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7 Little Johnstons - General Discussion

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15 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

What name is Amber using for Jooves?  Her pronunciation doesn’t seem to be that name.  It sounds like Yulsay? 

That's what her pronunciation sounds like to me, too. When I have heard Joose pronounce his name, it sounds more like "Yo-se". The Johnstons have challenges pronouncing every day words in English. So there's that.

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22 hours ago, mmecorday said:

If not for Joose, I think I'd be sitting this season out. I'd love to know what he really thinks about his host family.

I used to watch the show but stopped a few seasons ago, just check here now for updates occasionally.  Thanks for letting me know I'm not missing anything, not surprised though. 

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Hooray for Aunt Heidi! How wonderful for Anna to have a relatable adult female in her family who is warm, encouraging, has a sense of humor and seems to appreciate Anna for who she is. I was glad to see how supportive Heidi was of Anna and her new friend’s very sensible joint decision for him to avoid the party instead of pulling an AmberTrent and turning his absence into something negative.

Jonah’s and Alex’s commentary on Elizabeth’s and Amber’s decorating “style” gave me a chuckle.

I have to say I liked the plaid onesies!

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Random thoughts:

I think the kids genuinely like Joose.  He's been a good sport about their crazy ideas.  

Amber sees Joose as a way to keep the show airing.  But it really isn't enough to keep it going.

More interesting:

Now we have confirmation that Liz and Anna are both sexually active.  I'm sure Amber is unhappy that her two oldest daughters are 'fornicators' (she's religious you know).  

If Liz wasn't sleeping with Brice then I think it would have been a blow up on Anna.  Good for her refusing to show his photo on camera.

Amber has mentioned several times that she was brought up to marry before sex.  I wouldn't be surprised if that's why she married so young and dropped out of college.  Hormones!  Thank goodness the girls don't feel obligated to follow their parents' example.

Edited by Ms.Lulu
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Both of these young ladies (Anna and Liz) are grown legal adults. Trent and Amber need to stay out of their intimate relationships. Seriously, where do they get off telling either of them they cannot have "sleepovers" or be intimate with a partner? I would have been mortified if my parents acted like that. Good grief. That goes for Johah, too. They were concerned about him being "too close" to his girlfriend.

Amber's stank face when Anna was talking about her friend was just so obvious. She was looking totally put out at Anna's party. No wonder Anna doesn't like to talk to her. As Emma said, she is a total party pooper. 

The drink that Joose was making reminded me a lot of Wassail. 

I liked the plaid onesies too. Joose continues to be a good sport.

Edited by TipseyGirl
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1 hour ago, TipseyGirl said:

Both of these young ladies (Anna and Liz) are grown legal adults. Trent and Amber need to stay out of their intimate relationships. Seriously, where do they get off telling either of them they cannot have "sleepovers" or be intimate with a partner? I would have been mortified if my parents acted like that. Good grief. That goes for Johah, too. They were concerned about him being "too close" to his girlfriend.

Amber's stank face when Anna was talking about her friend was just so obvious. She was looking totally put out at Anna's party. No wonder Anna doesn't like to talk to her. As Emma said, she is a total party pooper. 

The drink that Joose was making reminded me a lot of Wassail. 

I liked the plaid onesies too. Joose continues to be a good sport.

Those kids have grown up listening to Big Daddy’s raunchy bedroom commentary, yet he and Amber want to be all up in their adult children’s personal business and dictate/pass judgment on what they do with their partners in their own homes. Nope.

And yes, the “stank face” continues. Good call by Emma.

I agree with you and Ms Lulu about Joose—he is definitely a good sport! What a delightful person he is! You can tell the kids really like him. Jonah actually smiles when he sees him!

Here’s to hoping that Joose went back to Finland with more in his linguistic repertoire than “Jesse farted.”

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3 hours ago, TipseyGirl said:


The drink that Joose was making reminded me a lot of Wassail. 


If you are interested in trying gloggi it is good on a cold evening.

 Gloggi is the same as Swedish glogg.  You can find some version in nordic/germanic countries. When living in Germany we drank gluhwein. It tasted similar to me.  You can get it at Christmas markets and it keeps you warm as you celebrate.  It is all basically the same.  It is a mulled red wine served warm, not super hot.  You don't want to burn off the alcohol, so you warm it slowly.  Swedish families have different recipes but most usually add almonds for luck, cardamom, ginger and cinnamon.  We used oranges rather than apples and added aquavit and raisins.

When living in England we had wassail.  Wassail is similar and is often cider-based and often has apples, cinnamon sticks and star of anise. 

Better than glogg, gluhwein and wassail are the European Christmas markets.  I plan on visiting the one in Vancouver this year.  I'm not up for a flight to Europe these days.

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13 hours ago, Ms.Lulu said:

I think the kids genuinely like Joose.

I think Amber likes Joose too 😳 I'm watching the reruns today and she seems to be all about the Joose.

Why on earth do Liz and Anna have to decorate Jonah's house? If he wants minimal decor, why can't he have minimal decor. I abhor word art and I loved Jonah's commentary about his parents' house having word art signage as if no one knows what the respective rooms are for. 

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I noticed they shopped at Bealls, there is one by me but it always looks like it is about ready to shutter its doors. I also got the sense that Queen Liz was not happy about the fact that her 3 1/2 year almost 4 year boyfriend (just in case you didn't know how long they were dating) spends holidays with HIS family.

@RedDelicious Yes, you are right with Amber liking Joose because he doesn't talk back or give attitude like Jonah and Liz. 

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The girls idea of “decorating” (I’m looking at YOU  Liz) is Hobby Lobby clutter. None of that is suitable for a young man’s home. I would have run away screaming if I was a young woman seeing my date’s house for the first time and came across all of the “blessed” crap. 

Someone needs to tell Liz that there are many other types of decor - some way more suitable for Jonah. Minimalism is s thing. 



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4 minutes ago, Teriacky said:

The girls idea of “decorating” (I’m looking at YOU  Liz) is Hobby Lobby clutter. None of that is suitable for a young man’s home. I would have run away screaming if I was a young woman seeing my date’s house for the first time and came across all of the “blessed” crap. 

Someone needs to tell Liz that there are many other types of decor - some way more suitable for Jonah. Minimalism is s thing. 



One time I was at Marshall's and there was a hand towel with an embroidered typo that said "Blessld" 😆 That turned into us saying "too blessld to be stressld" ad nauseam, ha. 

We also once found a Rae Dunn flower pot that said "Sun Worshiper" and a non-RD mug that said "Merry Catmis". hehehehe

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Part of white elephant exchange is that each person brings a gift to exchange.  Those gifts all sure looked like there were Amber specials.  I mean otherwise we would have had 2-3 fart and poop-related gifts.

We only had one, the tushy traveler, or as Liz call it, a butt hole washer.

Edited by Ms.Lulu
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Still watching…not sure why. I guess I was interesting in Joose.  And I really like the kid, he did bring something new for the show. 
Some observations-Amber definitely thinks she can do no wrong. They raised great kids, so I hate to say she isn’t a good parent but she irks me with her know it all attitude. And so controlling of her grown girl kids. I see they never told Jonah he can’t have slept overs. 
I love Anna.  Something about her is just so sweet and she is so funny. I love how she can laugh at herself, those are always my favorite kind of people. 
This is probably mean but Elizabeth needs to get her weight in check. Not sure what is going on with her but she is starting to look uncomfortable and unhealthy. 
I like Trent.  I think he’s funny and hell, he puts up with Amber…lol.

And then Jonah….I don’t even know. He needs to just be a bachelor.  He doesn’t seem like a good boyfriend AT ALL. The poor girl deserves better. 

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The thing last night with Jonah did make me tear up. I can only imagine getting a call like that from my 20 yr old. Trent really seemed tore up about it. Amber seemed cold. Her words about it being the worse day of her life might be true, but she just doesn’t seem sincere when she talks. It’s like she is detached emotionally from her kids. I’m sure she loves them, but she just isn’t warm. Like when they hugged him, she barely put her arms around him. Trent, on the other hand, grabbed him and pulled him in tight. 
But Jonah did seem to learn his lesson and I believe him when he said it was traumatic and he wouldn’t do it again. 

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I have to say that it took probably a lot for them to discuss what happened to Jonah on TV. @Boudreaux I agree that it seem to effect Trent much more than Amber. Seems that Jonah suffers from anxiety and hopefully he can get help with that. Thankfully he is ok, even though I still think he is an ass

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On 4/27/2022 at 8:19 AM, Boudreaux said:

The thing last night with Jonah did make me tear up. I can only imagine getting a call like that from my 20 yr old. Trent really seemed tore up about it. Amber seemed cold. Her words about it being the worse day of her life might be true, but she just doesn’t seem sincere when she talks. It’s like she is detached emotionally from her kids. I’m sure she loves them, but she just isn’t warm. Like when they hugged him, she barely put her arms around him. Trent, on the other hand, grabbed him and pulled him in tight. 
But Jonah did seem to learn his lesson and I believe him when he said it was traumatic and he wouldn’t do it again. 

Yup, that's probably why, in his state of absolute fear and confusion, he called his dad and not Amber.

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I'm thinking that Jonah probably took the same size dose and the guys he was hanging out with, who were all much larger than he is. He probably just took too much. I was worried because from the previews it sounded like he was having a stroke.

I really hate the little interludes between scenes with shots of the Johnstons peeping out behind trees. They are little people, not wood sprites.

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Something is really messed up with Amber. I think it’s a part of her makeup.  As others have stated, there is a disconnect with her and I don’t think she really is bonded with anyone, but maybe Trent.  It’s as if her kids are possessions not human beings.  I don’t see any warmth from her when she talks about her kids. It’s cold.  She lacks empathy and affection, imo.  Even when she says something positive about them, it’s followed by her bragging on why she should get the credit.  Ugghhhh…When she kept telling Jonah the day he was born was the worst day of her life, it was as if she enjoyed inflicting pain on him. What kind of mother says that?  So cruel.  She says it to solicit pity for herself, imo.  It’s all about her…..🙄

.And, she seemed more concerned that her son would take an over the counter med than how it scared him.  I guess I’m a realist, but of course a parent considers their child might try a recreational drug, smoke or drink alcohol.  Most teens or young adults will try it….even those from religious and conservative homes.  What world is she living in?  It’s difficult to believe a parent her age thinks that young adults don’t partake in things like that.  

I read s local story about a college student in Raleigh, who got very high on Delta 8 and her dad took her to the ER.  They warned that it’s more potent than you would think and can have terrible side effects. She bought it legally at a shop near N.C. State campus, though she really should have been 21, but was only 18. 



Edited by SunnyBeBe
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10 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Something is really messed up with Amber. I think it’s a part of her makeup.  As others have stated, there is a disconnect with her and I don’t think she really is bonded with anyone, but maybe Trent.  It’s as if her kids are possessions not human beings.  I don’t see any warmth from her when she talks about her kids. It’s cold.  She lacks empathy and affection, imo.  Even when she says something positive about them, it’s followed by her bragging on why she should get the credit.  Ugghhhh…When she kept telling Jonah the day he was born was the worst day of her life, it was as if she enjoyed inflicting pain on him. What kind of mother says that?  So cruel.  She says it to solicit pity for herself, imo.  It’s all about her…..🙄

.And, she seemed more concerned that her son would take an over the counter med than how it scared him.  I guess I’m a realist, but of course a parent considers their child might try a recreational drug, smoke or drink alcohol.  Most teens or young adults will try it….even those from religious and conservative homes.  What world is she living in?  It’s difficult to believe a parent her age thinks that young adults don’t partake in things like that.  

I read s local story about a college student in Raleigh, who got very high on Delta 8 and her dad took her to the ER.  They warned that it’s more potent than you would think and can have terrible side effects. She bought it legally at a shop near N.C. State campus, though she really should have been 21, but was only 18. 



I agree with you. Everything is all about AMBER and how she feels. That hissy fit she threw when discussing Anna moving out was all I needed to see to know that she has issues with control.

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3 hours ago, TipseyGirl said:

I agree with you. Everything is all about AMBER and how she feels. That hissy fit she threw when discussing Anna moving out was all I needed to see to know that she has issues with control.

And while Amber is by far more cold than Trent, Trent has also had issues. I can’t forget the way he verbally attacked Elizabeth when trying to teach her to drive a couple of seasons ago.   She was in tears and refused to get back in the car again for another lesson. She was right. He was horrible to her for no reason.  He seems better now. Maybe he watched the episode and turned over a new leaf.  I hope so, because there was no justification for that.  

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On 3/18/2022 at 10:56 AM, ShortyMac said:

 more stressed with going back for her bachelor's degree.

I was shocked she's allowed to teach without a degree. There's no way I could teach legally without my bachelor AND one year teaching practicum. I also received two postbaccalaureates in technology and learning disabilities. I don't see how people can teach without being properly educated.


On 2/10/2022 at 1:19 PM, all4mom2 said:

To my knowledge, no law in Georgia forces the parents to do so, but perhaps they did so anyway.  Trent, at least, seems to have his kids' best interest at heart and an interest in making them financially savvy.  At any rate, once they're 18, they get their own paycheck from TLC.

I thought Coogan's law was passed everywhere. Because of child actor jackie coogan (I may have the name wrong... Cooper?)

Edited by Chalby
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5 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I’m not sure where she teaches, but could it be a private school?  In our state there are some religious schools that have teachers who do not have any teaching credentials.  

Here is Amber's LinkedIn profile.  Looks like she is at a public school:


Per her profile Amber is a lab specialist, not a teacher.  Here is a list of responsibilities:

Support computer lab operations. Support faculty and students to use computer software and hardware. Extend appropriate procedures, respond to queries and document resolution of repetitive issues. Respond to queries and introduce students to use of computers and peripheral equipment. Handle lab equipment to clean keyboards, monitors and disk drives. Watch lab occupants while entering and leaving lab to secure equipment. Extend assistance towards computers and printers’ support. Clean, review and handle minor equipment maintenance to assure its operational condition.

A quick scan of positions show some schools require a degree and some are okay with a high school diploma. It sounds like her school district changed their requirement.

In fact, her district does have an opening for a computer science teacher and it requires:

Have a Bachelor's degree or higher. Pass the GACE Program Admission Assessment. Pass the GACE Content Assessment in your certifying area. Pass the Georgia Educator Ethics Assessments.


Edited by Ms.Lulu
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Weighing in with my 2 cents. If not for Joose, I think this season would have been a bust. He was a breath of fresh air, and I really think the love went both ways - They found him bringing another perspective into the family, and, with Joose being the only little person in his family, I really think he got to see that his life did not have to be limited by his size. It was cool that they could share the American holidays with him, and they did try to incorporate his traditions into their antics. I do kind of wish Amber would have reached out to Joose's mother for some recipes for his favorite meals, but then again, we were only shown a very small portion of his 90 days with the family, and I'm sure the things they did show made for better TV. At any rate, they did seem to tone down Trent and Amber this season. 

Call me crazy, but I do enjoy seeing they lengths they go to to have family fun.

Though I admit to not advocating for living together, all my kids did, and none "asked" for our permission. If they are on their own, supporting themselves, then it's really not my call to make. I would probably make some sort of case if  I felt the person was a threat in any way to my child, but other than that, it's none of my business. Amber as much as says that she doesn't want the girls to marry at this point, as they need to have a degree to rely on, but she can't control every aspect of their lives anymore. 

We'll have to see what card tricks they have for next season, as unless they have the season of psychotic breakdowns, they are at risk for being just a show about little people living a normal life.

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It seems that next season will involve:

1) Meeting up with Joose and his family at the LP conference.  It could be the national conference in Spokane, or maybe it will be international

2) Visiting Joose in Finland to eat reindeer steaks, stay in a luxury hotel and have Trent drive everyone around in a little car

3) Follow Liz and Brice living together and Amber's concern that her daughter will end up a pregnant college drop out

4) A visit to their family shrink for Jonah to talk about drug use

5) Emma's gets a boyfriend

6) Alex pouts and cries

7) Anna and Amber take classes together and study together

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6 minutes ago, gigiann said:

I was watching the most recent episode (Fin-ale/Julsee goes home) and I was noticing that Elizabeth is wearing a lot of loose sweat shirts and she was tugging at the tummy part a lot to make sure she had room in there.  Anyone else think she might be pregnant?


I don't follow them on social media, but given the time lag between when the show's filmed and aired, she'd definitely be showing by now if anyone else follows them and wants to report back.

1 minute ago, gigiann said:

I was watching the most recent episode (Fin-ale/Julsee goes home) and I was noticing that Elizabeth is wearing a lot of loose sweat shirts and she was tugging at the tummy part a lot to make sure she had room in there.  Anyone else think she might be pregnant?


Pregnant with a food baby, maybe. 

That conversation she had with Trent and Amber was all sorts of weird. It's like she wasn't asking for permission for Brice to move in, but she was very elusive about the details. First, Brice couldn't be there for the convo as he was back at her place putting the frame for "his" bed together. But, Liz says that they aren't going to be moving in together for about four months. What was the urgency for the frame assembly then? Also, does this mean when he does move in he will have his own room and bed? I call bullshit. I think he is already there and sleeping in her room. Not that it's any of my or anyone else's business but if your going to discuss it on television, tell it like it is!

Jonah falling asleep during the little backyard gathering for Joose was also weird. I thought that Trent eluded to there being issues with Jonah that maybe we'll see more about next season.

I am going to miss, Joose. He was really fun to watch. I am hoping that we get an update on him some day. I wish him the very best in his pursuit to become a pediatric surgeon.


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Jonah looked so overweight in the scenes about the drug use but when they showed his talking heads, he looks so much slimmer/healthier. I'm guessing he started living a cleaner lifestyle which included dropping that weight. His double chin seems to be gone in the talking heads/updates? 

Regarding Elizabeth and the baggy tops, I think she looks terrible! (hopefully not pregnant) Especially when they showed her in shorts, those legs are huge! It cannot be good for a person of her stature on any health level. Imagine if she does get married and has a baby....she has had leg surgery....this will not be good.

On a positive note, Amber looks great now that she has dropped the weight! You can even see it in her face. Anna and Emma have pretty nice bodies considering their stature. I hope they stay this way.

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Before Liz met Bryce she had slimmed down and looked good. She gained all the weight back and then some. Amber looks good and she lost a bit of weight, so hopefully Liz can follow what Amber did. I still think she is a know it all, I thought it was funny when she is telling Anna how to date when Anna is older just because her and Bryce have been together for 2 years 8 months 6 days 24 minutes and 37 seconds (if you were wondering)

I am glad Joose was there and that was a nice scrapbook they put together for him, brought a little tear in my eye when he was reading his letter. I do agree with the posters above, this would  have been extremely dull without him. 

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On 5/1/2022 at 11:21 PM, Chalby said:



I thought Coogan's law was passed everywhere. Because of child actor jackie coogan (I may have the name wrong... Cooper?)

The Coogan law is only in California.     Each state or territory can make their own rules about child actors, or children collecting money for performing.     Some states have zero laws about child actors or other performers.    That was a big issue on other reality multiple shows, the parents were the only ones who were paid, and waived their children's appearance on TV, or in advertising.     Some supposedly do have trust funds, but  how safe those funds are from pillaging by parents or other managers is not regulated enough in my view.   

(I know of someone who had two or three grandchildren who were working a lot in acting, the best roles were commercials, especially a certain food place with arches.   The daughter and grandchildren lived in a huge house, financed by the kids of course, all of the kids lessons, and coaches, managers, lawyers, accountants, living costs for the kids were all legal to take from the funds.    Then, grandpa got into MLM in a skin care business, and 'invested' the funds from the grandkids.   Soon, every penny was gone, the house was gone, and they all had to move to some relative's place in a tiny mobile.   The only one who stayed behind was one grandkid who was smart enough to keep working, and had her own savings account separate from her grandparents, and mother.   So, even where the Coogan act exists, it's not fool proof. )

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On 4/29/2022 at 1:13 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

And while Amber is by far more cold than Trent, Trent has also had issues. I can’t forget the way he verbally attacked Elizabeth when trying to teach her to drive a couple of seasons ago.   She was in tears and refused to get back in the car again for another lesson. She was right. He was horrible to her for no reason.  He seems better now. Maybe he watched the episode and turned over a new leaf.  I hope so, because there was no justification for that.  

Late to the party, but I disagree about Trent.  He clearly truly loves ALL his kids and is just concerned for them.  Re: the driving, I think he was just afraid she was learning some dangerous habits and was frustrated.  I haven't seen a horrible temper from him the entire time I've watched.  More likely Princess Liz is completely unaccustomed to anything but unadulterated praise from her parents and the world in general.

Agree Amber has major issues.  It's only reasonable to assume that SOME little people, particularly those who didn't know any others (like Amber), might have adjustment problems; life as a dwarf can't be easy when you're the only one in your family, and then she was rejected by her bio dad.  She probably has a personality disorder (narcissistic, etc.), but that's not Anna's fault, and she really needs to find a new whipping boy.  I also find her giddiness around first Alex and now YULE-say kind of creepy; she acts like she has crushes on them or something!  Maybe JOE-se can go live with Jen Arnold next since she's also a LP physician and speaks proper English.

And, yes, it seems Liz inherited her mother's callousness toward family pets.  Thank goodness for Anna's kind heart and willingness to take in the cat Liz decided she no longer wanted, along with the dog that mysteriously disappeared (that seems to be a running theme with this family). I worry about Cruiser being alone too much, but as least he's living with the nicest member of this entire family!  I also agree her relationship with her aunt is sweet.

That's probably been her only saving grace having to grow up with Ice Queen Amber!

Edited by Dibs
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The episode that  I saw of Trent giving Liz a driving lesson showed Trent as a scary bully, trying to be verbally abusive to Elizabeth for no reason.  It was off the charts.  I normally like Trent and he’s normally low key, but that day he was wrong, imo.  It showed a side of him I didn’t know existed.  It’s something I can’t unsee.  

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On 5/26/2022 at 5:15 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

The episode that  I saw of Trent giving Liz a driving lesson showed Trent as a scary bully, trying to be verbally abusive to Elizabeth for no reason.  It was off the charts.  I normally like Trent and he’s normally low key, but that day he was wrong, imo.  It showed a side of him I didn’t know existed.  It’s something I can’t unsee.  

I agree he was horrible in that episode. If I’m remembering correctly, he did acknowledge later that he was awful and apologized to Liz. I think he can be a moron, but I did appreciate his willingness to self-reflect and acknowledge that he was wrong. Those are things Amber doesn’t seem capable of. 

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