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I just can't watch these shows. I just can't. For every six programs they put out maybe two of them are okay. Murder in Paradise is pretty good and that's sandwiched amongst the other stuff. I see some of the commercials and I just want to barf. There's something coming on next week; I believe it's called Young, Hot and Crooked or Sinful or Whatever. Are they aiming for seventeen-year olds? Kind of have the feeling that they're not watching this channel on a Friday night.


THIS.  I forgot about that awful Young, Hot & Crooked show they're promoting - now there's an ID show title none of us even thought of. 

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How many Heartbreaker episodes has there been?  Next week is the season finale.


Wow, is Heartbreakers a casting agency for once-popular '90s stars? First Rob Estes, now Kevin Sorbo? Wow.


According to the ID page, there were three episodes: "Losing My Religion" starring Jack Wagner, Rob Estes, and Jamie Luner; "Shot Through the Heart" starring Christopher Knight, Antonio Sabato Jr., and Tracey Gold; and "Tainted Love" starring Judd Nelson, Kevin Sorbo, and Nicole Eggert:

In Investigation Discovery's (ID) original new series HEARTBREAKERS, hunky Hollywood actors from the ‘80s and ‘90s reunite on screen to portray real-life dreamboats who turned into total nightmares. Directed and written in a sensational, Aaron Spelling-esque style reminiscent of classic primetime soaps, HEARTBREAKERS takes true stories ripped from the headlines to show what really happens when the perfect catch turns out to be the perfect criminal.


HEARTBREAKERS is rooted in real stories that are already truly unbelievable on their own. The series also features interviews and behind-the-scenes commentary with the actual people involved, layering in context and additional information about each case. And not to disappoint, HEARTBREAKERS provides a nod to the actors' previous lives in the primetime soap world, dropping little golden surprises that are sure to appeal to the fan's sense of nostalgia: anyone for The Brady Bunch's pork chops and apple sauce?

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I tried to watch "Surviving Evil" and had to change the channel after about ten minutes. The filming technique was just weird. A lot of slow motion and green tinting of the screen color. And they made the potential killer a complete nutbag. He was practically foaming at the mouth. Real bad horror film cinematography and acting.

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I totally agree with you Andyourlittledog2. I can't change the channel fast enough when that voice with the hillbilly accent from "Southern Fried Homicide" starts speaking.


HOLY CRAP!!! That accent is awful.

Edited by Taylorh2
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I tried to watch "Surviving Evil" and had to change the channel after about ten minutes.

Along with shows whose titles give away the killer, I also avoid shows about things that would be my worst nightmare.

Can't do those.

The Southern accents are straight out of the Carroll O'Connor, Heat of the Night accent school.

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See, I love a voice that is soothing and (ahem) stimulating.  My 2 TV crushes were Louis Ferreira (Vega on Motive) and Demian Bichir (Marco on The Bridge).  They could tell me any story, any time, and I'd still beg for more.  Kenda for the trifecta.   [/shallow]   :-)

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No kidding that this show is beyond ridiculous!!!!   I didn't even bother to watch the one with the girlfriend of the "drug Dealer" who was pissed off at him because he didn't bother to show up to their baby's funeral. He spend 20 yrs (?) in prison because she called the cops on him. Did he say 'no problem' and all was forgiven ?

Edited by Taylorh2
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Answer me this, guys. Maybe I just...don't get it. Is ID purposely injecting these awful reenactments because it's "funny"/cheesy?


I had "Deadly Women" on in the background yesterday. I can't count how many "actresses" were in synthetic/costume shop quality blond wigs. And the dialogue! There was the tale of an abusive/neglectful mother who yelled "You are the crappiest. baby. ever!" And a girl from a well to do family who murdered a homeless man in Central Park. "Nothing happens in (my parents') pathetic. little. lives. I'm going to make something. happen. I'm going to slice! someone!"


Like, somewhere there are people who can act better than this. Anywhere. Anyone can act better than this.

Edited by ScullyInApt42
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Deadly Women is a show I still watch but I am conflicted about it.  It is sooo melodramatic and sometimes downright scary.  When I see a case after I've seen it on DW I can hardly recognize it.  It really shows how OTT it can be.  Wicked Attraction also has that same intensity but I can't watch it. 


When murderers and criminals are shown in an interview talking rationally it humanizes them.  They become less of a monster.  So sometimes I think maybe a show that focuses on the true evil acts are the more accurate.

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Got to second the Heartbreaker's love for the nostalgia alone, it is solid gold. Rob Estes is still hot!

Just rewatched the awful Web of Lies about the horrorcore murderer, who killed his online girlfriend, her family and a good friend, and again, wtf??? Good friend's mom is unable to reach her daughter for over a week and does call police, even after the friend and mom also don't respond? Don't get me started on the police who talked tto the killer, searched part of the house and couldn't smell 4 decaying bodies? Why didn't they question the guy about the family's whereabouts, and if they did why accept his version of events? So many questions...

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I saw that one a few months ago and wondered the same thing.


I watched "On the Case with Paula Zahn", she was talking to a witness and said something like: "but when they showed her the autopsy photos..." Why would police show a witness autopsy photos? She didn't witness the murder, she had shown the suspect a model home and felt uncomfortable and ran away from the suspect just a short time before the murder. She could have easily been the victim except for her feeling that told her to get away, but I think showing her the autopsy photos would taint the prosecutor's case.

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Where is everybody?  Hellooo!  You are all over at the Kenda thread.  This will take some investigating.


Friendperidot, I see what you mean.  Why for any reason would you show the victim if she was identifying the murderer?  First thing that came to me was they were trying to scare her.  Does not make sense.


There is no Snapped thread so thought I would post here.  Is anyone familiar with the Kristen Lobada case in Nevada?  It is IMO another case of convicting the wrong person and I came here to bitch.  It just bothers me when a young person or any person is sent to jail with very little evidence. The prosecutors always say hey they were judged guilty by 12 people.  I hate that. 

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Oh em gee. Really. Tonight ID's running episodes of "Sinister Ministers: Collared." I haven't seen these before. I assume they stole the title from one of the regulars here or over at the old discussion forums. I've sort-of watched two episodes, and at least the narration's not as skeevy as on so many of the other "theme" ID shows. 


I refuse to watch on general principle.  It sounds too much like one of our IDShowTitle parodies.   ;-)

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I watched a couple of episodes of a show called Suburban Sins & Secrets, or something like that.
Cheesy, rather than sleazy, which I guess is a change.
It's like they get a bunch of really rank amateurs, and hand then a page of dialog, and then they film the first reading.

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I continue to watch Deadly Women,  it is my crack.  The case of Tracy Roberts' bothered me a lot.  It happened in a small Iowa town and was presented as though the prosecutor and FBI dude were obsessed with the case.  I don't think was the case.  A young troubled boy was killed and people assumed the worst, leaving a heartbroken mother.


I think my cynicism knows no bounds.  I have lost faith in the police (I know there are good ones).  In general, I have lost my faith in people.  I think we have become more cruel and selfish.  Just getting this off my chest.  When we screw someone or cheat then or whatever, it is about us more than them.  We become tainted.  We don't need religion to tell us right from wrong, I think it is inherent in us.  And yet I wish I believed in something.  


I am done just getting this off my chest.

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Have been watching a bit of 20/20, On the Case with Paula Zahn, and Dateline on ID. I am amused by the disclaimer at the beginning of the shows that the program may contain things that might be offensive to some viewers. If you are easily offended by the content on shows like these, why are you watching? Murder is offensive and everyone should be offended by it, but don't watch if you can't take the heat. I watch because of the puzzles, how the officials put the clues together, to observe human nature. I also read a lot of who dun its. But I try to consider the real people affected by the murders. I don't think I'm expressing this well. I am offended by the murders and have been affected by it more than once in my personal life. Still waiting for justice in most recent death, we do know who did it, they are in jail and waiting for all the court proceedings. But even with her conviction, I don't know that it's enough. Maybe that's why I watch, to see if those affected feel completed.

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flipping channels, came across "Scorned: Love Kills", didn't stay much past this comment, "it was like a tupperware party for horny women".

That show, to me, has to be a candidate for one of their sleaziest shows. Maybe the Lucci show comes close. And they keep freaking renewing it! Like late night Cinemax from the 90's.

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I am ashamed to say I watched Beauty Queen Murders yesterday (DVR'd it) about 'Julia' who was from Texas and moved to Florida. She was a vain, stupid, greedy, shallow woman who used men to get money and fame and then discarded them if they didn't help her 'career'.  Ten minutes into the show and I wanted to kill this woman.  The family and friends always talk about how wonderful and loving and giving etc the deceased person was, such a lovely young woman, to know her is to love her, shining light, etc. That's the usual description on these shows.  More than most, that did not seem to describe Julia to me. I'm not glad she was killed, but I am glad I never knew her. 

I saw that and thought what you did.  She was a user plain and simple.  She wins one pageant and divorces her loving husband.  Some of the talking heads  at least were aware of her behavior.


Andurlittledog2, miss you on the Utopia thread.  I do understand your frustration.

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Well, one more so-called 'Disappeared' special with a 'special investigator' swooping in to pretty much do nothing the family wasn't already doing on their own.  I wish ID would stop trying to make this investigator from New Jersey 'happen'.  So far he's been a big nothing on their specials. He comes in, looks pensive, talks to the family, commiserates, and then offers up useless advice and flies back home. It's beyond stupid. 

This is not Disappeared on any level. They just call it a Disappeared Special to tap into the big Disappeared fanbase. Hey ID, we're not fooled and it's not working.  It's pretty much boring cases that are a dime a dozen.  Terrible to the people involved, naturally, but not gripping television and too specifically local to need a national audience to help find the person.  I think it's all a big fail.

Guess I'm glad that I'm still homeless and therefore cannot watch. Cuz I think that would drive me absolutely nuts!



Evil Twins: Did you guys know that there were that many "evil - murdering twins" out there?  I didn't. lol



My nephews are twins, but they are only five. Does that mean I need to start looking for murderous intent in them now?


Just wanted to jump on and say hi. I see this thread is as enjoyable as usual!

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It irks me when a person is a nasty, shitty character in life and then elevated to near sainthood status simply by virtue of dying. Nope, you're still an asshole, in my opinion.

Your remark reminded me of the show last season, set in small towns I think, where a man and and his wife were killed.

They were were praised as people who never turned anyone away, "you could call on them for anything, anytime..."

Yeah, you could, because they were loan sharking, selling drugs, running an unlicensed pawn shop, you name it.

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Don't forget those bodies spotted by train passengers, in out of the way places.
Of course in English murder mysteries, it was always someone's dog who'd find the bodies.

I've seen some shows recently, and wondered why they didn't call in dogs immediately.
I can see that there may not be a trained team, but most places there would be hunters who'd probably oblige.
(I'm thinking of the one where the family was killed, and there were tracks in the snow leading to a wooded area.)

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Okay, there was a commercial that ran for about twenty seconds that I first thought was another dumb Cialis ad. It starts off with a couple walking towards a cliff with a sunset and the ocean in the background. Everything looks normal except one of them looks like their carrying a rolled up rug or carpet which is kind of strange. Then all of sudden one of them or the both of them throw the carpet over the cliff and I realize the carpet contained a dead body and they were getting rid of it! And then I believe they kiss! What the f*ck! I didn't know that murder could be so romantic and fun and sexy. The lack or respect that this network has for life and death sometimes is remarkable. I swear if they tried to do a remake of "Double Indemnity" it would be like an episode of Scorned.

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Your remark reminded me of the show last season, set in small towns I think, where a man and and his wife were killed.

They were were praised as people who never turned anyone away, "you could call on them for anything, anytime..."

Yeah, you could, because they were loan sharking, selling drugs, running an unlicensed pawn shop, you name it.

Murder Comes to Town a show I like by the way.  ID is definitely guilty of this.  They also keep telling the same stories over and over.  I can't even casually watch most of these shows anymore. 


Scorned is almost all rehashed material.  I am watching little on ID these days and am sad about it.  I have about reached my breaking point.  On the last Scorned episode about a Dr. they had a juror who was the "expert" witness.  I wonder if law enforcement and families are turned off by these shows and don't want to appear.  GIVE US NEW STORIES!!!

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I saw a 48 Hours that was another one on the Highway of Tears, but it was more recent, and showed the guy who was caught pulling out after dumping a victim.
He was convicted of two of the murders, and suspected in some others.
They also told of the Texas guy who was linked by DNA to a 1978 murder, and suspected in others both in BC and Oregon. 
He's since died in prison.
I wonder how many murderers there are, and does someone with a predilection to killing young girls, take a trucking job that takes him to isolated places like this?

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I saw that one too, auntjess.  The guy caught dumping the body was only 19, and the cops think they caught a young serial killer.  If not for a cop who suspected poaching, and a game warden finding the girl's body, this kid could have gone on killing for some time, I think.  When you look at all the people who've disappeared and/or been murdered in the "Trail of Tears" area over the decades, it's a little eerie.

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I'm liking the Inside Homicide episodes I've seen so far, and Det. Summer Benton kicks ass.


It is similar to The First 48, but that one is A&E, not ID.


The Shift, now in reruns on Reelz, is also similar, and it's always in Indianapolis, so there too you see some of the same detectives every episode.

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Yay!! I've been seeing promos on ID for a second season of A Crime to Remember. Supposed to start on November 11, IIRC.


So glad they're bringing it back!


That is very good news, Suz!  This is one ID show I can look forward to. 

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As long as it's not cases we've seen re-hashed over & over.

I hope they do Kitty Genovese.

According to a commercial I just saw, that's the case they're doing in the season premiere on November 11. 

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The only shows that air almost entirely on one network are the ID shows, and there are a slew of them because that's all the network does.

And even then, there's an exception in The Shift, which shows on Reelz.

I have a hard time, because at one point, CNN had some Forensnic Files scheduled, but they were usually pre-empted for news.

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Thank you,WendyCR72!

Almost none of "my" shows fit the once-a-week, same time, same station profile.
Other than true crime, I'm hooked on DIY shows. 
One of these days, Mike Holmes or Bryan Baeumler will find a body behind a wall, and we'll have a mashup.

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But yes.

I loved "hosted by America's favorite TV mom."

And I thought, "but wait, there's an unemployed TV mom available", June what's her name, of Honey Boo Boo.

Wouldn't that be a hoot?

I thought being a mother meant standing by & protecting your children? (Said w/sarcastic irony)

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I was so glad to see the return of A Crime to Remember last night! Being one of those people who only knew about the Kitty Genovese case in the broadest of terms (i.e., people watched her get killed and no one helped), I was completely fascinated by this episode and want to read the talking heads' books now.

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