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Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the MCU

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  On 5/14/2015 at 3:58 AM, Eegah said:

One random bit of speculation that's just come out of thinking maybe too hard about this stuff: what if the show introduces the Time Gem? The Soul Gem is probably going to be in the Dr. Strange film, but I'm not seeing any convenient place to put the one other remaining gem to be revealed before the Infinity War arrives. Of course, this would run into the same issues mentioned above with way more people watching the movies than the show, but everything coming out about these two films indicates they're going to be entirely for the die hard MCU fans Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back style, so why not go all out?

The tie-in TV show will never introduce an Infinity Stone. I expect the Soul Stone to come into Doctor Strange, and the Time Stone will play a part in Ragnarok, or pop up in Infinity War Part 1. I doubt they'd use the Guardians to bring in yet another Stone, and none of the other titles coming up have links to the off-Earth universe or anything mystical.

Season 2 of Daredevil adds on two more tie-ins with AoS: the Dogs of Hell, the motorcycle gang who Lorelei took over back in S1, are a major player as one of the main targets of the Punisher, and Frank Castle takes a disc labeled "Micro" that was hidden in a picture of his family, likely referring to Microchip, his hacker ally from the comics who AoS already mentioned as part of Skye's group.

  On 12/11/2015 at 4:16 PM, shortpplfedup said:

The tie-in TV show will never introduce an Infinity Stone. I expect the Soul Stone to come into Doctor Strange, and the Time Stone will play a part in Ragnarok, or pop up in Infinity War Part 1. I doubt they'd use the Guardians to bring in yet another Stone, and none of the other titles coming up have links to the off-Earth universe or anything mystical.

There's some rumors that the Kree Orb in recent AOS episodes may contain an infinity stone, like the orb in GOTG did. I really doubt it though.

I haven't seen the movie but you'd think the "cilvil war" would be all over the news, dwarf coverage of anything else, including this Hive threat.

Or OTOH, if Hive represents a threat to the planet, you'd think those superheroes would get over this petty little spat -- I would assume there won't be any casualties to any of the superheroes or bystanders and in the end they'll all kiss and make up -- and be all hands on deck to dispatch Hive.  Then maybe take up their spat again afterwards.

Avengers get poor score for prioritizing tasks.


Are they making a separate Secret Warriors show or do you  mean AoS season 4? I think it is possible, that they may return if the actors don't just move on to other projects. 


As with  Agent Carter  being cancelled, that sucks. It was a good show and it at least deserved a third season so it can wrap up its storylines. The two most important being, the founding/forming of SHIELD, by Carter herself, and also that mysterious key that Jack found at the end of Season 2. 

Edited by TVSpectator
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  On 5/13/2016 at 12:32 AM, SocaShoe said:


"Marvel's Most Wanted" is not going forward. I feel sorry for Adrianne Palicki and Nick Blood. Do you think they'll bring them back or go forward with Secret Warriors? Also, "Agent Carter" was cancelled today. Not a good day for Marvel, people.


Yay !!  Did not want this Marvel's Most Wanted show at all.

On the other end of the spectrum, I'm a little sad that Agent Carter is canceled -- I'll miss Peggy.

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I wasn't super excited about the prospect of Marvel's Most Wanted, but I'm annoyed that that the show sent Bobbi and Hunter away when Most Wanted clearly wasn't a sure thing!    I'm definitely bummed about the Agent Carter cancellation.  Season 2 left some loose ends that needed to be tied up and I really wanted to see Peggy form SHIELD with Howard.

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No. As far as I know there is no Secret Warriors show, but they have introduced new people as part of the storyline. The executive producers talked often about having such a large cast before Bobbi and Hunter left and before Elena and Joey started showing up. So does the show have to make a choice at this point - Bobbi and Hunter as part of the team going forward or they stick with then new people, and add Hellfire to continue with A Secret Warriors heavy team?

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  On 5/13/2016 at 4:34 AM, SocaShoe said:

No. As far as I know there is no Secret Warriors show, but they have introduced new people as part of the storyline. The executive producers talked often about having such a large cast before Bobbi and Hunter left and before Elena and Joey started showing up. So does the show have to make a choice at this point - Bobbi and Hunter as part of the team going forward or they stick with then new people, and add Hellfire to continue with A Secret Warriors heavy team?


Thanks for answering my question. 

I thought that I remember reading something about the showrunners were complaining about how big the cast is for this show (and I definitely remember hearing fans complaining about how huge the cast is for this show and how it affects the writing) but at this point, they have already added Lincoln to the main cast, and (if) Elena and Joey makes it alive, pass the season finale, then they are probably going to be added as well. So, the question that I have is, does anyone think that a smaller cast is what this show needs or do you think that the writing can handle a bigger cast?

Personally, I do think that a smaller main cast is probably the best option for this show. It would keep the budget low and also allows the writers to focus more on the characters. 

Honestly, I'd much rather have Bobbi and Hunter back than to have Elena, Joey, Lincoln and Hellfire stick around.  They started promising us Secret Warriors last summer, and after nearly an entire season where the Secret Warriors team barely materialized I'm completely over the concept.  I'd much rather the show keep characters that worked than ones that don't add all that much to the show.

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I could see maybe Bobbie and Hunter coming back, but, IMO, a few people do have to go and/or become a reoccurring character(s).  IMO, Hunter was great with dealing with the more serious no-nonsense characters and also seeing their reactions to his antics was fun to see. Bobbie was the standard Marvel spy character (and she was a scientist that just also happened to be a great spy, which seems that everyone is either a jock or a science nerd on this show)  which did kind of made her bland to watch but she was still a decent character. 

Part of me wonders, if they hadn't had a plan for Marvel's Most Wanted, if Hunter would have ended up with powers. I like that he didn't, but Hellfire or whatever he picked for his name sort of has a lot of Hunter's characteristics, in fact, I think that's why I dislike the character Hellfire so much, he reminds me too much of what we've lost because of this spin-off show.

I wanted Bobbi and Hunter back. Shield feels understaffed without them.

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  On 5/8/2016 at 6:58 PM, ottoDbusdriver said:

Saw Captain America: Civil War today --- and unlike the events of Winter Soldier which had major impacts on the TV show I didn't see any tie-in to AoS whatsoever.  Thank goodness.


Vision commented that the number of super powered individuals has increased exponentially since the debut of the Avengers.  I'll take it as a nod to the Inhumans storyline happening in AoS.

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  On 5/16/2016 at 11:24 PM, maczero said:

Vision commented that the number of super powered individuals has increased exponentially since the debut of the Avengers.  I'll take it as a nod to the Inhumans storyline happening in AoS.


It does but since  the world governments and the vigilante Watchdogs all know of the Inhumans by name and you would assume the other SHIELD/Avengers support unit would also. I guess you can head canon that there were a few aliens, some other Super/Winter soldiers and powered suits to make the MCU "enhanced" more accurate than Inhumans

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Season 4 of Agents of SHIELD will open up with Phil Coulson summoning Mephisto, or Dormammu, if they need a tie-in, and ridding all the Inhumans (on Earth...) of their powers. Or maybe the Kree will come back (c'mon Captain Mar-Vell!), see how the Inhuman project has gone drastically awry, and seed the planet with a nullifying agent. If they want Daisy to keep her powers, then they should just send her (and I guess the Secret Warriors) off-planet for a bit.

The Inhumans were fun when they were a secret society living in a city in the middle of who-knows-where, all part of an ancient alien agenda that has been forgotten. And maybe even fun as an explanation for a few select individuals who drank some fish oil (covered up in secret, presumably, by the world-at-large). But when they're front page news and President Grim Reaper is making press conferences about them, it's hard to imagine how the next Spider-Man movie, amongst seventeen other future projects, will get away with not bringing them up.

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I think if AOS pushes the inhumans story too much for the movie studio's comfort, they will get shut down by Disney or there will be a break between the tv and movie continuity that is acknowledged. In my opinion though, Daisy will be known as a person with powers and her background will be classified. Ellis ran for office on a whole keep America safe kind of platform. It actually serves Ellis' fear-based appeal to not have knowledge about the inhumans' history to be known. He doesn't want people to identify with Daisy in any way. So he has Daisy and others like her treated like a rare occurrence. It's easier for the government to deny basic rights to a lone "terrorist" or "vigilante" esp. when they leave behind damage like "Quake" has.  His administration plays the hero because it is "one person" who decided the laws were wrong and is destroying things for unknown reasons when all he and his administration want to do is keep people safe from harm. In Ellis' version of the world,  quake is like the nameless faceless monsters that attacked New York - different and dangerous. So we control them. We look for cures like rosalind did. If we find that she's part of a group of people, who possibly who number in the thousands and have been a part of this planet for millenia then Ellis has to address why he's denying rights to a race that has lived in peaceful co-existence with other beings on this planet...He also has to address why they suddenly need special laws when the ones serving us have been largely just fine. Any kind of request for recognition from the inhumans is actually quite inconvenient for his and any other government that wants to control gifted people and use them. So yeah, it is pretty easy for the movies to ignore them, esp when you have character douchebags like Ellis who could keep information about them classified. He could easily classify the inhumans as a first wave of alien invaders that are intent on destroying humanity. Peter Parker who might not have access to all the shield files initially would not know anything about inhumans outside whatever information the governments have allowed to be distributed. Which is probably very little.

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The Captain America ones are my favorites (The Winter Soldier is still my favorite film in the MCU), although Ant-Man is a lot of fun. See Ant-Man before you see Civil War. I wouldn't bother with The Incredible Hulk; it's not even Mark Ruffalo and you won't be missing out on anything in the overall MCU if you skip it. I liked the first Iron Man movie; I didn't care for the Thor ones.

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The're all connected. some especially Captain America and Iron Man have a closer connection to the Agents of SHIELD than say the off earth Guardians of The Galaxy and Thor. Secretary Ross reintroduction into the MCU from the General in The Incredible Hulk brings that movie and everybody's try at a super soldier serum, which was Agents first story with Mike Peterson having an extremis from Iron Man 3 varient, back into play

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I'll put my two cents in for Captain America: The First Avenger and for Thor.  CA: TFA is required reading for the Cap/Bucky relationship, provides the introduction to Hydra, Howard Stark and Peggy Carter.  Thor is, IMO, essential as it provides Loki's backstory.  You'll need an Avengers re-watch with a new understanding of Loki's quest for power.  (As if an Avengers re-watch is ever a hardship!)  Thor also gives a fairly hefty dose of Phil Coulson and S.H.I.E.L.D.

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  On 5/26/2016 at 1:42 PM, Raja said:

The're all connected. some especially Captain America and Iron Man have a closer connection to the Agents of SHIELD than say the off earth Guardians of The Galaxy and Thor. Secretary Ross reintroduction into the MCU from the General in The Incredible Hulk brings that movie and everybody's try at a super soldier serum, which was Agents first story with Mike Peterson having an extremis from Iron Man 3 varient, back into play


Guardians gives a bit more background on the Kree, but othef than that not much of a connection.

I'd like to thank Chicago Redshirt again for posting the list of the Marvel universe movies in order. It's only been about a year and a half (LOL) but I'm finally watching all of them, bit by bit, in the order you listed on page 1 of this thread. Currently, Thor: The Dark World is next on my list. (Though I admit I'm not re-watching Agents of Shield as I go along, because I can't take Evil Ward and all his bullshit right now. *GRIN* I'm just watching all the movies, one by one, as I have time.)

It's been fun so far!

I was just thinking with Agent Coulson dropping the Red Skull and Dr Whitehall's name as looking for the Darkhold book. I am remembering the Red Skull sneering at Hitler for looking for The Arc of The Covenant (Raiders of the Lost Arc) in Captain America The First Avenger. Unless further comes out about the book it seems like something the Malick wing of Hydra would have looked for, unless their "faith" was concentrated on Hive alone. And something Dr Whitehall and the Red Skull would have sneered at.

Edited by Raja
  On 11/19/2016 at 12:33 PM, Kel Varnsen said:

I am not saying you need the ghost of Alfred Hitchcock running your Inhumans show, but you really need someone who understands suspense almost to that level, especially when potentially your male lead doesn't typically speak (and anytime he does there is mass destruction).

With the AoS show runners i can only imagine all the stupid Whedon style quips that would be made about the fact that he can't talk (not to mention the ones about Medusa's hair or the giant teleporting dog).



I agree, I really don't need an Alfred Hitchcock-esque person running the show but then again, maybe it will make this show a bit better if they had at least one person who understands it and is willing to try it, in on-aired screen time? Look, all I am saying is that I don't think that these showrunners (AoS' showrunnners) can handle introducing of the Inhuman Royal Family without some kind of weird shift of those characters. I am not really worried about seeing Black Bot not talking, I think that if Marvel/Feige is the one behind this then they will at least try to make it good, but I am also kind of relieved that AoS is not  going to be handling the Inhuman Royal Family. Only because the writing tends to make everything about Daisy and also they have a history of taking, what I can only really call, "artistic licensing" of the comic book characters' source material (i.e. Lash and JT James are two that I do like to bring up but they even turned Robbie into the full-on classic Ghost Rider and not the Ghost Rider that is possessed by his dead serial killer uncle) and making them into totally different characters. Yo-Yo is fine, and maybe even great but I just don't want to see any more romance on this show (I am done with any forms of shipping. They totally, in my opinion, went overboard with the shipping) and so far I am happy that they haven't paired Daisy up with Robbie-yet. 

Another thing that I can see the writing doing is nerfing them down, which should never happen but they have already nerfed numbers of other major characters (like Thor) down and also the CGI/Special Effects it would take and cost is probably out of reach for AoS. Although, I am at least partially happy that IMAX is filming, at least the first two episodes, so you would think that those two episodes would include top-notch CGI/Special Effects. 

As with the Whedon-esque quips the thing that really bothers me is the fact that they totally have too little and the ones they do have kind of sucks (like JT James, saying to Hive, "who's Aladdin?" That to me made no sense not even as a meta joke or the whole, "your hands, they are so cold" that also made really no sense, not even in context). Sure the other Marvel properties seem to have similar quips and I am going to guess that this Inhuman TV show will have it as well, but I guess as long as it makes sense/is decent/is kind of funny then I am fine with it. 

There are other reasons that I have but I am kind of tired so I am not going to post them here. 

Edited by TVSpectator

I like that all Marvel properties do have a sense of humor (it's what, in my opinion, one of the major things that set it apart from the DC movies) but on this show it's either that they have gone way into the drama department (e.g. Daisy's emo-ness over Lincoln's death) or  they are weird and make no sense, even as a meta joke (e.g. Hellfire's line about "who is Aladdin?"). Although, this show isn't a Whedon show, or should never be placed inside the Whedonverse. Currently, it also doesn't feel like it belongs in the MCU (even though it is technically part of the MCU) but more like it's part of another universe. It's weird and so disjointed, especially when it's dealing with the Inhuman outbreak that is supposedly happening at the same time as Captain America: Civil War and no one in the movies mentioned anything about this supposedly Inhuman outbreak and also this show mentioning an event in Hong Kong (which was obviously a nod to Dr. Strange) even though no one, outside of having magic would know about that incident, etc......

May is currently, my favorite character and Mack and Simmons are just okay but not that great (they both could be better characters but Simmons tends to get outshined by Fitz and Mack apparently is still totally believed that he could talk Daisy out of Hive's mind thing) . Coulson, Daisy, and Fitz I just either don't like or don't care about. Clark Gregg is a Whedonverse actor since he did appear in the Joss Whedon's 2012 Much Ado About Nothing but his lines are also flat. I think that it's the way they are written and nothing more. Coulson seems like an old sad/angry person now. 

I just hope if there is a crossover it will happen on the new Inhuman Series show because as far as I am concern, I just want her to be like "wow, I have no idea and I will take heart these lessons that I have learned" nor people going on about how even more special she is. Plus. if it did happen on AoS then I would not put it past the writers to have the Inhuman Series cast being outshined and/or everything be about Daisy.

On another note here is a rumor that may or may not actually happen (and I also am going to take the news of the upcoming Inhuman TV Series with a grain of salt because those plans could fall through, like so many other plans for Marvel TV):



After the recent announcement of Marvel's The Inhumans coming to theaters worldwide and ABC Network next coming fall, touting an IMAX deal allowing for international distribution, co-funding of the first two episodes, and promising 'cinema-quality visual effects', many thought this would mean a decrease of Inhumans on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D going forward, or even an outright cancellation. However, it seems the Inhumans aren't going anywhere, at as far as the show's fourth season is concerned.

Evidence has surfaced to suggest that upcoming episodes will feature one of the newer faces to the group, the Inhuman superhero Dinesh Deol, also known as 'Grid'.

Let's look at the evidence.

In the most recent synopsis for the show's November 29th return, "Deals With Our Devils", one additional bit of casting that went a bit unnoticed was the adding of Manish Dayal, credited simply as 'Man' in the show's crediting. While at first this may seem like nothing (the only real requirement for being added to a show's synopsis is to have lines), a few factors indicate that he's more than just a random bit part.




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Here is more news about that Inhuman TV series- they have found a showrunner:



Scott Buck, who is currently overseeing Netflix's Marvel show 'Iron Fist,' will do the same with the forthcoming ABC drama.

ABC and Marvel are turning to a familiar face to oversee The Inhumans.

Dexter grad Scott Buck has been tapped to serve as showrunner on ABC's straight-to-series Marvel and Imax drama, The Hollywood Reporter has learned.

The Inhumans, a race of superhumans with diverse and unique powers, were first introduced in Marvel Comics by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby in 1965. Since then, they have become among the most popular characters in the Marvel Universe. ABC's The Inhumans will explore the never-before-told epic adventure of Black Bolt and the royal family.




  On 3/1/2017 at 5:34 PM, Raja said:

I just heard that Anson Mount from Hell On Wheels has been cast as Black Bolt in the upcoming Inhumans 


Yes I have heard that and also that Serinda Swan has been cast as Medusa and also that Iwan Rheon has been cast as Maximus:



Marvel’s Inhumans has found its leading lady.

Graceland alum Serinda Swan will play Medusa, the Queen of the Inhumans and wife of Black Bolt (Anson Mount), EW has learned exclusively.

Marvel’s Inhumans follows a race of superhumans with diverse and unique powers and explores the never-before-told epic adventure of Black Bolt and the Royal Family.






Iwan Rheon‘s last TV gig had him playing someone sub-human. Now, he’ll play one of ABC’s Inhumans.

The Game of Thrones alum has been cast as
Maximus in the upcoming Marvel’s Inhumans, the series announced Tuesday.








Marvel has now just announced that they have cast their Karnak- will be played by Ken Leung:



Ken Leung has been cast in ABC’s “Marvel’s Inhumans,” Variety has learned. The “Lost” alum will play Karnak, based on the character from the comics.

“Marvel’s Inhumans” will explore the never-before-told epic adventure of the royal family including Black Bolt, the enigmatic, commanding king of the Inhumans, with a voice so powerful that the slightest whisper can destroy a city.

Leung’s character Karnak is Black Bolt’s cousin and closest advisor. His gift is an ability to see the fault in all things — people, plans, structures, everything. He’s Black Bolt’s most ardent supporter and strategist and is often seen as the royal family’s planner and philosopher.




Edited by TVSpectator
  On 12/11/2015 at 4:16 PM, shortpplfedup said:

. I expect the Soul Stone to come into Doctor Strange, and the Time Stone will play a part in Ragnarok, or pop up in Infinity War Part 1.


I hope you're right that the final stone will be introduced in Infinity War Part 1 (like, Thanos will already have it).  I suppose it could come up in Ragnarok as long as it's not too plot-relevant -- the Grandmaster using it to control his gladiatorial arena, and the mid-credit teaser is Thanos swiping it from him.  James Gunn has confirmed that it's not in GotG Vol 2, and it would be horribly jarring in Spiderman or Black Panther

Now that S5 of AOS is confirmed, that means the show will still be on the air when Avengers: Infinity War hits theaters. Now, I know the movie side most likely has no plans to include AOS/Netflix-Marvel, but I do wonder how Shield will tie in the events of the film into the show - I mean, whatever happens in Infinity War should be a world-changing event. I just think it'll be interesting to see how AOS is affected by it next Spring.

  On 5/13/2017 at 2:38 AM, teenj12 said:

Now that S5 of AOS is confirmed, that means the show will still be on the air when Avengers: Infinity War hits theaters. Now, I know the movie side most likely has no plans to include AOS/Netflix-Marvel, but I do wonder how Shield will tie in the events of the film into the show - I mean, whatever happens in Infinity War should be a world-changing event. I just think it'll be interesting to see how AOS is affected by it next Spring.


More immediate will be The Inhumans IMAX premiere and miniseries in the old Agent Carter time slot. How they slot a Royal family in with the Afterlife rebel Inhuman faction, Daisy going through a temple and alerting the Kree . Lash, Hydra, the Watchdogs and now MODOK Superior if he survives the season finale culling the mass of Inhumans who were exposed to the fish oil, not to mention some of them still addicted to Hive

  On 5/13/2017 at 3:57 AM, Raja said:

More immediate will be The Inhumans IMAX premiere and miniseries in the old Agent Carter time slot. How they slot a Royal family in with the Afterlife rebel Inhuman faction, Daisy going through a temple and alerting the Kree . Lash, Hydra, the Watchdogs and now MODOK Superior if he survives the season finale culling the mass of Inhumans who were exposed to the fish oil, not to mention some of them still addicted to Hive


- Anton isn't supposed to be MODOK Superior but the Red Guardian and a combo between a few other Russian characters (also MODOK Superior isn't Russian at all). 


Anton Ivanov appears to be a composite of various minor Russian characters from the main Marvel universe. Like Anton (the seventh Red Guardian), he became an LMD after his head was removed and placed in a jar, but shares his surname with many other characters, such as Epsilon



- As with the Inhumans isn't it still plan to be release in September? If so are the rumors that it will appear in the Tuesdays at 10 PM slot still true or not?

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