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The Jinx: The Life And Deaths Of Robert Durst

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I thought the reason for the large focus on the Dursts this episode was pretty clear - the obvious implication from everything is they know more than they are saying and instead of helping put him away, they closed ranks (and if the internet is to be believed gave him a huge sum of money to go away).


Ooh, this reminds me of what has been in the back of my head since the first episode - Robert Durst totally reminds me of Michael Keaton's character in Pacific Heights.

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I recognized one of Susan's friends who was interviewed in this episode as Kim Lankford, who is a former actor. I remember her from Knots Landing in the early 80s. (For the record, I was a child at the time. I just really loved soap operas.)


Interesting that Bob apparently really didn't know how to spell 'Beverly HIlls', but when he was shown the cadaver letter in a previous episode, he immediately pointed out that 'Beverly' was misspelled. I guess someone set him straight along the way.

Yes! That's where I recognized her from, Knots Landing!  Off to IMDB...


Wasn't it Bob who pointed out in an earlier episode that the sender of the envelope used block letters, a way to disguise your handwriting?  But to see now that Bob actually writes in that manner everyday? Way to introduce the idea of a false cover-up, Bob.   I specifically remember that comment since it reminded me of the recent Downton Abbey where the nasty butler had Thomas give him a handwriting sample to prove he didn't send a particular note.. but I digress.

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The way he says "Kathie Durst" and refers to himself in the third person is super creepy, but I was also thinking about his total lack of emotion when talking about Susan. He said they were best friends for years and understood each other, so wouldn't he be more upset when talking about her? And why did they not ask any questions along the lines of "if you flew all the way to CA right before Christmas and Susan told friends she was planning to meet you for the holidays, what reason would you have for being so close and then NOT seeing her? Wouldn't that have been the point of going to CA in the first place?"

I don't think we'll ever know what really happened to poor Kathie, and how agonizing that must be for her poor family. I also have a million questions about what his current wife's deal is? Seems more than likely she knows where the bodies are buried, if you'll pardon the expression. I just hope he gets knocked down a peg in the final episode and doesn't go on the lam again. (People still say that, right?)

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Did this show ever mention that he has Asperger's?  Wikipedia mentions that, and it was used in part for his defense.  

Also, good lord, look at this from Wikipedia. This guy has issues for sure.  


In July 2014, Durst was arrested after turning himself in to police following an incident at a Houston CVS drugstore in which he allegedly exposed himself without provocation and urinated on a rack of candy. He then left the store and casually walked down the street. Durst was charged with criminal mischief and is currently awaiting trial. If convicted of the misdemeanor charge, he may serve up to a year in prison and may be subject to a $2000 fine.


Edited by Janc
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This show is one of the most chilling true crime stories I've ever seen. Durst is the consummate sociopath - a perverse combination of ordinary and evil. He acts so nonchalant even when he's admitting to lies that he almost appears honest! I suspect that the reason he sought out Andrew Jarecki to make this series was to have the thrill of manipulating people on an even larger scale than previously.


But being the compelling story that it is - it does leave a lot of unanswered questions. Vanity Fair Confidential on ID also recently covered Robert Durst. They provided more info about the history of domestic violence directed towards Kathie. And in the above article from the NY Times, Douglas Durst stated his belief that Robert killed 7 of his own Alaskan Malamutes as "practice" for killing Kathie. That would also explain how he did such an expert job chopping up Morris Black. It all makes me wonder what else has Robert Durst gotten away with?

Edited by Mannahatta
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It all makes me wonder what else has Robert Durst gotten away with?

It makes me wonder as well. I came across this GQ article that gives a little bit more info about Durst's life in Galveston & his cross-dressing. Apparently dressing like a woman wasn't something he did just as a disguise (like I think he'd like us to believe.)


From page 2 of the article:

"By day Robert Durst rode the No. 6 with Frankie to the latter's apartment near 53rd and P 1/2—offering her money, she told me, if she would buy crack for him and help him lure young men. At night Roberta and Frankie would troll the Seawall. The svelte young African-American would approach a car window while the elder cross-dresser lingered nearby. The crack, she said, was Durst's bait—along with cash, if that proved necessary—to lure young men back to his "trick house" at 2213 Avenue K."

I really wonder if there are some missing/dead male prostitutes in the different cities where Bob lived whose deaths/disappearances he's responsible for.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 6

It makes me wonder as well. I came across this GQ article that gives a little bit more info about Durst's life in Galveston & his cross-dressing. Apparently dressing like a woman wasn't something he did just as a disguise (like I think he'd like us to believe.)

I really wonder if there are some missing/dead male prostitutes in the different cities where Bob lived whose deaths/disappearances he's responsible for.


Now that was a scary article. You would think that the DA in Galveston would have investigated some of its contentions (eg. Durst's boasts about shooting people). But maybe they didn't think the reports of a transsexual prostitute were credible. Or maybe they just assumed they would win the Morris Black case and put Durst away for life, so why search for more possible victims. It does make one wonder.

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 And in the above article from the NY Times, Douglas Durst stated his belief that Robert killed 7 of his own Alaskan Malamutes as "practice" for killing Kathie. That would also explain how he did such an expert job chopping up Morris Black.



You wouldn't need to practice on Malamutes.  Anyone with experience cutting chickens into parts would know to slice into the joints when removing a limb.   

  • Love 1

Also, good lord, look at this from Wikipedia. This guy has issues for sure.

Yeah, he's all about thrill urination, apparently. According to the Times article, Bob habitually peed in the wastepaper baskets at Durst, Inc. Having no real idea what makes this weirdo tick, I nonetheless imagine that this reflects his utter contempt for humans who are not him. The stuff about the dogs and "Igor-ing" people; the GQ piece; this latest with the "cadaver" note--now ring "serial killer" bells for me, whereas before I just thought he was just erasing inconvenient people. Maybe he's done both--although he really sucked at body disposal with Morris Black (and didn't even bother with Susan Berman), so I don't know how successfully he could have "disappeared" anyone else besides Kathie . . . 

Edited by spaceghostess
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From what I've read, the diagnosis of Asperger's was made by one psychiatrist, who was hired to find out why Durst had difficulty communicating with his defense team. As someone with personal experience with children and family who are somewhere on the spectrum, I do think it's worth mentioning that it would just be a part of Durst's psychological make-up, and not the main OR only diagnosis, I would guess.

  • Love 7

Yeah, he's all about thrill urination, apparently. According to the Times article, Bob habitually peed in the wastepaper baskets at Durst, Inc. Having no real idea what makes this weirdo tick, I nonetheless imagine that this reflects his utter contempt for humans who are not him. The stuff about the dogs and "Igor-ing" people; the GQ piece; this latest with the "cadaver" note--now ring "serial killer" bells for me, whereas before I just thought he was just erasing inconvenient people. Maybe he's done both--although he really sucked at body disposal with Morris Black (and didn't even bother with Susan Berman), so I don't know how successfully he could have "disappeared" anyone else besides Kathie . . .

If they were people no one was really looking for, he'd be more likely able to get away with it....prostitutes, drug addicts, etc who maybe disappeared on their own from time to time....

I really wonder if Morris Black's body parts hadn't washed ashore & been found so soon if any connection at all would have been made to Durst.

I think in general most serial killers might have an above average IQ but aren't geniuses or forensic geniuses - those that get away with it just get lucky.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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From what I've read, the diagnosis of Asperger's was made by one psychiatrist, who was hired to find out why Durst had difficulty communicating with his defense team. As someone with personal experience with children and family who are somewhere on the spectrum, I do think it's worth mentioning that it would just be a part of Durst's psychological make-up, and not the main OR only diagnosis, I would guess.

Just to clarify, I meant only to refer to the material from the GQ and NY Times articles in my earlier response re: Durst's urination fixation and overall creepy weirdness. I should have edited my post to reflect that. I in no way believe that an Asperger's diagnosis (if he was even correctly diagnosed) has any bearing on any of his disturbing and/or criminal behavior. No offense meant -- I hope it wasn't taken as such. Going to edit now!

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This may be a ridiculous question, but I'll chance it: what was the motive for morris black murder?  

If anything Bob said was true about him having any kind of relationship with Morris Black, he could have killed him for simply knowing that he wasn't a deaf mute woman living across the hall, considering he was hiding out in Galveston to disappear from the radar after the Susan Berman murder and the reopening of Kathie's case.

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From the episode 5 thread:

This may be a ridiculous question, but I'll chance it: what was the motive for morris black murder?  


Robert Durst says he and Morris Black were BFFs who went out for coffee all the time, but as one of the investigators said, if Robert Durst is the only person saying something do not believe it. Durst also said that Morris knew he was Robert Durst and was cool with it. What if Morris suddenly learned that “Dorothy Ciner” was not a woman (and/or that Durst was wanted for murder) and threatened Durst in some way?

This may be a ridiculous question, but I'll chance it: what was the motive for morris black murder?  


I'll take this to "The Case: Who Did What?" thread.


Douglas Durst spoke to the New York Times about The Jinx late last year:

“Bob is incapable of telling the truth,” Douglas Durst said. “He is a true psychopath, beyond any emotions. That’s why he does things, so he can experience the emotions that other people have vicariously. Because he has absolutely none of his own.”


Mr. Durst said he refused many times to be interviewed for the documentary because the same filmmakers had previously made a feature film based on the Dursts, “All Good Things,” which he believed distorted the truth, and would not give him assurances that the HBO series would not be twisted by his brother’s fabrications.… “While I cannot choose my brother, I can choose who interviews me,” he said.


Upset as Douglas Durst is about the documentary, he detected a mordantly bright side. “I am pretty certain that until the series is over,” Mr. Durst said, “he is not going to kill me.”

Edited by editorgrrl
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Robert Durst obviously thinks very highly of himself and his intelligence, but I just don't understand why he would agree to do this show. Adnan Syed did the Serial podcast because he has nothing to lose—he was convicted.

It's a classic pervert move, both exhibitionistic and taunting the law he defies as sources of enjoyment, etc.  Even Syed's participation strikes me as a similar move (I hope I'm wrong on that). 

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Those of you who read the GQ article I linked in the episode 5 thread - (http://www.gq.com/news-politics/200204/killer-in-the-blue-dress)

Any thoughts on this as a motive: Morris Black witnessing/threatening to call the police on Durst for coming home high, obnoxious, etc with a male prostitute & Durst reacting by killing him? Or Morris being onto him as a cross-dresser who loved to hang out with prostitutes and calling him out on it (sounds like Morris couldn't keep his opinions to himself and perhaps he had some unkind things to say about Durst's lifestyle that pushed Durst over the edge?) Or maybe he did know who Durst was and saw his "lifestyle" and threatened to go public with it?

My other theory is that Durst, with his love of peeing on random things that belong to others, maybe peed on Morris Black's door handle, trash can, or something and Morris confronted him about it. Then Durst killed him in a fit of rage. I know it sounds crazy, but I can totally see that happening given the way this man pees on/in random things that belong to others. Sounds as plausible to me as any other motives.

I'd really like to hear a psychologist's view on what's up with Durst and urinating on stuff. I know someone suggested Asperger's on another thread. I don't know a lot about Asberger's but I do know a couple of kids with that condition and I've never heard about them or seen them urinate on things- I'm not sure if that's related to Asperger's at all. Is there some sort of psychological reason Durst urinates on stuff? Are there people who mark territory like animals for some psychological reason? Is it a power/domination thing? I really wonder.

I also wonder what Prudence Farrow (Mia Farrow's sister) has to say about Durst, as she had an affair with him while he was still married to Kathy.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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A Place To Discuss Other Possible Victims of Robert Durst Besides Kathie, Morris, & Susan.....

Bob Durst is a possible suspect in the missing persons cases of 16 year old Karen Mitchell from Eureka, CA in 1997 & 18 year old Kristen Modafarri from San Francisco in the same year.

Some places to find info on their cases:

From Karen's Charley Project page: "Investigators looked into the possibility that Robert was in the Eureka area at the time of Karen's disappearance, but he has never been charged with any involvement. Ford and Robert's photos are posted below this case summary." http://www.charleyproject.org/cases/m/mitchell_karen.html

From an article in The Guardian:

"Police in northern California have also expressed an interest in interviewing Durst regarding the disappearance of two girls - 18 year-old Kristen Modafferi and 16-year-old Karen Mitchell - in 1997" http://www.theguardian.com/world/2003/sep/28/usa.paulharris

And this from the website of Matt Birkbeck, who wrote the book "A Deadly Secret" about Durst:

"It started during the summer when agents began looking at the case of Karen Mitchell, the 16-year old from Eureka, Ca. who vanished in 1997. Durst lived in nearby Trinidad at the time and had frequented a homeless shelter where Mitchell had volunteered. He had also visited Mitchell at a local shoe store where she worked. Law enforcement officials in the San Francisco Bay Area happened upon the Mitchell case in 2003 while investigating the disappearance of another young woman, Kristen Modafferi. Mitchell vanished after she was last seen getting into a car with an older man. An eyewitness gave the police in Eureka a composite that looked exactly like - Robert Durst. It just happened that the eyewitness was a neighbor of Durst's in nearby Trinidad who fled the area soon after giving the spot-on description to police."

From http://www.mattbirkbeck.com/blog/fbi-probing-robert-durst

Karen's thread on Websleuths: http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?4205-CA-Karen-Mitchell-16-Eureka-25-Nov-1997

Can't say I'm convinced Durst "disappeared" these girls like I am he did Kathie but thought it was an interesting topic to discuss.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
This may be a ridiculous question, but I'll chance it: what was the motive for morris black murder?


In his trial and interview, Durst claimed that he revealed his name to Morris Black.  He said that Black went to the library "daily" to search the web, and would have looked up Durst (learning of his notoriety as well as his wealth).  In Durst's story, Black came armed to Durst's apartment and showed Durst his eviction notice. The eviction notice is real: it was evidence at the trial.  Black may have asked Durst for money and either overtly or covertly threatened to out Durst, if he refused. In what Durst claims was a subsequent occasion, Durst arrived home to find Black in wait for him, armed.  


The one thing all of Durst's apparent victims had in common is that they directly (or in Durst's perception) asked him for money -- and had leverage on him, to obtain it.  His wife, in her divorce suit; Susan Berman, as his former confidant; Morris Black.  Whether or not Black asked for money, and whether or not Durst agreed to pay it -- as he had previously sent Susan Berman $50,000, prior to her murder -- Durst was probably not wrong in thinking Black was a volatile loose end. Durst is the kind of guy who pulls the thread.    

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I recognized one of Susan's friends who was interviewed in this episode as Kim Lankford, who is a former actor. I remember her from Knots Landing in the early 80s. (For the record, I was a child at the time. I just really loved soap operas.)


Interesting that Bob apparently really didn't know how to spell 'Beverly HIlls', but when he was shown the cadaver letter in a previous episode, he immediately pointed out that 'Beverly' was misspelled. I guess someone set him straight along the way.

I'm sooo glad you posted that about Kim Lankford! I swore she looked familiar and now I know why.

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Good Bloomberg article that includes an interview with Jeanine Pirro. Towards the end of the interview, she gets a text from Jarecki that reads (re: the last episode):




“It will be emotional and good for closure.”


Short of Durst confessing, I'm not holding out much hope any of this will amount to anything other than reinforcing what anyone with a brain already knows: Robert Durst is a murderer, at least three times over.


ETA: The article also says Durst claims he's pretty ill -- with brain cancer. Which could mean only one thing, he's one of the healthiest people in the world.

Edited by Guest

I'm not exactly sure which thread to put this in, but Durst was arrested last night in New Orleans for Susan Berman's murder (pending extradition to LA). Knowing absolutely NOTHING about television production, I wonder if Jarecki could have enough time to insert something quick at the end of tonight's finale.


And thinking strictly of my own enjoyment of this crazy story...it will be interesting to watch this play out now, in real time, in the courts. 

Edited by hendersonrocks
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You can't ask for better publicity! The headline in the New York Times is "Robert Durst, Subject of HBO Documentary on Unsolved Killings, Is Arrested."

Edited to add the NYT updated the headline to "Robert Durst, Subject of ‘The Jinx’ on HBO, Is Arrested on Murder Charge."

Edited by editorgrrl

A review http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2015/03/23/what-about-bob?mbid=social_twitter


The re-enactments didn't bother me at all.  The tackier ones on ID Discovery that make murder look sexy, or the absolutely vulgar and grotesque editing of true crime doc "Dear Zachary" are much more offensive to me.

Edited by Morbs
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With this development, I'm wondering if Douglas Durst is relieved (kid brother is no longer presenting an immediate risk of offing me) and/or more shitting himself (kid brother's end game might be to take me down with him, by showing what I knew about Kathie's disappearance/murder/etc. back in the day). Maybe both.


If Robert really does have brain cancer (as was reported somewhere, I think linked in another thread), maybe he's ready to go out guns blazing. Metaphorically speaking, I hope.

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"Robert Durst, Subject of ‘The Jinx’ on HBO, Is Arrested on Murder Charge."

HA HA HA HA HA!! You've only yourself to thank, Bob. 


I'm curious to see if the last episode contains any further revelations that Jarecki shared with law enforcement prior to its airing. I have to believe they were well aware of the "cadaver" letter matching the handwriting on the stepson's found letter before last week's episode aired.


[Robert Durst] had rented an apartment in New Orleans in the past, and fled to the Crescent City in 2001 while on trial for murdering his neighbor in a Galveston, Texas, flophouse.

To answer some questions in this thread:


The existence of the cadaver note was first reported in 2001. I don’t mean to brag by saying that I reported it first, because I couldn’t seal the deal. I had a sample of Durst’s handwriting from a lease he filled out in Houston, Texas, which sure did look just like the block printing on the Cadaver envelope.…

He has told at least two people that I know of that he has brain cancer. He also, according to sources, called Sareb Kauffman [the son of Susan's ex-boyfriend] after the last episode ["Chapter 5"]; Durst was not pleased.

Edited by editorgrrl
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Oh, man. this article supply this bit of richness from Douglas:




His brother, Douglas Durst, who now runs the family real-estate empire, released a statement Sunday afternoon saying: "We are relieved and also grateful to everyone who assisted in the arrest of Robert Durst. We hope he will finally be held accountable for all he has done."


Well, say, you could have had 30 years of relief and Susan Berman may still be alive had you opened your giant maw all those years ago. Screw you, Doug.


ETA: And I'm sure he's also "grateful" to Andrew Jarecki who he tried to SUE in an effort to halt the series from being shown. What an ASS.

Edited by Guest

Oh, man. this article supply this bit of richness from Douglas:





Well, say, you could have had 30 years of relief and Susan Berman may still be alive had you opened your giant maw all those years ago. Screw you, Doug.


ETA: And I'm sure he's also "grateful" to Andrew Jarecki who he tried to SUE in an effort to halt the series from being shown. What an ASS.

The whole Durst family, or at least the siblings and Seymore, are absolute scum. They know what happened to Kathie and they closed ranks three decades ago. Accessories after the fact, the lot of them. I felt for the nephew who was trying to parse together what happened, and Douglas wouldn't even give him the time of day. This was your sister-in-law, you piece of shit.

  • Love 10

Oh, man. this article supply this bit of richness from Douglas:





Well, say, you could have had 30 years of relief and Susan Berman may still be alive had you opened your giant maw all those years ago. Screw you, Doug.


ETA: And I'm sure he's also "grateful" to Andrew Jarecki who he tried to SUE in an effort to halt the series from being shown. What an ASS.

His ASS needs a big fat subpoena.

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Do you think that Sareb would have found that letter if it hadn't been for the documentary?

To me, Sareb just had Susan's things stashed away and didn't think twice about it. At some point, someone must have shown him or told him about the "CADAVER" letter (or had gone through her things and set the whole thing up, who knows) or that letter would have never meant anything to him other than just some old letter Durst had sent to Susan.


If anyone is interested, Jarecki and Marc Smerling are going to be on Chris Hayes' show on MSNBC tomorrow night at 8:00 (Eastern) to discuss Durst's arrest.

Can I add another big fat WOW to this thread? I've been thinking about this show all day, just counting the hours till the finale, but I had no idea  about the arrest. 


In reading the NYT article, it appears the LA DA had the letter evidence a year ago?


The case of Ms. Berman’s death was reopened after the producers of the documentary contacted the Los Angeles district attorney more than a year ago to discuss new evidence they had turned up in the course of working on their series.


Maybe they felt they had to nab him before tonight's finale aired? Probably now or never with his history of flight.


Again, just wow. Last week's episode blew me away, but now even more so. I hate to admit I find him a pretty fascinating character, but I think his twisted arrogance has finally done him in this time. 


Oh, and I agree with everyone else. Fuck Douglas. Robert Durst isn't the only one in that family with major issues. 


And finally... you should've listened to your lawyers, Bobby. 

  • Love 6

What a conclusion to an incredible piece of filmmaking.  Durst seems to have believed that Jarecki was another Susan Berman: a sympathizer to be exploited; a PR-savvy confidante to front for him.  Perhaps this episode will give a hint of whether Durst was ready to end his life in jail, or whether he really didn't foresee that he might also be in danger from someone who didn't pull his trigger -- who never asked for money.

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