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And now Howard getting that obscene contract. Guess teams think really tall players are a hot commodity and are signing them to big contracts when they don't have the numbers to back them up. 

Curry will be up there when his current contract ends, and at least Lebron will soon be the highest paid player (rightfully so) so there is some justice in this league.

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Delly produced almost nothing this year, in the post season.

But last year, Delly & Mosgov (mostly Delly) were the only 2 players left on the Cavs uninjured.  And Delly really showed his worth then.  He's a scrapper and slippery and speedy.

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16 hours ago, twoods said:

And now Howard getting that obscene contract. Guess teams think really tall players are a hot commodity and are signing them to big contracts when they don't have the numbers to back them up. 

Curry will be up there when his current contract ends, and at least Lebron will soon be the highest paid player (rightfully so) so there is some justice in this league.

These contracts are definitely something else. We have some people getting huge contracts who have never even made an all-star team. I am interested in seeing where other players land. I think that we are going to see some interesting signings happen, with all of this money that teams have available.

I have already read things like Dwyane Wade is talking to the Knicks and Bucks and Tom Brady is at the pitch meeting for the Celtics to help convince Kevin Durant to go to Boston. Bismack Biyombio has also agreed to go to the Magic for 4 years/42 million dollars.  I am definitely interested in seeing what other interesting things happen during free agency this year. 

Edited by Jx223
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And now Howard getting that obscene contract. Guess teams think really tall players are a hot commodity and are signing them to big contracts when they don't have the numbers to back them up. 

I'm certain that the Atlanta Hawks are going to enjoy Dwight Howard & his "fake hustle". They most certainly went backwards with that signing. 

I'm very happy that DeMar Derozan basically told his hometown team (LA Lakers) to get lost & stay with the Raptors. Hopefully, it will keep the Lakers from being relevant even longer. I don't understand why any NBA superstar or upcoming superstar would even want to associate themselves with the Lakers anymore. I'm sure that Russell Westbrook isn't licking his chops when he becomes a free agent (next season) over going to that crummy franchise & experiencing even more losing & putting up with those Laker fans.

With Bismarck Biyombio signing with the Magic, how come Kevin Durant didn't make the Toronto Raptors an option to go to? I think that he would of fit in better & have a better shot at a ring with the Raptors than if he decided to go to the Warriors or some where else. Besides, the Warriors don't need him & he would upset their chemistry. Plus, he will be more easy to root for if he stayed with the Thunder or go to the Raptors than if he went to the Warriors, Celtics, Knicks, Heat, Clippers, Lakers.

Speaking of the Knicks, they're crazy if they think Joakim Noah is going to help bring that franchise back from the mud. With the Cavaliers finally winning it all, hopefully the NBA will start paying attention to the Knicks not winning a championship since 1973 (43 years & counting). The Knicks are still going to stink next season.

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Crummy franchise and those Lakers fans? You really are a sore winner- sad.

I would be surprised if Durant doesn't stay with the Thunder. I know he wants to win badly but they are still a pretty decent team, even though there is no Ibaka. 

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16 minutes ago, lyric said:

Fuck me, Durant's going to the Warriors.   Unbelievable.  Lame.  Dying a little inside.

I don't think they're winning the title with Durant, I don't even know if they win the West.

Yes, they're better on paper now, but great on paper does not translate to great on the court, and it doesn't translate into championships.  Just ask the Lakers about the dream teams they had, one of which had Phil Jackson as the coach and proceeded to get demolished by the Pistons.  The other one got swept in the 1st round of the playoffs.  There's a lot of talent, but once that game starts, everybody has to play as one.  I don't see this working for the Warriors, I think they'll implode.

And they didn't need another shooter.

Edited by Jediknight
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Happy Fourth of July everyone. :)

I’m disappointed about the news regarding Kevin Durant. I wanted him to stay at OKC at least for another year. I feel like that was the best place for him. I do wish him the best with the Warriors. I think that even without him OKC is still a good game and can go to the playoffs. I wonder who they will get to replace him?

Edited by Jx223
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1 hour ago, Jediknight said:

I don't think they're winning the title with Durant, I don't even know if they win the West.

Yes, they're better on paper now, but great on paper does not translate to great on the court, and it doesn't translate into championships.  Just ask the Lakers about the dream teams they had, one of which had Phil Jackson as the coach and proceeded to get demolished by the Pistons.  The other one got swept in the 1st round of the playoffs.  There's a lot of talent, but once that game starts, everybody has to play as one.  I don't see this working for the Warriors, I think they'll implode.

And they didn't need another shooter.

I don’t like this move by Durant. I believe he should have stayed with the Thunder. They were a good enough team to win a championship. This move by just seems…. Hmm.... It actually wouldn’t surprise me if they win less games next season. They will have to adjust to chemistry and deal with sharing the ball, between all of them.

What happens to Russell Westbrook now? I wonder if the Thunder will try and get him to do an extension or trade him because they don’t want him to leave next season in free agency. I believe that the Thunder is still a good team even without Durant. Maybe they can get Westbrook to stay and build around him.

If they trade him, I hope he goes gets traded to a team that is at least solid and he can help them really contend for a run at a championship. I don't want them to just dump him off on a team that doesn't even have a shot at making the playoffs. He deserves better than that.

Edited by lam48
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3 hours ago, AimingforYoko said:

I wonder if OKC will react like Cleveland did with LeBron in 2010. All I know is old Sonics fans are laughing their ass off right now.

Ah, yes - the Sonic fans are out in force, reveling in the news, calling OKC loser rednecks, inbreds, all sorts of fun stuff - lovely.  I kind of hate the heat KD is getting on social media - I understand the arguments, and it is a huge blow for OKC and for small market teams, in general, but he's a decent guy.  I'm heartbroken for my team, but don't understand the vitriol - not a good look.  We had a good run - I fear Westbrook will be bolting next...sigh...why, Durant, why?  I miss him already, not gonna lie.  Jesus, could the Warriors be more stacked?

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As bad as the OKC fans might feel, the DC fans feel even worse.  Durant is from DC and there was a lot of talk about him coming "home" but, apparently, he wanted no part of the Wizards.  I can't say that I blame him.  

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5 minutes ago, Rick Kitchen said:

OKC has no business being butthurt about this considering they stole the team in the first place.

Duly noted. For the record, I personally had no role in said 'stealing'.  I'm just an ordinary fan - pretty sure that's still allowed.

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I don't understand why fans get all crazy- players do things that best help themselves. Rarely are there players who stay with one team, and if they do that team is usually winning. Does everyone think that Kobe, Duncan, Wade and Jordan would have stayed with their teams if they lost every year? Durant is a nice guy, but was tired of losing and is trying to do what he thinks is best for his career. 

Edited by twoods
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I don't have a problem with Kevin Durant leaving for Golden State. He had played there for nine years. He's not hopping from team to team trying to get a ring. Owners trade away players all the time trying to win a title why shouldn't the players do the same thing?

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27 minutes ago, twoods said:

 Rarely are there players who stay with one team, and if they do that team is usually winning. Does everyone think that Kobe, Duncan, Wade and Jordan would have stayed with their teams if they lost every year? Durant is a nice guy, but was tired of losing and is trying to do what he thinks is best for his career. 

If you define "losing" as not winning the championship, then Jordan was on a losing team for 7 years before he finally broke through. What would his legacy be if he had jumped ship to the Pistons, and won his championships there?

KD is free to go wherever he wants, and fans are free to react however they want. Just ask Lebron James. 

Or ask Kevin Durant: "Now everybody wanna play for the heat and the Lakers? Let's go back to being competitive and going at these peoples!" - Kevin Durant 2010

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I feel bad for Oklahoma City in losing Durant. 

But then they also have made some bad moves on their own part, one being letting Harden go.  They stated it was a cap issue.  Maybe it was.  Still, they had 3 of at least the top 20, maybe top 15 or 10, players in the game at one time and let one of them go. 

Fans and the media have also helped create the situation.  What is always pushed is all that matters is titles, anything less is failure.  I wouldn't call what Durant did in OKC failure.  He helped create a new, well loved product in a city that previously had no professional teams.  Reggie Miller never won a title with the pacers, but he had a HOF career and was far from a failure for not winning a title.  Same with Stockton and Malone in Utah.  We constantly harp on titles for players and then when they join a team to win titles, everyone complains. 

At the same time though, I realize just joining a team that is already a winner is different.  I can see why fans are hard on Durant and now GS will probably be the team everyone loves to hate because they are so loaded with talent, at least in the top 5.  Living in Charlotte, I love Curry and will still cheer for them. 

One thing that is being overlooked I think in all this is GS is not afraid to shake things up even after successful seasons.  They had a good team before Steve Kerr came along under Mark Jackson, but it wasn't good enough so they hired kerr.  They had a very successful season by almost every measure as a team in 2015-2016, but they came up short in the end, so now they are making moves to get better.  Most teams would be satisfied with the status quo and bring it back, try again.  They are always looking to get better, even when they are already at or near the top.  I don't blame them for going after Durant.  He was available.  They made him an offer and talked him into it. 

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54 minutes ago, Kip Hackman said:

Heh. As a UNC-Charlotte grad, I will never cheer for a Davidson guy.

really, is that a big rivalry?  I am a transplant so I have no idea.  I knew UNC-Duke, of course, everyone knows that, but didn't realize UNCC and Davidson were that big a deal. 

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I don't dispute that players have the right to take advantage of free agency and choose their employer. But as someone who grew up during an era when top players frequently spent their entire career with one team, I think that the league suffers as a result of stars jumping ship in search of a title. 

For star players, there's so much emphasis on having "rings." I guess Durant doesn't want to end up being like Karl Malone, remembered as a great player who never won a title. But OKC has come close. In fact, they should've beaten Golden St. in the conference finals. They were up in the 4th quarter at home in game 6. It's not like Durant was playing for some lottery team that was never likely o be competitive within his playing career.

We live in a culture in which the ends justify the means, so if Durant wins a title with Golden St. next season, probably no one will say that he took the easy way out. But at the same time, I bet everyone not a Golden St. fan will be rooting for him to fall short.

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I don't dispute that players have the right to take advantage of free agency and choose their employer. But as someone who grew up during an era when top players frequently spent their entire career with one team, I think that the league suffers as a result of stars jumping ship in search of a title. 

For star players, there's so much emphasis on having "rings." I guess Durant doesn't want to end up being like Karl Malone, remembered as a great player who never won a title. But OKC has come close. In fact, they should've beaten Golden St. in the conference finals. They were up in the 4th quarter at home in game 6. It's not like Durant was playing for some lottery team that was never likely to be competitive within his playing career. If he had stuck with OKC he had least had a shot at a title. Guess he wanted a sure thing. (Or as sure as it gets in sports).

We live in a culture in which the ends justify the means, so if Durant wins a title with Golden St. next season, probably no one will say that he took the easy way out. But at the same time, I bet everyone not a Golden St. fan will be rooting for him to fall short.

Edited by bluepiano
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Now it is being reported that David West has also agreed to join the Warriors on a one year deal at the vet minimum (1.55 million dollars). He is going to try and get a ring one way or the other, lol. 

Edited by Jx223
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Just to throw my 2 cents in....I have no problem with Durant going to the Warriors.  Teams try to give themselves the best possible chance to win a championship so why shouldnt individual players? The Warriors were literally a minute away from back to back chips with a historic 73 win regular season in the middle.  Do they really need Durant to win? No.  But it gives them (in their minds...because we dont know how this experiment will turn out yet) a better chance.  Did Durant have to leave OKC, a team that was >< this close beating the Warriors and making it to the Finals...ehh. who knows? Who knows if Westbrook said he was leaving next year.  But I dont fault Durant for going to the best team available to make him an offer, oh and doing it in his prime rather than at the tail end of his career where he'd only be a marginal contributor and REALLY be riding coattails then (no shade David West or any of the countless other athletes who've done it). Im just saying....why is ok to chase rings only when you're old and cant contribute as much?

Actual reason I came in here: Looks like DWade is headed to the Bulls!  This offseason has been LIT!

Edited by FuriousStyles
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I wish Dwyane Wade the best with the Bulls. It would have been nice if Miami could have retained him and he had finished out his career with them. But he has been taking discounts with them for years now so that they could have a championship caliber team and he felt like it was time for him to get paid. I don't blame him for feeling that way and taking the money from the Bulls. This was an opportunity for him to get a big payday before he retired and he took it. It also doesn't hurt that he has three rings, so he isn't starving for a championship.

I wonder how Miami will regroup with losing him and also deal with things like Chris Bosh's health issues. Who knows maybe Russell Westbrook might eventually find himself in Miami. It's kind of interesting to see how the increase of the salary cap has helped shift players around to different teams. Players can go almost anywhere and get paid now. In a way this is helping increase parity in the NBA. 

Edited by Jx223
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I also don't blame Wade. He has been unselfish for years taking pay cuts for the team, and he wanted a specific salary which the team couldn't provide him. Wish him the best.

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"How do you think LeBron feels about Wade leaving Pat Riley?"

OH MY GOD WHO CARES WHAT LEBRON THINKS ABOUT THIS?  It has less than absolutely nothing to do with him.  See, this is why I hate him and his stupid banana boat.

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1 hour ago, mojoween said:

"How do you think LeBron feels about Wade leaving Pat Riley?"

OH MY GOD WHO CARES WHAT LEBRON THINKS ABOUT THIS?  It has less than absolutely nothing to do with him.  See, this is why I hate him and his stupid banana boat.

Are you saying that someone in the media asked LeBron this question, or he held his own press conference to discuss how he feels about DWade leaving Pat Riley? If it's the former, then I wonder why that makes you hate LeBron. 

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No, someone in the media asked someone else in the media that question.  It was from this morning's Mike and Mike, Ryan Rucilo asked whoever he was interviewing at the time, I can't remember now who it was.

Oh I am fully aware it's not rational.  I put the fan in fanatic.

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46 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

Who says hating on somebody has to make sense?  I hate LeBron, too, and, to be honest, I'd have trouble articulating why.


6 minutes ago, mojoween said:

No, someone in the media asked someone else in the media that question.  It was from this morning's Mike and Mike, Ryan Rucilo asked whoever he was interviewing at the time, I can't remember now who it was.

Oh I am fully aware it's not rational.  I put the fan in fanatic.

Point (s) taken. I loathe Tom Brady for the same reasons, so I feel ya.

And I'm an irrational LeBron sympathizer, so I guess get a little prickly whenever someone criticizes Bron Bron. 

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I don't blame Riley for letting Wade go.  I am not a big Riley or heat fan.  But they gave him a fair offer.  And really he threw away a chance to end his legacy with Miami for 3.5 million a year, taking $23 million instead of $20 million?  Is it really worth it?  I know he is from Chicago, but still, out of all the millions he has made over his career, I am sure its $100 million plus, it seems petty over a 15% or so pay disagreement. 


You can say its about respect and prior sacrifices, Whiteside got $25 million a year, Wade has never been the highest paid player on the Heat, etc, but still, seems like a bad decision for not a huge amount of money.  In 10 years no one recalls what this player or that player made.  They just remember where they played, how they performed. 

A few commentators have mentioned as well, what Shaq did to Orlando is hardly any worse than what Durant did in OKC.  He just did it quicker.  Shaq was on a good team in Orlando, they went to the NBA finals.  But he bolted for LA.  Now they were not a title team at the time, they were in between the championship teams of the 80s and 2000s.  Still, he left the first chance he got.  And Orlando at the time was not a very old franchise, much like OKC is now. 

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2 hours ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

But they gave him a fair offer.

Ownership/management may say that, but as we saw, it was below market rate. And it wasn't the first time he was asked to take a below market contract.


In 2010, Wade took $15 million less than the max so the team could afford to sign LeBron James and Chris Bosh.

In 2014, he literally took a pay cut: opting out of his deal and signing for $11 million less so Miami could re-sign Bosh.

In 2015, seeking a three-year deal, Wade settled for one year to give Miami the flexibility to rebuild.

I don't blame Wade for leaving. For all of the talk about "face of the franchise" he was never treated like that by the franchise financially. This year he was actually Plan C after Whiteside and Durant. 

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Ownership/management may say that, but as we saw, it was below market rate. And it wasn't the first time he was asked to take a below market contract.

It was about 15% below market value vs what the bulls offered, which is not outrageous. 

Wade's best chance to get more money from the Heat was right after Lebron left.  he was younger, they still needed him desperately and yes they needed to resign Bosh, but the whole team was going to basically be retooled at the time, I think they could have found a way at the time to pay him and Bosh. And they weren't going to be in the title hunt anymore, so he wasn't making sacrifices at the time to continue to win rings.  It was just to keep the team competitive.  Yes they have been good even without Lebron and without Bosh, but even with a healthy Bosh, they weren't winning titles. He just has less leverage now that he is older. 

I understand why he did it.  I just think he will regret it after he retires.  If it was all about being paid like Whiteside, even with the Bulls he is not making that much.  Still comes up short. 

Edited by DrSpaceman73
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