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I'm a Yankees fan of fairly recent vintage (My Yankee fandom, that is.  I'm super old.), but I've never warmed to Jeter, as much as I enjoy his play and his hotness. However, last night changed that.  He allowed himself to be so much less guarded in his commentary that I could begin to see why so many people love him.  It's too bad he had to be so very politic and neutral as a public persona, thereby depriving us of getting to know such a charming, warm personality.  I mean, I understand why he chose that route, but it's still a shame.


It was a really wonderful night that, against all odds, managed to surpass all the OTT hype.  (A small thank you to the level-headed, avuncular Kenny Singleton for providing low key commentary.)  I was so charmed by the stories of Jeter losing his batting glove, forgetting one of his elbow guards and having to go into the bathroom to cry when he wasn't on the field.  Awwww.

Edited by Harry24

The last time the Royals made the playoffs, I was not even a teenager yet. Good for them.

Man, I don't even know who to root for. I know that I am not rooting for the Angels, Cardinals (boooooring, why are they in this every year, what is their secret) or the Giants (sames).

I think I gotta root for the Pirates and Royals. The Pirates are super fun, even though they dumped Grilli who I share a high school alma mater with (although I'm still not rooting for the Angels, go figure) and the Royals are some new blood with a long-suffering fan base.

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Hee! In 1985, I had one of those hairdos only Prince should wear: long on one side, short on the other, pretty poofy everywhere else. Happily no photos of me survive of that era. Phew!


Jeter is going to be one of the subjects on the PBS genealogy show, Finding Your Roots w Henry Louis Gates, this week. In the preview, we find that his last name comes from a slaveholder. Check your local listings!

Definitely rooting for the Royals and Orioles in the AL. I am really bored of the Tigers being in the playoffs so wouldn't mind seeing them out of it early. But still holding out hope the Royals get the AL Central!


Also holding out hope the Pirates can get the Central from the Cardinals. And then whoever wins that just gets the Dodgers the heck out of the playoffs! 


Go Giants! This has been a weird season for them but this team has managed to do a lot of stuff these past few years and they get a little nuts when October rolls around. Anything can happen in a one-game playoff.

I love how the Royals, Orioles and Pirates are in the playoffs while several of the big guns (including my own Braves) are staying home this October.  It would be nice for some new or newer blood to win the World Series and I can honestly see a Beltway Series becoming a reality.


Not sure I can say I'm bored with the Tigers since Brad Ausmus brings so much pretty to the table.

Derek's last Fox day game? Egads. I thought I was ready for the overkill but I wasn't. (I only watched the first 3 innings, and ... it was plenty)


As much as these last games are in Boston, I saw a lot of NYers and the Jeter women throng in the stands. I see him doing a one AB and out tomorrow, after the Jeter gift-tour ends pre-game. I know on one of the RedSox boards they mentioned one of the gifts (think LL Bean) but... is it just my natural cruelty that wishes they'd give him a cane? Just me?  Okay then.


Also: If Jeter's last game IS today's game- Saturday. If he sits out on Sunday. His last game is the same day George Clooney got hitched. The women of the world weep.


ETA: for a legit baseball question. 10 years ago, I thought the Yankees were going to move Jeter to 3rd, and have A-Rod play short when they signed him. When A-Rod is back next year-- YES HE'S COMING BACK -- and seeing that none of the current Yankee shortstops have really done well with the mantle, do they try Roid Boy at SS?

Edited by King of Birds

I'm watching YES pregame coverage (because I'm a sadist) and why didn't anyone tell me that Jeet died? I thought he was just retiring but this coverage is a memorial, not a celebration.

Oh...and also, if he gets in the HOF on the first ballot, his induction ceremony will be in 2020. Two 2's? Come on.

And I have to admit, I'm STILL peeved at the schedulers for putting the Yanks on the road in their last series of the season two years in a row. See, not everyone like the Yankees, heh.

Edited by mojoween

The Rocket was all over the media on Friday celebrating Jeter too which irritated me but my husband said that A-Rod probably isn't even allowed to participate in any of this, regardless what Jeter thinks. Do you guys know if that might be true?

And hey, the Yanks are looking for talent at SS...and A-Rod's suspension ends at the end of this year...and I'm pretty sure Cashman said they are planning on A-Rod's return...problem solved!

If I didn't know better, I would have thought Fenway was having a celebration for a retiring Red Sox great.

And Keith Olberman's head just exploded.

Edited by mojoween
The Rocket was all over the media on Friday celebrating Jeter too which irritated me but my husband said that A-Rod probably isn't even allowed to participate in any of this, regardless what Jeter thinks. Do you guys know if that might be true?


That's what I was thinking, that as long as you were suspended you couldn't participate in any official MLB function.


ETA:  Damn, who's been chopping onions in here? *sniff*

Edited by smittykins
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Well, that's it. He's really done, and baseball keeps on churning. Let's see if Trout or Cutch or someone else picks up the mantle.


Since Cutch is my baseball boyfriend I hope it's him.


Damn, the last day of the baseball season always makes me sad.  I was listening to John Fogerty's "Centerfield" and even posted the video for it on FB just so I could be even more miserable.  I'm watching the Rays vs. Indians game and I don't recognize the names on the field for the Rays as it looks like a bunch of late season call ups.

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Awesome pregame ceremony by the otherwise villainous Red Sox :) It really hit all the right notes.


They said that Fenway asked Jeter if they could use Bob Sheppard to introduce him, but Jeter said no; that's just for the home games. So, jeez, aww for the RS, aww for DJ, and waaaaaaaah for the end of the Sheppard years.


Fucking fall allergies....


But just in time was that delightful turn by Pence to get the hometown crowd fired up for the postseason. Yes Yes Yes!!!

  • Love 1

and waaaaaaaah for the end of the Sheppard years.

Bob Lorenz brought it up at the end of the postgame show and it was so awful to contemplate. I mean, no, I can't even, we said good-bye to two Yankee icons today.

I do love that during the Jeter retrospective they rolled during the YES credits they had a "holy cow" from Harry Caray and a pic of Jeter getting an award from Selig with Keith Olberman standing right next to Jeet. Olberman got comments from it on Twitter and he chose to say "yes, it's true, I did work for FOX" instead of addressing the other point.

At the end of the day, Jeter most likely doesn't care. Joe Girardi said it himself, numbers didn't matter to Derek, winning did. And how about awww for Joe tearing up during the presser. He did for Mo too. I imagine part of it is "holy shit, what am I going to do next year with this lineup?"

Oh, also during the retrospective they showed Jeter breaking the SB record for the Yankees and I never thought of him as a SB threat and also, when I looked it up, holy shit Rickey Henderson has the second most in Yankee history and he only played with the Yanks for four and some years. He has 1106 SB in his career. That is madness. My husband said, "well of course, he's fucking fast."

  • Love 2
we said good-bye to two Yankee icons today.

Plus it most likely could have been the last game for Ichiro. Not that anyone really cares. He's not "core four" and all that.


Truth is I avoided replying here yesterday. I was gagging at all the Jeter crap, but I knew I'd be in the super duper minority on his last day. (Even more so than usual- baseball people are incredibly emotional after all.) But, God help me if Jetes is first ballot HOF.


I loved listening to Scooter do games. I even have his book of poetry that's basically just transcripts of his commentary.

I ... am at a loss on this. Since my favorite parts of Rizzuto was him going off-topic and talking about a "great steak he had once in a nice place upstate" when the Yankees were playing like crap, I can only imagine the poetry. Is rhyming involved?


Fantastic catch to end the the Zimmerman no hitter.

I flipped to the game (twitter can be useful after all) and that was such a great ending. I have a LA friend (Yankee fan) who keeps pressing me on "who're you gonna cheer for with the Red Sox out of it" -- I may jump on the Nats bandwagon. Normally I'd try to cheer for the Dodgers, but I'm still pissed at their ownership for denying most of Los Angeles from watching games this year. So, Fuck You Magic Johnson!


Magic: The Gathering playing newlywed

Just wanted to quote this for posterity. I LOL'd.


So- guesses/ your favorites for the post-season?

I ... am at a loss on this. Since my favorite parts of Rizzuto was him going off-topic and talking about a "great steak he had once in a nice place upstate" when the Yankees were playing like crap, I can only imagine the poetry. Is rhyming involved?


O Holy Cow!: The Selected Verse of Phil Rizzuto

Cleveland at New York

Lee Guetterman pitching to Chris James

Seventh inning, no outs, bases empty

Yankees lead 6-2

Go Ahead, Seaver


You know,

Some kid wrote me a letter.

You and Murcer,

I know,

Every time Murcer says

I make oh for four and two errors.

Some guy wrote,

Which I haven’t gotten yet,

He wrote it to Yankee Stadium,

But by the way,

You’re doing the play-by-play, Seaver.

So go ahead.

I was gonna tell you something,

But I forgot what it was.

Go ahead.

  • Love 1

I have a couple of friends who are members of Red Sox Nation, and thought that maybe they went just a little overboard with the re2pect at Fenway yesterday. It was excessively weird to see Bosox fans giving a Yankee a standing ovation.


Although I've enjoyed him in every carnation, from sports to news and back to sports, I don't quite understand the zest with which Olbermann went after Jeter. It almost seemed personal. His playing career might be over, but Jeter is only 40 years old; it's likely he'll be around the game of baseball for many, many more years, and he and Keith are likely to cross paths. Why would Keith want to go out of his way to poison a relationship with someone beloved who isn't going anywhere?

It's over, right? A certain infielder has played his last ever game and ridden off into the sunset and we are bearing down on the playoffs which have great intrigue and great matchups.

Well guess who is still chirping on Twitter about Jeter and your first two guesses don't count. I don't know if Olberman is still pissed off about whatever pissed him off about the coverage or he's just trolling his followers at this point. Or both.

Anyways. I'm done now. I mean, it will take awhile to get over it, but once the playoffs get started it will be put in the rearview mirror.

I tried to look at the MLB website to get a handle on where all of the games are going to be broadcast and my eyes glazed over. I guess I'll take it one game at a time, starting tomorrow at eight go Royals!

I know it's mean but I was kind of rooting for the Mariners to make the playoffs, just to teach Billy a lesson.


my favorite parts of Rizzuto was him going off-topic

Mine too. And I'm a Mets fan.  I have the book and it's a favorite of mine.

Here are two of my favorites:


Prayer for the Captain

    There's a little prayer I always say

    Whenever I think of my family or when I'm flying,

    When I'm afraid, and I am afraid of flying.

    It's just a little one. You can say it no matter what,

    Whether you're Catholic or Jewish or Protestant or


    And I've probably said it a thousand times

    Since I heard the news on Thurman Munson.

    It's not trying to be maudlin or anything.

    His Eminence, Cardinal Cooke, is going to come out

    And say a little prayer for Thurman Munson.

    But this is just a little one I say time and time again,

    It's just: Angel of God, Thurman's guardian dear,

    To whom his love commits him here there or everywhere,

    Ever this night and day be at his side,

    To light and guard, to rule and guide.

    For some reason it makes me feel like I'm talking to


    Or whoever's name you put in there,

    Whether it be my wife or any of my children, my parents

            or anything.

    It's just something to keep you really from going bananas.

    Because if you let this,

    If you keep thinking about what happened, and you can't

            understand it,

    That's what really drives you to despair.

    Faith. You gotta have faith.

    You know, they say time heals all wounds,

    And I don't quite agree with that a hundred percent.

    It gets you to cope with wounds.

    You carry them the rest of your life.

                    August 3, 1979

                    Baltimore at New York

                    Pregame show

I suppose that one is a little maudlin but for obvious reasons it's kind of a 9/11 thing for me.  And this which keeps kind of repeating in my head every October:


All right, this is it,

    The whole season coming down

    To just one ball game,

    And every mistake will be magnified,

    And every great play will be magnified,

    And it's a tough night for the players,

    I'll tell ya.

    I know last night, being in the same situation many times

    With the great Yankee teams of the past,

    you stay awake,

    And you dream,

    And you think of what might be,

    If you are the hero or the goat.

                October 14, 1976


                Final game

                Kansas City at New York

                Pregame show

Edited by ratgirlagogo

Postseason Broadcast Schedule

Finally, I've been waiting for this list. When they say Ernie Johnson, is he play by play? Isn't he the TBS studio announcer?

Yay! It's finally here! I feel like a kid on Christmas, I'm so excited for the playoffs. I mean, I am so far behind on my shows on the DVR but I don't care. They'll be there after the last at bat.

Now, obviously, I'm super sad that there is a team missing from this year's postseason, but you know what? I'm the fan the networks don't give a shit about, because I'm going to watch the MLB postseason even if I hate all of the teams.

I mean, how can you not watch?

Edited by mojoween
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