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Landon Clements: She's like, the Valley Girl from like, Georgia

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I love this show but she is, like, seriously ruining it for me. Like, I get all squinty and, like, say "lalalala" so I don't have to, like, hear her try to, like, speak, and, like, laugh, and, like, be cutesy because, you know, she like got a divorce.

Girl needs to shut up and get off my tv because I cant FF her when she is with our boyfriend, Shep.

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Like, wasn't she like married to a very wealthy doctor in LA? So like, wouldn't she have gotten HALF his money in the divorce settlement given that it was CA?

So like, why is she bitching and moaning about like not having any money?


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If she signed a prenup, she may have wound up with, like, not much.



I'm not so sure. A prenup is supposed to work for both parties, not just to protect the one who has more wealth. A prenup that gave her almost nothing after a few years of marriage would not likely hold up in court or even have been drawn up in the first place. If she did sign one like that and walked away without contesting it, then she was foolish. 

Edited by RedHawk
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There's no telling with this one. She could have had an affair and got cut out completely. For someone who was married to a very wealthy man to now be complaining she has nothing. Either it's all for the show or there's more to the story.

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I'm trying to recall, has she actually said she has nothing? Before and after her phone call with her dad she was talking about how money was tight, she'd have to support herself and how expensive divorce was and moving across the country was, etc. But unless she said it elsewhere, she's not totally broke. My guess is that the divorce was not yet finalized or it was but she was waiting for the financial settlement to be determined.


In the meantime, she may not have much in the bank and little to no income (aside from a Bravo paycheck), yet she may be expecting a decent sum once the assets are divided. It works well for her character to be this now-poor former-rich young woman trying to restart her life and career post-divorce. May not be the real situation. 

Edited by RedHawk
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Like, I'm pretty sure houseboats are like, not exactly cheap, you know? Like you got to pay for docking fees and like maintenance fees, you know? And, y'know, drinks and eating out aren't exactly free, don't you know? I'm so sure.


Yeah, I don't think she's on her last dime. She's poor in relation to her former lifestyle, but not poor enough that she can't set up shop in a marina and go out every night.

Edited by methodwriter85
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She's probably a lovely woman in real life but I find her unwatchable. Jenna at least fit in well wth the others and they seemed to all like her. I would've much preferred JD or K. Cooper Ray as full cast members.

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Like, I'm pretty sure houseboats are like, not exactly cheap, you know?



She's trying to spin living on the houseboat as an economy measure, but it has to cost more than the rent on a modest one-bedroom or studio apartment would. Unless, of course, the houseboat belongs to a friend or family member and she's staying there for free (or unless it was Bravo's idea and they're offsetting the cost).

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I am trying to pin down just what it is exactly that grates. Its sort of a combo of Valley Girl, vocal fry, and nasal along the lines of Sheena from Vanderpump Rules (with the horrible nasaly vocal fry). But there's  something else weird going on, like her inflection goes up at the end of every sentence. And it makes her sound lazy and entitled and full of herself.  I don't know, its just like fingernails on a blackboard for me. 


Cant stand her. 

Edited by Bossa Nova
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Actually Jenna was filmed a lot with the cast..but the show didn't use any of her footage...they opted to focus on T Rav and Kathryn.. and unlike Cameron.. she wasn't effective as a Greek chorus member.

Its like the show decided to start from scratch and hire a new girl with a tie to shep..and are featuring her..but she isn't working at all. She seems a sweet girl, but to me..I would have kept her as a supporting character like Danni .

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I wish they'd just completely forgone adding another chick to the cast and just added JD or Cooper instead. Why do we even need yet another boring try-hard chick as a main cast member?

Hell, even skanky bed-sharing blonde Jennifer is more fun and fabulous than this vocal-fried snoozette of a brunette!

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Am I like the only one who doesn't really mind Landon? She seems sweet enough, if a bit a dumb, and I like her friendship with Shep and that she seems like she's game for anything.


I enjoyed her laughing her ass off at the thought of Craig being a model because he's too old.

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Am I like the only one who doesn't really mind Landon? She seems sweet enough, if a bit a dumb, and I like her friendship with Shep and that she seems like she's game for anything.


I enjoyed her laughing her ass off at the thought of Craig being a model because he's too old.

She seems like a really laid-back, normal person - "normal" in relation to other reality TV people - which I suspect doesn't make her the most compelling character to craft a storyline around. And, let's be honest, anyone who's okay in Shep's book is okay with me : )

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I was OK with Landon in the first episode.  By the second, the scrunchy faces, valley girl vocal fry with uptalking, and lack of energy started to grate.  But yes, unless she starts with one half glove on one hand, she's an improvement.

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Landon posted on Twitter that she attended a program for speech and learning disabilities throughout her adolescence.

I now feel like a giant ass. What I thought was an annoying rich girl affectation is in reality a disability that she struggled to overcome.

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The person who should feel the worst are her speech therapist because clearly they aren't good at their job.

We have no idea since we don't know how bad her speech problems were before meeting her on this show.

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I enjoyed her laughing her ass off at the thought of Craig being a model because he's too old.


That is absolutely the *only* Landon moment that I enjoyed.  All others bore me to tears or make me think she's a total bitch ("Cooper's little show")

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I don't want Landon to come back next season.  Her voice and laugh grates.  I have to FF through all her scenes.  Sorry.  I don't think her storyline brings anything to the table (although its still early in the season).  I hope TPTB  recast her.


Okay, so I just read up thread RE:  her speech disability.  My bad.  I still want her gone though.

Edited by beesknees
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Guess I'll have to Google Priscilla Waller later. I just watched episode 3 or 4 OnDemand. When Landon was chatting with her sister on the boat, she looked a bit haggard. I know it's been speculated that she's 33 but I wouldn't be surprised if she's Shep's age. Maybe she's just spent a lot of time in the sun.

Seems like Shep tends to stay fairly close to his ex-girlfriends.

Edited by turbogirlnyc
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I am trying to pin down just what it is exactly that grates. Its sort of a combo of Valley Girl, vocal fry, and nasal along the lines of Sheena from Vanderpump Rules (with the horrible nasaly vocal fry). But there's  something else weird going on, like her inflection goes up at the end of every sentence. And it makes her sound lazy and entitled and full of herself.  I don't know, its just like fingernails on a blackboard for me. 


Cant stand her. 


Sorry for the delayed reaction because I'm just now watching this show. But this girl gets on my nerves like no other.  And it's mostly superficial.  The wonky and squinty eyes, the grating voice, the giggle. And maybe I'm missing something but I'm not seeing anything of substance.  I'm only on episode 9.  Maybe she brings it later but she seems like a 16 year-oldk school girl.

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I like Landon. She seems sweet-natured, sensible, and isn't a nasty mess like Kathryn. She needs income so she went to work rather than trying to land a rich guy. Maybe she learned from marrying one rich guy that money doesn't guarantee happness. I kinda wish she and Shep would get into each other -- even if it was just a "showmance" for one season. They might balance each other.

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Landon is now trying to get a job to support herself - she married young, she married rich.  She has years of experience on Kathryn.  While she's not sloppy like Kathryn, I do think she's an emotional mess.  I'd like her exhusband to give her a little more cash for voice lessons.  For the good of humanity,

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Oh Lola, you always say what we're thinking. :)

Landon grew on me as the season progressed, if for nothing else, the way she called out Kathryn at the election night party. I've been where she is right now, and it's very, VERY hard to let go of the past mistakes and move on. You know in your head you did the right thing by leaving, but when things are hard, money is tight, you get pissed off all over again.

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I didn't care for Landon much at all in the beginning.  The valley girl mannerisms were too much.  As the season went on, we saw more of what is really underneath all that.  The marriage and divorce seem to have hit her hard.  That's a lot for anyone to take - but I imagine it was a whirlwind of crazy for someone so young. 


I also respect that she is struggling.  Growing up with a silver spoon and not being taught how to fend for oneself as an adult is hard (I know a few of these). They don't mind working for a living, they just don't know how to do it successfully.


I think Landon is struggling and quite a few levels.  I hope she comes back and is able to use the show to build some confidence and leverage a career for herself. 


Jenna (is that her name?) was dry as dirt without substance. There wasn't a single interesting or engaging thing about her.

Edited by Jextella
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