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S05.E22: Reunion Part 3

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I would hope we won't be shaming people for the snark, no matter how we feel about this.

That's precisely why Kim shouldn't be back next season. Everyone would be walking on eggshells around her for fear they'd be seen as some kind of monster. That show should be over.

Amen. Totally agree. That's why it's been brutal reading this board this season. RHOBH is not entertainment and never has been in retrospect.

  • Love 5

Thanks so much for the info, Izabella.


I did a little googling about the pillow incident and found it's Twitter account:




Alex McCord follows it on Twitter, which makes me giggle.



Seriously, this Twitter Account has MADE my afternoon.   Dying over here.  


I just found loose change on the bed (34 cents!). Awesome. I'm saving up to buy a Tide to Go stick.



Say what you want about my stains. I'm break like the wind fabulous!



What a shitty day. Time for bed. #RHOBH


  • Love 4

Hitler's mom Big Klara was a notorious stage mother. She tried to get him cast in several operas written by Richard Wagner. He briefly starred in an aborted version of "Little Fuehrer on the Prairie" that was canceled after two performances.


He blamed his sister. 


He also blamed her for stealing his house that his mother left to him.


And he still wasn't as bad as Kim Richards.

  • Love 17

This blog was the biggest load of BS I have ever read on a bravo blog. Brandi's fairytale is a repeat of her last statement on part 3 of the reunion. Another words, now that I've pissed everyone off, ridiculed, accused, victimized, humiliated, shoved, "outed hypocrisy" on all of you bitches, I just want to say, it's all good, why can't we just say sorry and move on like nothing happened in the first place?!!! OMG. This is exactly why LVP will not let you off the hook anymore. Brandi is that person that does what's she wants, doesn't ask permission, & insincerely apologies afterward.

Don't worry, I've already read comments on these online articles that blame the show and the other ladies for Kims outburst last night!! There are some already in place pleading her case and commenting that Kims behavior was a reaction to victimization from the other housewives. I posted a comment on this in the Kim Richards thread. So, yes, she has people out there who have already blamed Kyle, LisaR, Eilleen, etc

Edited by IKnowRight
  • Love 17

You explain Schadenfreude but not NPD? C'mon...some of need spoon fed. What's NPD?

I hope Kim does go back to the Cirque Lodge and doesn't, you know, kill herself, which IMO is a real danger right now. Sadly, some people would be gleeful about that. I really can't imagine a more epically humiliating spectacle of falling on her own sword than getting arrested and thrown in the drunk tank and kicking a cop at 50-years-old ONE DAY after Kim Richards' Sobriety Testimony Hour a.k.a the reunion aired. I don't like her but it makes me sad to see anyone self-destruct. Except Hilter, fuck that guy.

I know this will be hard to take but it has to be this bad. Being incoherent on national TV didn't do it, being pantiless in the hallway in pr didn't do it, her dying father leaving her care due to her using didn't do it , being filmed high in the airport didn't do it. It will take something this awful to ever get Kim to REALLY hit bottom. If this is what it takes, this is what it takes. Years from now Kim may look back on this and think of it as the best night in her life because it's the time she really, truly got sober. That's the thing, there is always a lower bottom.

  • Love 14

I would hope we won't be shaming people for the snark, no matter how we feel about this.

That's precisely why Kim shouldn't be back next season. Everyone would be walking on eggshells around her for fear they'd be seen as some kind of monster. That show should be over.


As one of the snarky ones, I don't mind a difference of opinion that's what this board is for, to offer your opinion whether it is one of goodwill or if it is meaner than shit ( just as long as it isn't aimed at another member.) If I don't agree with a comment good or bad I scroll on past and keep reading, liking and posting. They are entitled to their opinion and their expression of it as am I.



  • Love 14

I guess I could go back and look for specific examples of Kim gleefully and willfully being malicious to people on the show, but then again she and Kyle have done it together and separately so often that it all kind of blends in.  I would say this season that Poker Night, the dinner in Amsterdam, and the reunion itself are all very good examples of Kim being malicious and gleeful about it. 


Not all people are able to be forgiven.  I'm not going to tell my life story on a message board (although I think I already have about twenty gazillion times) about the shit that went down with me and my mom, but then again I'm not required to.  I think it's great that you were able to move past what was done to you, forgive, and love your parents for who they were.  That's great, and I'm sure that it helped you heal a ton.  But it doesn't make those of us who are unable to do so, whether it's because of the nature of the abuse, the continuing toxicity of a relationship, or a hundred other things that might impede us from moving forward in a positive way with those who abused us somehow lesser than.   Not everyone can be forgiven, or even wants to be forgiven.  They just want to keep playing games, with your psyche and mental wellbeing as their playing field. In my case, that's not going to happen, for my own sake.


You're talking about empathy, and yet you sound a little bit judgey too.  I don't know if that's your intent, but that's how I read it. Sometimes tone is difficult to read on the internet.  


As for snark, I like snark.  This may not be TWoP, but snark is fun, and I would never expect to come to a message board about crazy dames out in Cali and expect it to be a safe space.  

Not my parents both - 1 of my parents and the other was my eldest sister. So the sibling abuse thing is something I'm experienced with as well as parental.


My intent was not to judge. That was the intent I felt however from someone else posting all over the place about their authority on this. Like you, i'm not sharing my personal life indepth here but do know that we all - all of us here - have encountered abusive, diseased, addicted people in our lives. It's part of life and no one gets out unscathed unless you are a hermit I guess. I do not want to come here to discuss a tv show and the players on that show and be subjected to abuse here. That's what was happening so I said something. It's not okay.


The subject matter and main storyline of this season has been addiction and disease. That is never going to be snark worthy. This is the problem we're all running into I think, different viewpoints about that and how to talk about it at all and be respectful of each other.


I appreciate you reading and thank you for your thoughtful comment.

  • Love 1

I wrote this long post and revealed way to much of my personal life, then my tablet froze (thanks son) before I could hit reply. ^This post is perfect.


The only person responsible for Kim is Kim. For heaven's sake Kyle is in New York.

He's watching out for you! I do wish you would share. I think you have a unique voice that should be heard......but it gets exhausting , I know.

  • Love 5

I understand that Kim's latest and greatest has many of you in an uproar. I'm fine with allowing this line of discussion to continue, with one caveat. 

Understand that each and every one of you comes to this board with different life experiences. These experiences add up to make you who you are today. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. If you can not be civil about it, I will start taking action. 


  • Love 22

Hitler's mom Big Klara was a notorious stage mother. She tried to get him cast in several operas written by Richard Wagner. He briefly starred in an aborted version of "Little Fuehrer on the Prairie" that was canceled after two performances.


He blamed his sister. 


He also blamed her for stealing his house that his mother left to him.


And he still wasn't as bad as Kim Richards.


Oooh Trooper, You funny!

  • Love 5

I guess I could go back and look for specific examples of Kim gleefully and willfully being malicious to people on the show, but then again she and Kyle have done it together and separately so often that it all kind of blends in.  I would say this season that Poker Night, the dinner in Amsterdam, and the reunion itself are all very good examples of Kim being malicious and gleeful about it. 


Not all people are able to be forgiven.  I'm not going to tell my life story on a message board (although I think I already have about twenty gazillion times) about the shit that went down with me and my mom, but then again I'm not required to.  I think it's great that you were able to move past what was done to you, forgive, and love your parents for who they were.  That's great, and I'm sure that it helped you heal a ton.  But it doesn't make those of us who are unable to do so, whether it's because of the nature of the abuse, the continuing toxicity of a relationship, or a hundred other things that might impede us from moving forward in a positive way with those who abused us somehow lesser than.   Not everyone can be forgiven, or even wants to be forgiven.  They just want to keep playing games, with your psyche and mental wellbeing as their playing field. In my case, that's not going to happen, for my own sake.


You're talking about empathy, and yet you sound a little bit judgey too.  I don't know if that's your intent, but that's how I read it. Sometimes tone is difficult to read on the internet.  


As for snark, I like snark.  This may not be TWoP, but snark is fun, and I would never expect to come to a message board about crazy dames out in Cali and expect it to be a safe space.  


Very well said, Sterling, and I'm so sorry you had to go through such crap with abusive people.  Sometimes forgiveness is not all its cracked up to be.  lol   Especially when those you work so hard to forgive keep on hurting you.  


People look compassion differently, I guess, and maybe there's no real "wrong" way to go about it.  One of my brothers is a child molester.  I guess maybe people can look at him and feel sorry for him and how awful it must be to have his family disown him, his wives divorce him, yadda, yadda, and some people choose, instead, to direct that compassion towards me and his other victims, instead.  Kim may have suffered when she was a child and she has may had a rough life with that mother of hers - for which I do feel empathy for the little girl that Kim was - but she's been an adult for way too long to keep blaming everyone else.  She has chosen to have four children and she's been around the recovery/sobriety block too many times to not be aware of what she's doing to not only herself, but to her family.  I'm choosing to aim my compassion towards all of the people in Kim's life who have been hurt by her, over and over and over again, which is mostly her very own children.  When I read this thread about the news on Kim, I didn't think "poor Kim", no.  I thought, after I said "Holy shit" to myself, "Those poor kids [of Kim's].  How many times have they been through this?".  It's a sad situation all around and I'm reminded of that tweet that Kyle put out there a few days ago saying that this struggle within her family means that no one is a winner.  Very, sadly, true.  

  • Love 23

Wonder what her excuse is going to be this time for partaking in some substance that she most likely somehow "took by mistake"........obviously it will be Kyle's fault.



It was the BARTENDER'S  fault--he made her drink those cocktails--she was just trying to be polite and couldn't say no.

Edited by One More Time
  • Love 13

God I hope not.


It's a thankless job.  I hope she is simply referring to that article about Alexia.  Kyle should only protect her daughters from unwanted attention.  Kim is grown and wants nothing to do with Kyle so let Kim be. 

I just posted a link. Radar has a story about Kyle avoiding Kim after this arrest. I am sure this is the story she is referring to since it just came on their site.

  • Love 9

Here it starts with the "Isn't Kyle awful she won't speak to her sister in her time of need?" That poor woman is in a no-win situation. Kim flakes out and it'll be everyone else's responsibility again. Almost seems calculated.

It reeks of Brandi. lol   Doesn't she have Radar on speed dial?  She is the tabloid queen and she has mentioned having friends at the tabloids.

  • Love 16

Yes, and they are expected to own their shit, as well and for the most part, they do.  But I'm talking about Kim now.  Kim needs to own Kim, and she doesn't.  THIS is why she is not recovering.  Not because of other people.  Sure people and situations can trigger responses in us, sometimes that we aren't even aware we're having, but Kim is ultimately the one who decides her fate, by creating it.  Every single day, when you have an illness or an addiction, you have to choose to not die.  Every single hour, pretty much.  That is on Kim and she can't keep putting not only the responsibility for her sobriety/life on other people, but the blame when she chooses to take a drug.  And if she does not trust the people in her life or she doesn't want their support, or if she feels that her environment is toxic to her, then it's Kim's responsibility to change her own environment.  It's not everyone else's to comply to Kim's litany of demands.  

I agree.


This is why I take issue with Kyle putting her sister on a reality tv show with her *knowing* that Kim was an addict, nobody knew Kim was an addict except family (I guess? re: season 1 ending), and how was that an ok and helpful decision? 


Hope that speaks more to help explain part of where I'm coming from with my posts. Caregiving and empathy is tricky business. It can easily go into codependent enabling and that hurts more than helps, it ramps up the damage actually and makes it harder ultimately for the person who needs help to actually get the right help.

  • Love 1

Circling the wagons? Hope not.


think Radar OnLine was embellishing a lot with that story, weren't they, about Kim knocking back vodka and tonics all night?


Since she's not denying the event occurred (which she couldn't possibly since the cops themselves issued a statement), I think she may just be calling them out on their creative "journalism" (which is pretty typical for ROL).  


The story is juicy enough.  They don't really need to embellish it.


Well, unless they have a reliable source at the police station who can tell us what she blew on her breathalyzer.

  • Love 3

Kim threatened to EXPOSE something about Kyle's kid about a dog? A DOG? I can't deal with this pathetic chick. 


And Andy, you know for the most part, I don't dislike him as much as most people...but for him to say he likes that BEAST that attacks people at whim? Whatever. That dog is not at the trainer, they are lying.

Andy is like a middle school kid who giggles at the bad stuff that happens among the popular kids - but that comment about the dog creeped me out!
  • Love 10

Kim threatened to EXPOSE something about Kyle's kid about a dog? A DOG? I can't deal with this pathetic chick. 


And Andy, you know for the most part, I don't dislike him as much as most people...but for him to say he likes that BEAST that attacks people at whim? Whatever. That dog is not at the trainer, they are lying. 


I'll bet he wouldn't let Wacha around Kingsley even if Kingsley were muzzled.  Andy's a lying sack of shit about "liking" him.


Pretty sure he's never been to Kim's home and I've never seen Kim trot Kingsley out on WWHL, so I'm calling bullshit on Mr. Andy.


I don't think he's ever even been in the presence of Kingsley.

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 13

think Radar OnLine was embellishing a lot with that story, weren't they, about Kim knocking back vodka and tonics all night?


Since she's not denying the event occurred (which she couldn't possibly since the cops themselves issued a statement), I think she may just be calling them out on their creative "journalism" (which is pretty typical for ROL).  


The story is juicy enough.  They don't really need to embellish it.


Well, unless they have a reliable source at the police station who can tell us what she blew on her breathalyzer.

The story is that Kyle is refusing to talk to Kim after her arrest.

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