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S05.E22: Reunion Part 3

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Police statement:


Apr 16, 2015, 3:22 PM ET

"Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" star Kim Richards was arrested earlier this morning and charged with public intoxication, trespassing, resisting an officer and battery on a police officer following an incident in Beverly Hills, according to police.

Lt. Lincoln Hoshino, a representative for the Beverly Hills police department, told ABC News that officers reported to the Beverly Hills Hotel around 1:30 a.m., after receiving a report from security there.

Security claimed that an individual, later determined to be Richards, was causing "a disturbance" at the hotel restaurant and would not leave, though she had been asked repeatedly to do so. While being escorted off the premises, Richards asked to use the bathroom and stayed herself inside. Security at the hotel made a citizen's arrest, and then officers took her into custody at 2:04 a.m., police said.

"Richards was displaying symptoms of alcohol intoxication including slurred speech and belligerent insolent behavior," Hoshino said in a statement. "[she was] cursing at the officers and passively resisted arrest. After being transported to the station for booking, Richards kicked one of the officers in the leg; however the officer was not injured."

Richards was released at approximately 10:36 a.m. and was expected to appear in court on May 10.

Edited by notnowimbusy
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Radar (for what its worth) cited a "source" saying she had been drinking vodka tonics "all night" and sometime after midnight they refused to serve her anymore.  She became angry and did the ever so cliche "Don't you know who I am".  She ended up leaving the bar, but not the hotel, and went into the bathroom.


That's what she did in the airport video I posted upthread. She was being questioned by airport police about her drinking, and she name dropped her own name (of course not the first celebrity to pull that). Guess that her go to defense. 

  • Love 5

Radar (for what its worth) cited a "source" saying she had been drinking vodka tonics "all night" and sometime after midnight they refused to serve her anymore.  She became angry and did the ever so cliche "Don't you know who I am".  She ended up leaving the bar, but not the hotel, and went into the bathroom.  


"I don't take a bunch of pills to party and have fun.  I took one pill for pain."  LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 5

Radar (for what its worth) cited a "source" saying she had been drinking vodka tonics "all night" and sometime after midnight they refused to serve her anymore.  She became angry and did the ever so cliche "Don't you know who I am".  She ended up leaving the bar, but not the hotel, and went into the bathroom.

Obviously not trying to hide it, if this report is accurate.
  • Love 6

IMO, any "compassion" should go to her kids/family, not Kim at this point.


Not only that, but Kim Richards doesn't want anyone's compassion.  We've seen how she reacts to anyone giving a damn.  Kim wants unwavering adoration (as well as money and drugs).  I don't know about anyone else, but I'm not about to give her any of those things.  

  • Love 21

Nowhere in my post did I comment that. Nowhere. Not even going to acknowledge the rest. Not worth it. 


I am too busy on the breaking news that is KIM WAS ARRESTED FOR BEING DRUNK. Not to mention kicking a police officer and all the other charges. Oh, but, it will be Kyle's fault somehow, right?


This was bound to happen sooner or later. I mentioned it would be a DUI, but this is right up Kim's alley. Being locked in a bathroom. She loves her bathrooms. Kim is slowly killing herself.

Sorry to have affected you to such a degree with my post. Kim's hot messiness doesn't negate points, observations, and opinions about Kyle.


I really hope Kim finds what she needs in the type of support that will maybe keep the inevitable from happening. Empathy ain't for the weak I'll tell ya that much.



  • Love 5

Nice to see there's some compassion for Kim somewhere.  People like to say addiction is a disease but I guess it's a disease where it's okay to mock, name call and humiliate a person.

Tell me about it. I'm not surprised Kim can't stay on the wagon. I want to drink a bottle just to feel better about what the world has come to. Can't beat 'em join 'em? Hold on I think I can dig out a joke about St. Jude's from somewhere......

  • Love 7

Wow, I picked a crazy day to join this site!  So curious what Kyle or Kim will say about this!


Kyle will keep her mouth shut just lie mommy taught her and tweet that she loves her sister.


Kim will wake up from off the floor due to Kingsley licking her face, she'll wipe the drool from her chin and groggly say "Fuckin' Kyle, Bitch did it to me again" Then go pound back a fifth, pop one of Monty's pills and slap on a patch.

  • Love 8

Was Kim alone at the Polo Lounge? Was she there drinking alone? Her poor kids.

According To http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-real-housewives-beverly-hills-kim-richards-arrested-20150416-story.html

Kim Was Drinking Alone




"The ruckus began about 1:30 a.m. Thursday when hotel security reported that Richards, 50, was bothering patrons at the hotel restaurant, said Beverly Hills police Lt. Lincoln Hoshino. The incident was initially reported as a fight but it appeared Richards was alone, he said."




No compassion here.  She has access to a cure.  If it was stage four lung cancer I'm right with you.  She has the support both in family and in money to get and keep sober.  She is so delusional that she signs up for a reality show that follows her with a camera.  So she can get compassion when she is actually sober.  And until she takes responsibility for her actions I won't believe she's sober.

And she also has ridicule, humiliation and all those other obstacles in the meantime. A person going thru cancer isn't battling those outside demons as well as their cancer.

Edited by Sincerely Yours
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I personally dislike both Kim and Kyle. They're insufferable. Kim is a vile human being and nasty as all get out. She deflects all of her issues onto Kyle and refuses to take any blame for her role in any of their family issues. Kyle gets to me because instead of refusing to acknowledge family tension off camera and work it out privately, she seems intent to publicly air it out on television. If Andy actually cared about either one of these women and saving their family, he'd fire them both from the show and give them time to fix things. Television is NOT the place to improve and work on family relationships. That's if Kyle even WANTS to at this point, which I wouldn't blame her for letting Kim die drunk, stoned, and alone at this point.

I know I'll probably get crucified for my Kyle comments, but I've honestly never liked either of the Richards sisters. I kind of think Kyle is a judgmental mean girl and didn't love how rude she was to Camille in early seasons, and Brandi when she first came on (although Brandi has now proven to be even more vile than we all thought possible). I also think Kyle intentionally starts shit while playing the victim card. She looks positively saintly next to Kim though. I'll give her that. I'd really just love for Andy to fire Brandi, Kim, and Kyle at this point and bring on new people or bring back Adrienne, Camille, and Taylor.

Meant to say "on camera" in my last post. Not "off camera. Sorry.

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And she also has ridicule, humiliation and all those other obstacles in the meantime. A person going thru cancer isn't battling those outside demons as well as their own demons.


If they sign up for reality tv and blame their sister for giving them cancer I'd bet my paycheck they would be ridiculed.  If they kicked you in the head and took a shot gun to your dog?  Alcoholism is a disease.  Kim is being ridiculed, humiliated etc because of how she acts.  Just think about what she has done and said and say well it's the cancer.  Seems almost silly doesn't it.  

  • Love 14

Wait, so Kim's alcoholism is everyone else's fault?

Nope, but sometimes somethings don't just occur in a vacuum. Cause and effect in general do have a place in real life. Schizophrenia is a medical condition that environment and upbringing has a hand in. Depression is chemical but you surroundings and events can also affect how well you can battle that disease.  Just sympathizing instead of ridiculing. That's the route I personally like to take that's all. Especially on such a dire subject and these new developments.

Edited by Sincerely Yours
  • Love 4

For all of the talk about how Kim's behavior wasn't that bad this season I'm glad that we're finally getting solid proof that she's been off of the wagon this entire time. 


I wonder if this will be enough of a wake up call for her? 


I too hope that Kyle doesn't involve herself. 


I would have loved to have been able to see what led up to everything because I'm pretty sure it was all a night of dinner theater watching Klassic Kim. 


She runs to the bathroom when the heat is on because it's worked for her in the past. (See the night at SUR.) She does the 'do you know who I am?' thing? She'll likely claimed that she's only had one or two cocktails that were surprisingly strong. She'll claim to be going through a difficult time because of the illness of her ex. 


When she's forced to come clean about the incident she'll claim that drugs weren't involved at all and that her problem is still only alcohol. And people will still believe her because alcohol was involved in this incident. 


Nice to see there's some compassion for Kim somewhere.  People like to say addiction is a disease but I guess it's a disease where it's okay to mock, name call and humiliate a person.



So Kim shouldn't have any consequences for mocking people, calling them names, humiliating them, etc? It isn't surprising to me that Kim is getting from the world what she's giving to the world.

Edited by Avaleigh
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And she also has ridicule, humiliation and all those other obstacles in the meantime. A person going thru cancer isn't battling those outside demons as well as their cancer.


She willingly put herself and her behavior on display for all to see. And she ridiculed and tried to humiliate others who dared question her sobriety, when her behavior screamed that she was not sober.

  • Love 18

Argh.  My DVR didn't record this episode.  It somehow picked up 2 WWHLs on the same night though.  Wondering if it's worth watching it OnDemand.  Can't FFW that channel.

Bravo Now has it, just type in your service provider enter your name and password and you got it. Had to do it that way because my TV service was messed up Tuesday.

Nope, but sometimes somethings don't just occur in a vacuum. Cause and effect in general do have a place in real life. Schizophrenia is a medical condition that environment and upbringing has a hand in. Depression is chemical but you surroundings and events can also affect how well you can battle that disease.  Just sympathizing instead of ridiculing. That's the route I personally like to take that's all. 


Yes I know.  I've been Dx'd with depression, ED, PTSD, OCD, etc.  I've been in and out hospitals.  I get causation, but no one is responsible for Kim's life but Kim.  She has choices and she makes them.  She does not get unlimited support for her bad, harmful choices and that's also a part of real life.  Lots of people go to jail for hurting other people and breaking the law and they are also ill.  Kim Richards is not special in that she does not have to deal with the consequences of her actions.  We all have that responsibility.  

  • Love 19

If they sign up for reality tv and blame their sister for giving them cancer I'd bet my paycheck they would be ridiculed.  If they kicked you in the head and took a shot gun to your dog?  Alcoholism is a disease.  Kim is being ridiculed, humiliated etc because of how she acts.  Just think about what she has done and said and say well it's the cancer.  Seems almost silly doesn't it.  

I don't recall Kim doing these things (at least not this version of them) but as stated before in general we all watch different shows or watch them differently or some such like that.

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I wonder if people are right and that this is about her finally getting the axe from Bravo. 


I wonder if Andy will respond.


If she goes back to AA/NA I hope she ultimately delivers a much needed round of apologies. I thought it was funny during this season when she talks about how much Brandi has grown this season because she specifically cites Brandi's ability to deliver an apology as evidence and she sounds so amazed by it that it couldn't have been more clear to me that apologies are just not something that Kim feels like she should have to do in general save in a half assed inauthentic way like how she was with Eileen in this episode.

  • Love 6

Dang, I convinced myself she was sober and just has a horrible personality. I guess not.

I do feel bad for her. That's a huge, humiliating relapse. And she assaulted a police officer, she is screwed. That's at least a felony and probation, maybe jail time. I wish alcoholism were considered a neurological disorder like schizophrenia and not a disease. This was essentially a psychotic episode.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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She willingly put herself and her behavior on display for all to see. And she ridiculed and tried to humiliate others who dared question her sobriety, when her behavior screamed that she was not sober.

My opinion isn't just based on the show. I believe she deals and has dealt with these circumstances before joining the cast. Way before. And by people she trusted, said would be there etc. etc.

  • Love 2

Well, I feel bad for her. That's a huge relapse. And she assaulted a police officer, she is screwed. That's at least a felony and probation, maybe jail time. I wish alcohol were considered a neurological disorder like schizophrenia and not a disease. This was essentially a psychotic episode.

I feel sorry for Kim's family and her children especially but I can't say I feel all that sorry for her considering the way she consistently treats people. 

  • Love 12

Yes I know.  I've been Dx'd with depression, ED, PTSD, OCD, etc.  I've been in and out hospitals.  I get causation, but no one is responsible for Kim's life but Kim.  She has choices and she makes them.  She does not get unlimited support for her bad, harmful choices and that's also a part of real life.  Lots of people go to jail for hurting other people and breaking the law and they are also ill.  Kim Richards is not special in that she does not have to deal with the consequences of her actions.  We all have that responsibility.  

Absolutely true, no argument here. I just don't find amusement in it. That's where my posts come from.

  • Love 4

Sorry to have affected you to such a degree with my post. Kim's hot messiness doesn't negate points, observations, and opinions about Kyle.


I really hope Kim finds what she needs in the type of support that will maybe keep the inevitable from happening. Empathy ain't for the weak I'll tell ya that much.




There is no support in the world that will ever be enough for Kim. She does not want to be clean. 

  • Love 12

I feel sorry for the police officers involved. What must they have had to listen to on that car ride to the station let alone while they were arresting her. 


I too want to know what her blood alcohol level is. I can see her freaking out over having to do a breathalyzer. I also wonder what made her start to kick. 


I so want to know who came to get her. 

  • Love 6

Nice to see there's some compassion for Kim somewhere.  People like to say addiction is a disease but I guess it's a disease where it's okay to mock, name call and humiliate a person.

Within compassion, by it's very definition, is the desire to help.  One cannot help an addict until they ask for help.  

When someone clearly states they do not want or need help, I reserve my compassion for those who do.  


Will her arrest change any of her behavior?  I am betting , no.   

  • Love 17

Schadenfreude, (which means a gloating joy in another's misery), thy name is Kim.  What a gift to us all.


Seriously, after years of watching her abuse and manipulation especially for people who dare to criticize her in any way - this is sweet.  My empathy is for her victims.


I honestly think that Kim has NPD, and all of this public exposure over the years has unraveled her.  She is such a good manipulator that she believes her own manipulations.  She is so entitled that she kicks a police officer.  She is so grandiose that she thinks she is the best of the best, and everyone else is just a hater.  She has no empathy and cares only about herself.  She tells so many lies and she believes all of them.  All these things have been on display to the world now;  Kim can't blame anyone else for her public image.  (Although she will try...)  NPD grows best out of the light of day.  Once the camera shoved its way into her life, we could all see her for what she really is.  


This isn't over.

I agree - looks like NPD to me too, and I've thought that a show like this shines too much light to hide forever.
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