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Season 6: Info, Casting and Spoilers

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... but unless the show is going to spend a ton of money on Ant-Man-quality effects, Bean is a 56-year-old man, and while he still looks good, he looks his age. He cannot plausibly play the young Ned at this point.

Bean has already been playing someone 10 years younger than he is. Why not set it back another 16? There is make-up. And lipo.

American Horror Story used black and white to show a younger version of Jessica Lange (depicting a flashback 30 years or so in the past).  With digital technology, they can erase wrinkles, and do all sorts of things to make an actor appear younger.  I think if they do that, plus have Bean clean-shaven with a short hair style, they might be able to pull it off.


That said, and as much as I'd love to see the actor back, I don't think there's a lot of hope for it.

Though it would actually be their first scene together -- one of the things that has become more apparent to me when contemplating various character reunions is how many of these relationships exist only in theory. I don't think Sansa had so much as spoken Bran or Rickon's names until Season 5 (I'm pretty sure episode 507 is also the first time Jon is ever mentioned in her presence); that same season hinges a lot on the supposed familial relationship she had with Theon, who ahead never mentioned or had a scene with before. It's the same for Arya, with the obvious exception of Jon. Bran has never interacted with either of his sisters, either.

Edited by SeanC

Though it would actually be their first scene together -- one of the things that has become more apparent to me when contemplating various character reunions is how many of these relationships exist only in theory. I don't think Sansa had so much as spoken Bran or Rickon's names until Season 5 (I'm pretty sure episode 507 is also the first time Jon is ever mentioned in her presence); that same season hinges a lot on the supposed familial relationship she had with Theon, who ahead never mentioned or had a scene with before. It's the same for Arya, with the obvious exception of Jon. Bran has never interacted with either of his sisters, either.

I don't remember if we got more in the books, but just on the show, I think they did a decent job of making the following connections...


Jon and Robb, Jon and Ayra, and Jon and Bran (he doesn't get much with Sansa or Rickon)


Arya and Bran get enough of a scene early on that you believe they had a relationship of some kind and then we get a lot of Ayra and Sansa (who don't actually seem to care for each other at all); Arya does seem to at least admire Robb and love Jon


Bran and Rickon get a lot of time together and then we see him being very drawn to Jon on the show


I think all of that is enough to show that there was decent family connections before everything went to hell in a hand basket.  And it's true that of all the siblings Sansa and Rickon are probably the least connected - heck, they might believably not even recognize each other.  But in terms of where it seems like we are at the end of season five, going into season six - there are only a few possible Stark reunions I can see happening.


- I don't see Arya uniting with any of her siblings in season six (though I do hope she gets to go to Meereen because I'd really be more interested in her story if she was interacting with other cast members somehow).


- I don't see Bran reuniting with any of his siblings outside of through visions.


- That only gives us some combination of Jon (if he lives), Sansa (if she stays in the North), and Rickon.  Jon's story seems like it will be pretty big and might not have space for a reunion.  So I think my best hope is for Sansa and Rickon and frankly, after the plot she went through in season five and her biggest moment learning that her brothers are alive - I hope her season six journey is finding Rickon.  It's probably too much to hope that she returns to Winterfell by season end with a Northern army to defeat the Boltons so I will settle for a scene with her, Rickon, and Shaggy Dog and the hope that the North stands behind the Starks.

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Arya does ask Ned if Bran will be able to walk again and seems concerned about his future.  Poor Rickon though seems to get ignored by everyone although Robb does express his concern about him to Catelyn when she won't leave Bran's bedside.


There's a lovely scene in the books where Ned is remembering him, Sansa and Arya going to a Godswood the first night they arrived in King's Landing and praying (mostly for Bran).  Arya and Sansa both fall asleep.  Sansa wakes up and tells Ned that she dreamed on Bran.


The show did a good job with Jon's relationships with Robb, Jon and Bran.  And they did a better job with Jon and Ned for that matter too.  Sansa and Arya was fleshed out very well making a potential reunion between them (which I hope does happen) very interesting.

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Though it would actually be their first scene together -- one of the things that has become more apparent to me when contemplating various character reunions is how many of these relationships exist only in theory. I don't think Sansa had so much as spoken Bran or Rickon's names until Season 5 (I'm pretty sure episode 507 is also the first time Jon is ever mentioned in her presence); that same season hinges a lot on the supposed familial relationship she had with Theon, who ahead never mentioned or had a scene with before. It's the same for Arya, with the obvious exception of Jon. Bran has never interacted with either of his sisters, either.

Bran and Arya had the whole archery practice turned chase sequence in the pilot, and when she shows up late to meet King Bob, there's another cute moment where she shoves him out of the way to take her proper place between him and Sansa. And of course Robb had to take her to bed early during the banquet.

Anyway, in returning cast member news, Sue the Fury at WotW says she's heard from a past reliable source Rory McCann is now staying in Belfast too. So, with the return of Walder Frey, Bran and Bloodraven, Osha and Rickon, YarAsha Greyjoy, and Sandor Clegane, all we really need now is some news on the Blackfish.

Edited by Lady S.
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WOTW update:  The two Northern lords they were casting for earlier are Smalljon Umber (as most had guessed) and a new Lord Karstark.


Oooh, nice. This, coupled with the sighting of Art Parkinson and Natalia Tena in Belfast, makes it very likely that Osha managed to get Rickon to the Umbers. Now the North needs to rally around Rickon and get the Boltons the hell out of Winterfell.

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I'm sure in typical fashion D and D will eliminate the Alys Karstark character because they don't do female heirs.  Female heirs being victimized is another story...


Still, I'm glad they North finally remembers.

Aw, I'm kind of hoping that you're wrong, Benteen. I want Alys to be introduced and I'd like for the character to end up with Tormund. Ever since Hardhome, Tormund shot right up there for me along with characters like Davos, Brienne, Edd, and Podrick where I just need them to somehow survive and be reasonably happy.

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If getting season eight allowed them to back up the fast forward they seemed to be on in regards to the North and give us a proper story in that regards - I will be grateful for season eight.  Since they have Sansa in the North already, I really hope she is a part of it.  I am one of the few who initially was excited about her going up North in place of Jeyne because I thought it would make her more integral to that story - I didn't really want to see her raped - I wanted to see her symbolize the return of the Starks in the North.  That definitely did not happen in season five, but perhaps it will in season six. 


I guess they could turn Sansa back to the Vale and Littlefinger, but I think season six would be deliciously spectacular if they let Brie do what she set out to do and get Sansa to a safe place and if that safe place just happens to be the Umbers where Rickon is hiding - oh happy joy (but they better give us a real reunion, not a they don't recognize each other and no one reveals the truth close call). 


It seems to me that Davos is being setup more to help Jon after his resurrection than search for Rickon like he is in the books (though I do hope he gets to be the one to off Mel for what she did to Shireen) so I think Brie being the vehicle to reunite Sansa and Rickon is appropriate. 


Finally, I will live in hope that this means that maybe - just maybe - the Boltons will bite it in season six and Sansa/Rickon will be in Winterfell by season end.  That would help a lot when/if Jon needs to rally the North to take the first stand against the Army of the Dead.

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He was in seven episodes of The Borgias but I don't remember his character at all; I guess that shows how forgettable the final season was. It's promising that GOT cast someone who's essentially an unknown (and quite young to be playing Theon's uncle) in the biggest new role. I hope he's another Pedro Pascal. His hair in the photo does make him look like Alfie.

Wouldn't that be a powerful ending to S6? Dany arriving in Westeros juxtaposed with Rickon arriving at Winterfell?

From your fingers to D&D's ears! I am SO ready to have Dany in Westeros and the Starks back in control of the North.  Cersei can still around until the darn last episode if I can get dead Boltons this season!

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Another round of WOTW news:

- Theon filming in the Iron Islands scenes.

- Aeron Greyjoy is on the show.

- Jaime and Arya will be in the Riverlands this season.




If Theon separates from Sansa enough to end up in the Iron Islands - I really hope that means she ends up with Brie and Pod and they all end up with Rickon and the Umbers.  I really don't want Sansa to head back to LF and the Vale.


I have NO idea what to make of Ayra returning to Westeros and ending up in the Riverlands.  I guess they might have contrived a way for her to end up with the Brotherhood without Banners, but dang - I thought I was hoping for a lot to get her to Meereen - I just can't imagine how she ends up there.  Of course, it kind of makes me happy because a) we could see her reunite with her wolf and b) it means she is a lot closer to her siblings for future Stark reunions.  And most of all, I have to admit that I love Arya when she is part of the main story - she is one of my favorite characters.  But having her off by herself does nothing for me, so I guess I am excited about this. 


I also have no idea how I feel about Jamie in the Riverlands.  It could means we get some comeuppance for the Frey betrayal and it certainly makes it seem like Jamie's story holds more promise next season than what we got this year - and it could eventually facilitate the Brie/Jamie reunion many people want (but I have to say if that happens, I hope it waits until season seven - I'd rather they eventually bring Jamie north than turn Brie and Sansa south).  But if we basically get the Jamie making peace in the Riverlands story, than shesh what a waste season five was having him in Dorne.  Oh well, I will try to forgive that and move on.

Edited by nksarmi
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Oh, thank the gods Arya will be returning to Westeros!! She's so disconnected from everyone that I was not really looking forward to another season of her adventures in Braavos. Even if she returns late in S6 and only reunites with Nymeria, that will be a vast improvement from S5. And if she wants to start killing Freys and/or Boltons, that would be even better.


I'm super curious as to how Theon ends up back with his family on the Iron Islands. And what becomes of Sansa if she's not with him?? If Theon gets to reunite with his family, Sansa better damn well get to reunite with Rickon or at the very least join up with Brienne.

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For a lot of reasons, Theon shouldn't be returning to his family.  His storyline and whatever life he ends up livin I feel belongs in and to the North.  While I think he legitimately suffered and was punished for what he did, he made his bed in the North and now he has to lay in it.


The idea of Sansa in the Iron Islands sounds like another opportunity for her to be a victim.  The last place she needs to be in on an island of rapists led by a sadistic pirate.

Edited by benteen
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The idea of Arya back in the Riverlands makes me curious. Who is she hired to kill? Who still has a fortune to hire a Faceless Man?

A reunion with Nymeria will be touching. Will Nymeria bring Arya back to herself?


I think Nymeria could bring Arya back to being a Stark, blood of the first men.  But given the brutal death Arya just visited on what's his face, I suspect Nymeria will bring out Arya's wildness as well.  I have been so disappointed in the lack of wolf dreams on the show - I might cry tears of joy if they set Arya's return to the Riverlands up with her dreaming of hunting Freys in Nymeria's body. 

A reunion with Nymeria will be touching. Will Nymeria bring Arya back to herself?


Ever since Bran said to Robb, about Sansa, "she lost her wolf", I've felt that she is in danger.  Robb having Grey Wind locked up didn't do him any favors either.  So, I think that the implication is that the closer a Stark is to his/her direwolf the better chance he/she has.


If anything is going to bring Arya back to herself, it's Nymeria.

Edited by WearyTraveler
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The idea of Arya back in the Riverlands makes me curious. Who is she hired to kill? Who still has a fortune to hire a Faceless Man?

A reunion with Nymeria will be touching. Will Nymeria bring Arya back to herself?



Ideally, yes. I thought Lady Stoneheart might be able to snap Arya out of wanting to be a serial killer for life but maybe Nymeria can bring her away from the dark side. 

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The idea of Arya back in the Riverlands makes me curious. Who is she hired to kill? Who still has a fortune to hire a Faceless Man?

Nobody, I expect.  An Arya who has returned to the Riverlands will most likely be doing it on her own initiative, having decided she can't be a Faceless Man (or possibly the Faceless Men having made that determination themselves).  There's no way she has time to complete her training (GRRM has pretty much admitted that), and they aren't going to send some rookie on an expensive mission a continent away.

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Nobody, I expect.  An Arya who has returned to the Riverlands will most likely be doing it on her own initiative, having decided she can't be a Faceless Man (or possibly the Faceless Men having made that determination themselves).  There's no way she has time to complete her training (GRRM has pretty much admitted that), and they aren't going to send some rookie on an expensive mission a continent away.



Precisely.  My personal theory is that Arya will first be doing a lot of badass FM training/gigs, but at some point she  gets a message/vision from Bran telling her she needs to come home and rejoin the Pack.  In fact, I think Bran is going to be doing a LOT of weirwood style communication next season to help provide his kinfolk with guidance.  I can see him assisting Sansa and Theon and letting people know there's some something important they have to find in the Crypts of Winterfell regarding Jon.


In fact, as I type this, I wonder if Bran won't have a hand in Theon's eventual return to the Iron Islands on the grounds that the IB will NEED new management in the days to come and Bran suggesting that Theon can redeem himself for his betrayal of Robb and the murder of the children by leading his people away from the abyss-and perhaps enlisting them in the fight against the White Walkers.  I also wonder if Bran (again via weirwood,) may eventually communicate with/confront Jamie, which given the history could be incredibly powerful and key to Jamie's redemption arc.  Basically, Bran agreeing to forgive Jamie for crippling him; but Jamie has to help the Wolves in order to make amends. 


Oh, and of course if Arya comes back to the Riverlands and Sandor's not really dead, then we might once more get Sandor/Arya.  Or even Sandor/Sansa!


God, now I am panting to see Season 6!

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I can see him assisting Sansa and Theon and letting people know there's some something important they have to find in the Crypts of Winterfell regarding Jon.

I've never really understood this theory.  Why would Ned, who was desperately trying to keep Jon's identity a secret, have taken any incriminating evidence of Jon's paternity anywhere?  He was never planning to tell Jon anything.


I don't think Bran is going to be ordering characters around like that (initially, anyway).  Arya leaving the Faceless Men is a huge moment for the character, and one that should come on her own accord, not because somebody else told her to.  The siblings were separated so that they could develop on their own.  And from the sound of it, anyway, Bran's going to be focusing on flashbacks this season.

Edited by SeanC
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How do we know that Ned never planned on telling Jon the truth? This is a passage from Ned's last chapter in A Game of Thrones:


The thought of Jon filled Ned with a sense of shame, and a sorrow too deep for words. If only he could see the boy again, sit and talk with him …


While he doesn't come right and say he wants to tell him who his parents are I think that's a likely possibility. That said, I don't think he planned on revealing the truth to anyone other than Jon and therefore he wouldn't need to have proof (I'm sure Jon would take him at his word). Having evidence, as SeanC pointed out, would be contrary to his goals of keeping it a secret. 


Also, I really doubt GRRM is going to turn Bran into a deus ex machina who swoops in and gets everyone into place. It's too easy of a solution. Despite my lackluster feelings towards the last two books I still have more faith in GRRM than that. That's not to say Bran won't have some role to play in guiding characters later on. I just hope that it won't be that large of a role for so many characters. 

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How do we know that Ned never planned on telling Jon the truth? This is a passage from Ned's last chapter in A Game of Thrones:

Sure, but Ned's last chapter is after he's been jailed for treason and is facing his near-certain demise.  I don't know that you can extrapolate anything about his prior priorities from that (the show, of course, has Ned say he'll tell Jon about his mother the next time they meet).

Well, I think the show has three avenues available to them to tell us about Jon's parentage....the living Daddy Reed, Mel's visions, and Bran's third eye.  I suspect the reveal will be given to the audience through Bran.  Things might be a little more complicated for Jon.


I have always suspected Mel would resurrect him and the choice in season five to move her back to the wall at the last minute seems to confirm this.  What I actually think might be way more interesting is what happens between the wildlings and the very small group of NW that are left when it is discovered that Jon is dead.  On the show, the wildlings VASTLY outnumber the NW and they have a GIANT with them.  Jon was literally the only one they trusted and we have no reason to believe that they couldn't - or wouldn't - slaughter every remaining member of the NW once they find out that Jon was murdered.  In fact - to be honest - if this doesn't happen, I will be very disappointed.


So while the show will probably contrive some bizarre reason why the wildlings don't fight and overcome the NW immediately, I wouldn't be surprised if it was the wildlings that end up in control of the Wall and they are the ones who burn Jon.  But either way, I think Jon gets a funeral prier and it's very possible that one or more of his mutineers get thrown on it with him and we get a mirror scene of Dany birthing the dragons but this time it's Jon coming out of the fire reborn.  In that moment, Mel will realize who he is and try to convince him of it.  At one point, I thought they specifically added the scene of her with the BwoB and Gendry to establish that she might later give Jon the kiss of life - but I still lean more toward the funeral fire and Jon coming out of alive.


Then I think they can use Bran and godswood to at least send a message to Jon to seek out Daddy Reed. But I would think he would probably tell Jon who he was at the same time.  I don't know how much Bran will do beyond that, but that much seems very likely for season six.  I think later he might be vital in defeating the Others, but I think his big use in season six is going to be the Jon reveal.

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I have always suspected Mel would resurrect him and the choice in season five to move her back to the wall at the last minute seems to confirm this.  What I actually think might be way more interesting is what happens between the wildlings and the very small group of NW that are left when it is discovered that Jon is dead.  On the show, the wildlings VASTLY outnumber the NW and they have a GIANT with them.  Jon was literally the only one they trusted and we have no reason to believe that they couldn't - or wouldn't - slaughter every remaining member of the NW once they find out that Jon was murdered.  In fact - to be honest - if this doesn't happen, I will be very disappointed.



That's an amazing theory, and I'm kicking myself for not thinking of it.  As Amanda Marcotte noted, the whole theme of the finale was about the devastating consequences of revenge, and Jon's assassination was in a sense 'revenge' for his helping the Wildlings.  I knew his killers would face punishment but I always assumed it would be the result of Jon ordering their executions once he was reborn. He'd be reluctant to do it, in some cases like Olly but he'd have no choice.  But your theory's even better!


So while the show will probably contrive some bizarre reason why the wildlings don't fight and overcome the NW immediately, I wouldn't be surprised if it was the wildlings that end up in control of the Wall and they are the ones who burn Jon.  But either way, I think Jon gets a funeral prier and it's very possible that one or more of his mutineers get thrown on it with him and we get a mirror scene of Dany birthing the dragons but this time it's Jon coming out of the fire reborn.  In that moment, Mel will realize who he is and try to convince him of it.  At one point, I thought they specifically added the scene of her with the BwoB and Gendry to establish that she might later give Jon the kiss of life - but I still lean more toward the funeral fire and Jon coming out of alive.


ITA.  Jon's "re-birth" is likely to echo Dany's, (they ARE both Targaryens after all-fire is their friend!) and like Dany, Jon is likely to pick up some devout followers as a result.  Of course while viewers and likely Jon himself will know the truth before the end of Season 6, convincing other people of his true parentage might be difficult...at least until the dragons get to Westeros and Jon demonstrates he can ride one.  That will be the Westeros equivalent of a modern day paternity test. 

I wouldn't mind the Wildlings taking a bloody revenge on the NW and killing everyone.  Keep Edd alive though...Wun Wun knows who he is.


I agree though that the writers are likely to contrive a reason for the Wildlings not to attack the NW, just like they did by having the Hardhome survivors walk to the Wall when they took a boat or Thorne did by allowing the Wildlings through the Wall BEFORE he had Jon killed.

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Ser Alfred Hunrith cast.

Who? You may well be asking.

Some speculation that it's a fake name to hide who he is playing (suggestions being Arthur Dayne, Rhaegar or young Ned Stark among others) or could just be a made up show only character or even a new character from Book 6.


HELLO, Arthur Dayne, dizzam all that hotness was wasted on the White Cloak.

I for one wonder if maybe we're getting so much of House Tarly isn't because, House Tyrell might be heading for a fall, and that the Tarly's will then take their place as the Paramount Lords of the Reach.


The actor's cute, but I'm more interested in Randyll and of course Sam's mother and sister.  Personally, I suspect that Sam took after his mother more to begin with and that's where he inherited his kindness and intelligence from. 


Also I think Horn Hill, and the Citadel storylines will intersect with the IB invasion next season as well...I just hope it doesn't mean the death of Sam, Gilly, or little Sam, but this being GoT, I'm afraid it just might.


Originally I thought "Alfred Hunfirth" based on the actor's looks might be Harrold Harddyng, but the speculation that he's actually Arthur Dayne or Rhaegar makes more sense. 


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I thought this had been generally assumed since they were announced to be on the show.

Not really, though some speculated.  Sam's planning to visit them in the books, and it seems like the show is bringin Randyll down to Oldtown, probably to replace the absent Tyrell brothers for whatever bad stuff will be happening in the area.  It's a pretty logical thing to have them on the show in that regard.




Nothing as big as last time, but they've started filming in Girona.  A still-blind Arya is filming for either episode 3 or 4 in the streets, getting beaten by the Waif.  The stage that a lot of people think is for some version of "Mercy" is still under construction.  Evidently there's going to be some big crowd/fight scene filmed in Girona toward the end of filming in Girona.

Edited by SeanC
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