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S02.E08: Unaware in Delaware

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Maybe Craig IS depressed, good call. I started thinking about how he has such a flat effect to him. His voice has such a drone to it, never any change of tone. He was like that even when he went home to visit his parents who clearly love him a ton. Also, after being fired he went right home and poured himself a glass of wine! He definitely, 200 percent, has alcohol issues. He's way too skinny and his face is craggy. He needs real help. This isn't just about not taking the bar.


I feel bad for Craig but...he also remains a douche. Watching him walk into Akim's-I hate that cocky walk and his slicked back hair and slick, "aren't-I-all-that?" smirky smile. Ugh. He thought Akim was going to give him a huge compliment and promotion and got his Cheshire Cat grin on and then, BAM, fired. So deserved it. He is one over-entitled asshole. I guess all of his "accolades" growing up did it.


Kathryn scares me. The more I see of her and think about all the past episodes, she's a creepy character. In her THs she always looks half-crazed. Her eyes get really big and she blinks a lot and gives these evil looks when talking about Thomas. Woah there.


In the opening credits, with the song, Thomas looks SO sexy, the way he looks at the camera and then Kathryn as he gets reprimanded by her. TRav may be a jerk but I certainly see why the ladies flock to him and why he has more honeys than any honeybee.

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I caught a rerun today and episodes are being edited after they've aired!   My favorite part of the last episode (which I commented on) was when Shep hit Craig under the table after he cut off Patricia's story.  It wasn't there when I watched the rerun this morning!  The editing monkeys got rid of it.  I'm so intrigued by this; I wonder why they would do that, in that particular scene, and who was behind it being cut?


I have noticed this too!! I am wondering if Whitney or someone sees the final version on TV and freaks out, calls Bravo and insists they fix it. There were dubbed voiceovers of Kathryn when she walked out on that dinner with Thomas a couple of episodes ago. In the re-do, she said "you can take care of your baby tonight" or something that she didn't say in the previous version. I'm glad I've got all the originals on DVR.

I think Craig is also scared. He even said he has pretty much done what he wanted to with no consequence. Everybody tried to tell him he was going to get fired but he never really thought that was an option. Taking the exam didn't seem like a big deal to him, either. He would do it when he got around to it. Study? Why? He's got it aced already, in his mind.

Now that he's seeing there are consequences, he's scared. He's seeing what everybody is saying coming true. It's a big change for him. He's not used to having doubt. I think he is scared if he doesn't pass this one last HUGE test, he's never going to hear the end of "I tried to tell you...".

I also think he thought Whitney and Shep agreed to a visit with his family and NOT bring up being fired on camera out of respect for his parents. He thought he was going to get to tell them privately but oh no, piece of shit Whitney was getting that footage come hell or high water. Whitney is such a douche. Shep was supportive and seemed surprised about how things were going when he was speaking with Cam, as well. Craig looked like he was being kicked while he was down, in front of his parents to boot! TRav may have not "bitch-slapped" Whitney but I hope Craig does. And I don't even really like Craig.

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Did anyone notice how they had Cameran trapped behind her desk in her office? The desk was jammed in between the couch and the wall! Nice job, Bravo production staff! Cameran said on Twitter that it was done for filming and that her real office wouldn't allow filming there. I also loved the shot of those ugly black shoes Cameran was wearing.

Did anyone notice how they had Cameran trapped behind her desk in her office? The desk was jammed in between the couch and the wall! Nice job, Bravo production staff! Cameran said on Twitter that it was done for filming and that her real office wouldn't allow filming there. I also loved the shot of those ugly black shoes Cameran was wearing.

Interesting. So she doesn't work out of her mother's office. Nor does Thomas live in the house with Kathryn. Does anyone live where they shoot? LOL

So much of the actual reality of this show is posted by the cast members themselves on social media that I don't get why the Bravo monkeys insist on creating these weird facades. I've been a little disappointed with this season because I've seen their posts and have a rough-ish idea about what they were and are up to. Just shoot straight, Bravo.

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Well, there is reality and then there are the constraints on reality. Showing Kathryn and Thomas living together, but not spending much time in the same house, is one thing sorta. We get that they're drifting way apart. Then there's the fact that Cameran's firm won't allow cameras in. Yes, she could have said that why she was at her mom's office, but I think her "I don't get an office until I do so much in sales" was ok. 


I think it's fun to watch the show and then read the back story and "truth" via social media and news articles. This is the only show where I'm interested in doing that. The free bonus extras like Thomas' post-show Facebook rants (which are subsequently deleted when he sobers up) just add to the fun.

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Whitney is such a douche.  What has he really done with his life that wasn't financed (most likely) by his mother?  And for all the airs they put on about being Southern gentility, he was flat out rude.  I don't care if you're sitting down at dinner with the biggest asshole in the world, anyone with real manners wouldn't say a thing.  Years ago, at a company Christmas party, this obnoxious guy (date of some woman in the office) was at our table.  He went off on a political rant.  The wife of one of the partners of the business, who was at the table, said well that's wonderful you have such strong opinions; some people agree with you and I'm sure some do not.  End of conversation.  She didn't say out right - hey douche lord - shut up!  That is how someone who has class and manners handles idiots.


And if Craig is depressed, that is no way to handle it.  Sure, let's shame a depressed person.  Why not be an adult, maybe have a conversation with his parents and maybe him in private (yeah, I know it's a reality show, but he didn't need to do it with everyone at the dinner table).


Whitney is so socially awkward.  I had to look up his "girlfriend".  She's very young, younger than Kathryn I believe.  There's no way they are a real couple, other than to advance each other's "careers".    I don't care how much money his mother has, he'd have to degrease his hair, update his wardrobe (Miami Vice just called and even they said you need to burn your outfits), maybe press his clothes a bit, and have a personality upgrade.  There would still be his undying love for Thomas in the way, so alas, it'd never work.

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It was funny when Whitney said it was hard for him because he is ready to settle down and Larissa is in a totally different stage of life. Such BS. If he really was looking to settle down, he wouldn't pull a TRav and date a 21 year old-who lives in EUROPE!! We're smarter than that Whit.


I guess I shouldn't have called Kathryn a creepy character, too harsh. However, I do find her unbelievably angry and also conniving and cold. She wasn't madly in love with Thomas. She got knocked up to be supported for life by some "old" rich dude. The reason she is so pissed off is because she thought he was a sap-with-a-felony and no one else to love him. That he would worship the ground she walked on just for giving him the time of day. She thought he would just cater to her 24/7, kissing her ass and present her with a huge rock. That didn't happen and now she's enraged.


If only we could have a "Sliding Doors" time warp and see what Kathryn's life would be like if instead WHITNEY hadn't used a condom and had impregnated her. She would be living with Pat and summoning the butler to change Kensie's diaper. Meanwhile Whitney would be jamming in the studio with Renob while Kathryn drowned her sorrows with Ian Fleming's nephew's martinis.

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I guess I shouldn't have called Kathryn a creepy character, too harsh. However, I do find her unbelievably angry and also conniving and cold. She wasn't madly in love with Thomas. She got knocked up to be supported for life by some "old" rich dude. The reason she is so pissed off is because she thought he was a sap-with-a-felony and no one else to love him. That he would worship the ground she walked on just for giving him the time of day. She thought he would just cater to her 24/7, kissing her ass and present her with a huge rock. That didn't happen and now she's enraged.


Yes, and she was going to be Thomas' trophy wife and wield Thomas' money all around Charleston.  I'm sure there was also a little bit of "Scarlett O'Hara marries Frank Kennedy to save Tara" in there as an added bonus.  Her family has the name, they just need the money.  I'm sure it's nothing little Kensington can't fix later on.  As much as Thomas annoys me at times, last season I did see in him a vulnerability when it came to finding love.  Maybe now he's learned a lesson: quit looking for "scions" and go for the golf cart girl you fall in love with. 

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I caught a rerun today and episodes are being edited after they've aired!   My favorite part of the last episode (which I commented on) was when Shep hit Craig under the table after he cut off Patricia's story.  It wasn't there when I watched the rerun this morning!  The editing monkeys got rid of it.  I'm so intrigued by this; I wonder why they would do that, in that particular scene, and who was behind it being cut?


Was it slotted as a full hour runtime (including commercials)? Bravo tends to do a lot of various runtimes on their shows. The premiere might be "super-sized" and add, say 11 minutes, which they will never show again. Then most shows are an hour, but if they have a "First Look" of a different show, then they'll edit the show that follows down to end on the next hour. I had that issue last night. I had missed the premiere of RHNY and was glad to see that they had a rerun on. However, the rerun started at 7 minutes after the hour, so I was left wondering what exciting things I may have missed in those 7 cut minutes! I've even seen them edit off by 2-3 minutes to show some special look type commercial, which might not be apparent that it's a shorter episode.

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I just don't get the whole thing about how gorgeous Kensington is. Most babies are adorable. It's part of their survival mechanism so when they scream and cry and throw up while keeping you up all night you don't hurl them down the stairs (kidding...am I?). There's no guarantee she's going to grow up as this amazing beauty just because she's a cute baby, or because she came from Kathryn and Thomas. She might end up taking after some other plainer relative we'll never see.


Whitney being a douche at Craig's parents' house was no surprise to me. That's what douches do. They act douchey, and take pleasure in making people miserable and/or uncomfortable. I've known guys like Whitney (attitude wise, not so much an heir to millions) and that's how they are.


I agree with Craig missing his window on male modeling. Especially if he's under 6ft, which it seems that he might be...or TRav is a giant. I dunno. Or even care. The excessive drinking has done a number on his complexion too, and he's rail thin. That works with female models, but most male models are more buff. Think David Beckham or even Tyson Beckford. Even the guys from VPR claiming to be models and mactors or whatever in their thirties was questionable, so Craig doing Cooper's hokey local "Charleston style" fashion show means nothing in the modeling world. Whoever said before that Craig's probably been pretty taken care of, probably aced everything he's done so far in his life, and has never had to worry about consequences to any of his bad behavior/slacking off - and now that he's been fired by Akim (which did seem to take him by surprise, I don't doubt he was lured there under some other premise) he's freaking out. Cos we didn't see him actually admit it til later, but I think he finally just got it that he's not on par with Whitney or Shep or TRav when it comes to money. Sure, his family seems to have a nice home in DE, but that's not Charleston....and they don't look to be millionaires or have a secret trust fund waiting for Craig. I'm sure this show isn't doing much more than payin' the bills, and it's obvious Craig is jealous of the other guys' lifestyles and is dying to find a quick way to keep up. Maybe he thought doing law school would turn him into this high powered, rich attorney....but that doesn't happen right out of law school. Hell, and none of that will ever happen because you have to pass the damn Bar Exam first!! No one is an established, rich attorney fresh out of school, just the same way no plastic surgeon's are "McNamara & Troy" caliber doctors straight out of med school. That shit takes years, and work...and motivation. Which (right now) Craig seems to have none of. He'd rather sit in his dirty ass apartment (probably with "those girls who helped him clean it up") and drink a case of beer. Or go out on the town without his wallet and charm girls (or harangue friends, like Shep) to buy him drinks. Dude's in for a rude awakening, and soon if he doesn't figure something out. He'd probably do best to move back up  north. In Charleston he's a small fish in a big ocean, full of guys like Whitney and Shep....the real rich people. If he went back to DE, passed the Bar, he could probably be at least a medium fish in a medium pond. His obvious trying to keep up with the Joneses' just isn't going to work as things are now. Too damn bad man, you're (probably upper) middle class. Deal with it.

What a first-world problem to have, seriously.

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I got the impression that the blonde girl Shep invited to dinner was someone he knew from that area, and had known her for a good while.

I did, too, and that he cleared it with Craig, who also had probably cleared it with the parents of the additional guest, and Shep was formally asking them to be polite.


Also, why does Shep need ambitions when he has an income for life? As long as he is engaged with what's going on in the world, can hold his own in an intelligent conversation and that sort of thing, I wouldn't care. He also has a small business that may grow into something bigger. And he has been employed in life, as in when he was Criag's age. I don't think he needs to take on a job just for the sake of it that could benefit someone who actually needs to earn an income.


Also, for all we know, Shep may be starting to settle down but doesn't want his courtship to play out on TV

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Fenwick Island, DE ain't all that. It's a beach town that pretty much closes down for the winter. I remember back in the 70s when it was nothing but sand dunes. Craig could possibly be a big fish in a small town being a lawyer there but there wouldn't be much bar hopping in the winter and I think that's what Craig is interested in. Even stores and some of the restaurants are closed in the winter. Craig could write wills or work for his father.

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Even if not Fenwick Island, DE has other towns too, I wasn't implying he should move "home" home, just back up north where he'd be more on the level with the people he'd be socializing with. I dunno about anyone else, but I wouldn't meet someone like Paris Hilton and think in any world I'd be able to keep up with her financially or socially. And that is more or less what Craig is trying to do in Charleston. Cameran is more successful than Craig is, hell, in a way so is Kathryn. She may not have a ring on her finger, but she's tied to Thomas for the rest of their lives, and he can't deny that. Craig just isn't that type of person, even though he desperately wants to be. It's like he's a groupie, almost.

Edited by fliptopbox
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I had to laugh at Craig's retelling of his 'transition' from his old job. Did he not realize that his parents were going to see the real story?


I think Craig needs to stop whining about what Shep and Whitney can do. Not only do that have a decade or two on Craig, but they were raised with money. They can afford to fool around with hot dog restaurants and stupid bands and go out drinking whenever they want. Craig cannot. I do think he's burnt out and needed time to regroup and that's fair - I know what it is to continue your education without a break and it can be brutal on your body mentally and physically. Craig is 26 so he went straight to law school after undergrad. But after he regroups, I hope tries to figure out his real passion. He doesn't have to work for a law firm - he could use that degree for something else. It might be a good thing for him to relocate...I can tell he was the star when he was younger and now he's in a situation where he's 'inferior' to everyone around him. I think that's a blow to his ego.

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Fenwick Island, DE ain't all that. It's a beach town that pretty much closes down for the winter. I remember back in the 70s when it was nothing but sand dunes. Craig could possibly be a big fish in a small town being a lawyer there but there wouldn't be much bar hopping in the winter and I think that's what Craig is interested in. Even stores and some of the restaurants are closed in the winter. Craig could write wills or work for his father.


He seems like he would live for Dewey Beach a.k.a. Party Town USA, but even Dewey closes for the winter.

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I'm thinking Craig does not have his license as others are saying/hinting.  Remember his remark that he would try to get to the boss' on time?  He was driven.  Maybe it was Uber?   Something is not adding up.  If he does not have his license, his parents are well aware he has a "problem."  This little detail going wholly unmentioned would be a classic Bravo misdirection.


I fully agree that Whitney's motives were not pure.  In order, I saw him acting out of concern for the tension/drama needs of the show, his general bitterness, and then some concern for Craig and his family.  So what?  The bottom line is that his parents, who have been enabling him (wittingly or not) HAD to hear truth.  With alcoholism running through their family histories, they will know full and damn well what it takes to nip it in the bud.  LET THE ALCOHOLIC FIND THEIR BOTTOM!  Propping them up only adds to the misery of all.  If one wants a family member addict to come back, one must let go.  Completely.  The tragic truth is that addict took over the beloved family member who is forever lost absent one heck of an amount of difficult work/sacrifice, or even a miracle.  


In terms of career, he supposedly has a passion for standing at the bars of justice.  Fair enough.  However, if he more wanted to use his social skills, he could still carve out one heck of a legal career as a rainmaker (bringing in and schmoozing clients).  He just needs to get his license with passage of a given state bar exam.


Jekyll and St. Simon Islands are really nice.  A boatload of some the oldest money in the USA built "cottages" there.  I look forward to the next ep.

Maybe he has a Delaware license, but no SC driver's license (??).

A few years ago, this could be the case. But since the federal government opened all driving records between all the states, it's not likely. You can't just get a license suspended in one state and have a valid one in another anymore.

My daughter can't get a PA license because she has an unpaid ticket in West Virginia for speeding. She still drives on a valid Florida one for now, though (Lives in PA)

Craig must just not have a car and bums rides, I think.

I'm wary of flinging around drug allegations, but I'm wondering if there aren't some heavier substances in Craig's life...the drastic weight loss from S1 to S2, saying he was awake for 3 days straight, etc. I think the best thing for him would be to step away from reality TV, but unfortunately, I think he's tasted that forbidden fruit and is hooked on the perks it gets him.

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Yeah this doesn't matter at all. A valid license in one state is valid in any state. I still have a VA license even though I haven't lived there in ~5 years. 


I think he just doesn't have a car in SC. 


My sister lives in California but she's kept her Delaware license even though she hasn't lived here in two years. 


Craig probably doesn't have a car because he doesn't need one where he leaves. In Delaware, you NEED a car, especially in Slower Lower. The transit system is terrible.

I always called my friends parents Mr and Mrs. Still do. I've even had conversations with friends about no one ever calling us Mr. Or Mrs. Even 6 year olds call you by your first name now. I know I sound like an old duck, and I am, but I think it shows respect. Your friends' parents are not your equal when you're a kid. In Whitney's case, of course, he's closer to Craig's parents age than Craig's age but he obviously was taught manners.

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Cameran was absolutely right that Whitney should have voiced his concerns to Craig's parents in private. But.... were they wearing jeans on the golf course?!?!?!?!?


Bugs me also when someone introduces an adult by first name to a child - I am Auntie [First Name] to children of good friends and Mrs. Glowlights to the rest, thank you very much.


I think there's a lot of over-dramatizing going on here with Craig.  I was in exactly the same position as him at his age.  Craig is still very young & has plenty of time to get his life together.



Same here. That's what your 20s are for. The way the others are pearl-clutching over him, you'd think he was a homeless meth addict selling himself on the street for VIP room access.


And snitches get stiches, Whitney! Who are you to narc on Craig to his parents?


ETA: In the south, you're raised (or at least I was) to address parents as Mr. and Mrs. so-and-so, until they say, "Call me Bob!" It's considered good manners.

Edited by missy jo

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