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S08.E23: The Maternal Combustion

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Bernadette should relate housework into something Leonard can relate to, and that is sex.  I once told my hubby that the sexiest thing a man can do is to unload the dishwasher!  ;)    Unfortunately for Bernadette, Howard's learned behavior of having a woman take care of everything for him his whole life is going to be something she'll have a hard time undoing.  I have found that nagging is not the way to go in this situation.  Saying "would you mind...." vs. "you never do blah, blah, blah..." is a more effective approach in some situations.  YMMV.


I want to share this moment with you," as it is, "you've done something extraordinary and are being rewarded for it. Let me come crap on it."

Sadly, she's the ultimate party pooper.  It would be awful to grow up in a household in which you felt like you were some kind of lab rat.  That's how his childhood comes across to me. 

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I think they crossed the line with her from detached and overly rational to downright cruel and stupid. And that isn't funny at all.



"you've done something extraordinary and are being rewarded for it. Let me come crap on it."


That's pretty much it. Why was she even there?


I got her idea that if one of her kids accomplishes something it's not for her to be proud of. But this time, she has no problem being proud of her other son. To me, that makes a huge difference in her characterization and was underlined with Leonard's mention that she doesn't like him. If they can't write her as before, I'd rather she doesn't show up again.

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This was the best episode in a long time, IMO.  I know the mothers' sniping was predictable, but I still found it funny (Mary's anyway).  As a former resident of Texas, her comment about shooting tickled me.  What surprised me was her comment to Penny about God considering a couple married once they lay together....that ain't the way I remember it.  :)  The best line, though, was her response to Sheldon's question about what the lions are on Noah's Ark.  Beverly was portrayed worse than usual.  I know the moms' visits are few and far between, but I am hoping for some character growth if/when Bev shows up again. 


I wasn't bothered by the sing-a-long at the end....actually go a smile from it.  It seems fitting to me that Raj would know the song and I could definitely see Howard knowing it, as well.  Stewart is such an unknown due to retconning and lack of character expansion, I am just pretending he loves musicals and leaving it at that. 

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This was the best episode in a long time, IMO.  I know the mothers' sniping was predictable, but I still found it funny (Mary's anyway).  As a former resident of Texas, her comment about shooting tickled me.  What surprised me was her comment to Penny about God considering a couple married once they lay together....that ain't the way I remember it.  :)  The best line, though, was her response to Sheldon's question about what the lions are on Noah's Ark.  Beverly was portrayed worse than usual.  I know the moms' visits are few and far between, but I am hoping for some character growth if/when Bev shows up again. 



I love that Mary always has a reply for when Sheldon questions her faith. You know she must have gotten plenty of practice when he was growing up. It's also nice to see a character (particularly one in a sitcom) not only being religious but being comfortable with it and yet not over-the-top.

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Given the potential that they had with Baranski and Metcalfe, it was a disappointment.  The appearance of the moms are one of the highlights of the show.  The one where Beverly gets drunk with Penny is among my favorites because it shows that she can loosen up.  This episode felt flat and rushed. 


I did like the b plot with Bernadette and the man-children.  She didn't go into sitcom naggy shrew territory to get them pull their weight around the house. 

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Sitcom characters become their quirks, they get more extreme as the show goes on. WIth recurring characters like Leonard's mom, they just have to keep topping themselves. There's no sense getting upset about it, IMHO.


I still enjoy her because

1) Christine Baranski is just so very good, even her body language has so many details that are just perfect.

2) I still see it as a parody of Brenda's parents from Six Feet Under and that still delights me.


I thought thirteen was way too old for Sheldon's mom to realize how gifted he was, and stealing the radioactive boy scout story was not very creative and the details they added like buying the yellowcake were just dumb.

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The conversation between her and Sheldon about her parenting style was confusing and didn't really seem to fit. He said she gave affection as a reward for accomplishment, but she didn't want to give him any affection or even congratulations for this accomplishment, which has garnered impressive recognition and the genesis of which was his revelation. So, if there is nothing for this, and she called him a greedy baby for needing her as an infant, when has there ever been any? It seems like the reason for her visit is not so much, "wow, congratulations! I want to share this moment with you," as it is, "you've done something extraordinary and are being rewarded for it. Let me come crap on it."

I figure she thinks Sheldon really did all the important work and that Leonard is just a tag-a-long. Sheldon craps rainbow scientific math formulas as far as she is concerned. Leonard could win a Nobel Prize and still not be good enough. She's just a horrible mother and a horrible person. Leonard really is better just cutting her out of his life.
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Totally agree, but my point was just that the hypothesis didn't seem to line up, as I don't recall ever hearing anything about affection at all, whether for accomplishment, or not. It's possible she doesn't see anything he does as an actual accomplishment.

Edited by LADreamr
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I got her idea that if one of her kids accomplishes something it's not for her to be proud of. But this time, she has no problem being proud of her other son. To me, that makes a huge difference in her characterization and was underlined with Leonard's mention that she doesn't like him. If they can't write her as before, I'd rather she doesn't show up again.


Totally agree, but my point was just that the hypothesis didn't seem to line up, as I don't recall ever hearing anything about affection at all, whether for accomplishment, or not. It's possible she doesn't see anything he does as an actual accomplishment.

I think her attitude could have worked this time, but wasn't quite executed right. I was going to say, her previous detachment isn't necessarily contradictory to her ever being proud of her children, although I liked that that seemed to be her attitude in the past and know several people who are much of the "why, he did it, not me" school of thought. Yet it also seems plausible Beverly also very very rarely finds what her children do something that's actually impressive. For example, before Leonard's work was derivative of the Italians? Right, so she's not impressed by that. She could've also not been impressed by this, except that since Sheldon was involved she was and she can't in one moment find it impressive and in another not. Which shows actual bias to Leonard and not just extremely high standards for what's worthy of praise. And I mean, I know that was the point: she was biased even though she's always insisted she's not, but that's what brought it into not funny for me.

I don't know that I really want to see Leonard's siblings, but in my mind, the whole "needy baby greedy baby" thing could make a ton of sense, if say, his siblings just happened to thrive with Beverly exactly as she is and didn't find her to be lacking in affection or anything, even if she did actually treat them similarly. ie, if someone had said to the brother "your mother must be proud", he might say "why, she didn't do <whatever thing she's supposed to be proud of him for>?". But Leonard never saw it that way for whatever reason. Like if the siblings' personalities seem more straightforward, less severe than their mother's, Leonard might assume they want and got what he didn't from her, when really they were just perfectly happy as is and didn't want or need what he did.

But if it really were her heaping praise on everyone else, then not only does it go into cruel territory, it also makes less sense.

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I don't know that I really want to see Leonard's siblings, but in my mind, the whole "needy baby greedy baby" thing could make a ton of sense, if say, his siblings just happened to thrive with Beverly exactly as she is and didn't find her to be lacking in affection or anything, even if she did actually treat them similarly. ie, if someone had said to the brother "your mother must be proud", he might say "why, she didn't do <whatever thing she's supposed to be proud of him for>?". But Leonard never saw it that way for whatever reason. Like if the siblings' personalities seem more straightforward, less severe than their mother's, Leonard might assume they want and got what he didn't from her, when really they were just perfectly happy as is and didn't want or need what he did.

But if it really were her heaping praise on everyone else, then not only does it go into cruel territory, it also makes less sense.

I get how different kids have different personalities. What one might shrug off might reduce another to tears. But I believe the one of the marks of a *good* parent is to recognize those personalities and deal with with each child base on that. Parenting isn't a 'one-size fits all' deal (unless you only have one kid). I see that as one of Bev's principal failures as a parent: her inability to see to see her kids as thinking, breathing individuals and recognize that each should be dealt with accordingly.

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But I believe the one of the marks of a *good* parent is to recognize those personalities and deal with with each child base on that.



I've always thought that was rather the point.  That Beverly isn't a good parent and yet she is considered an authority on parenting.  Somewhat a "those who can, do, those who can't, teach" kind of thing.  Her take on parenting has always been played for horrified laughs IMO.


I do think the writers have been somewhat consistent in the way they portray Beverly as being prouder of her older children than she is of Leonard.  There was the episode where Leonard talks about positive encouragement helping a plant grow and says that his brother is 6 ft tall (something along those lines) and I seem to recall a few other times when Beverly compares Leonard unfavourably to his brother. 

Edited by CherryAmes
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I agree about how long they were taking on a pretty simple task, but I got a kick out of it anyway because it expresses how they really are - boys in men's bodies, all three.  At least Leonard and Sheldon do their own housework and keep their place clean, neat, and tidy. 

I thought it was a little bit out of character for Stuart who seemed to be the perfect caretaker when he lived with Howard's mother. 


But that wouldn't be the first time as Stuart was far more put together when we first met him than he became once his presence grew on the show. 


I don't particularly care about the characters anymore so Christine Baranski cracked me up even if she was a horrible mother.

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I would love to meet Leonard's father at some point.  John Goodman, please do a guest shot!!!!!!  He can pull off any role, and I always enjoyed his chemistry with Johnny.  Didn't Leonard's parents divorce a few years ago?  (Wasn't that why his mother went out with Penny and got drunk?)  If so, Roseanne could play a stepmom  who is warm and loving towards him.

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Given the potential that they had with Baranski and Metcalfe, it was a disappointment.  The appearance of the moms are one of the highlights of the show.


I too love the visits from the mothers and, while it was funny, it was not the comedy gold it should have been. This is consistent with the season, where the writing has been weak, even when they have good ideas for episodes.  Beverly's lines were particularly weak, while Mary at least got a few good ones in..especially the one about the bodies of dead sinners.

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Stewart is such an unknown due to retconning and lack of character expansion, I am just pretending he loves musicals and leaving it at that.

He and Raj were about to go to a Sound of Music sing-along when Howard stopped by after returning from space and he didn't suggest Howard go in his place, so that's a reasonable presumption.

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He doesn't need to change who he is, but its not unreasonable for her to expect him to contribute in the household duties.  I'm glad she told the boys that they need to help out around the house.


I definitely agree. He's part of a household now, he should help.  He's been living with her quite a while... he should understand helping out.  But, between the two of them, they earn enough money that they should/could just hire a housekeeper. I presume the Wolowitz house was paid off (or nearly so). There were probably estate taxes, but now they own a house (possibly mortgage free or with a pretty low mortgage payment since that was his childhood home), just hire someone and be done with that argument. It would save Bernadette a lot of aggravation. (Of course since this is a sitcom this will not happen. What's there for Bernie and Howie to do if not snipe at each other)

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While I agree that hiring a housekeeper or even a Molly Maid to come in once or twice an week should not be an expense they could not meet it still wouldn't resolve basic stuff like Howard not lifting a damn finger to help himself.  I'm betting he can't even put the cap back on the toothpaste tube or put his own socks in the hamper without feeling like he's hard done by.

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You know? After watching this episode and the one where Penny was in CC and a couple of her texts wereLeonard's mom's books?

I kinda wonder if Leonard wasn't an "oops" baby. It seems to me, that she never wanted him. At all. I think his Brother and Sister were well planned, wanted,nurtured, and (as much as she's capable of the emotion) loved, but not Leonard. I think she got pregnant by accident and instead of aborting the fetus, decided to use it as  fodder for her books, papers, research, experiments, etc.


I say that, because you never ever hear about her "writing books" about her "other" children. Only Leonard, and he's so much younger than his brother/sister.


I think whomever referred to Leonard as his mom's Labrat was right on the money.



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Actually I'm pretty certain Leonard is the middle sibling (his mother refers to his "younger brother Michael" in her first episode), but that doesn't mean he was planned or wanted.



They must have changed their minds since that first episode (or forgot) as there are a few mentions in subsequent episodes that Leonard's brother is older than he is.  The first example that comes to mind is the one where Leonard talks about the science fair where he won a ribbon for an  experiment but his mother pointed out that it was the same basic experiment that his older brother had already done so Leonard gave the prize back. 

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I think she got pregnant by accident and instead of aborting the fetus, decided to use it as  fodder for her books, papers, research, experiments, etc.

On her first visit, Beverley said that, except for the wedding night, she and Leonard's father only had intercourse for the purpose of reproduction, so it wouldn't have been an accident. It's possible she was talked into having a child at a time she didn't want one.



They must have changed their minds since that first episode (or forgot) as there are a few mentions in subsequent episodes that Leonard's brother is older than he is.

I suspect Leonard actually has at least two brothers. When Sheldon asked Leonard's mother about his "incredibly successful brother and sister", she refers to his "younger brother, Michael" but doesn't feel a need to be as precise about his sister. That's consistent with Leonard having only one sister, and at least one older and one younger brother, with only the sister and one younger brother being "incredibly successful". It's unclear whether saying "Michael" was for the purpose of providing additional information or a clarification, so I'm not sure if Leonard has more than one younger brother. Leonard isn't as precise in speaking, but his references to his older brother implied he only has the one.

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Including the theme song, this episode was 18:34 minutes long. That is incredibly short.

Kaley, Jim, and Johnny are now each getting $1 million per episode and Kunar and Simon combined are over 1$ million. Factor in the cost of the other cast members, plus paying everyone behind the scenes, this show is VERY expensive, and they need to sell as much commercial time as possible.

I'm not in favor of the shorter shows, but I see why they are happening.

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Maybe but I am noticing a lot of commercials in other shows where the stars are nowhere as highly paid as the stars on this one are.  Sometimes so many commercials that I forget what show I was watching by the time it finally comes back on!  BBT may be bad for this but it's far from alone.  Shorter shows and way more commercials seem the be the answer to people not watching mainstream TV as much as they used to.  Yeah, I don't get it either.

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I would love to meet Leonard's father at some point.  John Goodman, please do a guest shot!!!!!!  He can pull off any role, and I always enjoyed his chemistry with Johnny.  Didn't Leonard's parents divorce a few years ago?  (Wasn't that why his mother went out with Penny and got drunk?)  If so, Roseanne could play a stepmom  who is warm and loving towards him.

I've said this before--John Goodman needs to play Sheldon's father (in a flashback, of course) and Roseann needs to play Penny's mother. Both parents were said to be overweight.

Of course the Roseanne thing will never happen because of the bad blood with Lorre, but one can always hope.

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Maybe but I am noticing a lot of commercials in other shows where the stars are nowhere as highly paid as the stars on this one are.

If the stars can't get paid as much, each minute of ad time generally isn't worth as much either. Differences in contract lengths can cause temporary disparities.

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Well, I liked the "Hard Knock Life" finish....especially the footwork of Stuart in the background as he dances with his mop.  The man-boy theme is part of the Howard storyline and it is something Bernadette has to deal with, as do many women who make the mistake of thinking they can change a guy by marrying him.  Howard will try to revert to being a child because that's easier than acting like an adult, and Bernadette is the force that keeps him from de-evolving.  Unfortunately that means she loses some of her gentler side (at heart, that character is tough).  The mothers were not as funny as I had hoped (they are usually my favorite part of the show when they are on) but it seems clear that part of Sheldon's relative success is due to his mother unfailing love for him.  He may be dismissive of his "mouth breather" siblings but, as I recall, his twin sister was also gracious and supportive of him.  One can see why Leonard keeps going back to Penny--she has the warmth and acceptance that his own mother lacked (Penny is one female character that consistently breaks through to Sheldon as well).  I was sorry that Amy wasn't part of the group because she really should have been (I understand why she wasn't there; it just would have seemed natural that she was), but that probably would have taken away from the dynamics of the mothers.  I am glad they make the women equally strong though I always feel sorry for Leonard at the end of it.  I'm dreading the finale because it looks like a romance driven plot line, and those are never as interesting to me (yeah, I'm in the minority on that but that's the way I am). 



It occurs to me that Sheldon and Leonard resemble each other's mothers more than their own. Sheldon believes himself to be warm and soothing, but he is very dismissive and narcissistic, like Beverly. He is exacting and clever, and probably much of his appeal for Leonard is that he makes Leonard feel at home, without Leonard realizing why. Meanwhile Leonard has the warmth and sweetness, (and the anxiety) of Sheldon's mother. Completely agree about Penny.

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I only caught part of this episode, but it was disappointing. OK, I get that Beverley just cannot compliment Leonard, but when somebody goes "You must be proud of your son" who would go "Yes, the brother you've never met has achieved great things!" rather than "Well Leonard's achievements aren't that impressive compared to Michael's!" (or whatever his brother is called). She's distant and uncaring, not an idiot (does she imagine Mary read about Michael in the paper or something? I guess it's possible if he's a judge, IIRC, even if he's on the other side of the country).


Hecate7 It occurs to me that Sheldon and Leonard resemble each other's mothers more than their own.



Maybe next Season we'll get the revelation they were swopped at birth. It would be a stretch for a baby from New Jersey to get swopped with one from Texas, but far from the greatest contrivance that has come up in a Sitcom!

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