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Stupid Movies We Watch Over and Over and Over...

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Here at PTV West Coast HQ, we generally do as little as possible on Saturday. We got into the habit of watching bad-good movies like Road House, Total Recall, Running Man, the original Dawn Of The Dead and Rocky IV among many others.

The movies generally should not be self-aware of their bad-goodness but there's always exceptions (see Starship Troopers) are are generally action movies, thrillers and dramas.

So please fire off your recommendations! Thanks!

I haven't seen Crank! I'll put it on my list.

I liked Cellular (2004) more than I expected to. It's ridiculous, but it knows it. The tagline is, "If the signal dies so does she," for heaven's sake. And the titular phone is a Nokia 6600, so now we have the added fun of the technology (which Chris Evans's character is totally proud of because he can email a video to himself) being dated.

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Showgirls is my favorite bad movie to watch multiple times. So many great lines. The infamous dolphin sex scene in the pool. Gina Gershon's entire performance. Just heaven.

I also recommend Killer Klowns from Outer Space, Robocop 2 (nuuuuuuuke), Equilibrium, Long Kiss Goodnight, Knowing, Varsity Blues, Point Break, Deep Blue Sea (if only for that One Scene), and of course, the king of bad movies, The Room.

Edited to add: I forgot one of the greatest terrible movies of all time: House of the Dead. The "teenagers" in the movie are played by people clearly in their 30s, there's footage of the original arcade game inserted into the movie itself, there are countless clips run multiple times in a row (in other words, you see the zombie guy come around the tree three different times in the movie the exact same way), and at one point, you can actually see the springboard on the ground that the zombie jumps onto as they run through the forest.

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Remo Williams. Fred Ward is taught to be a superninja by that eminent Asian wise man, Joel Grey. Kate Mulgrew acts spiteful, the better to melt later.

Ice Pirates is probably too aware of its own schlockiness, but it's a lot of fun. I especially enjoy imagining who they really wanted for each part but had to get the equivalent they could afford: Not Burt Reynolds but Robert Urich. Not Gregory Hines but Michael D. Roberts. Not Glenn Close but Mary Crosby. But we do get the real Anjelica Huston.

Edited by Rinaldo

Ladyhawke!  It was a sweet, romantic, fantasy film, set in medieval times with an 80s synthesizer soundtrack, a cool cast (Rutger Hauer, Michelle Pfieffer and Matthew Broderick), and a beautiful horse (which isn't important, really, but watch it and tell me that wasn't a gorgeous horse :) 

ETA:  Space Camp!  A guilty pleasure of mine.  Not great and seems to take itself very seriously. 

Edited by Shannon L.
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I must watch Rock Star, starring Mark Wahlberg, every time I see it on TV. No matter what. It's a personal rule. It's fantastic. I don't even think it's that bad. It's another movie that Jennifer Aniston, in her snobbish assholery, is ashamed of having done (like Office Space--another awesome movie, and Leprechaun--ugh) when she was on her way up the ladder to doing asinine romantic comedies because clearly, those are so much better. I love the music in Rock Star--all of it. Marky Mark looks seriously hot at the end when he has left the band and is performing in the small venue and runs back into Jen. One of the best fairly stupid movies ever. VH1 runs it fairly regularly as a "Movies We Love".

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I'm not sure if Jurassic Park qualifies as a stupid movie but I saw it 6 times in theaters and I almost never see movies more than once in theaters (2nd Place is Frozen with 3 theater views) and will watch it whenever it's on. I will watch it if it ever comes on tv and have even seen it twice on Telemundo despite having spotty Spanish comprehension.

Edited by jellysalmon
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Well, I have watched this thread but never commented on it because the movies I watch over and over and over again, I don't consider stupid, but some of my friends do.  And quite frankly, I don't care.  ::giggle::



Monty Python and the Holy Grail (in my top 5 greatest movies list)

Howard the Duck (now yes, this IS stupid!)

Wisdom (another stupid one, although I didn't think that when it first came out)

The Legend of Billie Jean (MADE my 14 year old daughter watch this, and she actually liked it!)


I am sure I will find others, just give me time.

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I feel like I should be sending this to Postsecrets instead, there is so much shame involved....Soldier with Kirk Russell. I'm not sure why, it's a really bad movie but I will watch it every time single time it's on if possible. That and Practicle Magic, but I'm less embarassed about that one. .


Please don't judge me, just let the pity flow.

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Reptilicus, the Danish Godzilla rip off. Giant sock puppet on strings attacks Copenhagen. The Military defenses to fight this monster are commanded by Brig. Gen. Mark Grayson (Carl Ottosen), easily the most inept soldier of all time. People actually paid real money to see this in theaters.


Night of the Leepus. A sleepy little Arizona desert town is terrorized and overrun by...GIANT FLUFFY COTTONTAIL RABBITS!...I kid you not.


Message From Space - The japanese Star Wars rip off. Vic Morrow as the General who comes out of drunken retirement to command the rebel forces against the evil empire. Bad script, bad acting, horrible special effects, the list goes on and on.


I swear neither of these movies were intended as comedies...Ed Wood would have been proud.

Edited by Snowprince
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I'm not sure if Jurassic Park qualifies as a stupid movie but I saw it 6 times in theaters and I almost never see movies more than once in theaters (2nd Place is Frozen with 3 theater views) and will watch it whenever it's on. I will watch it if it ever comes on tv and have even seen it twice on Telemundo despite having spotty Spanish comprehension.



Awesome.  I didn't realize it was on Telemundo.  I'll have to look for it.


And if Jurassic Park qualifies, then I'm sure Jurassic Park III does.  Yet I've been known to watch it on auto-loop when home with the flu.  Later, I always blame it on the fever, but it's happened more than once over the past several years.


I'll also watch M. Night Shyamalan's "The Happening" anytime I come across it.  I can't even explain why, really.  It's like a post-hypnotic suggestion was planted in my mind making me watch it.

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Well, for me it's Tremors - Kevin Bacon, Reba McEntire, Michael Gross, Fred Ward.  It's stupid, cheesy sci-fi at it's best.  It's been a while since I've seen in TV though.  It used to get shown with some regularity on the various cable channels.   I even watched Tremors 2, 3 and 4 and the TV series.  However, I really only rewatch Tremors and not the follow-ups.  

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I have a life-long habit of watching movies over and over again - my family getting our first VCR in 1978 really kicked the habit up a notch or ten - and, while I could expound at length on the cinematic value of most of them, I'll freely admit many are not up to par. 


Two of the films that immediately sprang to mind upon opening this thread have already been mentioned -- count me in on repeatedly rewatching Tremors and The Cutting Edge ("toe pick"). 


Also Saturday the 14th, Space Camp, Rhinestone, Summer School, Vibes, Can't Buy Me Love, Weekend at Bernie's, The Rocky Horror Picture Show (one of my closest friends actually threatened to break up with me upon showing her this film, but I used to do the dressing up and throwing toast at the screen thing in college), Undercover Blues, and many an '80s horror film. 

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I probably watched "Robin Hood: Men In Tights" damn near every weekend when I was a kid. My dad had HBO and when we would get together on weekends, I swear it was always on. I don't really consider it stupid but a lot of the humor is very dated (Achoo's pump-up sneakers, for example). The Men In Tights song is always funny though.


On the truly stupid front I've seen Critters 4 more times than anyone should have. I still even sing the little diner song to myself now and then: "At the Hungry Heiferrrrrr! We won't give you...no steeeeeerrrrrr!"


Oh, and Summer School! It was another one I would stop and watch whenever it was on (which was A LOT in the late 80's/very early 90's)

Edited by spaceytraci1208
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Oh, and Summer School! It was another one I would stop and watch whenever it was on (which was A LOT in the late 80's/very early 90's)


That one was on my list, and I just watched it this past weekend (because, yes, I have it on DVD); a few friends gathered for a cheesy '80s movie night, and that was my contribution.  They liked it, but that was the second film, so we were a bit drunk by then.

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So what was the first file @Bastet?


Summer School!  Now why didn't I think of that???  Great addition!


And Robin Hood Men in Tights, I remember liking that when it came out, just tried to watch it with my daughter and she was like, Mom, really?  So we didn't get through it.  And this coming from a kid that did enjoy Airplane (another stupid but overwatched movie for me) and Holy Grail!  ::giggle::


Lots of movies already listed here are ones that I don't consider stupid and a lot that I, too, watch whenever I see them on tv.  I have one that I watch whenever it's on that's probably the dumbest of all dumb movies:  Son-in-Law *hides*  I don't even know if I can explain it, really, it just amused the hell out of me while at the same time I knew it was a dumb movie. 

Edited by Shannon L.
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Hee! Son-in-Law. I wasn't even a Pauly Shore fan when he was relevant, yet something about that movie...[helpless shrug] it's enjoyable and rewatchable.


I can quote Summer School pretty much from start to end! Still love that movie. "Oooh, we will be sorry. Mr. Gills suuuure does know his child psychology."


Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights. [buries head in the couch cushions in shame, then looks up to watch the movie some more again for some reason] I actually think it wouldn't be so derided if it didn't have the Dirty Dancing "sequel" stigma to it. If it were just a cute little dumb dance movie set during the Cuban Revolution. You know? Maybe?

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I can quote Summer School pretty much from start to end! Still love that movie. "Oooh, we will be sorry. Mr. Gills suuuure does know his child psychology."


If I'm the passenger of someone driving slowly, I will say, "We just got lapped by an old lady with a walker."


And I always wanted to get up the nerve to do the "tension breaker, had to be done" scream before a test.


Neither of my friends who watched Summer School with me last weekend had seen it before, so I confined myself to speaking along with only select quotes, but I can pretty much recite it verbatim.


(BizBuzz, the first film was Footloose.)

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The Running Man.  I know Ah-nold can't act fer nothing in this one, and the story it's based on is 10x superior, and (hangs head in shame) I have it on DVD, but I will still watch it whenever it's on.


RabbitEars:  I have a sneaking fondness for Devil, too.  Possibly because I worked in a similar building and the situation the characters find themselves in was always a nightmare scenario to me.


BizzBuzzMonty Python and the Holy Grail may be stupid, but stupid in a totally that's-so-dumb-it's-genius fashion.  ("That rodent has a mean streak a mile wide!") 


OakGoblinFly:  Love Dogma.  Think it's brilliant and the best thing Kevin Smith's done.


Also must confess to a fondness for Armageddon.  And I love Independence Day.  Yes, the science in the former is totally screwed up and it's nothing to write home about in the latter, either.  What can I say?  And speaking of movies that make science geeks insane, I also confess to enjoying The Core.   Hopefully it helps that I know the science is non-existant in these (so I'm not a total ijit) but I have a weakness for big, loud and stupid.  (But only in movies, I hasten to add.)

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BizzBuzzMonty Python and the Holy Grail may be stupid, but stupid in a totally that's-so-dumb-it's-genius fashion.  ("That rodent has a mean streak a mile wide!")


Absolutely, no doubt. 


I hesitated to list it, because I think it is a brilliant movie, but when I share it with others, they don't think so.  I used to think I was just nuts, but not so much anymore.  I am the brilliant one.



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And I love Independence Day.

Yeah, I can't seem to just pass by Independence Day when I'm channel surfing.  I have to stop and watch it--even if only for a few minutes.


So, I know that Titanic wasn't wasn't considered stupid considering all of the Oscar nominations and wins that it received, but the storyline in itself was pretty basic and not all that exciting, so I'm going to throw it in here as one that I can't pass by either. 

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You've Got Mail is a terrible movie that I love/hate so much I have to watch it like every other month. UGH, the way they speak every word they type. Meg Ryan at her Meg Ryanny worst. The fact that the entire movie tsk-tsks about how a big, soulless company like Barnes & Noble (I mean, Fox Books) is killing independent stores and ruining New York, while the characters go to Starbucks like four times in one movie and sing its praises. The utter waste of Dave Chappelle. And yet...it's just really charming anyway.

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And I love Independence Day.


I don't know how I neglected to include that on my list, because my Jeff Goldblum crush and my "Hey, it's Margo! [from a soap I used to watch]" reaction to Margaret Colin are not enough to explain why I watch that movie every.damn.time it's on television.  I hate alien invasion stories, I find Bill Pullman one of the most boring actors on film, I hate cute little kids (well, all little kids, really) ... why do I watch this movie?  I can't explain it, but watch it I do.


And, yes, I am one of those people who in the midst of watching humans get wiped out right and left declared, "If Boomer (the dog) dies, I'm out of here."

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Every Friday night, my family settles in for pizza and a movie, sometimes with the kids friends. It's the perfect excuse to rewatch something dumb and silly. My go to for Friday night movies is The A-Team (with Liam Neeson, Bradley Cooper etc).  RED falls into that category for me, too. The plot makes no sense, the characters are flimsy, but I find them so damn enjoyable.

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*deep breath*


I have been known to re-watch the travesty known as the Step Up sequels. They are so fucking terribly done but damned if I don't enjoy most of the dance scenes. Do I redeem myself at all by clarifying that I fast forward through the 'plot' most of the time and sarcastically exchange lines of dialogue with my husband? :)


Also....ahem...Sex Drive. I truly can't explain the appeal; I wouldn't even know how. James Marsden as a raging, over-the-top, homophobic, over-compensating alpha-male, macho-man? Road trip to lose main character's virginity to his anonymous hottie cyber friend? Amish mechanic Seth Green antics?


It sounds (and is) rather ridiculous but dammit, I have re-watched this stupid thing many times. I'm not sure if it's the shock of seeing perennial nice guy Marsden act like a potty-mouthed douchebag, or the underlying sweetness of the 'love story' at its centre, or Clark Duke as the ridiculous OTT best friend who observes all the antics with an air of disbelieving amusement and snarky comments. It just somehow all combines and...works for me.

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I am just watching another.  And although I don't call it a "stupid" movie again (I don't like admitting I watch stupid movies, can you tell?), it is one that anytime I am going through the guide and I see it's on, I will watch it, whether it just started, or it's 5 minutes from ending.  But I will never CHOOSE to watch it, like rent it or anything.


What I love about this movie is that David Foster did the music.  The music I never ever get tired of. 


The Secret To My Success - with Michael J. Fox and Helen Slater (I seem to love movies with Helen Slater in them).


OMG, I just remembered another one, WITH Helen Slater - now this was a stupid movie!  ::giggle::  Ruthless People

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It took me a looooong long time, and he was way into his career, before I stopped shouting "IT'S HIM IT'S THOR!" everytime D'Onofrio showed up onscreen. I still think it to myself and giggle.


I was already too old for Can't Hardly Wait when it came out, but damn if I don't love it and watch it every lazy Saturday afternoon it pops onto my TV. It's fun to spot all the kids who would go on to (mostly) bigger and better things. Lauren Ambrose! Jason Segel! Donald Faison! (Turk and Travis together!)

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