that, as thankfully he did not perform shirtless.)


I did like the magician, although I expected Howard to say he needed to show more "personality." He was clearly nervous, so kudos to him for still pulling off his tricks. He's definitely likeable, which didn't hurt the magician who won last year.


My favorite of the night was the ventriloquist. He had some serious skills. That out-of-synch mike bit was great. His act also had wit and charm. (The English accent helps).


My favorite hand balancing act is still The Kristoff Brothers, but balancing knife point to knife point? I think that actually defies the laws of physics. Astonishing. And those knives look seriously mean. Can't imagine what they can do for an encore.


Oh God, the kid orchestra could become the kid act that's hard to get rid of, even though musically they were nothing special. Even for kids. I also noticed that every single one of them looked like a child actor or model, so the cynic in me thinks they may not really be just a bunch of neighborhood kids. Especially as they come from LA. The cynic in me definitely thinks that Howie's question and the "win a million dollars" answer was a set-up.


The 97 year dancer just trumped the 88 year old singer for the role of sentimental senior favorite. And she had some pretty nice gams.

Edited by bluepiano
  • Love 1

I can't believe I watched another episode of this, but I did because nothing else was on, even on the DVR.   Funny how the show's only about 30 minutes long if you FF through the ads and uninteresting and/or disgusting acts.


I mostly dislike both the kid acts and the singer acts, but I'll make an exception for the mariachi girl - I thought she was great!  Not a "million dollar winning" act, but I liked her. I also liked the 97 year old dancer. I was probably overly sentimental about that one since my grandmother-in-law is currently extremely ill and unlikely to live much longer, but I could see her up and dancing like that, if she was able to do it.  There's a spirit in there that I enjoyed.


I think my favorite was probably the ventriloquist. He was enjoyable without being disgusting (which is great when apparently "disgusting" is a requirement for most of the contestants anymore).


The hand balancers with the knives scared the heck out of me!  They didn't look super steady to begin with, and then they started walking back and forth to balance the knives. Yikes.

  • Love 1

I did like the magician, although I expected Howard to say he needed to show more "personality." He was clearly nervous, so kudos to him for still pulling off his tricks. He's definitely likeable, which didn't hurt the magician who won last year.


Yeah, I mean, smug doesn't look good on anyone, but there's something about a smug magician that just... *full-body shiver*


...smug doesn't look good on anyone, but there's something about a smug magician that just... *full-body shiver*


There was a time when smugness among magicians was common (that's why many of them billed themselves as "the great..." or "the amazing..."  Then television came and magic gained a semi-objective standard.  Some magicians adapted well (for instance, one reason Penn & Teller like the Three of Clubs is because it shows up well on television), and some are either self-depreciating or play smugness for laughs (The Amazing Jonathan).  But straight-up smug has two problems:


1.  The performer has got to back it up, or you're smug and dishonest, which is annoying.

2.  If a performer really is that good, other people will say so.  (Penn & Teller have praised other magicians on "Fool Us" even if they know how a trick was done.)


I'm not sure why a smug magician is so bad--maybe because a good magician takes you with them, but you don't WANT to go with them if they're a jerk.  (Confidence in your surroundings is OK; believing in your audience is even better, but take everyone with you.)

Finally got around to watching it.


The Marching String Orchestra was enjoyable; I didn't mind the kid factor in it; it was enjoyable to watch. 


The Crossdressing Comedian was great, a good act; but hopefully second showings won't reveal a shallow act.


The Ventriloquist was good. Hopefully he has the characters depth to keep it entertaining.


The card trick was somewhat obvious.

compare his signatures.

, but decent enough to go forward I think; especially with today's batch.


The balancer pair were good. Maybe not as good as the ones in the past, but still, the knife trick was impressive. 


Lots of dancing groups this time, and a lot of decent ones by the looks of it. Skipped over the singers for the most part, but the young mariachi singer did have pipes; wow.  


(Also skipped the pain act and most of the fluff in general). 

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