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Grey's Anatomy in the Media: Incident Reporting

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Grey's tops all of TGIT once again.  Big big falls for Scandal and HTGAWM


GA- 2.2, down 0.2 (-8%) from last week, down -4% from the second episode back last year
Scandal- 1.7, down -19% from last week and -47% from the second episode back last year

HTGAWM- 1.4 down -22% from last week and -48% from the second episode back last year


I'm pretty sure this is Scandal's lowest ratings ever.


Half hours for anyone interested


GA- 2.1/2.2

Scandal- 1.8/1.7

HTGAWM- 1.5/1.4

Edited by Greysaddict
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Grey's tops all of TGIT once again.  Big big falls for Scandal and HTGAWM


GA- 2.2, down 0.2 (-8%) from last week, down -4% from the second episode back last year

Scandal- 1.7, down -19% from last week and -47% from the second episode back last year

HTGAWM- 1.4 down -22% from last week and -48% from the second episode back last year


Those drops for Scandal and HTGAWM are crazy, but I actually stopped watching Scandal this season. It's always been ridiculous, but it used to be entertaining. Now it just isn't. Grey's is remarkably steady. 

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Season 89 of Grey's here we come!  


Seriously though, its impressive how Grey's has remained so consistent.  Holy sh#@ that the 2 other TGIT shows lost just about half their audience from last year.  



I actually stopped watching Scandal this season


Same for me, I never returned for this season.

Edited by windsprints
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I haven't watched HTGAWM, but the thing I keep reading about it is that people hate that they really really have to pay attention or they won't know what's going on.

So, I guess that means Greys is the the most mindlessly entertaining of the 3?

Edited by CED9
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Ellen Pompeo is officially scheduled to be on Jimmy Kimmel tomorrow- unlike all the other rumored times. I have a feeling they are going to be announcing her contract status and Grey's status (and maybe some other contacts that are up as well) tomorrow before her appearance.

I've been assuming she is renewing but it also be a "farewell" final season thing.

This is just totally a guess and I flip flop back and forth which way she/they will go.

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Hmmm, maybe she will talk about signing back on. IMO, I don't see her (or ABC) talking about a final season yet even if they did know it would be. ABC just replaced Paul Lee and Grey's has been the most consistent player of the TGIT lineup (especially the past couple of weeks when the other 2 shows are bleeding viewers). I don't think they would want to concern advertisers that TGIT was losing Grey's right now even if its a year away and make public announcements. JMO.


I think she'll be talking about Meredith moving on with a new romance - Derek died almost 2 years ago (Grey's time), she just went through being attacked and is ready to begin living again. Get the audience prepared for her phase.


Of course she could talk about none of this and it be a total fluff appearance.

Edited by windsprints
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I think IF the show is ending (and its a big if), then it is solely due Ellen not re-signing for whatever reasons.  If they couldn't get Ellen to renew and thus are ending the show this would definitely be the time they would announce it now so they can get big $$$ for the final episodes.  As it stands they probably have limited commercial time left for April/May and they will definetely want top dollar for those episodes.


I also think its likely the casts' contracts got held up by the Ent President announcement so it seems like good timing to finalize/announce the renewals 


But you could be right and it could be none of this at all!  

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At this point I'd say there's basically 0% chance of Ellen not signing back on, whether it's for 1 year or 2. ABC will without-a-doubt pay her whatever she wants, basically. Grey's is still their most viable hit, and one of the most buzzed about and watched shows for young adults on TV. It seems that Ellen and Shonda both want to continue on with the show, which makes sense. Dempsey would not have been killed off last year if the they were ending it this year. We could have got a MerDer happy ending, no doubt. 


I think the appearance will be mostly fluff, but I wouldn't be surprised if they announced her contract soon. 

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I hope you are right BasOps.  I tend to agree with you.  I think Ellen is getting to do some of her best work in years this season and think she would want to continue that for at least one more. 


While I can see a scenario where they don't announce Ellen is leaving at the beginning of a season as they did with Sandra Oh, I don't see them waiting until now to announce that this is her last season....just a feeling, although having just watched last week's episode with all the flashbacks, I'm a bit unsettled as to what will be!


ETA:  For what it is worth regarding the new Entertainment President at ABC and what it means for Grey's, she has been an executive at ABC with strong ties to Shonda for several years.

Edited by pennben
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The Oprah interview where Shonda discussed Dempsey's departure and then Ellen's interview in Cosmo basically sealed the deal for me. Shonda said Ellen wanted to continue telling this story and essentially Patrick was ready to go - ie, they knew he wouldn't resign after 12. So if Ellen was feeling the same, then they would have just kept Patrick around and wrapped up their story together. Having him leave seems, to me at least, a relatively obvious sign that they wanted to continue the show and bring in new stories to keep it fresh. 

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Count me in as definitely thinking that Ellen will stay for at least a couple of seasons.  It really does seem that she and Shonda came to some kind of agreement during the PD stuff that she would stay and the show would focus more on Meredith in the way that HTGAM and Scandal focus on their leads.  Otherwise, I'm sure that Shonda/PD could have stuck it out for 1-2 more seasons to end the show with MerDer together.  


I do wonder about some of the others, especially with the 5 or so more characters added in the last two seasons.  Nothing will shock me at this point, but I do think that most of the originals will stay, along with JCap, JW and SD.  Not sure about Stephanie, Jo, Penny,   As for SaRa, I haven't always been the biggest Callie fan, but I am kind of afraid for the character if she decides to leave.  Shonda says she killed of Mark and Derek because they would never leave their kids voluntarily, so I wonder if she would make an exception for Callie.  She doesn't seem to love the idea of having someone simply offscreen and referred to every now and then.

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Count me in as definitely thinking that Ellen will stay for at least a couple of seasons.  It really does seem that she and Shonda came to some kind of agreement during the PD stuff that she would stay and the show would focus more on Meredith in the way that HTGAM and Scandal focus on their leads.  Otherwise, I'm sure that Shonda/PD could have stuck it out for 1-2 more seasons to end the show with MerDer together.  


I do wonder about some of the others, especially with the 5 or so more characters added in the last two seasons.  Nothing will shock me at this point, but I do think that most of the originals will stay, along with JCap, JW and SD.  Not sure about Stephanie, Jo, Penny,   As for SaRa, I haven't always been the biggest Callie fan, but I am kind of afraid for the character if she decides to leave.  Shonda says she killed of Mark and Derek because they would never leave their kids voluntarily, so I wonder if she would make an exception for Callie.  She doesn't seem to love the idea of having someone simply offscreen and referred to every now and then.


I've been thinking a lot about what will happen if Sara decides to leave. I agree that killing off Mark and Derek made the most sense, because to me it would have been nothing short of character assassination to have either of them just up and leave their kids. I don't think anyone was interested in seeing a Meredith / Derek divorce story. In my mind, that would have undercut 11 years of writing for them as a couple. With Sara, I don't know how how Shonda would approach it if she decided to leave. Would they really kill off such a long-running cast member just a year after Derek's death? I'm really not sure. I hope we don't have to see Callie die, but I also hope they don't find some obnoxious way to write her off with Penny and leave Sofia in a house with Arizona and Andrew (honestly, does Sofia even exist anymore?) I hope Sara signs back on and continues until the series wraps. I'd really love all of the original regulars to stick around, at this point. Anyone beyond that I could do without. 


Here's a general question: How do people feel about Grey's without Meredith? I know there are a lot of people who really don't enjoy her character - do you think the show would suffer without her? Or could they go on? To me, I think her departure would be the one thing that could totally kill the series ratings-wise and storywise. I just can't see it working without her at the center. 

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Here's a general question: How do people feel about Grey's without Meredith? I know there are a lot of people who really don't enjoy her character - do you think the show would suffer without her? Or could they go on? To me, I think her departure would be the one thing that could totally kill the series ratings-wise and storywise. I just can't see it working without her at the center. 

I think at one point it could have been possible (and was an actively contingency plan), somewhere around seasons 7 and 8.  With Calzona going strong, Lexie, Mark, Teddy, Owen, maybe Cristina (assuming things played out differently of course) and new intern class, I could have totally seen the show continuing on in that direction.  There was enough "meat" to keep the story focused on the hospital and doctors without Meredith (and Derek).  


As it stands now, I can't really see the show going on any further without Meredith.  She is, excuse the pun, the "sun" and the center of the show that ties everything together.  There is not enough substance on the show to keep it going, IMO of course.  This is purely a fault with the writing and not the characters themselves.  I think it could work with a lot of behind the scenes retooling, but I just don't see that happening with a 12 year old show.  

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If Sara does leave Callie doesn't have to leave Sofia.  Callie could move a couple of hours away. If they have Callie/Arizona have a custody agreement where Callie has Sofia during the week and Arizona has her on weekends there's also one less child to ignore. If they ever want to give Arizona an actual scene being a mother they could have Sofia there otherwise she's off with Callie.


I think the show could continue and probably do ok in the ratings. So many insisted the ratings would plummet when Patrick left (and MerDer fans with him) yet they barely blipped.  But, I think they will end it when Ellen leaves. She pretty much confirmed that in a recent interview:


Do you think much about the end of Grey's? Do you know how much longer you have in you?
I do think about it. I think about it a lot. And I can't really talk about my future plans, but yes, Shonda and I talk about it. We feel like we're in this together, and I think we don't want to do the show without each other. I think when either of us is ready, when we feel like it's time to wrap it up [we will]. When she feels like it's time to wrap it up, I'm happy to, and if I were to feel that way, she would probably be OK too. We have a good relationship in that way, and hopefully it's a decision we'll come to together.



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God, I hope Callie doesn't die, even though I'm not really a fan. Sofia has already lost a parent (which I didn't appreciate, Mark could have gone off with Lexie and still be involved in parenthood off-screen), losing two would be terrible. Especially since I've never really bought into Arizona as a mother. But on the other hand, the way things are going, it's doubtful whether Callie herself remembers she has a child. 


I wouldn't mind GA without Meredith, but I simply don't think it's happening at this point.

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well, windsprints, you were correct Ellen Pompeo's JKL interview was completely fluff.  She basically admitted she was forced to be there.  It was cute but definitely nothing of substance.  Youtube clips for anyone who wants to watch


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It was cute but definitely nothing of substance

You learned she loves her own ass ;)


I don't think I've ever seen an interview with her that wasn't mostly fluff (but I don't watch them all by any stretch). I thought she was half joking with JK about being there; teasing him. I think most actors on shows expect to do some appearances here and there.


I wish JK would have had her read some mean tweets (its something ongoing that he does on the show). It would have fit right in with the twitter discussion, lol.

Edited by windsprints
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You learned she loves her own ass ;)


I don't think I've ever seen an interview with her that wasn't mostly fluff (but I don't watch them all by any stretch). I thought she was half joking with JK about being there; teasing him. I think most actors on shows expect to do some appearances here and there.


I wish JK would have had her read some mean tweets (its something ongoing that he does on the show). It would have fit right in with the twitter discussion, lol.


The Tweets segments are filmed over time so that they can get a wide group of actors / musicians altogether, so it's possible that she read some backstage. I'd love to see her pop up in an upcoming Mean Tweets segment, too. 


I expected fluff, no one really goes on late night shows to talk about anything of substance. It's just to keep her name / the show out there. 

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Grey's Anatomy's Sarah Drew Talks 'Super Weird' Table Read, Closure for 'Japril' and... Missing Matthew?

TVLINE | Is this episode all Jackson and April?
It’s entirely Jackson and April. To the point where the other actors were exempt from coming to the table read. [Laughs] Other [characters] make small appearances, but it’s mainly just the two of them. We go back 12 years to when they were interns at Mercy West and met each other for the first time.


Japril aren't my favorites but I'm looking forward to watching the episode. It will be nice to see some depth on Grey's and have an episode that doesn't jump among 14 people. It gives me hope that perhaps they'll do the same for other characters too.

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Grey's Anatomy's Sarah Drew Talks 'Super Weird' Table Read, Closure for 'Japril' and... Missing Matthew?

Japril aren't my favorites but I'm looking forward to watching the episode. It will be nice to see some depth on Grey's and have an episode that doesn't jump among 14 people. It gives me hope that perhaps they'll do the same for other characters too.


Thanks for sharing. So this confirms the other actors will really only pop up in passing. On one hand, I love that we're getting a story in-depth that doesn't involve Amelia / Maggie, and I tend to like the more focused episodes because the storytelling is more organic and not so jumpy - but the other part of me knows that, realistically, they can't possibly do bubble episodes for every character that I think needs or deserves one. It also gets annoying when every other story is put on hold for weeks (this is our 2nd 'bubble' episode already out of just 3 since the show returned.) I wish that they weren't at a place that leaves so many characters so sidelined that they need these type of episodes. I'm starting to think Callie / Alex / Bailey / Ben / Jo / Arizona / Richard / Stef will continue to be after-thoughts this year, though I hope I'm wrong (except about Stef... I don't care about Stef at all.)

Edited by BaseOps
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wow, pretty crazy that only Sarah and Jesse were at the table read.  I am generally not a fan of "centric" episodes but I'm interested in this one because Japril, along with Jolex, are the ones who suffered the most from the mess of S11. 


 It also gets annoying when every other story is put on hold for weeks (this is our 2nd 'bubble' episode already out of just 3 since the show returned.) 


I totally get what you are saying, but at least it seems like there won't be any forward movement in time (time jumps) so we won't have the rest of the characters standing still while some select few are progressing.  That was the single biggest problem with the one year jump after Derek's death, IMO.  


I hope after this they get back to telling stories in linear fashion, where everything is happening simultaneously and no need for gimmicky flashbacks, time jumps or info dumps.   

Edited by Greysaddict
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I certainly don't begrudge Jackson and April this episode because they have been woefully ignored since last season and there are alot of holes to be filled in their storyline. So in that sense, it should be an interesting episode. But, I really have to wonder what these writers are thinking sometimes, between the time jumps, the unsatisfying "cliffhangers", the out of nowhere Meredith episode, 3 new characters coming in this season alone and now this completely centric episode. I'd like to think that they have a big picture master plan, but sadly, I don't.

ETA -it's also very posdible that there is a plan and I just don't like it.

Edited by Deanie87
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Variety: ‘Grey’s Anatomy’: Are April & Jackson Getting Divorced? ‘You Will Know Their Marital Status by End of Episode’

I'm starting to think Callie / Alex / Bailey / Ben / Jo / Arizona / Richard / Stef will continue to be after-thoughts this year


They were last year too. The show has chosen to focus on the sisters so as a result others are pushed into the background. As least this type of episode gives characters something. I wish they weren't needed too but I guess its a way to have a little story for others besides the 3.

it seems like there won't be any forward movement in time (time jumps) so we won't have the rest of the characters standing still while some select few are progressing.  That was the single biggest problem with the one year jump after Derek's death, IMO.


I agree and I'd add the 6 or so weeks jump in the last episode.  Focusing on just them for the one episode doesn't progress other stories but I think I prefer that to having others story cut into/revealed by some lame dialog shoved in to get back to the centric episode story. At least in theory, I may change my mind after the episode airs.

I really have to wonder what these writers are thinking sometimes, between the time jumps, the unsatisfying "cliffhangers", the out of nowhere Meredith episode, 3 new characters coming in this season alone and now this completely centric episode. I'd like to think that they have a big picture master plan, but sadly, I don't.


It does feel kind of like they're throwing everything out there and bouncing around. I hope its temporary. The first few episodes of this season were promising. Maybe there's just a few in the middle that are like this and it will be back on track.






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I haven't watched HTGAWM, but the thing I keep reading about it is that people hate that they really really have to pay attention or they won't know what's going on.

So, I guess that means Greys is the the most mindlessly entertaining of the 3?


That's my complaint with HTGAWM. By the time I've watched Greys and then Scandal, my mind begins to wander and I can't concentrate as much. HTGAWM requires too much attention to detail, or you're lost. Plus, aside from Viola Davis, the cast doesn't grab me or pull me in. They're all assholes. I've seriously TRIED. I just can't get into it.  A three hour block of Shondaland is just too much in one night. I get twitchy. I get up to do the dishes, or I start a game of Scrabble on my I-Pad. I lose interest by hour three. So, I'm okay with Grey's staying on in the earlier time slots, although I liked it better at 9:00 rather than 8. Scandal has become unwatchable, but I'm basically hanging in out of habit. Grey's will always be the reason my TV is on ABC on Thursdays. I DVR BBT. 

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That's my complaint with HTGAWM. By the time I've watched Greys and then Scandal, my mind begins to wander and I can't concentrate as much. HTGAWM requires too much attention to detail, or you're lost. 


If Grey's, Scandal, and HTGAWM each anchored a different night of the week, they would probably all be shows I regularly watch. Instead, I switch channels after Grey's. (I'm sick of Papa Pope on Scandal so I gave up on the show)

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Grey's did a 2.2 in the demo last night, up 0.1 from last week. I believe that will make it the top-rated drama in the demo on TV this week. 

Well...on network TV. Those zombies still 6ing it up.

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Not only was Grey's the highest rated drama (on broadcast) in the demo this week, but it was ABCs 2nd highest rated scripted series overall in the demo: 


-Modern Family: 2.6
-Grey's Anatomy: 2.2
-The Goldbergs: 2.1
-Real O'Neals: 1.8 & 1.9 (Double-episode series premiere) 
-The Family: 1.5 (Series premiere special airing)
-HTGAWM: 1.4
-Once Upon a Time: 1.3
-Castle: 1.1
-Quantico: 1.1
-Dr. Ken: 1.1
-Muppets: 0.9
-American Crime: 0.8
-The Family: 0.8 (Regular timeslot) 
-Agent Carter: 0.7

Edited by BaseOps
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Well the media is picking it up and reporting it, so I hope he means it lol! Otherwise maybe Shonda will suspend him for leaking a spoiler lol!

I'm actually kind of disappointed if it's true though I figured he would and don't blame him it's a great gig.

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I'm not trying to get into politics here (we all need are safe zones from this year's mess), but I just saw this and found it interesting, Viola, Ellen, Kerry and Shonda in a commercial supporting Clinton.  I've seen actors support candidates before, I'm not sure I've seen a cross platform endorsement like this before. 

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2.1 for Grey's this week, down .1 and 5% but still miles ahead of Scandal (1.6) and HTGAWM (1.4).  Also it was even with the same day last year.  


Pretty crazy that there's no erosion at all from this time last year. Scandal is down 41%. 

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Ooof, Scandal ratings have just really dropped over this past year, HTGAWM I think has generally been where it's at for awhile.  Glad to see Grey's holding steady.


HTGAWM has actually dropped a lot too. It was pulling just shy of 3.0s this time last year, but it's been in a steady decline since it came back. It fell below a 2.0 for the first time around the end of October and has been free-falling since (aside from the mid-season finale.) 

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Interesting, I felt like HTGAWM shot out of a cannon at the beginning and fell to earth rather promptly.  This reminds me not to go solely based on my recollections when talking about facts:)

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Ellen Pompeo Interview


Maybe they've decided on an end date, maybe next season?

ADTV: I was reading Paul Lee’s comment: “There’s no end in sight for Greys.” Are you happy to play Meredith for as long as it runs?

EP: No. I wouldn’t say forever and there’s no end in sight. I can’t talk about specifics, but I think Shonda and I want to end the show on a high note. There is an end in sight for sure. It’s not this season.


She didn't know?

ADTV: You sure do. You mentioned social media, so many fans have said they’d like to see Meredith and Alex get together. How do you feel about that?
EP: Oh do they? I didn’t know that.


She seemed to know in an interview in February:

A lot of fans have latched onto the idea of Meredith and Alex getting together at some point. Is that something you could ever see happening?
I don't know how much I can really say — because I don't want to get fired!
Edited by windsprints
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Interesting.  Are that many fans really clamoring for a Mer/Alex hook up?  I know that there are some, but it still seems like most want it to stay platonic.  I don't like how cagey EP is being about that (simply because I don't want any whiff of a hook up).  But I do like the fact that there does seem to be some end plan in mind.  My guess is 15.  Its a nice number and it beats ER.

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Interesting. Are that many fans really clamoring for a Mer/Alex hook up? I know that there are some, but it still seems like most want it to stay platonic. I don't like how cagey EP is being about that (simply because I don't want any whiff of a hook up). But I do like the fact that there does seem to be some end plan in mind. My guess is 15. Its a nice number and it beats ER.

I don't do twitter but it seems like that TVLine guy is clamoring more than anybody and a good portion of the comments section seem to prefer them as friends.

I could see 15.

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