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S31: Spoilers

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Could it be Kelley may not be the original target, but uses her idol for that person (for argument's sake, I'll say Keith).  So she plays her idol for Keith, his votes don't count, Jeremy plays his idol on himself, his votes don't count, then Kelley is voted out in a re-vote?  That could go along with a complicated TC.  Though I really don't believe Kelley would play her idol for anyone else at this late stage, since she is on the bottom.  If she believes otherwise she deserves what she gets.  Could it be super complicated with immunity being given away because someone has an idol to play, and it throws TC into a tail spin?  Maybe Jeremy and Kelley produce their idols before the vote, people don't vote for them as a result, but they use them on someone else.  Then Kelley could go home in the re-vote.

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How can Jeremy be described as playing an UTR game given that multiple players have said both on screen and in exit interviews that they recognize Jeremy as one of the people running the show and the probable winner if he makes FTC?

Because time moves, and perceptions change. Personally, the exit interviews are the ones on which I put the least weight in terms of significance (" You're exhausted, you're starved, and you've just come from a TC where you were totally blindsided. TELL US HOW YOU FEEL!!!"). After 2-3 days and nights of regular meals, comfortable sleep, and (perhaps most significantly) time to reflect, I'd personally be more surprised if their initial perceptions didn't change to some degree.

If the jury prioritizes big splashy moves, it's possible that Jeremy won't win. But we know that he's not playing under-the-radar. He is very much on the radar to the point where part of why Stephen was so shocked about Spencer's betrayal of their alliance is that he didn't understand why Spencer would target Stephen over Jeremy.

Kinda illustrates my point, actually. Stephen was shocked about the rationale behind a big strategic move by Spencer - and if my perceptions of Stephen are reasonably accurate, it wouldn't surprise me a bit if within a week Stephen is lauding Spencer's game savvy in removing such a significant strategic threat as himself - and with a total blindside, no less! :>

Also, what on earth has anyone else done that's so much bigger or resume building than Jeremy? Spencer organized the vote out of Jeremy's main ally and then moved right into Stephen's place. That's hardly an earth shattering move. It's not like Spencer's the strategic power behind the throne based on what we're seeing. As far as we saw, Tasha controlled the decision about who to vote for the last two votes. It's shaping up that the only things Spencer is going to be able to claim are that he won multiple immunities and voted off Stephen. Tasha won't be credited with anything even when she should be (she's been in-the-know and a core member of the controlling alliance since merge). Kelley has her idol play(s). Keith has being good at immunities. Kimmi's got nothing at this point even if she somehow manages to make FTC.

IMHO the quantifiable differences right now are post-merge challenges:

  • Spencer = 4 (2 group RCs, 2 ICS)
  • Keith & Kelly = 3 (each 1 group RC, 1 individual RC, 1 IC)
  • Tasha = 2 group RCs
  • Kimmi = 1 group RC
  • Jeremy = 0
(Note: Not counting group RC "invites" - only those where an individual competitor can claim some degree of contribution in winning the challenge)

Heck, Kimmi's challenge resume looks better than Jeremy's at this point, and she's become a virtual nonentity.

Not even remotely claiming winning Survivor without winning challenges is not possible - hell, Sandra did it without winning any challenges, TWICE*. But in the long run, how probable is it?

Because social is not just one aspect of Survivor; it IS Survivor. The physical is just like being good at building a shelter and hunting food. It's a complicating factor that can influence the social, but it's not the core aspect of the game. That's why Sandra is the queen of Survivor, and Terry and Ozzy are just noteworthy runner ups.

You're certainly entitled to your opinion; mine happens to differ. Except under very rare circumstances, I generally don't think you can win by focusing purely on one aspect of the game to the exclusion of all others. You can hop on one leg to FTC, but it doesn't give you much to stand on once you get there. :)

* And FWIW - So far as HvV goes I don't think Sandra's phenomenal social game won her the prize, so much as Russell's and Pavarti's absolutely horrible social games cost them the victory. But that's purely my own opinion; YMMV.


P.S.: I still expect Jeremy to win; I just don't think it's as much a "done deal, write him the check already" thing as some do.

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 2
After 2-3 days and nights of regular meals, comfortable sleep, and (perhaps most significantly) time to reflect, I'd personally be more surprised if their initial perceptions didn't change to some degree.
When I reference exit interviews, I mean the ones Survivors give after their boot episode. Contestants have consistently praised Jeremy's game during the show and in their post-show interviews. There is absolutely nothing to indicate that any of the players view Jeremy as a floater or goat.


Stephen was shocked about the rationale behind a big strategic move by Spencer - and if my perceptions of Stephen are reasonably accurate, it wouldn't surprise me a bit if within a week Stephen is lauding Spencer's game savvy in removing such a significant strategic threat as himself
Stephen praised Spencer for doing a good job executing the blindside, but he still seems perplexed by Spencer's choice of him over Jeremy. Stephen's been fairly realistic about his own gameplay in his writings, interviewing, and tweeting.


IMHO the quantifiable differences right now are post-merge challenges:
But Jeremy's found not one, but two hidden immunity idols, which is also splashy. There are people on the jury who I think may value challenge wins, but I think those people are a lock for Jeremy (Savage, Wigles). Maybe Spencer's challenge performance will influence Joe, although he seemed particularly bitter against Spencer in his exit interviews. I don't think Kass, Ciera, Abi, or Stephen give a flip about challenge strength.  


You can hop on one leg to FTC, but it doesn't give you much to stand on once you get there.
I fundamentally disagree with this although it's a conversation for outside the spoiler thread, probably. I think all evidence is that jurors will rationalize as needed in order to vote for the person they like more (or in some cases hate less).


But Jeremy has plenty he can say about his strategy. He came in knowing that he'd need to account for the perception of him as a physical threat, which he successfully did by allying with other strong physical competitors. He found two idols and kept them secret until he was ready to use them. In a game dominated by lack of loyalty and alliances, he kept a stable alliance that he used to make it all the way through end game and never (or rarely, depending on what happens with Kimmi) betrayed it. His game isn't "people like me, and I have a pregnant wife, so vote for me." 

  • Love 6

I was thinking that he was talking to other folks that were there and gleaned from them what happened.  We all know they all talk to each other after the game. I noted when Shirin left, she was posturing that Spencer/Kelley going far would be like her winning (even though she left second), akin to how last year she was posturing that a Mike win would be a Shirin win. I think everyone that played knew how the game played out.

Edited by pennben
  • Love 1

Could it be Kelley may not be the original target, but uses her idol for that person (for argument's sake, I'll say Keith).  So she plays her idol for Keith, his votes don't count, Jeremy plays his idol on himself, his votes don't count, then Kelley is voted out in a re-vote?


Speaking of which, my historian brain fails me ( mostly because I haven't been keeping up with survivor) but has anybody ever gone home at the tribal where they played an idol for somebody else?  I think JT might be the closest we come to something even remotely like that happening. But I'm not sure.


1.Spencer = 4 (2 group RCs, 2 ICS)

2.Keith & Kelly = 3 (each 1 group RC, 1 individual RC, 1 IC)

3.Tasha = 2 group RCs

4.Kimmi = 1 group RC

5.Jeremy = 0


I see your point with challenges, but including group rcs is pushing it. Besides to say that Jeremy hasn't been concentrating on winning challenges just because he hasn't won any is an unfair statement.


Does anyone think that Vytas might be behind the bootlist, thus CBS banning him not only for leaving once he was booted first but they figured out he spoiled the season as part of his tantrum?



I doubt it. he was probably disinvited because he was stupid enough to go on social media at the time he was supposed to be in the game thereby spoiling his placement in the game.


As for Jeremy's utr game, whether one agrees with this move  or not, you gotta admit that using an idol on Stephen when it would've been easier to go with the numbers is the exact opposite of utr.

Speaking of which, my historian brain fails me ( mostly because I haven't been keeping up with survivor) but has anybody ever gone home at the tribal where they played an idol for somebody else?  I think JT might be the closest we come to something even remotely like that happening. But I'm not sure.



I don't believe so.  I think JT is the closest we have to it.  I have to say, my memory isn't as good with recent seasons of Survivor as it is with the pre-HvsV era.  Since someone said it up thread about someone going home by a lone vote, and going along with the idea of a complicated tribal, I wondered if maybe that's what happened here.  Perhaps Kelley plays her idol on someone else, whose votes don't count, and Jeremy plays his idol so the votes don't count, but someone randomly voted for Kelley because they were told that was the target?  That sort of is what happened with JT, but would still be different enough to be considered a first.  I don't know, probably the theories we are coming up with are more exciting than what's going to happen.

I don't believe so.  I think JT is the closest we have to it.  


Does Erik from FvF count?  His wasn't an immunity idol, but just the necklace (which makes it even dumber/awesomer).


Mookie from Fiji -- the smuggest of the horsemen -- would have gone out after he gave one to Alex if Earl & Co had trusted Dreamz more.

Edited by phlebas

Going back to the two idols being played negating all votes:


There is a simple solution, however, and Jeff Probst actually addressed this possibility in a video Q&A three years ago. Talking about those who’d played idols, he said:

“They would be immune and we would revote, and you would have to vote for somebody else.”

  • Love 1

Heh, see I really, really don't want Spencer to win and think he has very little argument except "I won a few challenges, booted Stephen to take his place and I'm a Real Live Boy now!" I think Spencer's arguments will fall too much into the "But I've changed!" category (as that's been his narrative all season) and I don't think that's a great reason to reward someone with a million dollars. Again, he forged no strong relationships except for arguably Jeremy, and found no real alliance outside of Jeremy. To be blunt: he's white Gervase, and it will be an interesting commentary to see if he gets more votes than actual Gervase, because their paths seem remarkably similar, save for a couple of Spencer's challenge wins and Extreme Makeover: Personality Edition story.


This is why I really want Jeremy to use his idol on Spencer -- to solidify him as the Gervase of the season, to make it clear that he's here due to the kindness of Jeremy, and that both Spencer's strategic and social games are pretty subpar when he couldn't even cobble together three other people to say "Gee, let's vote Jeremy out."


I'd actually swap Tasha for Kelley in a heartbeat, because in that final three, Spencer is the clear goat. Or lose him altogether and get Jeremy vs. Kelley, mano a mano -- the two dominant players of the season, and may the best person win! But since I can't have that, I'll settle for a Jeremy win. He didn't need to spend half the season waxing poetic on getting people to like him -- he just did it naturally. And found two idols to boot!

  • Love 4

I don't believe so.  I think JT is the closest we have to it.  I have to say, my memory isn't as good with recent seasons of Survivor as it is with the pre-HvsV era.  Since someone said it up thread about someone going home by a lone vote, and going along with the idea of a complicated tribal, I wondered if maybe that's what happened here.  Perhaps Kelley plays her idol on someone else, whose votes don't count, and Jeremy plays his idol so the votes don't count, but someone randomly voted for Kelley because they were told that was the target?  That sort of is what happened with JT, but would still be different enough to be considered a first.  I don't know, probably the theories we are coming up with are more exciting than what's going to happen.

I don't think it has ever been 1 vote. So its possible the first is someone goes home with 1 vote the record I think is two. 

Could it be Kelley may not be the original target, but uses her idol for that person (for argument's sake, I'll say Keith).  So she plays her idol for Keith, his votes don't count, Jeremy plays his idol on himself, his votes don't count, then Kelley is voted out in a re-vote?  That could go along with a complicated TC.  Though I really don't believe Kelley would play her idol for anyone else at this late stage, since she is on the bottom.  If she believes otherwise she deserves what she gets.  Could it be super complicated with immunity being given away because someone has an idol to play, and it throws TC into a tail spin?  Maybe Jeremy and Kelley produce their idols before the vote, people don't vote for them as a result, but they use them on someone else.  Then Kelley could go home in the re-vote.

Good God, I hope not! I think at this point, especially with Kelley's standing in the game, it would be too stupid to use the idol on someone else other than herself. You're so close to the last tribal you can use your idol, so save it for yourself even if playing it will not mean anything (like how Spencer used his idol on the tribal that Tasha got voted off instead, and he didn't receive any votes). She's in a precarious position, she's not in the power alliance so I hope she doesn't do something stupid like that.


Natalie used her idol on someone else on the final five, but that worked because she knows she's in the majority alliance and her alliance knows she has the idol and wouldn't dare vote her out because of that. I think that was the only time it worked. But other than that, use it for yourself especially being this close to the finals.

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Before proceeding any further, please let me reiterate - I expect Jeremy to win.

I'm simply playing devil's advocate to the notion he's an automatic walk.

That being said:

I see your point with challenges, but including group rcs is pushing it.

Yeah... I only included those for additional disambiguation - otherwise, you end up with Jeremy, Kimmi and Tasha in one great big "ain't won shit" puddle at the bottom.

I wanted more granularity. :)

Besides to say that Jeremy hasn't been concentrating on winning challenges just because he hasn't won any is an unfair statement.

Quite possibly it is - but I consider that statement immaterial, because I didn't say that. :)

What *I* said was:

  • Be it through accident, intention, or just plain bad luck, the simple fact is - to date, Jeremy hasn't won any post-merge challenges.
  • This could be a factor in Jury considerations.
  • Winning at least ONE would greatly bolster his game resume.

As for Jeremy's utr game, whether one agrees with this move  or not, you gotta admit that using an idol on Stephen when it would've been easier to go with the numbers is the exact opposite of utr.

No argument there - the idol play was one of the key elements I considered when I rated Jeremy's strategic game as Above Average.

From the Jury perspective, though - how do you think the move will be evaluated in terms of strategic weight? It went against his allies' strategy, after all, and players generally tend to denigrate strategic goals which do not parallel their own. Not sure how it would be evaluated by his non-allies on the Jury - other than I'm pretty sure Ciera and Abi didn't care for it. :)

  • Love 1

In Jeremy's defense, he was against Joe in all of the group reward challenges. Joe's group won every reward challenge.

You're absolutely right - and defense is not necessary, because I'm not attacking Jeremy for it. :) Just stating a fact, and wondering out loud if/how that fact will play into Jury considerations.

Edited by Nashville
Before proceeding any further, please let me reiterate - I expect Jeremy to win.

I'm simply playing devil's advocate to the notion he's an automatic walk.


I don't think anyone thinks he's an automatic walk. We've all been surprised by unpredicted jury votes before. He's just the most likely at this point based on the information available to us.

In Jeremy's defense, he was against Joe in all of the group reward challenges. Joe's group won every reward challenge.

I think the one reward challenge that Jeremy got screwed over was the basketball game they played in the rain. Because of how the numbers turned out, Joe was able to play all rounds while Jeremy was forced to sit out some rounds.

Do you think the edit points to any certain player? I just don't see Jeremy getting a winner's edit, no more than Spencer anyway. Of course, it may be wishful thinking on my part.


I, for one, honestly couldn't say. To me, the edits between Jeremy, Spencer, Kelley and Keith are pretty much roughly equivalent, with (probably) Jeremy in the lead, and Keith bringing up the rear. Tasha and Kimmi I don't even really see as being in the running; the show's doctor has gotten more airtime, it seems.

Did the original boot list include Jeremy as the winner? I don't know why I thought it did.

It did, but I mentally called BS on that from the get-go. I expect show security on the FTC voting to be on a par with a Presidential motorcade, and no way is Production going to allow potential for an entire season to get spoiled by one union-scale cameraman with a gripe. I could see several options for TPTB:

  • Alternating different staff camera operators between votes. Doubtful; it reduces the risk of a single non-Production person seeing the entire vote, but there's still potential for the camera crew to get together later and compare notes.
  • Have Production staff operate the cameras during the FTC vote. Better, but still creates the same potential (albeit lessened) for single/multiple points of leakage as with the staff camera operators.
  • Unmanned preset cameras, with one Production person (Probst? Burnett?) collecting the media. Best option, so long as the gamers know how to hit a frikkin' mark.
Point being: I expect (a) there's going to be a very small group of people with any actual clue as to who the winner actually is, and (b) that group is going to be high enough up the food chain they're not going to risk their multi-megabux careers to spoil for some fankiddies.
  • Love 2

I don't put a lot of stock in the idea of a clear winner's edit because female winners are almost always underedited compared to male winners. Also, there's the occasional Fabio victory. But things that look good for Jeremy (IMHO) are: he's gotten a lot of quality screen time, where he's shown as being a decision maker in his group; he's explicitly talked about winning; he's had multiple confessionals about his long-term game strategy; he's been talked about as the probable winner if he makes it to final Tribal on multiple occasions.


I think Kelley and Spencer are pretty equivalent to each other. They've both had more confessionals than their actions in an episode necessarily warrants, and they've both had some good moments shown and some bad moments shown. I feel that if Spencer won, we'd be seeing more explicit long-term strategy talk from him comparable to what we've gotten from Jeremy, but it's possible that he's just playing a really responsive game and didn't provide that. We're certainly seeing short-term strategy clips of him. Kelley has fewer out-and-out strategy clips, but that's often the case with female contestants. She is getting some (again, like Spencer, more short-term strategy), and at least one set (the Terry bus pushing) had no game impact, suggesting it was included just to be clear that Kelley's a strong player.


I also think Kelley and Jeremy are portrayed as leaders whereas Spencer's being portrayed as a swing. Even with Spencer's big moment of the Stephen boot, attempt #1 was edited to be primarily Ciera's machinations and attempt #2 looked co-led between Kelley and Spencer. Based on the post-show interviews, Spencer initiated targeting Stephen both times (although Ciera and Kelley did work to line up the votes as much as shown). But again, the leader vs. swing role is something that I think is accurate to the actual dynamics, so I don't think it points to a Spencer loss. It is why I don't worry about Jeremy potentially being under-the-radar at FTC. I don't think Jeremy needs to justify his presence; I think Spencer's the one who's going to have to do that.


I don't think Keith is winning, but if he does, I won't be surprised by his edit. I don't think he has much hidden strategy. I think the edit's showing him as he is, and if he somehow pulls off a win, it's going to be because of a late IC run and general pleasantness. But he's not getting to TC with Kimmi and Tasha, and I don't see any way he beats Jeremy, Spencer, or Kelley.


Kimmi and Tasha lost, IMHO, the moment they voted off Abi. Abi had the right idea trying to steer an FTC of her, Kimmi, and Tasha. That's the only way either of those three had a chance at winning (and I think Abi did have a slim chance of pulling off an upset if Kimmi/Tasha split the votes of their locks and Abi had an amazing FTC performance.)

  • Love 1

I still will be very surprised if Jeremy does not win, however, I think can see any of the remaining in the final 3.


Keith - Said he was going to tweak his game a bit well he finished 4th last time a slight tweak would be 3rd place

Spencer - Whole grown thing from 4th to 3rd or 2nd would make sense

Kimmi - Kimmi keeps mentioning making the end that could be a 3rd place 0 vote finish 

Kelley - Has talked about making the end and winning

Jeremy - Has talked about making the end and winning

Tasha - Has had final 3 talk


So all of them have had bits and pieces of foreshadowing to a final 3, I dont think we have anyone left that would be shocking if they made it there, but in the end Jeremy still wins.

I expect show security on the FTC voting to be on a par with a Presidential motorcade, and no way is Production going to allow potential for an entire season to get spoiled by one union-scale cameraman with a gripe.


I don't, considering the winner has been spoiled many times before, and in the exact order of voting, too. Last season's winner and Tyson and Cochran and Denise, just to name a few. In fact, the only time I remember the winner being wrong was Boston Rob's fourth season, and in the final couple days before the finale, that was corrected. It wouldn't shock me at all if someone has leaked the winner, plus second and third place. It happens practically every season.


On that note, I wanted to thank this thread for all the commiseration and conversation. I always felt like after I spoiled myself, I didn't want to go into the main thread for fear of spoiling others, and you guys provided great discussion for this spoiled viewer. Thanks for all your scoop, as well -- I couldn't have gotten through the season without you! I can't believe the finale is tonight. What a long, strange televised 39 days it's been.

  • Love 2

I don't, considering the winner has been spoiled many times before, and in the exact order of voting, too. Last season's winner and Tyson and Cochran and Denise, just to name a few. In fact, the only time I remember the winner being wrong was Boston Rob's fourth season, and in the final couple days before the finale, that was corrected. It wouldn't shock me at all if someone has leaked the winner, plus second and third place. It happens practically every season.


On that note, I wanted to thank this thread for all the commiseration and conversation. I always felt like after I spoiled myself, I didn't want to go into the main thread for fear of spoiling others, and you guys provided great discussion for this spoiled viewer. Thanks for all your scoop, as well -- I couldn't have gotten through the season without you! I can't believe the finale is tonight. What a long, strange televised 39 days it's been.

Funny how in July when the filming ended one of the first things we saw was pictures of Kelley, Kimmi, Keith, Tasha, and Jeremy and we said without knowing any other spoilers I guess this could be the final 5 since they have so much weight loss. Then we debated it back and forth for a while said oh there has to be someone who didn't lose much weight that made it to the final 5, but it looks like 4 of those 5 will in fact be in the final 5 which means the weight loss was correct all along. 


Also, I feel like the voting the cast in will be back relatively soon. Maybe even survivor 33 or 34?

Funny how in July when the filming ended one of the first things we saw was pictures of Kelley, Kimmi, Keith, Tasha, and Jeremy and we said without knowing any other spoilers I guess this could be the final 5 since they have so much weight loss. Then we debated it back and forth for a while said oh there has to be someone who didn't lose much weight that made it to the final 5, but it looks like 4 of those 5 will in fact be in the final 5 which means the weight loss was correct all along. 


Also, I feel like the voting the cast in will be back relatively soon. Maybe even survivor 33 or 34?


I was skeptical of Jeremy and Keith because I didn't see the weight loss in their pics like others were seeing (watching on TV, now I see what everyone else saw).  I was thrilled that Kimmi had lost so much weight, because I wanted her to do well from the old school side of things.  Considering she hasn't added much, I kind of wish someone else was in her place.  But oh well, better her than some others I guess.  I also remember that people figured Shirin and Stephen either did extremely well and were messing with fans by not posting pics, or did poorly and were too traumatized by it to want to be happy.  I think a lot of early spoilers did in fact prove true or were quickly disproved.


I don't know if they would do a fan voted season that quickly; they will probably try to get a couple of regular seasons in, just to add to the casting pool.  Of course given the SM activity and some Survivors coming out of the wood work with a bang, there's certainly no shortage of people they could pick to return.  I do hope that, when they do another fan voted season (which I believe will happen, I'd probably given it until S36 or 37, though, unless the next couple of new seasons completely bomb) that they don't bring back anyone that was included in this past cast pool for the vote.  And I really hope to see more old schoolers, though I don't know how likely that is.

  • Love 1


I don't know if they would do a fan voted season that quickly; they will probably try to get a couple of regular seasons in, just to add to the casting pool.  Of course given the SM activity and some Survivors coming out of the wood work with a bang, there's certainly no shortage of people they could pick to return.  I do hope that, when they do another fan voted season (which I believe will happen, I'd probably given it until S36 or 37, though, unless the next couple of new seasons completely bomb) that they don't bring back anyone that was included in this past cast pool for the vote.  And I really hope to see more old schoolers, though I don't know how likely that is.

I suspect that, due to a lot of chatter this season between old-school and new-school Survivor, that this will be the a theme that they will do soon. It will be interesting to see them do a fan vote again for old-school and new-school and actually "divide" the cast for voting purposes so that people can choose between new school and old school - one pool of contestants for old school and one pool of contestants for new school.

Edited by slowpoked

I keep coming here to see if somehow CBS has managed to spoil something this season, like they did when they spoiled the final three in Natalie's season (San Jaun) by showing a photo of torches on twitter (I think the final three were missing). 


Anyway, this is not a spoiler per se, but Varner posted a picture from rehearsals that showed Kelley in the winner spot for the reunion followed in order by Tasha, Spencer and Jeremy in the final four spot.  I know that they randomize the seating order during rehearsals so as to not give away the winner, but one could read this photo as Kelley not winning because they wouldn't leave her at the winner spot in randomizing the order.  Of course, they could be doing a double-psychout of us thinking they wouldn't leave the winner in the winner spot when shifting things up, so they do leave her there.  


Sorry, I realize I've said nothing here, just killing time until the finale!

I have to say that I enjoyed this season so much.  I am never a fan of returnees but for some reason this bunch of people didn't bother me.  It was great to see older people like Terry Savage and Kimmy and especially Wigglesworth.  I loved seeing my favorite Survivor Spencer.


I would enjoy an old school vs. new school.  I like the fact that we voted the participants.  This way there'll be no more Boston Rob, Russell Hantz, Parvati, Sandra, Rupert, etc.

I keep coming here to see if somehow CBS has managed to spoil something this season, like they did when they spoiled the final three in Natalie's season (San Jaun) by showing a photo of torches on twitter (I think the final three were missing). 


Anyway, this is not a spoiler per se, but Varner posted a picture from rehearsals that showed Kelley in the winner spot for the reunion followed in order by Tasha, Spencer and Jeremy in the final four spot.  I know that they randomize the seating order during rehearsals so as to not give away the winner, but one could read this photo as Kelley not winning because they wouldn't leave her at the winner spot in randomizing the order.  Of course, they could be doing a double-psychout of us thinking they wouldn't leave the winner in the winner spot when shifting things up, so they do leave her there.  


Sorry, I realize I've said nothing here, just killing time until the finale!


Well if anything it confirms that the spoiled final four is the final four.

  • Love 1

I keep coming here to see if somehow CBS has managed to spoil something this season, like they did when they spoiled the final three in Natalie's season (San Jaun) by showing a photo of torches on twitter (I think the final three were missing). 


Anyway, this is not a spoiler per se, but Varner posted a picture from rehearsals that showed Kelley in the winner spot for the reunion followed in order by Tasha, Spencer and Jeremy in the final four spot.  I know that they randomize the seating order during rehearsals so as to not give away the winner, but one could read this photo as Kelley not winning because they wouldn't leave her at the winner spot in randomizing the order.  Of course, they could be doing a double-psychout of us thinking they wouldn't leave the winner in the winner spot when shifting things up, so they do leave her there.  


Sorry, I realize I've said nothing here, just killing time until the finale!

Oh, is that the winner's spot? I thought Jeremy's seat was the winner's spot. IIRC, Mike was seated similarly last season during the live reunion.


So Kelley just had a periscope around 20 minutes ago with some ladies (Kass, Ciera, Wiggles and Shirin), and towards the end, they were talking about bracelets. It was hard to tell who's talking about what, but someone mentioned something "....you're the winner..." and Kelley made this weird face like she got caught. Kass then said something like "....screw that final four...", then Kelley said she better go now before they spoil the entire show.


On that same periscope, they showed a video of Kass and Andrew doing karaoke in Ponderosa. Totally husband and wife! Ha!

Edited by slowpoked

I suspect that, due to a lot of chatter this season between old-school and new-school Survivor, that this will be the a theme that they will do soon. It will be interesting to see them do a fan vote again for old-school and new-school and actually "divide" the cast for voting purposes so that people can choose between new school and old school.


I wonder who decides where old school seasons end and new school begins?  Old school for me is definitely pre-HvsV era, but I think new school started setting in after Micronesia.  I wouldn't be surprised, especially since there was a large fan response about the lack of old schoolers, for them to do it that way next time.  Maybe instead of 10 men and 10 women, it is 10 old schoolers and 10 new schoolers.  Neleh and John from Marquesas really seem to be campaigning hard already (they were long before this second chance concept, but really seemed to step it up).  Off the top of my head, I know Twila, Kelly Goldsmith, Gretchen and Joel from Borneo, Billy and Cristina from Cook Islands, Brian from Guatemala, Ashley from China, and Erinn from Tocantis are some of the pre HvsV Survivors who've said they'd love another shot.


pennben, I saw a photo that looked like Jeremy was in the winners seat, with Spencer, Tasha, and it looked like either Kelley or Kimmi in 4th (all I could see was long hair) sitting next to him.  But maybe it was the same photo and I missed Kelley sitting in the winners seat.  Anyway, I think they purposely mix it up, either to throw off spoilers and/or just for rehearsal purposes.  I've heard that in beauty pageant rehearsals, all the girls practice getting called in mock top 10s just so they know where to stand and what to do.  Though I would think just sitting next to Probst wouldn't take much rehearsal.  I guess they must have hired new interns, because the last few episodes have been really lacking in terms of press pics, sneak pics, and promos.  They spoiled 3/4 of the final 4 last season during one of the promos on TV (it showed Mike, Carolyn, and Will participating in the final 4 IC.  Most people figured Sierra had likely been booted, due to Rodney being an easier opponet to beat).  I have to say, this season had its ups and downs for me.  Not the greatest ever, imo, but still a really good one.  I'm almost nervous to go forward with seasons of newbies and so-called superfans, especially since people know a fan voted season will be coming down the road.  I hope people don't step up the obnoxiousness for camera time.


ETA: it was probably Shirin who blurted that out.  I'm just thankful she went out 2nd tonight and will likely get no airtime.  I knew Shirin had a beef with Kass, nice to see they either made up or at least can stand next to each other civilly.  I'd be thrilled with a Kelley win.  Somewhat surprised, but thrilled.

Edited by LadyChatts

I always thought after the winner was announced and they come back from commercial break the winner is sitting in the first position far right/first row (as you look at the players assembled from Jeff's perspective). In this photo, that would be Kelley, even though she appears first position far left from Varner's perspective.

Edited by pennben

I always thought after the winner was announced and they come back from commercial break the winner is sitting in the first position far right/first row (as you look at the players assembled from Jeff's perspective). In this photo, that would be Kelley, even though she appears first position far left from Varner's perspective.


You're right, my direction is off lol  So that would almost be the rumored final 3, except Jeremy would be out in 4th.  Tasha was sitting next to Kelley (at least in the photo I saw), so would she actually beat Spencer for 2nd or does Kelley win unanimously?  Hmm, maybe this will be a better finale than I thought.  Maybe that's why Shirin has been hyping a Kelley or Spencer win.  I know she's friends with him and has made it no secret she wants one of them to win, but maybe that's why she keeps leaning in that direction.  I still think she might have been the leak for the boot list this season.  She could have found out from Spencer what happened.  

Almost time.  Wouldn't it be weird if the list was a red herring all along. Everybody suspects Jeremy and it winds up being wentworth or Spence.  We'll find out soon enough. It's been a pleasure spoiling with you guys, and it's awesome that none of us spoiled it for the non spoiled despite posting in multiple threads here.


Enjoy the show tonight :)


My final thoughts on the Jeremy debate is that unless he shits the bed with his final arguments,  if he's in the three, he wins.

Edited by Oscirus
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I wonder if they will let Savage wear his beanie tonight.  


Almost time.  Wouldn't it be weird if the list was a red herring all along. Everybody suspects Jeremy and it winds up being wentworth or Spence.  We'll find out soon enough. It's been a pleasure spoiling with you guys, and it's awesome that none of us spoiled it for the non spoiled despite posting in multiple threads here.

Enjoy the show tonight :)



Considering the final 6 was supposed to be 100% accurate (which was disproven, first with the family visit happening earlier, and then Abi going before Keith) that would be kind of funny.  And honestly, there isn't an outcome I'd be that disappointed by.  And it has been a long time since I've been able to say that.  I would prefer Kelley by a landslide, but I'd be okay with anyone else winning.


I'm already anxious to start dissecting spoilers for next season.

I believe so.  He said on is twitter that it was a great season and he was disappointed that he wasn't allowed to be at the reunion (even in the audience).  He said he wish they had re-considered but said he understood.


Lol maybe he shouldn't have posted on instagram and Facebook during filming and left the ponderosa?

Now that it's over, I think Spencer and Tasha really benefited from their hero underdog status in Cagayan. I think they would have been edited very differently this season had they been less popular players. The editing made me think it might be close, but they got shut out.

I thought it was going to be close until Spencer blew up in the F4 TC and was like I WILL MAKE YOU LOSE JEREMY IF YOU VOTE ME OUT FEEL MY WRATH. From that second on I was like 10-0-0 confirmed. 

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