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Landon Clements: She's like, the Valley Girl from like, Georgia

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I think it would've been better for both Landon and the show if they had brought her on in her first season as a supporting cast member/friend of cast member, like JD or Danni.

 Yeah,  then maybe we would only have had to endure that Valley Girl, vocal fry, scratched record voice occasionally. 

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At least she's not doing the vocal fry + extra syllable thing that is the current fad. Watch almost any reality TV person under the age of 30. They do this:


Whining (usually in a nasal voice that ramps up my annoyance): "I'm so maaad-duh." They stretch the ending consonant into its own syllable.


"Gimme me my phoooone-nuh."  "That girl is so groooos-suh."

Edited by pasdetrois
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So I'm guessing that Landon was set aside by Andy, and told that since she is not the Greek Chorus like Cameran, she needs to either amp the drama or get Jenna'd?


How in the hell is she getting herself to pretend she wants to be around Thomas? Geez.


It does feel like she's not going to be allowed to generally be the laidback chick this year.

While I agree that it's a little annoying to hear her crying about an issue that most people WISH was the toughest thing they've ever been through, I don't think it's something she's proud of and I think it's brave of her to be honest and to open up for all the world to see.  I don't get the feeling that she's looking for sympathy, though - I think she's embarassed and more than a little shocked by where she is now.   I don't know why it took so long for her to see it, but it seems to me that it's truly just hitting her.  


Just my two cents, of course!


Now, on the subject of enunciation, most of the time when she's speaking it's like nails on a chalkboard and I'm wanting to stick forks in my eyeballs!

Edited by straightshooter
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Did anyone else see that Landon was on The Hills? http://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/landon-clements-southern-charm-was-on-the-hills       .......I wonder who's boyfriend the producers wanted her to "steal". My guess is Spencer, since she worked with Heidi at Bolthouse. If that's a case, I have a lot more respect for Landon, because Spencer was/is the worst.


Every time I Hear Landon voice "How are yoooooooo?".....I wanna throw something at my tv. Please Bravo get her off before I break my tv.....I love my tv.   I HATE LANDON. 

Her voice started the hate but her personality fuels it. This bum doesn't want to work but wants to live wealthy. Her uppity attitude makes my stomach hurt. When she said Kathryn"s talent was being on her back because she has 2 kids I wanted to choke her. I had 2 kids at 23. What exactly is Landons talent?  Searching for sugar daddy's & someone to pay for her to travel for a ridiculous website...ever heard of trip advisor stupid?  Grrrrrrr. ...toss her!!!!  Or like,  totally,  like,  let me do it.

Edited by Stacye
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I said it before that Landon and the show would've been better served if she had been brought on as a friend of rather than a main cast member. I don't find her vile or reprehensible; I think her comments about Kathryn, while bitchy, are actually spot on; she just isn't dynamic enough to carry a storyline on reality TV (which probably makes her delightful in real life.) 

Edited by Babyfoot
Spelling is important

A couple of months ago Landon said Roam would launch summer of 2016. Then she said fall. Then she said August. She says she and her friend did a road trip from the Hamptons to Charleston for Roam and I think her trip to Puerto Rico will also be included in Roam. I dunno. To me, Roam sounds like a site for vagabond cattle rustlers.

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I may be alone in a one-person camp that enjoys Landon for a variety of reasons.  Yes, her mannerisms are overworked, but so fascinating to watch - all the "likes," the cute shruggy shoulder motions, all the squinty aren't-I-the-most-chill-chick-ever, the constant flow of giggles and grins, I can't look away.   I do wince a lot, but I guess that's part of the fun for me in watching these bravo shows.  And my heart goes out to her for some of her lack of self-awareness, and her unrequited love of Shep. 

And. I have to say I really like her sense of style, she puts together looks better than anyone on these shows.  I'm a confessed Ralph Lauren fan.  Yup, I said it.  ;P 

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Landon is pretty cute and presents herself well appearance-wise, but she's the type of woman that I could never be friends with if she is on the prowl. Girls like that have a huge sense of entitlement and wouldn't think twice about screwing a friend over for a guy.  

I think she would be a lot more palatable if she was attached.

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On 6/26/2016 at 7:06 AM, cloverhoney said:

I may be alone in a one-person camp that enjoys Landon for a variety of reasons.  Yes, her mannerisms are overworked, but so fascinating to watch - all the "likes," the cute shruggy shoulder motions, all the squinty aren't-I-the-most-chill-chick-ever, the constant flow of giggles and grins, I can't look away.   I do wince a lot, but I guess that's part of the fun for me in watching these bravo shows.  And my heart goes out to her for some of her lack of self-awareness, and her unrequited love of Shep. 

And. I have to say I really like her sense of style, she puts together looks better than anyone on these shows.  I'm a confessed Ralph Lauren fan.  Yup, I said it.  ;P 


I don't mind Landon!  I just think she and Kathryn are closer together than they realize....just as Shep said.  She calls Kathryn's behaviors as projection.  I call them looking in a mirror.  They both want a man to take care of them and they are on the hunt for one.  Kathryn has two unplanned kids to show for it and Landon has a failed marriage to show for it.  

I get what they are doing and how they are going about it.  I get how they treat each other - and way.  Everything here is normal and nothing we haven't seen among a group of high school girls.  Neither should be villainized. They especially need to stop villainizing each other and use that energy to make their own ways in life - without a man.  Easier said than done.

Edited by Jextella
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What I will never get over is that this is Roam.com, one person uploading photographs from some trips in 2005 and 2006! Why on earth did she not have someone throw a little bit of money at it and get that domain name! Instead of Roam-Guide! Not linking to her site because there is nothing there and I don't want her to get extra looks but it's crazy sauce that she didn't secure the base domain. 

Edited by biakbiak
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On June 29, 2016 at 2:00 PM, Major Bigtime said:

Landon's online travel/lifestyle website. Which, so far, is bunk.

I think we all need to have a break from Landon at present. I for one do not like this new and improved Landon, who only feels herself if she is gossiping about others, and ensuring Kathryn's life is far worse than hers, and finally, Landon needs to go away as her inability to string together ideas, for conversation and especially for business, is downright sad.

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On April 30, 2015 at 4:47 PM, Babyfoot said:

Landon posted on Twitter that she attended a program for speech and learning disabilities throughout her adolescence.

I now feel like a giant ass. What I thought was an annoying rich girl affectation is in reality a disability that she struggled to overcome.

I think she is merely doing damage control, a little late in the game. I think it is what it is...

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On June 26, 2016 at 6:19 AM, cuphead said:

Landon is pretty cute and presents herself well appearance-wise, but she's the type of woman that I could never be friends with if she is on the prowl. Girls like that have a huge sense of entitlement and wouldn't think twice about screwing a friend over for a guy.  

I think she would be a lot more palatable if she was attached.

Wow that speaks volumes about the women and men down there. I am very happy within my relationship, and world. I would not even want to know a woman who views other women as on the prowl. Not that there aren't any- there are tons. But if my mate is going to even walk over to introduce himself... Well don't hate the game, only the player, and my guy knows how to behave at a party. I enjoy having female friends, but I won't want to know those who are sniping at other women.

Edited by Chalby

Landon is a gold digging self righteous catty valley girl white trash. You can put Dior on a bag of trash but it's still a bag of trash. Her voice is like nails on a chalk board on steroids. She is annoying, lacks intelligence ,maturity, and depth. She almost middle aged and doesn't even know how to take care of herself. To say Kathryn's only talent is on her back is tea kettle calling the pot black. She literally has achieved nothing in her life without laying on her back. She is a lying pathetic excuse for a woman. She speaks on motherhood when she lacks the depth selflessness hard work and attention span to ever be a mother. To bring up people's children is low class and desperate. And she can't even understand the simple concept of taking turns or how a conversation works. She lacks any self control talking over people and is appalled when anyone dares do the same to her. Shep shooting her down by laughing right in her face at the idea of her ever being more than a hookup just goes to show what even the people closest to her think. Get a real story line and a life outside of shopping on Daddy's dime. 

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Landon is a gold digging self righteous catty valley girl white trash. You can put Dior on a bag of trash but it's still a bag of trash. Her voice is like nails on a chalk board on steroids. She is annoying, lacks intelligence ,maturity, and depth. She almost middle aged and doesn't even know how to take care of herself. To say Kathryn's only talent is on her back is tea kettle calling the pot black. She literally has achieved nothing in her life without laying on her back. She is a lying pathetic excuse for a woman. She speaks on motherhood when she lacks the depth selflessness hard work and attention span to ever be a mother. To bring up people's children is low class and desperate. And she can't even understand the simple concept of taking turns or how a conversation works. She lacks any self control talking over people and is appalled when anyone dares do the same to her. Shep shooting her down by laughing right in her face at the idea of her ever being more than a hookup just goes to show what even the people closest to her think. Get a real story line and a life outside of shopping on Daddy's dime. 

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How is there STILL no content on Landon's site! I mean, seriously, put SOMETHING up. Post once or twice a week. Plug in your Instagram feed. Syndicate content. Have guest bloggers from small sites who write great articles, and do link backs in lieu of payment. Heck, post video travelogues of flipping Charleston. SOMETHING. If people keep checking and see no content, why will they go back? A newsletter isn't going to cut it. GAH!

If gathering content is hard NOW, how's it going to be two,years from now when she's really out of things to say?!?! 

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She has no right to make fun of Miss Kitty's Vintage-y Jewelry Etsy Shoppe, then. Not like I'm some huge Kathryn fan, but at least she's productive. 

Landon was just so phony in last night's episode. I realize this is not news. ;) But good grief, I am not sure I've ever seen anyone work so hard at being smug and superior with as little content (lol) to what they're saying, at least since Brandi or something. Talking over someone the entire night does not make your point more accurate.

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2 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Oh come now everyone should have the right to make fun of those ugly ass necklaces even Landon, just as Kathryn shoukd not be denied the right to make fun of Landon's stupid blog because they are both ridiculous. 

THANK YOU!!! I can't imagine how Landon and Cameron managed to stay even *that* composed while Kathryn was boasting about her new "jewelry business" while sporting that big ol fugly choker, because I know I would've burst out laughing myself. That girl can barely dress herself to look moderately sane/stylish, and yet she thinks she can make a quick buck selling her Holly Hobby baubles?! Yikes.

Sure, jewelry-making on the side is still a better side hustle than Landon's pointless/hopeless travel blog, but still, I'd sooner wear jewelry designed by Count Chocula than the skankwear Kiki will likely churn out. As evidenced by her choice on everything from clothes to friends to gloves to babydaddies, bitch clearly had godawful taste.

Landon was extra bitchy on this second reunion episode for sure, but I still side with her over Kuckoo Kathryn tweaking away on her sofa rasping at Landon to constantly shutup when she wasn't calling her "crazy." Sure, Landon might take secret pleasure in setting off Kathryn via social media and little verbal barbs, but she's been nowhere near as aggressive or hateful as Kathryn has been to her. She doesn't owe that insane babymama a damned thing and has at least been civil in response to Kathryn's wild accusations and name-calling.

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I can't quite bring myself to call someone "civil" who lobs insults at someone every few minutes. Kathryn's certainly no saint, and her behavior is 100% obnoxious, but Landon's snotty interruptions weren't exactly polite dialogue, either. She doesn't owe her anything, sure, but then... Why expend so much negative energy on someone you purportedly don't care about?

Whitney and Cameran, them I'd describe as civil. (Ok, maybe just Cameran.) 

Edited by ivygirl
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So Landon is 34 years old and starting from scratch.  If she's starting from scratch, what has she been doing for the last ten years?  Apparently not much except living off a husband but she'll criticize a 24 year old.  The woman is desperate.  Sorry, but criticizing Kathryn's jewelry?  Look at your vanity web site that you claim you're working your ass off for.  You're in no position to throw out arrogance and snark especially given your ten year difference. 

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On 6/29/2016 at 1:44 PM, Jextella said:

You mean Landon's ROAM?

Yes, Landon's arts and travel and arts and stuff site. Haven't been to it in a while but it used to say "work for us!" or words to that effect. And someone on PTV said they'd inquired...

I admit I signed up for their newsletter and have received nothing since the confirmation email. Way to stoke interest, Landon!

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Hinckley Yachts regrammed a photo Landon posted of herself Fauxming (see what I did there) on one of their boats on Nantucket. It has since been taken down from their Instagram, I am assuming due to the negative comments, which were many. Heck, I almost unfollowed them. If they were unaware of the kind of person she is, they aren't anymore! 

On 7/18/2016 at 9:28 PM, RedDelicious said:

Hinckley Yachts regrammed a photo Landon posted of herself Fauxming (see what I did there) on one of their boats on Nantucket. It has since been taken down from their Instagram, I am assuming due to the negative comments, which were many. Heck, I almost unfollowed them. If they were unaware of the kind of person she is, they aren't anymore! 

Social media cracks me up! People will actually bombard some company with negative comments about a reality person in a pictures. The only reason they even knew Landon was in the pic was because they follow Landon. Landon squabbles with a drama queen red head and the hate is that strong ?  Wow! 

I can't imagine going on Instagram, Twitter,  just to make nasty comments about people I don't know.   (commenting on the show imo is different) 

Landon has her faults,  but she's not some killer, child abuser  or an orange dusted presidential candidate who makes vile comments day and night. 

I admit I didn't t like Kathryn during the show but I'd never think to go to her twitter/Instagram just to throw nasty comments at her. 

I do follow Kathryn on Twitter because I find her pretty crazy and get a chuckle out of her craziness,  that is when I remember to check it. 

Edited by imjagain
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On 7/8/2016 at 0:52 AM, breezy424 said:

So Landon is 34 years old and starting from scratch.  If she's starting from scratch, what has she been doing for the last ten years?  Apparently not much except living off a husband but she'll criticize a 24 year old.  The woman is desperate.  Sorry, but criticizing Kathryn's jewelry?  Look at your vanity web site that you claim you're working your ass off for.  You're in no position to throw out arrogance and snark especially given your ten year difference. 

I've always had a handful of issues with Landon:

  1. She's more similar to Kathryn than she realizes. Both of them think they are too good to work a regular job. They are both so entitled that they only come up with ridiculous money making ideas rather than just getting a normal job because they have older men (Thomas in Kathryn's case and her father in Landon's case) subsidizing their lifestyles.
  2. They can both be insufferable, rude, and unpleasant to be around though Kathryn is screamier. And for of the discussion of awful it was to be around Kathryn, I don't think there was a single scene with just Landon and Cameran. The two of them were a united never Kathryn coalition, but don't seem to be particularly fond of each other. If the men of this cast disappeared tomorrow, I doubt any of these women would say more than a dozen words to each for the next 50 years.
  3. Even if I believe Landon's supposition that she is both a better person and more successful than Kathryn, that's punching down. There is nothing particularly appealing about someone who is doing well rubbing it in the face of the person who isn't doing well. It's classless and graceless. 

I found Cameran's strategy to be the superior one. She tried to stay away from the Kathryn/Thomas drama and kept Kathryn's name out of her mouth. It felt like Landon jumped into the Kathryn/Thomas shit show as a way to keep herself relevant for the which is almost as crass anything Kathryn has ever pulled. I'm not going to tweet negative shit at Landon, but she's got a very high threshold for me to find any of her projects worthy of my patronage.

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But Cam's strategy was so much easier.  Cam lucked out.  She got a boost by marrying 'the doctor'.  It put her in a whole different position.  She also got (by sucking up IMO) into the good graces of Patricia by her choice of husband.  Cam was a former reality show person who was working at the makeup counter who then got her real estate license.  I disagree that she kept Kathryn's name out of her mouth.  She had a lot to say about Kathryn IMO. 

I liked Cam up until this season. 

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