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S05.E16: Conquer


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Carol needs to drag in some walker corpses and start practicing appendectomies.


That's the second time I've seen Carol referred to as the group's "medical person". 

Am I missing something?  Because I don't remember Carol doing very much in that arena. 

Seems like Rosita would be a better choice - she appears to have *some* degree of medical knowledge.


ETA: whoops - looks like Dodginblue beat me to it.  :)

Edited by Nashville
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The doc in Atlanta made Beth kill the only other doc in Atlanta.


Maybe they should make a trip to Grady and kidnap the doctor. I'm sure by now he's more than willing to give up his diet of Guinea Pig fricassee.


Just watched and must say I was on the edge of my seat nearly the whole time.


Rick and Carol's attitude that they are in some kind of war in Alexandria is a wee bit creepy. I'm thinking Carol is now crazier than he is.


No wonder Rick is bowlegged. Balls of titanium he has to go sniffing after Jessie so shortly after the scene he created in the street.


FPP? You said you were ready. Why are you teasing us this way? Not only are you useless but dangerous and too incompetant to close a gate. Oh, Maggie, why didn't you let Sasha do it and get that sneaky,  annoying liability GONE. Oh, and Pee? Nice way to help someone who comes begging in desperation to you. I'm still waiting for Rick to find out that PP stabbed them in the back.


I'm loving the friendship between Daryl and Aaron and the container zombie ambush was totally shocking and pretty damned awesome. I kind of thought Daryl might actually bite it, but I'm pretty sure TPTB don't have the nerve to kill him. That's fine with me now that he's gotten over being an Emo schmoopie. I love how he's dressing like a rough trade biker these days. I bet Aaron picked out the clothes.


So does Morgan have some super powers or a fairy godmother? All this time out in the wilderness all alone and he's beautifully dressed, equipped, supplied and fed. Our gang was close to perishing of dehydration and hunger when Aaron rescued them, and they're a large bunch of pretty resourceful, tough people. Someone is going to have to ask Morgan how he did it.


Carol threatening and terrorizing Pete the way she wishes she could have done to Ed? Loved that scene. Pete's a coward, as woman beaters typically are.


Glenn!! Just when I starting loving him again I was terrified he was going to die. He may be tough as nails now, but he's still Glenn and couldn't kill that asshole or leave him to die.


Pete killing Reg....omg, I did NOT see that coming. So Deanna has no problem with cold-blooded murder if she feels like it? I think under that sweet face and teeny body beats the heart of a ruthless dictator.

Edited by AngelaHunter
  • Love 8

I agree with you. Carol is my current favorite on the show and I generally am loving the direction they've taken her. But some of the actual dialogue they've given her lately has been really stupid. Now, some of it has been awesome ("these people are children and children like stories") but sometimes it feels really really cheesy, and unnatural. 


I do like it when they give them less to SAY, and more to SHOW. I need to rewatch Danai's final scene, because I was so confused as to what was going on I wasn't giving it my full attention. I thought they were showing an older episode or something. Then I thought it was going to be some big, cliffhanging teaser - I thought she saw something/someone in the reflection of her katana. LOL! But yea, Dania is capable of expressing so much with her face alone, she can totally kill a short scene like that. 





Exactly. I WANTED FPP and Nicholas to die, but I can understand keeping them alive so Glenn and Maggie don't lose a part of who they are. And they at least have a chance of being "fixed". Those Unfair Wolves? They've gone off the deep end. Aint no saving them. So just kill them and do the world a favor. 





I appreciated that as well. And I wonder if Jessie harbors a lot of resentment towards Deanna for turning a blind eye towards Pete. 





My husband said the same thing! He thinks Glenn was bit - 100%. Last time he said that was about Bob, so.....


First time on this board...


Hubby and I agree ghoulina! We believe Glenn was bit. Didn't he say to Nicholas-"I'm gonna die because of you!" or did we hear that wrong?

  • Love 2

I get why Father Gabriel has a death wish, what I didn't get is why he wanted it to come at the hands of a walker and end up being turned himself.  Happy to see that he gets the concept of taking them out.  I don't think we've seen him put down a walker before that scene, at least from what I remember.  That noose was handy. 


He might have religious convictions about offing himself. Personally I think it would still technically count as suicide if he had willingly fed himself to walkers, but he might not have seen it that way.

He might have religious convictions about offing himself. Personally I think it would still technically count as suicide if he had willingly fed himself to walkers, but he might not have seen it that way.

You could be right although I have the impression he's lost his faith.  I thought maybe he wanted to go the same way I assume his congregation went, being attacked by walkers.  

  • Love 1


So does Morgan have some super powers or a fairy godmother? All this time out in the wilderness all alone and he's beautifully dressed, equipped, supplied and fed. Our gang was close to perishing of dehydration and hunger when Aaron rescued them, and they're a large bunch of pretty resourceful, tough people. Someone is going to have to ask Morgan how he did it.

Michonne did equally as well on her own. It's something they have in common, and I hope the writers go there with them. Michonne's survival skills were lessened once she took on Andrea as a companion/dead weight, and the larger the group the worse it seemed to get.


I believe candall is talking about when Hershell trained Carol to deliver Lori's baby, and she practiced doing a c-section on a walker.

Yes. One thing I've loved about Carol's development is her interest in and capacity for learning new things which will make her indispensible in the ZA. She's highly adaptable. Rosita, OTOH, seems like a nice woman, but band-aids all over the place is not only wasteful, but probably not terribly effective. Then again, if Carol were to be the sole medical practitioner, I'd be afraid of her becoming a one-woman death panel. Maybe they could team?

  • Love 5

Jessie & Deanna are now (conveniently) widows available for Rick to claim....Rename show "The Walking Big Love"

Given how much trouble Rick had handling one wife (Lori), I somehow don't see him having the skill set needed to handle more than one.  


I did feel bad for Deanna, losing both her son and her husband so close together.  All her talk about building a new world, how civilized she intended everyone to be.  And it just isn't going to work out that way.   

  • Love 1

Michonne did equally as well on her own.


I guess this is why suspension of disbelief was invented. No point wondering how all the food and spotless clothes (when everyone else out there is ragged and filthy) are supplied in the forest, especially this far into the ZA, never mind how a lone person would avoid being eaten alive or robbed and murdered by mauraders especially when his main weapon appears to be a stick.


Oh, well considering how much I enjoyed this ep that can be happily overlooked. My only gripe about it is that we didn't get to see Father Pee die a horrific death.


Jessie & Deanna are now (conveniently) widows available for Rick to claim....


Actually, Deanna is old enough to be Rick's mother. Maybe she'll adopt him and "raise him right."

  • Love 1

Carol threatening and terrorizing Pete the way she wishes she could have done to Ed? Loved that scene. Pete's a coward, as woman beaters typically are.





I thought Carol was trying to wind Pete up, get him to act out and do something stupid so maybe there'd be an opportunity to put him down.  Not just then necessarily, but she knew he'd brood and work on it in his mind and maybe go ballistic, which is exactly what he did.  

  • Love 7

The Morse Code pic is in the background when Carl and Judith are playing with the music box, which is right next to where the Katana is hanging.  Exactly when was Pete supposed to get it, and why weren't they all running back to the house when they realized he had it to check on the kids?


I think Glen is bit.


Do you think they are trying to make us hate FPP as much as we possibly can, because I coudn't despise him more if I tried.


So you want to go around the neighborhood building up support for Rick, Maggie?  How about taking oh a second to tell your husband or the man who is about to be on "trial" what the moron FPP said to Deanna?  WTF Maggie.


Ah Carol.  She's dangerously turning into a caricature and I don't like it.  Oh, and for someone supposedly so bad ass, that was a total coward move not admitted you were part of Team Gun.  Dick move Carol.  Do you think your "family" are also children who need told a story, or do just really like to ride that fence hard core?


Gotta love Deanna We-Don't-Kill-People (unless it affects her personally) and her incompetent sons.  God how has this place stayed standing so long?  I liked Reg....RIP.

  • Love 2

I haven't been a fan of how Rick has behaved in Alexandria, or his and Carol's view of them (um, they're "children" that have survived better than you have), so I didn't like the "All Praise The Ricktator!" testimonials at the town meeting.


So Rick's alternate plan was to take Deanna and Co. hostage and then ... ? Hold everyone under lock-and-key? Become the governor? I would've liked the others to question the logistics and endgame instead of mindlessly joining him, especially Michonne.


On the flipside, I thought Glenn, and especially Daryl, were goners and I'm glad they weren't.


And that we're going to spend more time in Alexandria in the next season!


ETA: LOL (in a bad way) at Carol's literal, "Come at me [bro]." I'm kind of over her, but feel like I'm not supposed to be.

Edited by missy jo
  • Love 9

I have mixed feelings about the finale. Some of the plotting was heavy handed, and obviously convenient.


Rick walks into the big meeting at just the right moment. Pete picks that very moment to go crazy, thus proving Rick right. Father Gabriel -- Deanna's main "evidence" -- is shown to be unreliable at just the right moment (while no one points out he came with Rick's group, so was the community really facing an inevitable crisis, or did the newcomers bring it upon them?). Convenient that Pete went for Deanna's husband Reg, thereby allowing Deanna a clean, obvious path to giving Rick the go-ahead to remove Pete from the group (instead of, say, having Pete kill a member of Rick's group -- would Deanna have had the same reaction? We'll never know.) And, of course, Morgan picks that very moment to arrive. Anyway, I felt the heavy hand of the writers.


Part of it was the weird speechifying of the people at the meeting. Convenient that no one tried to talk on top of each other as we all do in real life. I expected there to be some anger and fear on the part of the original citizens -- but there were only like five of them, and they don't get speaking roles.


Rick has his work cut out for him dealing with attempted murder by Nicholas (please don't drop it and act like they're all bros now), and Gabriel's (intentional) neglect of the gate. Glad they're going to actually post a guard at the gate -- what a concept. Of course, since they only have five people, maybe they didn't have enough manpower until now, and it didn't seem necessary. Once Morgan tells everyone about the weird Wolf people, they'll know to be ready.


Speaking of, those two badly needed to die! I hate when people like Morgan are thinking they'll take the high road, when all they're doing is letting future innocent people end up victims of murders (poor poncho guy, I barely knew ye). I felt the same with the debate of whether to wipe out the Termites. Of course you wipe out the Termites, or they're going to eat more innocent people! So glad Rick shot Pete, at least.


I'm glad no one I love bit it -- Glenn, Maggie and Daryl survived -- despite Glenn telling Maggie he loved her! I was sure that would be it. Whew.

Edited by Andromeda
  • Love 9

So you want to go around the neighborhood building up support for Rick, Maggie?  How about taking oh a second to tell your husband or the man who is about to be on "trial" what the moron FPP said to Deanna?  WTF Maggie.


Ah Carol.  She's dangerously turning into a caricature and I don't like it.  Oh, and for someone supposedly so bad ass, that was a total coward move not admitted you were part of Team Gun.  Dick move Carol.  Do you think your "family" are also children who need told a story, or do just really like to ride that fence hard core?


If she'd told Rick he would have gone HAM at the worst possible time. 


I do think she should have told Glenn, but ultimately I don't think Gabriel's word really carried that much weight one way or the other, even if Deanna mentioned it at the trial. Rick's own actions carried the day. Rick's and ultimately Pete's. 


I think Carol kept quiet because if they were still going to take over the town, she wanted to have the true element of surprise, but also because they wanted us to see how truly isolated Carol is from the group. If it was up to Carol, she would have left right after Terminus. She stayed because of Daryl taking her with him to Atlanta, then her injuries, but even as she's "with" the group now, she has little interaction with most of them, she has many of her own secrets and burdens. 


If this episode was to show her at her most secretive and isolated, and we see her start to open up next season, thanks to Sam, or Daryl, or whoever, then I think it will be a good thing. If we weren't supposed to take her behavior as bad-ass and perfect, that's a good thing.


One of the things I dislike with shows is meme culture, and I'm worried that's where they are taking Carol. "Sunshine" and "you'd better give me the dish back," and the rest. When fans geek out over "look at the flowers," maybe the show can't resist more, but that worked because it wasn't supposed to be a catchphrase. Characters aren't catchphrases. That type of writing already hurt Daryl a lot over the years so I hope it won't be passed on to her. 

I thought Glenn said "you left me to die", not "now Im gonna die" but whatever, I too think Glenn may have been bitten.


I think if he was he would have died in the finale. No spoilers, but everything about those last scenes reek of a time jump season 6 premiere to me. 

Edited by Pete Martell
  • Love 9

I LOVED the "Sunshine", but it always makes a line from "One Night in Bangkok" run through my mind: "I get my kicks ABOVE the waistline, Sunshine!" Actually, that's pretty apt for this show.


Welcome to the craziness, Mick Lady. This is the best forum around.


Thank you AnglesHunter! I agree!


I believe the Wolves are going to try and take Alexandria. After all, they have a Zombie army!

  • Love 3

So, I never saw the scenes of Morgan following Rick, but I am wondering if these were "extra" scenes or if they are canon and part of the standard show? I'm wondering if that will help me appreciate the new Morgan story more.

I could be wrong about this but I didn't think Morgan was necessarily following Rick until he got to the church and found the map with Abraham's note an Rick's name on it.  


I don't think the Morgan story is pivotal or anything (although maybe it will be) but he was key to Rick's early survival and then we got to see what had happened to him after Rick left him, how he kind of went off the rails in the "Clear" episode, and then it was a surprise to see him pop up on the railroad tracks by that "No Sanctuary" sign seemingly having regained his sanity.  

Here's something to think about. The Wolves found Aaron's backpack in their trap, they are going to think whomever dropped that pack is dead now. Aaron knows he dropped his backpack and knows exactly what is in it and he and Daryl and I guess Morgan too know The Wolves are very bad psychos, they know the psychos have that bag. This means The Wolves will NOT have the element of surprise so yay! I want to add, I have no knowledge of any spoilers, I dont read spoilers, I dont want to know whats going to happen until it does. When I said I think Glenn got bit, it's just because I think that, and also, a lot of people here apparently think that as well so it's not in any way a spoiler, EVEN IF it turns out to be true eventually, it's just a hunch right now. Have they even started filming the next season?

  • Love 1

giving Rick the go-ahead to remove Pete from the group (instead of, say, having Pete kill a member of Rick's group -- would Deanna have had the same reaction? We'll never know.)


I'd have to say that the answer is no. No one would have the same reaction to a new acquaintance being killed as she would to watching her husband die.


but there were only like five of them, and they don't get speaking roles.


Is the Non-Verbal Five the people who make all the decision, or has the show decided they need to cut their budget spending on extras?

  • Love 4

Here's something to think about. The Wolves found Aaron's backpack in their trap, they are going to think whomever dropped that pack is dead now. Aaron knows he dropped his backpack and knows exactly what is in it and he and Daryl and I guess Morgan too know The Wolves are very bad psychos, they know the psychos have that bag. This means The Wolves will NOT have the element of surprise so yay! I want to add, I have no knowledge of any spoilers, I dont read spoilers, I dont want to know whats going to happen until it does. When I said I think Glenn got bit, it's just because I think that, and also, a lot of people here apparently think that as well so it's not in any way a spoiler, EVEN IF it turns out to be true eventually, it's just a hunch right now. Have they even started filming the next season?


I read an interview Andrew Lincoln (Rick) gave and I don't believe they've started filming based on what he said; he talked about how he was going to be seeing someone from the show, one of the behind the scenes people in the next day or so and was going to pump him for what's going to be happening in the next season.


I don't think Glenn got bit.  It would be too much like what happened with Bob.  Plus it just seems like not enough of a dramatic way for him to go if they are going to kill him off, getting bit while fighting with d-bag Nicholas in the woods.  Glenn is a major character and has been on the show from the beginning so I'd think they would develop a significant story line around his demise and the Nicholas thing wouldn't seem to be that.


Here's the article:



  • Love 5

I feel like Glen, who has been at this for a long dang time, would know if he got bit. Plus, that would be a pretty lame way to kill a main character, who has been with the show since the first season. Hell, Glen was one of the first people we met in the ZA!


Or I could just be telling myself that, to make myself happy. I cant deal with Glen slowly dying of zombie bite first thing next season. I frequently watch cartoons like a child, tell me a story! Preferably, not one of Carols... 

  • Love 3

I feel that most viewers were missing the importance of Aaron being with Daryl as they were saved with Morgan on that run.


Aaron was willing to die with Daryl, and he read the note about the Wolves.


I see a new society forming under the leadership of Rick and Deanna.  Prepared, aware, yet allowed to enjoy itself, which the prison completely represented in ironic fashion.  

  • Love 5

I read an interview Andrew Lincoln (Rick) gave and I don't believe they've started filming based on what he said; he talked about how he was going to be seeing someone from the show, one of the behind the scenes people in the next day or so and was going to pump him for what's going to be happening in the next season.


Here's the article:




Good article.  One of the better descriptions of the Rick/Jessie interaction I've read yet.  At least, it's somewhat believable, in context.  :)

  • Love 3

Unpopular opinion here, but I don't really care for Glenn and am completely annoyed at his nine lives/near-miss deaths. How did Glenn manage to fight off three walkers with a hurt shoulder? And why don't the walkers ever go for our heroes' feet? I actually hope that it will turn out that Glenn was bitten or else I'll be disappointed in this show's writing (once again).


I've been wanting Glenn to bite it since the prison, but this guy takes a beating and (unfortunately) keeps on ticking. 

  • Love 3

A couple of "Conquer" dialog excerpts to help resolve some previous topics of discussion: *



21 minutes into the episode - conversation between Daryl and Aaron:


Daryl: You’ve sent people away?
Aaron: Yeah.
Daryl: What happened?
Aaron: It was early on.  It was three people.  Two men and a woman. Davidson was their leader.  Smart as hell, strong.  I though they’d work out.  They didn’t. I brought them in, and I had to see them out.  So me, Aiden, and Nicholas, we drove them out, far, gave them a day’s worth of food and water and left them.
Daryl: They just went?
Aaron: We had their guns.  We had all the guns.  I can’t make that kind of mistake again.


1 hour 22 minutes into the episode - last fight between Glenn and Nicholas:


Glenn: Noah died because of you.  And I tried to tell you how it is, how it has to be - and you try to kill me!?!?
Nicholas: <whimpers as Glenn puts pistol to Nicholas’ forehead> I was scared. I was scared.  I don’t belong out here.
Glenn: Shut up.
Nicholas: I was scared. I was just scared. 
Glenn: Shut up.
Nicholas: I don’t - I don’t belong…
Glenn: SHUT UP!
Nicholas: I don’t belong out here.  i don’t.
Glenn: Shut up.
Nicholas: <sobs hysterically, pees himself, shits pants, screams like a virgin on prom night, etc., etc.> **
Glenn: <removes gun from Nicholas’ forehead>



* Thank god for closed captioning.


** Ok, maybe not entirely accurate. Nicholas does not scream like a virgin on prom night.  He screams worse.

  • Useful 1
  • Love 7

I hope there is a nice snapshot of sweet as pie Carol in there.


Maybe a pic of Carol posing for the camera showing off her latest casserole concoction?


I keep waiting for someone to have a toothache or have a crown fall out or something.


At the cocktail/welcoming party from a few episodes ago, some of the stepfords were talking about hoping they get a dentist soon...


Actually, Deanna is old enough to be Rick's mother.


Hey, cougars can still get it on in the ZA if they want to...

Edited by AndySmith

I feel like the show has gone downhill. Everything was predictable. The Pete story was so Liftime movie-like. Guess Jessie and Rick can bone without interruption now. Gabriel feels sorry for himself like he has some all season and in the end, they all pray after Gabriel nearly got them all killed? Um ok. Bleh.

What part of the finale of was supposed to be a tear jerker? Nothing sad happened IMO. Other than Glenn letting Nicholas live, but I don't think that is what they were referring to.

Carol is just a cartoon with catchy one liners that the writers hope people will tweet/create gifs of.

Can Daryl please shower and cut his hair?

Edited by Brooke0707
  • Love 2

I have mixed feelings about the finale. Some of the plotting was heavy handed, and obviously convenient.


Rick walks into the big meeting at just the right moment. Pete picks that very moment to go crazy, thus proving Rick right. Father Gabriel -- Deanna's main "evidence" -- is shown to be unreliable at just the right moment (while no one points out he came with Rick's group, so was the community really facing an inevitable crisis, or did the newcomers bring it upon them?). Convenient that Pete went for Deanna's husband Reg, thereby allowing Deanna a clean, obvious path to giving Rick the go-ahead to remove Pete from the group (instead of, say, having Pete kill a member of Rick's group -- would Deanna have had the same reaction? We'll never know.) And, of course, Morgan picks that very moment to arrive. Anyway, I felt the heavy hand of the writers.


Part of it was the weird speechifying of the people at the meeting. Convenient that no one tried to talk on top of each other as we all do in real life. I expected there to be some anger and fear on the part of the original citizens -- but there were only like five of them, and they don't get speaking roles.


Rick has his work cut out for him dealing with attempted murder by Nicholas (please don't drop it and act like they're all bros now), and Gabriel's (intentional) neglect of the gate. Glad they're going to actually post a guard at the gate -- what a concept. Of course, since they only have five people, maybe they didn't have enough manpower until now, and it didn't seem necessary. Once Morgan tells everyone about the weird Wolf people, they'll know to be ready.


Speaking of, those two badly needed to die! I hate when people like Morgan are thinking they'll take the high road, when all they're doing is letting future innocent people end up victims of murders (poor poncho guy, I barely knew ye). I felt the same with the debate of whether to wipe out the Termites. Of course you wipe out the Termites, or they're going to eat more innocent people! So glad Rick shot Pete, at least.


I'm glad no one I love bit it -- Glenn, Maggie and Daryl survived -- despite Glenn telling Maggie he loved her! I was sure that would be it. Whew.

After last week's episode and the previews showing the little Rick Grimes trial I thought a lot about the construction crew incident.  Maybe some of those people didn't speak up because they were finally getting it.  I mean they did just lose four people last month, then the stuff with Francine happens and the leader of the crew runs and hides.  I know he spoke up for Abraham to become the new crew leader, but when the shit hit and someone said "he's still alive!" Tobin asked the dude next to him "What are you doing?" and he said "Keeping him that way".  Tobin didn't jump in and help from what I saw, even after part of the crew went in to help Abraham and Francine.


This has got to make people think.  They said they haven't seen Walkers or alive peeps in a long time.   I imagine part of the Walker problem is all the people the Wolves are killing, and it's taken them awhile to get to Alexandria.  I mean seriously, how long would it take a Walker to walk 50 miles? I know they don't rest, but they aren't exactly marathon runners.


Anyway, even though that didn't look like that big of a herd to us, it might have been the scariest thing these people have saw since this whole thing started.  Even though Rick acted like a stark raving lunatic some of the things he said had to of hit them in the back of their collective minds.  Even if subconsciously they drew a comparison between Abe > Tobin to Rick >Deanna if the shit indeed was about to hit. 


I mean Deanna is the one who put Tobin in charge of their lives, and that doesn't look like it was the best decision in the world.  Deanna's cracks are showing.  She's a total politician, probably having delusions of grandeur, how int he history books she will be known as the person who put civilization back together.


I can't help but wonder if Morgan's new philosophy is a survival of the fittest type deal.  Skeet Ulrich looking dude told him he meets new people every two weeks, but it was different because they just "run through their camps".  He told him he works hard at fidning new people and Morgan KNOWS what they do and what they will continue to do if he lets them live.


Does this make Morgan as bad as them?  I think so.

Edited by kj4ever
  • Love 5

I can't help but wonder if Morgan's new philosophy is a survival of the fittest type deal.  Skeet Ulrich looking dude told him he meets new people every two weeks, but it was different because they just "run through their camps".  He told him he works hard at fidning new people and Morgan KNOWS what they do and what they will continue to do if he lets them live.


Does this make Morgan as bad as them?  I think so.


I like your point.  Just because he's presented as all Zen and calm, there is a serious flaw in Morgan's thinking.  I don't think, however, that Morgan is AS bad as they are, because I believe Morgan may be able to understand the point you've made about the big picture.  I think he may be able to see where his thinking is wrong:  It's not that all life is precious; it's that humanity is precious.  Someone who no longer has any and has become the equivalent of a dangerous rabid animal and should be put down.  

  • Love 7
I think if he was he would have died in the finale. No spoilers, but everything about those last scenes reek of a time jump season 6 premiere to me. 

Yeah, co-sign. The show was just building in a little cheap suspense with Glenn apparently pinned by walkers and then next seen getting back at Nicholas. No bites for Glenn, and with a time jump likely, I doubt we'll get a scene of Glenn telling a tricycle-riding Judith about how he grabbed a stick and impaled the walker and shoved it into the other one or whatever. The show just wants us to think "oh, of course, Glenn killed the walker with the chair in Woodbury. He got out of it." And not overthink it.

  • Love 3

  I am trying to figure out if the gate didn't close only because Father Gabriel was careless, or if there was something jamming the mechanism.  That would still be the fault of Gabriel for not paying attention, but it also suggests someone deliberately tampered with the gate.  What I want to know is, what was it that Rick recovered off the gate?  I thought it was something that kept the gate from locking, but maybe it was just evidence of walkers.

  I am trying to figure out if the gate didn't close only because Father Gabriel was careless, or if there was something jamming the mechanism.  That would still be the fault of Gabriel for not paying attention, but it also suggests someone deliberately tampered with the gate.  What I want to know is, what was it that Rick recovered off the gate?  I thought it was something that kept the gate from locking, but maybe it was just evidence of walkers.

I think it was Walker guts.

  • Love 4
I did feel bad for Deanna, losing both her son and her husband so close together.  All her talk about building a new world, how civilized she intended everyone to be.  And it just isn't going to work out that way.


I feel bad about her losses, but she is partly at fault.  She brought CDB to ASZ to help her people learn to survive the apocalypse, yet she never sat down with them to listen to their criticisms regarding security.  Instead of putting someone on watch at both the tower and the gate she made Rick a constable to issue citations to litterers.  She completely dismissed anything he (and probably Maggie) told her about the dangers outside the fence.  In fact she was becoming more resentful of people like Abraham stepping up to lead and was having serious doubts about Rick.  She chose to listen to FPP talk about devils amidst them instead of saying thank God we have someone to show us how to live in this world.  Had she listened to Rick saying, "ok, these are the steps we need to take NOW," things might have been quite different.  Reg would have still been alive.  Aiden would probably have been alive too.  Instead she was a typical politician who didn't want to give up one iota of her power.


Have they even started filming the next season?


I read an interview with Andrew Lincoln and he indicated they'd be starting in a couple weeks.

  • Love 8

I am trying to figure out if the gate didn't close only because Father Gabriel was careless, or if there was something jamming the mechanism. That would still be the fault of Gabriel for not paying attention, but it also suggests someone deliberately tampered with the gate. What I want to know is, what was it that Rick recovered off the gate? I thought it was something that kept the gate from locking, but maybe it was just evidence of walkers.

yeah, as kj4ever said, Rick found walker goo on the mechanism, left there by a walker after Gabriel failed to close the gate. He gave it a half-assed tug without looking at it. Rick, on the other hand, slid it fully closed and the slid and turned a bar to lock it. Edited by lulee
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My read on Father Useless and the gate is that he really did not give a shit. When Rick locked the gate, he needed to shut two doors and secure a locking bar. FPP just gave it a careless push. And that really ticks me off because his current despondent state is allegedly over the fact he let his congregation die. Spencer just told him he wanted to come see him; he is building a new congregation, he has a chance to do it right, and what does he do? He deliberately elects to ignore a safeguard that can kill an entire new group.

As for Glen, I think that like Rick, he escaped a bite. After Noah's intense send off, I would expect something much more dramatic for such a lead character...unless he was just shockingly shot in the heart by Nicholas as I thought he was. Scared the dog when I actually screamed at the tv on that one. The unseen bite is too reminiscent of Bob; been there, done that. But if he doesn't explain to Deanna what went down with that chickenshit Nick at the warehouse, I'm gonna scream.

Edited by English Teacher
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