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S31: Spoilers

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If Joe/Keith/Abi/Kimmi are the next to go, in that order, I'm thinking at least two of them are idol casualties.  Kimmi going could be the result of either an idol or an immunity win by Kelley (as I think Jeremy/Spencer/Tasha would want to get rid of her over Kimmi).  Joe going is obvious, Keith may go either for just being on the bottom or an idol play.  It is kind of interesting that Abi follows, because I would think they would want to get rid of Kimmi over her.  She's more fodder than Kimmi. 


marys1000, I have to agree with your post.  At one point I was perfectly happy with a Jeremy/Spencer/Tasha final 3.  And it isn't a horrible outcome by any means, but it is kind of disappointing.  Spencer/Tasha are nothing but allies of Jeremy's who have helped him stay in the game and march his way to the million.  Jeremy may be pulling the strings but it just seems like he's had an easy ride to the win.  I feel like certain people aren't playing for themselves, they are playing for Jeremy.  I'm surprised Tasha is getting so little screen time.  Not sure if that is going to change going towards the finale, but she looks like she's just doing Jeremy's bidding at this point and not making any moves of her own.  I miss pre-merge Tasha.  Spencer is no doubt Jeremy's #2.  Jeremy, I do have to give him credit, I don't believe he will go off the rails at Stephen's blindside.  He may vent in private, but he seems to know how to handle himself and he may be feeling the pressure, so try and keep the peace.  So it is a deserving win, I think he's played wonderfully.  But I'm more disappointed, I think, by who is joining him in the final 3.  I don't see Tasha getting any votes.  Spencer?  Hard to say.  At this point, with the current jury, I'd say Savage/Stephen are locked for Jeremy.  Kass may vote for Jeremy, if she feels betrayed by Spencer after she saved him (not that he could have done anything about it).  Kelly is a wild card, and Ciera's been talking about Jeremy winning the game and controlling things, so out of respect for game play he may have her vote.

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If Spencer was smart, he'd take out Jeremy.  To echo a post in last night's episode thread, I hope Spencer is playing to win - not to be Jeremy's number 2 as he certainly wouldn't win against Jeremy.


I have to think Jeremy and Wentworth play their idols to make it as far as they do.  Next week, Joe goes .... which even he knows is reality if he doesn't win immunity.  Keith and Abi go next.  Both of these people are so harmless - and anyone should want them at their side in F3 - that I have to think they go home due to splitting votes or idols being played.


Kimmi goes afterwards. Spencer, Tasha and Wentworth remain and they are gunning for Jeremy and Kimmi.  They'd take out Jeremy first if they could.  I'm guessing Jeremy either wins immunity or plays his idol. They can't, so it's his closest ally - Kimmi.


Next is Wentworth.  Wentworth and Jeremy are the only two who would likely get jury votes at F3.  Wentworth is slightly less of a threat than Jeremy so I think Jeremy has to win immunity or play an idol here, too for him to advance to F3.


I'm guessing Spencer and Tasha align since Kimmi goes before Tasha.  In other words, Tasha drops Jeremy.


For Keith and Abi to go home so early doesn't not speak well of Spencer's and/or Wentworth's game.   It shoud have been those 4 against Tasha, Kimmi, and Jeremy and they could have gone to the end.  Speaks of an inability to build an alliance.

Edited by Jextella
For Keith and Abi to go home so early doesn't not speak well of Spencer's and/or Wentworth's game.   It shoud have been those 4 against Tasha, Kimmi, and Jeremy and they could have gone to the end.  Speaks of an inability to build an alliance.
Yeah, that's what I think. I know Abi's hard to work with, but they're really close to the end and they should be thinking about what a great person to sit next to at FTC Abi will be. But we don't know how it happens, so it may represent great play on Jeremy's part rather than bad play on Spencer/Wentworth's. I've been wrong about my assumptions before, so I'm going to try to refrain from judging until we saw how it plays out. 


But man, unless Jeremy IC runs from here on out and isn't available to eliminate, it really seems like everyone left in the game should have getting him out high on their list. I do think most of the people left have arguments for victory that they can make if Jeremy's out, but especially now that he's made an idol play already, they've all got to be aware that almost none of them have a chance sitting next to him.

Maybe Spencer wants Jeremy in the game to help take out Joe and as a shield. Switch the names and it still works (keep Joe in as a shield and to take out Jeremy) however I think Jeremy maybe more loyal/logical/strategic and less likely to win competitions than Joe. Both Joe and Jeremy have to go, from Spencer's point of view, and it makes sense to split up a pair/trio by removing Stephen and then aligning with them to suit his needs…then cut them (except keep Tasha since she would be easier to win against).

Would anyone play their ONLY idol for someone else when they have multiple allies and a lot of game still left? Seriously, does anyone in the game not suspect Jeremy of having another idol? I don't understand why Jeremy used one of his idols on Stephen unless it was to cement Stephen's vote at the end and to look flashy to the jury a la Natalie. But doesn't he worry that the others will suspect him of having another idol since he threw his away in a flashy unnecessary move with so much game left (Natalie didn't need hers anymore on his first season but he still needs one so obviously he has another one unless he is playing dumb with them all).

I'm fine with Stephen winning but it seems so obvious that it is almost a let down for such an awesome season. A more surprising win by Kelley or Spencer would be great. Any of those three would be fine imo.

Edited by Vicky8675309

Here's hoping the boot list still holds up. I want Joe gone yesterday, I find him extremely annoying and boring, which is a pretty impressive combo to pull off. Keith is very funny and I enjoy his commentary, but he's pretty worthless at playing the game. Abi is the worst ever, and Kimmi is just kind of there for me.

I would be through the roof thrilled if Wentworth or Tasha won, but I'd be very satisfied as a viewer if Jeremy or Spencer won. And I feel Wentworth and Jeremy will get to where they "allegedly" end up by successfully playing their idols once again, which also fills me with joy.

  • Love 4

Based on how this week played out, I'm a little miffed that Spencer appears to realign with Jeremy, Tasha and Kimmi.

If I were him, I would align with Wentworth, Keith and Abi as a weaker, more fractured group, 2 of whom were original Ta'Keo. I guess Joe goes next and Jeremy uses an idol to tie it up 3-3?

Exactly.  I mean why bother going to the end if you know you can't win at the end?  the 100,000?  Sure, not going with the bottom group may increase his odds of lasting but he can't win.  I would rather see him take a risk to get to the end and actually have a chance.  I think players do think of that but get to cautious and by the time they want to make that move and take out the power player its too late.  It seems to happen a lot. 

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So right now its basically the whole tribe against Jeremy/Tasha/Kimmi. If the boot list is to remain correct that will have to change somehow. We still haven't seen Tasha doing anything near a devil since the merge and other than turning on Jeremy I am not sure her turning on anyone else would be considered a Devil move. If the final 3 on the bootlist is true then Kelley/Keith/Joe/Abi/Spencer really screwed this up somehow. Those 5 really have no reason to turn on each other most of those 5 have been on the bottom the entire game. Im assuming idols have a large play in the events if Jeremy and Tasha are in fact in the finals.

I don't see it that way.


I think that Abi is doing a fine job of continuing to alienate herself. I don't think that Kelley is thrilled to be working with her right now. Spencer doesn't trust Abi. Hell, no one trusts Abi. You can't. Abi is going to take the votes for her at tribal as a sign that she was right and in danger and Kelley was wrong. Even though Stephen went home, Abi is going to going to flip out over the votes. She cannot be trusted and everyone knows that.


Keith will flip with whoever has the numbers. He is not someone anyone should consider as being solidly in their alliance. He flipped the final five he had with Kass, Ciera, Joe and Kelley. So Kelley is not going to trust him.


I can see Joe, Kelley and Spencer as a bloc. I can see Jeremy, Tasha, and Kimmi as a block. I see Keith and Abi as floating.

  • Love 1

I don't see it that way.


I think that Abi is doing a fine job of continuing to alienate herself. I don't think that Kelley is thrilled to be working with her right now. Spencer doesn't trust Abi. Hell, no one trusts Abi. You can't. Abi is going to take the votes for her at tribal as a sign that she was right and in danger and Kelley was wrong. Even though Stephen went home, Abi is going to going to flip out over the votes. She cannot be trusted and everyone knows that.


Keith will flip with whoever has the numbers. He is not someone anyone should consider as being solidly in their alliance. He flipped the final five he had with Kass, Ciera, Joe and Kelley. So Kelley is not going to trust him.


I can see Joe, Kelley and Spencer as a bloc. I can see Jeremy, Tasha, and Kimmi as a block. I see Keith and Abi as floating.

The one thing all 5 of those seemed to be in agreeance on is Jeremy  Stephen and Tasha were too close knit of a group and needed to be broken up which is what happened. Jeremy keeps saying they are coming for me yet we haven't seen one instance where he was even being considered to be voted for. 

Jeremy has yet to be names as a target by people in their conversations. Joe and Stephen have been the two targets. Might that change now that Stephen is out? I don't know but a part of me thinks no. Jeremy seems to have a good bond with Spencer and others in the game. Ciera/Kelley/Abi tossed out Jeremy's name but Stephen vetoed that idea.


I think that the Jeremy, Tasha, Spencer final three makes perfect sense right now. Jeremy has an idol to protect himself with if he is the target.


Joe is going to be target number one because of his challenge prowess. I think he was saved in an effort to break up Jeremy, Stephen, and Tasha but that was a one time thing. Keith is pretty competitive in challenges so I can see him being a target.


Heck, Keith probably has a good number of friends in the game because he is a strategic non-threat. He is someone you can sit around and talk to and joke with might even be seen as a good thing by the others because he would be a nice game break.


Kelley is clearly a threat because she has played a good strategic game and has a decent resume to sell to the jury.


Abi and Kimmi are the two that are hard to see being voted out because they should be easy to beat in the finals. Abi is the goatiest goat of all goats. Kimmi hasn't done anything and does not strike me as the most eloquent of people and she doesn't have much a resume in the game.


So all Tasha, Jeremy, and Spencer have to do is successfully point to other peoples strengths to Kimmi and Abi and they should be fine.

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With a jury starting at 13, and a finale starting at 6, surely Probst's continued inability to read the room means we are headed to a Final Tribal Council with four finalists. It's the only explanation that makes sense.


That makes sense, but I hope it's wrong. That's just too many people. I don't even like how frequently there's a final 3, but I like that the switch up between 3 and 2 has to keep people on their toes. 

  • Love 2

I guess I'll be the idiot who states the obvious. With a jury starting at 13, and a finale starting at 6, surely Probst's continued inability to read the room means we are headed to a Final Tribal Council with four finalists. It's the only explanation that makes sense.


I wonder if this is what Andrew meant when he said 'something happens in this game that never happened before'.  Kelley being in the finals would be interesting, because in the final 3 of Jeremy/Spencer/Tasha it is pretty obvious how that is turning out.  If it wasn't for Savage's 'great ambassador' comment I would think Kelley might have a shot at beating Jeremy.


My feeling is Jeremy goes on an immunity run and can't be targeted.  Joe's an obvious boot, and I'm thinking Keith or Abi is taken out by an idol.  I do hope Spencer and the group at least try to break up Jeremy/Tasha/Kimmi.  But it doesn't look like that's happening.  For whatever reason, and that's where I'll be disappointed with Spencer is if he just slides into Stephen's spot.  I really hope he is asked after the fact why he didn't try going after big threat Jeremy.  In fact, I hope everyone left is asked why they were playing for second by not getting rid of Jeremy.

  • Love 2

I feel like I don't even "know" Jeremy or Tasha or Kimmi. They've had so little screen time compared to Joe, Spencer, Abi, Kelley and Stephen. So I don't really care who wins because of that.

Going back a page to,the discussion about the poor shelter building, I agree 100% with ProfCrash. These idiots deserve to freeze and be wet. The game is called Survivor, not Summer Camp Popularity Contest. That involves actual surviving, which basically means food and shelter.

It took me 15 seconds to Google that the monsoon season in Cambodia is May-October and worst from June-September. They filmed in June, no? Well, duh then. They have lots of time and materials to make a better shelter. I say suck it up, buttercup. That's what you signed up for; you gotta earn that million bucks.

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From the movie Six Days, Seven Nights starring Harrison Ford as Quinn:



Robin: Aren't you one of those guys?
Quinn: What guys?
Robin: Those guy guys, you know, those guys with skills.
Quinn: Skills?
Robin: Yeah. You send them into the wilderness with a pocket knife and a Q-tip and they build you a shopping mall. You can't do that?
Quinn: No, I can't do that, but I can do this:
[Pops finger out of the side of his mouth]
Quinn: Does that help?


Yeah, if even Harrison Ford cannot build a shopping mall from nothing, there is no hope for the rest of us.

Even Joey Amazing.


  • Love 2

Other things of interest that go hand in hand with that list. They show us Jeremy going to both Tasha and Spencer to justify his deviousness, but never to Kimmi. I have to imagine that he'd go to her too, yet they never showed it. I'd guess that since she isn't as important in the endgame that they didn't bother showing his conversation with her.


Another thing that jumped out to me was Jeremy's "I'd do the same thing for you." to Spencer at tribal. Since offhanded comments shown  at tribal seem to have a pesky way of foreshadowing future events in the game. I have to wonder if Jeremy actually uses it on Spencer. He was likely just bullshitting, but I'm still keeping my eye out for something like that happening.

  • Love 4

Unless something major happens, I can see Jeremy winning 100% of the votes.  I don't see any of jury member being close with Spencer, and each has recognized that Jeremey was running the show from the very beginning.


If boot list comes to pass, the jury will be comprised of:












So who do you all think would get each jury member's vote? We know Jeremy will get Stephen's.

Admittedly, I'm a Spencer fan so I'm going to be real disappointed in him if he chooses to leave a F5 that's good for him, to essentially be the Fishbach to Jeremy's JT. It would almost be worse than what Woo pulled in Caramoan because I can at least see how Woo could talk himself into that situation. He was with Tony the entire game, everybody out there was making Tony/Russell comparisons, I get it. But Jeremy is the most obvious of winner candidates, alpha male firefighter liked by all, who was generally agreed as the leader of Bayon? It would be damn stupid on Spencer's part. 


Past the obvious Joe vote, Keith/Abi/Kimmi is a weird group to go next so I won't be surprised if both idols come into play specifically to knock out, I don't want to say goats, but the easier players to beat in a F3. 

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I think it depends on if Spencer outmaneuvered in attempts to get Jeremy out or if he simply goes back as Jeremy's new #2. If he does the latter, I don't know who would vote for him. I could see Jeremy taking a clean sweep of votes. Everyone likes Jeremy, and Jeremy hasn't betrayed or blindsided anyone (and even if Jeremy does blindside Kimmi, so will Spencer in this scenario).


If Spencer can't get Jeremy out but does get himself to FTC, I can see Kass and possibly Ciera voting for him so that he takes #2 over Tasha. Actually, given the way people apparently talk about voting at Ponderosa, I can see Kass and/or Ciera doing that even in scenario #1. Maybe Kelley, too, if Spencer and Kelley work closely to the end.


If the speculated f4 happens, I think Kass/Ciera/Abi vote Kelley and Savage/Wigles/Kimmi/Stephen obviously vote Jeremy. I'm honestly not sure who Joe/Keith vote for. I don't believe an f4 is going to happen, but it would be interesting if it did, people believed this whole time that Jeremy won, but Joe/Keith went for Kelley and she actually won. Sadly, I think if there were any chance of that, we'd be getting different rumbles about it, so even in an f4, one or both of Joe/Keith probably vote Kelley (or throw Spencer a bone so he's not shut out with Tasha).

Per Redmond, it's definitely a f3 https://twitter.com/RedmondSurvivor/status/669726335099629568


As to the way each jury member votes, it really comes down to how the rest of the game plays out. At the moment, Jeremy is in the sweet spot of being seen to play the game but not having to backstab anybody yet ( except Kelly). Spencer and Tasha have a lot of catching up to do for these last few votes.


For the current ones at the current time- Kass-Jeremy, Andrew-Jeremy, Wiggles- Tasha ( only one that didn't backstab her on her birthday), Ciera- Jeremy. (He singlehandedly took her out and she seemed to love the move), Stephen- Spencer, jk Jeremy.

While it might seem bad now, I have the feeling that a lot of the future jurors could be Spence advocates which could change the way the earlier jurors vote.

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New preview.  At the very end (the 15 second mark) I think that is Joe's white bracelet.  Pretty sure he's the one who goes down.  So is this the IC, or RC?  Have they ever done an endurance type RC for the loved ones visit?

Edited by LadyChatts
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The way Jeff made it sound, it was someone's body just giving out.  So I don't think Joe gets knocked on the head; I believe he just passes out.  Stress, dehydration, lack of sleep, low blood sugar-I'm just wondering if he's staring up so long that when he looks down he gets dizzy if he does it too quickly (happened to me once when I had a bad day of not eating right, was dehydrated, and was helping to hang things so my head was pointed upwards a lot-suddenly looked down too quickly and that was it).  Hopefully it isn't Probst interference by making him nervous during the challenge that causes him to overdo it.  Sadly, if Joe loses, he's gone.  Maybe it'll be a mercy boot, but it will really suck to go out like that and had no real fighting chance. 

Edited by LadyChatts
  • Love 3

It's easy for me to say "Spencer should take out Jeremy" but I don't think he's built the relationships to do that. Who trusts him other than Kelley and Abi when it suits her? I think that suggestion falls on deaf ears with Tasha, since she hates Kass' Kastoffs. Keith also might be uneasy about an alliance where women are the fulcrum of power, because: Keith.

And everybody (ironically except Jeremy) seems to see Spencer as shady. "Hey, let's vote out my close ally" doesn't help him in that respect. He also has very few allies that aren't Jeremy allies first. I think his best bet is to try to be the Amber to Jeremy's Rob and make the argument "I didn't betray you!"

But I think his lack of meaningful personal relationships is going to doom him, just as it did the first time.

  • Love 4

Yea ultimately I don't think that five person alliance does him any favors either. Joe has Keith and Kelley has abi. Maybe he's the swing vote, maybe he's the easy boot at the five/six. His best bet would've been to boot Tasha to clip Jeremy's wings and to make a deal with Abi/Kelley to the four and then trust in his abilities to beat out Jeremy at f4 so he could boot him there. The scenario we see in that boot list is probably his second best option.

It does two things: 1. Narrows the juror who blabbed down to four suspects. 2.  Officially justifies Joe's beginning edit about making the family visit.


 It also explains why the sucks mod and Redmond were reluctant to accept the boot list. They knew the fv was wrong.


I tend to think the rest of the list plays out in the shown order.

I can see how the boot list plays out.  If it was supposedly close to order until the final 6 maybe Keith and Joe are swapped but I doubt it.  Joe goes next for being a threat, Keith may go either for being a threat or being idoled out.  I am wondering about Abi, if she is idoled out or if Wentworth wins immunity and she goes as a result.  Jeremy/Spencer/Kimmi/Tasha may stick together through that vote, and Kimmi may go if Wentworth either plays her idol or wins immunity.

  • Love 1

Some Stats about the final 8:


7 of 8 had opening confessionals (Keith didn't)

6 of 8 have played in the last 3 seasons S28-S30 (Spencer, Tasha, Jeremy, Kelley, Keith, Joe)

3 are from Original Ta Keo (Spencer, Kelley, Abi)

5 are from Original Bayon (Tasha, Jeremy, Joe, Keith, Kimmi)

All 5 mega weight loss people we saw pictures of after filming remain in the game (Kimmi, Kelley, Tasha, Jeremy, Keith) 

No one from SJDS has been eliminated yet

Edited by anthonyd46
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I'm surprised there's no press pics or episode description yet. 


If whoever collapses before the IC is over, I'm guessing they won't award it to anyone and people go into TC open targets.  Which likely isn't going to help Joe any.  Since Joe is the prospective boot in a boot list that has so far been accurate except for 2 boots that were switched around, I think Jeremy begins his immunity run.  If for someone reason the boot list is wrong and Joe survives or wins immunity, then I think Keith is gone.  I am questioning now if he is the one that collapses.  I was watching some of the bonus clips, and his hands look better than I was expecting for some reason.  Though they still resemble Spencer in the fingers more than Joe, but I think it will be either Joe or Keith that goes down.  If it is a surprise ouster from the final 6 that is supposed to be accurate then I think it'll be Abi or maybe Kimmi.  If Wentworth feels threatened I think she'll use her idol.  Even though I think it's a given that Jeremy is on his way to the win, I'm still holding out hope there's a surprise coming.

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Vote splitting is tricky this season.  Split the vote, you can get voted out.  Don't split the vote, and you can still get voted out.


I thought that maybe Keith was the victim of an idol play-and I still believe that's a strong possibility.  Once Joe is gone, Keith/Kelley/Abi find themselves in the minority of Spencer/Jeremy/Tasha/Kimmi.  However, since Kelley makes the final 4 (allegedly) over Kimmi, I'm curious if that is the result of an immunity win or her idol.  I don't know that I see Jeremy/Tasha/Spencer suddenly deciding to ax Kimmi unless Kimmi tries making a move against one of them.

  • Love 1

Joe goes this week. His dream of making the family visit (per his opening confessional) has come true and he'll get voted out the same episode. Boring, predictable boot. I think the episode after that will be so much fun though. It'll be Final 7 with two idols AND Abi-Maria Gomes!!! Some crazy shit is gonna go down if Keith goes at 7. There's no way you vote him out over a Spencer, Tasha, Kelley, Jeremy etc.. EXCEPT if there's a crazy idol play or something. Or Abi-Maria just goes nuts lol <3. 

Edited by bdestroyer88

I don't know why Keith going is so surprising.  Jeremy/Tasha/Kimmi have a tight trio which I believe Spencer is going to be a part of.  Keith is on the bottom, a bit of a challenge beast, and a nice guy.  He's going where the votes are, so they may consider him a threat.  Even with Joe gone, there's still a possibility that Keith could be a swing vote in a majority if Spencer/Kelley/Abi teamed up (which I don't think is happening).  He would probably lose to someone like Jeremy for not being an alpha and for lack of game play, but I don't find his boot that surprising, tbh.  Jeremy, Spencer, and Wentworth would be the biggest threats to win at this point, but Jeremy's got strong allies.  So he could fall victim to Wentworth's idol, imo, or maybe she wins immunity, no one targets Jeremy (because no one is bothering to target Jeremy) and I can't believe he'd risk playing his only other idol on someone other than himself.


I guess I just see it as being business as usual, even if idols come into play.  But I'm not shocked by his boot, if it does happen next week.

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