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S14.E03: Samantha C.

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Can Intervention not afford the private plane anymore? I don't think I've ever seen them try to transport an addict to rehab on a commercial flight. I could not believe Samantha was sitting out in the open at the gate in the airport sniffing drugs. What?! Did no one besides the producers see her? She should've been arrested on the spot.

How old is Samantha? Is she still 21? Even after 78 days clean she still looks rather old, which is no doubt due to the drugs and prostitution. I hope she stays clean but I don't know. Even her enlightened update didn't seen totally genuine.

On a shallow note, what was up with her mother's home? It looked like trinket museum. Just way too many figurines and collectable soda bottles and jars.

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This was the first time I actually loved Ken Seeley. I also loved the fact that he reminded her how difficult she was during the video chat.

That was seriously such a rough episode. Her father gave me the creeps, and I'm surprised he was actually invited to the Intervention. I mean, he's a terrible dude. His "mistakes" were kind of too big to even be considered mistakes.

I also hope she eventually learned more about her Hep C. The sex noises were even more uncomfortable after knowing she was pretty much destroying someone's life at that very moment.

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First off, I can't wait to read the review of tonight's show here tomorrow!

Samantha was real close to being just as crazy and unlikeable as Cryste (aka Christy). I just couldn't with this trick. During all my years of active addiction, I NEVER acted like that, ever. That bitch wanted what she wanted when she wanted it, and by George, her family gave it to her! I could not believe that she sat in the airport waiting area snorting drugs! Then she went and shot up toilet water! That chick probably has AIDS, HIV, Hep C, Hep B, and God knows what other types of communicable diseases. And her family is going to uproot their life to relocate to where she is. SMDH. This episode was insanity at it's finest.

  • Love 4

This was the first time I actually loved Ken Seeley. I also loved the fact that he reminded her how difficult she was during the video chat.

That was seriously such a rough episode. Her father gave me the creeps, and I'm surprised he was actually invited to the Intervention. I mean, he's a terrible dude. His "mistakes" were kind of too big to even be considered mistakes.

I also hope she eventually learned more about her Hep C. The sex noises were even more uncomfortable after knowing she was pretty much destroying someone's life at that very moment.

She has been diagnosed with Hep C? I must have missed that part. She wouldn't have necessarily given the john Hep C during sex. Hep C is spread thru blood to blood contact only. If she were on her period and he had a cut on his body that came in contact with the menstrual blood, then he could get it. Her dealer told her that word on the street was that she was spreading diseases. I'm glad they caught that on audio. I'll bet everybody that's ever had any contact with her at all will be at the doctor's office tomorrow.
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I don't like the Skype stuff - it all seems forced and fake. Can the show not afford the visit to the facility?

They have always done public flights, haven't they? Usually they give them stuff to keep them calm. Never seen them allowing the addict to have drugs once they get in the van.

There was an episode years ago of a chiropractor hooked on heroin (he smoked it). He sat in the van for hours smoking heroin before going into the airport. He said, "This is my last one." about 100 times before finally getting out of the van.

Can Intervention not afford the private plane anymore? I don't think I've ever seen them try to transport an addict to rehab on a commercial flight. I could not believe Samantha was sitting out in the open at the gate in the airport sniffing drugs. What?! Did no one besides the producers see her? She should've been arrested on the spot.

How old is Samantha? Is she still 21? Even after 78 days clean she still looks rather old, which is no doubt due to the drugs and prostitution. I hope she stays clean but I don't know. Even her enlightened update didn't seen totally genuine.

On a shallow note, what was up with her mother's home? It looked like trinket museum. Just way too many figurines and collectable soda bottles and jars.

I'm pretty sure the show has NEVER used a private plane.

Look at the spine on Ken!

Samantha was a clear example of an addict getting stuck at the age she was when she started using. I've never seen more 12-year-old behavior from someone who wasn't actually 12.

I was surprised about the whole thing with her father because I was 95% sure he was gay.

Kennedy deserves so much better than this mess.

Look at the spine on Ken!

Samantha was a clear example of an addict getting stuck at the age she was when she started using. I've never seen more 12-year-old behavior from someone who wasn't actually 12.

I was surprised about the whole thing with her father because I was 95% sure he was gay.

Kennedy deserves so much better than this mess.

Kennedy is the ONLY one I felt sorry for during this episode.
  • Love 5

There was an episode years ago of a chiropractor hooked on heroin (he smoked it). He sat in the van for hours smoking heroin before going into the airport. He said, "This is my last one." about 100 times before finally getting out of the van.

I'm pretty sure the show has NEVER used a private plane.

Kennedy is the ONLY one I felt sorry for during this episode.

Thanks for the clarification. I haven't seen every episode out there but the ones I have seen it always seemed like they were on a private plane or at least had a section of the plane to themselves when transporting addicts.

I also agree with those who found Samantha unlikeable. She'd gone through hell with her father's criminal behavior and her being raped, did they say anything about her rapist going to jail? But there just didn't seem like there was much personality there and certainly nothing likable and perhaps that was due to her starting the drug use at such an early age.

Edited by Enero
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I have my own past with drugs so I'm not judging (OK, I'm judging a little, lol), but I have to say that never, ever would I have used toilet water. Just..no. Some of these addicts are nasty, and I don't think it's always their addiction.

I get life on the street is no picnic. I get beggars can't be choosers. I get resources are limited, money is for drugs and not bottled water and clean works (except...yes it is)...I get all that and I still don't get toilet water , I still don't get sitting there letting blood run down your arm after injecting while you answer your phone or stare off into the yonder, not bothering to at least grab a napkin . I still don't get the childish, demanding behaviors.

I don't get the disregard for the safety of others. Sharing a needle, unprotected sex... Drugs are risky enough, and I can honestly say that I and my partner were sticklers for safety. Don't share needles, don't share works, period. If I somehow managed to contract something anyway, I'd damn sure not spread it around. I think the chances of contracting Hep C via sex are increase if you have certain risk factors, many of which a lot of the addicts have, and Samantha surely had-- IV drug use, multiple sex partners, certain types of sex, having another STD (as a prostitute, very possible for Sam) I'm just saying..there is so much blatant disregard.

I've been in recovery a while, but I've pretty much seen it all.

I've been around some crazy things, but some things still boggle the mind. I've never understood being a dirty, nasty addict. The two do not have to go hand-in-hand. Even on the streets it is possible to be a clean addict, or at least to inject clean water. It is possible to be disease-free, too. I know that's the least of the worries for some of the addicts, but it really shows how little these people think of themselves. Toilet water... It's almost symbolic.

I've also never understood being a childish, asshole addict--I just wasn't like that. For me it all boiled down to manners and respect, high or not high, sick or not. I never demanded drug money from anyone, let alone my mother! Even though she is kind and giving, if I would have even attempted that kind of bullying-demanding for drug money, I know I would not have been successful.

I have to admit that I didn't expect Samantha to be successful. I hope she continues on her path of recovery . I hope she gets treated for her Hep C, too.

I had just posted in Ken's thread that I missed him, so I was thrilled to have him back.

Who the fark snorts drugs in an airport boarding area? Lol!

Edited by Scorpiosunshine
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I meant to add:

I love the updates on past addicts! They can keep doing that and I'll never tire of it. Sara having ten years sober made me smile . (I remember having a hard time understanding her during her episode, but she sounded perfectly normal in her update, so I guess it was the drugs.) Good for her for her continued success!

  • Love 1

Wow, how old was the pervert father when he became a father? 12? I know prolonged use of hard drugs can age you and Samantha certainly looked very old for her actual age, but damn. She looked way older than her own father!

IKR? I swear, Samantha looked old enough to be her father's mother! (I had to type that slowly it was so unnatural!) I missed the first few minutes of the episode; how old was she anyway?

  • Love 4

I guess I don't expect long-time alcoholics and addicts to be clean freaks. I know they can and should be, and it's disturbing to watch someone use toilet water, but Samantha seemed to be beyond caring or even thinking clearly. She was literally going from fix to trick in an endless cycle, like a frenzied robot.


I wonder if she has more diseases than she's willing to admit to anyone, including her tricks. A man here in the DC area, who has HIV, was just convicted for having unprotected sex with women he picked up in bars.


I'm also curious about the economics. I think I heard Samatha quote a price of $200 or $300 for an hour. That seems high, but I wonder if she's offering condom-free sex to deluded customers and thus charging that much. That would explain why a potential customer asked her if she's disease-free.


I guess the audio of the tricks' sex is meant to bring in viewers. Ugh.


One wonders how many little girls Samantha's father approached over the years. Like many pedophiles he's still making excuses. He didn't fully own the behavior in his interview, although he did come through for Samantha during her intervention. I think Ken knew she needed to hear the father admit guilt.


Yay Ken, the Crazed-Addict Whisperer! This is the man who brought in Right-Turn Linda and freed her enslaved brother.

Edited by pasdetrois
  • Love 7

The toilet water......I think it is more due to her upbringing than being an addict.  Since she was snorting drugs out in the open, I am sure she would of not thought twice about getting water out of the sink instead of the toilet.

   Her mothers house was dirty and hoarded, so that's what she grew up in. 

             The whole airport fiasco?  For two reasons I think it was faked, at least some of it.     One, airlines once a person is known to be under the influence and acting out as badly as she is (snorting out in the open included) they will ground you for the entire day, not just one flight. They might even force you to leave the airport.

 Second, in the credits I saw the name of an ambulance flight company.  I am thinking they might of tried a commercial flight, then switched to a private transport and maybe enhanced the drama a bit.

  • Love 1

It's been a few years since I watched one of these, and, oh boy. Go Ken!

Yes, the father was super creepy, but he also encouraged her, telling her she was strong. It seemed like his letter focused more on her, while her mom's letter was a little more "woe is me, I need you, you're my best friend". Also wtf with her family not apologizing for Samantha not getting counseling after her rape? They never explained whether they were aware of the rape or tried/ didn't try to help her deal with it. It was just listed as another reason why she became a junkie.

Can you really get away with charging that much for tricks when you look like a gross junkie? Eeeee.

  • Love 3
I also hope she eventually learned more about her Hep C. The sex noises were even more uncomfortable after knowing she was pretty much destroying someone's life at that very moment.

Well, he DID choose to pay for sex with an admitted IV drug-using prostitute. That was his choice. Even if she hadn’t admitted it, she looked like a junkie. (She was one of the hardest-looking women they’ve shown in a while. She absolutely looked older than her own father.) And I suspect he was asking about her disease status (and I would be shocked if, between the 5-7 johns a day and the needles, she didn’t have a strain of HPV or HSV on top of the Hep C at the very least. I assume she isn't being tested, and many STDs are asymptomatic) so he could go bareback, which was also his (stupid) choice.


Her parents were so different from each other. Her father gave me a gay vibe too, and he was much cleaner-cut than his mother. (I assume they were the same age but Mom looked a decade older than Dad.) You could literally see that they had grown apart. And the whole “inappropriate relationship” thing gave me the heebie-jeebies.


I felt AWFUL for the little sister. (And where was her father?) She’s mature in the way that kids who have seen too much are. She was so bright and articulate, but you know she knows way, way too much. Samantha was shooting up in her mother's house - her mother walked in on it, and I'm sure Kennedy has too. And I'd bet Kennedy knows more than she should about how Samantha made money - Samantha referenced "doing [her] trick" during the intervention.


Her mothers house was dirty and hoarded, so that's what she grew up in.

I said out loud, “That house is a mess” when they panned around. Just … stuff… everywhere.


Can you really get away with charging that much for tricks when you look like a gross junkie? Eeeee.

I had that thought myself and then I judged myself for having it. But WOW, she was a rough-looking woman. She looked like a homeless junkie, which is basically what she was, and she was charging escort prices (I think).


I absolutely did not expect her to go to treatment. Between losing her dad and her friends to the "inappropriate relationship" he was having to being what sounds like brutally raped at 12, it was no wonder she did drugs, frankly.

  • Love 2

Well she has her own place which means no back alley or car and she looks like the type who doesn't make the John wear a condom. Both allow her to up her price.[/quote name=purplemonkey" post="1005766]

Can you really get away with charging that much for tricks when you look like a gross junkie? Eeeee.

I thought she said she made $300-$500 a day, not an hour. Perhaps I misheard? With the 5-6 customers she has a day that's about $50 -$80 a customer, which is still kind of high considering how skank she looks. But seems more believable than $300-$500 an hour. She also could've been fudging the numbers on how much money she makes.

Edited by Enero

If I recall correctly, she told one of her johns on the phone that she was "running a special" of $120 for half an hour, and then mentioned $300 an hour. My knowledge of sex work prices is pretty limited, but $300 an hour seems like "escort, shows up in a cocktail dress and is well-groomed" money, not street junkie money. 


The math doesn't add up though - I thought she said $500 a day and 5-7 johns, but that only works if she's doing half-hour gigs. Which maybe she was, if she was focused on scoring and using in between tricks. 5-7 johns a day for an hour each time is almost a full day's work.


Samantha has a long road ahead of her. She needs therapy to deal with the rape and with her father's ... whatever that was, and she needs some life skills and some education. As has been said, when you do drugs you stunt your development at the age you were when you started, and she really did act like a 12-year-old. Her little sister was more mature than she was.

  • Love 3

God, Ken is sexy.  I'm sorry, what were we talking about?


I should have felt more sorry for Samantha, because...wow, what a horrible life, between her father and the rape.  But damn, this show has shown a lot of people who were not that flatout unlikable except for Cristy, Gabe, and what's-his-hoodle that killed himself while in a standoff with the cops.


When the Black Screen popped up and said that Samantha's mom was planning on moving to Texas to be with her, that seemed really codependent to me.

  • Love 7

Sick in bed and re-watching the ep. She says "on average I sleep with about 5 customers a day and I make between $500 to $700 a day." Then in the next scene she's on the phone with a John who asks her for two hours, and she says that's $300 apiece. Then the moaning (gross), and then her bragging that she makes more in a day than many people do in a week.

I hate the Skype thing because it's awkward and they just talk over each other, but it was great to see Sara, as she's one of the addicts I most vividly remember.  10 years of sobriety is huge, congrats to her.


Samantha was one of those rare Interventionees who didn't seem to be remotely affected by the tears of a younger sibling/child.  She was just cold.  And I felt like the mom protested a little too much about how she'd never seen a syringe, never seen dope done in her house, etc. She seemed like the type who, if Samantha hadn't gone to treatment, would've ended up trying a little heroin with her.

  • Love 7

What was up with making poor Kennedy share a bed with her mother and a heroin addicted prostitute who most certainly has herpes, warts, and bed bugs along with her Hep C!?!?!?!?


Got a good laugh over the John doing an "STD screening" over the phone. Sure, dude, take her word for it that she's "clean." No worries. 


The mom was not all there herself. 

Sick in bed and re-watching the ep. She says "on average I sleep with about 5 customers a day and I make between $500 to $700 a day." Then in the next scene she's on the phone with a John who asks her for two hours, and she says that's $300 apiece. Then the moaning (gross), and then her bragging that she makes more in a day than many people do in a week.

That confused me because in the scene with her friend who takes a cut of her money for letting her use his house, they were trying to figure out how long it would take her to come up with $750 and the guy was saying 3-4 days. 

Edited by PityFree
  • Love 4

I think Samantha has very poor math skills and was grossly exaggerating how much money she really makes turning tricks.  I used to work with street workers, people very similar to Samantha, and they told me how much they made for various acts, all involving no condom.  It wasn't even close to what Samantha was quoting.  I do feel bad for her, which is unusual for me and this show; her story reminded me of the women I met through that job, their sad stories, and how desperately some of them just wanted to be normal, but were stuck in a horrible cycle that they couldn't get out of. 


Who do I not feel sorry for in the slightest?  Their johns.  That guy on the phone asking about diseases?  Moron.  Sadly, he is not in a minority when it comes to men who sleep with prostitutes.  They're either delusional or just don't care about what diseases they're getting.

  • Love 3

God, Ken is sexy.  I'm sorry, what were we talking about?


I should have felt more sorry for Samantha, because...wow, what a horrible life, between her father and the rape.  But damn, this show has shown a lot of people who were not that flatout unlikable except for Cristy, Gabe, and what's-his-hoodle that killed himself while in a standoff with the cops.


When the Black Screen popped up and said that Samantha's mom was planning on moving to Texas to be with her, that seemed really codependent to me.

Don't forget to add Right Turn Linda and Jimbo to that list!

Damn Ken is looking fine! Words I never thought I would say. Get as snippy as you want!  Ken call me!!


What a terrible, terrible unlikable family. The Mom with her "My Pretty, Pretty Princess", creepy pedo dad, violent junkie daughter who lies to johns about hepatitis. And hate to be like this but men actually PAY MONEY to have sex with people like that. I mean her looks scream I shoot up, have diseases, am half dead and I  won't even mention the hair, skin, sores and the rest. My mind is boggled. She looked like she reeked of booze, sweat and onions. I could have made a lot of money back in the day. Oh right I wouldn't bareback strangers. I think Samantha had no chance with that family and the asshole dad of her friend sealed the deal. What a sick,sick, fucked up world we live in. Free Kennedy. 

  • Love 2

Finally watched last night, and boy was this a messed up family. I just wanted to reach through my screen and rescue Kennedy.  Samatha's mom seemed to feed off the drama (hence moving to Texas) and wouldn't know what to do without it.  Dad was a jerk, but at least owned up to what he had done.  (I wasn't clear, but it appeared that it didn't go any farther than inappropriate emails.  Bad enough, but sure could have been worse.)  If Samantha was allowed to stay in Texas near her aunt without her mom around, she might have a chance.  But "Sure, I'll take you to buy drugs and drop you off for your john" mom will screw it up I'm sure.  And yeah, Samantha did look older than her own dad.

  • Love 5

I have a dim memory of a guy either being thrown off, or having a meltdown and demanding to be let off. I think Jeff was the interventionist.

The interventionist wasn't Jeff. It was a man with a deep voice and he maybe had a beard? He was in recovery for heroin himself. I wish I could think of his name. He had very little patience with the entitled, spoiled brat that showed his ass on the way to rehab. The kid got to rehab and then claimed he got hurt riding a bike and went to the ER for morphine shots. SMDH

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