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S01.E19: Spartan Figures

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I'm surprised that Elizabeth would be okay with Henry taking the job. First of all, does she even know that it's not just teaching military minds but also potentially going on NSA undercover ops? (At least, that's what it sounded like. Or did I understand it incorrectly?) And secondly, I would think they'd want one parent to be a stable influence and more available for their kids. Elizabeth's job is already highly taxing and time-consuming. If Henry's no longer home very often either, who's taking care of the kids? If both of them are off traveling at a moment's notice, I see this being not so great for the two younger kids.


Also, though I am liking Russell more as his character continues to be fleshed out and developed, I am concerned that he was the one pushing Henry to take this job. I wonder what his angle is, and I really hope he's not planning to use this in any way against Elizabeth, not after he's become a trusted ally.

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She can negotiate a nice, long microloan on another continent...


That said, we actually saw the President being Presidential (and/or political): twisting arms and reminding people what they owe him. He had to have SOME skilllz to get elected other than being an ex-spy. And he truly seems to trust Bess. You wonder why he didn't ask her to be in his administration sooner. (Of course, then we wouldn't have the premise for the show & the Mystery of the Dead SoS). Matt still seems to be cruisin' for a bruisin' and I suspected Blake was there at the Sec's orders. (But that's the second time she's conned the rest of the staff this season...if that's her SOP, she's going to have a lot more distrust on the staff before too long).

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I actually liked Stevie in this episode. Yeah, her relationship with her boss is creepy, but she's not being outright foolish at the moment. And her interactions with both the First Son and with her mom were good and caring.


On another note, is it just me or has middle-daughter-whose-name-I-always-forget really grown up all of a sudden? 


That said, we actually saw the President being Presidential (and/or political): twisting arms and reminding people what they owe him. He had to have SOME skilllz to get elected other than being an ex-spy. And he truly seems to trust Bess. You wonder why he didn't ask her to be in his administration sooner.



He's had some bad luck with his cabinet. The previous Secretary of State was having an affair and doing shady international stuff related to Iran. And his former Secretary of Treasury is an asshole who almost shattered the world economy by stealing ancient artifacts (which I'm not sure is actually legal).

Edited by Xantar
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They might have screwed their chance to sell this show to German TV stations with this episode. ;-)


Okay, no, I had a good laugh, but I am sometimes not so sure about the humor of my own fellow countrymen. Greek financial and economical situation is a hot issue in Germany, unfortunately sparking some nasty nationalistic tones in both countries and is used by extremist parties. Sadly haven't overcome all that crap of pathetic and populist nationalism in Europe.


President Dalton mumbling to Bess about German Chancellor Schulz "Even at her most chipper she can freeze fire" made me sure laugh (yes, Merkel can, as she likes to laugh though, just view her watching soccer). As colorful jackets and bead necklaces are indeed somewhat Merkel's signature,  though the "Merkel-Raute" (in body language studies called Steepling) is better known.




Though they do things sometimes cliched and a tad too idealistic even for my taste (and I am an idealist) tip of the hat to the writers of the show for the political issues and situations they pick up.


The episode was a filler episode, a lot of comedic elements with a few serious moments scattered in between, the latter probably building up for the last episodes or maybe even second season (like Henry taking eventually a new job). Kinda the breather before the final dramatic run.


I am not going to translate, what Blake said in German, but see it as a bit of a wordplay somewhat referring to his gaffe. Very funny to let Blake get in trouble with the needs of nature in the town of the Mannekin Pis statue - but indeed public urination is in Brussels forbidden and would be fined (100 Euros think it is). Was a bit of a running gag for this episode, was it, with the scene at the beginning at McCord's farm.


Bess asking if they should knock - lol. One can notice that Tea Leonie has done a lot of comedy.


The dynamic between Bess and Russel - getting better and better. Maybe they should put a lock on the door, or a special Russell barrier, and stealthy charm is a diplomatic description of his personality.


I don't mind Stevie. Even think she is mostly a well done character, but guess will be rather alone with that view here. Yes, she is annoying, spoiled, idealistic, has much to learn, so many dislike her, but think she has her role on the show. Can't like all characters on a show IMO. As much as I dislike Matt for example, if I would meet that guy in real I would go through the roof and welcome to see him get fired, as character he works on the show, regardless that the Maisy story doesn't work that well IMO. But YMMV.


Speaking of Matt. Say it again, he is heading for trouble, bit on a high the guy, and maybe he actually is frequently high, using drugs, some stimulants. The way Matt reacted to Nadine in the prep meeting for Brussels - some mistake. Anything like that when Bess is present - and I'll hope Bess gives him the boot or at least some serious last warning.


So, USA has more intimidating bodyguards than everyone else in the world? 


They seem to have some tall ones. Or could say, Germans have some healthy sense to get out of the way when there is no need for a brawl (not really).



That said, we actually saw the President being Presidential (and/or political): twisting arms and reminding people what they owe him. He had to have SOME skilllz to get elected other than being an ex-spy. And he truly seems to trust Bess. You wonder why he didn't ask her to be in his administration sooner.


Dalton said he wanted Bess from the beginning but advisers told him differently. Party politics.

Edited by myril
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Very funny to let Blake get in trouble with the needs of nature in the town of the Mannekin Pis statue - but indeed public urination is in Brussels forbidden and would be fined (100 Euros think it is). Was a bit of a running gag for this episode, was it, with the scene at the beginning at McCord's farm.


But was he tagged for life as a sex-offender?  I understand that;s pretty standard practice in many parts of the USA.


Germans have some healthy sense to get out of the way when there is no need for a brawl (not really).


I can just picture the head of state of, say Venezuela, or South Yemen, forcing their way into a private meeting between the President and heads of state of several other countries, using muscle and firearms.  I think the German security man should have shot the secret service guy in the head, but that's just me.


But was he tagged for life as a sex-offender?  I understand that;s pretty standard practice in many parts of the USA.


Unless the Brussels we saw in the show was in those parts of the USA, and unless he was charged for indecent exposure additionally, no he wasn't tagged. It's just some subtle humor, or irony, that they played this out in the city known among others things for a statue called Mannekin Pis. Nothing more serious to that story, just comedy.

Edited by myril

I liked all about  the McCord family interactions, Russel stealing fries from Elizabeth and Blake being adorable. Otherwise it was somewhat lackluster. I don't care about Stevie, her creepy love life, and I certainly don't care about poor rich boy drama of the POTUS' son.


I find the POTUS himself to be a terrible wet blanket of character. Keith Carradine has no charisma or charm in this role. The POTUS being pushed around by the Greek prime-minister and some random ex-employee was just pathetic. His character's speech to the Eurozone conspirators sounded incredibly tame and unconvincing. Frank Reagan would eat those jerks on breakfast, and he's just a NY Police Commissioner!

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Frank Reagan would eat those jerks on breakfast, and he's just a NY Police Commissioner!

That's because he's got the mustache of righteousness on his side!


This was an episode where reality and tv scenario were clashing way too much for me. Take the arrival of POTUS and SECSTATE in Brussels in the -same- car and without being surrounded by a massive entourage. Then they are greeted by the ice-quee aka the Merkel-lookalike and later sent to the naughty corner in person - none of that would happen in real life no matter how pissed off at each other all parties were. If there's diplomatic 'unpleasantness' in play it will be directed towards a member of the diplomatic corps who will act as messenger. But certainly not in this 'right in your face so that you can lose it' manner.


Ah, well - Russell's appearances in Elizabeth's office (and her exasperated reactions) made up for all that. The fries stealing was new and I hope it turns into an additional running gag.

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My love for this show is growing and growing, and even though there have been better episodes than this one, I still loved it.  There aren't many network shows I really look forward to, and this has been inching its way to the top of my list.  The writers layer interactions so well, from home and family where the kids don't really like the farm, to the French-fry stealing on the job, to overseas visits to the city of the Mannekin Pis, there's always something to watch for.  Agree that Carradine is not what I'd expect from him (or anyone playing POTUS) in this.  And of course there are things to overlook, but on the scale of believableness/I'll-go-along-with-you-even-if-I-know-it's-stretched-a-little, it's so far ahead of, oh say, State of Affairs, it's not really in the same category. 

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 I've always liked the show and I like it even more when they toss around plot points like destabilization of the global economy.


I was a little bit stunned at the McCord wealth and extravagance.  "Did you see how much it cost to heat the stable this winter?"  Woof.  Not to mention the full time employees required to keep those horses maintained and exercised every day.  So Bess and Candy can show up a few times a year and let the kids ride, which bores them?


I guess I'll drop my campaign to put Stevie on the factory line for a couple of semesters.

They were living in this house before Elizabeth became Secretary of State. And I think she's the one who comes from the wealthy family.

I get that, and I know DC politicians usually keep a home base.  And I wouldn't ever put that beautiful house up for sale if I didn't have to.


But for heaven's sake, turn down the thermostat and board the horses while you're gone.

Stevie starts hanging out with First Son, who just got out of rehab and within a week needs to go back in.  I wonder if old man boss is looking better to Henry now.  



She can negotiate a nice, long microloan on another continent...


That said, we actually saw the President being Presidential (and/or political): twisting arms and reminding people what they owe him. He had to have SOME skilllz to get elected other than being an ex-spy. And he truly seems to trust Bess. You wonder why he didn't ask her to be in his administration sooner. (Of course, then we wouldn't have the premise for the show & the Mystery of the Dead SoS). Matt still seems to be cruisin' for a bruisin' and I suspected Blake was there at the Sec's orders. (But that's the second time she's conned the rest of the staff this season...if that's her SOP, she's going to have a lot more distrust on the staff before too long).


If your staff routinely discussed private matters in public bars, it is probably a good idea to keep them out of the loop.  


I realized that Daisy is the only one on the SOS staff that hasn't gotten a secret assignment.  Blake had his drinking with the Germans job, Matt was a double agent for Russell and Elizabeth (before they became best buds), Nadine had her banking assignment, and Jay had the firing fake-out.  

Accents were all over the place. The German chancellor sounded vaguely French/German/generic-European and the Greek minister sounded Russian.


POTUS' son is a junkie and he looks like that? Where can I score some horse?


I like how the show is evolving and how the SoS staff has become a part-time comedy troupe; maybe not realistic but entertaining. Speaking of which what happened to John Pankow? I thought he was romancing Bebe. I love that guy!

  • Love 7

So Stevie added a new piece of information tonight: that she maxed out her mother's credit card during the period when she was deciding if Elizabeth was worthy enough to have Stevie freeload at home . Just to make sure I have the right chronology:

Stevie wastes her parents' money by quitting college on a whim.

She decides that she will live free at home while writing a novel.

Feeling she is being punished because her father wants her to actually do something, she reluctantly gets a job, from which she is later fired.

During this time, she is not sure whether her mother is worthy of having Stevie free load at home, so she moves out.

Oh, and maxes out some of her mother's credit cards.

She ultimately decides that while she hates some things about her mother, her mother is nonetheless worthy of having Stevie free load at home.

The only thing worse than this extraordinarily entitled way of thinking were the numerous times that Elizabeth would do some cringe-worthy little happy dance in every episode in which it looked like Stevie was going to "allow" Elizabeth to have Stevie freeload at home.

I like so many things about this show, but the terrible way Stevie treats Elizabeth, and the truly embarrassing way in which Elizabeth lets Stevie walk all over her had me walk away from this show on more than one occasion.

Edited by jordanpond
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On 5/7/2015 at 11:43 AM, jordanpond said:

So Stevie added a new piece of information tonight: that she maxed out her mother's credit card during the period when she was deciding if Elizabeth was worthy enough to have Stevie freeload at home . Just to make sure I have the right chronology:

Stevie wastes her parents' money by quitting college on a whim.

She decides that she will live free at home while writing a novel.

Feeling she is being punished because her father wants her to actually do something, she reluctantly gets a job, from which she is later fired.

During this time, she is not sure whether her mother is worthy of having Stevie free load at home, so she moves out.

Oh, and maxes out some of her mother's credit cards.

She ultimately decides that while she hates some things about her mother, her mother is nonetheless worthy of having Stevie free load at home.

The only thing worse than this extraordinarily entitled way of thinking were the numerous times that Elizabeth would do some cringe-worthy little happy dance in every episode in which it looked like Stevie was going to "allow" Elizabeth to have Stevie freeload at home.

I like so many things about this show, but the terrible way Stevie treats Elizabeth, and the truly embarrassing way in which Elizabeth lets Stevie walk all over her had me walk away from this show on more than one occasion.

Stevie told her mom she maxed out her credit cards when stevie came to mom's office after she dressed too casually and needed $50 to buy a new shirt for work.  Bess said "why didn't you use your credit card"  stevie says "I maxed them out" 

I hope I was able to put your mind at rest and you have your answer after 5 long years.  😉  (I just started watching this show, not sure why I never started it.....its right up my alley) 

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