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7 Little Johnstons - General Discussion

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I agree about Jonah. Not very many 17 year olds want a new 2 year old sibling. He may be aware of how much adoptions cost and wondering how college for him and the rest of them will be affected. 

Having a younger sibling would be a dramatic event for Alex, but might also be good for him.   

However, my own opinion( not that they  should care about it) is that 5 is enough.  Elizabeth and Alex have medical issues relating to their dwarfism. Trent recognized that they'd basically be raising  a child for 20 more years.  And it's ok to be conscious of that.  


I love this family. Just like the little couple, they continue to live their normal lives and we are welcome unto watch. They aren't seemingly negatively affected by cameras. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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He may be aware of how much adoptions cost and wondering how college for him and the rest of them will be affected. 

Doesn't Trent work at a college?  The kids may get free tuition (as long as they qualify for admission).

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 I dont remember giving our older son  a vote on our second child( over 10 years apart), but I do remember us asking for his thoughts and concerns about it.  I think Jonah and Elizabeth and Anna do a lot to help out and it's fair to ask them if they feel they have more to give. Also, bringing a two year old who speaks no English into a family of 7 is an entirely different dynamic than  a newborn.  It's going to call for different responses on everyone's part.  This family seems to vote on things, but I am sure Trent and Amber overrule if they feel another decision is best. They are definitely the rule makers and enforcers. 

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On ‎6‎/‎23‎/‎2017 at 8:33 AM, gunderda said:

I don't think Alex would do well with another kid coming in... he would no longer be the baby and I think he'd have major issues with that.  Even though he thinks it's exciting and would be fun.  I would foresee a lot more Alex break downs. Jonah seemed to be the only one that was like "uhhhhh no freaking way" but he'd be out of the house (probably) in a couple years anyways.

Adoptions can take years so if they're keeping the adoption secret until the decision airs on tv then we probably wouldn't know one way or another by looking at social media stuff. 

I wonder when the new 'season' starts? By the previews it looked like the entire thing had been filmed already.

I dislike how they treat and say Alex is the baby when he is the same age as Emma. She might even be a few months younger. Also Alex was adopted as an infant and Emma when she was older (I forgot what age but I think it was at least 4). While I understand the first few months of his life in an orphanage can cause issues, I think Alex's baby personality has a lot more to do with the family's treatment of him. Emma just comes across as being years older then Alex.


I don't think there will be more adoptions. I wish the show would focus more in on Amber's adoption work. She has said that she has helped over 100 kids be placed with families. If she has already seen and worked with 100 kids, I don't think they are suddenly going to adopt another. I hope they are not starting to play along with storylines and scripts.


I think they have a great mix in their family now. I agree they should not  bank on the show's money. Trent is a grounds supervisor. It probably comes with good benefits and maybe free of discounted tuition. I can't imagine it makes them rich or have much savings. My husband has a degree but opened a repair company 10 years ago. I really wanted to move to be close to a certain doctor for my son. The area doesn't have much except colleges so I had my husband look into employment at colleges. He got several interviews for positions  that are similair to Trent, like maintenance supervisor , head of outside grounds maintenance and these jobs at big name colleges  paid 45-50k a year. Again great benefits but certainly would not be easy  to raise 5 kids with medical needs while renovating a house. Amber has said they don't take any welfare like medical assistance and pay co-pays and deductibles.

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" Amber has said they don't take any welfare like medical assistance and pay co-pays and deductibles."  I wonder since there are 7 of them though, if they don't get SSI for some of the kids who have lots of medical issues? 

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20 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

 I dont remember giving our older son  a vote on our second child( over 10 years apart), but I do remember us asking for his thoughts and concerns about it.  I think Jonah and Elizabeth and Anna do a lot to help out and it's fair to ask them if they feel they have more to give. Also, bringing a two year old who speaks no English into a family of 7 is an entirely different dynamic than  a newborn.  It's going to call for different responses on everyone's part.  This family seems to vote on things, but I am sure Trent and Amber overrule if they feel another decision is best. They are definitely the rule makers and enforcers. 

Bringing a 2 year old wouldn't be too hard with the language barrier.  Kids pick up on stuff SUPER fast.  My cousin adopted a 5/6 year old who spoke no english and within a few months he had caught on pretty well. BUT he also had 4 other kids around him. I was actually surprised at how quickly he picked up on odd words and sayings lol 

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On 2/23/2016 at 1:25 PM, Whyyouneedaname said:

yes, I saw this too. She went to the plastic surgeon, actually wanted a boob job too ;) I've wondered if she ever got it. 

I find this a little shocking because she doesn't strike me as the body conscious type. 

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We adopted from China, and it seems there are some misconceptions about the requirements. I'm very offended by the perception that a person hands over cash, and a child magically appears. China requires the family's income to be a minimum of $10,000 a year per family member, including the prospective adopted child. However, many U.S. adoption agencies have higher standards. Our adoption agency would not accept less than $80,000 a year for a family of three.  That was in 2006, I'm sure they have raised the minimum income since. There is no IQ test, but how many morons in the U.S. have kids they can't afford, or care for properly? hmmmm Duggars anyone? We had to provide proof of our annual income, during the initial application, during the home study, and just before being issued a visa to travel to China. In addition, we had to provide a detailed letter about our insurance coverage. No medical insurance, no adoption. We had to do the same for Homeland Security before our travel visa was issued. The only fee we paid in cash was the Social Welfare Institute donation, and ALL U.S. agencies have that requirement (we adopted in 2008).

We had considered Korea, but it just turned out China was the best fit for our family. From our research income is also verified, so no back room, hand me the cash I give you the baby deals. We also have a biological child, and no one ever asked if we could afford him, or if we were smart enough to raise a child. Adopting our daughter was quite the learning experience, and this is coming from a former CPS social worker. 

Some agencies do have reduced fees for children with certain "special needs." That might have applied to the Johnstons, but the Chinese government is firm on the $10,000 per child. Also, shortly after we brought our daughter home the rules changed significantly. In addition to the yearly income requirement, the parents must have a net worth of $80,000. 

Sorry if I came across as bitchy but any questioning of our daughter's legitimacy is upsetting. In case it comes up later, there are boys available for adoption in China, and no they do not kill the girls.  Also, Ni Hao Kai Lan was not created to secretly indoctrinate the children, then later be activated as spies. Yes, I've heard that one more than I care to admit. :)

Edited by SMama
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Just found this show yesterday. I decide to start from season 1. Most of the kids seem nice. 

But..... God bless all the little children, really. But that Alex is an asshole and an entitled brat. He's cute, but his stank attitude makes him very unappealing.  Is he 9 years or 9 months?  He seems to go from one extreme to the other. Ugh. 

Edited by CouchTater
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I was pleasantly surprised to see that there was a new season and its right after the Little Couple.  These two shows are the only shows that I watch on TLC, so I'm glad they're back to back.

They are definitely a more down to earth family.  The teenagers act like teenagers.  Alex is bratty, but that's because Amber spoils him.

Elizabeth and Emma seem to be the most behaved of the kids.  Amber has definitely stepped up her wardrobe, hair and make up game now that she's working.

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Adoption is great and I admire those who are able and do it, but, I had to change the channel last night when Amber starting pitching her position to adopt another baby.  I mean, she just got out of the hospital with a severe back condition, that may require surgery.  AND one of her children has suffered longer than she should have due to mom not being healthy enough to care for her post surgery.  It's not her fault that she has a back condition, but, once you have it, you pretty much have it.  So, who cares for the new baby, if she gets down in her back again AND one of the other children needs surgery.  Trent seemed to understand that, but, she seemed to just be thinking about her wants and not how she may not be able to care for her existing children, herself AND another child.  I hope she changed her mind later in the show.  I didn't switch back to see. 

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I really enjoy this family. They are still normal after 2-3 yr on TLC! Trent is very funny.  The kids are not perfect and the parents call them on it, refreshing.  Trent and Amber really do have a very loving and compassionate family. Not easy to do with 5 kids in 2017.  

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On 9/18/2017 at 9:50 PM, CouchTater said:

Just found this show yesterday. I decide to start from season 1. Most of the kids seem nice. 

But..... God bless all the little children, really. But that Alex is an asshole and an entitled brat. He's cute, but his stank attitude makes him very unappealing.  Is he 9 years or 9 months?  He seems to go from one extreme to the other. Ugh. 


Thank you.  Alex is being permitted to develop a really off-putting, disrespectful, nasty attitude with his parents.  Everything is a complaint or disagreement with that kid.  That's just one more reason why I believe these TLC shows are so bad for growing families with young children.  Fortunately, the Johnstons appear to be holding it together better than most of their predecessors (*cough* Gosselins *cough*).

(Off-topic, yes, but I have to mention your avatar. I'm a massive Prince fan and I have never seen that thoroughly awesome picture used as someone's avatar anywhere on the Internet.  You win the prize, whatever it may be! ☺️)

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On September 24, 2017 at 10:01 PM, SuzyLee said:


Thank you.  Alex is being permitted to develop a really off-putting, disrespectful, nasty attitude with his parents.  Everything is a complaint or disagreement with that kid.  That's just one more reason why I believe these TLC shows are so bad for growing families with young children.  Fortunately, the Johnstons appear to be holding it together better than most of their predecessors (*cough* Gosselins *cough*).

(Off-topic, yes, but I have to mention your avatar. I'm a massive Prince fan and I have never seen that thoroughly awesome picture used as someone's avatar anywhere on the Internet.  You win the prize, whatever it may be! ☺️)

Thanks  SuzyLee!  Prince was awesome, wasn't he?

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Tonight Alex basically shit all over Anna's billboard idea, and everyone praised him.. Ugh. 

It reminds me of the Twilight Zone episode where everyone had to be super nice to the little boy, and have good thoughts, or he'd wish them into the cornfield. He even turned 1 man into a jack-in-the-box. That's Alex all the way!

I watched an episode over the weekend where Liz told Anna not to baby Alex (he was literally crying about having to ride in his dad's truck instead of his moms Expedition).  And amber WENT OFF on Liz.  Ugh.

I feel bad for the other 4 kids who have to appease him and treat him with kid gloves. 

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On ‎9‎/‎18‎/‎2017 at 9:50 PM, CouchTater said:

Just found this show yesterday. I decide to start from season 1. Most of the kids seem nice. 

But..... God bless all the little children, really. But that Alex is an asshole and an entitled brat. He's cute, but his stank attitude makes him very unappealing.  Is he 9 years or 9 months?  He seems to go from one extreme to the other. Ugh. 

That's all Amber - she spoils him.  I see some of the exasperation on the other family member's faces sometimes, including Trent at some of Alex's behavior.  But at the end of the day Amber runs that household and she allows his bratty behavior and makes excuses for him.

I think that is one of the reasons why Emma even babies him a little as shown in the last episode (how she prepares breakfast for him sometime).  She probably picks up her cues from Amber.

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17 hours ago, Whyyouneedaname said:

correct me if I'm wrong but did Trent assist Liz in getting up the ramp when the bet was she could do it all by herself & win the $5 bet with Anna? Totally wrong on his part if he did, & if it was just for the show then wrong on their part, Anna should have won the bet.

He kind of held her in place so she didn't roll backwards or tip.  I don't think she could have held herself in place and moved forward on her own.

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Still loving this family.  The yoga, the bikes. I love how they just adapt items as they need to. Loved how Liz’s male friend was so helpful to Amber. Little disappointed at how harsh they were with Jonah about the tattoos.  He had good points.  I hope Jonah sticks to his dislike for tattoos/ just my personal bias showing. 

Alex is still immature. At least tonight, he was upset with him self rather than angry towards others. 

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Amber telling Jonah to take his nasty self to bed was ugly. Just because he rightly thought they shouldn't be getting tattoos. To me, this is how I always see her though...anger just simmering below the surface, and kids who behave because they are a bit afraid of her if they don't. She seems to think she knows the answers to everything.

Since Elizabeth has had 20 something leg surgeries, it would seem that Amber would be more conscious of her weight? I would think the extra weight she carries would just make her leg issues even worse? And Alex is so over weight it is ridiculous..he looks like he can barely bend in the middle, and his face and head are just enormous now. Riding bikes occasionally is not going to do it...they need a change in diet sooner rather than later.

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I was rather uncomfortable with the way Amber spoke to Jonah...and thought she was rather harsh with Anna when she was trying do her makeup and hair.  

Some kids do not pick up the bike easily...my daughter had difficulty until she hit 8th grade.  It happens.

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I've always got the impression that she has her picks, Anna & Jonah are not it. When she & Anna were doing the talking heads I think the first episode, no love lost there, Anna look liked she could spit nails :/ Alex on the other hand needs to get out from under momma's skirt tail and grow up.

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On ‎1‎/‎26‎/‎2016 at 3:56 PM, gunderda said:


Anna (I think) is the older adopted one.  She's the skinny older sister - She's from Russia. Elizabeth is kind of bulkier and always helps with the heavy lifting.  Her and Jonah are the bio kids.

This would explain the death glares.  Russian orphanages are notorious for severe neglect.

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I was appalled that he was rewarded for his behavior after the visit to the orthodontist.  Here's Emma with her braces and Amber's all "they've been through so much, they deserve a treat."  Like, come again?  Alex did nothing but waste a lot of people's time and energy.  Those impression things are NOT nice, but he's more than old enough to just tough it out and get it done.  And how is it a treat for Emma to try and eat all that stuff with brand new braces in her mouth?  Amber has been borderline hostile and aggressive with the three older kids but treats the younger two with kid gloves.  You can practically see the older three rolling their eyes every time Alex opens his mouth.  Emma is sometimes just as much as a baby as Alex.  Last week when she couldn't ride the bike she accused Jonah of "pushing" her and that's why she fell.  I feel bad for the older three.  They probably catch a lot of grief behind Alex and Emma and have no recourse but to grin and bear it.  Their mother certainly isn't going to do anything.  She certainly isn't going to treat them to a nice junk food dinner after forcing them to try and eat more healthy.  Trent, I think, knows what's up, but won't do much about it.

Edited by KBrownie
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Didn’t Alex do ok for the actual impression? I thought he did. He did a lot of complaining leading up to it at home and in the car.  I will admit- I’ve had a couple done and they are horrible.  Everyone gags. All you can do is breathe and fight the impulse. 

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18 hours ago, KBrownie said:

I was appalled that he was rewarded for his behavior after the visit to the orthodontist.  Here's Emma with her braces and Amber's all "they've been through so much, they deserve a treat."  Like, come again?  Alex did nothing but waste a lot of people's time and energy.  Those impression things are NOT nice, but he's more than old enough to just tough it out and get it done.  

I felt for Alex during the impressions. I have a horrible gag reflex too and he did way better than I did and I was in junior high I think.  I think I almost had a panic attack during mine - I had multiple people telling me to breathe and a garbage can in front of me!

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10 hours ago, gunderda said:

I have a nephew in 7th grade and I think he still can't ride a bike..... but I blame all the electronic vehicles he had when he was younger. 

It really bothers me to watch obese children driving around in their cars, drink and snacks in hand.  When I was that age you couldn't get me to sit still, and I loved my big wheel, etc.

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Brussels sprouts are delicious if you know how to cook them.  Roasted in the oven with salt, pepper and olive oil is simple and yummy.  My hubby adds a bit of maple syrup sometimes for sweetness.  Amber boiling them was setting them up for failure.  


They definitely need to try and eat healthier.  Alex and Elizabeth definitely need to lose some weight.    The other 3 kids seem very proportionate for their body frames.

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19 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

It really bothers me to watch obese children driving around in their cars, drink and snacks in hand.  When I was that age you couldn't get me to sit still, and I loved my big wheel, etc.

Thankfully my nephew is still a skinny bean pole! He's pretty active but I guess his sense of balance must be terrible lol 

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She still looks large to me. The first season, these people could not even afford furniture for their house. Now they are going to buy that huge house on the lake? Surely TLC isn't paying them that much? And neither of their regular jobs pays that much either I wouldn't think?

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It’s as if there  is some backstory with Anna. Trust issues, they’ve mentioned in previous episodes and in this one.  As if she lies to them about who she’s with and where she’s at?  Plus it did take her 4 tries to pass her written permit test. 

Anna has to learn- you do not drive without your license in hand. In my state, you get a ticket for that. Same with no valid insurance card. Anna has no job- so who will have to front the money for those tickets?  Her parents.  I’ve watched up to the tornado drill and I haven’t seen anything wrong with their discipline of Anna in this episode. In others, yes. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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