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S05.E22: Reunion Part 3

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It kind of burns that Kim Richards gets charged with  a misdemeanor for ASSULTING A POLICE OFFICER when we live in a world where US citizens are killed/attacked by police for committing lesser crimes.And of course the charges will like be dropped or she will likely receive a joke sentence (30 day probation or something like it).



If Kim had any capacity for gratefulness, she'd be thanking her lucky stars to be a wealthy white woman who'll barely get a slap on the wrist for this, as opposed to being executed on sight. This woman will probably never learn to count her blessings.

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Remember how Kim lead Gay Mastiff around by the nose?  Yeah, she's not one to take orders from anyone.



You know what I always remember about Kim's Ken? When they were all in Hawaii (?) and someone (maybe Mauricio) was chiding them for being late or no-shows or some shit or other, and that Ken just burst out, "We don't care!" Why that was so funny to me, I have no idea. But it was...or, rather, is.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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I expect a fine and some community service. 


Agree about the fine, but I don't know about the community service.  She'll try to weasel her way out of it, if so.   I hope for mandatory rehab.  


As everyone else is saying, yeah, she's so damn lucky she's a white, rich-ish, celebrity-ish woman.  

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Kim will not get jail time. Drunk in public - first offense, no; trespassing - first offense, no; battery on officer will probably be dropped in the plea bargain. No jail time.

I Am Not So Sure Of That...

Remember ZsaZsa Gabor Had To Serve Jail time For Slapping An Officer After A Routine Traffic~Stop (Ironically ZsaZsa Was Related To The Hiltons)

Beverly Hills Does Not Take Kindly Of Their Officers Being Kicked/Slapped/Hit By Celebrities

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Could she possibly have a court mandated stay at a rehab facility or is that absolutely out of the question?

I am not sure how the laws are in CA but I sure hope some mandated rehab program can be implemented, that might be only thing that could save Kim's life.

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Eta hitler also had an attack dog, a German Shepard named Blondie. Hitler poisoned her, testing his cyanide prior to his suicide.

There is a really inappropriate Brandi joke somewhere in there.

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Neville Chamberlain tried to stage an intervention for Hitler. Hitler got so pissed. He threatened to reveal terrible secrets about Neville and his family. Then he took over Czechoslovakia just to show that he could because he hadn't taken over anything in three years.


Neville was so scared he shit his Depends.  They were the first prototype developed by the War Office.


And still Hitler wasn't as bad as Kim Richards.

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Remember how Kim lead Gay Mastiff around by the nose?  Yeah, she's not one to take orders from anyone.

Just the fact that she selected him as a boyfriend says something. The first time bravo showed his face, I shuddered. Didn't see that coming...he was also a big pompous jerk. Yuck. I agree, he was rude to Mo in Hawaii. Kim poo poo'd Martin but turns around and says yes to Ken? The only explanation must be that they shared a love for drugs/drink.

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I Am Not So Sure Of That...

Remember ZsaZsa Gabor Had To Serve Jail time For Slapping An Officer After A Routine Traffic~Stop (Ironically ZsaZsa Was Related To The Hiltons)

Beverly Hills Does Not Take Kindly Of Their Officers Being Kicked/Slapped/Hit By Celebrities

Ha. Thinking back to that legal matter, Zsa Zsa was behaving (see below) much like Kim has on this show.  In fact, Zsa Zsa once did Circus of the Stars. So close to Diving with the Stars. lol  I believe she will outlive Kim, at this point.


*Zsa Zsa accused the motorcycle cop of having many gay lovers while on the witness stand. She claimed the videotapes that showed her after her arrest were edited to show her using foul language  which she denied ever doing. She had contradicted herself many times on the witness stand. She claimed, and demonstrated in the courtroom, her slap of the cop was just this slight brush of her hand to his cheek. She lied, lied, lied! I can see Kim claiming she never kicked the cop or she merely touched his leg with her foot when she almost slipped.



Kim best line this whole season "Blah blah blah. Right?"

Kyle is at fault for Kim being on this show! - blah blah blah

Edited by GreatKazu
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Just the fact that she selected him as a boyfriend says something. The first time bravo showed his face, I shuddered. Didn't see that coming...he was also a big pompous jerk. Yuck. I agree, he was rude to Mo in Hawaii. Kim poo poo'd Martin but turns around and says yes to Ken? The only explanation must be that they shared a love for drugs/drink.


If I recall correctly, Martin had zero interest in Kim.


She had shown up drinking/using that night and I believe Martin had to drive her home because she was too fucked up to drive herself, and someone (dammit, I've forgotten who) had to follow them to bring Martin all the way back to Beverly Hills.  


Martin was a smart one.  He apparently dropped off Kim and her car and ran like the fucking wind outta there.

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"Nobody questions my sobriety!!!! I've been sober for 3 whole minutes!!!!"


LOL  (and thank god for laughter, black humor & whistling past the graveyard --it has saved me more times than I can count).

Edited by film noire
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If Kim had any capacity for gratefulness, she'd be thanking her lucky stars to be a wealthy white woman who'll barely get a slap on the wrist for this, as opposed to being executed on sight. This woman will probably never learn to count her blessings.

I am really shocked by this. You do not fuck with the police, even when they deserve it (i.e. a lot). I am a smallish 35-year-old white woman with no record and a cop threatened to charge me with fleeing and eluding because I didn't pull over fast enough for a routine speeding ticket. To this day I have no idea how I could have possibly reacted more quickly than I did, but I knew my only chance of getting out of it was to be super polite. Anyway, I digress. Kim is amazingly lucky she's not facing felony assault charges. There's a lot of people who can't get jobs because they got hammered and punched a cop when they were young and dumb. This would ruin or at least seriously impact most other peoples' lives, and like you say that's if they aren't executed.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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Boy, I was a history major for a while in college, but, I've learned more about Hitler and WW2 on this forum than I ever learned in school. And, no sympathy for Kim from me. Kim, you 100% suck.

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LOL  (and thank god for laughter, black humor & whistling past the graveyard --it has saved me more times than I can count.)


Same here.  Sometimes I'm grateful for all of my issues and the humor they have brought me, along with the tears.  It's like I'm "in" on the joke.  lol  

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I am just wondering what Kim is doing right this minute? Is she in any pain? One hundred percent pain? Is she going to claim the police hurt her when they arrested her? Will Kim plead "100 percent NOT GUILTY" on the day of her court hearing just like O.J. did?

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I am just wondering what Kim is doing right this minute? Is she in any pain? One hundred percent pain? Is she going to claim the police hurt her when they arrested her? Will Kim plead "100 percent NOT GUILTY" on the day of her court hearing just like O.J. did?

Go see what AnnA posted in Kim's topic! That's what she's doing! Lol

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I am just wondering what Kim is doing right this minute? Is she in any pain? One hundred percent pain? Is she going to claim the police hurt her when they arrested her? Will Kim plead "100 percent NOT GUILTY" on the day of her court hearing just like O.J. did?

We all realize it'll be Kingsley driving the Bronco, right?

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Hitlers last words were "You stole my Goddamn Bunker!"


And still he wasn't as bad as Kim Richards.


Germany losing WW2 was all Ava Braun's Goddamn fault. She was the Yoko Ono of the Third Reich.


And still neither of them were as bad as Kim Richards...except when it comes to Yoko's singing...she beats Kim there.


See, I can be nice about Kim.

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Bronzdog "Boy, I was a history major for a while in college, but, I've learned more about Hitler and WW2 on this forum than I ever learned in school."



I agree, but we still don't know what he went through at night.


Oh God!

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Go see what AnnA posted in Kim's topic! That's what she's doing! Lol

I just saw it! lol



From the Kim thread:

Persnickety1, on 16 Apr 2015 - 6:35 PM, said:

    No disrespect, but I have so much trouble getting behind some of these views.

I read your entire post. ITA. My heart goes out to you. You and I, and others here have experienced a loss due to addiction. We share your feelings.  Such a shame that people, like YoFo, who would give anything to be cured, has to go from country to country in search of anything and everything to fight her battle, but here is Miss Kimmy Richards, who has chosen to pretend her disease doesn't exist.


I hope Kim doesn't get community service. She may want to make her famous chicken salad for the homeless.

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 I wonder if she told the cop what she once told Lisa R.  just before she kicked him in jail. "I'm feeling ornery!"

She had slurred speech so it probably sounded like this to the cop: "I'm feeling horny."


I have used up all my positive quotas for today. :-)

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I agree, but we still don't know what he went through at night.

Someone make up a song about Kim to Springtime for Hitler

<--- History major in my 40's who is planning to study the DDR.  Just went to Berlin and hit all the WW2 sites.

I saw what's left of Hitler's Bunker location. It's under a parking lot and I swear, there was just a piece of paper on a pole with his name on it as a marker.

Sadly, I did not travel on a private plane with a poopy pillow 

Edited by JennyMominFL
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We all realize it'll be Kingsley driving the Bronco, right?

  A car chase would be icing on the cake!


Poor Kim, no Simpson Dream Team to get her out of this mess.


You know she gave the cops the finger and I'm not taking the middle one.

Edited by Giselle
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She should get a mandatory 5 years just for the " don't you know who I am?" aspect alone.


She's a raging douche, as well as being a raging alcoholic.  That's such a douchecanoe thing to say and it seems to be her "go to" line, too.

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Could she possibly have a court mandated stay at a rehab facility or is that absolutely out of the question?

I am not sure how the laws are in CA but I sure hope some mandated rehab program can be implemented, that might be only thing that could save Kim's life.

    Court mandated rehab wont save her life. OMFG please don't send her to rehab. Can you imagine what group sessions would be like with her. It would be all about her every single fucking time. I have been in rehab. This is not being snarky, it would be torture for the people who really do want help. The only good thing about Kim being in rehab would be her family would know she is safe while there. Kathy would not be hasseled a million times a day by her. She would be better off in a detox, then jail. I doubt she would be humbled by going to jail, but she is more likely to be humbled by jail than a rehab where its all about her and her problems that don't really exist.


        Kyle has every right to post about her daughter being hospitalized for a dog bite. Alexia has the right to tell who she wants. Fuck anybody who sais differently. It is not right to make them keep secrets. They have lived their whole lives keeping secrets. How dare you tell them not to tell people. Not only that, if Kingsly does not get proper training a tragedy will happen. There is a reason they have the reputation they do. It has been over ten years ago but in my town there was a horrific pitbull attack on two kids selling Girl Scout cookies. among other things the flesh of a kids lower leg was completely torn off. stripped of all skin and muscle tissue. His bones have teeth marks on them. The owner had a baseball bat and was hitting the dog with it to try and get it to let go, it had no effect on the dog.This was a dog he knew since it was a puppy. A dog he played with often. The man was not a bad person either. I don't hate pitbulls, but I think you have to take warning signs seriously. I also think for some reason idiots want them for pets.


               I never thought I would like Lisa Rina, in fact I never really thought of her at all. I really enjoyed her on the show.

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Anyhow, empathy. It's rare apparently. I'm glad some here have it and are unafraid to say so.


Judging others here as lacking empathy -- esp after the heartfelt posts of the last few weeks -- strikes me as odd, at best. But this is getting close to board on board, so I'll just leave it at that.

Edited by film noire
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I've thought long and hard about what Kim's pea brain could have named Kingsley now...and I'm torn between Not!Kingsley and KingsleyToo. 


He's now known as Huggy Buggy Doo Doo. Obviously! 

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The Kingsley issue is the worst thing that ever happened to her, not the Fiance being murdered while he was on the phone with her?


I think that would require Kim's memory to still be in tact, but the evidence is to the contrary. Homegirl has no long term potentiation; her neurons are completely fried from years of drug abuse.

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