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Season 6: Info, Casting and Spoilers

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29 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

Detailed breakdown of 6x07 promo:

1. Blackfish meeting Jaime at Riverrun.

2. Frey dude from 6x06 looking around nervously in a misty field surrounded by other Frey dudes.

3. Blackfish informing Jaime "As long as I am still standing, the war is not over." Jaime riding through the Lannister camp.

4. Olenna telling Cersei "Our two houses face collapse because of your stupidity."

5. Sansa, Davos and Jon at Bear Island. Sansa saying "I did what I had to do to survive." Bearded dude I don't recognize walking up to Sansa in a courtyard (there's a banner with a fist in the background) as Sansa appears to brace herself. Sansa saying "I will always be a Stark." Sansa writing a letter and signing it "Sansa Stark."

6. Long bridge of Volantis (big ol' Greyjoy ship with the kraken sail docked nearby). Yara informing Theon "We'll take back the Iron Islands. Then we'll get revenge."

7. Tormund exhorting the wildlings to fight for Jon. "He died for us. If we're not willing to do the same for him, we're cowards."

8. Frey dude holding a knife to Edmure's throat.

9. Jaime and Bronn walking outside.

10. Someone with brown trousers and boots walking through a grassy field full of dead bodies.

11. Sansa turning around outdoors, looking apprehensive.

12. Davos' speech from the trailer about the living and dead.

Missing in action from promo/description: Tyrion, Dany, Bran, and Sam. We know Arya is in the episode thanks to the episode description ("Arya makes a plan") as well as the High Sparrow ("the High Sparrow eyes a new target").

Speculation: Sansa is writing a letter to Littlefinger to ask for his assistance after failing to get enough soldiers at Bear Island.

Last three words at the top of the letter: to fulfill your.......

The North isn't going to make it easy for Ned's eldest daughter, she and Jon may learn Ned was a bit out of touch with his Lords, or that Robb screwed up royally.

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48 minutes ago, SeanC said:

The banner is the mailed fist of House Glover, who we were informed by Yara in 6x02 had retaken Deepwood Motte.

Ah ha! Thank you. I couldn't remember which house the mailed fist belonged to. The Glover from the preview is not the Galbart Glover we saw with Robb in S1. This guy does not look happy (looks downright intimidating) as he approaches Sansa. 

I don't remember seeing the Glover banner in the pics of BOTB, so I assume the Glovers are going to sit this one out.

I didn't see Mel in any of the shots of Team Stark - in either Bear Island or the Wildling camp. I wonder where Jon has her stashed, LOL.

42 minutes ago, GrailKing said:

Last three words at the top of the letter: to fulfill your.......

The North isn't going to make it easy for Ned's eldest daughter, she and Jon may learn Ned was a bit out of touch with his Lords, or that Robb screwed up royally.

I think it's that Robb screwed up royally. The Northern houses must be wondering why should they follow Ned Stark's other son and daughter into war when the last Stark son reneged on a promise and got his troops slaughtered because of it. I'm afraid Jon & Sansa will pay for their brother's screw up.

46 minutes ago, GrailKing said:

10. Someone with brown trousers and boots walking through a grassy field full of dead bodies.

At first I thought this was Pod walking through a battlefield but then I realized those are dead civilians, not soldiers. And the person walking has a weird gait that reminds me of Theon. Civilians and a weird gait leads me to believe this may be

the Hound.

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5. Sansa, Davos and Jon at Bear Island. Sansa saying "I did what I had to do to survive." Bearded dude I don't recognize walking up to Sansa in a courtyard (there's a banner with a fist in the background) as Sansa appears to brace herself. Sansa saying "I will always be a Stark." Sansa writing a letter and signing it "Sansa Stark."

These 5 seconds were easily the highlight of GoT 6x06.

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Updated list of material not accounted for in aired episodes (6x01-6x06), in the promo for 6x07, or clearly from the BOTB (6x09):

Trailer 1 ("Red Band" trailer): Davos next to what looks like what's left of Shireen's pyre. Tyrion VO: "You're in the great game now, and the great game is terrifying." Lancel/Cersei confrontation. Tommen walking out of the court room flanked by his KG. Cersei walking through corridors backed by Ser Gregor. Littlefinger in the godswood (6x10). Explosion just outside Dany's chambers. Arya's balcony jump in Braavos (6x08). Yara making out with a Volantene prostitute. Little birds stabbing someone. Dothraki charging Meereen (6x10).

Trailer 2: Ramsay VO: "Do you like games, little man?". Sansa in a black dress looking pissed (6x09?). Sansa VO: "It's all I think about (...) what was taken from me." Closeup of Sansa in a dimly-lit room. Walder Frey making a toast at a Frey/Lannister soldier gathering (6x10?). Littlefinger looking nervous, looks like godswood scene (6x10). Davos VO: "There's no hiding from this, we have to fight." Sansa turning to look at someone (probably Jon). Sons of the Harpy looking up from corpses. Pod and Brienne at Riverrun (6x07 or 6x08). Ser Gregor getting ready to yank off some sparrow's head. Bronn grabbing Pod from behind (6x07 or 6x08). Arya's bloody hand trailing into darkness (6x08).

Yara and Theon are definitely in Volantis in 6x07. The scene with Yara making out with the Volantene prostitute could be from 6x07.

There's still a lot of material that's unaccounted for, I think.

I'm kind of curious about all the emphasis on Jaime vs. Aerys and the wildfire in Bran's vision montage. It was pretty obvious why the other elements of the vision--wights, WWs, crows, dragons, Craster's son, etc.--were included, but why so much emphasis on the wildfire?


Is this only foreshadowing Cersei burning down the Sept in 6x10, or is it something else?

Edited by Eyes High
5 hours ago, Eyes High said:

Same. Burn them all, etc. etc. It will destroy Jaime if Cersei pulls an Aerys and he isn't there to stop her, though.

That presumes Jaime doesn't end up dead in the Riverlands. I'm half wondering if Cersei won't end up dead along with everyone else in King's Landing while Jaime gets killed in the Riverlands, sweeping all the players off the board. If Kevan and Pycelle are at the Sept when it goes, we still need to see the Little Birds and maybe that ends up being Cersei and Qyburn on Varys' orders instead.

Everyone left is then either headed to Winterfell or just waiting for Dany to show up.

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12 hours ago, GrailKing said:

2. Frey dude from 6x06 looking around nervously in a misty field surrounded by other Frey dudes.

Hopefully the Brotherhood will make an appearance?  Or, better yet, Nymeria's pack?  Either case will be a "hell, yeah!" moment.

2 hours ago, Chris24601 said:

That presumes Jaime doesn't end up dead in the Riverlands. I'm half wondering if Cersei won't end up dead along with everyone else in King's Landing while Jaime gets killed in the Riverlands, sweeping all the players off the board. If Kevan and Pycelle are at the Sept when it goes, we still need to see the Little Birds and maybe that ends up being Cersei and Qyburn on Varys' orders instead.

I'm still convinced it will be Jaime who ends up killing Cersei, maybe after she blows up KL and their final child dies.

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49 minutes ago, SeanC said:

Incidentally, I believe the Glover in the promo is played by veteran British character actor Tim McInnery (best known as part of the ensemble of Blackadder).

I think you're right. It's strange that we never heard about his casting, since news usually gets out about respected character actors cast in GOT.

Upon greater reflection, I agree with the other posters who think that Sansa's going to get shut down by Lord Glover. That line of dialogue earlier in the season about how the Glovers have retaken Deepwood Motte in retrospect appears to have been laying the groundwork for Lord Glover to tell Team Stark to go fuck themselves.


Based on the spoilers, it sounds like houses Cerwyn, Glover and Manderly all sit the BOTB out.

Edited by Eyes High
Just now, Haleth said:

I'm still convinced it will be Jaime who ends up killing Cersei, maybe after she blows up KL and their final child dies.

Could be, but based on the spoilers that basically the only characters possibly left in King's Landing will be Cersei, Qyburn and the Mountain and that Dany will be on her way to King's Landing by season's end, I just don't feel like there's any point to it unless its happening THIS season.

Admittedly at the rate they're going Jaime could finish up in the Riverlands by episode 8, skip 9 and be back in time for the mass death of episode 10, kill Cersei and throw himself off the tower. Just have the Mountain die in the wildfire explosion and make Qyburn one of the victims of Varys' Little Birds and you've wiped the entire boring plotline off the map in time for Dany to arrive to the burned out shell of the Red Keep at the start of next season.

Things are rapidly collapsing into Team Kill It With Ice, Team Kill It With Fire and Team No More (Into the Woods reference... "No more giants, waging war. Can't we just pursue our lives with our children and our wives? Until that happy day arrives how do you ignore...") and there clearly isn't much of a point to anything that isn't about joining one of those teams.

For that matter, which team is the good guys who deserve to be rooted for in this is becoming increasingly obvious...

  • Team One wants to wipe out all life on the continent.
  • Team Two wants to conquer the continent and kill anyone who opposes them.
  • Team Three wants to not be burned, frozen or poked with sticks for a change.

I'm still of the opinion that if Jon and Sansa could just get Rickon back from Ramsey or if Ramsey would just get it over with and murder Rickon, Team Stark would be just as well to find that fleet of Stannis' that delivered the Free Folk from Hardhome, gather everyone up and set sail for as far south as south can go (with a stop at Old Town to pick up Sam and Gilly) and never look back.

If this season has proven anything its that outside of Team Stark there's little that's even worth saving of the old world. Let the fire conquerors and ice demons wipe each other out and start over (to be fair, I do think there's a strong chance of this actually happening anyway, only with Winterfell as the Ark for the survivors).

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2 hours ago, Haleth said:

I'm still convinced it will be Jaime who ends up killing Cersei, maybe after she blows up KL and their final child dies.

Jaime has been through a lot. Killing his sister-lover and mother of his children would be another painful burden for him. If he does kill her, I hope he does it and does not know that he caused it or some sort of murder-suicide. Personally, I want Cersei dieing because another of her poorly thought out and selfish schemes. That could still mean Jaime contributing to her death. I do look forward to see how she keeps being amazed at the whole "younger more beautiful Queen" takes over or she gets to witness the three (Margery, Sansa, and Dany) of them before her death.

1 hour ago, Eyes High said:


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Based on the spoilers, it sounds like houses Cerwyn, Glover and Manderly all sit the BOTB out.


I thought the Cerwyns were one of the four houses mentioned as being present.  As I recall, it was Mormont, Hornwood, Cerwyn, and the show-only Mazin.  The Manderlys were said to be nowhere near the field at the time, but since there's that Manderly-esque individual cast, my guess is the Manderlys do side with the Starks but their soldiers don't arrive in time for the fight.

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1 hour ago, Oscirus said:

Wouldn't it be a real mindfuck if Tyrion actually was the valonquar all along and that Jamie was actually the red herring?

Wouldn't it be more likely for Tyrion to be the valonquar.  I presumed that was part of why Cersei hates him so much and keeps trying to have him killed.

I tend to think it is more likely to be Jamie because Cersei won't see that coming.

1 hour ago, SeanC said:
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I thought the Cerwyns were one of the four houses mentioned as being present.  As I recall, it was Mormont, Hornwood, Cerwyn, and the show-only Mazin.  The Manderlys were said to be nowhere near the field at the time, but since there's that Manderly-esque individual cast, my guess is the Manderlys do side with the Starks but their soldiers don't arrive in time for the fight.

If the show screws up


the Manderley support for the Starks

I will personally lead the pitchfork brigade.

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Damn those fans for choosing the Greyjoy chapter!  The hell?  People compiled note from the crowd that heard GRRM read and discuss the books this week.


Honestly?  After reading that I'm not so sure I even want to read the last books. I may just settle for HBO's ending and call it a day.

Edited by Umbelina
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39 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

Wouldn't it be more likely for Tyrion to be the valonquar.  I presumed that was part of why Cersei hates him so much and keeps trying to have him killed.

I tend to think it is more likely to be Jamie because Cersei won't see that coming.

The point being made was that while Cersei thinks the valonqar is Tyrion, anybody with even a rudimentary understanding of how prophecy works in literature would immediately assume it was Jaime.  So Oscirus posited that, for the audience, it actually being Tyrion would be the bigger twist.  I don't think it's that sort of double-game, but it's an interesting suggestion.

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22 minutes ago, cambridgeguy said:

Would they really kill Jaime and Cersei before they have one last meeting with Tyrion?  That's a confrontation that might as well be labeled PD, LH, and NCW's Emmy package.

If they meet Tyrion again it would be at the fore of Daenerys' army, so it may not be possible to arrange such a meeting and have the story work.

15 hours ago, cambridgeguy said:

Would they really kill Jaime and Cersei before they have one last meeting with Tyrion?  That's a confrontation that might as well be labeled PD, LH, and NCW's Emmy package.

I agree. The show would never give up the drama of the Lannister siblings meeting one final time. Cersei and Jaime's shock seeing Tyrion at Daenerys' side would be classic.:Cersei's horror and humiliation at losing power as Tyrion has attained it and Jaime struggling to resolve his joy at his brother's survival and anger that he killed their father.

21 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

I agree. The show would never give up the drama of the Lannister siblings meeting one final time. Cersei and Jaime's shock seeing Tyrion at Daenerys' side would be classic.:Cersei's horror and humiliation at losing power as Tyrion has attained it and Jaime struggling to resolve his joy at his brother's survival and anger that he killed their father.

If that happened, though, Cersei and Jaime would be imprisoned.  That would potentially derail their narratives.

23 hours ago, SeanC said:

Incidentally, I believe the Glover in the promo is played by veteran British character actor Tim McInnery (best known as part of the ensemble of Blackadder).

We are big Blackadder fans and I was "whoa, Tim Mcinnerny!" during the promo (which was more interest than I had in the episode save for Benjen Stark).

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Shouldn't HBO have posted the 6x08 and 6x09 summaries already? They usually get posted on Fridays, I thought.


I agree. The show would never give up the drama of the Lannister siblings meeting one final time. Cersei and Jaime's shock seeing Tyrion at Daenerys' side would be classic.:Cersei's horror and humiliation at losing power as Tyrion has attained it and Jaime struggling to resolve his joy at his brother's survival and anger that he killed their father.


If Cersei nukes the Sept and what I imagine will be a good chunk of KL in 6x10 as speculated, for reasons that will have nothing to do with Tyrion, and Jaime turns on her and tries to kill her as a result, I'm guessing Tyrion will be the least of their worries.

Edited by Eyes High
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12 hours ago, SeanC said:

If that happened, though, Cersei and Jaime would be imprisoned.  That would potentially derail their narratives.

I fully expect Daenyrus, her armies, and dragons to march on Westeros and take King's Landing without much resistance. No one is sacrificing their army to dragon fire. I think that hearing the truth about her father from Ser Bannister and her relationship with Tyrion will make Daenyrus tolerate Jaime. Plus, I think that Jaime and the Lannister Army will be needed at the Wall along with all other armies to fight the White Walkers.  I expect that Cersei will be imprisoned or banished. However, there is going to be an amazing Emmy winning confrontation with the three Lannister siblings before they part ways again. 

1 minute ago, SimoneS said:

I fully expect Daenyrus, her armies, and dragons to march on Westeros and take King's Landing without much resistance. No one is sacrificing their army to dragon fire. I think that hearing the truth about her father from Ser Bannister and her relationship with Tyrion will make Daenyrus tolerate Jaime. Plus, I think that Jaime and the Lannister Army will be needed at the Wall along with all other armies to fight the White Walkers.  I expect that Cersei will be imprisoned or banished. However, there is going to be an amazing Emmy winning confrontation with the three Lannister siblings before they part ways again. 

But it's damn clear that Jaime is going to kill Cersei, so they can't part ways like that.

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The captions over on WOTW confirm that McInnery is playing Robett Glover.  I guess Galbart bit the dust at the Red Wedding.

Edit:  so, for the Northern storyline, they've got three separate sequences in the promos, which I imagine will be distributed through the episode at different points:

  1. Rounding up the Wildlings in the Gift.
  2. Deepwood Motte, the Glovers say no.
  3. Bear Island, the Mormonts say yes.

That still leaves those two lords who were cast for a day's filming, one of them widely identified as being Manderly.  I guess those guys will be in episode 608.

Edited by SeanC
3 hours ago, Lost Girl said:

A few pages back a grainy picture that purported to be a dead Tormund was posted. It didn't look like Tormund to me; 

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it looked like Ed. ?


It looked like no one because it was blurry as shit. Reminds me of all the fake Stoneheart screenshots, the doctored pic of Jon warging in 5.10, and the one Mel bringing him back in 6.01. Except it was blurrier than all of them.

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1 hour ago, CofCinci said:

BastardBowl/SnowBowl pics:  http://imgur.com/a/ZBwG9

With the Battle of the Bastards pics, take another look at the supposed Tormund death pic: https://m.reddit.com/r/freefolk/comments/4ktcf5/is_it_a_fake_a_friend_of_mine_sent_me_this_photo/

Don't know if the pic is a fake; what I do know it's not Tormund. That's not a GINGER!

Worst case besides a fake maybe, just maybe


hope not, don't think so but can't be 100 % sure either.

3 hours ago, CofCinci said:

BastardBowl/SnowBowl pics:  http://imgur.com/a/ZBwG9

With the Battle of the Bastards pics, take another look at the supposed Tormund death pic: https://m.reddit.com/r/freefolk/comments/4ktcf5/is_it_a_fake_a_friend_of_mine_sent_me_this_photo/

The dead one looks more like the random extra in the "Wildling Battle Cry" picture than either Tormund OR Edd.

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